Mushroom picking rules: a brief reminder. Mushroom rules. Edible, non-edible and poisonous mushrooms Rules for collecting edible cap mushrooms

skillful picking of mushrooms is the norm of a mushroom picker

✎ What are mushroom picking rules for?

Going on a "quiet hunt", you need to remember well and conscientiously observe mushroom picking rules, well, and also adhere to the rules of behavior in the forest and the elementary culture of communication with wildlife. Because it is simply necessary for the conservation of mushroom stocks and the preservation of the forest, as the most important source of sustaining life on our planet.
A significant proportion of our mushroom crops are collected individually and, as a rule, for personal use. Basically, the rural population is engaged in mushroom picking and, to a lesser extent, the urban population is accustomed to this.
Mushroom picking begins in early spring and continues until late autumn, with a short break in the first half of June. But mushrooms do not grow everywhere where there is a forest, the main condition for their growth is warm weather without sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures and sufficient humidity. In damp and, conversely, too dry soil, they do not grow at all or grow, but very poorly.
Successful harvesting of forest mushrooms requires experience, knowledge and skill. Often one has to observe how, having gone on a "quiet hunt" in the same area, one mushroom picker returns with a full basket, the other - only with its "covered bottom"; the first brings selected, first-class "trophies", and the second - little demanded. Of course, from mushroom picking rules it depends little, most likely it is the result of many years of personal experience or knowledge of the various subtleties of mushroom collection. But you still need to know the rules.

✎ What are the rules for picking mushrooms?

These rules are very simple. And it will not be difficult to read them carefully and memorize them well:

I. Golden mushroom picking rules :

  • collect only familiar mushrooms,

    any unfamiliar, causing even the slightest doubt, or with obvious tuberous thickenings at the base of the legs, do not take, do not touch with your hands, do not try to taste and, moreover, do not eat them (this is a rule);

II. The main thing mushroom picking rules :

  • collect young "healthy" mushrooms,

    and wormy, overgrown, flabby, even worse, rotten (which themselves accumulate dangerous toxic substances) should not be taken in any case without exposing your taste to trouble, and your health to an unnecessary test (this is a rule);

III. Important mushroom picking rules :

  • when picking mushrooms, do not damage the mycelium,

    so that it can produce new crops in subsequent years; for this, it is better to simply twist tubular mushrooms out of it, and cut or break lamellar and marsupials (this is the rule);

IV. First mushroom picking rules :

  • having found a mushroom to look around, its "brothers" grow nearby,

    because almost all types of mushrooms like to live either in small friendly families or in impressive colonies (this is the rule);

v. Second mushroom picking rules :

  • do not look for mushrooms in tall grass and windbreak,

    this is wasted strength, nerves and time, and at best it’s two mushrooms per hour (this is the rule).

VI. Third mushroom picking rules :

  • collect mushrooms in a ventilated basket,

    because in any bucket (plastic or metal) or plastic bag - they suffocate and "burn out" very quickly (this is the rule);

VII. fourth mushroom picking rules :

  • clear the extracted "trophies" from the earth and debris,

    and lay with hats down or sideways, while: tubular types with a leg; and in lamellar species, the legs should be cut to a length of 2-a - 3 centimeters (this is the rule);

VIII. Fifth mushroom picking rules :

  • do not take more mushrooms than you need (than you can carry),

    because the collected "trophies" deteriorate very quickly and lose all their qualities, so they must be processed immediately upon returning from the forest (this is the rule);

IX. First:

  • when collecting, do not take "baby mushrooms",

    anyway, they won’t add much to the basket, but in a day or two they will grow up and be able to please another mushroom picker or some forest dweller (this is a rule);

x. Second the rule of "good manners" when picking mushrooms :

  • do not trample any old mushroom,

    edible hang higher on a branch with a spore-bearing layer down, the wind will spread its spores for the future harvest (this is the rule);

XI. Third the rule of "good manners" when picking mushrooms :

  • do not knock down any unfamiliar mushroom,

    and leave it to a more experienced tracker or forest dweller, it is quite possible that he will come in handy (this is the rule);

✎ How to pick mushrooms correctly?

To collect mushrooms, you need to have a basket that is well ventilated, keeping the freshness of the collected mushrooms throughout their collection. And the basket should be, if possible, low and wide, in a high and narrow basket they crumple, and it is difficult to remove them from there. You should not use very soft containers to collect mushrooms, there they will also crumple, break, crumble and deteriorate prematurely. And it is also not recommended to use plastic bags, plastic, metal buckets and pails. In them, the extracted "trophies" will suffocate and quickly become unusable. And therefore, you can only use a wicker (and preferably willow) basket. And the harvested crop should be laid in it with the hats down (or sideways), cutting off with a knife a part of the leg, which is contaminated with the remnants of the earth and debris from the mycelium.
The best time to pick forest mushrooms is in the early morning hours, because mushrooms (which tend to grow mainly at night) picked in the morning will be fresh and dense, and therefore resistant to their transportation and subsequent storage.
And the mushroom picking technique itself requires rational methods that should protect the mycelium from damage, ensuring mushroom crops for subsequent years. And it is unacceptable, for example, to pull out mushroom fruits from the soil, since this significantly damages the mycelium and its subsequent growth in this place often stops. It is recommended to cut off the leg of the fetus with a knife, but the truth is that an open lacerated wound always forms, which easily perceives any infection and may well cause rotting of the mycelium. Least of all, the mycelium is damaged if the mushroom is twisted out of it. To do this, it must be rotated around its axis until it freely separates from the mycelium. And the hole remaining after this should be slightly dug or slightly trampled.

And I would especially like to note one more very important point:

If you find a pale grebe in the forest, then destroy it - trample it and loosen the soil in a circle with a stick so that the wind cannot spread its spores. Pale grebe is the most dangerous mushroom in the forest, which by its presence is able to poison everything around within reach - any mushrooms, berries and herbs!..

It is this opinion that often exists on the Internet, and it is this call that can be heard from many authors. What would you like to say about this:

... here's what you definitely shouldn't do, so this - exactly this ...

Just walk by and don't pick anything nearby at all: neither mushrooms, nor berries, nor flowers. Next - it's one and a half or two meters from it. Most likely, in the vicinity of a growing pale grebe, everything will be poisoned by its spores.
And if you try to trample it, then there is a high probability of bringing home its remains along with its spores on your shoes. The pale grebe does not forgive its offenders and, on the contrary, it is quite loyal to literate and "polite" mushroom pickers.

✎ Findings and Conclusions

In nature, everything is balanced and there is nothing superfluous. And even such a "muck" as a pale grebe, because it is also needed for something! She cripples someone, and probably heals someone.
If we recall, for example, the mass extermination of sparrows in China (as crop pests), and then. what did it lead to? But only to the fact that the entire crop immediately began to devour the locust. It will also be in this case. Immediately, another, no less dangerous rubbish will appear, which will immediately begin to mercilessly destroy all life around. And as they say: "a holy place - there is no empty place!"
So, if you discard all prejudices and follow the simple rules for picking mushrooms, then this process will become not just a tedious harvesting operation, but a welcome exciting activity that makes it possible to better know and love your native nature.

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In total, there are 266 presentations in the topic "The World Around the 3rd Grade" > The world around 3 class > The world around 3 class "Forest" > slide 1

1. Collect only those mushrooms in the forest that you know for sure that they are edible.

2. Mushrooms that you do not know or that are in doubt, never eat or taste them raw.

3. Never pick or eat those mushrooms that have a tuberous thickening at the base of the stem, surrounded by a shell (as, for example, in the red fly agaric), and do not taste them.

4. When picking mushrooms, especially russula, try to take them with a whole leg, so as not to lose sight of the important feature indicated in the previous rule.

5. If you collect champignons in the forest, which in some places are called pecherica, pay special attention to the color of the plates located on the lower surface of the cap.

Never pick or eat "champignons" that have white plates. In real edible champignons, the plates quickly turn pink and then darken.

In a deadly poisonous pale grebe, similar in appearance to champignon, the plates are always white.

6. If you collect for pickling volushki, nigella, whites, milk mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms containing milky juice, be sure to boil or soak them before salting to extract bitter, stomach-irritating substances.

The same should be done with valuy and russula, which have a pungent and bitter taste, as well as with pigs.

7. When collecting stitches and morels, you should always remember the need for their mandatory neutralization before cooking. These mushrooms should first be boiled for 7-10 minutes in water; a decoction containing poison, be sure to pour it out. After this treatment, stitches and morels can be boiled or fried.

8. Never pick or eat mushrooms that are overripe, slimy, flabby, wormy or spoiled.

Don't eat raw mushrooms.

10. Mushrooms brought home must be sorted into separate types on the same day and carefully reviewed again. All questionable, as well as overripe, flabby and wormy mushrooms should be thrown away. The lower part of the legs, contaminated with soil, is cut off and the mushrooms are thoroughly washed from sand and litter. In some mushrooms (oily and wet), a film covered with mucus is removed from the cap.

Mushrooms must be cooked on the day of collection or no later than the next morning.

Rules for collecting mushrooms: 1. Collect only those mushrooms that are familiar to you and that you can definitely distinguish from poisonous ones. 2. Do not collect old, wormy, soaked up water after long rains and covered with mold. 3. Carefully inspect the mushrooms before placing them in the basket. 4. Remember that even the best and, of course, edible mushroom, if it is overripe, began to rot or lay untreated for a long time, can become poisonous.

The shelf life of fresh mushrooms should not exceed 18-24 hours at a temperature not higher than +10 degrees. 5. Do not pick mushrooms that appear after the first frost. 6. Do not pick mushrooms along roads and near industrial enterprises: they accumulate heavy metals and radioactive substances hazardous to health in fruiting bodies. 7. Do not use plastic bags or other plastic containers that do not let air through to collect mushrooms. 8. At the first signs of poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Before his arrival, you need to drink a lot of warm water and induce vomiting.

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Biology Grade 6

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Total in the topic "Biology Grade 6" 104 presentations > Biology Grade 6 > "Kingdom of Mushrooms" Grade 6 > slide 24

Any avid mushroom picker will tell you that "quiet" hunting is a great pleasure, and not just an opportunity to replenish household supplies.

Of course, it’s nice to slowly wander through the morning forest in search of hats lurking under the trees, blades of grass and leaves shining with dew.

However, we must not forget that mushrooms can be not only edible, but also poisonous, so they must be collected very carefully so that they are brought home only to your benefit.

It is best to go to the forest before full sunrise, i.e. around 6 am. Firstly, the sun will not blind you, and secondly, the dew that has not dried on the hats will make them more noticeable.

It is best to collect mushrooms in a basket woven from willow twigs or birch bark.

Take a small handy knife with you. You should also take care of protection against mosquitoes and ticks. For collection, do not choose places near industrial enterprises, roads and railway lines.

The basic principle to be followed during the hunt is "If you're not sure - don't take it!".

Never test the edibility of a mushroom by taste!

It's better to leave it in the forest if you're not sure if it's edible. Also, do not take obviously old or wormy specimens, and left by other people.

Very often people become victims of so-called false mushrooms.

They look like they are edible. If the base of the leg has a thickening surrounded by fringe rings, then this is a sign of toxicity. False mushrooms, so often mistaken for real edible mushrooms, have a very thin stem without velvety rings. They are also much smaller than real mushrooms. There is no slippery film on the hat and no scales.

There are two ways to pick mushrooms - cut or twist. Both methods are acceptable for the preservation of mycelium. So, tubular species (boletus, boletus, boletus), growing singly, it is better to carefully twist.

If they grow in families, then in order not to damage the mycelium, you need to cut them off at ground level. Waves, mushrooms, milk mushrooms have a very thin and fragile leg, so it is better to cut them with a knife.

In any case, you need to cut or twist it very, very carefully.

The preserved mycelium will delight you with a new harvest in the same place. Therefore, real lovers of "quiet" hunting hide their "fish" places so carefully in order to return there again and again for a full basket.

As soon as you return home from the forest, immediately sort and clean the mushrooms. Those that contain milky juice (waves, milk mushrooms) should be soaked before cooking - then they will not be bitter.

However, it is better not to take them for drying. Freshly picked and peeled hats and legs should be boiled for at least an hour over moderate heat.

When they settle to the bottom, it means they are ready. The resulting foam should be removed. You can change the water once.

For freezing fresh mushrooms, only a freezer with a quick deep freeze system is suitable. They can be stored in a regular refrigerator for no more than three days!

Collection of mushrooms. Time and place for picking mushrooms. Mushroom rules. mushroom season

August 13, 2011 Hunting and fishing, Mushrooms

Mushroom picking has long been called mushroom hunting or silent hunting. And this is not at all surprising, because you still have to be able to find a useful mushroom - large, fresh, strong.

In quiet hunting, not only information about edible / poisonous mushrooms is important, but also knowledge about the rules of collection. There are plenty of tricks in silent hunting!

picking mushrooms

Shoes and clothes of a mushroom picker should in no way hamper movement, since picking mushrooms involves constant transitions from place to place.

Due to improperly selected shoes, feet can suffer greatly: it is best to give preference to sports shoes or any worn shoes. To avoid chafing your feet, choose cotton or wool socks (depending on weather conditions). It will not be superfluous to provide additional protection from rain and wind. Often, mushroom hunting is carried out on the territories of large forests. For such trips, it is advisable to have matches, a knife, a whistle, a compass, paper and a pencil with you.

But when picking mushrooms, the forest itself requires special attention.

It is necessary not only to carefully look for the object of collection, but also to vigilantly monitor the environment and the road under your feet, as there is a risk of tripping over brushwood and roots overgrown with grass, falling into a hole or catching on a sharp branch, because mushrooms grow in thick grass.

An indispensable companion of any mushroom picker will be a basket of willow, wickerwork of bast or birch bark.

In no case should they be replaced with a backpack, a plastic bag, a bucket and other containers in which mushrooms can be wrinkled - picking mushrooms requires care.

It is very important not to damage the integrity of the mycelium, so the object of collection is cut with a knife so that the lower end of the leg remains in the ground, which is subsequently sprinkled with earth and rammed. This will allow you not to lose productivity in the next mushroom season.

Mushroom picking time

You need to start picking mushrooms early in the morning in order to be in time before they warm up under the sun.

This will allow them to be stored for a longer time. If mushrooms heated by the sun are spread over the surface in a thick layer, they will quickly deteriorate - they will become covered with mucus and begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

It is erroneous to assume that mushrooms grow in the forest only in the autumn. Already from mid-May, you can collect morels, in July - russula, and in early August - boletus, milk mushrooms, boletus and boletus.

Starting from September, mushrooms, fly mushrooms and mushrooms appear. But a dry June portends a mushroom-free July.

mushroom season

All mushrooms grow in "layers" or "waves". From mid-May, the first spring mushrooms of the year begin to appear. In July, in the last decade, in the forests where birches are found, you can collect veils, which are well known as constant companions of porcini mushrooms; in small-leaved and relatively light - pigs, in broad-leaved - pepper mushrooms and podgruzdki.

The crop of porcini mushrooms in July is not rich, as their layer is waiting for its time.

During the summer in central Russia, there are approximately three to four layers of mushrooms, with August being the main mushroom month.

At this time, all July varieties begin to actively bear fruit, and in addition to them the most valuable, new ones are added - boletus, boletus, mushrooms and mushrooms.

White wave - the first herald of the approaching autumn. Therefore, partly September and August as a whole are the time when you can actively start quiet hunting.

Mushroom picking places

Light deciduous groves are traditionally considered the most mushroom places.- birch, aspen, etc.

White mushrooms can be found near anthills and fly agarics. It should also be remembered that in a dry summer the fungus grows as close to the trunk as possible, and in a damp one - at a distance from it.

Most of them grow to the north of the tree, to the west and east they are somewhat less, and on the south side of the trunk they are generally extremely rare.

Mushroom picking rules

When picking mushrooms, you must remember that excessive caution will not interfere in this matter.

You should not take an incomprehensible mushroom or try a well-known one. Based on the same precaution, it is best to give preference to a young crop, since the old one is characterized by the accumulation of toxic substances: pickling, salting and drying require exceptionally whole and strong mushrooms.

For greater convenience, the search can be carried out using a stick, reaching a length of about 1 meter, with a horn located at the end.

Mushrooms, especially tubular ones, are put in a basket so that their caps look up, and small mushrooms are left whole, while large ones are cut off and placed next to the stem.

The found mushroom must be cleaned of debris and earth - this will greatly facilitate the work at home. In the forest, you need to behave calmly and not run in a hurry from tree to tree: quiet hunting requires special concentration, attention and patience.

Often where one mushroom grows, many others can be found. But do not forget about the danger of poisonous mushrooms.

Harvested mushrooms should not be stored for too long (more than 2-3 hours). This is due to the increased moisture content (about 89-92 percent). The raw crop is stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar. If there are none, any cool place will do.

Most mushrooms, including russula and lamellar mushrooms, must be cut exclusively with a stem. This is done in order to make sure that there is no special membranous ring, which is characteristic of some poisonous mushrooms that look like russula - for example, pale grebe, which is considered the most dangerous.

One fourth of her hat is enough to die from poisoning.

Such mushrooms, as conditionally edible, are placed in a large enameled pan before pickling and poured with cool water. The latter contributes to the removal of milky juice and bitterness from the fetus.

Aluminum and galvanized utensils should never come into contact with mushrooms. Immediately after delivery from the forest, mushrooms must be sorted out. If this is not possible, then they are doused with salted boiling water. This prolongs their life by a day.

edible mushrooms
poisonous mushrooms

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Mushroom rules. Mushroom picking rules for children

The forest, as you know, is our wealth. Therefore, natural resources must be treated with care.

So, for example, when coming to the forest for mushrooms, you should follow certain rules for their collection. Below are some recommendations.

I'm going to the forest

Before giving the rules for collecting edible mushrooms, some points should be noted that precede the trip to nature. It is better to go to the forest when warm days and nights come after heavy rains.

This is very beneficial for the crop. You need to go to the forest early in the morning. Of course, there are people who believe that everyone will get mushrooms. This is partly true, but only in the case when places are known where no one has yet been. When going for mushrooms, you need to dress well. On your feet you should put on tight trousers and put on high boots or boots, on top - a sweater and a thick jacket.

Rules for safe mushroom picking

First of all, you should choose the area.

In no case should you collect mushrooms near large, especially industrial, cities, near cemeteries, factories. You need to get away from highways, railways.

This is due to the fact that in the vicinity of these places there is an active release of heavy metals and other harmful substances. All toxic compounds are absorbed by plants. Therefore, as the mushroom picking rules say, you should choose a location away from the above areas.

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Poisonous or not?

If there is any doubt about the edibility of the mushroom, then it is better not to cut it. Poisoning can be very dangerous (depending on the concentration of the toxic substance), the consequences are unpredictable. It would be nice to contact a specialist who is able to weed out inedible mushrooms.

He could also talk about the signs of poisonous species. Do not put wormy, flabby, overripe or rotten mushrooms into a basket.

In spoiled species, the process of decomposition begins, which is accompanied by the release of harmful compounds. Mushroom picking rules recommend putting the crop in wicker baskets that are well ventilated. In extreme cases, you can use a bucket. Do not put the harvested crop in bags. There, mushrooms can “suffocate” and quickly deteriorate.

Some rules for picking mushrooms for children

If a child goes to the forest with his parents, he should be given several recommendations.

You can do this in a playful way. For example, you can say to him: "Make a rule for picking mushrooms." The child in the process of conversation begins to understand how to behave in the forest. Parents explain that mushrooms should not be uprooted from the ground or torn off the roots.

In this case, next year there will be no harvest at this place. To keep the mycelium intact, the mushroom should be carefully cut with a knife. You can pull it out if it is under a thick "litter". However, this must be done very carefully, turning and swinging the leg. After that, the hole must be sprinkled with moss.

So the open mycelium will not dry out under the bright sun. A new crop will appear in the same place next year. When telling a child the rules for picking mushrooms, you should definitely tell him that you should not shoot down those species that do not fall into the basket. After all, it happens that one person does not know the name of a particular species or thinks that it is poisonous. The other, on the contrary, knows it very well and actively uses it for food.

Be sure to tell the child that raw mushrooms cannot be tasted. The same applies to berries. If you go to the forest with children, it is necessary that they are in sight at all times. It is very easy for a child to get lost, this should not be forgotten.

Attitude towards the forest and its inhabitants

Being in nature, you should show respect for it. You don't need to break trees to build a fire. There are many dry branches on the ground in the forest, they will be quite enough. If halts are organized, after them it is necessary to remove all the garbage with you, put out the fire.

Forest dwellers should also be treated with care. In no case should you destroy anthills, bird nests. Going to the forest, you need to know not only the rules for picking mushrooms, but also the behavior in case of an unexpected encounter with a wild animal. It is best, of course, to go to already familiar places. However, you can meet some forest dweller, for example, a wild boar, in a well-known area. If this happens, do not show aggression or panic. No need to make loud noises.

As a rule, wild boars do not attack people, and when they see them, they can stop. The person should also stop moving.

Inspection of the harvest at home

The above are the basic rules for picking mushrooms. What to do with the harvest at home? Returning, you should once again carefully review each mushroom.

Probably somewhere there is a wormy leg or a rotten hat. Mushrooms should then be cleaned and washed. In the process of their preparation, in no case should you drink a decoction.

It usually contains harmful substances that are released during heat treatment.


Before heading into the forest, you should not only remember the rules for picking mushrooms.

Information about their varieties is also important. As you know, there are edible and poisonous mushrooms. The first include: boletus, butterdish, volnushka, breast, honey agaric, boletus, chanterelle, flywheel. Among the inedible mushrooms, it should be noted the serushka, the hard field, the tinder fungus, the row, the pepper mushroom, the cherry, the false chanterelle. Poisonous ones include: pale toadstool, false raincoat, false honey agaric, red-haired champignon, chestnut umbrella, fly agaric, poisonous rowing, fibrous, ordinary line.

Before going to the forest, you need to determine which mushrooms will be collected, for what purposes they will be used later. They can be dried, marinated. Fresh mushrooms make a very tasty soup.

In general, there are quite a lot of recipes. In order for the trip to be successful, you must follow the above recommendations. Special care should be taken in the forest if children are present. They need constant supervision.

"Silent hunting" - this is the name of the collection of mushrooms. People go to the forest not only to diversify their menu - this process is akin to meditation, it brings peace and tranquility.

Of course, children growing up in a family of mushroom pickers also pick mushrooms from a very young age together with their parents. To make these woodland walks safe, thorough instruction regarding edible and non-edible species is essential.

Before you teach a child to pick mushrooms correctly, you need to check the rules and his theoretical knowledge in the form of an exam several times according to the Memo before starting practice.

In various regions of our country, the following edible mushrooms are widespread:

And the most dangerous poisonous mushrooms, the use of which promises great trouble, even death:

Memo: how to pick mushrooms
  1. You should never take an unfamiliar mushroom, if in doubt, it is better to leave it or consult with adults.
  2. You can not take large overgrown mushrooms. Even in clean areas, they are a storehouse of harmful substances.
  3. A place for picking mushrooms should not be located near roads and industrial facilities - the farther into the forest, the safer.
  4. Picking mushrooms is best in the morning.
  5. You should never taste mushrooms, even if they are russula.
  6. Twisting and breaking out the mushroom from the mycelium is a blasphemous act in relation to nature. The mushroom picker should always have a small knife with him, which is convenient to cut the stem of the mushroom.
  7. It is undesirable to use plastic buckets and plastic bags for picking mushrooms - if the trip is long and the weather is warm, then the contents of the bag may overheat and spoil.

For children, there are the same as for their parents. Only by example can you show how to behave during the collection. If adults want to teach a child to their favorite pastime, then from a very early age one should focus on the names of mushrooms, on their differences, and especially on the fact that there are deadly mushrooms. Also, the whole family needs to know the basics so that they can immediately seek medical help if necessary.

Kira Stoletova

Going to the forest, people should know the rules for picking mushrooms, their shelf life, appearance and taste. The harvesting guide is useful for both experienced mushroom pickers and beginners who need to know how to pick mushrooms correctly.

  • Basic collection rules

    Picking mushrooms in the forest is not easy, you should follow a few basic rules:

    • it is forbidden to pick unknown mushrooms;
    • an unknown mushroom cannot be tasted;
    • before going to the forest, it is worth studying edible species (for these purposes, you can both visit special Internet resources, as well as atlases and reference books with photos);
    • it is advisable to go hiking early in the morning when dew lies on the grass;
    • it is advisable to put the collected mushrooms in a special basket made of vines (another natural material that retains its shape), the pulp will be less damaged;
    • you can not go far into the forest and leave children unattended;
    • you can not collect spoiled or overripe mushrooms;
    • they go on a hike in groups and always have means of communication with them; with the onset of evening time they return home;
    • take a first aid kit with you;
    • when looking for mushrooms, leaves on the ground are lifted with a stick, and not with hands: a dead animal or a poisonous plant or a poisonous animal is often found in the foliage.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    I would like to name a few more points, the implementation of which will not burden you, but will save your nerves and health:

    • Do not pick mushrooms along highways, industrial zones, near burial places, warehouses, etc.
    • Do not leave children unattended, dress them in bright clothes so that they can see against the background of greenery.
    • Explain to the children that you can’t take anything by mouth - neither berries nor mushrooms.
    • Do not use plastic bags or bags - the mushrooms will wrinkle.
    • Examine the mushroom before placing it in the basket.
    • Do not look for mushrooms in tall grass or windbreak (well, if only you are drawn to feats).
    • Clean the collected mushrooms on the spot from the earth and debris.
    • Do not take more mushrooms than you can carry.
    • Don't pick baby mushrooms.

    You should not pick mushrooms with obvious signs of rot and old age, as they can be harmful to health. At home, the harvested crop is immediately sorted, washed, cleaned, frozen or canned. Raw mushrooms do not last long. If you follow the rules for picking mushrooms, walking in the forest will be useful and pleasant.

    And finally, about the pale toadstool: do not trample the pale grebe if you find it - just walk past. And do not touch anything near her - flowers, berries or mushrooms. Nearby is about 1.5-2 m from the place where the mushroom grows. Why? Most likely, all these beauties and sweets are already covered with microscopic spores and have become dangerous to life and health. If you trample it, then most likely (100%) you will bring a poisonous "gift" from the forest in the form of spores home.

    Required equipment

    The collection rules also include special accessories that they take with them to the forest.

    1. Clothing: depends on the season (warm, light). All parts of the human body must be covered. If you put on a short T-shirt and shorts, a person is injured on branches, suffers from insects (mosquitoes, ticks). Mosquitoes will not do much harm, but ticks will lead to health problems.
    2. Footwear: Light footwear should be worn. It should be closed and comfortable. In the forest you can meet not only insects, but also snakes. If the shoes are closed, then it will be possible to avoid a snake bite.
    3. Knife: The mushroom picker can easily cut off the fruiting body, check the stem of the mushroom and its cap for worms.

    Rules for cutting and twisting fruits

    To preserve the positive qualities of the product, each mushroom picker must remember the rules for picking mushrooms. It all depends on the type of fungus, its habitat and growth characteristics. There are rules for collecting edible mushrooms by twisting.

    1. Mushrooms, boletus, boletus usually have a thick leg. In order not to leave part of the stem in the ground, the fruiting body is twisted, gradually loosening and twisting. After pulling out, the place where it grew is carefully sprinkled with earth or foliage, due to which a new crop will soon appear on this site.
    2. If a suspicious mushroom is encountered on the way, it is better to unscrew it, but put it separately from the others. Upon returning home, its appearance is determined with the help of an encyclopedia or knowledgeable people.
    3. During the collection, it is desirable to unscrew single mushrooms. If the mushrooms grow in groups, they are cut.

    Cutting method

    The basic rules for picking mushrooms require knowledge of the cutting method.

    1. According to the collection rules, only agaric mushrooms are cut: milk mushrooms, mushrooms, volnushki. It will be difficult to unscrew them, because. these species have fragile legs and hats.
    2. Mushrooms that have slight signs of worminess are cut off, after which they are carefully examined with a knife. If the fears are confirmed, the fruiting body is placed (or pricked) on the branches to dry. Spores will have time to ripen and scatter to the nearest territories. For the same purpose, it can be pricked on a branch with a hat down. So the mushroom picker will not only increase the yield in the forest, but also provide the animals with food.
    3. Species that grow in groups must be cut with a knife, because it will be difficult to twist each mushroom and this can damage the mycelium.
    4. If the mushroom grows in moss, use a knife and cut it off. Over time, the remaining leg will rot.
    5. Fruiting bodies of mushrooms growing on trees should be cut with a knife, because. they have stiff legs. After a short time, a new crop will appear in the same place.

    The rules for picking mushrooms state that picking them is prohibited. If a person does this, he will damage the mycelium, which will be long and difficult to recover or not do it at all.

    collection season

    The rules for picking mushrooms are not only in picking methods, but also in time (evening/daytime, seasonal). What are some tips for beginners and experienced mushroom pickers?

    • mushrooms: live in pine forests, their use is possible in any form, and the collection is carried out from July to October;
    • chanterelles: harvested from July to October, eaten without pre-treatment;
    • mushrooms: grow in groups on stumps, collect them in summer and autumn;
    • russula: familiar even to children, bright and beautiful, it takes little time to prepare them, some types can be consumed after daily salting.

    Signs of mushroom pickers

    Many mushroom pickers pay attention to signs and signs before picking:

    1. If pickers of mushrooms get out into the forest in a leap year, then the forest spirit will begin to take revenge on them.
    2. There is a superstition that once every 2-3 years the mycelium becomes poisonous and, therefore, mushrooms cannot be collected. Perhaps in this way our ancestors wanted to give the mycelium a rest and restore “strength”.

  • Time and place for picking mushrooms

    A significant proportion of mushroom crops are collected individually for personal use by the rural population, as well as (albeit in smaller quantities) by the urban population. Do not lag behind adults and schoolchildren. Mushroom picking starts in early spring and continues until late autumn with a short break in early June.
    Collecting mushrooms and looking for them requires experience and, as we have said, knowledge and skill. An old Russian proverb says: "Troshka stands on one leg, everyone is looking for him, but he will disappear." It is often observed that, having gone for mushrooms to the same place, one gains 1-2 kilograms of mushrooms, and the other many times more, or one brings low-grade types of mushrooms, and the other almost exclusively white mushrooms or mushrooms, etc. .
    Mushrooms do not grow wherever there is forest. The main condition for their growth is warm weather without sharp fluctuations in day and night temperatures, as well as sufficient moisture in the heated soil. In moist or too dry soil, mushrooms grow poorly or do not grow at all. Various types of mushrooms grow more abundantly in the conditions of their respective forest plant communities. The names of some mushrooms themselves reflect this connection (birch, aspen, boletus).
    Certain patterns of growth and development of various fungi have been established, depending on the nature of the soil and vegetation. Skillful mushroom pickers know from their own experience "mushroom places" in the forest, as they are guided, often unconsciously, by the characteristics of the soil and forest vegetation. This information is partly given in the attached mushroom description.

    Mushroom picking technique

    To collect mushrooms, you should take a basket that is well ventilated and therefore preserves the freshness of the mushrooms collected for a more or less long time. It is not recommended to use soft containers (bags, sacks and string bags) for picking mushrooms. In them, the mushrooms will crumple, crumble and deteriorate. It is more convenient to put the mushrooms in the basket with the hats down, having previously cut off the part of the leg contaminated with the ground with a knife.
    The best time to pick mushrooms is in the morning. Mushrooms collected at this time are fresher, denser and more stable during storage.
    The technique of picking mushrooms requires rational methods that should protect the mycelium from damage and thereby ensure mushroom crops for subsequent years. It is unacceptable, for example, to pull mushrooms out of the soil, since this significantly destroys the mycelium and the subsequent growth of mushrooms in this place often stops. It is recommended to cut off the stem of the mushroom with a knife. However, in this case, an open wound is formed, which easily perceives any infection that can cause decay of the mycelium.
    Least of all, the mycelium is damaged if the mushroom is unscrewed. In this case, the fungus is rotated around the axis several times, after which it easily comes off the mycelium. The remaining hole should be slightly trampled.
    If you saw a pale toadstool in the forest, it must be destroyed: trample the mushroom, and loosen the soil in a circle with a stick or knife.

    Basic rules for picking mushrooms

    When picking mushrooms, even with some knowledge and experience, it is necessary to strictly follow the basic rules in order to avoid accidental mistakes that can lead to poisoning. Rules and tips for the prevention of mushroom poisoning should be well remembered.

    1. Collect only those mushrooms in the forest that you know for sure that they are edible.
    2. Mushrooms that you do not know or that are in doubt, never eat or taste them raw.
    3. Never pick or eat those mushrooms that have a tuberous thickening at the base of the stem, surrounded by a shell (as, for example, in the red fly agaric), and do not taste them.
    4. When picking mushrooms, especially russula, try to take them with a whole leg, so as not to lose sight of the important feature indicated in the previous rule.
    5. If you collect champignons in the forest, which in some places are called pecherica, pay special attention to the color of the plates located on the lower surface of the cap. Never pick or eat "champignons" that have white plates. In real edible champignons, the plates quickly turn pink and then darken. In a deadly poisonous pale grebe, similar in appearance to champignon, the plates are always white.
    6. If you collect for pickling volushki, nigella, whites, milk mushrooms, mushrooms and other mushrooms containing milky juice, be sure to boil or soak them before salting to extract bitter, stomach-irritating substances. The same should be done with valuy and russula, which have a pungent and bitter taste, as well as with pigs.
    7. When collecting stitches and morels, you should always remember the need for their mandatory neutralization before cooking. These mushrooms should first be boiled for 7-10 minutes in water; a decoction containing poison, be sure to pour it out. After this treatment, stitches and morels can be boiled or fried.
    8. Never pick or eat mushrooms that are overripe, slimy, flabby, wormy or spoiled.
    9. Don't eat raw mushrooms.

    Mushrooms brought home should be sorted into separate types on the same day and carefully reviewed again. All questionable, as well as overripe, flabby and wormy mushrooms should be thrown away. The lower part of the legs, contaminated with soil, is cut off and the mushrooms are thoroughly washed from sand and litter. In some mushrooms (oily and wet), a film covered with mucus is removed from the cap. Mushrooms must be on the day of collection and, in any case, no later than the morning of the next day, subjected to culinary processing.


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