Will there be mushrooms in October. What mushrooms grow in October? Differences between false honey agaric and autumn honey agaric

Mushrooms include several types of mushrooms that the habitat has in common, namely that they usually grow on tree trunks. Summer mushroom is one of the most common mushrooms that are eaten.

What do summer mushrooms look like

The cap is up to 6 cm in diameter. In a young fruiting body, it is convex, and when growing up it becomes flat with a central tubercle. During rain, the color becomes brown, and in dry weather, matte honey. The edge of the cap with clearly visible grooves, usually darker than the central part. Upper layer smooth to the touch and slightly slimy.

At the bottom of the cap are thin plates, which can be adherent or slightly descending. The older the mushroom, the darker the color of the plates. The flesh of the cap is watery and pale yellow. brown.

A thin leg no more than 7 cm high has a dense structure. The color is uneven: in the upper part is lighter than at the base. In addition, there are small dark scales below. Young individuals are characterized by the presence of a remnant of a coverlet in the form of a thin ringlet, which disappears with time.

Places and rules for collecting summer mushrooms

The season for collecting summer mushrooms begins in June and continues until the beginning of autumn. Mushrooms are found in all forest plantations in Russia. Experienced mushroom pickers go out in search of a crop after prolonged rains, especially if it's worth warm weather. Most often, mushrooms settle in hard-to-reach or impassable places. If a tree with a rotten hollow comes across on the way, it is recommended to look into it, otherwise you can miss a whole nest of mushrooms.

Summer mushrooms, in addition to fallen trees and clearings, can settle on healthy wood either at the base of a tree, in leaves or tall grass. Mushrooms love birch, oak and hazel.

Varieties of honey mushrooms (video)

not to return from silent hunting empty-handed, it is recommended to go for mushrooms in a forest over 30 years old, since its forest area has many places suitable for mushrooms: windbreak, rotten stumps, protruding root system. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the established rules for collecting forest gifts:

  • do not cut unfamiliar or unfamiliar mushrooms;
  • if there are suspicions about the edibility of the mushroom, it is better not to pick it;
  • it is not recommended to collect very young or, conversely, old specimens, since the fruiting body absorbs toxic substances;
  • it is desirable to twist the tubular view, and break or cut the marsupials;
  • when picking a mushroom, it is important not to cause damage to the mycelium;
  • since mushrooms grow in colonies, when one mushroom is found, you should carefully look nearby;
  • instead of a bucket, it is recommended to take a basket to provide air access and avoid spoilage of mushrooms;
  • mushrooms should be placed in a basket with caps down or sideways.

It is best to go for mushrooms in the early morning, while their freshness and density has not yet been lost after the night coolness. fruit bodies not fragile, but easily bent, which facilitates their transportation.

Description of the taste and nutritional value of summer mushrooms

Fruits belong to the 4th category of taste qualities. Their soft and pleasant taste, as well as the delicate aroma of fresh wood, is valued in Russian cuisine. Universal mushrooms are used in the preparation of any dishes, because heat treatment does not affect nutritional properties. Legs are not recommended because of their rigidity.

Having studied the properties of mushrooms, experts came to the conclusion that this is not only a tasty product, but also good for health.

How to distinguish summer mushrooms from false types of mushrooms

Among the representatives of the mushroom kingdom, there are inedible individuals similar to their edible relatives, not only in appearance, but also in places of growth. So that there is no poisonous specimen in the basket with summer mushrooms, it is important to know some differences:

  • an edible mushroom is characterized by the presence of a ring (skirt) on the stem, formed from a protective film, which, as it grows older, the honey agaric comes off the hat, remaining on the stem;
  • on the surface of the cap of natural representatives (except for old individuals) there are small scales painted in a darker palette than the cap;
  • the color of the surface film in the caps of false specimens is much brighter and depends on the place where the fungus grows;
  • the color of the plates in twins is slightly green, yellowish or dark olive, in summer mushrooms it is beige-cream or light yellow, depending on the age of the fungus;
  • unlike the musty smell exuded by inedible species, real mushrooms have a pleasant aroma.

Given the signs edible mushrooms, even a novice mushroom picker will be able to distinguish false specimens from forest mushrooms.

Where mushrooms grow (video)

Features of growing summer mushrooms at home

Honey mushrooms are natural product, which is cultivated in an artificial environment. There are several growing methods that do not require special preparation, using:

  • logs;
  • banks;
  • package;
  • greenhouse or open area.

For independent cultivation, only winter and summer are suitable. When using wood, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. The trunk should have a dense structure, but not rotten (birch, aspen, poplar) with a diameter of 15 cm or more;
  2. Ensure sufficient humidity. If the material for growing mushrooms is dry, then a few days before sowing, it should be watered abundantly or lowered into water;
  3. After sowing, bring the trunk into a cool room (not lower than 15 ° C);
  4. As soon as the mycelium begins to grow intensively, the wood can be taken out to the site and dug a little with earth;
  5. You can pick mushrooms after a couple of years, until the wood is completely destroyed;
  6. To obtain mycelium, you can use fruits, wood pieces, or purchase mycelium in specialized stores. It is recommended to use a refrigerator for its storage.

If desired, breed mushrooms on personal plot usually use wood. At the same time, labor costs are very low. In addition, you can grow mushrooms on your own in a greenhouse or in a jar. In the case of using a greenhouse, the following technology is used:

  • logs prepared in advance are stacked in the greenhouse;
  • wood is infected with mycelium with the help of spores or mycelium;
  • before the appearance of mushrooms, the wood is constantly moistened.

In addition to wood, you can use ready-made substrate blocks, or jars or bags. If desired, the blocks can be made independently from a mixture of sawdust, barley (oats) with chalk. It is necessary to take 200 g of sawdust, 70 g of cereals and a teaspoon of chalk. Then boil the sawdust in water for a third of an hour, drain the water and dry it. After that, add the rest of the ingredients, mix and place tightly in a container. This method is usually used for cultivation.

To grow summer mushrooms, territories with a large area are not required. Enough 15-20 square meters. m. Regardless of the chosen place, it is important to maintain temperature regime, changing from 20-25°C to 10-15°C. Keeping high level humidity, you can increase the rate of development of the mycelium. Mushrooms are not demanding for lighting, so in an open area it is better to choose a shady place so as not to overdry the wood.

How to cook mushrooms (video)

Due to the unpretentiousness of mushrooms and simple care, many mushroom pickers decide to grow them at home. Breeding technology is selected depending on living conditions and available funds. Besides, this species mushrooms are very tasty and can be stored long time without losing their properties.

With the onset of autumn, the world around is changing, changing its shades. This is especially noticeable in autumn forest. Walking along the forest paths, you can completely get enough of the various colors that nature itself generously endows us with. Among three months October is the brightest autumn. It is not so warm already, but on sunny days all the trees in the forest burn with gold. A walk in the forest, if desired, is carried out with benefit. Among the fallen leaves, you can see a mushroom that is trying to hide. Autumn is the period of mushroom picking. There is where to roam to fame and prepare mushrooms for the winter. Let's figure out first what mushrooms grow in October.

October Harvest!

In the middle month, the number of mushrooms begins to decrease, but their quality noticeably improves. Due to the fact that the nights are already cool, and there are fogs in the morning, the mushroom flies appear less and less. Mushrooms, respectively, retain their integrity. In this connection, the fungi that we collect in the fall are better stored, unlike those collected in the summer.

AT different regions countries, the diversity of mushroom species is still different. A lot depends on climatic conditions. When going for mushrooms, take a real mushroom picker with you, because if you are not professional in this matter, you run the risk of grabbing poisonous species, which are very similar to edible mushrooms. Therefore, do not take risks, but approach this issue with all seriousness.

In October woodlands can inhabit the following fungi:

The hat is funnel-shaped, the shape is correct. AT early age convex with curled edges. The young mushroom is dark olive in color, earthy. Darkens to a dark brown with age. The stem of the mushroom is thickened up to 8 centimeters in height of a cylindrical shape. It narrows towards the bottom. It is lighter than the hat. As it matures, it becomes hollow. The flesh of the mushroom is dense and brittle.

Detailed information about honey mushrooms: types, photos, places and terms of growth, distinctive signs of inedible.

Honey mushrooms are the most common mushrooms. They are familiar even to a novice mushroom picker. But their diversity, sometimes even scientists involved in the study of fungi, casts doubt on determining their species. But mushrooms are not only edible, but also deadly poisonous.

Therefore, before you go to the forest, get acquainted with the main, most common types of mushrooms.

Types of edible mushrooms - Assumption, summer, meadow, Chinese, autumn, winter, thick-legged, slimy mushrooms, honey agaric garlic: description, photo

Summer (Kuehneromyces mutabilis)

Meadow (lat. Marasmius oreades)

Edible flake (lat. Pholiota nameko)

Autumn (Armillaria mellea) or Assumption

Winter (Flammulina velutipes)

Thick-legged (lat. Armillaria lutea, Armillaria gallica)

Mucous or udemansiella mucous (lat. Oudemansiella mucida)

Common garlic (lat. Mycetinis scorodonius, Marasmius scorodonius)

How to identify false mushrooms: signs

  1. Most main feature- false mushrooms do not have a membranous ring (skirt) on the leg
  2. Have an unpleasant earthy odor
  3. Hat color bright
  4. Caps are smooth without scales
  5. The plates are yellow, becoming greenish or olive-black as they grow.
  6. Bitter when eaten

How to distinguish grebes from real mushrooms?


Edible False
Ring on the leg
  • Have
  • None at all or only small patches
Leg height, cm
  • 2-6 (exception - meadow, can reach 30 cm)
  • to 10
Pale yellow or cream
  • yellow
  • Subsequently - green, dark olive and almost black
  • Faded: pale brown, with small dark scales
  • As they grow darker, the scales disappear
  • Pronounced: yellow-gray, rust-red or red-brown
  • Scales are absent
Taste qualities
  • Delicious
  • Not different from edible
  • Occasionally has a bitter taste
  • Pleasant sharp mushroom
  • Mold or earthen
When hit in water
  • turn blue
  • turn black

On what stumps do mushrooms grow?

Be carefull

Poisoning can be obtained by both poisonous and edible varieties honey agaric, the last in case of poor quality.

  • The first symptoms of poisoning with rotten boiled or poorly pickled edible individuals appear 1-2 hours after their use, in the form of:
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. diarrhea
  3. Pain in the stomach and intestines
  4. Heartburn and belching
  5. General weakness
  6. Headache
  7. Increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees
  8. Increased gas formation in the intestines
  • false mushrooms, erroneously taken as food, cause the first symptoms of poisoning after 15-20 minutes. They develop brightly, instantly violate the patient's condition, are expressed:
  1. Severe dizziness and lack of coordination
  2. Nausea and vomiting. First, the remnants of food come out, and then gastric juice and bile
  3. Respiratory failure - turns into superficial, frequent, accompanied by shortness of breath, there is a lack of air
  4. Bright mirages - auditory, tactile or visual
  5. Profuse and repeated diarrhea
  6. Seizures - partial or general
  7. Impaired awareness, even coma is possible

Popular gifts of nature are extremely appetizing in any form:

  • fried
  • stewed
  • marinated
  • salty

A successful harvest harvested in time will allow you to enjoy yourself and treat guests with useful gifts of nature in winter.

Video: October mushrooms: autumn mushrooms

Mushrooms are so small and inconspicuous-looking mushrooms that, unknowingly, they can be mistaken for toadstools. With an abundance of other mushrooms of a more presentable appearance, mushrooms often remain untouched. And only when the assortment of mushrooms in the forests is small, they remember the mushrooms.

Where and when mushrooms grow

Honey mushrooms grow from May to late autumn.

Most often they appear near stumps or on fallen trees, for which they got their name. Even if honey mushrooms have chosen some clearing, then this is not just like that. This means that roots extend deep underground, extending from a stump that was once a powerful tree.

Honey mushrooms are permanent mushrooms. They do not like to "jump" from place to place. And if a honey agaric family was once found near some fallen tree, then experienced mushroom pickers will say with absolute certainty that next year it will be possible to harvest a good harvest of mushrooms here. And until the stump of this tree (or the tree itself) turns into dust, mushrooms will appear near it.

Honey mushrooms differ from each other in appearance and time of appearance. This comes from the fact that there are several types of honey agaric: summer honey agaric, meadow agaric, autumn agaric and winter agaric.

In May, when there are no other mushrooms in the forests yet, in the clearings, cattle pastures, pastures, along the edges of the fields appears meadow honey agaric. It grows until November.

Honey agaric is a companion mushroom. It grows in such groups that you can collect a whole basket of mushrooms from one clearing. It is noteworthy that meadow honey agaric often grows not just in bunches, but as if forming a circle, which the people called the "witch's circle". And these circles are sometimes pretty large diameter. This mycelium of the meadow honey agaric grows so much. Of course, in the event that it is not disturbed and not damaged by vandal mushroom pickers.

The meadow honey agaric has a yellowish-brownish or cream-colored hat with a tubercle in the middle. The edges of the cap are always lighter than the center. The leg is high, thin, sinuous, dense. A pleasant smell of mushrooms and cloves comes from meadow agaric. The taste is sweetish.

summer honey agaric grows from July to September. It appears on hardwood stumps, as well as logs, rot and other residues. deciduous trees. It does not grow on a living tree. This is a small mushroom with a yellow-brown cap, in which the edges are darker than the middle, and a brownish leg. Below the ring on the stem, the color changes to brown-green.

autumn honey agaric differs from the rest of the mushrooms in the brown color of the cap and unusual scales that cover the entire cap, especially in a young mushroom. The flesh of the mushroom is light brown or beige. Autumn mushrooms have a pleasant smell and a sour-sweet taste.

Autumn mushroom grows on stumps, deadwood, and also often moves to living trunks of coniferous and deciduous trees, causing them irreparable harm. After all, if autumn mushrooms completely choose any tree, then it means that it will die soon.

Autumn honey agaric appears in August and grows until October, sometimes longer.

The difference between honey mushrooms and inedible and poisonous mushrooms

It happens that mushrooms do not grow at the right time. This doesn't happen with honeydews. Therefore, confuse honey agarics with inedible or poisonous mushroom complicated. Especially if you know the appearance of not only mushrooms, but also inedible mushrooms.

For example, honey agaric can be confused with Collibia wood-loving. It grows from May to December. The difference is a hollow leg, more frequent plates and an unpleasant odor.

It also grows in the same places as honey mushrooms bleached talker. It is distinguished by a light hat without a tubercle in the middle and a floury smell.

False honeysuckle Candola has a white or brownish hat with purple-brown plates (in adult mushrooms) and a thin, hollow stem.

False honeysuckle gray-yellow has a yellow cap, thin yellow stem and bitter flesh.

False honeysuckle gray lamellar grows on wood coniferous trees and is distinguished by grayish plates.

False mushrooms are inedible. Them hallmarkbright coloring hats are greenish, reddish or yellow-sulphurous.

All fresh mushrooms have a pleasant smell, which cannot be said about false mushrooms and other inedible mushrooms that can be confused with mushrooms.

Honey agaric winter- the latest mushroom - differs slightly from the rest of the mushrooms precisely in the color of the cap, which is cream, light yellow and even yellow-red.

Winter honey agaric grows in groups not only on dead wood, but sometimes settles on living weakened trees, thereby destroying them.

Winter honey agaric does not disappear even during short frosts, but is only covered with a thin ice crust. And as soon as the sun warms it, it will thaw.

All types of mushrooms are eaten fresh, boiled, fried. They are also salted, dried, pickled and frozen. But you need to remember that most mushrooms have a stiff stem, especially adult mushrooms, so when picking mushrooms, most often they cut off one cap or leave a small stem. Since the leg of honey mushrooms is thin, scissors are used instead of a knife.

Honey mushrooms are considered one of the varieties of edible mushrooms with plates. They are divided into autumn, summer and winter. It's hard to say for sure what time to collect hemp mushrooms. Autumn mushrooms complete mushroom season and are considered the most collected and common mushrooms. They begin to collect them from the end of August and bear fruit for two to three weeks. If the summer turned out to be dry, then this period may go unnoticed or go to a later time. And in the Northern Hemisphere, the second stage of fruiting often occurs, depending on weather conditions. There, these mushrooms can grow until mid-October.

Summer mushrooms begin to be collected in early June and end in October. Unlike the autumn one, it has a much smaller hat, it is yellowish-brown in color, lighter closer to the center. This mushroom belongs to the fourth category, which is most suitable for drying, soups and pickling.
Winter mushroom grows only on trees, in small groups. It appears in autumn and remains under the snow in winter. And with a fairly mild climate, honey agaric can be collected until March. It does not have a strong taste, it is mainly used in stews and first courses, as well as in pickled form.

How to distinguish a false honey agaric from a real one

At edible mushrooms(left) the ring on the leg is clearly visible. False mushrooms (on the right) have no rings on the legs

Inedible mushrooms - this is a number of names of mushrooms, outwardly similar to edible mushrooms. They like to grow on the same parts of the forest as the real ones, on a tree that is littered, stumps and stem parts in small groups. Therefore, they are easily confused with false mushrooms. They are divided into three groups:

  • inedible
  • conditionally edible
  • poisonous.

Therefore, you should not take risks and take a mushroom if you are not completely sure of its edibility. If there is even the slightest doubt that it is not false and can be used in cooking, it is best not to put it in the basket.

The first main point, by which it is easy to distinguish honey agarics from inedible ones, is the presence of a ring with a film, a kind of skirt, on a leg. Such a ring is a residual phenomenon from the bedspread, which plays the role of protection for the honey agaric at a young age. Inedible mushrooms do not have such a ring.

In addition, there are a number of other distinguishing features, false mushrooms:

  1. Not false mushrooms delicious in smell, have a mushroom aroma, and in edible mushrooms it is unpleasant and earthy.
  2. In edible mushrooms, the hats are most brightly and loudly colored, in contrast to the opposite ones. Shades can be sulfur yellow or pale red, depending on the species. For non-false mushrooms, the usual light brownish color is characteristic.
  3. In edible mushrooms, the top has small scales, while in the opposite ones there is nothing on it, it is smooth to the touch. But this does not apply to the old non-false mushrooms, since they also have a smooth hat.
  4. If we compare the wrong side of the mushroom caps, they also have color differences. Plates of inedible mushrooms yellow color, while in the old ones it is green or olive-black. And in real mushrooms, they are creamy or yellowish-white.
  5. By palatability false mushrooms have a bitter taste, but you should not try mushrooms, all of the above signs are quite enough to determine the edibility of the mushroom.

How and where to collect mushrooms, milk mushrooms, mushrooms

For an experienced mushroom picker, the listed qualities will immediately be remembered, and in the future they will help to distinguish, but for a beginner it is better to apply knowledge carefully and carefully. Since they are theoretical, and each person considers color and smell in his own way. Only experience will help you choose the right mushroom. And for the first trips, one should start from the indicative moment in appearance- this is the presence of a skirt on legs. Now it becomes clear when to collect stump mushrooms and how to distinguish mushrooms by appearance. require special attention. Read our site website and you won't have any problems with them.

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