Why has Assad been holding on for more than four years? For more than four years now, the television program "Mental and speech development of the child" has been on the air.

An oceanic arthropod, a giant isopod, also known as the "deep scavenger," that lives in an aquarium in the Japanese city of Toba, hasn't eaten in over four years.

Despite this, an amazing representative of the deep-sea fauna feels great and shows no signs of exhaustion. This was announced on Tuesday by representatives of the Japanese Oceanarium.

A representative of crustaceans, caught in the Gulf of Mexico and brought to Japan in September 2007, weighs one kilogram, its length is 29 cm. horse mackerel.

Since then, the creepy-looking animal, despite all the efforts of the attendants, has not even touched the food. "We're doing everything we can," said one of the aquarium staff. "But he doesn't show any interest in feeding."

Neither the fish platter, nor the mackerel, nor even the tentacles of the octopus interested the fastidious tenant of the Japanese "marine zoo". However, despite such a long hunger strike, the crustacean feels quite normal.

Due to the fact that giant isopods live at very great depths, science knows little about them. Their main known habitat is the depressions of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. So far, experts cannot explain the sudden refusal of the arthropod from food and how it manages to maintain vital functions.

"Giant isopods are in a state close to hibernation all the time," says marine ecologist Taeko Kimura of Mie University. "They don't recognize their own hunger well, so they deliberately reduce the amount of energy expended on breathing and other life activities."

According to Kimura, many isopods may have an accumulated layer of fat in the liver, gradually depleting which they are able to maintain life functions even without eating. However, four years is a really remarkable time. The option in which the isopod could independently generate living organisms, such as plankton or algae, and then quietly feed on them, is also excluded - the arthropod is kept in a tank with artificial sea water and is under the close attention of specialists.

Another giant isopod lived in the Toba Aquarium for a long time, which died a few years ago of natural causes. Given the fact that he had a healthy appetite, experts still cannot explain the cheerful state of the previous one, as the aquarium workers dubbed the "hunger strike" isopod.

The program "Half an hour retro". Its author and permanent leader is Sergey TIKHONIN, a resident of the city of Kayerkan. Today, his colorful mustachioed face is recognized in the city by very, very many.
Sergei Fedorovich has a truly unique knowledge in the field of the Soviet pop music of the 60-80s. Interestingly, they were acquired by him not only because of his natural curiosity and the opportunity to receive a wide variety of information at the place of work of his wife Olga (she works in one of the Kayerkan libraries), but also due to the fact that Tikhonin himself, in the seventies studying at the St. Petersburg GITMIK ( State Institute of Theatrical Excellence and Culture), collaborated very actively with many then-famous VIA. He developed the warmest and most friendly relations with the staff of the Kalinka ensemble. Sergei is also personally acquainted with other St. Petersburg and Moscow musicians of the "major league" of past years, including Edita Piekha, Eduard Khil, Irina Ponarovskaya and many others. But, as they say, knowing is not enough, you also need to love. Sergei Tikhonin selflessly loves the songs of the time that is moving farther and farther away from us. He loves and helps others to love them. Today, songs of the 60-80s are heard on a variety of television and radio broadcasts. Konstantin Ernst made three two-hour films of "old songs about the main thing" for ORT. Dipping into retro music has become fashionable among the electronic media. Perhaps the new owners of TV channels and radio stations are simply nostalgic for the dollar for 63 kopecks. Or record company owners look back longingly at the years when the "black roger" of rampant piracy did not hover proudly over the music market. And, perhaps, it is the history of mankind that develops, as has already been proven, in a spiral ... True, there is one "but". For some reason, all the songs of the carefree pioneer years are sung today, to put it mildly, in a rather free arrangement. In fashionable arrangements, in endless electronic bells and whistles, in the weak vocals of contemporaries and contemporaries, one can hardly guess the lyrical mood that the listener would like to tune in to. Tikhonin treats this aspect very, very carefully. He, with the help of his friends Alexei Prokhorov and Sergei Kuzmin, more than once or twice restored the original sound from gramophone records worn almost to holes, from tapes that were crumbling to transparency. The sound in his programs, or, in modern terms, the soundtracks of programs, is perhaps the main achievement. It is a pity that no one has yet become interested in the work of the guys and has not begun to produce the fruits of their labor with excellent quality ... * * * I was lucky to help Sergei in the preparation, filming, editing and airing of the very first programs of "Half an hour retro". This happened in the late autumn of 1994 on the night air of the Youth Channel on the SKTV Channel-7. The very first release included the songs "Farewell to Bratsk", "On the dusty paths of distant planets ...", "Carabela" ... Sergey suggested then an unexpected move - to recruit not a video, but a photo series for the song, since the photographs on the covers of the records , in Melodiya magazines, books and other sources, unlike video materials, more or less was enough. It was only later that Sergey and his assistants began to mount entire clips from films of past years on songs. TV viewers also helped, who began to send not only disks and tape recordings, but also, which is generally priceless, video materials. With each release, the program has become more professional. Tikhonin did not change only one thing: the image he found of a "smart mustachioed head" speaking from the screen in long, most competently constructed phrases about music and musicians. Therefore, you need to listen to it at least in order to learn how to speak in front of a large crowd of people. Although some believe that "Fedorych is too boring and talks for a long time." Apparently, these newly-minted music lovers either never listened to Tikhonin carefully, or do not like retro music, or simply envy him. Not so long ago, Tikhonin discovered a whole world of songs from the 30s, 40s and 50s. According to his confession, he simply fell in love with these people, in the spirit of that time. Several Tikhonin programs have already been dedicated to those unforgettable years and performers. Sergey is not going to leave this topic in the future. * * * A month ago, a holiday dedicated to the anniversary - hundredth - issue of "Half an hour of retro" was held in the city center of culture. To be honest, I went to this concert with mixed feelings. On the one hand, I have great respect for Sergei Fedorovich for his asceticism. On the other hand... for some reason I was sure that the live version of "Half an Hour Retro" would be long and boring. The fact is that not everything that we see on TV looks as interesting and dynamic on stage. But the fears turned out to be unfounded. The creative group of the State Central Committee and Sergey Tikhonin prepared and spent a wonderful evening, which, despite its length, left in my memory a picture of something very bright, pleasant and festive. The concert was led by Sergey Fedorovich himself, who for the first time in my memory dressed in a tuxedo, and the director of the cultural center, Yuri Fomin, who later admitted that he had not felt such satisfaction from his work for a long time. The masters of the Norilsk stage - Alexander Nagorny, Nikita Kovalenko, Natalya Kirakosyan, Evgeny Shkarupa, Oleg Nikiforov and Evgeny Ilyenkov, performed for the gathered spectators, for whom the performance of retro songs for the restaurant public is a daily duty, and they sang them with pleasure from the concert stage . A variety of songs sounded - from "My Clear Star" to "The Carrier's Song", from "Jamaica" to "Mother's Record". The program was attended by guitarist Alexei Zhdanov, author and performer Sergei Naumov, dance quartet Malko, as well as two sons of Tikhonin himself (father of four children!). And in the second part of the audience a surprise awaited. A friend of Sergei Tikhonin, Vladimir Dyadenistov, a former vocalist of VIA "Kalinka", who is now the artistic director of the St. Petersburg Rock Opera Theater, flew in from St. Petersburg especially to participate in the anniversary program. Vladimir sang several songs, and then, dressed in a stage costume, performed two arias from Andrew Lloyd Webber's rock opera "Jesus Christ Super Star" (from the Russian version). Long-forgotten goosebumps crawled up my hardened skin... That unforgettable December holiday was presented to the Norilsk people together with Sergey Tikhonin by the specialists of the city center of culture, the Kayerkan administration, the firms "Liga-Nord", "House and Office", "Jurmala", the trading house "Maxim ", music stores "Panorama" and "Kaleidoscope", studio "Channel-7", television company "Nago-TV", book salon "Natta-press". * * * The 100th issue has died down, but the program "Half an hour of retro" continues to live on. Tikhonin's works should be looked for in the air grids of "Nago-TV" and "Channel-7". The song remains with the person, the song does not say goodbye to us, for which Sergey bows low. A. ARSENIEV. Photo by the author (with the support of the photo center "Kodak" - Leninsky, 31).


The horse is one of the symbols of kindness, freedom and fortitude. Imagine this picture: a field along which a stallion runs, cutting open spaces. The view alone is breathtaking. And to be a part of this process is a real pleasure.

Adults squeal with delight when they first sit on a horse. And what can we say about children, and even more so "special" boys and girls. What flurry of emotions does a child with developmental disabilities experience when he is in the saddle? He does not know how to walk, but he sits on a horse himself and is unreasonably happy from this!

It has been proven that contact with horses has a positive effect on human health. Hippotherapy is one of the most effective methods of treating animals through horses. It is aimed at fighting many diseases.

This direction has been successfully developing in the Oryol region for more than four years. On the basis of the Orlovsky Horse Yard "Vyazki", the Children's Rehabilitation Equestrian Center "Boni Club" was created and is successfully operating. The hippotherapy section is visited by boys, girls and even adults with diseases such as cerebral palsy, various disorders of the musculoskeletal system, as well as autism.

Some call hippotherapy therapeutic riding. Indeed, the main effect is achieved precisely through exercises performed on a horse. However, it cannot be said that these two concepts are absolutely identical. After all, an important condition for healing is not only riding, but also just communicating with a horse, caring for it, - said trainer Alla Kameneva. - Our pupils visit the section 2 - 3 times a week. We use an integrated approach: a person warms up and develops muscles while riding a horse, gets a crazy boost of energy and just great pleasure from communicating with this animal.


The results of such classes have not only a therapeutic effect. The Oryol guys, under the guidance of their mentors, went further and became real athletes. Para-Olympic Equestrianism is the newest discipline of the International Equestrian Federation. Paralympic dressage is currently the only para-equestrian event included in the Paralympic program.

Who knows, probably very soon among the participants, and possibly the winners, will be the pupils of the "Boni Club". In any case, both the athletes themselves and their coaches have such hopes.

Having noticed good results from hippotherapy, we decided that our guys can go further and engage in equestrian sports. Our hopes were justified. For the first time in the history of the region, two of our pupils became participants in the Open Traditional Moscow Equestrian Cup named after P. Gurvich, - said trainer Maria Semenikhina.

More than 30 athletes from the regions of Russia took part in the competition. Despite the serious competition and the fact that the Oryol participants had to rent horses (the cost of transportation is too high), our fellow countrymen performed brilliantly.

Nine-year-old Valeria Ritarovskaya won a gold medal in her debut competition.

I didn't believe it until the very end when I heard my name. The opponents were so strong, and in age they are all older than me. I am grateful to my coach - this is our common victory, - Valeria shared her impressions.

The girl now cannot imagine her life without horses. She has been studying at the Oryol "Boni Club", located in the village of Vyazki, for three years now.

It all started with hippotherapy, which became a real salvation for us. In a short time, my daughter got rid of the hyperactivity syndrome, became more diligent and attentive. And the horses made her character soft and docile. Nobody expected that therapy would also become a sport in which our girl, I hope, will achieve even greater success, - said the mother of the athlete Ella Koktysh.

An excellent result was shown by another Oryol athlete. 28-year-old Ekaterina Eliseeva received a silver medal at competitions in Moscow.


Very soon, Oryol athletes with disabilities will have the opportunity to perform on their site. For the first time, the Vyazki horse yard will host Paralympic equestrian competitions using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund.

On August 30 - 31, we will hold competitions for children with disabilities. Athletes will be able to take part in them not only from the Oryol region, but also from neighboring regions. Prizes await the winners. And of course, it will be a real equestrian holiday with demonstration performances and thematic quizzes. So we are waiting for everyone to visit, - said Maria Semenikhina.

The date for the competition was not chosen by chance. August 31 is the day of memory of Flor and Laurus, who have long been revered in Russia as the patrons of domestic animals, especially horses. On this day, the equestrian holiday was traditionally celebrated, the horses were not used for work, they were bathed and fed "in full". Come on August 30 and 31 to the Vyazki horse yard, you will definitely like it.

Club address: Oryol region, Oryol district, Vyazki village.

Working hours: from 10.00 to 20.00, day off - Monday. Tel.: 8-910-267-87-08, 8-920-810-89-35.


It is known that during the wars they were treated with horses. Having been injured in battle, they accelerated rehabilitation by riding a horse and, I must say, achieved success.

Thanks to the Presidential Grants Fund, competitions for children with disabilities will be held very soon.

Hippotherapy is extremely useful for rude, quick-tempered and aggressive, as well as fussy and overly mobile people. Regular hippotherapy sessions make them more calm. In addition, therapeutic horse riding is recommended for diseases of neurological etiology, in particular Down syndrome, autism, Duchenne myopathy, poliomyelitis, sensory disorders, asthenic neurosis, etc.

People with autism who are overly self-absorbed and withdrawn, communicating with kind and trusting horses, are liberated on an emotional level and begin to feel a desire to communicate with others. This reduces lethargy, anxiety, relieves phobias, helps to adapt to reality.

KV spoke with some of the co-investors of the renovated office building. They supplemented the information obtained from the lawsuits. It was not possible to contact Andrey PARADEEV, the director of IC Novostroy, and we suggest that he also express his position on the pages of the newspaper.
- How did you become a co-investor in the reconstruction of the building at Mira, 33a?
Nadezhda KUZYUKOVA, Legal Counsel of JSC MKB SIBES:
- In 2004, we planned to open an additional office in the town of Neftchilar to serve legal entities and individuals. We were satisfied with the location of the future office at 33a, Mira Ave., and after a thorough study of the documents provided by the developer, in December 2004 we entered into an investment agreement with CJSC NPP Ecosystem represented by director Oleg KYTMANOV. According to this agreement, we transferred RUR 992 thousand 400 to CJSC NPP Ecosystem within the agreed period, and in return we were to receive in the 2nd quarter of 2005 a room on the first floor with an area of ​​49.62 sq. m. meters. In addition, we made additional expenses in the amount of 451 thousand rubles for the equipment of the cash point, installation of internal telephone lines and fine finishing of the premises.
- With what lawsuit did you go to court?
- In November 2009, from the extract from the USRR, we learned that SK Novostroy LLC, represented by director Andrei PARADEEV, sold the entire first floor in the building to a certain Intag LLC. We also sold our premises, in which we have already completed repairs. We applied to the arbitration court with a claim to invalidate the sale and purchase agreement and, together with other investors on the first floor, wrote a statement to the city Department of Economic Crime, where on December 7, 2009, a criminal case was initiated against PARADEEV.
- And what does SK Novostroy LLC have to do with it, if you signed an agreement with ZAO NPP Ecosystem?
- SK Novostroy LLC, NPP Ecosystem CJSC and Omskmetalloopttorg OJSC entered into a joint activity agreement (simple partnership) for the purpose of reconstructing the building into an office and business building with a two-story superstructure and identified NPP Ecosystem CJSC as a participant, leading general affairs. According to the acts, the participants transferred their areas in this building to the jurisdiction of the established partnership. Whether such a transfer of real estate within the framework of a simple partnership should have been registered with a justice institution is not clearly spelled out by law. For greater confidence, we asked SK Novostroy LLC and OAO Omskmetalloopttorg to agree on our investment agreement, which was done. But, despite this agreement, OOO SK Novostroy secondarily disposed of the areas belonging to it.
It is noteworthy that in 2003 LLC SK Novostroy itself acquired from ZAO NPP Ekosistema under a sale and purchase agreement the premises located on the ground floor, only with the condition (clause 9 of the agreement) to continue to act jointly with the aim of reconstructing the owned them premises. At the same time, SK Novostroy LLC did not make a settlement for them with the seller. In the future, Andrei PARADEEV in no way interfered with the reconstruction of the building and the first floor belonging to him. But after the actual completion of construction work, Mr. PARADEEV, on behalf of SK Novostroy LLC, refused to register the common shared ownership. In court hearings of the Arbitration Court of the Omsk Region in case No. A46-20895 / 2008, a representative of SK Novostroy LLC stated that it was impossible to register common shared ownership due to a change in the specified object with an area of ​​869.2 sq. meters after the reconstruction. After the decision of the Arbitration Court dated January 19, 2009, which confirmed the fact of reconstruction and the impossibility at this stage (before the facility was put into operation) to register common shared ownership, SK Novostroy LLC changed its mind regarding the possibility of making transactions with the facility owned by it and sold premises on the first floor to a person who is not a party to a joint activity agreement. Thus, SK Novostroy LLC violated the rights of investors to the object reconstructed at their expense.
In the lawsuit, SK Novostroy LLC, forgetting about the purpose of acquiring the first floor and the need to pay the seller for the purchased property, declared that it had no consent to the reconstruction of the building, that the investor agreements were invalid and, on the contrary, that its transaction with Intag LLC was legal non-existent object.
- What was the decision of the court?
- On April 28, 2010, the Arbitration Court, represented by Judge Konstantin Khramtsov, recognized this transaction as invalid. In addition, on April 27, the collegium of the 8th Arbitration Court of Appeal, chaired by Judge SEMENOVA, also declared this transaction invalid at the suit of CJSC NPP Ecosystem.
- Do you know anything about OOO "Intag"?
- According to an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, this company was established in the spring of 2009, and filed documents for liquidation in the fall of 2009. Its director is Mr. KIREEV, who is also currently the liquidator. In our opinion, this is a typical lining for a future "bona fide" purchaser, with whom it would be useless to sue in the future.
- As far as we know, the reconstruction of the building was completed in 2006. What's stopping you from getting your space?
Investor Alexey SMOLIN:
- Yes, in 2006 about 90% of the work was completed. Remaining finishing work. Oleg KYTMANOV, the previous director and owner of CJSC NPP Ekosistema, having sold almost all the premises in the building, left for Kazakhstan in 2007. It turned out that there were no permits for the reconstruction and the commissioning of the object for this reason is impossible. With the advent of the new director Pavel GRIGORIEV, we have hope. The reconstruction project was restored and approved, and a building permit was obtained. But PARADEEVA immediately began active actions to seize the building, and, perhaps, their goal was to deprive investors of the premises they had paid for.
Was there a real takeover of the building?
- Yes, at the beginning of 2009, Andrey PARADEEV, using a protocol with a fake signature, appointed a new director of CJSC NPP Ecosystem, who, in turn, appointed a private security company to guard the building. As far as I know, that raider capture was repulsed. I think that in the event of a successful takeover of CJSC NPP Ecosystem, the second floor belonging to it, as well as the fifth and sixth floors built on, would have been resold. What worries me the most, since I have invested 300 sq. meters on the sixth floor. And recently I learned that LLC Intag and LLC SK Novostroy filed suits to invalidate the building permit. I absolutely do not understand the position of these organizations. There is such a type of activity - greenmail, perhaps this word is applicable to our situation.
Investor Mikhail KUZNETSOV:
- I very closely followed the course of court hearings. If the transaction for the sale of the first floor is recognized as legal, exactly the same scheme of “legitimate” throwing of investors could be used by other participants in the partnership - ZAO NPP Ecosystem and OAO Omskmetalloopttorg. Nearly 50 people, the investors who financed the reconstruction, would have lost all hope. Investors have taken the latest decisions of the courts with great enthusiasm and express their deep gratitude to the judges who stood up for them. Almost all of us are representatives of small businesses, we have purchased premises in this building to open our own offices, but we have not been able to use them for more than four years.

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