How to cook meadow talker mushrooms. Talker mushrooms. Description of inedible and poisonous species

Description of the mushroom talker. features of its growth. What kind chemical elements included in the composition and their benefits to the body. Harm from excessive use of products containing talker. Contraindications for use. Cooking recipes with this mushroom.

The content of the article:

Talker is a kind of edible cap mushrooms from the Ryadovkov family and the Agarikov order. Sometimes it is also called clitocybe or nail plate. Forms a symbiotic association with pines and oaks. grows in mixed forests with a temperate climate, mainly in Russia, Austria, Canada, Hungary, Belgium, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. The color of the talkers varies from white to light brown. The diameter of the mushroom cap reaches 4-6 cm, it is dry and concave in the center. The pulp is firm in texture and spicy-sweet in taste. Characterized by pineapple aroma. The legs are thin and cylindrical. Spore powder has a creamy tint. There is a talker from the beginning of May to the end of July. There are about 250 varieties. The mushroom is often used in cooking and in the manufacture of skin care products.

The composition and calorie content of the talker

Talkers are popular due to their low calorie content. For this reason, they are often used in dietary products. Chemical composition mushroom is diverse - it contains fiber, amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

The calorie content of the talker is 30 kcal per 100 grams of the edible part, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.7 g;
  • Fats - 1.7 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 1.1 g.
Vitamins per 100 grams:
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.072 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, riboflavin - 0.403 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 32.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 1.262 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.122 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folates - 19 mcg;
  • Vitamin D, calciferol - 0.3 mcg;
  • Vitamin D2, ergocalciferol - 0.3 mcg;
  • Menaquinone-4 - 0.3 mcg;
  • Dihydrophylloquinone - 7 mcg;
  • Vitamin PP, NE - 6.255 mg;
  • Betaine - 11.5 mg.
Trace elements per 100 grams:
  • Selenium - 21.9 mcg;
  • Iron - 0.4 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.067 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.65 mg;
  • Copper - 389 mcg.
Macronutrients per 100 grams:
  • Sodium - 11 mg;
  • Calcium - 3 mg;
  • Magnesium - 13 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 135 mg;
  • Potassium - 437 mg.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 grams:
  1. Mono- and disaccharides (sugar) - 2.26 g;
  2. Glucose (dextrose) - 2.26 g;
  3. Starch and dextrins - 0.43 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 grams:
  • Phenylalanine - 100 mg;
  • Valine - 410 mg;
  • Histidine - 65 mg;
  • Leucine - 150 mg;
  • Lysine - 110 mg;
  • Methionine - 35 mg;
  • Threonine - 125 mg;
  • Isoleucine - 90 mg;
  • Tryptophan - 45 mg;
  • Arginine - 120 mg.
Non-essential amino acids per 100 grams:
  • Alanine - 185 mg;
  • Glycine - 110 mg;
  • Glutamic acid - 470 mg;
  • Aspartic acid - 260 mg;
  • Proline - 115 mg;
  • Tyrosine - 70 mg;
  • Cysteine ​​- 20 mg;
  • Serine - 120 mg.
Saturated fatty acid per 100 grams:
  • 10:0 Capric - 1 mg;
  • 14:0 Myristic - 1 mg;
  • 15:0 Pentadecanoic - 2 mg;
  • 16:0 Palmitic - 52 mg;
  • 17:0 Margarine - 1 mg;
  • 18:0 Stearic - 16 mg;
  • 20:0 Arachinic - 3 mg;
  • 22:0 Behenovaya - 2 mg;
  • 24:0 Lignoceric - 1 mg.
Monounsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:
  • 14:1 Myristoleic - 1 mg;
  • 16:1 Palmitoleic - 2 mg;
  • 18:1 Oleic (omega-9) 9 mg
Polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:
  • 18:2 Linoleic - 287 mg;
  • 18:2 Omega-6 - 287
The composition of the talker includes vitamins of several groups that take part in redox reactions, increase the immune system, improve the condition of the skin, and support normal activity. gastrointestinal tract and produce energy exchange.

Minerals strengthen and mineralize bone tissue, tooth enamel, stabilize the acid-base balance, regulate the action of thyroid hormones, control metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the neurons of the central nervous system, prevent anemia, heart disease, osteoarthritis, diabetes, gout and rheumatism.

Useful properties of the talker

The biological components of the talker allow you to stimulate vital processes and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It is enough just to include this mushroom in the diet to increase the tone and performance of the brain.

The benefits of govorushka and the products in which it consists are due to the harmonious combination of amino acids, vitamins and nutrients:

  1. Normalization digestive system . The absorption of food through the walls of the stomach improves, abscesses disappear from the mucous membrane, the work of the duodenum stabilizes, the components of the fungus allow you to get rid of hemorrhoids and flatulence.
  2. Accelerates the healing process of wounded areas of the epithelium. Inflammation is removed, the wound is regenerated at the cellular level, blood microcirculation is normalized.
  3. Strengthening the immune system. Reduces the risk of developing viral, infectious and inflammatory diseases, thanks to high percentage fiber content in the govorushka, toxins, slags, salts of heavy metals are removed from the body faster and cholesterol levels are lowered.
  4. Prevents the development of malignant tumors. Cell membranes are strengthened, water balance is normalized, oxygen metabolism is stabilized, and the growth of healthy cells increases.
  5. Slowing down the aging process. Age spots on the skin disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out, hair follicles are strengthened, nourished with nutrients, the hair becomes shiny and thick, the liver and kidneys are stabilized.
  6. Thrombi are expelled from blood vessels. Thanks to improved blood circulation, cholesterol plaques are knocked out, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, the development of beriberi, atherosclerosis, ischemia, thrombophlebitis is prevented, and blood pressure is normalized.
  7. Antibacterial properties. Clitocybin contained in the govorushka relieves the manifestations of tuberculosis and epilepsy, prevents seizures.
  8. Accelerates metabolism. Excess calories are burned faster, harmful substances are removed from the body, stools are normalized, gas formation is reduced, and biliary dyskinesia is prevented.
  9. Improves mood. The ability to work increases, the processes of thinking are accelerated, the neurons of the central nervous system have a positive effect, impulses are carried out faster, apathy disappears.
In addition, products containing talker have a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and have a disinfecting property. The mushroom also allows muscles to recover faster after physical activity, there is a replenishment of ATP and glycogen reserves, the level of anabolic hormones in the blood rises, and the repair of damaged cells accelerates.

Harm and contraindications to the use of a talker

Despite the impressive list of useful properties that the talker has on the human body, there is a risk of harming the organs if the product is consumed excessively. If you often include the mushroom in the diet, ailments and pathogenic microflora may appear.

Consequences of abuse of the talker:

  • Allergic reactions - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are exacerbated, stool is disturbed, abundant gas formation occurs, the mucous membrane is negative impact, abscesses, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, migraine, swelling of the nasal cavity occur, a rash appears on the skin, intercellular metabolism worsens.
  • Increase in tone Bladder- characterized by frequent urge to go to the toilet, as a result, sleep worsens, irritability and nervousness occur, phosphorus and calcium are washed out of bone tissues.
  • Poisoning - since talkers, like a sponge, absorb everything from the environment, there is a risk of accumulation of toxins and harmful substances. There is reddening of the face, sweating, bronchospasm, difficulty in normal breathing, increased salivation and temperature, shivering, reduced oxygen levels in the blood.
  • The activity of the cardiovascular system worsens - the walls of blood vessels weaken, plaques and blood clots form, blood microcirculation worsens.
Colitis and enteritis can also worsen, since the gastric mucosa is adversely affected, it begins to corrode.

Absolute contraindications to talker:

  1. Epilepsy - painful and uncontrolled muscle contractions, dizziness, fainting, nausea and vomiting are provoked, the pulse rises, hypersensitivity occurs.
  2. Gastritis and ulcer - blood appears in the stool, there are pain in the abdomen, sudden drops blood pressure, rapid weight loss, failure of the menstrual cycle in women.
  3. Thyroid diseases - hair falls out, skin dries, dandruff appears, the condition of cartilage tissue worsens, aspiration of vomit, bradycardia and redness of the face.
  4. Urolithiasis - fever, chills, water balance is disturbed, back pain, hyperthermia, anomalies in the development of the genitourinary system, blood in the urine, metabolic failure.
Before adding govorushka to food, it is recommended to be examined by a qualified specialist and make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to the fungus.

Recipes with a talker

There are many recipes for savory and unusual dishes, to which talkers are added. However, this mushroom is also good as an independent snack. It is dried, boiled, fried, pickled and baked. Harmonizes with avocado, meat, beans, broccoli, herbs, garlic, onions, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, beans and spices.

The following recipes for talkers are distinguished, which are characterized by their rich aroma, pleasant taste and low calorie content:

  • Spaghetti with cream sauce. A head of garlic is passed through a press into a container, a tablespoon of olive oil is poured in, several sprigs of thyme are put in and put in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 175 ° C. Meanwhile, in a frying pan, heat a tablespoon of olive oil, 2 teaspoons butter and 200 grams of talkers cut along are poured on top. Should be fried for strong fire until golden. One eggplant is cut into cubes and added to the mushrooms. Cooked garlic is combined with the rest of the ingredients. Then 200 ml of heavy cream is poured into the vegetables, salted, seasoned with spices to taste and brought to a boil. Pour 2 liters of filtered water into the pan and boil 200 grams of spaghetti. Salt at your own discretion. Ready spaghetti is mixed with creamy sauce and sprinkled with grated cheese.
  • Meatballs in pots. Kilogram chicken meat pass through a blender along with 2 onions and garlic. Then boil half a cup of rice and combine it with the rest of the ingredients. Add salt and spices to taste. In a separate container, one onion is cut into cubes, 2 carrots are passed through a grater, 300 grams of talkers are chopped into plates and thrown into an oiled and heated frying pan. When the ingredients acquire a golden hue, add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of tomato paste to them and simmer for about 5 minutes. Boiled rice with minced meat is formed into small balls, rolled in flour and fried until golden brown in a pan. Vegetables are placed at the bottom of clay pots, meatballs are distributed in the next layer, and so on, until they are filled. The contents are poured over with meat broth, sprinkled with spices and placed in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180-190 ° C.
  • Chicken mushroom muffins. 150 grams of chicken fillet and 100 grams of talkers are passed through a meat grinder, seasoned with pepper and salt. They add 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons of semolina, 4 tablespoons of milk, 80 ml of mayonnaise and 100 grams of grated cheese. Fill 3/4 of the muffin molds with the mixture. Then placed in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 170-180°C. Cupcakes can be served with ketchup.
  • Salad with corn and mushrooms. One onion is peeled, cut into cubes and fried in a frying pan, previously generously greased with vegetable oil. Then add carrots, passed through a grater, and stew for 10 minutes. Half a kilogram of talkers is thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water, cut into cubes and added to the rest of the ingredients. Fry until the liquid has completely evaporated. 400 grams chicken fillet boiled and chopped into small pieces. 3 eggs are also boiled and chopped. 200 grams of canned corn get rid of the liquid and mix with all the ingredients. Then they are seasoned with mayonnaise, combined with black pepper powder and salt. Before serving the salad to the table, it is placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • Salad of fried talkers and crab sticks . One small carrot is peeled, washed and boiled in salted water until tender. 300 grams of talkers are cut into slices and fried in a heated and oiled pan along with onion rings. 200 grams of crab sticks are cut into cubes and put with the rest of the ingredients on a slow fire. Stew for about 7-10 minutes and season with sour cream at the end.
  • Talkers on the coals. A kilogram of talkers is mixed in a large container with 200 grams of mayonnaise, 4 tablespoons of mustard, black pepper and 3 tablespoons of salt. Then marinate in the refrigerator for an hour. After that, the talkers are distributed over the grate and placed over smoldering coals. Turn over regularly. When the mushrooms become golden in color, they are taken out, laid out on a plate and sprinkled with chopped herbs.
  • Talkers in sour cream. 600 grams of talkers are thoroughly washed, doused with boiling water and cut into thin slices. The pan is poured abundantly with olive oil, heated and fried mushrooms until all the liquid has evaporated. Add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, 150 ml of cream, spices and salt to taste. The ingredients are mixed and simmered over low heat for about 7-10 minutes. The dish is served with porridge or mashed potatoes.
Talkers are able to bring a subtle flavor to food. Therefore, they are often added to marinades, sauces and soups.

Previously, this fungus was attributed to the manifestation evil spirits, as it grows large groups forming a circle on the surface of the earth. It was assumed that demons and witches held a sabbath there and made conspiracies.

Some varieties of talkers are capable of emitting a soft green light at night.

Talkers in terms of the amount of nutrients and minerals are not inferior to meat. That is why they are often added to their diet by vegetarians.

In no case should talkers be combined with alcohol, as this leads to severe food poisoning and even death.

Watch the video about the talker:

The popularity of talkers is due to their unusual taste, a lot of useful properties and widespread use.

Talkers (Clitocybe)


Talkers are the most numerous genus of cap mushrooms of the ordinary family (Tricholomataceae). It unites about 250 species, among which there are not only edible, but also poisonous "persons", including deadly ones, so only experienced mushroom pickers can collect talkers. Among the edible talkers, the most common are the gray (smoky) talker, the bent (red) talker, the funnel talker, the fragrant talker, and the clubfoot talker. These are, as a rule, small or medium-sized mushrooms (cap diameter about 3-10 cm) on a thin stalk, with white or light-colored plates that “run down” to the stalk. Hats can be dyed different colors- from whitish-gray to gray-brown. From above, on the cap, you can often see the remnants of mycelium in the form of spots resembling mold.

History and distribution

About 60 types of talkers grow on the territory in Russia. They especially chose temperate forests. climate zone the European part of the country, as well as Siberia and Primorsky Krai. In the forests, talkers prefer to choose a thick bedding of needles or fallen leaves. With them, a purple row and a blushing umbrella usually grow in the neighborhood. Some types of talkers are found in meadows and even in parks. The peak of the collection of these mushrooms falls on September-October.


The pulp of talkers is white. The taste is soft, spicy-sweet. The smell can vary: sometimes it is fruity or floral, but sometimes it is unpleasant and putrid. It is recommended to use only young hats (up to 4-6 cm in diameter) without legs (they are hard like rubber) for food. After boiling, govorushki can be sent to soups and main dishes, marinated and fried. Gourmets especially appreciate boiled talkers, cooked separately from other mushrooms, which do not interrupt their specific flavor. However, the talkers have one feature (it is most characteristic of the smoky talker) - they boil down (cook) very much. In numbers, the ratio of the volume of talkers before and after cooking can be 5:1. You can only dry and salt a smoky (gray) govorushka.

Composition and properties

Speakers have antibacterial properties. They are used in the treatment of tuberculosis. Due to the content of the substance clitocybin, they are used in the treatment of epilepsy. In addition, talker hats contain a significant amount of vitamins B1 and B2, as well as trace elements such as copper, zinc, and manganese.


According to some reports, the use of talkers along with alcohol can cause poisoning.

Interesting fact

The smoky (gray) talker usually grows in small groups, forming semicircles or, as they are popularly called, “witch rings”.

How much to cook talkers

Rinse the speakers thoroughly cold water and cook in salted water for 25-30 minutes.

Talkers (Clitocybe) belong to the ordinary family and have a fourth category. To date, more than two hundred and fifty types of talkers are known, sixty of which are found on the territory of our country. Among them there are edible, inedible and even poisonous, causing severe poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study their individual characteristics, by which one can distinguish one from the other. And the first fees to make together with people who are well versed in them.

Description of edible species

Not every mushroom picker collects even edible types of talkers. This is due to the fact that many of them have a specific taste and smell, which often become even brighter during heat treatment. But some people even like it. The most common types of talkers include the following.


The caps of a young gray or smoky talker (Clitocybe nebularis) have a convex shape, which then develops into a flat one with bent edges and reaches a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters. Its light gray surface is covered with a dirty white coating. Thick legs in the color of the cap grow up to ten centimeters in height and have a thickening at the bottom. The white, thick, friable flesh has a fruity aroma that intensifies when cooked.

Nettle thickets are a favorite place of growth, therefore, among the people, the gray talker was nicknamed "wren". It is considered a conditionally edible mushroom.


The red or tucked talker (Clitocybe geotropa) initially has a bell-shaped cap, in adult specimens it becomes funnel-shaped with a tubercle in the middle and thin tucked edges. Its diameter ranges from four to twelve centimeters. The surface of young mushrooms is characterized by a reddish color and luster, then it fades almost to white, covered with brown spots and becomes matte. The legs grow up to fifteen centimeters in height and up to three in diameter. They have a slight white pubescence, a light yellow color and a thickening at the base.


The giant talker (Leucopaxillus giganteus) is, in fact, the largest of these mushrooms. Its fleshy hemispherical caps grow up to twenty-five centimeters or more in diameter. Over time, they become like large funnels. Their cream color is gray shade in the center. Dense light gray or brownish legs reach ten centimeters in height and up to three in diameter. This type mushrooms is practically odorless, the taste is bitter, intensifying as it grows.


In the funnel talker (Clitocybe gibba), the diameter of a thin hat reaches no more than eight centimeters. It already initially has a prostrate shape, which quickly takes the form of a small, but deep yellowish-brown funnel. Narrow, cylindrical legs about five centimeters high are the same color as the caps. The mushroom is edible only when young., then it becomes too hard, besides it has a smell reminiscent of perfume.


A fragrant, odorous or aniseed talker (Clitocybe odora) has a thin but fleshy hat up to seven centimeters in diameter. Its surface is characterized by a very original bluish-green color, the plates are slightly lighter. Thin legs, in the color of the plates, grow up to five centimeters in height, have a cylindrical shape thickened towards the bottom. The gray flesh has a sharp aniseed smell, which only intensifies during heat treatment.


The clubfoot talker (Clitocybe clavipes) is the most recognizable of all the others, thanks to the shape of its leg, which thickens quite strongly towards the base and resembles a mace. The caps of the mushroom are gray or brownish-gray in color, rather miniature, and have a diameter of no more than six centimeters. In young specimens, they are convex, and over time they become flat with a small tubercle in the middle and acquire a white border around the edge. Yellowish plates go on legs, which grow up to ten centimeters high and up to one and a half wide.

Description of inedible and poisonous species

Simultaneously with edible talkers, inedible and poisonous species begin to appear in forests and groves. Some of them can not only cause significant harm to health, but also become deadly for people with poor health.


An inverted or reddish-brown talker (Clitocybe inversa) has a concave hat from five to ten centimeters in diameter, its edges are even and bent down, and the surface is painted grayish-red or reddish-brown. Cream-colored plates pass to curved, hard, reddish legs up to six centimeters high and about two in diameter. The thin pulp of the inverted talker is slightly lighter than the cap and is characterized by great brittleness, hardness, tart taste and pungent smell. The mushroom is inedible.


All parts of the waxy, grayish or leafy govorushka (Clitocybe cerussata) are white or slightly grayish in color. The cap is eight inches in diameter. In young mushrooms, it has a bell-shaped shape, and with age it looks like a wide funnel with a large bulge in the middle and wavy, pubescent edges. Cylindrical legs with a thickening at the base grow up to five centimeters in height and no more than one in width. Taste qualities and the aroma is quite pleasant, so you need to be especially careful when collecting, since the mushroom is very poisonous.


The whitish, reddish or furrowed talker (Clitocybe dealbata) is a very small fungus. Its initially convex caps, about four centimeters in diameter, are white or grayish in color, eventually becoming flat and reddish in color. They have wavy edges and a smooth, shiny surface that becomes sticky when wet. The legs are cylindrical in shape and grayish-white in color, thicken towards the base and reach five centimeters in height and up to one in diameter.


The orange talker or false chanterelle (Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca) has a funnel-shaped hat of brownish-orange color with a diameter of up to six centimeters, its edges are even and tucked. Thin plates of false chanterelles are located very often, the color matches the hat. At the legs of an orange color, the height reaches five centimeters, and the width of one. The color of the bitter pulp is white, its smell is rather unpleasant. The mushroom is inedible.

Places of growth

Talkers prefer temperate zone our country, Siberia and Primorsky Krai. They can be found in any deciduous or coniferous forest, as well as in meadows and fields. Edible species are usually arranged in large groups that form rows or rings. Inedible and poisonous often grow in single specimens. Fruiting begins in July and can last until November, depending on the place of growth.

Cooking talkers

Talkers can be fried, salted, marinated and added to a variety of dishes. But before that, they need to be boiled for at least half an hour.

Rice with vegetables and talkers


  • Mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • Rice - 200 grams;
  • Meat broth - 1 liter;
  • Tomatoes - 200 grams;
  • Sweet pepper - 200 grams;
  • Green peas - 100 grams;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • - 3 teeth;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt, black pepper, fresh dill.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the talkers, cut into several pieces and fry in half the norm of butter for ten minutes.
  2. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in a deep saucepan for several minutes.
  3. Add mushrooms to onions with garlic and simmer for another five minutes.
  4. Pour rice into the mushrooms, pour in the broth and simmer until half cooked.
  5. Add diced tomatoes and peppers, as well as green peas to rice with mushrooms.
  6. After the dish is ready, you need to remove it from the heat and add grated cheese, chopped

The talker belongs to the genus of hat mushrooms, which are representatives of the family of ordinary mushrooms. Several species of this fungus are known. They differ in appearance biological properties and degree of edibility.

The cap of this mushroom grows to medium size, 3-10 cm in diameter. The color of the cap of a young mushroom is light blue with a green tint, the shape is convex, with a slightly tucked edge. Over time, the color becomes yellow-gray and a depression appears in the center. The pulp is thin gray color with a strong anise aroma. The plates descend on the leg, frequent, light green. The stem is long, but thin, matching the color of the hat.

You can find this mushroom from late summer to mid-autumn in both coniferous and deciduous forests.

Refers to edible mushrooms. But keep in mind that the anise smell of the fragrant talker is very persistent and does not go away even after heat treatment.

A small mushroom, the cap of which is yellow or gray and has a diameter of 3-6 cm. It is flat or concave in shape with a wavy lowered edge. The plates are descending, narrow, changing color with age from white to brownish. Leg 1 cm thick and about 5 cm long, of the same color with a hat, cylindrical in shape. pulp white color, thin, with a watery structure and a pronounced anise smell.

The highest yield is in September. Lives in mixed and coniferous forests. Refers to conditionally edible mushrooms.

It differs from the previous species in the size and shape of the cap. It reaches 8 cm in diameter, has the form of a funnel with jagged edges. To the touch, the skin is dry, silky, gray-brown in color. The plates are rare, descending on the stem, slightly lighter in color than the cap.

The fruiting period begins in August and lasts until the last days of September. This mushroom grows in the forests different types on leaf litter or rotting tree trunks.

Enough large mushroom with a large fleshy cap about 10–15 cm in diameter. The hat is most often white or ashy in color, which becomes lighter from the center to the edge, with tucked edges. The pulp is white, very thick with a characteristic floral-fruity aroma, which intensifies during the processing of the mushroom. White plates slightly descend on the leg. The leg is thick, up to three centimeters in diameter, has the shape of a club, fleshy, white. growing smoky talker mainly in coniferous forests almost until late autumn.

There are other edible species of this mushroom: club-footed talker, brown-yellow, funnel-shaped. They differ in size, shape, color and structure of the cap and legs, but in general terms they are similar to each other.

Application in medicine

The study of these mushrooms revealed many useful properties in them. The composition of the talker includes both vegetable and animal proteins, vitamins B2 and B1, a large number of useful trace elements such as zinc, manganese, copper. In addition, various medicines can be obtained from talkers. These include diatretin, nebularin, clitocybin and others. The use of these drugs allows the treatment of tuberculosis. The speaker has strong antibacterial properties.

The composition of this fungus includes clitocybin, which allows it to be used in the treatment of epilepsy. Like all other mushrooms, govorushka is a low-calorie product, it is recommended as diet food. These mushrooms have a cleansing and regenerating effect on the body, remove toxins, toxins and salts of heavy metals from it. IN traditional medicine decoctions and ointments made from talker are used. They have a wound healing effect, help to remove stones. For the treatment of respiratory tract infections, extracts are made from these mushrooms.

There are very poisonous varieties among the talkers, so only experienced mushroom pickers are recommended to collect them. In addition, it is not recommended to use these mushrooms in combination with alcoholic beverages, as this can cause serious poisoning. For conditionally edible types of govorushka, it is very important to properly heat treat.

Use in cooking

Talkers have white flesh with a mild, spicy taste. Caps of young mushrooms are best suited for use in cooking. Before adding the talker to the dish, it must be boiled. A feature of this type of mushroom is a strong change in volume during the cooking process, it can decrease by five times.

Marinated talker


For a kilogram of mushrooms, you need to take 150 ml of water, 150 ml of vinegar 9%, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 4 pcs. cloves, 2 bay leaves, 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 10 peppercorns, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.


Mushrooms must first be cleaned of dirt and debris, and rinsed thoroughly. Place in a deep saucepan, add water and all the listed spices, except vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for half an hour. Add vinegar at the end of the boiling process. Sterilize vegetable oil separately. Put the finished mushrooms in glass jars, add the marinade and a spoonful of oil. You can store in the refrigerator.

Vinaigrette with pickled talkers


150 g of pickled talkers, 1-2 potatoes, 1 each of carrots and beets, 2-3 tbsp. l. sauerkraut, half an onion, 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.


Boil all root vegetables, peel and cut into small cubes. Mix with mushrooms, chopped onion and sauerkraut. Add vegetable oil to taste. Put the vinaigrette in a deep bowl, decorate with mushrooms.

Caviar from talkers


170 g pickled mushrooms, medium-sized onion, 3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, salt, pepper.


Chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the pickled govorushki and mix with onion, salt, pepper and mix well. The resulting caviar can be eaten as an independent dish or used as a side dish.

Growing mushroom talker

Growing a talker at home is quite simple. It is unpretentious and can form mycorrhiza with any young trees. It is best to start sowing mycelium in the period from late spring to early autumn. Near the tree trunk, you need to dig three holes 20 cm deep and 10–15 cm in diameter. Half of the holes must be filled with soil, which is used for breeding indoor plants.

Distribute the mycelium of the talker evenly over all the wells. Put the compost from the soil again on top and compact it tightly. Cover the resulting plantation with a litter of tree leaves, moss, small branches. Very carefully, so as not to wash the seeds, you need to water the holes. The first harvest can be expected in about a year. The fruiting period is 3-5 years. From under each tree, you can collect up to 17 mushrooms per season.

You can grow this mushroom indoors by planting it in special boxes. In this case, cultivation can be done at any time of the year.

Talker- This is a very tasty and unusual mushroom. You will be fascinated by the unusual aroma that fills the kitchen while preparing dishes from these mushrooms. But you need to be extremely careful when collecting talkers so as not to mistakenly take poisonous species of these mushrooms.

Mushroom talker- this common name a whole detachment of mushrooms, some of which are considered inedible, and some even poisonous.

The most popular govorushki, edible and distinguished by a pleasant and delicate taste, are gray, funnel, red bent, fragrant and clubfoot.

These types of mushrooms are common in our larch forests, and their season lasts from June to October. Talkers grow in large "companies" and, once in a clearing with mushrooms, it is very easy to pick up a whole basket.

In nature, there are a large number of poisonous varieties of talker mushrooms that have external similarities with their edible counterparts. Eating such mushrooms is dangerous to health, so you need to be able to distinguish between them. To do this, we suggest taking note of the information in our article.

To date, among the poisonous twins, the following are distinguished.

  • The inverted talker has a dirty red or brown color of the cap, the edges of which are bent down, and the diameter varies from five to one hundred millimeters. The leg is high, up to twenty millimeters in diameter, has a cream or reddish tint. Such a mushroom is distinguished by a rich pungent odor and excessively brittle pulp.
  • The wax talker has a completely white or gray hat color, the size of which reaches eight centimeters. The shape of the hat resembles a bell, but over time it arches into reverse side, forming a funnel in the middle. The width of the legs does not exceed one centimeter. The smell of a wax talker is quite attractive, so this mushroom is often confused with an edible one. It is forbidden to eat it due to the excessive toxicity of the pulp.
  • The furrowed talker is distinguished by a convex hat, which at first has a light beige color, but over time darkens and becomes reddish. The edges of the cap are wavy, and its surface can become sticky when wet. The leg is thickened upwards, its diameter does not exceed a centimeter. Furrowed talker can be distinguished from edible mushrooms by an unpleasant saturated smell.
  • Orange talker, also called false chanterelle, is distinguished by a curved reddish hat, the diameter of which reaches six centimeters, and the same reddish plates. The stem is long, up to a centimeter in diameter. From edible talkers and chanterelles, such a mushroom can be distinguished by a sharp unpleasant odor. Also, most mushroom pickers know that chanterelles are never spoiled by worms, and the orange talker is most often found already spoiled.

What does an edible mushroom look like?

The edible talker mushroom looks the same as most mushrooms of this genus. However, we suggest that you take note of a more accurate description. appearance product that you will find in our article. Thanks to him, you can easily distinguish the talker from false and poisonous twins.

Round, has a large size and a fleshy structure. The diameter of the cap of an edible talker can vary from seven to fifteen centimeters. A young mushroom is distinguished by a convex oval-shaped hat, but over time it opens up, forming a small funnel in the middle. The color of the cap varies from grayish yellow or dirty cream to pastel orange.

It has a white color and a dense structure when the mushroom is still young. With age, the flesh becomes more loose and brittle. It also has a pleasant aroma, which many mushroom pickers characterize as fruity and floral.

The shape of the leg is usually club-shaped, the height reaches eight centimeters, and the diameter varies from one to two and a half centimeters. The color of the stem is usually white or light cream, less often grayish.


White, thin, with age they begin to turn yellow and increase in size along with the talker's hat.

spore powder

It usually has a white color, but talkers are less common, in which the spore powder has a creamy tint.

If you are a novice mushroom picker, then this information will help you find out what an edible talker looks like. Thanks to this, you will be able to harvest quality mushrooms which will not harm your body.

Types of talkers

In nature, there are many types of talkers, some of which are edible, and some are not. How to distinguish the first from the second, we wrote in the description. Now let's consider edible varieties mushrooms that you may meet on the way.

  • Anise talker- This is a type of mushroom, which is also called fragrant or odorous. The cap diameter varies from three to ten centimeters. The color may be grayish green in young mushrooms and change to dirty yellow or pale gray over time. The smell of such a talker resembles a mixture of anise and dill, in connection with which the mushroom got its name. The plates of the anise talker are white-green in color, the spore powder is white, and the leg is light gray. The diameter of the leg is no more than a centimeter, and the length varies depending on age, from three to eight centimeters.
  • Talker fragrant differs in a small thin cap with a diameter of three to six centimeters, which has a light cream or yellowish color. The plates are white or dirty beige, the stem is thin and yellowish, the diameter varies within five millimeters - a centimeter. The flesh is thin and brittle, white. Has a strong pleasant aroma.
  • goblet the talker has a small hat measuring four to five centimeters. The color of the cap is most often dark olive or brown, and the shape is concave, resembling a chanterelle mushroom. The plates are gray, the leg has a color similar to the hat and a diameter of five millimeters. The pulp is gray, watery. The mushroom has a subtle but pleasant smell.
  • Talker clubfoot it is distinguished by a large light hat with a diameter of four to eight centimeters, has a convex shape, which eventually changes to a funnel-shaped one. The color can vary from light gray to cream and dirty yellow. The plates are white, attached to the leg. The spore powder is white, the stem is long, three to nine centimeters high and about five millimeters wide. The pulp of such a fungus is loose, brittle.
  • funnel the talker has a convex hat at a young age, but over time it curves in the opposite direction. Its diameter varies from four to eight centimeters. The plates and spore powder are white. The leg is grayish, has a length of up to nine centimeters, and a thickness of 0.5 to 1 centimeter.
  • smoky the talker has a large, fleshy gray hat, the diameter of which can be from five to fifteen centimeters. The pulp is light, rather friable, the plates and spore powder are white, becoming yellowish over time. The leg is quite thick, club-shaped, its height varies from four to nine centimeters, and its thickness is from one to three centimeters.
  • Winter the talker is distinguished by a reddish or rich flesh color and a hat with a diameter of up to five centimeters. The edges of the cap are rather sinuous, raised. The leg is short, its height rarely reaches four centimeters, and its thickness is six millimeters. The color of the stem is exactly the same as that of the hat. The plates are frequent, gray or white. The flesh is white and elastic, the spore powder is light in color.
  • Talker snowy has a small cap size, reaching four centimeters. The color of the cap is light gray, and the shape is convex with curved edges. The plates are light and thin. The leg is quite thin, has a length of up to four centimeters, and a thickness of up to three millimeters. The pulp is light and thin, tough, has a delicate, pleasant aroma..
  • tucked in the talker is rather large in size. Her hat can be from eight to twenty centimeters in diameter and have a reddish, brown or white color. The edges are wrapped, in the center there is a small depression. Spore powder, plates and pulp are white. The leg is from five to fifteen centimeters in length and up to three in width. It has an extended shape towards the base.
  • Talker orange can be distinguished by a rich orange color, which is inherent in both the hat and the stem. The cap is convex, rough, with curved edges. The plates are thick and white, the pulp and spore powder are also white. The leg is short, its maximum size is five centimeters, and its diameter is half a centimeter. The pulp is thin, has a cotton-like texture.
  • giant the talker is also called the swine and row. The mushroom cap has a diameter of ten to thirty centimeters, its edges are curved, forming a large funnel. The color of the hat is white or light gray. The pulp, spore powder and plates are white. The mushroom has a pleasant, rich smell.

All of the above types of talkers are edible, but this factor also depends on where you collect this type of mushroom. Avoid areas near factories, enterprises and highways, and observe contraindications. In this case, the use of these mushrooms will not harm you.

Beneficial features

Mushrooms have many beneficial properties. So, they combine animal and vegetable protein, they are rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Mushrooms have a positive effect on the digestive system, support and strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of many diseases, including the development of malignant tumors.

Talkers are a low-calorie product, therefore great for diet food.

They assist in cleansing and renewing the entire body by removing heavy metal salts and other toxins from it.

In addition, mushrooms are indispensable in the menu of vegetarians, since they are not inferior to meat in terms of the amount of useful and nutritious substances.

Use in cooking

Talkers with a delicate taste and fruity aroma are not very popular among cooks. It is worth noting that the caps of young mushrooms are most often eaten. The legs are completely tasteless, and with age, the mushrooms lose their unique flavor. However, young talkers are great for everyone. traditional dishes. They can be fried, boiled, salted, stewed, marinated and dried. They are able to give any dish a delicate and delicate flavor, which is why they are loved to be added to soups and sauces. However, these mushrooms are not recommended to be added to salads raw. Due to the enzymes they contain raw mushrooms have a bitter taste.

If you are going to cook dishes from talkers, remember that they are significantly fried and boiled down, losing almost half of their mass in their volume!

How to cook?

Cooking govorushki mushrooms is no more difficult than any other types of mushrooms. You can boil, fry, bake these foods, use them as a main snack, or add them to other dishes. In our article you will find recommendations with which you can decide how best to cook talkers at home.

There are a large number of all kinds of recipes for cooking dishes with talkers, in which mushrooms are even used as a filling for pastries or rolls. But it is best to cook them as a separate dish, for example, fry or boil.

  • Most hostesses advise boiling talkers before frying them, but during cooking, mushrooms are boiled most of useful trace elements and flavoring components. Therefore, you should only cook talkers before frying if you are not sure whether they are all edible. It is best to put the ingredients in the pan while still raw. Pre-wash the mushrooms and clean them of leaves, dirt and debris, then cut the talkers into pieces convenient for you and send them to the pan with oil. You can also fry mushrooms in a slow cooker in the "Frying" mode, sending the ingredients to the container of the device and waiting for the right time. When cooking, a characteristic mushroom smell may appear, which not everyone likes. But when the mushrooms are fully cooked, this flavor will disappear. While frying, add finely chopped onion, ground allspice, salt and other seasonings and spices that you like to the mushrooms. You can also pour some sour cream into a frying pan or stewpan, stew the mushrooms in it and prepare a delicious snack!
  • It is necessary to cook govorushki immediately before frying for no more than ten minutes, since the ingredients may crumble during subsequent heat treatment. If you plan to close the mushrooms for the winter, then they should be boiled in a ready-made marinade, adding all the spices in advance and bringing it to a boil. In case you just like to eat boiled mushrooms, add salt to boiling water, then add the sliced ​​talkers and boil them until the products turn white and their consistency is soft enough.

Among other things, talkers can be baked with meat or potatoes. To do this, the mushrooms are cleaned, washed, cut into pieces and placed on a baking sheet, covered with potatoes or meat on top. You can experiment with the preparation of talkers as your imagination allows you.

The benefits of talkers and treatment

The benefits of talkers have been known for a long time. These mushrooms have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism, they are a good prevention of infectious diseases, and the enzymes contained in them improve digestion, improve the functioning of the stomach and cleanse the body of toxins. Talkers are rich in B vitamins. They lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, and in addition, they prevent the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

Mushrooms are also used in folk medicine. Extracts, decoctions and ointments from talkers help in healing wounds, have a good disinfecting property, and are also used in the treatment of respiratory tract and urolithiasis.

Harm talkers and contraindications

Talkers do not bring harm, if we talk about edible species. As we wrote above, there are inedible and poisonous types of mushrooms that can lead to food poisoning. The pulp of edible talkers is lighter in color and has a pleasant and delicate aroma, it is fleshy and sweetish in taste. It is worth remembering this when going to " quiet hunting". Mushrooms are also able to absorb and accumulate toxins, so it is better to collect talkers in places remote from roads.

Talkers can cause harm if contraindications are not observed.. Despite the fact that this type of mushroom is not dangerous to health, poisonous counterparts are found in nature, which can even mistakenly get on store shelves. Poisoning with such talkers causes the following symptoms:

  • intestinal cramps, nausea and vomiting;
  • slow heartbeat;
  • profuse salivation;
  • prostration;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • difficulty in breathing, asthma attacks;
  • disruption of the central nervous system, characterized by mental retardation, euphoria, anxiety attacks;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • trembling and weakness in the muscles.

If you notice more than one symptom from this list, you should take immediate action. First, you should call an ambulance, and before the doctors arrive, provide the victim with the necessary care by washing the stomach and taking absorbent drugs that will remove some of the toxins from the body. If possible, a 0.1% solution of atropine sulfate should be administered intravenously to prevent problems with the respiratory system in advance.

Further actions should be carried out by qualified doctors, who will also determine the duration of treatment and the extent of poisoning, taking all necessary measures.

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