Why is the message in Skype not deleted. Brief instructions for deleting messages. how to delete messages on skype

The question is often asked: how to delete messages on Skype? Such questions are actually asked for a reason, because it is not so easy to do this. Skype has a bad habit of saving all messages to its archive. From it you can get absolutely any correspondence and read all the information of interest. It’s good if you have nothing to hide, but sometimes you want your correspondence to be available only at a certain moment, and after that you can simply delete it. It will not be very pleasant if you write a message, think that you have deleted it, and soon someone will read it. How to avoid such a fate, we will tell you in this article.

You have already learned that Skype permanently saves all messages. However, there are certain cases where he does not. For example, you just started chatting with a person, it can be either a simple dialogue or a video call, and you are writing at this time in a general chat.

Brief instructions for deleting messages

As soon as your dialogue ends, Skype will save everything. But, you have the option to delete all messages during a call. In this case, the messages are deleted completely, and no one can read them anymore.
How to delete a specific message detailed instructions:

Delete unread messages

It is best to delete messages as soon as you have written them and your interlocutor has read them. In this case, you guarantee yourself that it will not be saved on your computer. As you can see, everything is quite simple, you just need to make a decision quickly. If you didn’t immediately manage to delete a certain message, you will have to delete the entire correspondence in case it is important for you that no one reads it.

There is a slightly different question: how to delete a sent message on Skype? Here the situation is slightly different, and I want to please you right away, it is possible to do this, and it is simple. Although, many people do not even realize that you can just take and delete a sent message. In many programs and social networks, this is simply impossible to do, sent it, which means that it will certainly fall into the hands of the interlocutor. Skype stands out in this regard.

And so, the message can be deleted so that the interlocutor does not see it. Only for this you need to fulfill the main conditions - the interlocutor should not read it. If he did this, the message will already remain with him.

How to delete an already sent message in Skype, procedure:

The process of deleting a sent email is incredibly simple. But, in any case, you should not hesitate, as soon as your interlocutor goes online and reads it, you can’t delete anything else. And you will have to explain why and why you wrote this. And remember, "The word is not a sparrow, if it flies out, you will not catch it." In Skype, of course, a slightly different story, but only if you do it quickly.

Hello! My friend puzzled me today: they say how to delete messages on Skype? To the question why? answered clearly: — NECESSARY! Well, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, let’s try to figure out what and where.

To understand how to delete messages in Skype, you need to understand how and where they are stored. In ICQ, everything was simple, for example, in QIP they were written in a plain text file, but for example, on VKontakte, they are stored on social network servers. Skype, on the other hand, works a little differently, but is more similar to the usual VK, messages are stored on its servers.

How to delete messages on Skype?

It is very easy to delete a message, but this is not always possible, but for a limited time. If you wrote a letter to someone and do not want him to read it (for example, you made a mistake with the window), right-click on the message itself and select "Delete". In this case, the message will be deleted not only from you, but also from the interlocutor. Instead of a letter, he will see the information "Message deleted"

If the message was written a long time ago, then there is no “Delete” button, but this does not mean that they cannot be destroyed. Unfortunately, there is one catch: you won’t be able to delete the message separately, you can only completely clear the history. If this suits you, then go to the settings!

On the left side of the settings we find "Security settings" and on the right select "Clear history"

We confirm our choice and wait for the cleaning. I want to note that messages are deleted from the Skype servers. For example, you used the same account on your computer and laptop. If you clear the message history on your computer, then when you connect Skype on your laptop to the Internet, they will also be deleted there! It will be impossible to restore them!

Please note that messages will be deleted only for you, for your interlocutors everything will remain as it was.

Another small note. If you are in a chat, you can only delete your own messages, but the creator of the conversation can delete the messages of any user who is in the chat!

P.S. Well, you know how to delete messages on Skype ... in fact, there is nothing complicated here, it's just that, in my opinion, the implementation is a little inconvenient and not entirely logical. See you soon 😉

In contact with

There are two ways to delete messages in Skype:

  1. Through the user interface
  2. Skype settings

The first method only works for messages from the last hour and only those that belong to you. Messages can be deleted one at a time. To delete, right-click on your name next to the message to be deleted or on the message itself and select (with the left mouse button) the "Delete" item in the menu that opens. Your interlocutor's messages should be deleted by him!

In the second way, messages are deleted for the entire period of correspondence storage. In the Skype menu, select "Tools - Options ...". The Skype settings window will open. On the left, select "Security", and then on the right side of the window, click on the "Clear history" button. All messages with all users will be deleted.

It should be remembered that messages in Skype are stored on its server and all manipulations with them take place there, therefore, deleting the history of correspondence one message at a time, you will also delete it from the person with whom you communicated. Completely clearing your history through the Skype settings will not clear it from the interlocutor.

Attention! Deleted messages cannot be recovered.

Group communication

If the correspondence between users in Skype is conducted by a created group, then each member of the group can delete their messages in the above way and, in addition, the creator of the group has the ability to delete messages of other members of the communication group in addition to his own.

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Greetings friends. Today there will be a short, but, nevertheless, useful article on the technical aspects of the work of each Webmaster. Each of us (well, or mail each) uses the Skype software application, with which you can make free calls to absolutely any corner of the world, exchange instant text messages, organize chats, etc. But quite often there are moments when users of this program mistakenly or in a hurry send a message to the wrong addressee, or first send some text, and then change their mind and want to delete it before the other interlocutor reads it.

In this article, I will tell you how to delete a message on Skype in a simple and accessible way for everyone.

So, let's imagine a situation that you mistakenly sent a letter to the wrong addressee and want to delete it.

To do this, you need to right-click on the selected message and select the menu item - Delete.

The message will be instantly deleted in your program window and you will see the following notification in the chat window.

It's important to know! The history of correspondence in Skype is stored on its own servers, therefore, deleting a separate message from yourself, thereby deleting the same message from your interlocutor. After this procedure, he will have an inscription - Message deleted!.

The above option for deleting a single message is best used as soon as possible after sending it to the other party. If the message was sent a long time ago, and you wanted to delete it, but when you call the context menu there is no item - Delete, then this method will not work.

But do not be upset friends. In one of my previously published articles, I described in the most detailed way how to delete a message on Skype from correspondence, for an individual contact, as well as deleting the entire history of your messages. So go ahead and read this question carefully.

Well, all the guys, as you can see, there is nothing complicated in the removal procedure, you just need to carefully follow the steps I have described.

Now let's move on to the process of awarding the winners of the March 2016 Announcer Contest.

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