Practical tasks in the tina ti program. We are mastering the TINA-TI modeling system. Automatic flower watering machine. Setup and calibration


Sergey Skvortsov

Continuation of the series of articles. Beginning in "Radio Yearbook" vol. 20 - 23

(Part 1)


None of the values ​​of the radio elements in the diagram appeared randomly. This is especially true for resistor values. Their analytical calculation is quite cumbersome, and with the help available programs Circuit modeling takes very little time. I prefer to use the TINA9-TI program, which can be considered as a kind of “circuit calculator”. This program is free, always at hand, easy to learn and not demanding on PC resources. Modeling is even enough complex circuit, will not cause any particular difficulties if you use “ General rules modeling".

Let's start, as is customary, with the op-amp power supply on the TL431 chip. After “assembling” a simple fragment of the circuit, we will use the analysis functions:

Analysis -> DC Analysis ->

In the window that opens (Figure 6), set the range of change of the input current source IS1 0 - 20 mA. The graph of the analysis result clearly shows that the stabilization modes of +5 V and the reference voltage of +2.49 V occur already at a current of about 0.5 mA. Also, the choice of the TL431 microcircuit is due to its sufficient maximum current for our task (up to 100 mA) and permissible power dissipation (up to 625 mW).

Next, we will connect two op-amps on the LM358 chip to the power circuits, which perform the functions of amplifying and normalizing the measuring signal (Figure 7). We will be interested in the type of transformation characteristics; how close they are to the required ones. Let's do it again:

Analysis -> DC Analysis -> DC Transient Characteristics…

The result of the simulation and the characteristics of the transformation are clearly presented in the graph of the analysis result of this part of the circuit.

Let me explain that previously, in accordance with the recommendations from, the selection and calculation of resistor values ​​was carried out on a model of an ideal op-amp. The result of the analysis using a model of the “real” LM358 microcircuit “honestly” shows its imperfection, which is associated, first of all, with the non-zero value of the output voltage when the op-amp is single-polarized and also with the influence of the bias voltage. This has led to the fact that the resulting conversion characteristic for OP1 (green line) has a significant error for input currents of 0...4.5 mA. This drawback can be partially eliminated by using a well-known circuit technique: we connect additional diodes VD6 and VD7 in series with the op-amp output (see diagram in Figure 5).

Let's repeat:

Analysis -> DC Analysis -> DC Transient Characteristics…

It is convenient to use the opportunity available in the program to enlarge a fragment of the graph of the analysis result. Then the improvement (graph in Figure 8 on the right) is clearly visible.

Generally speaking, for our design it would be more correct to use the so-called Rail-to-Rail op-amps, that is, op-amps with an output voltage range that practically coincides with the supply voltage. In addition, they are distinguished by a very low current consumption and the ability to operate at a low supply voltage, for example, at 2.5 V. From the models available in the TINA9-TI library, we will choose the LPV358 dual Rail-to-Rail op-amp chip (Figures 9 and 10) and let's analyze again:

Analysis -> DC Analysis -> DC Transient Characteristics…

There are almost ideal characteristics. On the other hand, as shown by the experience of preliminary prototyping and manufacturing prototype devices, the use of the inexpensive and widespread LM358 microcircuit gives quite acceptable results.

I foresee that some readers will be skeptical about such “smooth” graphs. And they will be absolutely right. Therefore, with the help of TINA9-TI, I will draw attention to the deep “ravine” that awaits those who are accustomed to blindly repeating other people’s schemes (Figure 11).

In this fragment of the circuit you can see that the symbol “*” has appeared next to the values ​​of resistors R7, R8, R14. This means that a “sweep” function will be applied to these elements, in other words, a variation or “rocking” of the parameter. We need to do this in order to evaluate the effect of the spread in the values ​​of these resistors on the conversion characteristic of OP1 (DA2.1 in Figure 5). Resistors R7, R8, R14 were not chosen by chance, since they are the ones who mainly determine the type of characteristic.

Below I will briefly quote the article where this simple procedure was described.

By clicking on the selected icon (Figure 12), you can move the mouse cursor to the desired element of the diagram (the appearance of the cursor changes after clicking on the icon) and select it by clicking the left key.

The element properties dialog box appears (Figure 13).

The selected parameter, in this case the resistance of resistor R7, will change in the range between the initial and final values. The "..." or "Select..." button marked in the dialog box allows you to display a new Selection Object Control dialog box, where these values ​​are set. Here we will set the initial and final value of resistance R7 at the rate of 620 kOhm ±5% (Figure 14). We will perform a similar procedure for resistors R8 and R14. Then select again:

Analysis -> DC Analysis -> DC Transient Characteristics…

Since in the Selection Object Control dialog box (see Figure 14) the Number of cases value was specified as 3, then for three “pumpable” resistors we received a family of 33=27 graphs (Figure 15). In the enlarged fragments of the graph of the analysis result (Figure 16), a significant scatter of characteristics is clearly visible both at the starting point of 4 mA and at the end of the range - 20 mA.

Finally, the values ​​of the scaler divider resistors were selected: R28, R30, R32, R34, R36, R38 (Figure 17). Their analytical calculation is also quite cumbersome, and using the TINA9-TI “circuit calculator” it took very little time.

My observations show that beginners in circuit modeling programs usually use the tools they are used to in practical work: an oscilloscope and a multimeter. I am sure that the visual graphs of the results of circuit analysis presented in this article will encourage many to overcome this psychological stereotype and make wider use of the capabilities of specialized programs.

Setup and calibration

Looking at the graphs in Figures 15 and 16, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: we cannot do without the device setup procedure. To simplify it, I advise you to purchase or select resistors (see diagram in Figure 5) R1, R8, R11, R14, R15 with an accuracy of no worse than ±1%. In this case, it will only be enough to clarify the value of resistor R7. This is done as follows:

  • Switch toggle switch SA1 to the “TASK” position.
  • To the “+ SETTER -” probes, observing the polarity, connect a direct current source with a voltage of 12...24 V (current of at least 50 mA) and a milliammeter in series with it (at the measuring limit of 20 mA).
  • Turn on the power source and, by adjusting potentiometers R13 “COARSE” and R9 “FINE”, set the master current to 5.60 mA (this is 10% of the 4-20 mA scale).
  • By selecting resistor R7, set the voltage at the control point KT1 equal to 200±2 mV (this is 10% of the 0-2 V scale).
  • Next, you need to set the master current to 20.00 mA and make sure that the voltage at the control points KT1 and KT2 is equal to 2.00 ± 0.08 V. To ensure acceptable accuracy of our device for calibration, it is necessary to use devices with an accuracy class of at least 0.2.

    The final calibration of the device is carried out according to the readings of the digital measuring panel at a setpoint current of 20.00 mA:

  • Switch toggle switch SA2 to the “4-20 mA” position, and switch SA3 to the “20.00” position.
  • Rotate the trimming resistor R18 to set the reading on the indicator to “19.99”.
  • Switch toggle switch SA2 to the “ZOOM” position.
  • Rotate the tuning resistor R26 to set the reading on the indicator to “19.99”.
  • Set switch SA3 to position “16.00”.
  • Rotate the trimming resistor R25 to set the reading on the indicator to “16.00”.
  • Repeat pp. 5 and 6 for positions SA3: “10.00”, “6.30”, “5.00”, “4.00”, “2.50” and by rotating the construction resistors R24-R20 set the corresponding readings on the indicator: “10.00”, “6.30”, “5.00” , “4.00”, “2.50” (if it is impossible to establish the necessary readings, select the values ​​of resistors R28, R30, R32, R34, R36, R38).
  • Then you need to make sure that the error of the indicator readings in the middle of the range (at a setpoint current of 12.00 mA) and at the beginning (4.00 mA) does not exceed the permissible value. The experience of prototyping and manufacturing a prototype device shows that its overall error is determined, first of all, by the error of the digital measuring panel. There were no significant discrepancies between the simulation results in TINA9-TI and the practically obtained values.

    Construction and details

    A photograph of a prototype device is shown in Figure 2. Printed circuit board was not developed for him. The entire installation was carried out on several breadboards and housed in a suitable case, which was “modified on site with a file.” The faceplate and SA3 switch used parts from a faulty digital multimeter. Trimmer resistors can be used inexpensive single-turn ones, for example, SP3-38. Fixed resistors are inexpensive, it is preferable to use metal film MF-0.25, they have a relatively small TCR (temperature coefficient of resistance). There are no special requirements for other radioelements.

    All work on prototyping, installation, adjustment and calibration of the prototype device was carried out by M.A., a Kipovite with 40 years of professional experience. Kirpichenko, to whom I am also grateful for important practical suggestions. Separately, I would like to note the great assistance in preparing the article by V.N. Gololobova and advice from V.Ya. Volodina.

  • S. Skvortsov. Current controller 4-20 mA for setting up automation systems. Radio Yearbook, 2013, issue 22, p. 315-323.
  • Discussion: 4-20 mA current setter for setting up automation systems. RadioLotsman Forum.
  • ITP-11. Universal measuring analog signal converter. Operating manual, 2011.
  • Marina and Sergey Amelina. Basic rules for modeling electronic devices using circuit analysis programs.
  • V.N. Gololobov. TINA-TI program and electrical circuit modeling. Incubator diagram. Radio Yearbook, 2013, issue 20, p. 343.
  • Downloads

  • LM358 Simulation File - 4-20 mA.TSC (11 kB).
  • The TINA-TI program version SF-TI, designated as sloc243c (86.3 MB), is Russified and available for free download from the page
  • SPICE simulator designed for designing, simulating and debugging various circuits of electronic devices.

    TINA-TI is a regular SPICE simulator with a simple, intuitive graphical interface that allows you to master the program in as soon as possible. This software does not have any restrictions on the number of devices and nodes used, copes with complex work without problems, and is ideal for modeling the behavior of various analog circuits and switching power supplies. With TINA-TI it is possible “with clean slate» create a project of any complexity, combine fragments of ready-made solutions, check and determine some quality indicators of the scheme.

    All components presented in TINA-TI are divided into six groups: basic passive radio components, switches, semiconductors, measuring instruments, macromodels of complex devices and sources. This program also includes several dozen different examples.

    TINA-TI provides extensive drawing and editing capabilities electronic circuits. After their creation is completed, it is the turn of the simulation. The following types of analyzes are available: for direct and alternating current (this includes: calculation of nodal voltages, creation of a table of results, construction of transient characteristics and temperature analysis), transient processes, noise, Fourier transform and some others. Each option has its own unique settings. Depending on the type of analysis performed, the program generates results in the form of graphs or tables. Before starting any simulation, the circuit is checked for errors (ERC). All found defects are displayed in a special window in the form of a list. When you click on a line with an error, an element or area of ​​the diagram that is “not understood” by the program is highlighted with markers.

    TINA-TI also provides signal testing and measurement capabilities. For this purpose, the following virtual instruments exist: an oscilloscope, a signal analyzer, a digital tester (with a frequency meter), a function generator and a recording device. The virtual devices of the software package are as close as possible in their use to real devices. They can be “connected” to any point in the circuit under consideration. All information captured by virtual instruments can be stored in computer memory. Pseudo-real mode of operation is supported, in which these devices can be used for monitoring while the circuit is in operation.
    TINA-TI supports hotkey combinations, has built-in contextual help and tooltips on the working window.

    The program was developed jointly by company employees and DesignSoft and is a limited version of the more powerful, but paid DesignSoft software package called TINA. Being one of the largest manufacturing companies of electronic devices, microcircuits and semiconductor elements, Texas Instruments bought the rights to this software, adding components to the library with its products and slightly changing the name. And the Hungarian company DesignSoft is still creating high-tech educational and engineering programs in the fields of physics, electronics, architectural design, 3D graphics and multimedia. Its products have been translated into many languages ​​and found use in more than fifty countries around the world.

    The software in question is available in both English and Russian versions (as well as Japanese and Chinese versions). Moreover, not only the TINA-TI menu, but also the user manual is written in good Russian.

    Tina-TI is designed to work on Microsoft Windows operating systems (including Vista and 7), but the program also works successfully in a Linux environment (using the Wine virtual machine). The only condition is that the operating system language matches the installed software version.

    Program distribution: free

    The TINA-TI program is available in English and Russian versions. When installing a program, it may be sensitive to the operating system language. This especially applies to operating system Linux, where the program runs successfully (currently) in the Wine environment. If the language does not match the version you are installing, the installation may fail and you will need to install a different version of TINA-TI.

    The program has many examples that are interesting and useful. Check them out. If the examples do not open by default, then in the “File” section there is a subsection “Open examples”.

    Let's start the story with a simple diagram. Control circuit.

    Not a spaceship, not even a model airplane. But control. So what should the circuit do:

    This circuit is based on a trigger on transistors with two stable states. The device responds to a short-term audio frequency signal, which transfers the trigger to another stable state, that is, it turns the load on and off.

    I will not give the entire circuit; there are questions about other elements of the circuit, but let's look at how the transistor trigger circuit works (or how it should work). Here is part of the original diagram, highlighted by me:

    In this form, excluding the resistor R2, which replaced the transistor VT1 of the original circuit, and the presence of the generator VG1, which replaced the signal source and amplifier, in this form the circuit exactly repeats the one shown above. Source VG1 will generate short pulses, simulating the voltage that occurs during a “short-term audio signal”.

    I will carry out the first experiment with the circuit “as is”, although you can see in the original fragment that the resistor in the collector circuit of the second transistor does not have a connection point with the positive pole of the power source. It is possible that the circuit has similar defects. Nevertheless:

    I don’t know the real duration and amplitude of the short-term signal, so my choice is, as they say, “offhand.” After a pulse from the generator with a duration of 1 ms, the voltage at the collector of transistor VT2 (VF2 meter) is 12 V. This will turn on the relay (not present on original drawing). What should we be wary of at the moment?

    I agree, the voltage at the collector of transistor VT1 (VF1 meter). If this is a flip-flop, then its outputs should alternate between high and low states. The reason may be a typo - there is no connection between resistor R8 and collector VT1. Let's correct this typo.

    Now the voltages on the collectors of the transistors are more similar to the correct ones, but the first pulse does not turn on, but turns off the relay. Let's see if a second impulse does it. To do this, I will rebuild the operation of the VG1 generator. In the Tina-TI program, this can be done in the voltage generator properties section. First, let's turn to the properties of the signal, then select and configure the type of generated voltage we need.

    Having rebuilt the generator, we repeat the analysis of the transient process:

    No. This is not the result I expected.

    I don’t know what’s more convenient for you, but in such cases I start “dancing from the stove.” If I have doubts, I try to redraw the diagram in the form in which I saw it for the first time when I opened the textbook before the exams. By spending a little time redrawing the diagram, I quickly begin to understand what to pay attention to. The reason for what happens to the circuit may be an error in the circuit, an error in the values ​​of the elements, or incorrect operation of the program. A trigger with two transistors is a symmetrical circuit. In real life, after turning on the supply voltage, a natural asymmetry will work: the ratings of the parts will never match exactly. A program based on mathematical calculations operates with numbers that are given the same, so in the case of a trigger, the program may incorrectly show the result of the circuit.

    To make the circuit symmetrical, I had to add another resistor; I replaced the transistors with specific models. The design of the circuit is not as elegant as it originally was, but the circuit appears to be starting to work. Let us verify this by increasing the observation interval:

    After the first impulse, as can be seen in the figure, the circuit does not work in quite the expected way, but the second impulse restores “fairness”. Subsequently, one can see how the states of high and low level on the collectors of transistors.

    A small detail regarding the Tina-TI program: by default, both the signals and their display use positive and negative voltage. I don't expect negative voltage to appear at the transistor collectors. Therefore, it is more convenient for me to correct the appearance of the curves. To do this, selecting the first VF1 curve with the mouse, I turn to the properties of the curve, right-clicking the mouse to bring up the properties drop-down menu, where I correct the lower measurement limit.

    Once the circuit has started working in the Tina-TI program, we can take a closer look at how it works. It is customary (or was customary) to start with the assumption that when the supply voltage is turned on, due to the natural variation in the ratings of the parts, one of the transistors begins to turn on. Let's assume that this is transistor VT2. The voltage at the base of transistor VT1 will decrease, since the voltage at the base of VT1 is supplied from the collector VT2 through a voltage divider: R8 is the resistance of the base-emitter junction of VT1. Reducing the base voltage of transistor VT1 will cause the current through it to decrease, and the voltage at its collector will increase. Increasing the voltage through resistor R9 will increase the base-emitter voltage of transistor VT2, which will lead to even greater opening of transistor VT2. The process proceeds like an avalanche until transistor VT2 goes into saturation mode, that is, transistor VT2 is completely open, and transistor VT1 is completely closed. Let's draw this moment in the form of a diagram, where transistor VT2 will be replaced by a resistor, say, 100 Ohms.

    After the first pulse switching the transistors, capacitor C1 is charged to the voltage determined by the pulse of the generator VG1 (marked in the figure above). Capacitor C2 is not charged. At the moment when the pulse has passed, that is, the capacitors are connected to the common wire, capacitor C1 through a diode and resistor R3 has a negative voltage at the base of transistor T1 helps keep it in the closed state. But with the arrival of the next pulse, capacitor C2 is charged, and capacitor C1 is discharged. And after the pulse passes, capacitor C2 closes it with a negative voltage at the base of transistor T2, which leads to the opening of transistor T1. The trigger switched and entered the second stable state before the arrival of the next switching pulse from the generator VG1.

    We made sure that the trigger (albeit a virtual one) switches. Let's add an amplification stage that was not included from the original circuit in the fragment that was originally selected.

    And, I think, it’s time to give the complete original circuit diagram of the device.

    Let's add a transistor input stage to our circuit.

    The connection point of resistors R2 and R5 in the original circuit, of course, must be connected to the base of the transistor. But why do we need to repeat this part of the diagram?

    By changing the amplitude of the input signal, that is, the amplitude of the signal of the generator VG1, we can determine its value at which the trigger switches stably. This signal amplitude will serve as a starting point for further experiments with the microphone.

    Setting the voltage amplitude of the generator VG1 equal to one volt, we get the following picture:

    It seems that the voltage at the input of the circuit should be more than 1 V. Carrying out the analysis at voltages up to 9 V, I did not see a convincing result. And only increasing the input capacitance to 1 µF gives something similar to the operation of the device with an input signal amplitude of 2 V:

    So what does the circuit control? The device description says:

    The signal (the sound of a hand clap) is picked up by a carbon microphone VM1 type MK16-U, then filtered by the RC circuit C1R4 (It passes only a signal with a frequency corresponding to the sound vibrations from a hand clap).

    I don't want to say that the results obtained by modeling the circuit in the Tina-TI program are the ultimate truth. However, before there is any applause, before the scheme begins to work, it must be carefully tested. I won’t say that such a test on a breadboard is impossible. But, you see, doing this on a computer is much more convenient. It is easier to change, for example, the type of transistor on a computer in order to determine how this replacement will affect the performance of the circuit.

    Eltronicschool. - This is one of the project to build function generator using main IC component XR2206 looklike shown in Figure 1. The main component in this project is used XR2206 IC and 7413 digital IC.

    In this project will show you the circuit of function generator with Sine-Triangle-Square wave form. You can get the frequency range from 1HZ up to 1MHz. In this project we will give beside circuit schematic, we also will give you components are needed and also global description.

    Circuit Schematic

    Figure 1. Circuit schematic of function generator using XR2206 IC (Source:

    Component Part
    1. IC1___________LM7812 12V DC voltage regulator
    2. IC2___________XR2206 Function Generator
    3. IC3___________LM7805 5V DC voltage regulator
    4. IC4___________SN74LS00 Nand gate IC TTL
    5. Q1___________ BC327 50V 800mA PNP Transistor
    6. Q2, Q3, Q4_____ BC337 50V 800mA NPN Transistor
    7. D1-D4_________ DB101 Diode bridge
    8. D5____________ 1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes
    9. R1, R2, R12______4.7K 1/4W Resistor
    10. R3, R4, R7, R9___ 27K 1/4W Resistor
    11. R5, R6, R16______1K 1/4W Resistor
    12. R8, R13_________2.2K 1/4W Resistor
    13. R10____________3.3K 1/4W Resistor
    14. R11____________ 100K 1/4W Resistor
    15. R14____________ 47ohm 1/4W Resistor
    16. R15____________10K 1/4W Resistor
    17. C1, C8__________ 1000uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
    18. C2_____________ 22uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitors
    19. C3, C7__________ 100uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
    20. C4_____________ 2.2uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
    21. C5___________0.001uF 50V Polyester Capacitor
    22. C6_____________ 10uF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
    23. C9___________ 0.1uF 50V Polyester Capacitor
    24. C10____________ 470uF 16V Electrolytic Capacitors
    25. VR1, VR5 (Preset)__ 25K Potentiometer
    26. VR2 Volume______ 10K Potentiometer
    27. VR3 Volume______ 100K Potentiometer
    28. VR4 (Preset)______ 1K Potentiometer

    Circuit schematic look like shown in Figure 1 above is function generator using XR2206 IC. Eleccircuit site describe that the heart in working of this circuit is the IC XR-2206. All equipment except the power transformer 12 volts. We can assemble them onto the PCB, as shown below. You should solder correctly and successfully. After a successful check. Sure that the power supply to the circuit. And adjust the circuit.

    The real application circuit as shown below It can be seen that the switches S1 to act as Frequency Range, which can be selected third range are.
    1. 1-100 Hz
    2. 100-10,000 Hz
    3. 10,000-1,000,000 Hz

    However, by selecting the capacitance value between pin 5-6.
    First, adjust the frequency profile changing the value achieved by the VR3.

    Next, VR2 is used to adjust the gain ratio of the circuit by fine with VR1 get the maximum output 1V. The VR5 is adjusted to balance the waveform.

    Then, Switch SW2 is a select the signal output to a sine wave or sawtooth waveform.

    Monday, April 15, 2019

    Monday, February 4, 2019

    Eltronicschool. - Do you need circuit schematic to control your small dc motor now. We recommend you to use this circuit schematic that can control dc small motor as used in recorder tape.

    This is Soft Button Type Motor Direction Controller using Transistors circuit schematic. The main components used in this circuit are transistors PNP and also NPN types. So, please follow all circuit and components used look like in Figure 1 below.

    Circuit Schematic

    Figure 1. Circuit schematic of Soft Button Type Motor Direction Controller using Transistors (Source:

    Component Part
    1. Resistors
    2. Transistors PNP
    3. Transistors NPN
    4. Diodes
    5. DC Motor

    Circuit schematic like in Figure 1 above is Soft Button Type Motor Direction Controller using Transistors. Based on Electronics Zone site describe thatWhen both the points A & B are “HIGH” Q1 and Q2 are in saturation. Hence the bases of Q3 to Q6 are grounded. Hence Q3,Q5 are OFF and Q4,Q6 are ON . The voltages at both the motor terminals is the same and hence the motor is OFF. Similarly when both A and B are “LOW” the motor is OFF.

    When A is HIGH and B is LOW, Q1 saturates ,Q2 is OFF. The bases of Q3 and Q4 are grounded and that of Q4 and Q5 are HIGH. Hence Q4 and Q5 conduct making the right terminal of the motor more positive than the left and the motor is ON. When A is LOW and B is HIGH ,the left terminal of the motor is more positive than the right and the motor rotates in the reverse direction. I could have used only the SL/SK100s ,but the ones I used had a very low hFE ~70 and they would enter the active region for 3V(2.9V was what I got from the computer for a HIGH),so I had to use the BC148s. You can ditch the BC148 if you have a SL/SK100 with a decent value of hFE (like 150).The diodes protect the transistors from surge produced due to the sudden reversal of the motor.

    Thursday, December 6, 2018

    Eltronicschool. - This is one of the project to build breathing LED sleep indicator using LM358 looklike shown in Figure 1. The main component in this project is used LM358 IC.

    In this project will show you as a replica of the iconic breathing pattern used for the “sleep” indicator in Apple computers. But in this design only using popular analog component although it will help using microcontroller to build pulse-wide modulation. In this project we will give beside circuit schematic, we also will give you components are needed and also global description.

    Circuit Schematic

    Figure 1. Circuit schematic of breathing LED sleep indicator using LM358
    (Source: Electroschematics)

    Component Part
    1. LM358
    2. Resistors
    3. Transistor BC547
    4. Capacitor

    Circuit schematic look like shown in Figure 1 above is breathing LED sleep indicator using LM358. Electroschematics site describe that the design is centered entirely around one popular dual-operational amplifier LM358 (IC1) to slowly fade a green light-emitting diode (LED1) in a special pattern (the so-called breathing effect). The circuit runs well with a regulated supply voltage of 5 V; higher-level voltages are not recommended. If the two-way jumper (JP1) in the circuit is in “test” mode, the circuit will work as a standalone indicator. But moving the jumper position to “normal” mode, a TTL high-logic signal input is required to enable (EN) the indicator. This option is added deliberately so that we can enable/disable the Sleepy-LED Eye using the existing microcontroller (uC) in a project — just one free I/O port of the concerned uC is needed there. For example, one I/O port of the uC can be programmed to wake-up the Sleepy-LED Eye only when the system is in its standby state.

    Tuesday, November 6, 2018

    Eltronicschool. - This is oen of the best simple DC dimmer lamp based on IC LM358 look like shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 below. The main component needed int his circuit is LM358 and MOSFET IRLZ44.

    In this time, besides we will give you the circuit schematic of simple DC dimmer lamp using LM358, we also will give you the global description of this circuit came from the original source.

    Circuit Schematic

    Figure 1. Circuit schematic of pulse-width modulation control (Source:

    Figure 2. Circuit schematic of The Power Driver Dimmer Lamp (Source:

    Component Part
    1. LM358
    2. IRLZ44 Mosfet
    3. Resistors
    4. Variable resistor
    5. Diode
    6. Capacitors


    Electronic circuit simulator in Russian is an ordinary SPICE simulator called TINA-TI with an easy-to-understand graphical shell. This program works without any limit on the number of devices used and easily handles comprehensive work. Perfectly suited for simulating the behavioral response of a variety of analog circuits, as well as switching power supplies. Using TINA-TI, you can easily design a circuit of any degree of complexity, connect previously created fragments, examine and recognize the quality indicators of the circuit.

    All presented elements available electronic circuit simulator in Russian TINA-TI, are dispersed into six types: passive components, switching switches, semiconductor devices, measuring devices, miniature models of devices of increased complexity. Additionally, this software includes many representative samples.

    Electronic circuit simulator compiled in Russian, so with its help you can easily master drawing and adjustment circuit diagrams. The process of creating a circuit in itself is not complicated, and after this operation is completed, the simulation stage begins. The program can perform the following types of research: evaluation of direct and alternating current. This analysis includes calculation of key stresses, plotting the final result, determining intermediate parameters and testing temperature.

    Next comes the study of intermediate processes and noise distortions. Depending on the category of research, the curriculum forms the final result in the form of graphics or tables. Before starting the simulation, TINA-TI checks the circuit for errors or errors. When any deviations are detected, all the defects will be shown in a separate window in the form of a list. If you click on an inscription with an error not recognized by the simulator, the part or part of the drawing will be indicated by markers.

    Additionally, TINA-TI can measure and test various signals. To implement this type research, for this there are virtual devices: a digital multimeter, an oscilloscope, a signal tester, a source of periodic signals and a recording device. All simulation devices available in the program correspond as closely as possible to the use of actual measuring devices. They can be virtually connected in any part of the circuit under study. All information data received by conventional devices is stored in the computer memory.

    What else to read