The mushroom season in the Kingisepp district is in full swing. Tips from the experienced. Light blogger AfterDark2 Are there mushrooms in the spear now

There was nothing to do, it was in the evening ...

I actually went not to Koporye, but standing sign about the border zone, passes and documents local resident abruptly changed all plans. With my numbers near Moscow, I really didn’t want to run into a fine ... :)

The fortress in Koporye was founded in 1237. It was first mentioned in the Novgorod chronicles in 1240, when the German knights Livonian Order built a wooden fortress in the Koporsky churchyard.

In 1241, Alexander Nevsky recaptured the fortress from the German knights and destroyed it. During the assault, the famous hero Gavrila Aleksich died.

By the way, the bridge used to be drawbridge, under the Soviet regime, during the conservation and restoration of the fortress, concrete slabs were already thrown ...

In 1280 Grand Duke Dmitry Alexandrovich set up a stone city in Koporye, which two years later was destroyed by the Novgorodians as a result of a conflict with the prince. The fortress was built again in 1297, and at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century it was rebuilt.

After the capture by the Swedes in 1581, Koporye again passed to Russia only under the treaty of 1590.

However, according to the Peace of Stolbov in 1617, the fortress again went to Sweden, and was returned to Russia only under Peter I in 1703, after a three-day shelling under the leadership of the voivode, Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev.

After 1763, with the removal of the borders, the fortress lost its strategic importance, and passed from one private hand to another, before the advent of Soviet power.

The fortress, of course, inspires. Thanks to Toli rich history, roofing felts with their size ... Or maybe the preserved passages in the walls and loopholes? But standing next to you, you feel the full power of this structure.

I don't know why, but I - there:

This is a hole in the South Tower. Wooden scaffolding inside the tower:

But in a very bad condition, you touch it with your hand, and the whole structure staggers:

A small room, in one place a niche:

Camera look up, only the flash helps:

These are bridges of the central entrance to the fortress. Opposite this niche is a manhole covered with debris, or maybe a passage:

And the window above it:

Just went down, now up...

Hold me, straw, hold ... If anything, then fly far down, hid the camera in a backpack, and hung the backpack on my belly:

Phew, it worked out :) Although the board under my feet played very well ...

Crawled out of the wall exactly opposite the North Tower:

And here is the South:

Entrance to the fortress, between the North and South towers:

View of the courtyard and the Middle Tower, some ruins in the foreground:

Many places are fenced with ribbons so that people do not climb. Yeah, who and when did it stop? For convenience, the ribbon has already been torn ...

To the left of the entrance is something like a chapel, the only place in the fortress ennobled with plaster:

Opposite - a few tombstones ...

Exit from the fortress, you can clearly see the masonry different eras, and how the output got narrower because of it:

In the middle of the fortress are the remains of the Church of the Transfiguration, although they are trying to save them.

In the "Historical and statistical information about the St. Petersburg diocese" the date of its construction is 1296. But the annalistic confirmation of this date has not reached us. Archaeological studies of the ruins, carried out in 1970, make it possible to date this building from the second half of the 14th century to the beginning of the 15th century. During the research, the cubic form of the base of the cathedral with one apse and four pillars, which once supported a single chapter, were revealed. In the course of its existence, the fortress church underwent a number of changes, and in 1962 it burned down from an accidental fire.

Western wall and Naugolnaya tower:

South wall. In some places it was badly damaged after the storming of 1703. Fencing tapes are stretched at the breaks, but this does not stop people :) You can see the South Tower and the entrance to the fortress:

View down, there is a deep ravine, the river Koporka flows in it:

The walls are rather overgrown in places, behind the mountain ash there is the Naugolnaya Tower and part of the Northern Wall:

View from the Naugolnaya tower into the courtyard, the Sredinnaya tower, the North tower, the remains of the Transfiguration Church are visible:

At the bottom of the Naugolnaya Tower, the guys had a photo session:

Therefore, it was not possible to walk through the dungeons of the Northern Wall ...

We go to the top of the tower. The view is breathtaking!

What young people enjoy and use :)

Western wall from the loophole of the Naugolnaya tower:

As I already wrote, the fortress inspires ... I will definitely come again, I will go through the main entrance and take a flashlight :)

After the fortress, I decided to take a walk through the forest, pick mushrooms for soup, fortunately, there was still time before sunset.

There are many mushrooms, but not all are edible:

How our people surprise me ... To build some kind of crap in the middle of the forest, and then abandon it without completing it:

Judging by the track, they periodically come here, you see, for free building materials:

The only thing that pleases is that there are a lot of aspen mushrooms nearby in young birch trees:

True, more often found already in old age:

I came across a clearing with some kind of mushrooms, I have never seen such mushrooms, they get dirty with a red color:

Echoes of War:

The forest has been thoroughly excavated in places, sometimes just one or two holes per bayonet, and somewhere - a hole two by two meters, and a meter deep .... But the whole cop is quite fresh, not like overgrowth, and the foliage is not really sprinkled...

Found two of these beauties:

All in all, it was a great Saturday :)

Py.Sy. All italics taken

About boletus boletus, edible fly agaric and snowdrop mushrooms

in full swing mushroom season. Petersburgers arm themselves with folding knives, pick up baskets, throw backpacks over their shoulders and go fishing. "Vechorka" met with one of the few specialists in the city on " silent hunting”, co-author of the book “Mushrooms Leningrad region”, a member of the St. Petersburg Mycological Society, Stanislav Krivosheev, and learned where, when and what to collect in the vastness of our forest-rich region.

Classics of the genre

- Stanislav, it is known that the Leningrad region stands out among the rest with a colossal variety of mushrooms. This is, so to speak, a paradise for mushroom pickers! What is the reason for this phenomenon?
— Yes, our region can only be compared with North Caucasus. The first factor is the mild climate generated by the proximity of the sea and the Gulf Stream. The softness of the St. Petersburg winter allows the mushroom season to stretch for 10 and even all 12 months of the year, many spring mushrooms appear earlier. Another reason is the wide variety of tree species that grow here. The area is at the intersection climatic zones. There are also spruce, birch, and aspen typical of the north. And southern broad-leaved oak, maple, linden. And conifers valuable for mushrooms - pine, larch.

— And how many types of mushrooms grow in the region?
- It's hard to say exactly. New species are constantly being discovered. Some stand out in subspecies and so on. An approximate figure is about 10 thousand. And precisely those that can be seen in the forest with the naked eye. Popular mushrooms, which are hunted by most non-specialist mushroom pickers, are 15 - 20 species.

— We are approaching the most interesting. What are the most popular mushrooms? And which of the completely edible ones, on the contrary, are little known?
- The famous and most desired are white, boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms and mushrooms. Also honey mushrooms, chanterelles, volnushki, lactic. Some collect oak trees - this is good, quality mushroom, outwardly similar to white, but southern, taking on a bright blue tint on the cut - there is no need to be afraid of this. There is such a mushroom - a bruise, it also has a noble appearance, somewhat reminiscent of a boletus, only a pale yellow color. On the cut, it becomes not just blue, but inky. Another wonderful mushroom is the hornwort mushroom, sometimes also called the black chanterelle. Outwardly, it resembles a rotten chanterelle, but, despite this, it is tasty and, by the way, very popular in Scandinavia. The sulfur yellow tinder fungus is a bright, colorful fungus with a yellowish-orange color that grows on oaks and willows and tastes somewhat like chicken meat. There are hedgehogs - light and dark, having on inside caps are soft spikes, their beauty is that when cooked they almost do not decrease in size. Lines and morels - the first spring mushrooms. True, if everything is simple with morels - cook and eat, then with the lines it is more difficult: in their raw form they are very poisonous, they need to be thoroughly boiled twice, drained of water, and in general it is better for ignorant people not to take them.

local exotic

- And what kind of edible, but, so to speak, exotic mushrooms would you single out? Unusual in appearance. Or those that an ordinary mushroom picker would not even think of collecting ...
— There are many of them. For example, a gray-pink fly agaric. Excellent mushroom, very popular in the south. It looks like a classic red, but not so bright, more often brownish, gray-pink. On the cut, it immediately becomes pink (the poisonous fly agaric does not change color). Of the delicious ones, I would also note the umbrella mushroom - one of the most big mushrooms in Russia: its height reaches 40 centimeters, in many regions it is considered a delicacy. The ram mushroom looks very curious - it resembles a bush of something unusual, consists of dozens of caps and reaches a weight of 5 - 10 kilograms. This is an edible, but Red Book mushroom, and it is better not to touch this beauty. Ramaria of different types - yellow, pink, bright orange, having a coral shape. The starfish is fringed, resembling earthen stars: when young, it is edible, however, it does not have any special taste. Aleuria orange - in Europe, for example, it is used as a decoration for salads. Sarkoscypha austria is a bright red mushroom that appears in spring, growing on twigs immersed in the soil ...

What is the seasonality of mushrooms? When can you meet the first? When are the last ones?
- In April-May, as I said, lines, morels, as well as a morel cap appear. All the most best mushrooms- from white to butter - grow from late May to mid-November. Year after year, of course, you don’t have to, so you can’t say: go in mid-August and dial full basket! In my memory there were years when June suddenly turned out to be very fruitful. Or October. Everything depends on the weather. Ideal conditions - plus 20 and rains. If the heat is below 30 degrees for a week in a row, you, of course, will not find mushrooms. Mushrooms and milk mushrooms prefer cool weather and grow most actively in August-September. Chanterelles often give new crops in late autumn. Finally, from the beginning of October to the end of February and even March, winter mushrooms grow. They do great in the snow. Therefore, under New Year you can harvest a great crop of mushrooms!

Laws of the mushroom picker

- Stanislav, you need to look for the boletus under the birch, and the boletus under the aspen. And under what trees do other mushrooms grow?
- Many mushrooms, indeed, have a connection with certain tree species - the so-called mycorrhiza. They cannot grow without a tree. Aspen mushrooms, strange as it may seem, grow just under different trees. Boletus red and white-legged boletus - under the aspen. Boletus boletus, with an orange hat - only under a birch. Boletus pine - respectively under the pine. Boletus has mycorrhiza only with birch. Butter dish - with pine or larch. Kid - only with pine. And here White mushroom- from different breeds: with birch, spruce, oak, linden and pine. Milk mushrooms, depending on the species, with birch and spruce. Chanterelle grows anywhere. And honey agaric - on wood residues and stumps.

— Are there any secrets of mushroom picking?
- Firstly, you need to have some knowledge about mushrooms - then the task is simplified. Second, understand the forest. There is, for example, the so-called rule of signaling mushrooms: if there is a cluster of fly agarics in one place, then there will be white ones nearby! Any mist good sign for a mushroom picker, there is even a saying: “The first fog of summer is a sure sign of mushrooms.” Fog speaks of temperature changes, and mushrooms love it. In a rainy year, mushrooms are more attracted to dry places, in a hot year they are drawn to swamps ...

- Are there any geographical points or areas in the region that are richest in mushrooms?
- Any points are conditional. Mushrooms grow wherever there is forest. The most well-known areas among the people are the section from Kannelyarvi to Gavrilov in the Vyborgsky district. Luga forests, Tolokonnikovo. In the Priozersky district - the coast of Ladoga. District of Zaporizhia, Losev, Pine, Orekhov. Under Kingisepp there is wonderful places- Kurgalsky peninsula, Kotly, Koporye. Korkinsky lakes in the Vsevolozhsk region. Sinyavino. Zelenogorsk direction. Quite a few good places and close to Petersburg. Better yet, read mushroom online forums - be sure to discover something new.

How to collect mushrooms correctly? Is it true that it is necessary to cut with a knife, otherwise they will not grow next year?
- It's a delusion. Whether you plucked it or cut it off - this does not affect future yields in any way. To collect correctly means not to damage the mycelium, a large network, which, like a cobweb, is underground. That is, you can cut it with a knife. And you can pick - carefully unscrew the mushroom from the ground, without pulling out along with a bunch of moss and foliage, without disturbing the litter.

Run from the bastards!

- It is worth touching on the topic poisonous mushrooms. What dangerous grows in the Leningrad region? What should be avoided?
- The most common poisonous mushroom is the red fly agaric. Its poison is not lethal: for lethal outcome you probably need several kilograms of such fly agaric, but it causes quite serious poisoning. Stinky fly agaric - a tall thin white grebe - is also quite poisonous. Fibres, reddening, growing in parks, in their youth they are somewhat similar to champignons. And finally pale grebes— the most poisonous mushrooms in our country. Fortunately, they are almost never found in the Leningrad region, but a couple of caps of such a grebe are enough for a fatal outcome. Here it is worth mentioning one more nuance. The fact is that there are poisonous, but there are inedible mushrooms. The latter do not contain any poisons, but it is impossible to eat them. These include, for example, gall fungus. It is not necessary to be afraid of it, but it should not be collected either. Outwardly, it resembles white or boletus, has a pinkish tubular layer. If you lick it, a characteristic bile taste appears. This bitterness is not digested under any circumstances, and if one such mushroom gets into a common frying pan with the rest, it will ruin the whole dish.

Harvested mushrooms spoil very quickly and lose their taste qualities. Therefore, they must be processed immediately upon returning from the forest. Mushrooms are sorted into groups, cleaned of debris, cut out places damaged by worms and washed (except for those intended for drying), and then proceed to cooking - fried, boiled, stewed or harvested - dried, salted, pickled or canned.

Dried mushrooms keep well for a long time. In addition, when dried, the excellent taste, aroma of mushrooms and their nutritional properties are preserved. Drying of mushrooms is usually carried out in several steps and is considered complete if the mushrooms are slightly bent, broken, but not crumbled. Dried mushrooms are strung on a strong thread or cord and stored in gauze bags in a dry place.

First of all, agaric mushrooms are suitable for salting. It is not recommended to salt tubular mushrooms, as they become limp and flabby. There are hot, cold and dry salting. Most fast way pickles - hot: peeled and washed mushrooms are dipped for several minutes in boiling salted water, then they are drained, washed several times cold water, cool and salt.

Photo: Stanislav Krivosheeva

A week or two - and the mushroom season in the Leningrad region will be in full swing. The portal site finds out where to go for mushrooms so that you can fully enjoy the “quiet hunt” without spending half a day on the road.


List mushroom places compiled by us on the basis of data for several previous years. In terms of mushroom harvest, it does not fall year after year, and the portal site does not have the opportunity to find out with absolute accuracy what the situation is in all specified places on the this moment. Have a good hunting!

New Devyatkino

Briefly about the place. The forest in the Novy Devyatkino area is perhaps the closest mushroom place to the city. Knowledgeable people they walk to it from the metro, and the journey takes them no more than 10 minutes ...

Area: Vsevolozhsky.

Distance from city*: about 4 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: exit from the ring road to Toksovskoye highway, then to Novy Devyatkino.

Traffic jams in this direction are usually in the evenings, and you and I know that at this time real mushroom pickers are already sorting out and cleaning the harvest at home with might and main. Therefore, we will consider this short path practically without traffic jams.


Briefly about the place. Another opportunity, having driven quite a bit from the city, to return with good "trophies".

Area: Vsevolozhsky.

Distance from city*: about 5.5 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from Kommuny Street along the Ryabovsky Highway, then along the Road of Life to the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: last time a traffic jam on the Road of Life was recorded a month ago - traffic jams along this path are rather episodic.

Semrino (railway station "46th km")

Briefly about the place. One of the most "productive" (especially in season), but at the same time - and the most famous mushroom places among summer residents along the Vitebsk railway line.

Area: Gatchina.

Distance from city*: about 50 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: the first option - along the Pulkovsky and Kievskoe highways to the bypass road around Gatchina, then a short section along the H114 highway, then along the A120 highway, then along the secondary road towards Semrino; the second option is through Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Fedorovskoye, Fornosovo along the H233 highway, then along the A120 highway.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: if you choose the first travel option, you can get up on the Kievskoye highway in the Pulkovskie heights area due to the construction of an overpass on the Volkhonskoye highway; if you go along the second route, you can get stuck in Pushkin on Pavlovsk highway, and the traffic jam will most likely stretch all the way to Pavlovsk.


Briefly about the place. This refers to the forest in the vicinity of Mga between the villages of Voitolovo and Sologubovka. If you drive from Puholovo to the Turyshkino station and further in the direction of Staraya Maluksa, then there are many swamps, so in September you can safely go there not only for mushrooms, but also for cranberries.

Area: Kirovsky.

Distance from city*: about 50 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the ring road - along the Murmansk highway to the exit to Kirovsk, then - along the highway along the Neva to Kirovsk, then along the A120 highway to Pukholovo through Mga.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: You can get up on the Murmansk highway, at the entrance to the overpass under repair in Razmetelevo.


Briefly about the place. A well-known place for St. Petersburg mushroom pickers, where there are the most different types mushrooms: from "salt" (those that go to salting) to the so-called. "noble" (white, boletus, etc.).

Area: Tosnensky.

Distance from city*: about 50 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the ring road - along the Moscow highway to Tosno, then - through the city along the Moscow highway and Lenin Avenue, from which you need to turn left onto the Babyrin highway; further - along the P40 highway to Nurma.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: On Moskovskoye Highway, on almost any day of the week, you can “get up” in the Lensovetovsky agricultural area, in Moskovskaya Slavyanka, before the turns to Pushkin and Kolpino.


Briefly about the place. Not very far, but a good (in terms of result) place. Main disadvantagea large number of mushroom pickers, especially during the season, since Sinyavino is one of the largest gardening in this region of the region.

Area: Kirovsky.

Distance from city*: about 60 km.

How to get there: from the ring road - along the Murmansk highway to the village. Sinyavino.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: very high. You can get stuck (albeit not “deafly” and for a short time), first of all, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe village of Razmetelevo due to the repair of the overpass, as well as in front of the village of Sinyavino itself - where the Murmansk highway narrows from a four-lane highway to an ordinary suburban highway, one lane each direction.


Briefly about the place. One of the most famous mushroom places in the Priozersky district, which is relatively easy to get to. The forest area is very large and rich in various types of mushrooms. True, the consequences of last year's hurricane somewhat complicate the approach to mushroom places - there are a lot of fallen trees.

Area: Priozersky.

Distance from city*: about 60 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the ring road - about the Vyborg highway to the traffic police post, then - along the Priozersky highway.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: You can get up already at the exit from the Ring Road: the traffic light at the traffic police post, as a rule, collects long “tails” in all directions.

Lake Mirror

Briefly about the place. One of the most mushroom places not only in the Vyborg region, but also in the entire Leningrad region.

Area: Vyborgsky.

Distance from city*: about 70 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the ring road - along the Primorskoe highway through Sestroretsk, Zelenogorsk, Pesochnoye, to Zelenaya Roshcha, then - along secondary roads through the railway. Art. Yappil to the lake.

Probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road: quite high. The most "cork" places are in front of the overpass in Razmetelevo, in front of Sinyavino. Dense traffic - in front of the bridge over the river Sarya in Dusevo.

New Village/Kipuya

Briefly about the place. A huge forest stretching almost from the Murmansk highway to Lake Ladoga. Lots of swamps. The hurricane last year passed through these places, but the forest was only partially damaged.

Area: Volkhovsky.

Distance from city*: about 80 km from the Ring Road.

How to get there: from the ring road - along the Murmansk highway to the sign "Kipuya", then - along secondary roads.

The probability of getting stuck in a traffic jam on the road is very high. The most "cork" places are in front of the overpass in Razmetelevo, in front of Sinyavino. Dense traffic - in front of the bridge over the river Sarya in Dusevo.

* - approximately, according to site calculations based on Yandex.maps data

The map is provided by the Yandex.maps service.

A series of mushroom posts is coming to an end, and finally the turn has come to mushrooms. Although it’s not the turn that has come, but the season has come again. Honey mushrooms are harvested from the end of September until the very frosts, and they grow quite quickly and can often be collected in the same place. We will go after them to the Tatishchevsky district in the vicinity of the village of Korsakovka.

From Saratov we drive in the direction of Petrovsk, near the village of Kamenka we turn at the sign for Vyazovka and pass the villages of Gubarevka, Vyazovka, Mazino-Lapshinovka, Korsakovka. After Korsakovka, the asphalt ends and the primer begins in the forests.

The place is marked on the map as always. Our goal is forest clearing. It is there, in more damp aspens, that mushrooms grow. The satellite clearly shows clearings - light stripes.

Let's leave mushrooms for dessert and start with other interesting mushrooms. Liver fungi are rare. They grow on tree roots and are edible. But we have never prepared them, so I can not give recommendations.

In the birch forest you can find a few boletus, both young and older.

As you already know, fried boletus with potatoes is very tasty!

In the last post, I was pointed out that I mistakenly called delicacy umbrellas fly agarics. I corrected myself and found an umbrella, it's a pity that it's old. On closer examination, it is still difficult to confuse it with a fly agaric.

Found an old raincoat.

With age, on contact, it begins to spit out spores from a hole in the upper part of the fungus. We couldn't get past ;)

And finally again! Honey mushrooms are quite easy to distinguish from all other mushrooms.

First, they are small.

Secondly, there are characteristic villi on the hat.

almost always grow big families, 5-10 mushrooms.

Sometimes you can find stumps completely overgrown with mushrooms. From one such stump, you can collect a quarter of a bucket.

On the cut, the mushrooms are white, under the hat there is often a white "cobweb", on the leg there is a skirt.

Hat color varies. It can be brown, and brown-gray and brown-yellow. It very much depends on the trees under which they grow.

The main thing is not to confuse with false mushrooms.

false mushrooms There are also several types.

Some have gray plates, others have a beautiful hat with red.

A few more photos, they are too beautiful.

Summer is slowly coming to an end warm days there is less and less. Therefore, we took tents and with a narrow circle of friends went to rest for 3 days near Gdov on the shores of 3 lakes: Uzhinsky, Dolgogo and Velin, which are located near Gdov near the village of Yamm. The place is notable for its forest - a chic forest named Sorokova. It is named so because it stretches for forty kilometers, from north to south along the Gdov-Pskov road from " healing tree"in the village of Zalakhtovye and to the village of Seltso. From west to east from the village of Glush and to Borki, pine forests occupy less than thirty kilometers. There are more than thirty lakes and a dozen rivers in Sorokovy Bor, and all this beauty is a natural monument. Read on the official website of the Pskov We started our journey with a visit to the fortress in Koporye.

The fortress in Koporye was founded in 1237. It was first mentioned in the Novgorod chronicles in 1240, when the German knights of the Livonian Order built a wooden fortress in the Koporsky churchyard. In 1241, Alexander Nevsky recaptured the fortress from the German knights and destroyed it. In its lifetime, the fortress was rebuilt several times and several times passed into the hands of the Swedes, then returned back to Russia. Current state The fortress is far from ideal, restoration work was almost not carried out.

3) A path leads around the fortress, from which you can see the fortress from all sides.

4) At the moment, the fortress is closed for independent visits and is available only as part of organized tourist groups.

5) The cash desk works like a souvenir shop.

6) On the other side, the path runs along a rather steep slope of the mountain, on which the fortress itself stands.

7) Around everything is overgrown with trees and grass to the waist.

8) At the end of the trail, we ran into a wooden fence with a gate leading to the inner territory of the fortress.

9) The ruins of the Transfiguration Cathedral are located on the territory. Built simultaneously with the fortress in the XIII century. The cathedral was rebuilt many times. During the years of Soviet power, this provincial temple served as a club. During the construction of a new club, the temple was set on fire.

10) The cathedral is falling apart, apparently there is no money in the budget for restoration.

17) After a little wandering around the empty fortress, we got out.

18) Photo of a cat only improves any post))

19) A few photos for memory.

22) Next stop in Kingisepp.

Kingisepp is a city located on the Luga River, 130 km from St. Petersburg. It was founded by the Novgorod boyar Ivan Fedorovich as the Yam fortress in 1384. From 1703 to 1922, the city was called Yamburg, then it was renamed in honor of the Estonian revolutionary Viktor Kingisepp (in 1952, the city of Kuressaare in the Estonian SSR was also named Kingisepp, which returned its former name in 1988).

23) The main attraction of Kingisepp is Catherine's Cathedral - the main Orthodox church of the city of Yamburg, built in 1764-1782 in the style of a mature Western European baroque, designed by architect Antonio Rinaldi.

25) It was also planned to walk along the river embankment. Meadows, but the weather made its own adjustments and the rain drove us back into the cars and we moved on.

26) The next city on the way of our movement is Slantsy. Slantsy was founded in connection with the development of the Gdovsk oil shale deposit, discovered in 1926. S. M. Kirov is considered the founder of the city by the people of Slantsev, former first Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU (b). On his initiative, on April 9, 1930, the construction of a pilot mine began. One of the largest enterprises in the city is the Slantsy plant "Polymer". Initially, the plant specialized in the regeneration car tires(Regenerate Plant), then received a different name - Plant rubber products; for some time functioned as a branch of the Leningrad plant "Red triangle"). Among consumer goods, rubber shoes are the most well-known, especially slippers, which are widely known as "slates".

27) Here is the village with beautiful name"Graveyard".

28) Having waved 250 km from St. Petersburg, we got to the place of rest.

29) Having set up camp, we cooked sausages with pasta for dinner.

30) Soon a colorful sunset began.

33) The next day we rushed to the forest for mushrooms.

34) It turned out to be quite dry in the forest, occasionally there were holey mushrooms through and through.

35) Found a dozen red ones.

36) And a lot of chanterelles.

37) In the forest I came across a clearing with ripe red lingonberries.

40) After returning from the forest, I refastened my new 135L portrait lens to take pictures of my godson.

41) And at the same time, barbecue.

42) Konstantin is passionate about cooking.

44) Artemy.

On the night from Saturday to Sunday it began to rain and ended only half past one. Having dried the tents and awning a bit, we returned home.
In the bottom line - there are still few mushrooms, but they are about to go, by about August 20th. On the last night it was cold in the tent, I had to put on thermal underwear, summer is coming to an end. The road to Gdov is in excellent condition - further worse. On this season of tents this year has ended for itself.

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