Flat earth or not. “Anyone who wants to know information that is recognized by official science should go to a natural history textbook.” Where do photographs of Mars come from?

In ancient times the theory flat earth was widespread and people had no other versions. It was believed that she was held by three elephants standing on a turtle. Over time, science was able to prove the falsity of these ideas, but there are still people who believe that the planet is not spherical.

Flat Earth theory in modern times

There are ideas that the planet is actually a disk, in the center of which is the North Pole. The diameter of the Earth is slightly more than 40 thousand km. Around such a disk there is a transparent dome, above which the Sun and Moon rotate, like spotlights. According to adherents of the flat Earth theory, Antarctica does not exist and at the south pole there is the edge of the planet, which is surrounded by an ice wall.

There is a whole community and it includes people who believe in worldwide deception. Answering the question about whether it is true that the Earth is flat, they claim that all photographs from space are editing and Photoshop abilities. Adherents of this opinion believe in a conspiracy, which is sponsored by the Freemasons, aimed at hiding the real truth from all humanity on the planet. Disputes on this issue have been going on for hundreds of years.

Flat Earth sign

Every society has its own emblem, and adherents of the flat Earth theory are no exception. They believe that the UN flag is ideal for their unification: on a blue background there is a circular image of a world map, with the North Pole in the center. The flat Earth emblem is surrounded by two olive branches, which have symbolized peace since ancient Greece.

What lies beyond the edge of the flat Earth?

People, hearing about an unusual theory, begin to ask a lot of questions to understand whether it is true or not. Many people are interested in if the Earth is flat, then where is its edge and what is behind it. On this score, society gives two answers:

  1. Some members are sure that the region is located beyond Antarctica and is bounded by a huge ice wall. It is worth noting that it is not specified what is behind it, whether there is space and other planets. As evidence, the Flat Earth Society suggests reading the Antarctic Treaty, which prohibits free exploration of these places, which is very suspicious.
  2. Other members of society believe that not only is the Earth actually flat, but it also has no edge, that is, people live on an endless plain. There is a certain zone beyond which a person cannot go, and this is most likely connected with the habitat.

Who needs the flat earth myth?

Many have asked this question, since attempts to compromise science arise from time to time in the world. Most likely, people would not pay attention to such statements if not for extensive propaganda. When figuring out who benefits from the flat Earth theory, it is worth noting that as a result of scientific and technical progress, people begin to think differently and it becomes increasingly difficult for the authorities to control them. It is important to point out that this does not concern the rulers of states, but the level of power and ideas.

Why do people believe that the Earth is flat?

You can think about this topic for a long time and there are a huge number of opinions. Scientists and great minds believe that modern people who believe that the planet Earth is flat like to go against the grain, looking for a catch and opposition in every statement. Many are sure that there is a certain group of people, the so-called “Masons,” who control everyone, and they can promote any idea into the world, including the fact that the earth is round. All this raises doubts in modern society.

How to join the flat earth society?

In the 19th century, the English inventor Samuel Rowbotham created a whole community for adherents of the flat Earth theory. Every person can become a member. To do this, you need to pay an entry fee of $10. After this, the society will regularly send its own newsletter. There are several main provisions of this organization:

  1. The center of the Earth is located at the North Pole, and the edges are in the south.
  2. The Flat Earth Society claims that all existing evidence of the sphericity of the planet, including astronaut flights, is simply an international conspiracy by America and Russia to deceive people.
  3. They believe that the stars are attached to the firmament, which is located at an altitude equal to the distance from San Francisco to Boston.
  4. The Moon and the Sun do not have huge size, and the Earth’s satellite glows with its own light, not reflected light. Eclipses are caused by occlusion by some dark object.
  5. The Flat Earth Society claims that all the great people were adherents of their theory, but simply hid it.
  6. It is believed that the belief in sphericity is a false religion.

Flat Earth Theory - Real Facts

Before putting forward the theory that the earth is not spherical, its adherents conducted a lot of research, looked at a huge amount of photo and video material, so that they had something to operate with. The basic facts why the Earth is flat include the following information:

  1. Knowing the time the planet rotates around its axis and its diameter, you can easily calculate its rotation speed. As a result, it turns out that in a second the Earth rotates at a speed of approximately 0.5 km/sec. Wouldn't a person notice such changes?
  2. One of the most common evidence is airplane travel. The flat Earth theory raises such doubts - how can a plane land at a specified place if it shifts due to the movement of the planet? Moreover, due to the constant rotation of the earth, planes would not be able to reach their destination due to headwinds.
  3. If you throw an object up, it will take several seconds for it to fly and fall, so if the Earth were round and rotating, then it would not fall in the same place where it was thrown.
  4. If the planet had the shape of a sphere, then the horizon would be curved, but in any conditions and when observing vast spaces, the line is always straight.

What do psychics say about the flat earth?

To determine where is the truth and where is the lie, it is worth considering different opinions, therefore, they cannot do without psychics, who, in their opinion, know all the secrets. The version that the Earth is flat, for people working with energies, is a fiction created in order to raise doubts in people and gather them into some kind of sect. Psychics who receive energy, including from the Earth, are sure that it is round; if this were a myth, then the energy flows would be scattered and not so powerful.

Flat Earth in the Bible

People who have read the Bible can be divided into two groups: some believe that it says that the earth is flat, while others claim that this is nothing more than a common misconception. Although there is much in this holy book scientific facts, information about which was unavailable at the time of writing the book, it does not specifically talk about a flat earth. Those who believe that the Bible says that the Earth is flat cite as an argument the word from it - “hug”, but in Hebrew it means both “circle” and “ball”.

Another refuting fact concerns the fact that the holy book states that the Earth has no fulcrum, and this is one of the ideas of the people who came up with the legend of flat planet. The Bible does not focus on the shape of the Earth, so it is not advisable to take this as truth. In addition, even in modern language the word “round Earth” is used, and not spherical or spherical. The language of the Bible is not based on geometric concepts.

Flat Earth in the Quran

As for the main Muslim book, it uses more words that can be considered confirmation that the Earth is flat. In the text there are such words and expressions associated with our planet: “spread out”, “made the earth a plain”, “made the earth a carpet for you” and so on. The flat Earth in Islam is confirmed by theologians, and the sky, according to them, is supported by several pillars.

Flat Earth Movies

There are no films based on the theme of a flat Earth, but there are a number of films where this is mentioned.

  1. "The Truman Show". The hero of the picture one day begins to realize that everything around him is deception and decoration. He is the hero of a TV show that has been running for more than 30 years.
  2. "Men in Black". The film tells the story of a secret unofficial agency that controls UFO activity. The main characters in one of the dialogues talk about the flat earth.
  3. "Dark City". The main idea of ​​this picture is that all people live in a world that is controlled by a select few who force them to believe in things that do not exist.

Books about flat earth

Literature has not ignored the topic of the shape of our planet. Many authors have conducted research over the years and presented their own reasoning and evidence in their works.

  1. "Ancient Cosmologies" W. Warren. The book is voluminous and in it you can find information about the ideas concerning the structure of the Universe, Buddhists, Egyptians and other peoples. This publication contains many illustrations.
  2. “Hundreds of proofs that the Earth is not a sphere” M. Carpenter. The published work was inaccessible to the general reader for a long time. The author presented, in his opinion, objective evidence of a flat Earth.
  3. "Research Astronomy: The Earth is not a Globe" S. Rowbotham. If you are interested in whether the earth is flat or round, then you should read this book, which describes experiments and visual illustrations, confirming that the planet is flat.

We live in a world consisting of information fields, this is obvious and understandable to anyone who has ever thought about the real secrets of the universe. And, based on the latest scientific data, we can safely say that those facts that were previously considered prejudice have a real basis. One of these facts is that photography steals the soul. Of course, not all of it, but it leaves traces that are easily diagnosed with scientific instruments.

Yes? Why is this discovery not widely known?

Here we turn to the problem for which the movement for sovereign science was created, the problem that official science has been hiding real knowledge for many centuries. Scientists have long turned into a sect that functions only to create a smoke screen that allows them to manipulate people.
One of the most mysterious videos about Flat Earth:

What does this mean?
Look, what is the essence of so-called scientific knowledge? It is to imagine a person as a conditional, soulless grain of sand in the infinity of endless space, to literally hammer into his head the idea that he is a useless loner, standing in the face of emptiness. Endless proof of this is the essence of modern so-called science, which came to us from the West. Behind this veil, true knowledge is lost, and this loss is intentional.

What is it, true knowledge, and where to look for it?

I’ll answer the second part of the question first: you need to look in Russia. And to answer the first part, it is necessary to delve into history and understand when the phenomenon that today is commonly called official science began to develop in our country.

From Peter the Great, or more precisely from that agent of the West who pretended to be him. Today, all historians who have not fully joined the sect of scientists know that during Peter’s trip to Germany, a true autocrat with a great spirit, the Masons replaced their protege with a completely different person who returned to Russia. And it was this man who began to implant the so-called sciences in Russia, trying to completely knock out of people the real knowledge that still remained at that time. The process of transforming highly spiritual Personalities into rootless individualists-cosmopolitans has begun. And the tool for this transformation is science. Full, by the way, of the most obvious contradictions.

Which ones?

Wait. First you need to decide where exactly the true knowledge remains. It was at that time that the division of true science took place into the profane part, which we call science today, and real knowledge, which became the lot of the chosen ones in Europe, such chosen ones were the Freemasons, and in Rus' distant monasteries. By the way, it was for this reason that they were persecuted. Any true knowledge is based on spirituality and holy books, and pseudo-knowledge, that is, science, is based on cheap fabrications. The insidiousness of the West is that with the help of science they managed to deceive the whole world and hide true knowledge behind a special veil of science.

Here are several relationships between true knowledge and false sciences, which, by the way, were actively studied by real researchers in the last century. For example, Rene Guenon. The relationships are as follows: true astrology is false astronomy, true numerology is false mathematics, true alchemy is false chemistry, and so on.
By selecting absolutely profane parts from real knowledge, the Masons managed to create a powerful system for protecting true knowledge, which became the lot of the chosen few and an instrument for the enslavement of the world. The sect of so-called scientists are those biorobots that are used to create this very veil over true knowledge.

Still, let’s return to the contradictions that you promised to talk about.

No problem. Let's at least look at the theory that says that the Earth is a ball that revolves around the Sun. Even here, obvious contradictions are not noticed!

A recent sociological survey showed that almost 40% of the Russian population is confident in the correct biblical version of the Sun revolving around the Earth.

Doesn't the Earth revolve around the Sun?

Thank God no! And now, when Russia is experiencing a spiritual revival, even official scientists and ordinary people have finally recognized this! For example, a recent sociological survey showed that almost 40% of the Russian population is confident in the correct biblical version of the Sun revolving around the Earth. There is a positive trend every year, the percentage of those who have learned the truth is increasing!

The whole truth on VIDEO:

Maybe people just forgot their school course?

But everyone remembers arithmetic and supposedly basic physics! And this is enough to know the truth!

Imagine the situation: a plane flies from Europe to Japan 11 thousand kilometers, and arrives at its destination 10 hours later. As we all remember from school, the length of the Earth’s equator is 40 thousand kilometers. If the Earth rotated around its own axis per day, as official science says, then in an hour it would rotate 1,666 kilometers. It is so? Now think for yourself at what speed a plane must fly 10 thousand kilometers in order to fly this distance in 10 hours against the movement of the supposedly round and supposedly rotating Earth! More than 2700 kilometers per hour! At the usual speed of 1000 kilometers per hour, the plane would have flown completely into reverse side and would never fly anywhere! The same goes for the return flight: for him, the plane didn’t have to fly anywhere at all, just take off and wait, divide 10 thousand by one thousand six hundred and 6 hours!

What about pictures of the Earth from space?

From what space, my dear? Where is the evidence that space even exists? Everyone knows that no one has ever been in space!

What about Gagarin and the Americans on the Moon?

Gagarin was supposedly in orbit, not in space, and the Americans, as everyone knows, filmed their entire moon in the Nevada desert. This is all the same continuation of the conspiracy of the damned sorcerers-scientists! As a result, we are forced to admit that even official physics and mathematics, with common sense, clearly show that the Earth simply cannot be round! Here is one of the brightest contradictions!

That is, you claim that mathematics and physics cannot even explain the fact that the Earth is round?

This is pseudoscience! What can pseudoscience prove anyway?

The banal Pythagorean theorem immediately comes to mind.

Do you know why Pythagoras was killed?

For his true knowledge! All over the world, he collected mysteries that remained from the previous great spiritual civilization of Hyperborea, which was destroyed by the Great Flood, but traces of the ancestral home of which still remain everywhere on the territory of Russia! Fortunately, Atlantis was still alive then, and present-day Antarctica was a flourishing land. From there Pythagoras brought real knowledge. And, by the way, he did not age and was a Rus, that is, Russian. But his students, persuaded by the Freemasons, killed him. As a result, everyone now remembers Pythagoras only by the profane interpretation of his deep knowledge, which is now called the theorem named after him!

But the theorem works and has been proven many times

In my youth, I repeated the discovery of Pythagoras, independently proving a similar theorem, but it does not work! And the Russian proved it. His name, if you don’t remember, was Lobachevsky!

If so, then it turns out that mathematics and physics are not needed at all?

Exactly! It is not appropriate for true seekers of knowledge to fill one's head with Masonic teachings! Our task now is to restore, bit by bit, that spiritual knowledge that should become the basis of real science. They still remain in distant monasteries, at base 211, which, by the way, the Masons are still trying to find, in the greatest spirituality of our people. It is not too late to create true science, and on its basis a new highly spiritual civilization.
To do this, we must now uproot all pseudo-science and, throwing back the veil, plunge into the palaces of real knowledge, proving that we are not empty grains of sand in an endless void, but great Warriors of the Spirit! This is the main content of sovereign science, for the possibility of whose development we are fighting with the world behind the scenes.

If we leave the process of struggle alone for a while, then where should we start?

True scientists who strive for knowledge are now under enormous pressure. It is necessary to remove this pressure, which is created by scientists. Then all true forces must unite and develop general theory, which would explain all the secrets of the universe.

Is this possible?

Certainly! Moreover, it already exists! And it's called spirituality! The problem is that pseudoscience is built on the fact that it constantly replaces cause with effect. It is now necessary to break this vicious circle. The time has come to understand that it is not knowledge that leads to discovery, but revelation must be explained by knowledge. Only this way can be effective.

Do I understand correctly, but you are talking about the same thing that we often write about the role of science as a means of justification. True, we are talking about the rationale for the actions of the authorities.

Yes! And that includes the authorities, because this is a supra-mundane entity. And the actions of any supramundane entity require justification by knowledge. This is the task of true sovereign science.

And how is the implementation of such extravagant ideas going?

The ideas are correct, and not at all extra, why use such words at all, aren’t there enough Russian words?

Okay, independent ones.

It is progressing well, and there is support, albeit unspoken, at the very top. Recently, for example, the director of the Kurchatov Institute said that Russia needs integrated science that will find simple explanations for everything.

Is there any merit in this statement?

Thoughts are material, the information field permeates everything that exists. Therefore, of course, I consider such a breakthrough to be my merit: by pumping up the egregor of true knowledge, we influence the essence of things and other people. For now, this is where the movement sees its main task.

The same thing as everywhere to fight the obscurantism of official science and spread true knowledge.

How much consumer knowledge does this have?

Now, praise the universe, it is getting bigger and bigger. Just look at TV, there are more and more truly scientific programs. This means that the people are beginning to awaken from spiritual slumber and are beginning to understand the world differently than the official learned proteges of the West want to see. This means we will win!

Modern passenger aircraft for some reason they do not fly in a straight line, but make huge circles. This is especially noticeable in the Southern Hemisphere: for example, planes flying from Australia to Chile never fly through the South Pole, although this is the shortest route. Or planes flying from Perth, Australia to Johannesburg (South Africa) for some reason fly through Dubai, although there is no need for them to make such a strange zigzag. Why do airlines spend millions of dollars on gasoline and travel costs when all routes can be built much more economically?

There is only one answer: in reality, planes fly in the most straight line - it’s just that the Earth is not really round, but flat, and the maps and globes that we are accustomed to are compiled by liars in order to deceive people. “I’ve also been wondering about flights for a long time. No matter who I asked, no one could answer. Well, in general, watch this wonderful video, there is a lot of interesting things there, and everything is clear,” Vetlitskaya wrote (the author’s spelling has been preserved). The conspiracy, in which politicians, scientists, and education system officials participate, has been going on for more than a century, although it costs nothing to discover the truth. The next time you fly on an airplane, don’t be lazy and study the horizon line through the window. You will see that it is absolutely flat, without any difficulty, exactly like on the ground. But with the help of a good telescope, the “curvature” could be seen even while on the surface of the Earth: for every 100 km earth's surface there should be 196 meters of curvature, say the authors of another video on the same topic.

Are we being lied to? According to the singer, performer of the songs “Look into your eyes” and “Playboy next to me,” she had long suspected a conspiracy, and a video recorded by an unknown YouTube user finally allowed her to dot all the i’s. “And yes, skeptics and fans of officially approved concepts are not recommended to watch this video for the sake of preserving their fragile nervous system", warns the singer.

Formal lie

Nothing is new on our Earth, and this is true regardless of its form. The ancients had no doubt that our planet was a disk, but they “scientifically substantiated” this theory in the 19th century. In 1956, the Flat Earth Society arose in the United States. Despite the fact that the society flourished in the 1980s, when its ranks included 3 thousand people, it still exists today.

According to the basic principles that society believes in, cosmology looks like this: The Earth is a flat disk with a diameter of 40,000 km. Why exactly 40,000? Because this is the length of any two meridians in geography textbooks. In fact, there are no meridians, since meridians are lines on the surface of the spherical Earth, and the Earth, as we already know, is a flat disk. Therefore, meridians are not lines from pole to pole, but simply radii of the Earth. And two radii, as we know from textbooks on another subject that is more applicable to our planet - geometry, are diameters. In the center of the flat circle is the North Pole. Where is Yuzhny? But there is no South, instead there is a disk boundary. What we used to think of as Antarctica is a long wall of ice encircling the entire Earth. How can this “not be”? Well, have any of you been to the South Pole and seen it with your own eyes? I personally don’t. And those travelers who visited there did not see anything special. Who said this is a pole? They were simply deceived by those involved in the conspiracy.

Wait, the reader will object, but if there is simply no Southern Hemisphere, but there is an outer side of the disk, then any travel along it should be slower than along the inner side. It turns out that the distance, say, from Europe to North America not that big, but the distance from South America to Africa must be colossal! And any distances in the “Southern Hemisphere”, say, between Sydney and Melbourne, must be much greater than it appears on the map. regular map. And so it is, say members of society: a kilometer in the “Southern Hemisphere” is much longer than a kilometer in the “Northern”, but politicians hide this from us, and ordinary car owners cannot notice this due to the relatively low speeds of their cars. The truth is obvious only to airline pilots and captains of long-distance ships, but they are all also involved in the conspiracy...

Where does gravity come from? - the reader will resort to a proven argument. It's simple: the Earth constantly soars upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s², and this is what creates constant “gravity”. The Moon and the Sun, of course, rotate above the surface of the Earth, and the starry vault itself circles above our planet. What about photographs of the Earth from space? And these are fakes. What about flights to other planets? But no one has flown anywhere, and no one will fly, because there is nowhere to fly. Above our planet there is a flat dome in which waters condense, rain pours from there, and excess water flows over the edges into the world ether. But if you check, get on a plane and fly to the Pole? But you won’t get anywhere: the plane will fall out into the air and be lost forever. About mysterious disappearance Did you hear Malaysia Airlines flight MH370? That's it: the pilot brought the plane in the wrong direction.

"Everything is sawn"

These scientists are an ungrateful people: instead of rejoicing that the authors of the YouTube videos have finally painted a consistent picture of the universe, they find fault with little things. For example, they ask how a disk-shaped planetary body could appear in the Universe? The laws of gravity are such that any major planet, no matter what shape it initially had, sooner or later under the influence of its own mass it will turn into an ellipsoid close to a ball. Only small bodies like the satellites of Mars - Phobos and Deimos - can “afford” the shape of irregular cobblestones: for a planet like ours, there is no material in nature from which a stable disk could be made; in any case, it will wrinkle and begin to resemble on the ball.

Or they refer to the incomparability of measurements, reminding that modern passenger planes fly at an altitude of 9–10 km: in comparison with the diameter of the Earth of 40 thousand km, this is like the height of a fly in comparison with the height of the house on which it perches. Will the fly see the true shape of the house, being so small? Most likely, she will believe that the whole house is flat, like its roof. Isn’t it stupid that a height of 10 km is funny to them? If they had fallen from such a height, they probably wouldn’t have laughed.

They are trying to refute it ridiculously by referring to a school experience with recording the movement of the starry sky on a stationary photographic plate with a long exposure. It clearly shows that the entire starry sky is moving around the North Star. But if the same record is recorded in the Southern Hemisphere, there will be no North Star there, and the sky will revolve around a conventional point not far from a tiny star - Sigma Octantus. As if someone has the opportunity to fly to the ice wall surrounding our disk, and with the danger of falling over the edge, the ether will install a camera there with numb fingers!

They remind you that in order to make sure that a kilometer across the entire Earth has a total length, they advise Muscovites to fly to Milan with a meter ruler and compare it with the rulers there - the difference in length should be noticeable even between such geographical points. For them, 10 km is not a distance, but here some millimeters must not converge. They are outright lying when they say that planes avoid direct flights because, for the sake of safe navigation, they try to fly over land and not over sea.

Meanwhile, genuine science does not stand still: in her next post, Vetlitskaya revealed the ins and outs of the web of lies in which the world government keeps us. “On this space called Earth, everything has long been cut down and all the rules have been established” by a small group of creatures, “and everyone else is supposed to shut up and just follow the given commands, in general, a strict police regime.” And even later, a new revelation followed from Vetlitskaya, this time about the number of dimensions in our Universe. “Nothing will work out in the 3-dimensional world, don’t even hope,” the singer said in her next status. “Either you rise to a higher level of consciousness, or... Choose for yourself.” Indeed, choose for yourself which level of consciousness to rise to. I personally go out on the first one, where Copernicus and Galileo are.

The generally accepted statement that ancient scientists considered our Earth to be flat is not entirely true. Of course, someone thought it was flat, but in fact there were several versions, including one that the Earth is a sphere. Today, it would seem, all the i’s are dotted and no one doubts that the Earth is a ball revolving around the Sun.

No matter how it is. Whether for fun or for PR, or maybe for religious reasons, the world is again split on this issue into two opposing camps. Are you surprised? If someone comes up to you and claims that the Earth is flat, will you twist it at your temple? Oh well. The fact that the Earth is a ball (to be precise, a geoid) and revolves around the Sun is a generally accepted theory and, it seemed, beyond doubt? It wasn’t there...

Which Earth is it: round or flat?

On the one hand, modern science claims that the Earth is round, and on the other... At the head, perhaps, is the Flat Earth Society. The main goal is to prove that the Earth is flat, and the governments of all countries are in a conspiracy and in various ways mislead about the sphericity of the Earth, hiding the fact that the Earth is flat.

The Flat Earth Society still has its adherents.

The basic concepts of the flat earth society are:

The Earth is a flat disk, 40,000 kilometers in diameter, centered near the North Pole.

The Sun and Moon and stars move above the surface of the Earth.

Gravity is denied. The acceleration due to gravity occurs because the Earth is moving upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s². Due to the curvature of space-time, this can last indefinitely.

South Polenet. Antarctica is actually the icy edge of our disk - a wall encircling our world.

All photographs of the Earth from space are fakes.

The distance between objects in the southern hemisphere is actually much greater. The fact that flights between them occur much faster than should be according to the flat Earth map can be explained simply - the airliner crews are involved in a conspiracy.

The Sun is something like a powerful searchlight 51 km in diameter, which circles above the Earth at a distance of 4800 km and illuminates it.

Everything that happens is an experiment on us.

All scientific institutes deliberately lie about the Earth being spherical, etc.

The government also lies - it works for its masters - the reptilians.

There were no flights into space, and there’s nothing to say about the Moon, it’s all a hoax.

All videos about space flights were filmed on Earth.

And off we go. Gradually the world is splitting into two halves. One goes to live on a round and spherical Earth, the other – also round, but flat.

Both sides provide “irrefutable” evidence of their vision of the shape of the earth.

Here are some of the most interesting facts of the universe from the lips of both opponents.

The earth is flat because:


Flat-Earth Evidence: Take any photograph where the horizon line is flat, not rounded.

Ball-earth refutation: to see the real curves of the horizon line or plane in the frame, you need a much greater distance from the shooting point from the surface of the earth. This is clearly visible in photographs from space.

Flat earth answer: all pictures from space are fakes from NASA and the like. Space doesn't exist.


Flat earth proofs: In many descriptions in the Bible, the Earth is flat earth.

(Daniel 4:7, 8): “The visions of my head on my bed were as follows: I saw, behold, a very tall tree in the middle of the earth. This tree was large and strong, and its height reached to the sky, and it was apparently up to ends of the whole earth » -

      This expression only applies to flat earth.

Ball-earth rebuttal:(published taking into account the opinions of fundamentalist Christians):

It should be immediately clarified that the Bible is not a scientific work aimed at explaining the structure of the universe. In the Holy Scriptures this is done figuratively and clearly to the common people language, based on the knowledge that the people had in those days. However, when carefully read and interpreted, the Bible does not contradict modern science and does not indicate that the Earth is not spherical.

In this case, the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, who reigned from September 7, 605 to October 7, 562 BC, is described. e.. The tree in the dream, as it turned out from Daniel’s interpretation of the dream, is Nebuchadnezzar himself. It is correct to consider the edge of the Earth to be the border of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, for a simple reason: Nebuchadnezzar never ruled the entire Earth. Moreover, it speaks of vision, and not of direct observation.

Flat earth:

(Isaiah 42:5): “Thus says the Lord God, who created the heavens and their expanses, who spread out the earth with its products.” This can only be done with a flat earth.

Ball-earth rebuttal:

This description refers to what are currently called continents. Modern science, with minor reservations, considers the continents to be flat. If this action is considered applicable to a plane, this does not in any way indicate that the entire Earth is also flat.

Flat earth:There is no continuation of dialogue from the appender yet

(Matthew 4:8): “Again the devil takes Him [Jesus] to a very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.”

This is only possible if the Earth is flat.

Ball-earth rebuttal(from Bible scholars and scholars):

All the highest mountains on Earth are known. Climbers have climbed everything, and more than once. Unfortunately, it is not possible to examine all the “kingdoms” with any of them, and the reason is not at all that the Earth is round (this is not a hindrance), but because it is impossible to examine anything at such a distance . But modern man can look at “all the kingdoms of the world” on a computer monitor or smartphone. However, Satan's capabilities and abilities far exceed those of humans. In what way he showed the kingdoms and why the high mountain was needed, we do not know.

The most interesting thing is that theoretically this is how the entire Earth can be viewed. Don't be surprised, this is really true. This phenomenon is called diffraction. Under certain conditions, we see the horizon line much further than theoretically we should see it. This is how mirages arise. Of course, in real life the chances of seeing something like this are incredibly small. After all, this requires a certain air temperature, humidity, transparency and, possibly, something else. There is even less chance of seeing the whole Earth. And it’s absolutely insignificant - to view what you want. But who said that the devil does not know how to use this phenomenon? Showing such mirage pictures to Jesus would be a very effective way to influence his human spiritual-sensual nature in order to achieve admiration from him. On the other hand, here we can also talk about vision without direct observation.

Flat earth:There is no continuation of dialogue from the appender yet

(Job 38:12,13): “Did you ever give orders to the morning in your life and show the dawn its place so that it would embrace ends of the earth and shook off the wicked..."

(Job. 37:3 )"Under the whole sky its roar, and its shine - to the ends of the earth ."

The edges can only have a plane.

Ball-earth rebuttal:(from Bible scholars and scholars):

The Lord speaks to Job about the unshakable order of alternation of day and night established by Him. It is figuratively said that the dawn disperses darkness and stops the deeds of the wicked committed at night. The expression “end of the earth” is also used by those who are well aware of the spherical shape of the Earth.

There are other references in the Bible to the edges and corners of the Earth, which can be interpreted in different ways: for example, that these are the edges of continents or countries. In addition, the Bible itself confirms that the word “earth” means dry land:

(Life 1:10 ) And God called the dry land earth , and called the collection of waters seas.

Therefore, it is impossible to accept these scriptures as proof that the Earth is flat.

Flat earth:There is no continuation of dialogue from the appender yet


It was carried out in 1838 by Samuel Rowbotham. This experiment is considered the most reliable evidence.

The essence of the experiment is extremely simple. Rowbotham found a flat area of ​​about 10 km (6 miles) on the Bedford River. I installed the telescope at a height of 20 inches (50.8 cm) from the surface of the water and began to watch the receding boat with a five-meter mast.

The mast was visible throughout the boat's movement. On the basis of which Rowbotham stated that the Earth is flat.

If the Earth were round, the mast should have disappeared from view.

Ball-earth rebuttal:

Lifting horizon in this case it happened due to the phenomenon of refraction. Due to positive refraction, the visible horizon has risen. As a result, its geographic range increased compared to its geometric range. This made it possible to see objects hidden by the curvature of the Earth. At normal temperatures, the horizon rise is 6-7%.

For reference: If the temperature increases excessively the visible horizon can rise to the true mathematical horizon. At the same time, the earth's surface will visually straighten. The earth will become flat, to the delight of flat-earthers. Of course, only visually. The visibility range under these conditions will become infinitely large. The radius of curvature of the beam can become equal to the radius of the globe.

For reference: The discoverer of light refraction is considered to be the Italian physicist and astronomer Grimaldi Francesco Maria (1618-1663)

Naturally, Samuel Rowbotham was well aware of the phenomena of refraction. And it is quite logical that the published book describing experiments proving that the Earth is flat did not arouse any interest among scientists. But there were many adherents. One of Hemplein’s followers even placed a bet of 500 pounds (not a small amount at that time) that he would allegedly prove to any opponent that the Earth was flat. And such an opponent was found. It was the scientist Alfred Wallace. Of course, he knew perfectly well what he was doing. The experiment was carried out in the same valley. But Wallace changed the observation slightly. He used an intermediate point - a bridge, on which a circle was fixed. A horizontal line was placed at the end point. The telescope, circle and line were at the same height relative to the surface of the water. If the Earth were flat, a line would be visible through the circle at its center. Naturally, this did not happen. However, Hamplen refused to pay the due amount and called Wallace a liar and a forger.

So what is the Earth like?

Isn't it time to tell true story that Magellan simply swam in a circle, and not around the Earth. Cook sailed along the edge of the Earth in search of Antarctica. And by the way, he was right: Antarctica does not exist! Kruzenshtern also had good reason to doubt it when he discovered Antarctica. After all, he just ran into an icy wall that was created to prevent the oceans from flowing out. It is not clear, of course, how he managed to get around our Earth’s disk (yes, a disk, let’s call a spade a spade) in 751 days. Again conspiracy and falsification! He didn’t put anything on the map and didn’t go anywhere, he probably drank beer somewhere in Australia, and the maps were given to him ready-made, drawn at NASO. NASO is such a special organization that, for our billions, fools us, draws cool pictures space, makes programs for viewing the supposedly round Earth, films hoax shows of flight into space and to the Moon. The governments are in cahoots, all the scientists are in cahoots, the pilots are in cahoots, the police are also aware - collusion, everything smart people also in cahoots. In short, everything is in conspiracy against honest people who understand the essence of the true universe and, finally, with the advent of the Internet, are ready to open the eyes of those who are not yet in the know.

This is roughly what this serious problem looks like today. So what kind of Earth do we actually live on? If you know any facts, please report them in the comments. Perhaps you will be able to find inaccuracies in the article or the need to supplement it, we will also comment. And we will certainly make an addition, and possibly a continuation, taking into account all your comments and wishes. Please behave correctly, do not send your participants to the third grade of high school or to a psychiatrist, or twist your finger to your temple. Checked - doesn't work. Only strong arguments and evidence of a flat or spherical Earth will help save the situation.

Over the past decades, against the backdrop of a crisis in science, and in physics, first of all, there have appeared both proposals for a way out (Atsyukovsky V.A. http://www.atsuk.dart.ru/, for example) from the crisis, and sweeping denial modern science without offering constructive ideas (see, for example, the speech of Rybnikov Yu.S. and others). In historical science, everyone knows the “scientific” works of Fomenko A.T. and Nosovsky G.V. (http://www.chronologia.org/) according to the new chronology, which were rebuffed (http://hbar.phys.msu.ru/gorm/library/book2.htm). But attempts to discredit science, to introduce into people’s consciousness that apart from two operations, addition and subtraction, and natural numbers (such as 1,2,3,4,...) there is nothing in nature, and all higher mathematics is from the evil one, continue. So, recently a group of “propagandists” has appeared on the Internet claiming that we do not live on a spherical planet that rotates around its axis (which determines the change of day and night) and around the Sun, but on a flat earth, and that the Sun and Moon are These are holographic images that launch spacecraft and communications satellites, including global positioning satellites (https://www.glonass-iac.ru/) GLONASS (http://www.glonassgsm.ru/) and GPS (https:// ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS) is a falsification and deception, and astronomy is a pseudoscience. Perhaps we would not have paid any attention to these delusional statements if videos had not started appearing on the Internet in which they seriously stated that “ we need to figure this all out». « How can a plane fly over a rotating Earth? linear speed rotation (at the equator) is about 465 m/s?!" But the fact that the plane rotates with the planet, like all its inhabitants and objects, seems to be beyond the comprehension of the authors of these videos. Or another question, why are objects visible that are supposed to be behind the horizon line and which, if the Earth is spherical, should be hidden? " Since objects are visible, it means the Earth is flat“, - the conclusion is made without much thought that we live on an endless plane slightly hilly in relief. Other supporters of brain liquefaction even organize discussions on the Internet “for and against” the flat Earth theory. In these discussions, one of the arguments in favor of a flat Earth was... Indian Vedas, which, according to a panelist, states that the Earth is a disk.

There is an application of Overton window technology (). To legalize the idea of ​​a flat Earth, Overton window technology is at the very beginning: How bold! Here are the witnesses that the Earth is flat, here is the wonderful video they provided, here are the “advanced amateurs” who launched a homemade rocket, but it hit something at an altitude of 100 km! - for sure this is the vault of heaven! And the fact that “advanced amateurs” receive signals on their television receivers from satellites flying in geostationary orbit at an altitude of about 40,000 km above the equator does not count! The unthinkable and absurd turns into radical. For further developments, see the points on Overton window technology ().

Another attempt is obvious to change the logic of people’s social behavior, radically breaking their worldview. Here it is appropriate to quote point 3) from our leaflet (picket materials, concept file - June 15, 2016.doc): “ As a result of scientific and technological progress, technologies began to often replace one another. That's why people in identical situations began to make completely different decisions than before(this is called the “law of time”). Let's say solar eclipse in the times of the pharaohs it caused fear and panic among people, which the “priests” used, but now the eclipse is calculated in advance, and then they are written on photos and videos, and the “priests” are left out of work. Previously, a person would go to church to find out news or hear a mentor’s advice, but now he turns on the TV. The logic of people's behavior is changing.A government that does not understand the ongoing changes in the logic of people’s social behavior will be doomed to anarchy ».

Thus, we see that the authorities UNDERSTAND what is happening, otherwise why would they launch Overton window technology again and again? Further we see that this is not the power that sits in the Kremlin and sits in State Duma that this power occupies the next level of the hierarchy. This is the level of power of ideas, the level of power of worldviews. The “priests” and “shepherds” were left out of work, but they REALLY want to regain their lost positions. To do this, you just need to return the “flat Earth”, declare astronomy a pseudoscience, abolish history and higher mathematics, disperse scientists, and reduce school education to nothing.

Below we present brief excerpts from books in accessible language that provide answers to many “whys” that arise from various observations. These answers lead to conclusions about the sphericity of the Earth. In most cases, to perceive the material, knowledge at the level of a peasant of the century before last with 2 classes of a parochial school is sufficient. Considering that in the Russian Federation no one has yet abolished universal secondary education, we provide links to more “complex” answers, with sines, cosines and other elementary algebra, and trigonometry, which, without a doubt, will attract the attention of the reader who thinks with his own head.

Asset of Sverdlovsk RO KPE

The earth is round.

K. Fmammarion. Public Astronomy (PETITE ASTRONOMIE). Translated from the 7th French edition by V. CHERKASOV. The edition has been reviewed, corrected and supplemented by PROF. S. N. BLAZHKO. STATE PUBLISHING HOUSE R.S.F.S.R. BERLIN, 1922.

Before turning our gaze to the sky and contemplating the Sun, Moon and stars, let us take up the Earth on which we live.

"The Earth is Round"- this is what we have to hear and repeat as soon as we begin to study geography. However, it is not enough to limit ourselves to this definition alone, because a thing can be both round and flat, such as, for example, a dish, a plate, a coin; It is also necessary to add that the Earth is “round, like a ball, like any ball.” They show you a large ball, called the terrestrial globe, and say: “here is a picture of the Earth.”

How! Is it really possible that the Earth, the Earth we walk on, is structured this way? No doubt you are quite surprised when you hear about it for the first time. Even when you understand this, it will still be difficult for you to form a correct concept about it.

Indeed, at first glance, the Earth does not appear to us in this form at all. If we look around us, the surrounding area, Part of the land, which we can observe, seems smooth when we are standing on a plain, and uneven, rough when we are in a mountainous area. The sky spread out above our head appears to us as completely rounded. vault- blue in clear weather and gray if it is covered with clouds. This arch seems to be overturned over the Earth and limits it in the distance along a circular line. The child believes that this is actually the case; he is convinced that beyond the distance, as far as his gaze can see, there is nothing else and that there, far away, somewhere far away, the sky meets the Earth. But then he hears stories about very distant countries, about long journeys lasting months, years, and he easily realizes that, of course, the space of several miles that he can see in front of him does not constitute the whole Earth. Then the Earth begins to seem quite vast to him, but still flat, like a table, or rather like some kind of immense pancake; then, on this vast plane, in various places, his imagination draws those mountains that he remembers and which appear to him in the form of small bulges or swellings on this even and flat cake. Finally, the round vault of the sky, in his opinion, covers the entire Earth, just as one covers a sweet pie with a glass cover.

This was also the idea of ​​the Earth among the ancient, simple-minded and trusting people, like children, those who have not yet learned to think and reason; soon we will see what strange nonsense it led them to.

Imagine that you are in the middle of a vast plain. The area available to you appears to you in the form of a huge circle, in the center of which you stand. The sky is above you. The circumference of this apparent circle, that distant limit where the sky seems to touch the Earth is called horizon.

But beyond this horizon there is still Earth; there are fields, forests, cities, hills, and so on, and so on. Why are they not visible? Of course, because the Earth has a rounded shape, convex, and not flat. If the Earth were flat, then we could see distant objects, as far as our vision would suffice, and these objects would only seem to us smaller and smaller and not so clear; meanwhile this does not happen, because visible circle horizon completely hides everything behind it.

Due to the convexity of the Earth, from the place where we are located, we can survey everything that is around us, right up to those points where our gaze no longer touches the surface of the Earth. Beyond this horizon, the Earth with the objects on it, rounding and descending in all directions, will be below us in relation to us; We will not be able to see these objects even then: the roundness, curvature of the Earth hides them from us.

Thus the person represented by the letter M(Fig. 3), can see objects in front of him only up to point A, where straight line, representing the direction of his vision, touches the earth's surface. In the same way, at the same distance, he can see around him and in all other directions, i.e. to points B, C, D, E(as well as on the other side, which cannot be represented in our figure).

Fig. 3. The curvature of the Earth is the limits of the horizon for an observer located on Earth.

Fig. 4. A wider horizon opens up to the observer from the top of the mountain.

These points limit his field of vision and form the line of his horizon or horizon. Objects located behind this line, for example, in F, G, H, I, it turns out at the bottom and will be closed to the observer by the convexity of the earth's surface. If, however, instead of settling down in the middle of a plain, we climb some mountain, then our horizons will extend to a much greater distance. Mountain tops for us will open cities or villages, forests and fields, which we had not seen before, being at the foot of the mountain. At the same time, our gaze will be presented with a more extensive range of vision than before, since now

Fig. 5. View of a remote village. - The curvature of the Earth allows you to see only the tops of buildings.

any straight line coming from the eye will touch the earth's surface at a more distant point. Thus, if the observer in our figure is placed on a hill at point N (Fig. 4), then along the line representing the direction of his vision it is clear that he will now notice objects located at points F, G, H, I, which were hidden from him by the curvature of the earth's surface before, when he stood at the foot of the hill in M ​​(Fig. 3). However, objects K, L, located further, will still be closed from his eyes. Approaching some remote village along a flat area, we notice that this village does not appear to our eyes immediately, but at first we can only see bell towers and roofs of houses ( Fig. 5). What lies below these outstanding buildings is still hidden from our view by the convexity of the earth’s surface lying between us and these objects. As you approach the village, in front of

Fig. 6. View of the same village in more detail close range; the buildings open up completely to the eye; visible horizon behind them

We first pull out the upper floors of the buildings, and then their foundations, as if these buildings were coming out of the ground (Fig. 6).

The same thing is even better observed at sea, where there are no hills, no irregularities that prevent you from looking into the distance. On the shore we see a picture of a vast expanse of water, which seems to rise slightly towards the sky, merging with it on the horizon. The ship moving away from us seems to be little by little rises, approaching the horizon, which it finally reaches; further, beyond the horizon, it seems to begin go down. First the ship's hull disappears, then the lower sails, while the upper ones are still visible; finally the tops of the masts are the last to disappear; in a word, as if the ship was slowly sinking into the sea (Fig. 7). If the surface of the sea were flat, then of course

Fig. 7. Curvature of the sea surface. - sequential view of a ship moving away from the observer

the ship, as long as we could see it, would always remain in front of us; the tops of the masts and small upper sails, on the contrary, would most likely escape our gaze due to the difficulty of distinguishing them from a great distance. But the surface of the sea in the same way has roundness, curvature, just like the Earth, and since somehow the same phenomenon occurs equally in every direction, wherever we make the indicated observation, it follows that the surface of the sea is the same in all directions. sides roundness, represents a spherical or spherical surface like a watermelon or a ball.

Here is another proof of this. It is known that the shadow of an object resembles in its appearance that very object. If you place a square notebook in front of a wall illuminated by the sun or a lamp, then the shadow from this notebook on the wall will also be square. The shadow of the ball will be round, no matter how we rotate the ball. In some cases, which will be indicated below, you can see shadow of the earth... And it turns out that this shadow is completely round; therefore, the Earth is also round.

But the best proof of the roundness of the Earth is that it can be walked around and in all directions. Imagine a small ant on a ball or orange, crawling along this ball straight in front of it, turning neither to the right nor to the left; continuing to crawl like this, he will go around the entire orange and will soon return to the place from where he set off, but with opposite side. In exactly the same way, brave sailors circumnavigated our huge globe - the Earth. - They encountered continents on their way, continuous expanses of earth, but turning a little to the side (as we turn in order to go around some obstacle, for example, fallen trees to the ground, and go the same way again), they all - could still complete their full rotation. Constantly heading their way in the same direction, they returned to the same port from where they began their voyage, but from the direction opposite to where they originally sailed. The first to make such a journey was the navigator Magellan, used for this three years time. Now, with the help of railways and steamships, it is possible to make trip around the world in less than three months.

There are still other proofs of the roundness of the Earth; nothing else has been proven at present as well and reliably as this. Having convinced ourselves in every possible way that the Earth is a sphere, we proceeded to measuring it... Yes, using various techniques, which we cannot present here yet, astronomers measured this huge ball and found that it has a circumference of 377.5 thousand miles. Based on these methods, even the length of that measure, which is called meter. To do this, we first took one quarter circles (Fig. 8, from E to P) or, as they say, great circle earth (meridian); then one ten-millionth part of this quarter was taken as a unit of length, as a normal measure, and called it meter(1 meter equals 22.5 inches = 0.47 fathoms = 3.28 feet).

Thus, the circumference of the Earth is 40 million meters or about 37,500 versts (40,000 kilometers) in all directions, since the Earth is equally rounded in all directions, with the exception of a very slight depression at the poles.

40 million meters! 38 thousand miles! What a ball! This is such an amazing magnitude that it is difficult to even imagine such a colossus. A vast and also rounded sea covers three quarters of the surface of this ball, which serves as a common home for all of us. Spaces of continuous earth, continents, fill the rest and maintain almost the same regular curvature as if the sea were spreading everywhere.

Fig. 8. Measuring the circumference of the Earth

“Well, what about the mountains?” you will notice. - As for the mountains, they add absolutely nothing. Look at the orange; its skin has slight roughness. But does this in any way prevent the orange from remaining round? Of course not. So, highest mountains compared to the entire Earth will be much less than the roughness of the skin in relation to an orange. If we wanted to accurately depict this relationship on a globe representing the Earth, and the size, say, of a very large watermelon, then in order to indicate the highest mountains on it, it would be enough to throw a few small, almost imperceptible grains of sand onto such a globe. Small irregularities, such as continents and mountains, do not in the least prevent the Earth from remaining a perfectly regular ball.

Then, when your imagination has become somewhat accustomed to these ideas, you will be convinced that the form that has neither corners nor edges is the simplest and most natural of all other forms. This form is taken on its own by a drop of flowing liquid, a drop of rain while it is still falling, a drop of dew on the leaves. Finally, we will soon see that the Sun, Moon and all sorts of luminaries that we notice in the sky are also spheres in appearance; It is quite natural after this that the Earth also has the same shape; on the contrary, one might rather be surprised if if only she was alone was arranged differently.


It is known that the shortest distance between two points on a plane is a straight line. However, on Earth this is only true at short distances. For sea voyages, say, from the Cape of Good Hope to the southern tip of Australia or from Yokohama to the Panama Canal, this is not true. The fact is that we live on the surface of a ball, and not on a plane, and the surface of the ball has its own geometric patterns. The given excerpt from the book by Ya.I. Perelman's "Entertaining Astronomy" convincingly and simply illustrates this fact. .

The shortest path on Earth and on the map

(from the book by Ya.I. Perelman “Entertaining Astronomy”, 7th edition, edited by P.G. Kulikovsky. State Publishing House of Technical and Theoretical Literature. Moscow, 1954)

Having marked two points on the blackboard with chalk, the teacher offers the young schoolboy a task: to draw the shortest path between both points.

The student, after thinking, carefully draws a winding line between them.

That's the shortest way! - the teacher is surprised. -Who taught you that?

My dad. He is a taxi driver.

The drawing of a naive schoolboy is, of course, anecdotal, but wouldn’t you smile if you were told that the dotted arc in Fig. 1 - the shortest route from the Cape of Good Hope to the southern tip of Australia! Shown in Fig. 1 supposedly “straight” sea ​​route from Africa to Australia is 6020 miles, and the "curve" is 5450 miles, i.e. shorter by 570 miles, or 1050 km.

Even more striking is the following statement: the roundabout route from Japan to the Panama Canal shown in Fig. 2 is shorter than the straight line drawn between them on the same map!

Rice. 1. On a sea map, the shortest route from the Cape of Good Hope to the southern tip of Australia is indicated not by a straight line (“loxodrome”), but by a curve (“orthodrome”)

All this looks like a joke, and yet in front of you are indisputable truths, well known to cartographers.

Rice. 2. It seems incredible that the curved path connecting Yokohama to the Panama Canal on a sea map is shorter than a straight line drawn between the same points

To clarify the issue, we will have to say a few words about maps in general and sea maps in particular. Depicting parts of the earth's surface on paper is not an easy task, even in principle, because the earth is a ball, and it is known that no part of a spherical surface can be unfolded on a plane without folds and tears. One inevitably has to put up with inevitable distortions on maps. Many ways of drawing maps have been invented, but all maps are not free from shortcomings: some have distortions of one kind, others of another kind, but there are no maps without distortions at all.

Sailors use maps drawn according to the method of an ancient Dutch cartographer and mathematician of the 16th century. Mercator. This method is called “Mercatorian projection”. It is easy to recognize a sea map by its rectangular grid: the meridians are depicted on it as a series of parallel straight lines; circles of latitude are also straight lines perpendicular to the first ones.

Imagine now that you need to find the shortest path from one ocean port to another, lying on the same parallel. On the ocean, all paths are accessible, and traveling there along the shortest path is always possible if you know how it runs. In our case, it is natural to think that the shortest path goes along the parallel on which both ports lie: after all, on the map it is a straight line, and what could be shorter than a straight path! But we are mistaken: the parallel path is not the shortest at all.

Indeed: on the surface of a ball, the shortest distance between two points is the great circle arc connecting them ( Big A circle on the surface of a ball is any circle whose center coincides with the center of this ball. All other circles on the ball are called small). But the circle of parallel is a small circle. The arc of a large circle is less curved than the arc of any small circle drawn through the same two points: a larger radius corresponds to a smaller curvature. Stretch a thread on the globe between our two points (cf. Fig. 3); you will be convinced that it will not lie along the parallel at all. A stretched thread is an indisputable indicator of the shortest path, and if it does not coincide with a parallel on the globe, then on a sea map the shortest path is not indicated by a straight line: remember that circles of parallels are depicted on such a map as straight lines, but any line that does not coincide with a straight line , there is a curve.

Rice. 3. A simple way to find the truly shortest path between two points: you need to pull a thread on a globe between these points

After what has been said, it becomes clear why the shortest path on a sea map is depicted not as a straight line, but as a curved line.

They say that when choosing the direction for the Nikolaevskaya (now Oktyabrskaya) railway, there were endless debates about which route to lay it on. The controversy was put to an end by the intervention of Tsar Nicholas I, who solved the problem literally “straightforward”: he connected St. Petersburg with Moscow along a line. If this had been done on a Mercator map, the result would have been an embarrassing surprise: instead of a straight road, the road would have turned out crooked.

Anyone who does not avoid calculations can verify this with a simple calculation. (read the book further)


Why are objects sometimes visible that should be hidden behind the horizon due to the spherical shape of the Earth? Why during a thunderstorm, when suddenly dark and light stripes in the sky, the twilight rays seem to diverge as if the light source is 4, and not 140 million km away? (see 25 optical phenomena in nature that amaze the imagination

Here is a short excerpt from the article

How optical solar illusions work: “anti-twilight rays”, “sun pillar” and “Tyndall effect”

The sun's rays burst into our atmosphere at a speed of three hundred thousand kilometers per second. Meeting a planet on their way, they are able to create optical illusions unprecedented beauty. We have long been accustomed to some of them, for example, twilight rays and have stopped paying special attention to them; other, not so ordinary, eyewitnesses, on the contrary, tend to regard them as otherworldly phenomena or the appearance of a UFO - however, they also have a simple explanation. To get to the bottom of them, let's start with something simple.

How do crepuscular rays work?

First of all, for the appearance of crepuscular rays at dawn or sunset (in the English version - “Crepuscular rays”), sunlight must meet clouds or mountain peaks on his way, which will divide him into beams of light, diverging from one point to almost a third of the sky. Crepuscular rays are so clearly visible to the human eye due to the fact that the area of ​​​​sunlit air is clearly separated from the shaded space. The second point, without which it is impossible to see these rays, is the presence in the high layers of the atmosphere of a certain concentration of water vapor or dust, the particles of which would reflect and scatter the light in our direction. In fact Sun rays are parallel, despite the illusion that they are converging towards the sun, like a giant fan. In the same way we see how the rails railway in the distance they disappear at one point.


Rays of light do not always travel in a straight line. Depending on the density of the media, the higher the density, the lower the speed, the rays of light are bent. Refraction or refraction is clearly visible in the image below :

Taking into account refraction in the optical range, see here

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January 31st, 2014

Like a flat, worn-out coin
The planet rested on three whales.
And they burned smart scientists in the fires -
Those who insisted: “It’s not about the whales.”

By going outside and looking around, anyone can be convinced: the Earth is flat. There are, of course, hills and depressions, mountains and ravines. But overall it is clearly visible: flat, sloping at the edges. The ancients figured this out a long time ago. They saw the caravan disappearing over the horizon. Climbing the mountain, observers noticed that the horizon was expanding. This led to the inevitable conclusion: the surface of the Earth is a hemisphere. In Thales, the Earth floats like a piece of wood in an endless ocean.

When did these ideas change? In the 19th century, a false thesis was established, which is still being replicated, that people considered the Earth to be flat before the great geographical discoveries.

Thus, the 2007 manual for teachers “Lessons on the world around us” says: “For a long time, ancient people considered the Earth to be flat, lying on three whales or three elephants and covered by the dome of the sky... Scientists who put forward a hypothesis about the spherical shape of the Earth were laughed at, they persecuted the church. The navigator Christopher Columbus was the first to believe in this hypothesis... The teacher can tell the children that the first person who saw with his own eyes that the Earth is not flat was cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.”

In fact, already in the 3rd century BC. the ancient Greek scientist Eratosthenes of Cyrene (c. 276-194 BC) not only firmly knew that the Earth is a sphere, but also managed to measure the radius of the Earth, obtaining a value of 6311 km - with an error of no more than 1 percent!

Around 250 BC, Greek scientist Eratosthenes for the first time measured the globe quite accurately. Eratosthenes lived in Egypt in the city of Alexandria. He guessed to compare the height of the Sun (or its angular distance from a point above his head, zenith, which is called - zenith distance) at the same point in time in two cities - Alexandria (in northern Egypt) and Siena (now Aswan, in southern Egypt). Eratosthenes knew that on the day of the summer solstice (June 22) the Sun was at noon illuminates the bottom of deep wells. Therefore, at this time the Sun is at its zenith. But in Alexandria at this moment the Sun is not at its zenith, but is 7.2° away from it.

Eratosthenes obtained this result by changing the zenith distance of the Sun using his simple goniometric instrument - the scaphis. This is simply a vertical pole - a gnomon, fixed at the bottom of a bowl (hemisphere). The scaphis is installed so that the gnomon takes a strictly vertical position (directed to the zenith). The pole illuminated by the sun casts a shadow on the inner surface of the scaphis, divided into degrees.

So at noon on June 22 in Siena the gnomon does not cast a shadow (the Sun is at its zenith, its zenith distance is 0°), and in Alexandria the shadow from the gnomon, as can be seen on the scaphis scale, marked a division of 7.2°. In the time of Eratosthenes, the distance from Alexandria to Syene was considered to be 5,000 Greek stadia (approximately 800 km). Knowing all this, Eratosthenes compared an arc of 7.2° with the entire circle of 360° degrees, and a distance of 5000 stadia with the entire circumference of the globe (let's denote it by the letter X) in kilometers. Then from the proportion it turned out that X = 250,000 stadia, or approximately 40,000 km (imagine, this is true!).

If you know that the circumference of a circle is 2πR, where R is the radius of the circle (and π ~ 3.14), knowing the circumference of the globe, it is easy to find its radius (R):

It is remarkable that Eratosthenes was able to measure the Earth very accurately (after all, today it is believed that the average radius of the Earth 6371 km!).

And a hundred years before him, Aristotle (384-322 BC) gave three classical proofs of the sphericity of the Earth.

Firstly, when lunar eclipses the edge of the shadow cast by the Earth on the Moon is always an arc of a circle, and the only body capable of giving such a shadow at any position and direction of the light source is a ball.

Secondly, ships, moving away from the observer into the sea, are not gradually lost from sight due to the long distance, but almost instantly “sink,” disappearing beyond the horizon.

And thirdly, some stars can only be seen from certain parts of the Earth, but are never visible to other observers.

But Aristotle was not the discoverer of the sphericity of the Earth, but only provided irrefutable evidence of a fact that was known to Pythagoras of Samos (c. 560-480 BC). Pythagoras himself may have relied on the evidence not of a scientist, but of a simple sailor Skilacus of Cariande, who in 515 BC. made a description of his voyages in the Mediterranean.

What about the church?

There was a decision to condemn heliocentric system, approved in 1616 by Pope Paul V. But there was no persecution of supporters of the spherical shape of the Earth in Christian churches. The fact that “before” the church imagined the Earth standing on whales or elephants was invented in the 19th century.

By the way, why did they really burn Giordano Bruno?

And yet the church made its mark on the issue of the shape of the Earth.

Of the 265 people who set off on September 20, 1519 on a trip around the world under the leadership of Magellan, only 18 sailors returned on September 6, 1522 on the last of the ships, sick and exhausted. Instead of honors, the crew received public repentance for one lost day as a result of moving through time zones around the Earth in a westerly direction. So the Catholic Church punished the heroic team for a mistake in celebrating church dates.

This paradox world travels for a long time was not recognized in society. In Jules Verne's novel Around the World in 80 Days, Phileas Fogg almost lost his entire fortune due to ignorance. “Science and Life” of the 80s describes conflicts between teams returning from a “round the world” trip with accounting departments who do not want to pay for an extra day of business travel.

Misconceptions and primitive ideas persist not only in the church.

It’s probably worth noting one more point, the fact is that the shape of the Earth is different from a ball.

Scientists began to guess about this back in the 18th century, but it was difficult to find out what the Earth really was like - whether it was compressed at the poles or at the equator. To understand this, the French Academy of Sciences had to equip two expeditions. In 1735, one of them went to carry out astronomical and geodetic work in Peru and did this in the equatorial region of the Earth for about 10 years, while the other, Lapland, worked in 1736–1737 near the Arctic Circle. As a result, it turned out that the arc length of one degree of the meridian is not the same at the Earth's poles and at its equator. The meridian degree turned out to be longer at the equator than at high latitudes (111.9 km and 110.6 km). This can only happen if the Earth is compressed at the poles and is not a ball, but a body similar in shape to spheroid. At the spheroid polar radius is smaller equatorial(the polar radius of the earth's spheroid is almost shorter than the equatorial radius 21 km).

It's good to know that great Isaac Newton (1643–1727) anticipated the results of the expeditions: he correctly concluded that the Earth is compressed, which is why our planet rotates around its axis. In general, the faster a planet rotates, the greater its compression should be. Therefore, for example, the compression of Jupiter is greater than that of the Earth (Jupiter manages to rotate around its axis in relation to the stars in 9 hours 50 minutes, and the Earth only in 23 hours 56 minutes).

And further. The true figure of the Earth is very complex and differs not only from a sphere, but also from a spheroid rotation. True, in this case we are talking about a difference not in kilometers, but... meters! Scientists are still engaged in such a thorough clarification of the figure of the Earth, using for this purpose specially conducted observations with artificial satellites Earth. So it is quite possible that someday you will have to take part in solving the problem that Eratosthenes took on a long time ago. This is very what people need case.

What is the best figure for you to remember on our planet? I think that for now it is enough if you imagine the Earth in the form of a ball with an “additional belt” put on it, a kind of “slap” on the equator region. Such a distortion of the Earth’s figure, turning it from a sphere into a spheroid, has considerable consequences. In particular, due to the attraction of the “additional belt” by the Moon, the earth’s axis describes a cone in space in about 26,000 years. This movement of the earth's axis is called precessional. As a result, the role of the North Star, which now belongs to α Ursa Minor, alternately played by some other stars (in the future it will become, for example, α Lyrae - Vega). Moreover, due to this ( precessional) movement of the earth's axis Zodiac signs more and more do not coincide with the corresponding constellations. In other words, 2000 years after the Ptolemaic era, the “sign of Cancer,” for example, no longer coincides with the “constellation Cancer,” etc. However, modern astrologers try not to pay attention to this...

Where did this stupid idea of ​​a flat Earth with three elephants/whales come from?

Nprime Thales believed that the Earth floats in water, like a piece of wood. Anaximander imagined the Earth in the form of a cylinder (and indicated that its diameter was exactly three times more height), on the upper end of which people live. Anaximenes believed that the Sun and Moon are as flat as the Earth, but corrected Anaximander, pointing out that the Earth, although flat, is not round in plan, but rectangular, and does not float in water, but is supported by compressed air. Hecataeus, based on the ideas of Anaximander, compiled a geographical map. Anaxagoras and Empedocles did not object to this to the founders, considering such ideas not to contradict physical laws. Leucippus, considering the Earth to be flat, and the atoms falling perpendicular to this plane in one direction, could not understand how then the atoms could connect with each other, forming bodies - and said that no, the atoms in their fall must somehow deviate at least a little. Democritus, in defense of a flat Earth, gave the following argument: if the Earth were a sphere, then the sun, setting and rising, would intersect the horizon in an arc of a circle, and not in a straight line, as in reality. Epicurus solved the problem of the fall of atoms onto a flat Earth, which tormented Leucippus, by attributing to the atoms free will, by virtue of which they deviate and unite at will.

Obviously, these ancient Greek atheist-materialist scientists relied on mythological ideas expressed in poetic language by Homer and Hesiod in the 7-8 centuries BC. The Hindus, Sumerians, Egyptians, and Scandinavians had similar myths about a flat Earth. But I don’t want to go even further there - I’m writing about something completely different. As a curiosity, one can note the book “Christian Topography” by Cosmas Indicopleus, written between 535 and 547, in which the author presents the Earth as a flat rectangle covered with a convex roof of the sky - a sort of chest-chest. This book was immediately criticized by Cosmas’s contemporary John the Grammar (c. 490-570), who then cited the same quotations from the Bible that I did as a justification for the sphericity of the Earth. The official Church did not interfere in this dispute about the shape of the Earth; it was much more worried about the heretical views of the disputants - Cosmas was a Nestorian, and John was a tritheist and Monophysite. Basil the Great disapproved of such disputes, considering their very subject not related to issues of faith.

If you start looking for elephants/whales, then first of all you can turn to the once popular work of Slavic folk-spiritual literature - “The Book of the Pigeon”, where there is a verse: “The earth is founded on seven pillars.” The folk legend about the Book of Doves goes back to the “book with seven seals” in the 5th chapter of the Revelation of John the Theologian, and the verse about whales is borrowed from the apocrypha “Conversation of the Three Hierarchs”. The outstanding collector of Slavic folklore A.N. Afanasyev wrote: “There is a legend among our common people that the world stands on the back of a colossal whale, and when this monster, suppressed by the weight of the earth’s circle, moves its tail, an earthquake occurs. Others claim that from time immemorial four whales served as support for the earth, that one of them died, and his death was the cause of the global flood and other upheavals in the universe; when the other three also die, at that time the end of the world will come. An earthquake occurs because whales, having laid on their sides, turn to the other side. They also say that in the beginning there were seven whales; but when the earth became heavy with human sins, the four went into the Ethiopian abyss, and in the days of Noah, all of them went there. And so there was a general flood." Some linguists suspect that in fact, sea animals have nothing to do with it, but we are talking about fixing the Earth at its four edges, since in the ancient Slavic language the root “whale” meant “edge”. In this case, we again return to Kosma Indikoplov, whose curious book about the rectangular Earth was very popular in Rus' among the common people.

"Flat Earth Society"

Well, in order to finally amuse the tired reader, I will point out such a curiosity, but complete insanity, as the existence in our enlightened times of the “Flat Earth Society”. However, the “Flat Earth Society” existed from 1956 to the beginning of the 21st century and counted better times up to 3,000 members. They considered photographs of the Earth from space to be fakes, and other facts - a conspiracy of authorities and scientists.

The origins of the Flat Earth Society were the English inventor Samuel Rowbotham (1816-1884), who in the 19th century proved the flat shape of the Earth. His followers founded the Universal Zetetic Society. In the USA, Rowbotham's ideas were adopted by John Alexander Dowie, who founded the Christian Catholic Church in 1895. apostolic church. In 1906, Dowie's deputy, Wilbur Glenn Voliva, became head of the church and advocated for a flat earth until his death in 1942. In 1956, Samuel Shenton revived the World Zetetic Society under the name International Flat Earth Society. He was succeeded as president of the society in 1971 by Charles Johnson. Over the three decades of Johnson's presidency, the society's number of supporters increased significantly, from a few members to approximately 3,000 people from different countries. The society distributed newsletters, leaflets, and similar literature advocating the flat Earth model. Represented by its leaders, the society argued that the landing of man on the moon was a hoax, filmed in Hollywood from a script by Arthur C. Clarke or Stanley Kubrick. Charles Johnson died in 2001, and the continued existence of the International Flat Earth Society is now in doubt. According to supporters of the society, all governments on Earth have entered into a global conspiracy to deceive people. When Samuel Shenton was shown photographs of the Earth from orbit and asked what he thought of them, he replied: “It is easy to see how photographs of this sort can fool an ignorant person.”

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