Will there be mushrooms in October. Summer mushrooms: where to collect and how to distinguish from false ones. How to distinguish a false honey agaric from a real one

Most of you are probably aware that autumn time This is the perfect time for picking mushrooms. Why? Yes, because more dew begins to form at night, the soil layer is better moistened, and boletus with boletus really begin to grow out of the ground in huge numbers. In general, it is the year that amazes with its species diversity and a rich harvest of mushrooms.

A huge number of people are interested in the question of what mushrooms are harvested in October. In fairness, it should be said that the second month of autumn is the peak period for the mushroom picker. In some cases, it is considered the only month in which it was lucky to harvest a rich harvest of porcini mushrooms and oyster mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms

So, what mushrooms are harvested in October? At this time, nature seems to freeze: silence reigns in the forest, which can only be broken by the rustle of yellowed leaves underfoot.

Want to know what mushrooms are harvested in October? The first on the list should be highlighted, of course, mushrooms. Their share in the total yield, as a rule, is most. In the forest, they can be found in the most unexpected places, but most often on fallen hardwood trees and stumps. And they grow in fairly large clusters. Even an old stump in the garden can be a haven for mushrooms. Among the mushroom pickers, the status of “impudent” mushrooms is firmly entrenched behind them. In the middle of autumn, it is the autumn honey agaric that is most often found. What mushrooms are harvested in October yet? It should be noted that in large numbers you can see greenfinches and rows that grow along forest paths and directly on sandy hills.

White mushroom

Of course, in the fall, everyone goes to the forest to harvest, despite the fact that they come across less and less in sight. It is best to search for them in sunny clearings.

Autumn variety of mushrooms

What mushrooms can be found in a pine forest in early October? Of course, these are boletus, boletus, flywheels and butterflies. Again, you can look for champignons in the meadows and in the garden. If October turned out to be warm and sunny, then mushrooms and chanterelles crawl out from under the ground. It is necessary to mention (it seems that its rich azure hue cannot be washed off). There is also a large umbrella mushroom and a reddening umbrella mushroom. The species diversity of champignons is also striking: you can find field, edible, steppe, garden ones. In autumn, two types of talkers also grow: goblet and giant. You can also come across flywheels: green, multi-colored and fissured.

What other mushrooms grow in October? Very often, mushroom pickers hunt for volnushki, pigs and raincoats. It is safe to say that in the fall it is possible to harvest a rich harvest of mushrooms, and if you are suddenly asked if there are mushrooms in October, you can safely give an affirmative answer.

Exercise caution

However, while picking mushrooms, you should not neglect the precautions. Of course, now you no longer think about whether there are mushrooms in October, but you also need to be able to distinguish edible specimens from inedible ones. For example, you can randomly collect dung beetles. These eukaryotic organisms, when combined with alcohol, are dangerous to health, as they can provoke food poisoning.

Be aware of the risks of picking poisonous mushrooms. Please note that in the fall they grow massively and they practically do not differ from the original. Again, one can easily run into pale grebe. In this regard, upon arrival home, it is necessary to carefully examine each mushroom. If you have the slightest suspicion regarding whether or not, it is best to get rid of it.

Mushroom season in the Moscow region

Of course, many go to pick mushrooms in October in the Moscow region. But it should be noted that during this period of time mushroom season is close to its end, since there are not so many mushrooms and russula, and their natural form worsens somewhat with the onset of the first frost. Nevertheless, enthusiasts do not lose optimism and go along the most diverse routes of the Moscow region to collect boletus, boletus, Polish and umbrellas. It is noteworthy that fortune smiles at them, and they achieve their goal. This indicates only one thing: there are mushrooms in October in the Moscow region.

Mushroom places in the Moscow region

It should be emphasized that for picking mushrooms in the Moscow region, you can choose a variety of directions. As a rule, people prefer to use the train. Here are some popular routes.

Savelovskoe direction

The final stop is Lugovaya station. Mushrooms can be collected in the western part - two kilometers towards the settlement of Ozeretskoye, and also in the eastern part - three kilometers towards the settlements of Fedoskino and Sholokhov. In these places, you can collect butterflies, aspen mushrooms and chanterelles. It takes about 40 minutes to get to Lugovaya station.

Kazan direction

You should get off at Chernaya station, which is surrounded by pine forest. As soon as you get off the train, in a matter of minutes you will find yourself in woodland. Here you can also collect a rich harvest of mushrooms, but as for chanterelles and oil, it is not recommended to collect them, since they easily absorb harmful substances. From the metropolitan metropolis to the Chernaya train station, trains run three times a day.

Leningrad direction

Mushroom pickers should get to the Firsanovka station, then, heading northeast, get to locality Nazarevo. Then you should go again in the direction to the northeast to the village of Elino, and not far from the intersection of the route with the Leningrad highway, you can see a mixed forest. It is in it that you can collect mushrooms, mushrooms and porcini mushrooms.

Of course, this is only a small fraction of the areas for gathering mushrooms in the Moscow region. You can always choose the most optimal route for yourself.

The honey agaric is called so because, in most cases, it grows on stumps. Translated from Latin(lat. Armillaria) mushrooms are "bracelets" that have many beads. And also there are such types of these mushrooms, which are also located in the meadows. Not only are mushrooms edible, they are also very tasty and useful mushrooms because they are rich in proteins, amino acids and fiber.


Honey mushrooms grow in whole families. Very rarely come across such species that grow one at a time.

Mushroom dimensions

By itself, the mushroom is easy to recognize. He has a hat, which “with age” begins to change. At first it is hemispherical in shape, a little later its edges begin to bend and take the form of an umbrella with a slight bulge in the middle of the cap. The diameter of the top of the mushroom is 2-10 centimeters. It has small scales, which begin to smooth out over time, in some cases, mucus may appear. The color of the cap can vary from beige to different shades of red. Most often you can meet yellowish-red representatives of the group of mushrooms.


The flesh of all species of mushrooms is the same - it is smooth and tender, pale yellow in color. In addition, it is very often wet due to the fact that it collects water for better vitality. It tastes very tasty, with a pleasant aroma of raw wood.


The leg to which the mushroom cap is attached can reach 15 centimeters, and its color depends on the age and location of the mushroom. A young mushroom has a light honey-colored stem, but over time it begins to darken and acquires a dark brown hue. Quite often you can find such types of mushrooms that have a "skirt". This part of the fungus connects upper part(hat) with a lower (leg) and serves as an additional fastening during strong winds.

Most often, honey agarics can be found in ravines, on stumps, near swamps or in damp impassable forests. They are distributed in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and are found everywhere except for the region permafrost. They are most popular among residents of Russia and Eastern Europe.

The yield of mushrooms depends on the forest in which they live. For example, in coniferous forests, you can meet summer representatives of the honey agaric group, but only on condition that the area is located near the mountains. In another case, honey agaric will not settle in a coniferous forest, because it will not have enough moisture.

And here, as regards deciduous forests, so here you can safely take baskets and go pick mushrooms, because from one stump you can collect so many mushrooms that it will be enough for soup, and for the second, and for a snack. In such forests, you can meet all representatives of this group: winter, summer, autumn and spring honey agarics. IN mixed forests these mushrooms are also found, but in smaller quantities. It all depends on the humidity of the area where honey agarics settled - than more water the more mushrooms.

And also the harvest depends on the tree on which the mushrooms live. Honey mushrooms are very fond of deciduous trees, and especially birch and linden. But do not forget that this group of mushrooms grows only on dead stumps, so it can also be found on oak, maple, acacia and others.

In order for this mushroom to feel comfortable, it needs a lot of moisture and warm climate, therefore, honey agaric is rarely found in meadows and steppes. He does not tolerate a direct hit. sun rays and loves shade. And also in the steppes, old stumps are rarely found, which are necessary for the viability of the fungus.

Honey agaric can be found at any time of the year. It all depends on the type of fungus climatic conditions. For example, autumn honey agaric begins to grow from the end of August, and its last representatives can be seen already at the beginning of winter. Winter honey agaric, respectively, gives a good harvest in the cold season, and spring and summer begin to grow with the first warming.

Mushrooms grow best in rainy times - that's when they have enough moisture, so the season of mushrooms is considered to be late autumn and early spring.

By the way, probably, many have noticed that after the rains, honey mushrooms become many times larger. This is due to the fact that mushrooms are very fond of water and they need a damp surface for better development. Temperature does not play a big role in their growth, because with the advent of cold weather, one species begins to grow, and with the advent of heat, another. Thus, the harvest of mushrooms can be harvested throughout the year.

As mentioned earlier, honey mushrooms are one of the most complex groups of mushrooms, so they include both edible and non-edible ones. edible species. There are representatives of honey mushrooms that are strictly forbidden to eat, because there is a risk of serious poisoning. But the problem is that they are all similar to each other and it is very important to be able to distinguish between each type, so as not to end up in the hospital later.

On my own false honey agaric highly toxic and can cause paralysis and in some cases cardiac arrest. Representatives of such fungi are: fungi of the genus Himoloma (family Strophariaceae) and fungi of the genus Psatirella (family of dung beetles).

Poison mushrooms are most often found in summer time and have a yellow-brown or sulfur-yellow color. The cap of such mushrooms is no more than 7 centimeters, and the leg reaches 10 centimeters in length. Another difference from edible mushrooms is the absence of a “skirt”, and the hat of false mushrooms itself does not have any scales.

Raw mushrooms do not taste very good, so it is best to boil or fry them. These two methods are the fastest, because they do not take more than half an hour. And also, if there is time and patience, then mushrooms can be pickled, dried or salted. These mushrooms make very delicious pies, they are ideal for salads and simple mushroom slices.

Types of mushrooms

As mentioned above, mushrooms are divided into edible and inedible species. Now consider each representative separately.

The summer honey agaric belongs to the strophariaceae family. He prefers deciduous trees, less often pine species, and lives in temperate climate. This type of hat is very large diameter- 3-6 centimeters. From birth, the top is semicircular in shape, and over time it loses its swelling and becomes flatter. The color of the cap can vary from brown to dull yellow. Its shade depends on the amount of rainfall. The more moisture, the lighter the shade. The tubercle, which is located in the middle of the cap, is often of a different color - it is lighter than the rest of the zones, and begins to darken during rain. The mushroom itself does not have scales, and its skin is often covered with a thin layer of mucus. The stem of the fungus grows to a size of 7 centimeters, after which its development stops. It has small dark scales that remain until the "end of life" of the fungus. This mushroom can be found in early April until November, but, in a warm climate, summer mushrooms can be collected all year round.

Winter honey agaric belongs to the category of edible mushrooms and is a representative of the family of ordinary or tricholomous. This mushroom is very fond of temperate and northern climatic zones and prefers deciduous trees such as poplar, birch and willow. The cap of the mushroom is 2-10 centimeters in diameter. It is flat, light yellow in color and with thin flesh. The leg is also small - 2-7 centimeters. It is quite dense, with small villi that retain moisture in the fungus for a long time. This mushroom is found in both autumn and spring. It bears fruit well in the cold season and can withstand very low temperatures.

The spring honey agaric belongs to the non-rotten family and is found under oaks and pines. The difference from other species is that the spring honey agaric most often grows one at a time and prefers mixed forests. Its hat can reach 7 centimeters, and its minimum diameter is 10 millimeters. Its shape depends on age - at first it is strongly convex, then less convex, and later it becomes completely flat. The color changes according to the same principle - from red-brown to yellow-brown. The hat is attached to a flexible stem, the size of which is 3-9 centimeters. It is relatively smooth and thin, but it is quite difficult to break it. The peak growth of spring honey agaric falls in July. Most often it can be found from late May to early October.

Similar species

Most often, edible species of mushrooms are confused with false mushrooms. The main difference between real mushrooms are the rings, which are located under the hat. And also at false mushrooms a very unpleasant smell that is more like rotting wood than a mushroom aroma. At poisonous mushrooms a hat of a more saturated color (to attract attention) - sulfur-yellow or brick-red shades. In addition, almost all types edible mushrooms there are small scales on the cap, which are not present in false species. And you also need to pay attention to the color of the inner plate, because for fake mushrooms it can even be olive, and for edible ones it can be light beige.

Such false hooves are more like summer look mushrooms, because they are about the same size, but you need to carefully consider each mushroom so as not to end up in the hospital later.

Growing at home

Few people know that mushrooms can be grown at home, and mushrooms are no exception. There are several ways to place any of the species of this group of mushrooms.

The technology of breeding on stumps is the closest way to the real growth of mushrooms. In order to plant your garden with mushrooms, you need to choose a place where there is a lot of shade, because, as mentioned earlier, mushrooms do not like direct sunlight. If there is no such place, then you will have to use straw to cover the habitat of the mushrooms. And also it is worth remembering that you need to use stumps only deciduous trees: aspen, birch, apple, pear, acacia and others. In a well-moistened tree, you need to plant small pieces of mushrooms and cover them with moss so that the mushrooms begin to germinate faster. Already next year it will be possible to harvest the first harvest, which will be regular for 6-7 years.

The technology of growing in glass jars is a way for urban mushroom lovers. It will need 1/3 bran and 2/3 sawdust from deciduous trees. To all this, you will need to add starch and flour. After that - pour it all with water and boil. In this whole chilled mixture, you can plant pieces of mushrooms by covering the jars with lids with holes. When the mushrooms germinate, the lids are removed. This method bears fruit much faster - in a month it will be possible to harvest the first crop.

Calorie honey mushrooms

The calorie content of each product depends on whether it has undergone some kind of heat treatment. This table contains calorie data for 100 grams of raw mushrooms.

  • Very often you can see such a phenomenon as the glow of stumps. This happens when the stump is covered with autumn mushrooms. The mushrooms themselves do not glow, but due to the fact that there is a contrast between the wood and the mushroom, the effect of a light bulb burning is created.
  • The mycelium of honey agaric, which is located in the ground, can reach a meter in size, and the fruit that we see can barely rise above ground level.
  • Scientists have proven that all types of mushrooms appeared 400 million years ago, when dinosaurs walked the Earth. In the course of evolution, they almost did not change their structure, they only broke into edible and inedible ones.
  • Honey mushrooms, like people, know how to sunbathe. This happens with any changes in temperature and weather. Some species become darker when it rains, and some when the sun is strong.
  • Honey mushrooms grow very quickly. On average, each mushroom can grow by 5 millimeters per minute. Bamboo has the same growth rate. Only mushrooms stop growing, but bamboo does not ..

Autumn mushrooms begin to appear in the forests towards the end of August. You can collect them throughout the first half of September. Autumn mushrooms grow in waves. Depending on the weather conditions in each year there can be 2-3 waves of these mushrooms, the first of which is usually the most abundant. Another feature of the growth of autumn mushrooms is that they appear quickly and abundantly, and then disappear just as sharply. Therefore, lovers silent hunting» It is important not to miss the start of the collection.

In what forests is this species found?

Autumn can be considered a cosmopolitan of our latitudes. It can be found in almost any forest that is over 30 years old. Honey mushrooms grow on more than 200 types of trees. As a rule, these fungi appear in colonies on dry trunks, deadwood, stumps, roots and trunks of living plants. Most often, mushrooms are found on spruce and birch trees, a little less often they can be found on pines, aspens and oaks. - moderate band. Settling on dead wood, they destroy it. At the same time, the valuable elements of which it consists are returned to the biological. In the same place, autumn mushrooms can be collected up to 15 years in a row. After this period, the wood is completely destroyed by the mycelium.

Colonies of autumn mushrooms grow very abundantly. From one stump, you can collect several liters of these valuable mushrooms. Young mushrooms with an unopened hat are collected together with a leg. In grown mushrooms, only caps are cut off. Their legs nutritional value Dont Have.

There are many recipes for the preparation of these mushrooms. Honey mushrooms can be boiled, pickled, dried and salted, and also fried. When picking mushrooms, you do not need to pull out their legs “with the root” from the wood, so as not to damage the mycelium, which will delight you with a bountiful harvest next year.

Precautionary measures

However, when going to the forest, it is important to remember the precautions. Many have toxic doppelgangers Therefore, not a single year passes without poisoning. Before going into the forest, it is important to study the signs not only of the species that you plan to collect, but also similar to them, which are better to miss. If you're unsure if this particular mushroom is definitely edible, don't risk your health and leave it in the woods!

Myths about edible and poisonous mushrooms

You should not listen to "grandmother's" advice on how to distinguish a poisonous mushroom from an edible one. For example, some people seriously believe that poisonous species are not eaten by forest animals or snails. You can see for yourself the fallacy of this statement - even the deadly toadstool for people is eaten by slugs and insects without problems for their lives. Another "unmistakable" way to make sure that the gifts of the forest are edible is when they cooking heat up with them silver spoon(or an onion).

They say that if they do not darken, then this means that among the mushrooms there is not a single poisonous one. Of course, this is not true. Silver can darken, for example, from boletus, but will not change its color when heated with the same pale grebe. You can check it yourself, but it's still better not to make such experiments. There are also myths among the people that mushrooms become poisonous if they grow near rusty iron or snake nests. Such stories should be treated as folklore, interesting as folk tales, but of no practical value.

Do I need to know the signs of poisonous mushrooms?

No less ridiculous and dangerous are the beliefs of some optimistic people who believe that poisonous mushrooms are rare, so you should not bother yourself with their distinguishing features. In fact, about 90 of these species can be found in our forests, and about 10 of them are fatal to us.

Of course, this does not mean that in order to avoid mushroom poisoning, you need to buy them only in grocery stores. The purpose of this article is to show the reader the importance of knowing not only tasty and edible species, but also the signs by which they can be distinguished from poisonous counterparts.

Mushrooms-twins of autumn honey agaric

In some ways, edible species may resemble poisonous ones. And there are quite a few similar cases. Among the mushroom pickers, a couple of "autumn mushrooms - dangerous double". The name of an inedible relative is a false honey agaric. This is a generic name for several species that bear some resemblance to autumn honey agaric. These mushrooms belong to the genera Hyfoloma and Psalitrella. Some of them are considered simply inedible, some are poisonous. About certain types there are still discussions about whether they can be considered conditionally edible. But there is no clear evidence that a person who eats them will not harm himself. Therefore, it is better not to take risks and limit yourself to collecting only autumn mushrooms. Moreover, there are a lot of them in the forest during the season.

Where do inedible and poisonous twins grow?

They grow in the same places as edible ones - on stumps, deadwood and living trees, so a novice mushroom picker can make a mistake. In order to be sure that the gifts of the forest you have collected can be eaten, you need to know the signs of edible mushrooms and their dangerous counterparts.

Differences between false honey agaric and autumn honey agaric

A dangerous double can be easily distinguished from its edible counterpart.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the color of the hat. In edible honey agaric, it has a color from beige to yellowish-dark brown. Moreover, old mushrooms are usually darker compared to young ones. Parts of hats that are closed from the sun are usually much lighter. The dangerous double of the autumn honey agaric often has a bright defiant color.

Second hallmark- coloration of spores. In edible mushrooms, they are white, so on the hats of old mushrooms you can see white coating. This is the controversy. With their help, mushrooms are settled. The third thing to check is the presence of a membranous "skirt" on the leg of the honey agaric. False honey agaric autumn does not have it. This sign is the most important difference which is worth paying attention to. The “skirt” of the autumn honey agaric is the remnant of a protective cover that envelops a young mushroom. The dangerous twin of the autumn honey agaric does not have such a coverlet.

The fourth difference, which helps to highlight the dangerous twin of the autumn honey agaric, is the color of the plates on inside mushroom caps. At inedible species, with which it is better not to deal with, the plates are yellow if the mushroom is young, and greenish-olive in old ones. Autumn mushrooms are characterized by cream, beige or light yellow coloring of the plates.

The fifth difference is the surface of the mushroom cap. In autumn mushrooms, it is covered with small scales. Moreover, their color is usually darker than the hat itself. But old mushrooms lose their scales and become smooth. True, such overgrown mushrooms no longer have nutritional value, so they are not interested in mushroom pickers.

The sixth sign that will help distinguish an edible mushroom is its smell. Autumn mushrooms smell pleasant, and the smell of false ones gives off mold.


Knowledge of these signs will be enough to be able to distinguish the autumn honey agaric. A photo of a mushroom will help you not to make a mistake. But it’s even better to take an experienced connoisseur with you who will show you what autumn mushrooms look like. Once you see them with your own eyes, it will be difficult for you to confuse them with any other species. But there is a hole in the old woman, so do not forget the main rule of mushroom pickers: "If you're not sure - don't take it."

So autumn has come, it's time to walk through the forest and pick mushrooms. The weather, according to mushroom pickers, is the most favorable at this time. And it is not necessary to wait for rains, air temperature and high humidity soil contributes to the maturation of the most different types mushrooms. But which autumn month is most suitable for mushroom pickers? Each month attracts in its own way, but what mushrooms can be collected in large quantities in October?

Mushrooms in the middle of autumn

walking along autumn forest, when the sun warms, and the foliage rustles underfoot, mushrooms can be seen at almost every step. October is a great time for mushrooms: the nights are cool, and foggy in the mornings, which has a very beneficial effect on the quality of the mushrooms. Mushrooms collected in the October period will be better stored in the winter than those collected earlier.

In October, mushrooms should be looked for in the forest, because they prevail in glades in September, and October mushrooms grow under trees, in forest thickets and on stumps. So, what mushrooms grow in October:

Based on the list, this will be a good harvest, but remember that you need to go for October mushrooms before the first frost as long as the weather is favourable. Each type is delicious in its own way, and you can cook a variety of different dishes and blanks. But in order not to collect grebes in October, you need to study each species in detail.

Boletus, mushrooms and oyster mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms are edible mushrooms that grow optionally under birch trees. They can be found in deciduous forests absolutely anywhere. So, mushroom pickers often collect boletus on the edges and hillocks. The hat is dark brown, in the form of a semicircle. Inside is white pulp, which will immediately darken in the cut. The young mushroom is elastic and dense, the old one is watery and fibrous, and the stem becomes hard and inedible. Therefore, it is worth collecting only young mushrooms.

For the winter, you can make excellent canned food from boletus or simply dry them. Just imagine cold winter evening. It is worth inhaling the aroma of this dish, and you are already transported to the autumn forest.

The next type of mushroom that is harvested in October is boletus or porcini. It is considered royal among mushroom pickers because it has an amazing taste and aroma. in a pine or spruce forest. The cap is dark brown to purple. The flesh is white and very dense, which does not change color when cut. A basket of porcini mushrooms is a great variety of dishes. Pickles, fried and boiled mushrooms, as well as dried for the winter. This is a very valuable and expensive mushroom, so having collected a basket of mushrooms, you can consider yourself lucky.

What edible mushrooms are harvested in the Volgograd region

Oyster mushroom is an unpretentious mushroom that is not afraid of frost. You can collect these mushrooms at the end of October, and in some regions even in December. Habitat - stumps, aspens, oaks, birches or poplars. So, wandering through the forest in search of delicious mushrooms, pay attention to stumps where young oyster mushrooms can hide. The shape of the oyster mushroom resembles an ear and belongs to oyster mushrooms.

A young mushroom has a convex hat with curved edges, but in adult mushrooms the edges are even. The legs of the fungus are dense and slightly bent down. Grayish in color, even ashy. From oyster mushrooms you can cook a lot of dishes. You can marinate, or you can fry with an onion, and they are also perfectly used in a salty form.

True connoisseurs of this mushroom try to grow oyster mushrooms at home. Simply place the spore bags in the cellar and voila! - all winter fresh mushrooms.

Honey mushrooms and mushrooms

Lovers of honey agaric can find them on damaged trees, this favorite place mushroom habitat. Often these are birches or aspens. On coniferous trees, mushrooms are less common. In its shape, the cap of the fungus resembles a ball, the leg is thin and dense, up to 18 centimeters long. They range in color from cream to yellow, but sometimes have a red tint. Honey mushrooms can be either salted for the winter, or dried or fried. And also mushrooms are very tasty and just pickled.

Varieties of mushrooms in the Leningrad region

The next type of October mushrooms is mushrooms. It is simply impossible to miss them in the forest. A bright red color and a convex hat wrapped around the edges immediately gives out a mushroom, wherever it hides. Habitat - pine forests. The taste of the mushroom is not inferior to either white or any other. And when preserved, it retains its bright color. In many countries, sauces are prepared from mushrooms and added to a variety of dishes, and camelina oil is also especially popular with gourmets. This highly aromatic product is ideal for salad dressings or cooking.

Talkers and garlic

Talkers got their name because of the hats that look like a loudspeaker. Lives in a temperate climate. The taste of the govorushka is sweet with spicy notes. The leg is not eaten, but the hat is very tasty both in pickled form and fried or salted. You can determine the talker not only by the shape of the hat, but also by the floral smell.

Walking through the October forest, enjoying the last warm days, pay attention to the stumps. It is there that you can find garlic mushroom. It got its name from the garlic smell. The mushroom has a small convex cap and a thin stem. The color is both brown and red. Usually these mushrooms are dried and used as a condiment.

Blues and waves

Purple row or cyanosis is an excellent mushroom that is consumed fried, salted, pickled. The color of the cap is purple in a young mushroom, and with age it becomes dark purple. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 centimeters, and the cylindrical leg reaches all 8 centimeters. It tastes fruity and sweet when raw.

If you want to tinker a little with mushrooms, but get a worthy reward in the form of an amazing taste, go to the birch forests for volnushki. While processing, they require a lot of effort, but their taste is very rich in any preparation. You can recognize the mushroom by a convex pinkish hat up to 12 centimeters in diameter, which is framed by a fringe. The leg reaches 6 centimeters. Volnushki can be salted or fried, they will amaze your guests with an unforgettable taste. The work will not be in vain. For example, very tasty dish- baked volnushki with rice and vegetables.

Where do black and white truffles grow in Russia?

Chanterelles and greenfinches

A popular species among mushroom pickers is chanterelles. Firstly, they have a refined taste, and secondly, these mushrooms are not wormy. Mushroom brightly saturated yellow with curved wavy edges of the cap. The place of residence of chanterelles is coniferous forests. They are often eaten fried with potatoes. And their unforgettable aroma takes you to the forest path of a coniferous forest.

Who would have thought that there are edible green mushrooms. Yes, believe me, there is. Zelenukha or green rowing is a rich green mushroom that does not change even after processing. Habitat - pine forests. Their flat hats peek through the pine needles. The smell is nutty, and they taste very meaty. Just remember, you need to use greenfinch in moderation, otherwise you can earn poisoning.

Unusual butterflies and black milk mushrooms

Butterfish - mushrooms for an amateur. They live in pine or mixed forests, have a convex hat. Mushrooms grow on the edges in groups. Often, adult mushrooms are affected by worms, so you should look only for young fungi. Distinctive characteristic- it is strongly oily, so it is ideal for frying, boiling and pickling.

Mushrooms are so small and inconspicuous-looking mushrooms that, unknowingly, they can be mistaken for toadstools. With an abundance of other mushrooms of a more presentable appearance, mushrooms often remain untouched. And only when the assortment of mushrooms in the forests is small, they remember the mushrooms.

Where and when mushrooms grow

Honey mushrooms grow from May to late autumn.

Most often they appear near stumps or on fallen trees, for which they got their name. Even if honey mushrooms have chosen some clearing, then this is not just like that. This means that roots extend deep underground, extending from a stump that was once a powerful tree.

Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They do not like to "jump" from place to place. And if a honey agaric family was once found near some fallen tree, then experienced mushroom pickers will say with absolute certainty that next year it will be possible to harvest a good harvest of mushrooms here. And until the stump of this tree (or the tree itself) turns into dust, mushrooms will appear near it.

Honey mushrooms differ from each other in appearance and time of appearance. This comes from the fact that there are several types of honey agaric: summer honey agaric, meadow agaric, autumn agaric and winter agaric.

In May, when there are no other mushrooms in the forests yet, in the clearings, cattle pastures, pastures, along the edges of the fields appears meadow honey agaric. It grows until November.

Honey agaric is a companion mushroom. It grows in such groups that you can collect a whole basket of mushrooms from one clearing. It is noteworthy that meadow honey agaric often grows not just in bunches, but as if forming a circle, which the people called the "witch's circle". And these circles are sometimes quite large in diameter. This mycelium of the meadow honey agaric grows so much. Of course, in the event that it is not disturbed and not damaged by vandal mushroom pickers.

The meadow honey agaric has a yellowish-brownish or cream-colored hat with a tubercle in the middle. The edges of the cap are always lighter than the center. The leg is high, thin, sinuous, dense. A pleasant smell of mushrooms and cloves comes from meadow agaric. The taste is sweetish.

summer honey agaric grows from July to September. It appears on the stumps of hardwoods, as well as logs, rotten and other remnants of hardwoods. It does not grow on a living tree. This is a small mushroom with a yellow-brown cap, in which the edges are darker than the middle, and a brownish leg. Below the ring on the stem, the color changes to brown-green.

autumn honey agaric differs from the rest in the brown color of the cap and unusual scales that cover the entire cap, especially in a young mushroom. The flesh of the mushroom is light brown or beige. Autumn mushrooms have a pleasant smell and a sour-sweet taste.

Autumn mushroom grows on stumps, deadwood, and also often moves to living trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees, causing them irreparable harm. After all, if autumn mushrooms completely choose any tree, then it means that it will die soon.

Autumn honey agaric appears in August and grows until October, sometimes longer.

The difference between honey mushrooms and inedible and poisonous mushrooms

It happens that mushrooms do not grow at the right time. This doesn't happen with honeydews. Therefore, confuse honey agarics with inedible or poisonous mushroom difficult. Especially if you know appearance not only mushrooms, but also inedible mushrooms.

For example, honey agaric can be confused with Collibia wood-loving. It grows from May to December. The difference is a hollow leg, more frequent plates and an unpleasant odor.

It also grows in the same places as honey mushrooms bleached talker. It is distinguished by a light hat without a tubercle in the middle and a floury smell.

False honeysuckle Candola has a white or brownish hat with purple-brown plates (in adult mushrooms) and a thin, hollow stem.

False honeysuckle gray-yellow has a yellow cap, thin yellow stem and bitter flesh.

False honeysuckle gray lamellar grows on wood coniferous trees and is distinguished by grayish plates.

False mushrooms are inedible. Their hallmark is bright coloring hats are greenish, reddish or yellow-sulphurous.

All fresh mushrooms have a pleasant smell, which cannot be said about false mushrooms and others. inedible mushrooms, which can be confused with mushrooms.

Honey agaric winter- the latest mushroom - differs slightly from the rest of the mushrooms precisely in the color of the cap, which is cream, light yellow and even yellow-red.

Winter honey agaric grows in groups not only on dead wood, but sometimes settles on living weakened trees, thereby destroying them.

Winter honey agaric does not disappear even during short frosts, but is only covered with a thin ice crust. And as soon as the sun warms it, it will thaw.

All types of mushrooms are eaten fresh, boiled, fried. They are also salted, dried, pickled and frozen. But you need to remember that most mushrooms have a stiff stem, especially adult mushrooms, so when picking mushrooms, most often they cut off one cap or leave a small stem. Since the leg of honey mushrooms is thin, scissors are used instead of a knife.

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