Importance of poisonous mushrooms. The most poisonous mushroom in the world

- bitter gall fungus. We give a description of poisonous and mushrooms.

The greatest number of poisonous species is accounted for by agaric fungi. Of the tubular mushrooms, only one is considered poisonous. This - satanic mushroom. It is extremely rare in our forests. There are about 30 species of poisonous agaric mushrooms, and they all grow in the forests of the Dnieper region. It should also be noted that any edible, but flabby or untreated mushroom can cause severe poisoning. Therefore, only suitable for food young, fresh, strong mushrooms.

Description of poisonous mushrooms - Pale grebe

The most poisonous and dangerous mushroom - death cap. All its parts are poisonous: a leg, a hat and even disputes. Neutralize the toxic substances contained in this most dangerous mushroom no processing possible.

Pale grebe, it is also called fly agaric green, grows both singly and in groups from July to October in deciduous and pine forests, often found on the edges. The cap of a pale grebe is first bell-shaped, then slightly convex, smooth, silky, without fly agaric flakes characteristic of the genus, white or slightly greenish in color, 4 to 11 centimeters in diameter. The plates are frequent and always white. The leg is white, slightly greenish at the base, 7–12 centimeters high, has a club-shaped thickening surrounded by a white rim. The pulp is white, has no smell. We do not recommend taste testing..

Pale grebe poisoning affects after a long time (up to two days), when irreversible biochemical processes occur in the body. Medicine has drugs that can prevent death after poisoning with a pale toadstool, but only after the diagnosis of the fungus, which is not always possible after two days.

If the pale grebe is a small mushroom, not very attractive and often found, then satanic mushroom- its complete opposite.

It is large and beautiful mushroom, which can not be found even after several years of intensive mushroom hunting. Nevertheless, satanic mushroom is also found in our forests.

Here is a description of this poisonous mushroom. Hat satanic mushroom convex, gray or olive gray, diameter up to 25 centimeters. The spore-bearing layer is spongy, yellow, turns red-olive with age, and turns blue when touched. The leg is thick, yellow-red. The flesh is white, turns red when cut, then turns blue, has a pleasant smell. Satanic mushroom grows from July to September in an oak or mixed (with the presence of oak) forest.

For those who have visited at least once autumn forest, certainly caught the eye of bright and elegant, like Christmas decorations, mushrooms. This fly agaric. They can rightly be called the decoration of the forest. But these beauties are very dangerous. Their poison works almost immediately., causing dyspnoea, convulsions, nausea. Fly agaric poisoning for a person with poor health can be fatal.

All types of fly agaric that grow in our forests, classified as poisonous mushrooms. Them hallmark is: a club-shaped thickening and a cover in the lower part of the leg, white frequent plates, always a white straight leg with a membranous ring and snow-white flesh that does not change color when broken. The fly agaric hat can be painted greenish, pure white ( smelly fly agaric and pale grebe), to gray, greenish-brown or gray-brown ( fly agaric panther), pale yellow ( fly agaric), Red ( fly agaric red). Hat diameter - from 6 to 20 centimeters. Sometimes there are white flakes on the surface of the cap.

In the old days, fly agarics were used as a means of combating various kinds of insects, as well as in traditional medicine as a remedy for diseases nervous system. They are today used in homeopathy.

Poisonous mushroom fiber Patouillard

In addition to the previously described poisonous mushrooms: fly agaric, pale grebe and false mushrooms, (more:) in our forests you can meet several more species of very unattractive and, moreover, poisonous agaric mushrooms. They have thin legs and caps that contain almost no pulp. In the specialized literature on mushrooms, they are called inocybe and clitocybe(although among the latter there are edible ones). Such mushrooms grow in deciduous, coniferous forests, as well as in plantings, they appear in May.

Among these species, the most poisonous - fiber Patuillard, which can sometimes be mistaken for champignon. The cap of this agaric fungus is cone-shaped, with a tubercle in the center, with wavy cracked edges, white, pinkish, orange, red, red-brown with age, three to nine centimeters in diameter. The plates are thin, thick, whitish, beige, brown with age, of different shades. Leg with a diameter of up to one and a half centimeters, cylindrical, sometimes curved, smooth, matching the color of the cap. The pulp is pale white, does not darken or slightly turns pink on the cut, has a pleasant fruity smell. Occurs from May to August deciduous forests, landings and parks.

TO inedible mushrooms should also be attributed to the frequently occurring pepper mushroom. It looks like a small butter dish or flywheel. But if you look closely at it, you can find obvious differences. The pepper mushroom has a convex hat of brown or reddish color. The spore-bearing layer is tubular, yellowish-red or Brown color(for butterflies - white or light yellow, for flywheels - yellowish-greenish). The pulp of the pepper mushroom is yellowish, sometimes it turns red at the break (it is white, it turns blue in the moss fly). And, finally, the taste of the pepper mushroom, as you can easily guess from its name, is burning-bitter, peppery. Although black pepper may seem like a delicacy in comparison. Pepper mushroom grows singly, in the same places as butter mushrooms.

Every adult knows that among mushrooms there is a deadly poisonous species. Thousands of people die every year from poisoning. Such dangerous mushrooms grow on all continents except Antarctica. We present the names and descriptions of poisonous mushrooms. Of course, it is impossible to list them all in one article. Therefore, we will only talk about the most dangerous ones found on the territory of Russia.

Death cap

Number one in the world among the most poisonous plants is the mushroom, which is ubiquitous in Russian forests, meadows and pastures. This is a pale bastard. Agree, even in its name there is something unpleasant and repulsive. But outwardly, he is quite cute, depending on age, very similar to mushrooms, russula or greenfinches. Inexperienced lovers of quiet hunting are happy to fill their baskets with toadstools, because these mushrooms even smell pleasant and tasty.

Barely hatched from the ground, young pale grebes have a clearly visible vulva (protective film) and white ovoid body. With age, they acquire a hat of white, greenish or grayish color. It can be slightly concave or even. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 cm. The stem of the mushroom has a white “skirt” at the top, and thickening closer to the ground. It is able to grow up to 16 cm long (usually about 6-7 cm), and 15-25 mm wide. The flesh of the toadstool is white, the taste is sweetish. It contains a huge amount of such poisons as amanitins, phalloidins and amanin. To die, it is enough to eat only a quarter of a hat.


This deadly poisonous mushroom is dangerous not only because it looks like edible mushrooms. Its cunning lies in the fact that the first signs of poisoning (uncontrolled vomiting, bloody diarrhea, severe pain in the peritoneum and muscles, heart failure, hypotension, thready pulse) appear only a day or two after eating the toadstool, when the liver and kidneys are already heavily destroyed. Another unpleasant nuance of poisoning is that on the 4th day an unexpected improvement in the condition may occur, which sometimes lasts for several days. After that comes death. A lethal outcome in case of poisoning with pale toadstools is recorded in 99% of cases.

fly agaric

We put these mushrooms in second position, as some of them are deadly poisonous. Many imagine him to be a real handsome man with a red hat with white dots. In fact, the fly agaric is not one mushroom, but a whole genus, numbering about three dozen species. Among them are the following groups:

  • Edible and even delicious (Amanita muscaria and Caesarea).
  • Conditionally edible (float or fly agaric Sicilian, ovoid, solitary, gray-pink).
  • Simply inedible, although not poisonous (toadstool fly agaric, yellow-green, bristly, prickly-headed, gray, purple, pineal, thick and others).
  • Toxic. To be fatally poisoned by them, you need to eat a lot of them, but in moderate amount they are hallucinogens. Such is the well-known fly agaric with a red hat in white specks. It is widely used in medicine, as a medicine, for example, against cancer, and in everyday life for baiting insects. Hence its name.

But there is in the family and unusually dangerous species. There aren't many of them. The list of poisonous mushrooms included royal fly agaric (not to be confused with imperial), spring (or white), smelly (or smelly toadstool) and panther. Each of them contains the poisons muscarine, muscaridine, and some additionally contain hyoscyamine and scopolamine. Poisoning by these fly agarics in 9 cases out of 10 ends in death.

Short description

I would like to warn you that only those who are perfectly versed in them can collect fly agarics for food, because in many ways the “bad” and “good” species are quite similar.

Let's talk about the features of poisonous representatives.

Outwardly, it looks a bit like a red fly agaric, only its hat can be gray, brownish, greenish, light brown. Along its edges, flakes often hang from the bedspread. The pulp is white, does not change its color in the air. Its texture is slightly watery, foul-smelling, and tastes sweet. The leg is most often thicker downwards, slightly fleecy, has a white annular rim below. Individual specimens on it have a white fragile ring.

  • Fly agaric royal. This is a real giant, reaching 20 cm in height. The diameter of the cap can also be about 20 cm. This mushroom is hard to miss. Its cap can be ocher, brown or greenish, and flat, spherical or depressed in the center, with radial stripes. From above, it is covered with white "dots" (remnants of the bedspread). The pulp is from light yellow to brown, odorless. The leg is thick, whitish, thickened downwards, velvety, has several belts. hallmark from the imperial fly agaric is that the hat of the latter is bright orange or ocher, without white dots.

false mushrooms

This is also not one mushroom, but a whole group that includes edible, conditionally edible, toxic (not fatal) and very poisonous. Outwardly, they all look like ordinary mushrooms - they are small in size, they grow in a friendly family on stumps and old logs, they have relatively long legs and bell-shaped or semicircular hats. You can distinguish "good" mushrooms from "bad" ones by their color.

Consider especially dangerous species:

Galerina can be safely called one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world, since when it is poisoned, a lethal outcome is recorded in 90% of cases. Grow this false honey agaric Can be as a family or alone. He has a convex hat up to 4 cm in diameter, a long leg (up to 7-10 cm). The color of the cap can be from pale yellow to brown-orange, and it changes, depending on the humidity. Almost always the outside of the hat is oily or covered with sticky mucus. The pulp is white or light brown, with the smell of flour. It contains deadly poisons amitoxins.

  • False foam brick-red. It is distinguished from the previous species by the color of the hat, which is most often rich brick. But there are specimens with orange, yellow and even white hats. In principle, this species is conditionally edible. In all cases of poisoning, brick-red false honeycomb is indicated erroneously instead of gray-yellow.


Pigs were included in the list of poisonous mushrooms only in 1944. Before that, they were considered conditionally edible. The fact is that they contain a special antigen that sticks to our red blood cells, thereby causing an autoimmune response of the body. As a result, a person develops hemolytic anemia, renal failure, nephropathy. For this to happen, pigs need to be eaten for a long time (until their antigens accumulate in sufficient quantities).

Many people, having eaten them once, do not experience any painful symptoms, so no one associates a fatal outcome with a pig. The lethal outcome most often occurs in children and in people with kidney problems. Outwardly, the mushroom is quite nice and very similar to a good one. He has a thick short leg, a fleshy large hat (up to 15 cm in diameter), which can be slightly convex or flat. Its color varies from olive-brown to rusty-brown. The pulp in the place of damage (pressure) quickly darkens. In it you can often see worms and insects. Using the example of a pig, we can say that the signs of poisonous mushrooms do not always work. If you focus only on wormy hats or not, you can make a fatal mistake.

Omphalote olive

This plant is considered by some to be one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world, because the symptoms of poisoning (vomiting, diarrhea, salivation, sweating, irregular pulse, impaired vision and breathing) occur within 15 minutes after eating. However, death is rare. Usually, the victim's health is restored in a day.

On the territory of Russia, the olive omfalot is found in the Crimea. Outwardly, it looks a bit like tinder mushrooms. Grows on stumps, decks, trunks of deciduous trees. His leg is very short (up to 3 cm), but can be barely noticeable. The hat reaches a diameter of 12 cm. It is smooth to the touch, less often finely scaly. Its color is always in orange tones with the addition of red or yellow. Distinctive feature olive omfalot - its plates glow in the dark.

Gindellum Peca

Each country has many of its own poisonous mushrooms. Of interest is the species of Gindellum Peck, named after the scientist - mycologist. In Russia, it is extremely rare in the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Many consider it the most poisonous mushroom in the world and even attribute mystical properties to it, because it is able to secrete a red liquid that looks like blood. Because of this, it is called a bloody mushroom or a bloody tooth. In fact, Gindellum Peck is not poisonous. Some people his after careful cooking are used for food. But there are few of them, since its flesh is very bitter.


Of course, it is important to know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms. Outwardly, they can be very similar to edible (for example, false fox, burning russula, greenfinch). Only experienced mushroom pickers can recognize them. A pale toadstool is distinguished from champignon by the color of the plates, which are white in a poisonous mushroom and dark in champignon. The flesh of the toadstool is not as brittle as that of the russula, and the greenfinch, unlike the toadstool, does not have a vulva. External differences other types of mushrooms may be different. What they have in common is that poisonous species are never wormy. Some "cooks" test the toxicity with an onion. To do this, place it and mushrooms in a container of water. If the bulb has darkened, then the contents of the container must be discarded. Note that these comparisons and experiments may lead to lethal outcome. Therefore, it is better to avoid dubious mushrooms.

How many mushrooms can be found in our forests, and what a delicious lunch or dinner one of them can turn out to be! The main thing is to collect edible and avoid poisonous ones, so that the stomach is pleasant and there is no danger to life. Therefore, before going to the forest in search of mushrooms, you should study which mushrooms are edible and which ones cannot be eaten under any pretext. After all, the most poisonous mushroom can easily kill a person who has tried only a small part of it.

And the most poisonous and most common is the pale grebe, the toxic substances of which do not go anywhere even after prolonged heat treatment or drying.

This mushroom, especially dangerous for human life, according to those who tried it, but miraculously survived, is surprisingly distinguished by its excellent taste. However, you still should not try it, because one mushroom contains such a number of toxins that can kill 3-4 people at once.

Pale grebe: distinctive features

This most poisonous mushroom (from the fly agaric genus) can have a hat from greenish (most common) to white (this color is less common). However, a pale grebe can have a cap that is both yellowish-brown and with white plates. Often this dangerous mushroom is confused with some edible ones, for example, mushrooms. If the toadstool has a green hat, then it is easy to confuse it with a russula of the same color. However, there is some thickening at the base of the leg of the pale grebe, and there is also a membranous ring at the top. These are not available in green russula - this will be their main difference.

Toadstools (both young and old) have plates white color and colorless spores. And in champignons, with which they are confused, the hat at the bottom has a pinkish-brown color in a new mushroom or black in an old mushroom. You can also distinguish between this dangerous toadstool and champignon by smell: the first has no smell, and the champignon “scents” of anise or almonds (the old mushroom smells somewhat unpleasant, with a hint of sweet).

The pale grebe has been studied quite thoroughly by scientists, having identified it biologically. active substances. The main toxin in it is α-amanitins, which cause great harm to the kidneys and liver, leading to death. Even the spores of the pale toadstool are poisonous, therefore it is not recommended to collect herbs, berries and other mushrooms located close to it, since poisonous substances are easily transmitted to other plants and fungi, and eating them can lead to severe poisoning.

When do symptoms of poisoning appear?

Symptoms of pale toadstool poisoning do not appear immediately - it can take from 8 to 72 hours. This is the main danger of using this mushroom, because a person does not feel poisoned, and inside many of his organs are already exposed to toxic substances. Thus, the time is missed when the poisoned person can still be helped with something - as a result, poisoning can be fatal.

Symptoms of poisoning include abdominal pain, dizziness, constant vomiting, loose stools with bloody inclusions, and cold sweating. Jaundice may occur, symptoms of kidney and liver failure appear, and a person may even fall into a coma.

Once symptoms appear, the chance of death is very high, as treatment is often ineffective. However, there are several well-known antidotes, for example, a substance obtained from thistle milk - but the remedy can only help if taken immediately after poisoning.

What other deadly mushrooms are there?

In addition to the pale toadstool, white fly agaric (spring) and smelly are also deadly. The white fly agaric is very similar to the pale grebe and is even considered a species of it.

Amanita stinky is often confused with champignon. And often this is the reason for mushroom pickers to get serious poisoning, which often ends in death.

2017-07-12 Igor Novitsky

Those who studied well at school remember that mushrooms are a separate group of living organisms that do not belong to either plants or animals. Although there are many varieties of mushrooms, ordinary person the term "mushrooms" refers almost exclusively to wild mushrooms. Among them there are many edible species, which form an important part of the Russian culinary tradition.

Nutritional value of edible mushrooms

Mushrooms are not plants or animals, and therefore their taste has nothing to do with plant food, nor with meat. Edible mushrooms have their own unique taste, which is called "mushroom". By nutritional value they are closer to meat than to plants. Mushrooms are rich in protein, carbohydrates and various trace elements. They also contain special enzymes that promote digestion and better absorption of nutrients.

If we do not take into account the general taxonomic classification of all fungi in general, then the unified world classification edible mushrooms does not exist. This is due not only to differences in culinary traditions among different peoples, but also with climatic features individual countries affecting species composition mushrooms in a particular region. In addition, the names of edible mushrooms usually combine several certain types with different external characteristics which also complicates the classification.

In Russia, they mainly use the Soviet scale of nutritional value for edible mushrooms, according to which all types are divided into four categories:

  1. The first category includes types of edible mushrooms that have the maximum value and rich rich taste. For example, boletus, yellow mushroom, real camelina.
  2. The second category includes slightly less delicious mushrooms with significantly lower nutritional value - boletus, boletus, champignons.
  3. The third category includes edible mushrooms of Russia with a mediocre taste and mediocre nutritional value - green flywheel, russula, honey agarics.
  4. The fourth category is mushrooms with minimal nutritional value and dubious palatability. This, for example, motley flywheel, raincoat, oyster mushroom.
  • Edible mushrooms. They do not require mandatory heat treatment and are theoretically suitable for consumption even raw without any risk.
  • Conditionally edible mushrooms. This category includes mushrooms that are not suitable for eating raw due to toxins or an unpleasant taste, but are edible after special processing (boiling, soaking, drying, etc.) Also included here are mushrooms that are edible only at a young age, or capable of causing poisoning in combination with other products (for example, dung mushroom should not be consumed with alcohol).
  • Inedible mushrooms. They are completely safe for the human body, but due to bad taste, hard pulp, or for other reasons, they are not of culinary interest. Often in other countries they have a description of edible mushrooms or conditionally edible.
  • Poison mushrooms. This group includes those types of mushrooms from which it is impossible to remove toxins at home, and therefore their consumption is extremely dangerous.

For Russians, mushrooms are not only tasty dish, always up-to-date holiday table as well as on weekdays. mushroom hunting It is also a favorite form of leisure for many fresh air. Unfortunately, most townspeople and even many villagers have forgotten the centuries-old experience of their ancestors and are completely unable to determine which mushrooms are edible and which are not. That is why every year dozens and even hundreds of inexperienced mushroom pickers all over Russia die, poisoned by poisonous mushrooms, mistakenly mistaking them for edible ones.

It should be noted right away that there are no single universal rules for how to distinguish edible mushrooms from their toxic doppelgangers. Each type of mushroom has its own patterns, which are often not applicable to other species. For this reason, one should follow general rules behavior recommended by experts.

So, if looking at the fly agaric, you are not quite sure whether the mushroom is edible in front of you, then before you go to " quiet hunting”, heed the following recommendations:

  • If possible, take an experienced mushroom picker with you to supervise the mushroom picking process. Alternatively, "trophies" can be shown to him for control already upon returning from the forest.
  • Study as carefully as possible one or two (no more!) Types of edible mushrooms most common in your region. Moreover, it is desirable to find out what edible mushrooms look like by seeing them with your own eyes, and not on the monitor screen. Well memorize their differences from all possible twins. Going to the forest, collect only these mushrooms you know and no others.
  • Do not take mushrooms that cause you the slightest doubt about their species.
  • Having found a "family" of mushrooms, look at the largest specimens. Firstly, it is easier to determine the species from them, and secondly, if they are wormy, then the mushrooms are edible. There are no worms in deadly poisonous mushrooms. True, they can easily end up in falsely edible mushrooms of an average level of toxicity.
  • Until you gain experience, collect only tubular mushrooms - porcini, boletus, boletus, boletus. There are very few poisonous mushrooms in this group, which cannot be said about lamellar varieties of edible mushrooms.
  • Never try raw mushrooms to taste. He will not tell you anything, but if a poisonous mushroom comes across, then you can easily get poisoned.

The most common edible and non-edible mushrooms

White mushroom, or boletus - the best representative of the group of unconditionally edible mushrooms of the first nutrition category. Although it has a fairly characteristic appearance, by which it is easy to recognize it, the boletus has an inedible twin - the gall fungus or mustard. Edible porcini mushrooms can be identified by their thick cylindrical stalk and reddish-brown cap. The flesh of the boletus always remains white, while the gall fungus differs in that at the break, its flesh acquires a pink tint, and the mushroom itself is very bitter.

Red boletus - also very popular edible among Russians Forest mushrooms. They have a dense brown-red hat. They are easy to distinguish from other mushrooms by the flesh, which quickly turns blue at the cut point. Despite the name, they can grow not only next to aspens, but also with others. deciduous trees(never next to conifers). But for safety, it is better to collect such mushrooms only under aspens and poplars. However, the boletus is quite difficult to confuse with other mushrooms, since false twins he does not have.

Butterfish are very loved and popular in Russia. They can be found by yellow legs, and the cap is covered with a sticky brown skin that can be easily removed with a knife. Under the cap is a characteristic tubular structure. As a rule, when they talk about edible tubular mushrooms, they mean oil. Mature mushrooms are almost always wormy, which is also a good sign.

Chanterelles have a rather unusual appearance, by which they are easily identified among other edible mushrooms in the forest. However, they have very similar double, which you identify by more saturated orange tint(the edible mushroom is lighter), a hollow stem (in a real one it is dense and whole) and white secretions on the broken cap.

Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms known for their characteristic rich taste. Since in fact several types of mushrooms are called honey mushrooms at once, it is sometimes difficult to give them a single description. For safety, it is recommended to collect only those mushrooms that grow exclusively in roots, on stumps and on fallen trunks. They have caps of ocher color with scales on it and a white ring on the stem. False mushrooms are also several types of mushrooms. Honey mushrooms should be avoided if they grow on the ground, their hat has a yellow or brown-red tint and is devoid of scales. While real honey mushrooms have whitish plates, false mushrooms have olive, dark gray or brownish ones. Also, there is no ringlet on the leg of the false feather.

Russula - widespread edible mushrooms middle lane. This name is used for several species at once, the differences of which from inedible relatives are the presence of an easily removable skin on the hats.

We have already noted earlier that for safety, a novice mushroom picker should limit himself to a detailed study of one or two edible mushrooms, for which he goes into the forest. But information about edible mushrooms is not all you need to know. You should also familiarize yourself with the description of the main most common poisonous mushrooms, which, for sure, will be encountered during the “silent hunt”.

Of the one and a half hundred poisonous mushrooms found on the territory of Russia, only a few species are deadly poisonous. The rest call either food poisoning, or lead to disorders of the nervous system. But since this can hardly be considered a mitigating circumstance, every mushroom picker should know how to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. And this is impossible without a good knowledge of the actually poisonous mushrooms.

As statistics show, most often Russians are poisoned by pale toadstool. This is one of the most poisonous and at the same time the most common mushrooms in the country. Inexperienced mushroom pickers mistake it for champignons, russula and other edible agaric mushrooms. The toadstool can be recognized by the yellow-brown, dirty green, light olive and often snow-white (young mushrooms) color of the caps. Usually a little darker in the center of the cap and lighter at the edge. On the underside of the cap are white soft plates. There is a ring on the leg.

False honey agaric can be found on the roots and stumps of trees, which is why beginners confuse it with real honey agaric and other edible mushrooms on trees. The fungus causes food poisoning, and therefore is not as dangerous as the toadstool. It can be distinguished from real mushrooms by color (not brown, but light orange or yellowish) and the absence of a ring on the leg (real mushrooms have it right under the hat).

Amanitas in our minds are synonymous with poisonous mushrooms. At the same time, an ordinary citizen imagines a typical picture - a large fleshy mushroom with a bright red cap with white specks and a white leg. In fact, only one of more than 600 species of fly agaric looks like this. By the way, the pale grebe formally also refers to the fly agaric. So, in addition to the well-known red fly agaric and grebe, one should also be wary of green fly agaric, smelly fly agaric, panther fly agaric and white fly agaric. Outwardly, some of them are very similar to edible mushrooms in September. The probability of meeting them in the forest is quite high.

Satanic mushroom is found mainly in the south and in Primorye. It is toxic, although it rarely leads to death. The mushroom is quite large irregular shape a hat and a massive leg. The leg may have various shades red. The color of the cap also varies: most often there are mushrooms with a white, dirty gray or olive cap. Sometimes it can look very much like some edible mushrooms in Primorsky Krai, in particular, a boletus.

The thin pig is a harmful, although not deadly, mushroom. For a long time, experts did not have a consensus on whether the pig is an edible mushroom or not. It was only about 30 years ago that it was finally removed from the list of edibles, as it was proven that it destroys the kidneys and causes food poisoning. It can be recognized by its fleshy, flattened hat with a curved edge. Young individuals are distinguished by an olive color of the hat, older ones are gray-brown or rusty-brown. The stalk is olive or gray-yellow and slightly lighter than the cap, or close to it in color.

Since ancient times, gathering, along with hunting, have been the main occupations of man, and today, at the end of summer and autumn, dozens of mushroom pickers go out to “hunt” for mushrooms. But among the whole variety of mushrooms, there are those that are better not to eat, as this can lead to serious illnesses and often death. Therefore, consider the category of poisonous mushrooms, and find out which is the most poisonous mushroom in the world.

Poisonous mushrooms of Russia

In Russia, messages about mushroom poisoning in the summer-autumn period are received at the operational points of the Ministry of Emergencies almost daily. To avoid trouble, the "enemy", as they say, you need to know in person, and know how to distinguish poisonous mushrooms from edible ones.

Pale Grebe / Amanita phalloides

One of the most poisonous mushrooms in the vast expanses of Russia, it is better to prevent poisoning by this representative great kind Amanita.

The danger lies in the fact that outwardly pale toadstool strongly resembles edible forest mushrooms, and therefore can easily fall into the basket of an inexperienced mushroom picker.

On top of the cap of the toadstool is a white ring, which is a characteristic feature of the pale toadstool.

Red fly agaric / Amanita muscaria

Amanitas look very beautiful and appetizing, but it is strictly forbidden to eat them, and the name itself should scare away those who want to feast on a forest dweller.

Amanitas are widespread almost everywhere, growing in groups or alone. Mostly give preference to birch forests.

Not considered deadly poisonous, but can cause hallucinations and severe poisoning.

False Chanterelle / Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca

Poisonous mushrooms also include the so-called “twins of edible mushrooms”, which, despite their external similarity, contain poison dangerous to health and life.

False chanterelle and hat shape and bright orange color resembles its edible relative. It grows in families, and rarely singly.

But still, at edible chanterelle a lighter color, the hat is flat, but the edges are slightly wavy. The false chanterelle also has an empty leg.

Poisonous mushrooms of Ukraine

In the vastness of Ukraine, due to geographical proximity and a similar climate, almost the same mushrooms grow as in Russia, but there are also some specific differences, which we will present.

Entoloma poisonous / Entoloma sinuatum

The most dangerous mushroom from the genus Entomola grows in the Carpathian region, mainly in the expanses of virgin steppes, but can also be found in deciduous forests.

It develops throughout the summer, and disappears by the beginning of autumn. This is one of the most major representatives of this kind, and the hat sometimes reaches 25 cm.

It was first discovered and described in 1788, and in 1871 it received its modern name, and is listed in reference books as poisonous. In Russia, they grow in the North Caucasus and some regions of Siberia, but these are quite rare mushrooms.

Fiberglass Patuillard / Inocybe erubescens

Russian name for this dangerous mushroom- The fiber is blushing, and in the genus Inocybe it is one of the most deadly species.

In Ukraine, it grows from July to November, mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests. Locally found in Europe and Asia. The hat is umbrella-shaped with a diameter of 3 to 9 cm, and the leg reaches a height of up to 10 cm.

Fibers contain a toxic alkaloid - muscarine, which can cause severe poisoning and lead to death.

Thin pig / Paxillus involutus

According to Wikipedia, this long time was considered conditionally edible, but then was listed in the category of poisonous harmful mushrooms.

It occurs in almost all types of forests, choosing moist shady places, and can also grow on tree trunks. The hat reaches a diameter of 15 cm, and the color of the pig varies from light brown to rusty-brown.

For the first time, poisoning from eating a thin pig was recorded in 1944.

Poisonous mushrooms of the world

Our list will continue mushrooms that grow in different parts the globe, and are considered the most poisonous.

By the way, there is also a website on our website interesting article pro! We advise you to read and see these enemies "in person"!

Smith's Fly Agaric / Amanita smithiana

grows in mixed forests North America, and the toxins contained in this fly agaric affect the liver and lead to death.

The hemispherical cap grows from 5 to 17 cm, and the stem is thin with a flocculent ring. The color of the cap is completely white or cream, and the cap itself is covered with tubercles.

By chance, the spores were brought to the islands of Japan, where the fungus has taken root and grows in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Spring Amanita / Amanita verna

In appearance, the spring fly agaric looks like a pale grebe, but belongs to an independent species from the Amanitaceae family.

It is widely distributed in the forests of Europe and is considered deadly. It is noteworthy that the symptoms of poisoning are the same as those of the pale grebe.

In Russia, it is called white fly agaric or spring grebe, but in Russian forests it is much less common than its red counterpart.

Bordered Galerina / Galerina marginata

One of the most poisonous mushrooms of the Strophariaceae family has a brown cap and a lighter stem with a characteristic ring.

It is found mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, but has also been found in Australia. It is noteworthy that it grows in the subarctic and arctic places of Canada.

The body contains poisonous amatoxins, and when it enters the human body, they cause death.

Yellow-skinned mushroom / Agaricus xanthodermus

There are poisonous mushrooms in the Champignon family, and the Russians call it false champignon or yellowing champignon.

Distributed in Europe and North America, but it was brought to Australia by accident. It can be found not only in forests, but also in city parks, gardens, forest plantations.

You can distinguish it from edible in the process of cooking. The fact is that, unlike ordinary mushrooms, it begins to smell bad when boiled.

Brown-Red Lepiota / Lepiota brunneoincarnata

Another mushroom from the genus Lepiot is considered one of the most deadly. Grows in Western and of Eastern Europe, but it is not found in Russia.

The semicircular bell cap is up to 7 cm in diameter, and the color is usually pale gray with dark concentric circles. The leg is slightly curved and has a cylindrical shape.

Long studies have shown that it contains the strongest poisons from the cyanide group, so any ingestion will lead to death.

Satanic Mushroom / Boletus satanas

This species from the Borovik genus is also called Satanic Bolet, and it is common in deciduous forests. Southern Europe and in the Middle East.

The diameter of the cap grows on average from 8 to 25 cm, but specimens up to 30 cm in size have been found. The stem is spherical and has a reddish color.

In some European countries, it is eaten, but in reference books it is listed as inedible. It is believed that even 1 gram of the satanic mushroom causes severe food poisoning.

Sulphur-yellow honeycomb / Hypholoma fasciculare

False honey fungus, called sulfur yellow because of its characteristic color, is very poisonous, and grows in mixed forests of Europe and North America.

In appearance, it resembles a summer honey agaric, so you need to be careful not to confuse it with an edible fellow. The hat is small, only 1.5-7 cm in diameter, and the stem does not grow more than 10 cm and 0.5 cm in diameter.

After eating, after a couple of hours, nausea begins, severe vomiting and the person loses consciousness.

Cobweb / Cortinarius gentilis

The name of this mushroom should not be misleading, as its body contains toxins that are deadly to life. Its poisonousness was proved by experiments on rats.

It grows in mixed and coniferous forests, rather small, since the hat is 1.5 to 5 cm in diameter. The color is yellowish-brown or orange.

When it enters the human body, it primarily affects the activity of the kidneys, and without medical intervention a person may die.

Facts about poisonous mushrooms

In conclusion, we present a few facts related to poisonous and terrible mushrooms:

  • The most poisonous mushroom, growing both in Europe and in Asia, is considered a pale grebe.
  • Mushroom Bloody tooth is considered by many to be poisonous, and that even breathing its spores is deadly to the body. But while science does not know the facts of poisoning with this mushroom, but maybe its frightening appearance scares away mushroom pickers and it is not eaten.
  • Most animals in the body have enzymes that easily break down mushroom poisons, so animals eat poisonous mushrooms and do not get poisoned.
  • Pale toadstool, mixed in food, was poisoned by the Roman Emperor Claudius and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV.
  • Poisonous mushrooms are widely used in folk medicine, as well as in official pharmacology for the production of certain types of drugs.
  • Fly agaric is the most recognizable mushroom in the world. Of the respondents in Europe, 96% of the respondents recognize it in the photo, while only 53% recognized the edible white mushroom.

In nature, getting poisoned is quite easy, because poisonous plants and mushrooms grow in almost any region of the globe, so you need to be careful and better avoid unfamiliar plants, and especially mushrooms. It is unrealistic to describe all poisonous mushrooms in one article, but we tried to highlight the most dangerous for human health and life.

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