Rules for a child's behavior with strangers. How to teach children how to behave around strangers

Elena Chemakina
Lesson summary “Rules of behavior when communicating with strangers»

Target: Educate children correct, safe behavior when meeting with



Review and discuss typical dangerous situations with children

possible contacts with strangers, if safety measures are not followed.

To promote the development of caution, attention, and ingenuity. Contribute to the development of a responsible attitude towards your life.

Develop the ability to find a way out of the current situation. To foster independence and self-confidence in children. Introduce relationships between adults and children.

Materials and equipment: Situational pictures for discussion ( unfamiliar an adult rings the doorbell; calls on the phone; offers the child candy); illustrations for fairy tales "Golden Key", "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Kolobok", "Zayushkina's hut", "Little Red Riding Hood", sheets of paper, colored pencils (for making reminders)

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations from "The ABCs of Health", reading the book "If you're alone at home", watching a cartoon "Spasik and strangers» , "Lessons from Aunt Owl".

Progress of the lesson:

1 Surprise moment

Guys, this morning when I arrived, the security guard handed me this package. I decided that we should open it together, is everyone ready? Then I open it! (we open it and find there a letter from Dunno, many books and pictures).

2 Main part

I'm reading the letter.

"Hello, friends! I had a difficult situation, Znayka gave me a bunch of tasks and left, which is what I didn’t do, but cope with I couldn't do it with them. Guys please help me find it right answers»

Well guys, let's help Dunno?

1 task: Explain to me who you are "friend, stranger, acquaintance"

Vlad, who do you think you can call yours?

What does Katya think about this?

How do you understand the meaning of the word? "mine" you, Andrey?

Misha, I see that you want to say something.

What word is the opposite of "mine"?

Who it "stranger"?

Is there a person - neither one of us nor a stranger? (children's answers).

Who can you call acquaintances?

How is a friend different from loved one, and with what - from "alien", outsider (children's answers).

Stand a short distance from each other, form a circle. The game is called "Familiar, friend, stranger". I say the words "familiar, friend, stranger", highlighting with intonation and pause who needs to be named, after which I throw the ball to one of the children. The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and quickly name the corresponding person. (I play with children several times).

Take your seats comfortably.

I am your friend. She invited you to play and you gladly agreed.

If a stranger offers you the same thing, what will you do?

Why would you do this?

What does it look like a dangerous person?

Who can you not be afraid of? Describe your appearance.

Is it always pleasant appearance does it mean good intentions?

What kind of people can be dangerous? (children's answers).

Conclusion: Beautiful and ugly strangers, men, women, boys and girls, grandfathers and grandmothers can be dangerous.

I suggest you look and analyze several situations.

First situation: Teacher in the role of a stranger stranger, smiling affectionately, approaches the child.

Hello boy. Can you help me? You see, they sell felt boots around the corner. I want to buy them for my grandson, but I don't know if they will fit. Your leg is the same as his. Shall we go and try it on? (Leads away).

IN:- How do you think, did Vadim do the right thing?? Why?

What Vadim should have said to an unknown aunt? (I will go with you to try on felt boots only with my mother. She will come up now).

Situation two: comes out unknown man. Approaches Nastya. Hello, Nastya. What are you doing here? I work with your dad. Sit down, I'll give you a ride home. Nastya sits down.

Did the man know Nastya?

How could he know Nastya's name? (He could have asked Nastya’s friends or overheard what her close people called her).

What should Nastya have done?

(Nastya should have said: “It’s good that you work with my dad, but I don’t know you and therefore I won’t go anywhere with you” ; "You can run away from stranger» ; “If you pester me, I’ll scream.”)

Situation three. Hello baby. How are you? Help yourself to some sweets. Do you like candy? Let's go buy some more.

Should I take it from even strangers, what do you want to receive? Why not?

How then can you refuse tempting offers? (Need to say: “Thank you very much, but I don’t want candy or toys.”).

Conclusion: Each of you must remember that you should only trust close people, and unfamiliar a person can be dangerous, can cause great harm. For example, to separate from adults, to frighten, so you cannot give in to the persuasion of strangers.

It seems to me that you should repeat what each of you should remember. (Children repeat rules) .

I realized that you remembered how to behave with strangers.

I think we completed the task! let's move on to the next one

2 task: Name the overly gullible heroes of these fairy tales who found themselves in similar situations and misbehaved. (I take out books)


showed gold coins strangers and agreed to go with them to the land of fools. He didn't even think about the dangers that could happen to him)

What should I have done? (Children's answers)

"The wolf and the seven Young goats"

What dangerous situation happened here?

(The kids succumbed to the wolf’s persuasion and opened the door for him. The wolf ate the kids)

What should I have done? (Children's answers)


What wrong did main character this fairy tale?

(Kolobok was an irresponsible hero, he didn’t listen to anyone. He talked to animals unknown to him. Because of Kolobok’s stupidity, the end of this fairy tale was not very good. The fox ate Kolobok.)

"Zayushkina's hut"

Who can say what situation has arisen here?

(The hare trusted sly fox, who subsequently kicked him out of the hut. He believed fox and this is what happened to him.)

And the last fairy tale that I propose to discuss is

"Little Red Riding Hood"

Let's remember this fairy tale and discuss the situations that happened to the heroes.

Meeting of Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf.

(The heroine of the fairy tale began to talk to a wolf unfamiliar to her, told where and why she was going. This should not have been done.)

Grandmother I believed the wolf and allowed him to enter the house. What happened in the end? The wolf ate the grandmother. You can't trust everyone you meet.

Another situation: meeting of Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf in disguise. The girl inadvertently mistook the wolf for her grandmother and trustingly communicated with him, for which she paid. He ate it too.

As you can see, guys, although fairy tales are the writer’s inventions, they contain a lot of useful information, there is a proverb “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows”. This means that every fairy tale teaches something.

3 task: What are these situations and how should you behave?

picture of a man calling on the phone

Look at the picture to see what can be said about this situation. (Answers)

It happens that a dangerous person calls you on the phone and asks you who is in the house, what your name is and when your parents will return.

For what bad person will everyone know?

What should you answer on the phone?

-Right, you cannot tell over the phone that you are alone at home, your name, and especially your address.

Guys, listen to the proverbs that apply to this situation.

"A secret to the whole world"

"Keep your mouth shut"

“He who talks too much invites trouble”

What are these proverbs about?

picture - a man rings the doorbell

What should you do if your doorbell rings? (Children's answers)

What if the person behind the door says he is a postman? Policeman? Does someone your parents know call you by your first name? (Children's answers)

Let's remember, guys, that under no circumstances should you open the door to people you don't know.

Now we are going to play a game called

"Finish the poem".

Rule: you need to insert the missing words into the poem.

Don't let your uncle into the house

If uncle do not know!

And don't open it to your aunt,

If mom is at work,

After all, the criminal is cunning,

Pretend that... (fitter)

Or he will even say

What came to you... (postman)

He will show you the package

And under the arm... (gun).

Or he put on a robe,

And under it there are five... (pomegranate)

And he hurries after him "old lady",

In her string bag... (a gun).

Anything happens in life

With the one who doors... (opens).

So that you don't get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers,

Close it tight... (door!

picture - stranger offers candy

Consider the following picture.

A boy is walking on the street and is approached unfamiliar a person offers, for example, candy. What should I do? Why? (Children's answers)

And if a person says that he has a kitten in his car and calls him to take a look, what will you do? (Children's answers)

Will you go for a ride with stranger? (Children's answers)

-Right, you should never take anything from strangers, and even more so getting into the car and driving somewhere.

It happens that a person calls not to the car, but to some place. You cannot follow his call. Who knows what's on this man's mind.

Guys, what will you do if unfamiliar will the person try to take you somewhere by force? (Children's answers)

Here's what to do. Criminals are afraid of noise, so in all these cases you need to shout loudly so that those around you can hear It's clear: they are trying to take you away strangers!

For example: “Uncle, I don’t know you! Let me go!", "Help, I'm being taken away stranger

Don't be afraid that people will laugh at you. If it helps to avoid danger, then that's it. Right. It's worse if you are shy or scared. You may get into trouble.

You must tell your parents about everything that happens in your life. They should definitely know what situations you are facing. Parents will always help and teach how do the right thing.

3 Reflection

Guys, coped we helped you with the tasks and helped you figure it out Dunno? And helping Dunno, what new did you learn?

Children's answers:

You can't open the door strangers if there are no adults.

You can't talk about being alone in the house.

You can't talk on the phone with strangers people, tell them your name and address.

You can't take anything from strangers, get into their car or go somewhere with them.

You need to trust your parents, tell them everything that happens to you.

You should not be shy to scream and call for help in case of danger.

Children, we talked about how to behave when meeting with strangers. You all actively participated in our conversation and understood everything. I'm sure you're ready to meet strangers and do the right thing.

And now I suggest you draw reminders about the dangers of meeting with strangers, to give them to the guys from other groups.

Yalginsky orphanage-school

Rules of conduct when communicating

with strangers

Prepared by: Zhivava T.I.,

family educator No. 1

Goals: teach children correct, safe behavior with strangers; develop the ability to follow the rules of behavior with strangers.

Tasks: tell that the rules of communication with acquaintances and strangers should be different; explain what caution is and how to be able to observe it in the right situations to ensure your safety;

1. Conversation on the topic.

How do you understand the expression “stranger”?

(Unknown; one about which there is no information).

Who can you call a person you know?

(Familiar - someone who was known before, famous).

Is there danger when communicating with people you know? With strangers?

Remember what cases of communication with strangers have happened in your life, where it happened, what you did then, and think about what you would do now?

A stranger is any person who approaches you on the street or comes into your home in the absence of adults and tries to talk to you (sometimes calling you by name.) Sometimes meeting a stranger can be dangerous to health and life.

Let's name a quality that will help us protect ourselves from dangers?


What does it mean to be careful?

(Cautious – foreseeing possible danger, not reckless).

How should you communicate with strangers?

Let's complete the sentences and draw up rules for caution when communicating with strangers.

Do not believe…

Don't follow...

Don't get in the car...

Don't invite me home...

Don't brag to your friends...

Don't stay until dark...

Remember the rules of behavior with strangers.

  • Don't go anywhere with strangers.
  • Don't get into someone else's car.
  • Go home after dark.
  • Don't change your route home from school.
  • Always tell adults about your plans for the day.
  • Small children should not walk around the city without adults.

Let's discuss various situations of communication with strangers.

1. You are alone at home, the doorbell rings. You open the door...

2. You are alone at home, the doorbell rings. You ask: “Who’s there?” At the door they answer that they came to check the gas. Your actions?

3. An unfamiliar man approaches you on the street and asks you to accompany him, to show him some street. Your actions?

4. A stranger spoke to you. What to do?

(Apologize and pass by. Do not engage in conversation, no matter what they tell you (they invite you to play, watch a movie, listen to music, offer to show you a dog or other animals), because no one can explain to you in advance all the tricks of the villain. Don’t be rude, do looks like you don’t hear the words addressed to you).

What if they don’t leave your side?

(You have to break free and shout: “I don’t know him!” Let other adults hear this. They will help and call the police).

5. A stranger on the street asks you to buy him cigarettes at a kiosk. Your actions?

6. Neighbor Aunt Lyuba asks to buy groceries for her at the store. Your actions?

The reasons for the children’s choice of certain decisions in different situations communication. It clarifies in what situations caution should be exercised.

The teacher summarizes the discussion of situations and reads a poem.

Don't open the door to strangers

Don't trust words and gifts,

Say: “Mom will come home from work soon,

If necessary, she will open the door for you.”

Play in the yard near the house

Play on a familiar platform

But construction sites and the streets are not for play!

And this rule is for all children.

I carry the keys to the apartment with me

And I don’t ask anyone to open the door for me.

I won't trust anyone with my key,

After all, he guards my doors!

They often treat us

Just remember every time:

Take treats only from friends,

And not from strangers, seemingly modest and kind.

2. Summary of the lesson.

Draw prohibition signs that could be used in situations of communication with strangers.


1. Education of schoolchildren. – 2008. - No. 2. – P. 46.

2. ZOZHIK: Additional educational program for students junior school/ comp.: Kalinichenko T.N., Serdyuk E.I., Kusochek N.N., Kovalevskaya L.I. // Children's health. 2009. - No. 3.

Most young children are trusting and easily make contact with strangers. There are often cases when attackers simply take future victims away from playgrounds. The task of parents is to protect the child from dangerous strangers. And for this it is necessary to teach him to react correctly to attention from them.

You can tell your child about the risks associated with strangers at any age. But he will be able to understand you and adequately apply the acquired knowledge in practice in about three years. At this age, the child is already capable of reasoning, but is still very naive and trusting. The easiest way is to prohibit any communication with strangers in your absence. You need to explain that when you are nearby, the baby is safe and can talk to whomever he wants. If you are not there, talking, much less leaving, with someone is dangerous.

Under no circumstances should you frighten a child. bad behavior the guy with the bag or Baba Yaga will pick him up. If a stranger really grabs him, he may get scared and not figure out what to do, or he may perceive the kidnapping as a punishment for disobedience, and not even try to free himself.

For children younger age It can be difficult to perceive serious information by ear. In order for the baby to remember how to behave correctly, the most dangerous situations can be depicted in game form. To do this, parents can pretend to be kidnappers themselves or play with dolls with their child.

Most children, even relatively adults, at 6-8 years old, naively believe that dangerous strangers are scary and seem suspicious from the very beginning. Explain that the attacker can be quite cute and even the same age as the baby. Therefore, it is dangerous not only when a child is grabbed and dragged in an unknown direction, but also when:

  • They offer to go for a ride in a car or go buy some candy;
  • They ask you to help catch a lost kitten or show you the right house;
  • They ring the doorbell and ask you to open it on behalf of an electrician, plumber, etc.;
  • They say that the mother was late and asked a colleague or friend to pick up the child from the playground or school.

The child must understand that any communication with strangers is potentially dangerous, so you should always follow the parents’ instructions in such a situation.

Rules for a child's behavior with strangers

Every child who is left even for a minute without the supervision of parents or other adults should know the rules that will help him avoid danger when communicating with strangers:

  • Never go anywhere with strangers. We are talking not only about adults, it can also be children. If a new boy on the playground says that it’s more fun in the neighboring yard and offers to go have a look, you must refuse. If unknown girl He says that he is afraid to pass by the dog near the house and asks him to accompany him, there is no need to do this.
  • Never open the door to strangers. No matter who they say they are or what they say, you need to call your parents immediately and tell them about it. If there are neighbors at home, you can call them and ask them to sort it out.
  • Don't allow strangers to touch you. If a person approaches or reaches out, it is best to run away immediately.
  • Do not approach other people's cars and especially do not get into them. If a driver or passenger asks for directions, this can be done by pointing in the direction with your hand from afar.

All parents try to raise their children to be kind and sympathetic. But for the sake of his safety, it is necessary to tell the child that he is not obliged to help a stranger, even if public morality requires it. For example, a sweet old lady asks you to help her carry her shopping to the neighboring house. OK good well-mannered child wants to help grandma. But it would be much safer to advise an elderly woman to ask for help from an adult and call her parents, moving away to a safe distance.

The child must clearly remember the algorithm of actions in case a stranger speaks to him:

  • Assessment of the situation. The child should know that any stranger is potentially dangerous. But, if he is in a well-known place and his parents are nearby, and the person makes no attempts to get closer, you don’t have to panic ahead of time.
  • Maintaining distance. Usually a distance of two meters is considered more or less safe. Show your child how much this is by measuring it on the floor with a measuring tape, and explain that if a person approaches, you need to move away or run away from him.
  • Stopping communication. Most attackers are good psychologists; they know how to find an approach to a child and talk him into a conversation, putting him to sleep. Therefore, to any attempts to start a conversation, children should answer “Now I’ll ask my parents” or something similar, move away to a safe distance and/or call adults.
  • Care. If a stranger tries to force communication or take a child away, he must immediately stop talking and leave dangerous place. But this must be done carefully. If, in order to get home, a child needs to go into an empty entrance, a dark gateway, etc., it is better not to take risks, but to approach familiar adults and tell them about the situation. If there is no one you know nearby, you can ask for help from a police officer, a security guard, or a store clerk, anyone who is not clearly related to the alleged attacker.

The most dangerous thing is if the attacker has already grabbed the child and is dragging him away. Tell us that in this case you must not only try to free yourself by any means, but also call for help. You must definitely shout that this is a stranger and he is kidnapping a child, otherwise others may regard it as a joke or a family scene.

Try to tell your child as clearly as possible about the dangers that await him. This does not mean intimidation, it is necessary to warn and prepare. Remember that your story can save a child's life.

Valery Fadeev

We will begin differently from how final programs usually begin. Not from politics, not from official events. June 1 was celebrated as International Children's Day. What is the most important thing for us? Our children, our grandchildren, their safety is what we consider fundamentally important. Began summer holidays and children, more often than during school year, left to their own devices. My parents, I have no doubt about it, teach: never talk to strangers and especially don’t go anywhere with them. And if anything happens, call loudly for help. We just teach poorly. Check out our experiment. I’ll say right away: we carried it out under the supervision of security specialists, child psychologists and with the consent of the parents.

On the playground, the parents don’t pay attention to him - he’s a young guy, decently dressed - is he really that “suspicious guy”? Well, what can happen in one minute? Getting back in the car, going to the store - sound familiar? Here the girl leaves younger brothers to say hello to a friend.

In fact, the boys' sister is watching the experiment from hiding. live: Will the children succumb to the persuasion of a stranger and leave the playground with him? In the role of the criminal - a child safety expert.

Frightening result: 12 seconds - and the boys themselves run into the trap. It is clear that this was all conditional. It was a game. No, it's actually scary. How many times is this mentioned in the family? In fact, it worked - once and for all!

And this is no longer an experiment. Recordings from CCTV cameras in the city of Otradnoye Leningrad region. At the station, a man points out 10-year-old Ruslan Korolev to someone, and now he is leading him to his home with large bags of groceries. During interrogation, the 35-year-old detainee will calmly tell how he killed the boy and hid the body parts.

Even now, Ruslan’s mother sometimes believes that he is about to return from school, he’s just playing around somewhere. I can't get that day out of my head.

“We went to the store. I really wanted to take him with me, but I decided: let him walk. If I could return this time back, I would take him with me, I would call him,” says the mother of the deceased Ruslan Korolev, Evgenia Alikulova.

Almost all the children in this group would trust the kind-looking Andrei Chikatilo, a pedophile and serial killer. Or Alexander Pichushkin, known as Bitsevsky maniac, who brutally killed 50 people. A man who posed as a police officer was arrested in Kamyshin earlier this year.

Miracle - 11-year-old Anya was rescued after four days of searching, police noticed during a tour of the apartments. Fortunately, the girl did not become a victim of sexual violence, but survived a nightmare.

The parents' legs give way: hug, pat on the head, make sure she's alive! Every six hours a child goes missing in Russia and will never be found. But it seemed that all the children knew the iron rule - not to talk to strangers.

The same result again and again - nine out of ten children go to a stranger's car during the experiment. The child feels that all this is wrong, but is it polite to refuse?

“Strangers have no right to talk to you - this is the main thing to remember!” - Mom explains.

The world is divided not into good and evil, but into friends and foes, as they teach children at safety trainings. And if a stranger begins to speak, and even more so to take your hand, the reaction must be practiced until it becomes automatic. Parents worry, what if after such lessons their children stop trusting people altogether?

“We teach children, for example, not to cross the road at a red light; this does not mean that our child will be afraid of cars. A stranger should not approach you. If he came up, it means he is either an ill-mannered person or he is a criminal, but you have the right to be impolite with him,” explains child safety expert Liya Sharova.

Opened this week summer camps. Educators explain to parents: the popular technique when a child can trust a stranger if he knows the “family password” does not guarantee protection. After all, even special agents fail missions.

During our experiment, only 8-year-old Ruslan remembered what his mother said. The only maximum safety is only if you see your child all the time! And then no one will ever need the rest of the techniques, I really want to believe that.

Rules of conduct with strangers

Stranger- this is any person who comes or approaches in the absence of parents or teachers and tries to talk to you (sometimes calling you by name).

Don't go anywhere with strangers.
Don't get into someone else's car.
Go home after dark.
Don't change your route home from school.
Always tell your teachers about your plans for the day.

Young children need to know the rules safe behavior and do not walk around the city without adults.

– What should you do if a stranger talks to you? (Apologize and pass by. Do not engage in conversation, no matter what they tell you, because no one can explain to you in advance all the tricks of the villain.)
– What if they don’t leave your side? (You have to break free and shout: “I don’t know him!” Let other adults hear this. They will help and call the police.)


Don't open the door to strangers
Don't trust words and gifts,
Say: “Mom will come home from work soon,
If necessary, she will open the door for you.”
Play in the yard near the house
Play on a familiar platform
But construction sites and the street are not for play!
And this rule is for all children.

They often treat us
Just remember every time:
Take treats only from friends,
And not from strangers, seemingly modest and kind.

A child who has clear guidelines regarding what is called “decent behavior of a stranger” will be able to distinguish unhealthy attention from manifestations of friendliness. Trained by his parents, he will be able to exercise maximum caution in the first case and not be needlessly frightened in the second.





· Never engage in conversation with a stranger on the street

· Do not agree to go anywhere with a stranger, do not get into the car, no matter how much he persuades you and no matter what he offers.

· Never trust a stranger if he promises to buy or give you something. Answer that you don't need anything.

· If a stranger is persistent, takes you by the hand or tries to lead you away, break free and run away, scream loudly, call for help, kick, scratch, bite.

· Be sure to tell your parents, teacher, and adult friends about any such incident that happens to you.


· Do not open the door under any circumstances

· Call your neighbors and let them know about it.

· Do not engage in conversation with a stranger. Remember that under the guise of a postman, a locksmith, or a REU employee, intruders are trying to enter the apartment.

· If a stranger tries to open the door, immediately call the police, state the reason for the call and the exact address, then call for help from the balcony or window.


· Do not enter the entrance if a stranger is following you.

· Do not approach the apartment and do not open it if someone unfamiliar is in the entrance

· If there is a threat of attack, make noise, attract the attention of neighbors (whistle, break glass, ring the bell and knock on doors).


· If there is an unknown person in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin.

· If you enter an elevator with a suspicious stranger, press simultaneously two buttons “Call dispatcher” and “Stop” so that the cabin stands still with open doors. Start a conversation with the dispatcher, he will call the police.

· Do not stand in the elevator with your back to the passenger, watch his actions.

· If you attempt an attack, make noise, shout, knock on the walls of the elevator, defend yourself, try to press the “Call Dispatcher” button.

What else to read