Edible mushrooms of the Leningrad region. Mushroom places in the Leningrad region Where is it better to pick mushrooms in the Leningrad region

The beginning of autumn is an ideal time for “quiet hunting”, that is, mushroom picking. The collection began back in August, residents of the Lomonosovsky district are already boasting about in social networks"forest harvest". The peak of the season traditionally falls on September, when mushroom pickers return from the forest with full baskets white, mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus and boletus.

Where to look for mushrooms in the Lomonosovsky district? The townsfolk will say - in any forest, while professionals know the best mushroom places. At the request of LL, the rating of the most “yielding” massifs was compiled by the director of the Lomonosovsky forestry Alexei Dikiy. And here's what happened:

1) Forests near the village of Porozhki and the village of Petrovskoe

2) Massif behind Bolshaya Izhora

3) Outskirts of the village of Lopukhinka

4) Forests near the village of Koporye

5) Territory near Lubny Lake

“Mushrooms in our area are clean, there is no radiation in them. Sometimes such information passes, but it is not confirmed - environmentalists constantly monitor. This year everything is clean,” assured the director of the Lomonosovsky forestry Alexei Dikiy.

IN Leningrad region grow almost all types of edible mushrooms. What forest dwellers to look for in September and October?

Mushroom picker calendar for the Leningrad region
When to pick mushrooms What mushrooms to collect Where to collect mushrooms
March Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, talker There are practically no mushrooms, but at the end of the month the first snowdrops may appear. If the winter is warm, you can find fresh oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms usually grow on trees, the hat of such a mushroom is one-sided or rounded, the plates run down to the stem, as if growing to it. Distinguish oyster mushroom from inedible mushrooms easy - it has a hat that is completely non-leather to the touch.
April Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, talker, morel, line Quite often there are mushrooms-snowdrops - morels and lines
May Morel, line, butter dish, oyster mushroom, raincoat Most mushrooms can be found not under trees, but in clearings, in thick grass.
June Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey agaric, chanterelle, White mushroom, raincoat In June, mushrooms of the highest (first) category begin to appear.
July Butter, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, raincoat, honey agaric, chanterelle, white mushroom, flywheel There are already quite a lot of mushrooms - both in the clearings and under the trees. In addition to mushrooms, strawberries and blueberries are already found.
August Butter, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey agaric, chanterelle, white mushroom, flywheel At this time, mushrooms can be found almost everywhere: in the grass, under trees, near stumps, in ditches and on trees, and even in city squares and on roadsides. In addition to mushrooms, lingonberries have already ripened, and cranberries appear in the swamps.
September Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey agaric, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, flywheel, September is the busiest mushroom month. But you need to be careful: autumn comes to the forests, and it is difficult to see colorful mushroom caps in the bright foliage.
October Valuy, oyster mushroom, camelina, honey agaric, champignon, boletus, porcini mushroom, milk mushroom, flywheel, russula The number of mushrooms in the clearings begins to decrease. In October, it is better to look for mushrooms near stumps and under trees.
November Butter dish, greenfinch, oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms. Frosts begin, but there is a high probability of finding frozen mushrooms.
Portal information nexplorer.ru

Safety regulations

With all the charms mushroom hunting do not forget about its dangers. The forest is fraught with many threats. First of all, collect only famous mushrooms. It is recommended to study how edible species look before going into the forest.

Even popular mushrooms can be dangerous if the forests are close to major highways and factories. In this case, the “catch” should be carefully processed in the kitchen: clean the mushrooms from sand, earth and needles. Boil the prey in a saline solution (30 grams of salt per 1 liter of water). Every 20 minutes, the solution must be changed, boiled for about an hour. Mushrooms must be washed between changes of solution cold water in a colander.

Before you go to the forest, warn your relatives about your plans: in which direction will you go, how long are you going to spend time for silent hunting. It is worth taking a supply of water and food with you, fully charged mobile phone and compass.

“You have to pay attention to the weather. Be careful when it's windy strong wind, trees can fall. Another rule for everyone without exception is to follow the rules fire safety in the forest, be careful with fires and cigarettes,” said Aleksey Dikiy, director of the Lomonosov forestry, to LL.

About how to behave in the forest, Have a good hunt and good prey!

A source: A.P. 2019

Preparing to go out into the forest

Mushroom memo:
1. The first rule of the mushroom picker: if in doubt, don't take it. And besides, don't try!
2. You need to go for mushrooms in the morning: while dew glistens on hats, it will be easier to find mushrooms.
3. Shoes and clothes should be comfortable and closed as much as possible, so you protect yourself from sharp knots and insects.
4. Don't forget to take a container of water, a knife and a map (or better, a navigator) with you.
5. Get a “magic wand”, which will be convenient to lift the moss, leaves and sticks (if you don’t want to bend over every time), it is desirable that there is a “slingshot” at the end of the wand.
6. To collect mushrooms, it will be more convenient to get a basket or basket. So the mushrooms will last longer.
7. Do not use bags, bags and backpacks to collect mushrooms. The exception, perhaps, is chanterelles. They do not break or crumble during transportation.
8. It is advisable to fold tubular mushrooms with the cap up, small ones - whole, cut off the stem of large ones.
9. You can not take overripe old mushrooms. They can accumulate toxic and harmful substances.
10. Almost all mushrooms tend to grow in families. Found one - look for another nearby.
11. Long time mushrooms can not be stored (no more than 2-3 hours). Therefore, having come from the forest, you should immediately sort them out and begin processing. Rapid spoilage of mushrooms is associated with a high moisture content and, accordingly, in rainy weather mushrooms will spoil faster.

12. You can store raw mushrooms in the refrigerator for several hours. In the absence of a refrigerator, you can fold the mushrooms in one layer and place in a cool place.
13. If it is not possible to sort out the mushrooms immediately, you should douse them with salted boiling water: then they will not deteriorate during the day.
14. All mushrooms, in particular lamellar and russula, should be cut only with a stem to make sure that there is no membranous ring characteristic of pale grebe.
15. Always carefully check your "catch", remember: even a small part of the pale grebe is enough to send a person to last way.
16. For drying, salting and pickling, you need to take whole and strong mushrooms.
17. Never. Not. Try. Mushrooms. On the. Taste. Even if they smell good.
18. Conditionally edible mushrooms (they are used for salting) should be immediately placed in a saucepan and poured with cold water in order to remove bitterness and milky juice.
19. Do not use galvanized and aluminum utensils for salting and marinating.
20. It is undesirable to go for mushrooms alone, in big company less risk of getting lost. If you are walking alone, then warn relatives and friends, indicating the approximate route and how far you are leaving.

to turn on the sound

How are things currently?

There are quite a few “mushroom” places throughout the Leningrad region, but 2017 has not yet been particularly pleasing to fans of “quiet hunting”.

During the first ten days of July, the weather was cold, the forest stands dry - not the most good conditions for mushroom growth.

Lodeynopolsky district

Alyokhovshchina village

It is located in the central part of the district on the Oyat River.
Deciduous forests, there is a pine forest.

Here you can find a lot (a lot) of porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, red ones, boletus, mossiness mushrooms. From berries - a sea of ​​lingonberries. It is noted that most of the mushrooms grow along the road (but this is not accurate and not always true), in the forest itself, mainly chanterelles.

Volkhovsky district

Kolchanovo village

The forest is mixed. Swamps in places, forest in places. Lots of lowlands.

According to the advice of experienced mushroom pickers, you need to go from Kolchanovo towards Usadishche (or Tikhomirovshchina) across the bridge over the Syas River (turn left). The mushroom forest begins immediately on both sides of the road.

Vsevolozhsky district

Novoe Devyatkino settlement

Railway Berngardovka

In the surrounding forests near the Devyatkino station, you can find many chanterelles, aspen mushrooms, birch boletus and even mushrooms. It is noted that in Bernhardovka, as a rule, there are fewer lovers of “lazy hunting”.

Vyborgsky district

In the Vyborgsky district, there are generally many places for good mushroom hunting.
mirror lake

Mirror Lake is considered one of the most mushroom places in the entire region. There are a lot of mossiness mushrooms, chanterelles, there are boletus, boletus and white.
Mushroom places are also considered the village of Pervomayskoye, Kamenka, Ryabovo, Roschino, a tank range and an old Finnish airfield.
Attention! Meets a lot false chanterelles. Be carefull.

Kirovsky district

Sinyavino village

It is difficult to find an occupation more contemplative and bringing happiness than the summer mushroom picking. Once you take a walk through the woods with a basket, you will be drawn to this exciting activity again and again. Can't believe it? And you try, in the early summer morning, when Sun rays break through the mighty branches of trees, and the air is still full of night coolness ...

These mysterious mushrooms...

Mushrooms are one of the most interesting. They combine both signs of plants and animals. Incredibly diverse in shape and coloring, they live in the most unexpected corners of our planet. Known specimens settled on the seabed.

And again conspiracy theorists fantasized ...

Since ancient times, people have been studying the properties of mushrooms. To this day, these amazing organisms are not fully understood. There are two inexplicable but proven facts about mushrooms:

  1. Having incredible energy. Science knows mushrooms that can crack asphalt, absorb radiation and change their shape in a very short period of time.
  2. Influence on people's minds. There are no other plants in nature that can change the biochemistry of the brain so much. That is, to have a pronounced psychedelic effect.

From this follows an interesting hypothesis about the extraterrestrial origin of the organisms in question.

What are mushrooms?

Living in the forest, growing on trees and even entering into a close symbiosis with humans. We are also interested in those specimens that grow in the forest.

Scholars share Forest mushrooms into edible, conditionally edible and poisonous. Mushrooms are recognized as edible (and very tasty) gifts of the forest, polish mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. In the season of mushrooms, a real hunt goes after them!

Conditionally edible mushrooms can also be eaten. Just to begin with, they need to be brought to the correct condition. That is, in a certain way, soak, evaporate, carry out cunning manipulations, and only then eat. Black milk mushrooms belong to this class of mushrooms.

But it’s better not to joke with poisonous mushrooms ... Why - read on.

In what cases is it better to just admire the gift of the forest?

When there is even the slightest suspicion of the edibility of the mushroom.

Most of the Leningrad region is satanic mushroom and red fly agaric. And also - all the unfamiliar and dubious gifts of the forest. This is the rule of the wise mushroom picker. Even the most experienced specialist will not take an incomprehensible mushroom into his basket.

Finally, I would like to reassure the reader: lethal outcome leads only to poisoning by the well-known pale grebe. In all other cases, people survive (the consequences depend on how strong the liver and kidneys are). Another thing is that such experiments are obviously meaningless. Next, we will talk about edible and healthy mushrooms in the Leningrad Region, a photo is attached.

Mushroom season is truly a wonderful time!

Spring nature is fascinating: insects frolic in the air, streams flow, and the sky in the evenings becomes starry and alluring.

The first mushrooms of the Leningrad region (the photo of the assorted will follow the cute fly agaric) appear at the end of April. And it is, of course, morels. They do not differ in beautiful appearance, but in palatability only young mushrooms can compete with them. The map of mushroom places will tell you more about their favorite places.

Next comes the season of summer collection of forest gifts. In June, fresh boletus and boletus appear. They love to grow in birch groves. Oilers almost always live in families: if you find one pretty oily mushroom, then you should carefully study the area around. The second decade of June gives mushroom pickers white picks.

July is another mushroom month. Mushrooms, chanterelles and mushrooms appear in the forests. And from the middle of the month, the earth is decorated with multi-colored russula hats. These mouth-watering mushrooms amaze with their richest color palette ...

August is traditionally recognized as the most mushroom month. The number of white mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, russula and chanterelles is increasing. Specifically, mushrooms and belushki are considered August mushrooms. The first appear at the beginning of the month, the second - closer to its end. poisonous mushrooms Leningrad region (fly agaric and pale grebes) are also actively growing in last month summer. They catch the eye with their bright red hats with white pimples. Amanitas grow in forest lowlands and along roadsides.

The autumn mushroom season in the Leningrad region is September and the first two weeks of October. Traditionally summer mushrooms are gradually declining. In the forests, more and more often there are various rows - belushki, jaundices and greenfinches. Also, on old stumps and next to majestic trees, you can meet friendly families of honey mushrooms. The season ends with the onset of the first frosts and a drop in temperature to 5 degrees with a plus sign.

Spring trip for mushrooms

Places in the Leningrad region, let's start with the habitat of the first spring mushroom- morel. To be more precise - morel conical. This mushroom grows in coniferous and deciduous forests Leningrad region, it can be found on the site of clearings, fires and burnt forests. Having found one conical morel, in 99% of cases you can find the whole family.

Most often, the mushroom grows in the southern part of the region, namely, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village of Tosno. The map of mushroom places in the Leningrad region, located further, confirms this. At the end of April, in addition to a basket of morels, you can also collect birch sap. This wonderful spring drink restores strength and gives a charge of vivacity.

Summer-autumn location of mushrooms

Most actual question lovers of the forest and its gifts - where to pick mushrooms in the Leningrad region in the summer. The easiest way to answer it is with a map of mushroom places. It has successful routes compiled experienced hunters for the gifts of the forest (mushroom places in the Leningrad region are marked with symbolic icons). However, it is worth remembering that year after year is not necessary. And if the mushroom places of 2014 were one, then it is likely that in 2015 the gifts of the forest will choose other locations.

However, there are statistics. And she, as you know, is an incredibly stubborn and accurate thing. Let us turn to her with our mushroom question.

Specific habitats of forest gifts

So, mushroom places in the Leningrad region - where are they?

  1. Near the village of Sinyavino (59.54 N, 31.04 E). The settlement is located 45 km southeast of St. Petersburg. You can get to it both by car and by train. The latter runs 3 times a day from the Ladoga railway station. In the forests around the village, butterflies, chanterelles and saffron mushrooms grow, sometimes you can find porcini mushrooms and mushrooms.
  2. In the forests around Vyritsa (59.24 N, 30.20 E). It's over again south direction: the town is located 60 km south of St. Petersburg. At the end of July, chanterelles, milk mushrooms and russula grow in local forests. In order not to get lost, you should go along. In addition to picking mushrooms, the traveler has every chance to get vivid impressions of summer nature.
  3. In Sosnovo (60.33 N, 30.14 E). Mushroom places in the Leningrad region are inconceivable without this wonderful place. The forests around the village are famous for a variety of mushrooms. What only gifts of the forest can not be found in coniferous and spruce forests that surround this locality! These are mushrooms, and boletus, and flywheels, and butterflies in the area of ​​​​sun-drenched clearings! Closer to autumn, it is quite possible to pick up a basket of milk mushrooms or chanterelles for salting. You can devote a whole day to picking mushrooms in Sosnovo. It will be remembered, like everything beautiful that is associated with summer and wonderful nature.
  4. Near the village of Stekolnoye, which is located in the Tosnensky district (59.33 N, 30.54 E). Local forests invariably delight mushroom pickers with a rich harvest of young mushrooms. But no one promises that the search for these noble representatives of the flora (or fauna?) Will be easy. You will have to stray, search, strain your logic ... Only a patient and resourceful mushroom picker will be generously rewarded according to his deserts.

In this section, we have listed the coordinates of mushroom places in the Leningrad region. We hope they will help everyone find their favorite gifts of the forest.

Gourmet delicacy

We simply have no right to ignore any mushroom dish. We will tell you the recipe for a simple, but incredibly appetizing treat.

So you returned from nature with a basket of mushrooms, there is nothing special to eat at home, and hunger has been tormenting for more than one hour ... Right now, you can turn a small part of the prey into a hearty dish that will satisfy your hunger until the end of the day ... So, the recipe! Required Ingredients:

  • White mushrooms;
  • salt;
  • butter.

Thoroughly wash pieces of 5-6 young mushrooms. Dry them with a napkin, cut into slices of medium size.

Melt the butter in a frying pan. Finely chop the onion, pour it into the frying pan. The whole point is that the onion does not burn out, but forms a viscous substance together with butter. When this metamorphosis has occurred, add chopped mushrooms to the onion. Simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat, then salt the dish. Then simmer over low heat until done. Lay out on a plate.

If any summer greens are found in the refrigerator, then finely chop it and sprinkle the dish. Bon Appetit!

There are many fascinating stories associated with mushrooms, but we will pay attention to the most useful for collecting lovers. Go:

Mushrooms are unique organisms. And the process of collecting them is addictive. It is worth remembering: interesting mushrooms love logical search and extraordinary solutions. He who seeks will always find. Good luck!

62 species of mushrooms are registered in the Leningrad region. Most of of which are edible mushrooms. And in today's publication, we will just talk about edible and conditionally edible types of mushrooms in the Leningrad Region. For a more convenient classification, each species will be accompanied not only by the name and photo, but also by a brief description.

The head of the fungus resembles a cap of small diameter (up to 40 mm) and up to 50 mm in height. The mushroom is conditionally edible and needs to be heat treated before use (you need to boil it for at least 15 minutes). In America, this mushroom is considered inedible.

Edible mushroom is very Low quality. Not really studied. The pulp resembles cartilage, tough. Before cooking, it is necessarily boiled.

The fruit body at a young age has a spherical type. As it ages, it takes on a bulbous shape. Max Diameter up to 8 cm, on average, no more than 6 cm. The color of the shell is brown. The fruit itself is slightly wrinkled.

It has a relatively small hat up to 150 mm in diameter. There are rare specimens with a 200 mm cap. Shell color is white.He belongs to the edible, but only at a young age, until the moment when his plates are colored. And the plates are painted within 2 days after emerging from the soil.

Has a pear-shaped body structure. Pretty common mushroom. Despite the strange appearance, this is a pretty tasty mushroom. It is edible only when young, when the flesh is firm and white.

His appearance is not very appetizing, but nevertheless, he is edible mushroom. Moreover, most of those who ate it note that this is the most delicious mushroom on the planet. It is so edible that it can be eaten raw, which is often practiced, especially when making salads.

A very tasty mushroom that can be pickled, fried, boiled. The taste is not inferior to the famous champignon. In Europe, it is considered a real delicacy.

Very beautiful, edible mushroom. IN purple the fruiting body is colored only at a young age. As it ages, the shade fades and the Spiderweb becomes white.

He is not afraid severe frosts. It enters fruiting very late. When all species go to "rest" in order to survive the winter-winter, Hygrofor appears.

He is also a thick-legged honey agaric. Refers to edible species. But before use, it is recommended to boil it, as fresh fruit bodies have a specific pungent taste.

According to the Soviet division of edibility, winter mushroom occupies the fourth category. It can be consumed only after preliminary heat treatment for 20-30 minutes. Young mushrooms can be eaten completely, in older specimens only the cap is edible.

It has a small lingual head (up to 90 mm). The pulp is thin, elastic, white. The leg is lateral, covered with slight pubescence.

edible view which can be consumed even raw. In many countries, especially in Europe, it is grown on an industrial scale.

Has an unusual taste. In Russia, it is considered an edible mushroom of very low quality. But in America they are more skeptical of him, since more than one case of poisoning with common flake has been recorded.

It is considered a conditionally edible mushroom, but in 2001 scientists had questions about its status. Zelenushka is suspected of being poisonous. But, nevertheless, the mushroom is still used by the inhabitants of Russia. Suitable for use in fried, boiled and pickled form. The most interesting thing is that the greenfinch retains its characteristic green color even after heat treatment.

Edible, suitable for consumption in any form. Before cooking, the skin is removed from the row and it is boiled for 20-30 minutes. After heat treatment, the flesh turns slightly gray.

According to the classification of Soviet times, it belongs to conditionally edible. Quite rarely eaten. Many consider it inedible. Only young fruiting bodies are suitable for food. As it ages, the yellow-red row acquires a bitter taste.

An edible species that is considered the "king" of the entire mushroom kingdom. It is used in fried, boiled, dried and pickled forms. It is often used dried and ground as a condiment. In Italy it is often used raw as an ingredient in salads. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the most useful mushroom from point of view nutritional value. Moreover, some species even surpass it in protein, potassium and phosphorus content.

Refers to edible mushrooms High Quality. Fruit bodies can be fried, boiled, pickled or frozen.

Edible, suitable for food in any form.

Very pleasant taste. Suitable for consumption in any form, fried, boiled, dried, marinated and frozen.

Conditionally edible mushroom of high quality. Most often, Dubovik olive-brown is used in pickled form. Also, it is often used in dried form. It can be consumed only after careful heat treatment.

According to the Soviet classification, it belongs to the 4th category. Suitable for food only after preliminary heat treatment. Can be used marinated, fried, boiled, dried or frozen. After heat treatment, the fruit body acquires a dark shade, but its taste does not deteriorate.

It can be eaten even without prior heat treatment. Suitable for drying. However, even despite this, it did not receive good praise. This is due to the specific, not very pleasant taste of the fruiting body.

One of the most popular edible species in Russia. It is most commonly used for canning, but is often fried and boiled. But at the same time, it is also worth noting the fact that in some people the Butter dish provokes allergic reactions.

It is often considered a low quality mushroom as its flesh is very tough. But the hardness decreases with good heat treatment. Like Chanterelle yellow, funnel is suitable for use in fried, boiled, pickled and dried forms.

Refers to edible. In France, it is considered the most delicious among the mushrooms growing on their territory. Most often, only young mushrooms are used, since with the aging of the fruiting body of the Yellow Herb, it becomes hard and bitter. However, long-term heat treatment (at least 25 minutes) eliminates this drawback.

Despite the unappetizing appearance, Trutovik is quite edible. The fruiting body is consumed at a young age and only after heat treatment. The pulp has a pleasant aroma and sour taste. Polypore-sulphur-yellow is used in soups, for canning and fried.

He is an umbrella tinder fungus. An edible species that has not gained much popularity among mushroom pickers.

He is a coral-shaped Ezhovik. An edible species that is eaten only at a young age. However, it is not worth collecting the fruiting bodies of Hericium, as it is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

It is used in food in any form. Also, an antibiotic is made from it and its related Red Ginger to fight tuberculosis.

IN old times The real breast was considered the only representative of the mushroom kingdom that could be allowed to pickle. In the West, few people know about him, but in Russia, the Gruzd is considered almost the most best mushroom. It can be fried, boiled, canned and dried.

From the name it is clear that the fruiting body of this species has a characteristic bitterness. The bitter is used for pickling. However, for the preparation of canned fruiting bodies, it is necessary to soak them well. If this is not done, then the pulp will have a characteristic unpleasant bitter taste. In the West it is considered inedible.

Volnushka pink refers to conditionally edible species good quality. Most often used in salted and pickled form. Before the fruit bodies are marinated, they must be thoroughly soaked.

Belongs to the conditionally edible category. Suitable for frying, boiling and marinating. By itself, it is bitter, so it needs careful heat treatment or soaking before cooking.

The head is small, up to 120 mm. At a young age, the mushroom cap is spherical, after which it becomes convex. The fruiting body is edible and has a pleasant aroma. But among mushroom pickers, light yellow russula is not the most preferred mushroom.

In the West, it is considered inedible, but in our country it is treated as a fairly tasty mushroom, albeit conditionally edible. Most often, young fruits are harvested, the caps of which have not exceeded 60 mm. The pulp has a characteristic bitterness, which is eliminated by soaking or prolonged heat treatment.

He is a motley hedgehog. It is considered an edible mushroom of rather low quality. Only young specimens are suitable for food. Old fruiting bodies become rough and bitter, and it is impossible to get rid of this even by soaking and heat treatment.

The hot, but at the same time rainy summer has done its job. Already from mid-July, mushrooms began to appear near St. Petersburg, moreover, in large quantities! This means that now is the time to take a bigger basket, put on a panama hat on your head, and rubber boots on your feet and go to the forest. In which? Here for you help will come mushroom map prepared by Komsomolskaya Pravda.


Coordinates: 61.7, NL 29.52 E

How to get there: perhaps the most difficult route (you will need a boat), but also the most profitable. You can get to Kuznechny by train from the Finland Station, and then move to the islands.

What is: knowledgeable people it is said to be the best place in the area to collect chanterelles.


Coordinates: 60.70 N 28.75 E

How to get there: you can get to Vyborg from the Finland Station. You can also get there by car along the Vyborgskoye highway, or by bus from the Grazhdansky Prospekt metro station.

What to eat: the forest near Vyborg is very dry. Therefore, during the season, you can often find boletus, boletus, and porcini mushrooms here. Prepare a big basket!


Coordinates: 60.24 N 29.21 E

How to get there: also move towards Vyborg, but get off a little earlier, at the Zakhodskoye station.

What to eat: in the surrounding forests you can find mossiness mushrooms, aspen mushrooms and harvest a rich crop of porcini mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.40 N 30.00 E

How to get there: you can get to Losevo by train from Finlyandsky railway station to Losevo station or by bus from Sosnovo.

What to eat: there are porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, birch boletus, butterdish and mossiness mushrooms.


Coordinates: 60.33 N 29.51 E

How to get there: minibus No. 678 goes to Michurinsky from Ozerki, or you can get to Sosnovo, and from there by bus.

What to eat: chanterelles and black milk mushrooms. You can also find boletus, boletus, white, but much less often.


Coordinates: 60.33 s. sh. 30.14 E

How to get there: by direct train from Finland Station. Travel time: about 2 hours.

What to eat: The variety of mushrooms is impressive. Here you can find mushrooms, boletus, flywheels and butterflies.


Coordinates: 60.00 N 30.36 E

How to get there: only half an hour from the Finland Station or by taxi along the Road of Life. And another half an hour walk to the forest.

What to eat: near Bernhardovka you can find chanterelles, birch boletus and even white ones.


Coordinates: 60.3 N 30.28 E

How to get there: the most accessible, and therefore the most difficult site in terms of mushroom competition. You can also get there by metro. And then - go deeper into the forest.

What to eat: a wide variety of mushrooms. There are even porcini mushrooms.


Coordinates: 59.89 N 29.08, east

How to get there: electric trains run from the Baltic Station, and from Avtovo - fixed-route taxis. Getting into the city itself is not easy. The Leningrad NPP is located there, so you may be asked for special permission. And passports.

What to eat: boletus and mossiness mushrooms.


Coordinates: 59.37 N 61.3 E

How to get there: fixed-route taxis from Ligovsky Prospekt metro station.

What to eat: chanterelles, white, boletus, boletus.


Coordinates: 59.54 N, 31.04 E

How to get there: the settlement is located 45 km southeast of St. Petersburg. You can get there by your own car or train.

What to eat: butterflies, chanterelles and mushrooms grow in the forests around the village, sometimes you can find porcini mushrooms and mushrooms. But that's if you're lucky.


Coordinates: 59.24 N, 30.20 E

How to get there: located 60 km south of St. Petersburg. It is very convenient to go by electric train from the Baltic Station.

What to eat: since the end of July, chanterelles, milk mushrooms and russula grow abundantly in these forests.


Coordinates: 59.33 s. sh., 30.54 E

How to get there: by train or minibus to Tosno, and then by bus to Stekolny.

What to eat: they say there are most mushrooms here. Well, other, less elite mushrooms, no one canceled.


Coordinates: 59.45 N 30.57 E

How to get there: By train from the Moscow railway station towards Volkhov or Kirishi.

What to eat: chanterelles, russula and mushrooms grow here. IN lucky days porcini mushrooms can also be found.

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