Aquarium striped catfish. Habitat, description and lifestyle of the aquarium catfish. Striped Platydoras - diet

Aquarium keeping is a wonderful hobby that brings peace and harmony to the home and is a great stress reliever. One of the most popular ornamental fish for keeping in home aquariums today is catfish. In this article we will dwell in detail on the features of keeping one of the representatives of this species - Platydoras striped.


Platidoras striped is a species of catfish of the armored family (side-scaled). The name of this species is based on two Greek words: platys, which means “smooth,” and doras, which means “skin.” Main habitat - South America, namely the Amazon, Tocantis, Parnaiba, Orinoco and Essequibo river basins. Catfish most often choose to live at the mouths of numerous tributaries of these large rivers and hide at the bottom or in thickets of plants.


Platydoras striped is a large catfish, the body of which is covered with longitudinal alternating black and white or brown and yellowish stripes, which lose brightness and clarity with age. Platydoras has a cylindrical body with a rounded abdomen. Females are slightly thicker than males. Representatives of this breed big head, covered with bone growths forming a kind of shell, with large eyes.

Around the large mouth of the catfish there are long antennae - one pair of antennae on the upper lip and two on the lower lip. Significantly developed pectoral and dorsal fins end in rays with small spines and hooks at the ends. This must be kept in mind, as a thorn prick can be very painful. In addition, the rays become entangled in the net. IN natural environment habitats, catfish grow on average to 20–24 cm, and in captivity most often - no more than 16 cm.

Did you know? Representatives of this species of fish are also called “singing catfish.” Due to the friction of the pectoral fins against the grooves of the shoulder joints, platidoras produce chirping sounds, and the vibration of the swim bladder allows the fish to “sing” with sounds similar to drumming.

Platidoras striped is a very hardy fish, suitable for beginner aquarists, since it does not require special care or unique conditions. Even replacing the aquarium with a larger one will only be necessary if the number of fish increases.

Requirements for an aquarium

To make striped platidoras feel comfortable in an aquarium, you must adhere to several recommendations: aquarium size:

  • minimum 120 liters;
  • temperature: 23–30 °C;
  • acidity (pH): 5.8–7.0;
  • hardness (dH): 4–18;
  • salt content: no;
  • water movement: weak.

A prerequisite for a comfortable stay of platidoras in the aquarium is to cover its bottom with sand and gravel, as well as to arrange a variety of artificial caves, voids in driftwood, plastic pipes of various diameters, clay pots and other shelters. Platydoras plants do not eat, with the exception of small algae.

The presence of vegetation in the aquarium is not necessary, however, catfish can arrange additional shelters in the roots, and plants creeping along the surface can dim the bright light, which will also benefit the fish. The lifestyle of striped platidoras is predominantly nocturnal, therefore, in order to observe them, you should worry about lighting, which should not be bright. Perfect LED lights lunar or red.

Important! It is necessary to provide the platidora not only with a suitable volume of water, but also with a sufficient size of the bottom surface. Low rectangular aquariums are best suited for keeping fish of this type, with enough space at the bottom to accommodate a variety of shelters.

Aeration and filtration of water with the organization of a light bottom current will have a positive effect on the well-being of catfish.

Care and hygiene

Since an aquarium is a closed biological system, then it is not worth interfering with the life activity of fish and plants too often, and taking into account the unpretentiousness of striped platidoras, it is quite enough to change only a third of the water monthly. If it is necessary to relocate platidoras, it is better to catch them using a jar or other vessel, since they get entangled in a net with their sharp fins.


Striped platidoras are omnivores and in the wild they mainly eat crustaceans, mollusks and aquatic insects. The diet of representatives of this species in captivity should consist primarily of protein foods. Live food in the form of tubifex, earthworms and bloodworms is good. In addition, you can use special food in the form of sinking granules and tablets, since catfish prefer to pick up food from the bottom.

Important! Striped platidoras are characterized by a tendency to gluttony, and therefore they should not be overfed; it is also useful to arrange fasting days.


The peaceful nature of Platydoras makes it an excellent neighbor in a multi-species aquarium. Thanks to the presence of a protective shell, representatives of this species are not afraid of even large aggressive fish.
The best neighbors for platidoras will be medium and large fish, but you should refrain from keeping small fish and fry together with catfish, since they perceive them as food.

Behavior and lifestyle

The lifestyle of striped platidoras is predominantly nocturnal. However, by providing them with dim lighting and a sufficient number of shelters and shelters, you can observe them exploring the aquarium during the day. This behavior is more typical of young individuals.

In the first year of life, catfish are active during the day, but with age they become more active most often late in the evening and lead a secretive lifestyle. If you keep several individuals of the same species in an aquarium, then skirmishes will inevitably occur periodically in battles for territory. However, subsequently catfish often calmly share space and shelter.

Did you know? When you see a catfish with its belly up, you shouldn’t be upset right away. Most likely he's fine. These fish often roll over onto their backs various reasons: feeding, fertilizing eggs or just resting.


Sexual maturity of fish of this species occurs at the age of one to two years. This spawning fish is poorly bred in captivity, mainly using stimulating hormonal drugs. During the spawning period, catfish can organize nests at the bottom from substrate, synthetic threads, small-leaved plants, etc. The female Platidorus subsequently lays up to three hundred eggs in the nest, from which fry hatch after two and a half or three days; after five days they begin to swim. You can feed the fry with microworms, live dust, etc.


The lifespan of catfish of this species in their natural habitat is 20 years. How long a catfish will live in a home aquarium directly depends on the conditions of its keeping. The main factors influencing the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium are the state of the water in which the fish are kept, as well as the balance of their diet. Despite the fact that striped platidoras are generally unpretentious, it is necessary to ensure regular replacement of part of the water, its filtration and aeration. A weak bottom current has a positive effect on the well-being of fish of this species.

Important! Too much water hardness and exceeding the permissible level of nitrates is fraught with the possible death of whiskers and fins for catfish, as well as clouding of the cornea. If the indicators return to normal in a timely manner, the eyes gradually recover and the catfish’s diseases disappear.

When adding new objects to the aquarium: fish, plants, decoration elements, you should remember that they can bring pathogenic organisms with them. To protect the aquarium from them, new plants and fish should be kept in quarantine, and decorative items should be thoroughly cleaned. Striped Platydoras often suffer from damage received during transportation or catching, so these activities should be approached with caution, removing the catfish from the aquarium and moving it with maximum safety for its fins and antennae.
Aquarium catfish in general and striped platydoras in particular are a great addition to any home aquarium. Unusual appearance they attract attention, and watching their activity is calming and relaxing. Providing platidoras with a comfortable aquarium with conditions as close as possible to real ones, as well as attentive care and care will help the fish survive the stress of captivity and delight you with their presence in the house for many, many years.

Platydoras armatulus or spiny catfish, which is very widespread in nature. Its habitat is the Rio Orinoco basin in Colombia and Venezuela, part of the Amazon basin in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

The catfish is large, the aquarium for keeping is from 150 liters. You need a place to swim and plenty of hiding places.

Platydoras has a black body with horizontal white or yellowish stripes. The stripes start from the middle of the body and run along the sides to the head, where they join.

Another stripe begins on the lateral fins and borders the catfish's belly. The smallest one adorns the dorsal fin.

Aliens from South America, in nature they live in lakes and rivers. The striped platidoras can make a variety of sounds, for which it is also called the singing catfish; the catfish makes these sounds to attract its own kind or to scare away predators.

Platidoras quickly relaxes and tenses the muscle, which is attached to the base of the skull at one end and to the swim bladder at the other. The contractions cause the swim bladder to resonate and produce a deep vibrating sound.

The sound is quite audible, even through the aquarium glass. They are nocturnal by nature, and can hide in the aquarium during the day. Sounds are also heard most often at night.

Platydoras striped has small lateral fins that perform protective function and are covered with thorns and end with a sharp hook, for which it is also called prickly.

Therefore, you cannot catch them with a net; the striped platydorus gets very tangled in it. Best to use Plastic container.

And do not touch the platidoras with your hands, it is capable of inflicting painful injections with its thorns.

This behavior is not typical for freshwater fish.

It is worth noting that adult catfish no longer do this.

Size and conditions of detention

In nature it can reach 25 cm, and life expectancy up to 20 years. In an aquarium, usually 12-15 cm, lives 15 years or more.

Prefers soft water up to 1-15 dH. Water parameters: 6.0-7.5 pH, water temperature 22-29 °C.

The catfish is large, the aquarium for keeping is from 150 liters in volume. You need a place to swim and plenty of hiding places.

Caves, tubes, and snags are essential so that the fish can hide during the day.

The lighting is better dimmed. It can move in both the upper and middle layers, but prefers to stay in the lower ones, near the bottom of the aquarium.


Feeding the striped platidoras is simple: they are omnivores. It has both frozen live food and branded food.

Among the living, bloodworms, tubifex, small worms and the like are preferred.

It is better to feed at night, or at sunset, when the fish begins to become active.

Fish are prone to overeating, so you need to feed them in moderation.

It is due to overeating that Platydoras striped has a large belly. Often in in social networks, users show a photo of a catfish and ask why the belly became big? Is Platidoras sick or with caviar?

No, as a rule, it's just overeating, and to prevent him from getting sick, just don't feed him for a couple of days.


Get along well with big fish, but should not be kept with small fish that they can swallow.

He will definitely do it at night. Best kept with cichlids or other large species.

Sex differences

You can only distinguish a male from a female with an experienced eye; usually the male is slimmer and brighter than the female.


There is no reliable experience of obtaining fry in captivity described in the English-language literature.

The cases described on the Russian-language Internet use hormonal drugs and are unlikely to be reliable.

Decorative fish from the numerous carp family can be seen in every second amateur aquarium. Everyone has long been accustomed to them. But real catfish at home looks very impressive and attractive. And even if this is not a two-meter giant of the Volga delta, but a small tropical catfish, it still inevitably attracts the attention of others not only with its appearance, but also in habits.

Indeed, Agamix stellata are often called singing. Of course, they do not have throat singing, but they do make a loud cracking sound with their bony pectoral fins. They use another method of producing sounds - by resonating the swim bladder due to tension and relaxation of the muscles of the back and vertebrae. The grinding noise can be heard at a distance of 30 meters! An unusual way to loudly express yourself, isn’t it?

The small tropical catfish makes similar sounds not only when creating a pair, but also to scare away its enemies, of which there are many in the Amazon.

Yes, the catfish agamix star-shaped (another name is white-spotted agamixis, or Agamyxis albomaculatus in Latin) is mainly found in the upper Amazon. He is freshwater predator and his favorite dish is shellfish and snails, which he can eat as much as there are in the area.

This representative of the Bronyakov family (Doradidae) is also found in the Orinoco River and in the lakes of eastern Brazil, Ecuador and Peru. The fish belongs to the category of bottom fish; they love clean, warm water. aquatic environment with a slight current, but is also found in swampy areas of large reservoirs, and with a lack of oxygen, the starfish can periodically float to the surface and swallow air, filling its intestines with it.

The fish leads the night active image life, and during the day it hides among snags, stones and in the folds of the bottom relief, sleeping off.

Agamiks can live for some time on outdoors. Locals In the Amazon, they have repeatedly observed how entire groups of these catfish successfully crawled from one body of water to another, helping themselves with powerful bony fins.


So, what is the white-spotted catfish Agamixis? Like all catfish, it has a massive body, slightly flattened on top. It is covered with hard bone plates, absent only on the tail. From head to tail, the body gradually narrows.

Under natural conditions, the fish rarely reaches a length of more than 16-17 cm, and the decorative aquarium version has a size of slightly more than 10 cm. The fins of the tropical predator are hard, black and very spiny.

In case of danger, agamixis quickly spreads them in different directions, and not every enemy will dare to attack such a catfish! A kind of underwater porcupine.

The body of the fish is also black, it has many large yellow spots, merging at the end of the tail into yellow stripes. In a young individual these spots are white. Actually, because of such an unusual bright color, the tropical catfish received the name star-shaped and white-spotted.

The head of Agamyxis albomaculatus is large (about ¼ of overall size individuals) and is equipped with three pairs of striped black and white whiskers.

The agamix lives for quite a long time, up to 17 years, if the living conditions are comfortable.

How to keep agamixis?

As with other aquatic life, happy and long life Agamix catfish depends on the creation of conditions as close as possible to natural ones.

Aquarium. To keep this peace-loving fish you need a fairly large aquarium, with a capacity of at least 100 liters, with clean water and with a temperature of +25 degrees.

Water parameters. Some kind of special regime no maintenance required, nor bright lighting. On the contrary, the light should be dim, as in the bottom layer of a natural reservoir. The optimal water hardness should be around 8°, and the acid-base balance () should be close to neutral (from 6 to 8 units). It is advisable to change the water more often, 2-3 times a week, approximately 10% of its total volume.

Priming in the aquarium should be sandy or fine gravel. It is better to sprinkle the bottom substrate in a thick layer, since catfish really like to dig it. Experts strongly recommend building grottoes and caves in the aquarium, installing driftwood, thus creating an environment in which there would be several places for shelter and daytime rest. Availability aquatic plants agamix welcomes, since in natural conditions it lives among tropical thickets.

Filtration. To purify water, it is better to use a powerful filter with high-quality mechanical and biological filtration. The fact is that during the life of agamixis, quite a lot of a large number of waste.

If it is necessary to transfer the fish to another container, then experienced aquarists do not recommend using a regular net, as the bony fins may become entangled in it. It is better to use a net made of thick fabric.


Being a predator, the catfish is able to quickly clear the aquarium of snails of all types. This, however, does not mean that he only eats shellfish.

With the same pleasure, agamix consumes other live food - worms, bloodworms, and tubifex.

Some high-protein commercial foods are also suitable, as are shrimp meat.

The fish takes food from the bottom, so you need to buy one so that it does not float on the surface of the water, but sinks down.


Agamyxis albomaculatus easily gets along with other fish, behaves calmly, without showing aggression, unless, of course, it is attacked. One clarification: the neighbors of a singing catfish should be approximately equal in size to it. He will eat the floating trifle with undisguised pleasure. What can you do, it’s a predator after all!

Conditions and characteristics of reproduction

The fish reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years, but there is practically no information about the conditions for independent reproduction of Agamix stellata in captivity.

This is due to the fact that a narrow circle of professional aquarists are engaged in breeding such fish, stimulating spawning artificially by injecting human chorionic gonadotropin, a hormonal drug, into the animal’s back muscles.

The experimentally tested dose of the drug is 0.2 ml per injection.

The pair is placed in a separate spawning tank without soil, in the center of which a bush of Congolese fern, or Bolbitis Gedeloti, is installed in a pot. The female lays eggs on the leaves of the plant, the number of which usually does not exceed 100 pieces.

The incubation period is short, maximum 2 days. When the fry begin to swim independently, they can be given small food: brine shrimp and tubifex.

The tropical catfish agamix star-shaped, or white-spotted agamixis, has not yet received wide enough distribution among amateur aquarists. And completely undeservedly, since its content does not cause any special problems, and its original coloring and ability to make sounds always attract the attention of others. It is quite possible that there would be much more admirers of this exotic fish if its specimens appeared more often in pet stores.

There are many catfish that belong to the armored family (Doradidae). They are often also called singing catfish for their ability to make loud sounds. This group of catfish lives in South America.

Now they are quite widely represented on sale, both small and large species. The problem is that large species such as Pseudodoras niger or Pterodoras granulosus quickly outgrow the size of the aquarium in which they are kept.

In order not to push unprepared aquarists into purchasing large catfish, in this article we will focus only on those species that are modest in size.

Unfortunately, not all of them are still available for sale.

Singing catfish can make sounds in two ways - a grinding sound is produced by the blows of the pectoral fins, and a sound resembling a grunt due to a muscle attached to the skull at one end and to the swim bladder at the other.

The catfish quickly tenses and relaxes this muscle, causing the swim bladder to resonate and make sounds. Singing catfish have created a unique mechanism that serves them as protection from predators and a means of communication in nature or an aquarium.

Another feature of armored catfish is that they are covered with bony plates with spines that protect the body. These spikes are very sharp and can injure your hand if handled carelessly.

Due to the bony plates, singing catfish have such an attractive, prehistoric appearance. But they also make the fish very inconvenient for catching with a net, as it desperately gets tangled in the fabric.

When frightened, armored catfish instantly spread their fins, which are covered with sharp spines and hooks. Thus, the catfish becomes practically invulnerable to predators.

If you need to catch it in an aquarium, it is better to use a net made of very dense fabric, in which the fish will be less tangled.

Some aquarists prefer to pick up the fish by the upper fin, but you need to be careful not to touch the body, the injections are very painful! But the most The best way- this is to use a jar or plastic container, then you will not get hurt yourself or injure the fish.

For large species you can use a towel, wrap the fish in it and remove it from the water, but do it together, one holding the head, one holding the tail.

And again - do not touch the body and fins, they are razor sharp.

The ideal soil would be sand or fine gravel. The aquarium should have driftwood in which catfish hide, or large stones.

Some aquarists use clay pots and tubes as hiding places, but just make sure they are large enough for the fish.

There are many cases where a grown-up armored catfish got stuck in such a tube and died. Always use cover with the expectation that the fish will still grow.

The size of the aquarium for singing catfish is from 150 liters. Water parameters: 6.0-7.5 pH, temperature 22-26 °C. Armored catfish are omnivores, they can eat any type of live and artificial food - flakes, granules, snails, worms, shrimp meat, frozen food, such as bloodworms.

As mentioned above, sand is preferable as a soil. Since fish create a large amount of waste, it is better to use a bottom filter under the sand or a powerful external one.

A weekly 20-25% water change is required. The water must be settled or filtered to remove chlorine.

Types of Platydoras

As I promised, I will list several species of singing catfish that will not grow to the size of river monsters. Please note that although singing catfish are not considered predators, they will happily eat fish that they can swallow. It is better to keep with large or equal sized fish species.

Platydoras armatulus

Platydoras armatulus
- or singing catfish. This type of catfish is now the most widely represented on sale and it is with it that the armored catfish are associated.

Like all armored catfish, it prefers to stay in groups, although it can also protect territory. Its habitat is the Rio Orinoco basin in Colombia and Venezuela, part of the Amazon basin in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Platidoras striped, reaches a size of 20 cm. I note that a small group of these catfishes easily cleans the aquarium of snails. Singles eat the same thing, but not as effectively.

Orinocodoras eigenmanni

The Orinoco catfish Eigenmann is less common and very similar to the striped platidoras. But an experienced eye will immediately see the difference - a more pointed muzzle, a difference in the length of the adipose fin and the shape of the caudal fin.

Like most armored fish, it prefers to live in a group, which is difficult to create, since Eigenmann’s catfish ends up in amateur aquariums by chance, with other platidoras.

Found naturally in Orinoco, Venezuela.

It grows up to 175 mm, and like Platydoras, it happily eats snails.

Agamixis stellate ( Agamyxis pectinifrons)

or star-shaped. Quite often found on sale from good suppliers. The color is dark with white spots on the body. It still prefers groups; it is recommended to keep 4-6 individuals in an aquarium. Lives in the rivers of Peru. Grows up to 14 cm.

Amblydoras nauticus

Amblydoras-nauticus (formerly known as Platydoras hancockii). A rare species of singing catfish, the description of which is quite confusing. It is not common, as a rule, juveniles are no more than 5 cm, while adults reach 10 cm in length. Schooling, lives in the rivers of South America from Brazil to Guyana. This species prefers neutral and soft water and abundant thickets of plants.

- dark anadoras. A very rare catfish, found in wholesale deliveries from abroad as bycatch to other types of armored catfish. Juveniles are 25 mm, adults up to 15 cm in length. Like the previous species, it prefers soft and neutral water and an abundance of vegetation. Feeding - any food including snails and bloodworms.

It is also rare, but has an extremely peaceful disposition even in community aquarium. Reaches a length of 13 cm, like all armored fish - gregarious. In nature, it lives in the rivers of Ecuador. Required pure water with good filtration, omnivorous.

The striped platidoras fish is a freshwater catfish, a representative of the family of armored or side-scaled catfish.

They received this name due to the presence of bone growths on the sides along the entire body, which form bone spines and teeth. The entire body of the fish is covered with dense scales creating a durable shell. These catfish also have the ability to make various sounds, reminiscent of grinding and chirping. IN natural conditions They thus warn their relatives of impending danger. Platydoras living in an aquarium produces these sounds in a state of stress or fear.

Habitat of the striped platidoras

These catfish are native to South America; they were first discovered in Peru and Brazil. They inhabit the waters of the Amazon, the Orinoco and Essequibo river basins. Platydoras prefer bodies of water with little current or places with standing water. In small rivers and wetlands, they hide under flooded tree rhizomes and among aquatic plants, and also burrow into the soft sand at the river bottom.

Appearance of striped platidoras

Thanks to their original color, they have gained the love of many aquarists and have become very popular inhabitants of home aquariums. They have two distinct white stripes running along their dark brown or black body. These stripes originate from the caudal fin and connect on the head between the eyes. The body has an elongated shape and tapers towards the tail.

The abdomen and muzzle are colored White color, as well as the lower part of the head. Young fish have a clear and bright color, but with age it becomes duller and more blurry. Pectoral fins large and well developed, they also have spines and a sharp hook at the end. Front edge The fins have a white stripe along their entire length. Platydoras has a large head with a wide mouth and large eyes.

There are antennae on the upper and lower jaws. The upper pair is about 7 cm long, the lower whiskers are 2 pairs: on the sides (4-5 cm) and in the center (2-3 cm).

Striped platidoras living in natural conditions can grow up to 24 cm, and those grown in an aquarium are on average 15-18 cm long.

They are considered long-lived; in favorable conditions, these fish can live 10-15 years. Sex differences in representatives of these fish are insignificant - males are often smaller and slimmer than females.

Maintenance and care of platidoras striped

Platidoras striped is unpretentious in maintenance. For a pair of such catfish, an aquarium with a capacity of 120-150 liters is suitable. Optimal temperature for them it is 25-27 ° C, pH in the range of 6.5 - 7, hardness up to 10 °. They do not like strong currents and bright lighting. It is necessary to install a large number of driftwood, pots and grottoes in the aquarium so that the catfish have plenty of hiding places. To create shaded areas and areas with dim light, floating plants and several bushes with a strong root system are placed in the aquarium. The soil used is fine gravel with soft edges or sand.

Water changes are carried out every 10-14 days, at a rate of 30%. These aquarium inhabitants need to be provided with good aeration. Platidoras – peaceful fish, any species of fish will be suitable for him as neighbors, except for the smallest ones, which he can perceive as food. And thanks to its shell, this catfish gets along well even with aggressive cichlids.

Like most catfish, this species leads night image life. IN daytime hides in snags, emerging only a couple of times to inspect the surroundings, and with the onset of dusk, the platidor becomes active and comes out in search of food. You can observe these bottom inhabitants only in the first year of their life, then they are still active during the day and scurry around the aquarium without stopping.

Feeding Platydorus striped

These bottom-dwelling fish are omnivores, so you can feed them a variety of foods. Although platidoras is not a picky fish and will eat any food, you still need to choose the right diet. It should consist of protein and plant components. These catfish happily eat bloodworms, coretra, and tubifex. Such food can be either live or frozen. A variety of dry foods in the form of sinking granules or tablets are also suitable. Since catfish have a nocturnal feeding pattern, it is better to feed them after turning off the lights.

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