Political activity. Youth groups and movements can be classified depending on the characteristics of youth initiatives. A distinctive feature of the constructive amateur activity of youth groups is

The youth- this is a socio-demographic group, distinguished on the basis of a combination of age characteristics (approximately from 16 to 25 years), characteristics of social status and certain socio-psychological qualities.

Youth is a period of choosing a profession and one's place in life, developing a worldview and life values, choosing a life partner, creating a family, achieving economic independence and socially responsible behavior.

Youth is a certain phase, stage of the human life cycle and is biologically universal.

Features of the social status of youth

Transition of position.

High level of mobility.

Mastering new social roles (worker, student, citizen, family man) associated with a change in status.

Active search for your place in life.

Favorable professional and career prospects.

Young people are the most active, mobile and dynamic part of the population, free from stereotypes and prejudices of previous years and possessing the following socio-psychological qualities: mental instability; internal inconsistency; low level of tolerance (from lat. tolerantia - patience); the desire to stand out, to be different from the rest; the existence of a specific youth subculture.

It is typical for young people to unite in informal groups, which are characterized by the following features:

The emergence on the basis of spontaneous communication in the specific conditions of the social situation;

Self-organization and independence from official structures;

Mandatory for participants and different from the typical, accepted in society, models of behavior that are aimed at the realization of vital needs that are not satisfied in ordinary forms (they are aimed at self-affirmation, giving social status, gaining security and prestigious self-esteem);

Relative stability, a certain hierarchy among group members;

Expression of other value orientations or even worldview, stereotypes of behavior that are uncharacteristic of society as a whole;

An attribute that emphasizes belonging to a given community.

Depending on the characteristics of amateur performances of youth, it is possible to classify youth groups and movements.

Aggressive activity. It is based on the most primitive ideas about the hierarchy of values ​​based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, visibility of self-affirmation. Popular among teenagers and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development.

outrageous(fr. epater - to amaze, surprise) amateur performance. It is based on a challenge to norms, canons, rules, opinions both in everyday, material forms of life - clothing, hair, and in spiritual ones - art, science. “Challenge” aggression on yourself from other people so that you are “noticed” (punk style, etc.)

Alternative activity. It is based on the development of alternative behavioral patterns that are systemically contradictory to generally accepted models of behavior, which become an end in itself (hippies, Hare Krishnas, etc.)

Social self-activity. Aimed at solving specific social problems (environmental movements, movements for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)

Political activity. Aimed at changing the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a particular group

The acceleration of the pace of development of society causes an increase in the role of young people in public life. Involving in social relations, young people modify them and, under the influence of the transformed conditions, improve themselves.

2. Typology of political regimes.

Political regime- a set of methods for exercising power and achieving political goals.

Characteristics of the political regime:

scope of human rights and freedoms,

methods of exercising state power,

the nature of the relationship between the state and society,

the presence or absence of society's ability to influence political decision-making,

ways of forming political institutions,

· Methods of making political decisions.

2. Classification of political regimes

Lecture on social studies in grade 10

Topic: Youth as a social group

Features of youth subculture

The youthis a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics (approximately from 16 to 25 years old1), social status and certain socio-psychological qualities.

Youth is a period of choosing a profession and one's place in life, developing a worldview and life values, choosing a life partner, creating a family, achieving economic independence and socially responsible behavior.

Youth is a certain phase, stage of the human life cycle and is biologically universal.

Features of the social status of youth

Transition of position.

High level of mobility.

Mastering new social roles (worker, student, citizen, family man) associated with a change in status.

Active search for your place in life.

Favorable prospects in professional and career terms.

The youth - this is the most active, mobile and dynamic part of the population, free from stereotypes and prejudices of previous years and having the followingsocio-psychological qualities: mental instability; internal inconsistency; low level of tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - patience); the desire to stand out, to be different from the rest; the existence of a specific youthsubcultures.

Subculture- part of the culture of society, distinguished by their behavior from the vast majority

It is typical for young people to unite ininformal groups , which are characterized by the followingsigns:

Emergence on the basis of spontaneous communication in specific conditions of the social situation;

Self-organization and independence from official structures;

Mandatory for participants and different from the typical, accepted in society, behavior patterns that are aimed at the realization of vital needs that are unsatisfied in ordinary forms (they are aimed at self-affirmation, giving social status, gaining security and prestigious self-esteem);

Relative stability, a certain hierarchy among group members;

Expression of other value orientations or even worldview, stereotypes of behavior that are uncharacteristic of society as a whole;

Attributes emphasizing belonging to a given community.

Youth groups and movements can be classified depending on the characteristics of youth initiatives.

Aggressive amateur performance

It is based on the most primitive ideas about the hierarchy of values ​​based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, visibility of self-affirmation. Popular among teenagers and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development.

outrageous(French epater - hit, reap, surprise)amateur performance

It is based on a challenge to norms, canons, rules, opinions both in everyday, material forms of life - clothing, hair, and in spiritual ones - art, science. “Challenge” aggression on yourself from other people so that you are “noticeable” (punk style, etc.)

Alternative amateur performance

It is based on the development of alternative behavioral patterns that are systemically contradictory to generally accepted models of behavior, which become an end in itself (hippies, Hare Krishnas, etc.)

Social initiative

Aimed at solving specific social problems (environmental movements, movements for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)

Political amateur performance

Aimed at changing the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a particular group

The acceleration of the pace of development of society causes an increase in the role of youth in public life. Involving in social relations, young people modify them and, under the influence of the transformed conditions, improve themselves.

Reaches physical maturity at an average of 14 years. Around this age, in ancient societies, children underwent the rite initiation- initiations into the number of adult members of the tribe. However, as society became more advanced and complex, it took more than just physical maturity to be considered an adult. It is assumed that an accomplished person must acquire the necessary knowledge about the world and society, acquire professional skills, learn to provide for himself and his own, etc. Since the amount of knowledge and skills in the course of history has continuously increased, the moment of acquiring the status of an adult was gradually pushed back to a later age. Currently, this moment corresponds to about 30 years.

youth It is customary to call the period in a person's life from 14 to 30 years - between childhood and adulthood.

Accordingly, representatives of the demographic group whose age fits into these time frames are called youth. However, age is not the decisive criterion for defining youth: the temporal boundaries of youth age are mobile and determined by the social and cultural conditions of growing up. For a correct understanding of the characteristics of young people, attention should be focused not on the demographic criterion, but on the socio-psychological one.

The youth is a generation of people going through the stage of growing up, i.e. the formation of the individual, the assimilation of knowledge, social values ​​and norms necessary in order to take place as a full-fledged and full member of society.

Youth has a number of features that distinguish it from other ages. By its very nature, youth is transitional"suspended" state between childhood and adulthood. In some matters, young people are quite mature, serious and responsible, while in others they are naive, limited and infantile. This duality determines a number of contradictions and problems inherent in this age.

growing up- this is primarily the assimilation of knowledge and skills and the first attempts to apply them in practice.

If we consider youth from the point of view of leading activities, then this period coincides with the end of education(learning activities) and entry into working life ().

Youth policy system is made up of three components:

  • legal conditions for the implementation of youth policy (ie the relevant legal framework);
  • forms of regulation of youth policy;
  • information and material and financial support of youth policy.

The main directions of youth policy are:

  • involvement of young people in public life, informing them about potential development opportunities;
  • development of creative activity of youth, support of talented youth;
  • integration of young people who find themselves in a difficult life situation into a full life.

These areas are implemented in a number of specific programs: legal advice, popularization of universal values, propaganda, organization of international interaction between young people, support for volunteer initiatives, assistance in finding employment, strengthening young families, increasing civic engagement, helping young people in difficult situations, etc. If desired, every young person is able to find in the media all the necessary information about current projects and choose those that can help in solving his specific problems.

transitional position

a high level of mobility

mastering new social roles (employee, student, citizen, family man) associated with a change in status

active search for one's place in life

Favorable professional and career prospects

B. Young people are the most active, mobile and dynamic part of the population, free from stereotypes and prejudices of previous years and having the following socio-psychological qualities:

mental instability

internal inconsistency

low level of tolerance (from lat. tolerantia - patience)

Striving to stand out and be different from others

the existence of a specific youth subculture

It is typical for young people to unite in informal groups, which are characterized by the following features:

2. Signs of informal youth groups

emergence on the basis of spontaneous communication in the specific conditions of the social situation

obligatory for the participants and different from the typical, accepted in society, models of behavior that are aimed at the realization of vital needs unsatisfied in ordinary forms (they are aimed at self-affirmation, giving social status, gaining security and prestigious self-esteem)

expression of other value orientations or even worldview, stereotypes of behavior that are not characteristic of society as a whole

self-organization and independence from official structures

Relative stability, a certain hierarchy among group members

Attributes emphasizing belonging to a given community

Youth groups and movements can be classified depending on the characteristics of youth initiatives.

Types of amateur youth activities

Type name His characteristic
Aggressive amateur performance It is based on the most primitive ideas about the hierarchy of values ​​based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, visibility of self-affirmation. Popular among teenagers and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development
Outrageous (fr. epater - to amaze, surprise) amateur performance It is based on a challenge to norms, canons, rules, opinions, both in everyday, material forms of life - clothing, hair, and in spiritual ones - art, science. "Challenge" aggression on yourself from other persons so that you are "noticed" (punk style, etc.)
Alternative amateur performance It is based on the development of alternative behavior patterns that are systemically contrary to generally accepted models of behavior, which becomes an end in itself (hippies, Hare Krishnas, etc.)
Social initiative Aimed at solving specific social problems (environmental movements, movements for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)
Political amateur performance Aimed at changing the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a particular group

The acceleration of the pace of development of society causes an increase in the role of young people in public life. Involving in social relations, young people modify them and, under the influence of the transformed conditions, improve themselves.

ethnic communities

1. Modern humanity is a complex ethnic structure, which includes several thousand ethnic communities (nations, nationalities, tribes, ethnic groups, etc.), differing both in size and level of development. All ethnic communities of the Earth are part of more than two hundred states. Therefore, most modern states are polyethnic. For example, several hundred ethnic communities live in India, and there are 200 peoples in Nigeria. The modern Russian Federation includes more than 100 ethnic groups, including about 30 nations.

2. ethnic community - it is a stable set of people (tribe, nationality, nation, people) that has historically developed in a certain territory, having common features and stable features of culture, language, mental make-up, self-awareness and historical memory, as well as awareness of their interests and goals, their unity, difference from other detailed formations.

BUT. Types of ethnic communities
Genus Tribe Nationality Nation
A group of blood relatives descending from the same line (maternal or paternal) The totality of genera, interconnected by common features of culture, awareness of a common origin, as well as a common dialect, the unity of religious ideas, rituals Historically formed community of people, united by a common territory, language, mental warehouse, culture A historical community of people characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory and a common language, culture, ethnic identity

2. In sociology, the concept of "ethnic minorities" is widely used, which includes not just quantitative data:

its representatives are at a disadvantage compared to other ethnic groups due to discrimination(belittling, belittling, infringement) by other ethnic groups

Its members experience a certain sense of group solidarity, "belonging to a single whole"

it is usually to some extent physically and socially isolated from the rest of society

3. Prerequisites for the formation of an ethnos

The natural prerequisite for the formation of one or another ethnic group was community of territory because it created the necessary conditions for the joint activities of people. However, in the future, when the ethnos has formed, this feature loses its main significance and may be completely absent. So, some ethnic groups and in the conditions diaspora(from the Greek diaspora - dispersion) retained their identity, not having a single territory.

Another important condition for the formation of an ethnos is common language. But even this sign cannot be considered universal, since in a number of cases (for example, the USA), an ethnos is formed in the course of the development of economic, political and other ties, and common languages ​​are the result of this process.

A more stable sign of an ethnic community is the unity of such components of spiritual culture as values, norms and patterns of behavior, as well as related socio-psychological characteristics of consciousness and people's behavior.

An integrative indicator of the existing socio-ethnic community is ethnic identity - a sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group, awareness of one's unity and difference from other ethnic groups. An important role in the development of ethnic identity is played by ideas about the common origin, history, historical destinies, as well as traditions, customs, rituals, folklore, i.e. those elements of culture that are passed down from generation to generation and form a specific ethnic culture.

national interests. Thanks to ethnic self-awareness, a person keenly feels the interests of his people, compares them with the interests of other peoples, the world community. Awareness of ethnic interests induces a person to activities in the process of which they are realized.

Note two sides national interests:

5. Ethno-national communities develop from a clan, tribe, nation, reaching the level of a nation-state.

A derivative of the concept of "nation" is the term " nationality", which is used in Russian as the name of a person's belonging to any ethnic group.

Many modern researchers consider a classic inter-ethnic nation, in which general civil qualities come to the fore and at the same time, the characteristics of the ethnic groups included in it are preserved - language, their own culture, traditions, and customs.

Interethnic, civil nation is an a set (community) of citizens of a particular state. Some scientists believe that the formation of such a nation means the "end of the nation" in the ethnic dimension. Others, recognizing the nation-state, believe that it is necessary to talk not about the "end of the nation", but about its new qualitative state.

Interethnic relations, ethno-social conflicts, ways to resolve them

1. Interethnic relations, due to their multidimensionality, are a complex phenomenon.

A. They include two varieties:

B. The ways of peaceful cooperation are quite diverse.

Features of the social status of youth

Theme 12. Youth as a social group

Youth is a socio-demographic group identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics (approximately from 16 to 25 years old, some researchers include people under 30 years old in youth), social status and certain socio-psychological qualities.

Youth is a period of choosing a profession and one's place in life, developing a worldview and life values, choosing a life partner, creating a family, achieving economic independence and socially responsible behavior.

Youth is a certain phase, stage of the human life cycle and is biologically universal.

Transition of position.

High level of mobility.

Mastering new social roles (worker, student, citizen, family man) associated with a change in status.

Active search for your place in life.

Favorable professional and career prospects.

Young people are the most active, mobile and dynamic part of the population, free from stereotypes and prejudices of previous years and possessing the following socio-psychological qualities: mental instability; internal inconsistency; low level of tolerance (from lat. tolerantia - patience); the desire to stand out, to be different from the rest; the existence of a specific youth subculture.

Typical for young people is the association in informal groups, which are characterized by the following features:

The emergence on the basis of spontaneous communication in the specific conditions of the social situation;

Self-organization and independence from official structures;

Mandatory for participants and different from the typical, accepted in society, models of behavior that are aimed at the realization of vital needs that are not satisfied in ordinary forms (they are aimed at self-affirmation, giving social status, gaining security and prestigious self-esteem);

Relative stability, a certain hierarchy among group members;

Expression of other value orientations or even worldview, stereotypes of behavior that are uncharacteristic of society as a whole;

An attribute that emphasizes belonging to a given community.

Youth groups and movements can be classified depending on the characteristics of youth initiatives.

Type name His characteristic
Aggressive amateur performance It is based on the most primitive ideas about the hierarchy of values ​​based on the cult of persons. Primitivism, visibility of self-affirmation. Popular among teenagers and young people with a minimum level of intellectual and cultural development
Outrageous (fr. epater - to amaze, surprise) amateur performance It is based on a challenge to norms, canons, rules, opinions both in everyday, material forms of life - clothing, hair, and in spiritual ones - art, science. “Challenge” aggression on yourself from other people so that you are “noticeable” (punk style, etc.)
Alternative amateur performance It is based on the development of alternative behavioral patterns that are systemically contradictory to generally accepted models of behavior, which become an end in itself (hippies, Hare Krishnas, etc.)
Social initiative Aimed at solving specific social problems (environmental movements, movements for the revival and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, etc.)
Political amateur performance Aimed at changing the political system and the political situation in accordance with the ideas of a particular group

The acceleration of the pace of development of society causes an increase in the role of young people in public life. Involving in social relations, young people modify them and, under the influence of the transformed conditions, improve themselves.

Job Sample

I A1. Choose the correct answer. Are the following judgments about the psychological characteristics of young people correct? A. For a teenager, first of all, external events, actions, friends are important.

B. In adolescence, the inner world of a person, the discovery of one's own "I", becomes more important.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

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