Permissible breath alcohol level. Permissible alcohol limit in ppm: up-to-date information

Drunk driving is punishable by an administrative fine of 30,000 rubles and deprivation of rights for a period of 1.5-2 years on the basis of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Every year the measure of responsibility for this traffic violation gets tougher. Everyone recognizes the social danger of such a violation, but not everyone agrees when deciding what dose of alcohol in the blood or exhaled air must be established in order for the driver to be found guilty of drinking while driving. And this is a very serious issue for all road users and especially for drivers. In addition to the above-mentioned fine and deprivation of rights for the abuse of alcohol while driving, you can get an administrative arrest, or be held criminally liable.

There are countries that allow moderate drinking while driving.


Russian legislation (Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, note) prohibits the driver from using any substances that lead to intoxication. These include alcohol, drugs, psychotropic and toxicological substances. Responsibility for violation of the requirements of this article, as well as article 12.27 part 3, concerning the ban on taking intoxicants after an accident, occurs only when the fact of the presence of ethyl alcohol vapors in the air exhaled by the driver is established. The presence of psychotropic or narcotic substances in the driver's body is determined by the results of a blood and urine test.

Alcoholic drinks that will give 0.3 ppm after a certain time

The units used to measure drunkenness are "milligram per liter" (mg/l) and "per mille" (‰). The law establishes the permissible content of alcohol while driving at 0.16 mg / liter in the exhaled air or 0.35 ppm in the blood.

It is important to understand:

  1. During a medical examination, blood from a vein can be taken for analysis and then the alcohol content will be indicated in ppm.
  2. The examination is carried out by a breathalyzer. Alcohol vapor is found in exhaled air and will be measured in milligrams per liter (mg/l).
  3. In the act of medical examination, which is drawn up upon fixing alcohol intoxication driver, the alcohol concentration is always indicated in mg / l, and not in ppm. These are, as they say in Odessa, two big differences.


Promille - this word denotes a thousandth of a certain value, i.e. one tenth of a percent represented by the symbol "‰". This unit of measure is used to denote the number of thousandths of a physical quantity. To understand the difference between "‰" and "mg / l", you should understand the following points for yourself:

  1. mg/l is a unit of measure for the concentration of alcohol in the air;
  2. ppm is a unit of measure for the specific content of alcohol in the blood.

It has been established that there is a strictly proportional relationship between the number of alcohol molecules contained in a unit volume of lung air and its content in the patient's blood.
Thus, ppm and mg / l are units of measurement of various physical parameters but they are related. medical research showed that a person whose blood contains 1 ppm of alcohol exhales air with an alcohol concentration of 0.45 mg / l. Therefore, ppm is related to mg/l by a constant ratio of 1:0.45. Therefore, 1 ppm \u003d 0.45 mg / l.

The legally permitted breath alcohol content of 0.16 mg/l corresponds to the blood alcohol limit of 0.35 ppm.

There are devices whose readings can be taken both in milligrams / liter and in ppm. However, in any case, when issuing a medical examination report, the readings of the device should be indicated in mg / l, as determined by the requirement of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which may require recalculations in some cases.

The question arises, where did this figure come from - 0.16 mg / l or 0.3 ppm?

This value is defined in the law as the total measurement error obtained using the measuring instruments available in operation. That is, the allowable rate of 0.16 mg / l should be understood not as an indicator of intoxication, but as an inaccuracy in the readings of the device. Thus, if the device shows 0.16 mg / l or more, then it is considered that the driver drank alcohol. This means that the permissible level of alcohol for a driver is 0.16 mg / l or 0.35 ppm, if more, this is already alcohol intoxication.

The law does not state that the readings of the device must be confirmed by other signs of intoxication, such as unsteady gait, lack of coordination, etc. Therefore, the performance of a medical examination using special devices, issuing the measurement result on a paper medium, does not require clinical confirmation of the results by conducting an additional examination in order to identify other indirect signs of the state of intoxication and record its results in the corresponding act of executing this procedure.

The requirements of the law imply complete sobriety of the driver without discounts on various low-alcohol tonic drinks in the form of "energy drinks" or beer, which are allowed in a number of foreign countries. The threshold in the form of a permitted alcohol rate of 0.16 mg / liter was made in order to remove problems with the error in the readings of the device, as well as with the existing natural dose of ethanol in the blood of a certain category of people.

The limits of measurement accuracy of instruments used to determine the concentration of alcohol in the air are established by Rosstandart on the basis of studies of various types of breathalyzers approved for use. practical application. Moreover, the limits are defined with some margin. The measurement accuracy declared by the manufacturers of measuring instruments is from 0.03-0.04 mg / l for most devices.

The rest of the margin of permissible error values ​​is calculated on the influence of unfavorable climatic and other conditions in the measurement process, such as temperature and air humidity. It also levels the measurement results in relation to instrument types. Whatever type of device is used for medical examination, the lower threshold is the same for all - 0.16 mg / l.


The maximum concentration of alcohol in the body is reached 0.5-2 hours after drinking. Drinking a glass of vodka, a person consumes 40 grams of alcohol, which will be absorbed into the blood in the form of 0.5-0.6‰. Oxidation of alcohol in the body occurs at a rate of 7-10 g/hour. This corresponds to a decrease in its content by 0.1-0.16‰. This means that in order for the drunk alcohol to “weather” from the body to the permissible limit, at least 4-5 hours must pass after drinking.

Comparison table of permissible 0.3 ppm

Drivers should be aware that 1 glass of dry wine, 40 grams of vodka and half a liter of beer in 80 kg of body give 0.5% alcohol in the blood. To reduce it to an acceptable level of 0.3‰, it will be necessary to more than an hour time. And to achieve this value, a sober driver just needs to take two sips good beer. The smaller the mass of a person, the greater the concentration of alcohol when drinking the same amount of alcohol.

Alcohol oxidation occurs both in the stomach and in the liver. Therefore, drinking with a solid snack slows down the process of assimilation of alcohol, as a result of which its maximum concentration decreases. On the contrary, drinking on an empty stomach promotes rapid absorption and its maximum content in the blood. Carbonated drinks are digested much faster than usual. female body more susceptible to intoxication. The same dose of alcohol, drunk by representatives of different sexes of the same weight, intoxicates a woman more than a man. The man also departs faster than the woman.

The fact that drunkenness and driving are incompatible has long been known. A huge percentage of accidents happen because motorists get behind the wheel after a large dose of alcohol.

Accordingly, in 2018, the punishment for drunk driving is considered one of the most severe:

  • according to Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, part 1, the fine will be 30 thousand;
  • suspension from the steering wheel for 18-24 months;
  • sending the car to the impound.

It should be noted that MPs this measure suppression is not severe enough and they propose to increase fines to 100 thousand, or even up to all 500 thousand with deprivation of rights for 5 years.

However, a natural question arises - is there an acceptable dose of alcohol? Suppose a person drank a glass of beer in the heat, rested for an hour and got behind the wheel - is this considered an overdose and a state of intoxication? In addition, it is known that such beloved drinks as kefir or kvass also contain approximately 0.5 degrees of alcohol, namely alcohol. And some people take various alcohol-containing medicines. But after all, if we drink kefir in the morning, our concentration of attention is not disturbed.

How is it determined that a person is drunk? What is the currently acceptable dose of alcohol in the blood and in the exhalation?

In 2013, the requirement was returned to the Code of Administrative Violations (Article 12.27), according to which the permitted alcohol content is:

  • in the blood - 0.3 prom.;
  • in exhaled air - 0.15, or 0.16, taking into account the error measuring device 0.02 prom.

Ppm is a dose of one thousandth, respectively, there should be no more than 3 grams of alcohol (alcohol) per liter of blood, and no more than 1.6 grams of alcohol vapor in the air.

Before the introduction of this amendment, the situation was really threatening for almost any driver, since they could be punished under the article “drunkenness and removal from the helm” for keeping more than 0.01 prom. However, even the most professional breathalyzer will not be able to show the exact content and the error is always present. Drivers had to prove that they really did not drink anything, and incorrect readings of the doses of the device were caused by an error.

Thus, without much fear, you can refresh yourself with cold kvass and kefir, without fear of thundering under the article “for drunkenness”.

Permitted doses of various drinks

If from time to time you like to skip a bottle of beer or a glass of vodka with friends, then you need to know how quickly the breakdown products of alcohol disappear from the body, depending on the dose you drink. There are special tables and calculators that can be used to determine when you can start driving and drive after drinking.

You can give some dose data for a physically healthy man weighing 75-85 kilograms:

  • one hundred grams of vodka disappear completely after 5 hours, the concentration of 0.3 ppm is reached after about 3 hours;
  • 50 grams - in half an hour or an hour;
  • 200 grams of red wine - after 3 hours, you can drive after an hour and a half, when the concentration in ppm reaches 0.3 grams;
  • white wine (200 gr.) disappears after two and a half hours;
  • a liter of beer - after 4 hours;
  • half a liter of beer - after two and a half hours, and you can drive about an hour and 45 minutes after drinking.

If you drank much more, then the weathering time increases, so if possible, give up driving.

You also need to give up the steering wheel after a fun night - if your head hurts in the morning, this is a clear sign of a large dose of unweathered alcohol. In order to get rid of hangover syndrome drink coffee or mineral water a hearty breakfast helps a lot and physical activity. If you don’t have the strength to do something at all, then it’s better to stay at home and sleep well.

Maximum allowable rate ppm driving a car in 2019 is 0.16 ppm in exhaled air, or about 0.3 ppm in a driver’s blood.

For 2018, the Ministry of Internal Affairs developed amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which the result of a blood test with a content of 0.3 ppm or more will be confirmation of the state of alcohol intoxication. This method will be used if the motorist is too drunk or for some other reason cannot use the breathalyzer.

Norma ppm driving in 2019

In the year of the yellow dog, the ppm rate in exhaled air while driving a car will not change and is 0.16 ppm. Until 2019, the measurement was carried out exclusively with the help of a breathalyzer, and any indicator above the permitted one leads to a fine and deprivation of rights. No limit on the threshold of alcohol in the blood of a motorist has been legally established.

Now this moment will be corrected, and when analyzing the driver’s blood, it will be enough to find 0.3 ppm there for administrative responsibility to begin to operate. It should be understood that 0.3 ppm is quite a bit, and you won’t be able to drink on purpose before traveling by car.

According to weight, for an adult healthy person for a result of 0.3 ppm, the following amount of alcohol is required:

As can be seen from the table, a glass of vodka or a glass of beer is already enough to make it dangerous to drive. In addition, the breathalyzer can show overestimated levels of alcohol in the exhaled air after consuming the following products:

  • Nonalcoholic beer.
  • Fruit juices and fruit drinks.
  • Sweets with cognac and liquor, confectionery with alcohol.
  • Kefir, yogurt, tan and other fermented milk products.
  • Row medicines, tinctures and drugs based on alcohol.
  • Overripe bananas.
  • Cigarettes.
  • Mouth fresheners.

Unlike alcoholic beverages, alcohol from foods is quickly processed and excreted from the body. After 15-40 minutes, this amount of alcohol can no longer be detected either by a breathalyzer or by a blood test. But one bottle of beer can be excreted up to 4-6 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, gender, weight and other indicators.

Drunk driving penalty

In 2018, the penalty for drunk driving remains the same as last year. At the same time, new changes in the legislation are possible during the year, the tightening of traffic rules and administrative liability for drunk driving.

At the beginning of 2018, the following liability is provided for extra ppm behind the wheel:

  1. At the first fact of violation, the punishment is a fine of 30,000 rubles, as well as deprivation of a driver's license for a period of one and a half to two years.
  2. In case of repeated violation, the amount of the fine increases to 50,000 rubles, and the rights will be deprived for three years.
  3. In the event that a person who has already been fined and deprived of his rights again turns out to be drunk at the wheel, he will be arrested for 10-15 days. All this time the person will be in a prison cell.
  4. Transferring control of a vehicle to a person who is in a state of intoxication (it does not matter whether a person is deprived of rights, has them or did not receive them at all), threatens the owner of the car with a responsibility similar to driving while drunk on his own: 30,000 fine and deprivation of rights for a period of one and a half to two years. A similar responsibility will have to be borne by the one who was driving at that time.

There are prerequisites for tougher punishment - many State Duma deputies and ordinary citizens are supporting the initiative. There is a possibility that drunk driving will move out of the category administrative offenses into the criminal category.

Table of alcohol excretion from the body

In order to approximately represent the time of excretion of various alcoholic beverages from the body and calculate the period after which you can drive, you should use the calculation table:

For a more accurate calculation, use from the human body.
It should be understood that the information in the table is not final. Each person's body is different, so you should always leave as much time as possible before getting behind the wheel.

The driver's blood alcohol content can be determined in two ways. This is the detection of its presence in the blood and in the air exhaled by a person. The content in the blood of drivers is checked at the clinic using an analysis from a vein. The presence of alcohol in the exhaled air of people driving is measured on the spot with a breathalyzer. The amount of alcohol is expressed in units such as ppm. The ratio between milligram per liter and ppm is 0.45. For drivers, there are certain standards for the content of alcohol in the blood and exhaled air, for exceeding which there is a fine.

What is the acceptable level of alcohol in the blood

A person who is in a state of intoxication is prohibited from driving a vehicle. The amount of alcohol in the blood, for the excess of which threatens administrative penalty under the new law, it is equal to 0.16 mg, which is 0.356 ppm.

If we consider it as the amount of alcohol, then the permissible rate of alcohol is 33 g of pure alcohol per 80 kg of the average weight of a person. For men and women, the allowed value will be different. The table shows an approximate calculation of ppm in human blood after drinking drinks of one strength or another and the reaction of the breathalyzer:

How much alcohol is drunk in ml Drink strength How many hours have passed since drinking Blood concentration Conclusion on the state of intoxication
Man 200 12 2 0,187 The fact of alcohol consumption was established, there were no obvious signs of intoxication
Female 200 12 2 0,312 You can drive after 1 hour
Man 200 25 2 0,763 Driving allowed after 3 hours
Female 200 25 2 1,025 drive vehicle allowed after 5 hours
Man 100 40 3 0,541 It is recommended to get behind the wheel no earlier than after 2 hours
Female 100 40 3 0,751 You can drive a car after 3 hours

To find out exactly how much you can drink alcohol-containing products, it is recommended to study the label on the bottle. By comparing the ratio of its own weight, volume and strength, it will be possible to determine after what time it is allowed to drive a vehicle.

It should be borne in mind that in men, alcohol is processed faster in the blood than in women. The processing of alcohol by the body also directly depends on the metabolic rate of a person, individual characteristics.

How long does alcohol stay in the blood and what does it depend on - exact calculation according to the table

What is the penalty for drinking too much alcohol?

Drunk driving is punishable by different kinds punishments under the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia (Article 12. 8). When a drunk driver is detained by the traffic police, the vehicle is taken and placed in a special paid parking lot. For breaking the law, the following measures punishments:

  • If a person, being in a state of intoxication while driving a car, has not committed criminally punishable actions, then a fine of 30 thousand rubles is imposed on him and driver's license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years.
  • The transfer of transport control to a person whose blood alcohol concentration has exceeded the minimum allowable amount is punished in the same way as in the first case.
  • If a person's breathalyzer shows an excess of alcohol vapor in the exhaled air and the driver does not have a driver's license or was deprived of the right driving, the punishment includes arrest for up to 15 days or a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

You must not, while driving, use any narcotic, psychotropic and other substances that cause drug or alcohol intoxication. In the event of the established fact of drug intoxication of the driver or finding out that the consumed dose of alcohol-containing drinks is higher than the permissible one, administrative responsibility is imposed on him.

How many ppm in various drinks

Modern breathalyzers show the presence of alcohol in the blood of motorists with a minimum error. Therefore, before deciding to drink alcohol, the driver must know how many ppm are in different drinks and approximately calculate the acceptable level for himself. The table below shows the ppm content of commonly consumed alcohol products:

The permitted proportion of alcohol is calculated taking into account the weight of the person, the time elapsed after taking the drink, gender. If the driver feels sober, this does not mean that there are no residual effects in his blood after drinking alcohol.

In the context of current economic realities, the amount of alcohol consumed monthly in Russian Federation increases in an algebraic progression. Russians, who, due to objective economic reasons, are not able to make ends meet, are increasingly addicted to the bottle, trying to find answers to their most pressing problems at the bottom of the glass. topical issues. It is no secret that motorists do the same, who, after heavy drinking, are often drawn to the wheel. About what rate of alcohol is permissible in the current year, and will be discussed in this article.

Permissible alcohol limit in ppm in 2016.

The main legislative innovation of the current year is that, in contrast to 2010-2013. today in the Russian Federation it is allowed to have a certain amount of alcohol in the driver's blood. The need to abolish zero ppm was dictated, first of all, by the fact that due to the consumption of certain food products that obviously do not contain alcohol degrees, used by the traffic police, special equipment detects the presence of a small amount of alcohol in the driver's blood. Among other things, we are talking about:

  • non-alcoholic beer;
  • warm juices;
  • overripe bananas;
  • chocolates;
  • oranges;
  • mouth fresheners;
  • kvass;
  • medicines;
  • kefir;
  • curdled milk, etc.

Each of the listed products contains a small amount of alcohol. For example, before the abolition of the rule on zero ppm, a glass of cold kvass drunk by a driver on a hot, sultry day could threaten him not only with a fine, but also with the deprivation of a driver's license for driving while intoxicated.

According to the latest amendments to the current Code of Administrative Offenses and SDA, at the moment the permissible rate of alcohol in the blood of a driver is 0.35 ppm, and in the air exhaled by him - 0.16. It is important to understand that drinking two glasses of kvass increases the level of alcohol in the body to 0.19 ppm, however, by very much. a short time. Therefore, in order to avoid excesses, drivers are not recommended to abuse this bread drink, and if the temptation still could not be avoided, then you should not drive immediately after quenching your thirst.

How is the level of alcohol in the body measured?

To measure the level of alcohol in the driver's body, it is traditionally customary to use a special value - ppm. So, 0.1 ppm indicates that one liter of blood of a motorist contains 0.045 mg of alcohol. It is important to understand that alcohol vapors disappear from human body quite a long time, which should always be remembered when participating in a feast on the eve of a car trip. The intensity of such weathering is directly dependent on the type of alcoholic beverage drunk by the motorist, as well as the age and weight of the latter. For example, if 100 grams of vodka disappears from a 100-kilogram driver in about three and a half hours, then his 60-kilogram counterpart will have to wait at least 5 hours and 48 minutes before the alcohol is completely eroded from the body.

What are the risks of drinking alcohol while driving?

A driver caught drinking alcohol for the first time while driving will face a fine of 30,000 Russian rubles and deprivation of a driver's license for up to 2 years. A repeated offense, according to the current Code of Administrative Offenses, is punishable by a fine of 50 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for three years. At the same time, being caught by the traffic police while driving while intoxicated, an already fined driver may be subjected to imprisonment up to 15 days.

Refusal to conduct a medical examination is fraught with a fine of 30 thousand Russian rubles, as well as the deprivation of a driver's license for up to 2 years.

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