Has Rotaru accepted Russian citizenship? Biography of Sofia Rotaru. Family of Sofia Rotaru. Husband of Sofia Rotaru. Love story

Show business was blown up by the news: concerts of 67-year-old Sofia Rotaru were canceled in three Russian cities at once - Tomsk, Kemerovo and Khabarovsk. Many associated this with the rash act of her son Ruslan Evdokimenko - on Ukraine’s Independence Day, Rotaru was photographed with a yellow-blue flag along with the whole family, and the star’s son posted the photo on the page in social network, accompanied by the comment: “Glory to Ukraine.” IN exclusive interview SUPER Sofia Rotaru decided to dot all the i's in this scandalous story.

Sofia Mikhailovna, did Ruslan ask you for permission when he posted this photo online?

I was aware. Ukraine had a holiday - Independence Day. Ukraine is the country where I live most own life. I congratulated the residents on this holiday - what’s wrong with that? Just like I congratulated Russia many times or Uzbekistan and other countries of the former Soviet Union. There is no politics here. I even had a desire to take a photo with two flags - Russia and Ukraine and write: “I am for the friendship of peoples.”

What is your personal civic position? You, being a citizen of Ukraine, have a business in Crimea and go on tour around Russia...

I have only one civic position - I am for world peace! I am a Moldovan, born in the USSR, we were one family, and it pains me to look at the ongoing conflicts between our countries.

Will you cancel your tour of Russia due to the disruption of your concerts in a number of cities?

I will work at those concerts where my audience will come, where they are waiting for me. I have never participated in any conflicts, and I am not going to storm the sites.

Why don’t you go on tour in your native Ukraine or Russian Crimea?

For forty years creative activity I organized a huge number of tours both in Ukraine and in other countries of the former Soviet Union. Yes, I haven’t performed in Crimea for a long time. I’ll honestly admit why: I lived in Yalta for many years, and if I’m going to organize a concert there, I’ll have to invite all my friends. You see, what if I forget someone? If there are grievances, and it won’t be convenient for the organizers, I’ll take away ninety percent of the hall from them with counterfeits. You know, I’d rather perform in Yalta someday on the square for free, for example, at the bottom of the city. I think then no one will be offended. By the way, the Yalta Department of Culture called me this year with such a proposal, but I was undergoing treatment in Germany, so we agreed on next year.

Would you like to issue Russian citizenship?

Then I need to apply for Moldovan, Uzbek, and Belarusian citizenship. In fact, the Russian press wrote that I allegedly renounced Russian citizenship. Please understand that this is not true. I was registered in Kyiv for ten years. When residents of Crimea received Russian passports, I was not legally entitled to do so, since I had a residence permit in Kyiv. But, on the other hand, if Vladimir Vladimirovich gives me Russian passport, like Depardieu, I wouldn’t refuse. You will not need to obtain a work permit.

Are you ready to speak out and support people in Lugansk and other cities affected by bombings?

I'm ready to perform where they want me. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Lugansk or Donetsk, Riga or Moscow. I love each of my viewers and am grateful to God that this love is mutual.

Would you like to appeal to the Russian public, who condemned you after your son’s anti-Russian gesture?

I would like to wake up one day and hear the news on TV: the war between Russia and Ukraine is over. I would like Ukraine not to interfere Russian stars perform at home, and Russia - Ukrainian. I myself have never gotten involved in politics, although the press attributes this to me, and I don’t like it when politicians interfere in creativity. I was very upset when the Latvian government banned the entry of my Russian colleagues - Oleg Gazmanov, Valeria and Joseph Kobzon. Honestly, if I were performing in Jurmala, I would go on stage to Valeria’s song. During all this time, I have not seen a single statement by Valeria against Ukraine. Apparently, she, like me, became a bargaining chip in a political game. I would like to address my viewers with the words: “My dears! I People's Artist USSR, and every viewer in the entire post-Soviet space is dear to me! I am grateful to God for your love, for your support, for your recognition. I will be glad to everyone who loves music, who loves song and who loves my work!”

Media: Sofia Rotaru, who lives in Crimea, refused to receive Russian citizenship

SIMFEROPOL, March 29. Singer Sofia Rotaru refused to become a Russian citizen, reports Ekho Moskvy with reference to Ukrainian media. Let us remind you that due to the fact that Crimea was annexed to Russia, its residents receive Russian passports, but they retain Ukrainian ones.

As Rotaru’s son Ruslan Evdokimenko, who lives with his family in Kiev, said, “Sofia Mikhailovna, being a Moldovan born in Ukraine, does not plan to change her citizenship. If the situation becomes more complicated, we will issue a residence permit,” he said. The son of the People's Artist said that he himself does not intend to obtain Russian citizenship. “I am Ukrainian, and I will not change my citizenship. I don’t feel like a Russian,” said Evdokimenko.

In addition to the title of People's Artist of Ukraine, Rotaru has the title "Hero of Ukraine". During the revolution in Ukraine, Sofia Rotaru and her family distributed food to people who came to the Maidan of Independence in Kyiv, regardless of their political views.

Meanwhile, as Kommersant writes, State Duma deputy from the LDPR Andrei Lugovoi has prepared a bill introducing fines for concealing a second citizenship. Violators are planned to be fined up to 200 thousand rubles; compulsory work of up to 400 hours can also be used as punishment.

According to the bill, citizens who already have a second citizenship must report it to the local Federal Migration Service within three months.

Earlier, the head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, Andrei Klishas, ​​proposed that President Vladimir Putin introduce criminal penalties for concealing dual citizenship. The President supported the initiative, noting that “we must know who lives in Russia and what they do.”

The famous singer Sofia Rotaru is not going to sell her house in Yalta and change her Ukrainian citizenship to Russian. This was stated by the singer’s son Ruslan, Vesti newspaper reports.

Read all the news on the topic “Annexation of Crimea” on Obozrevatel.



Sofia Rotaru, who lives in Crimea, refused to receive Russian citizenship. During the revolution in Ukraine, the singer and her family distributed food to people who came to the Maidan of Independence in Kyiv, regardless of their political views.

Sofia Rotaru has a house in Yalta, which she does not intend to sell.

As her son Ruslan Evdokimenko, who lives with his family in Kyiv, said, “Sofia Mikhailovna, being a Moldovan born in Ukraine, does not plan to change her citizenship. If the situation becomes more complicated, we will issue a residence permit,” he said. The son of the People's Artist said that he himself does not intend to obtain Russian citizenship. “I am Ukrainian, and I will not change my citizenship. I don’t feel like a Russian,” said Evdokimenko.

In addition to the title of People’s Artist of Ukraine, Rotaru has the title “Hero of Ukraine”.

Meanwhile, State Duma deputy from the LDPR A. Lugovoy has prepared a bill introducing fines for concealing a second citizenship. Violators are planned to be fined up to 200 thousand rubles; compulsory work of up to 400 hours can also be used as punishment.

According to the bill, citizens who already have a second citizenship must report it to the local Federal Migration Service within three months.

Earlier, the head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, A. Klishas, ​​proposed to V. Putin to introduce criminal penalties for concealing dual citizenship. The President supported the initiative, noting that “we must know who lives in Russia and what they do.”

Citizenship of Sofia Rotaru

5 facts that connect Sofia Rotaru with Ukraine

Today, August 7, 2015, the national favorite Sofia Rotaru turned 68 years old. The singer’s work is marked with honorary titles: Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, People’s Artist of the Ukrainian SSR, People’s Artist of the Moldavian SSR, People’s Artist of the USSR... Her repertoire includes more than 500 songs in Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Moldavian and other languages.

Sofia Rotaru, who lives in Crimea, refused to become a Russian citizen

March 29, 2014 | 18:09 People's artist and singer Sofia Rotaru did not dare to accept Russian citizenship. According to the singer’s son Ruslan Evdokimenko, his mother does not intend to change her citizenship, since she is a Moldovan by nationality, who was born on the territory of Ukraine. Ruslan himself stated that he, too, would not change his passport to Russian, and argued that he was Ukrainian and was not going to change his citizenship, and added that he did not feel like a Russian.

08 Aug 11:13Culture

08 Aug 11:13 Culture / Ukrainian News Sofia Rotaru helps the Ukrainian military and supports the Kyiv authorities

After some period of uncertainty and hesitation, Soviet pop star Sofia Rotaru began to openly support new Kyiv authorities and provide assistance to the Ukrainian military located in the ATO zone.

Concerts of Sofia Rotaru, who supported Ukraine, are canceled in Russia

Citizenship of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia will never take a Russian passport - the singer’s sister Sofia is not going to receive a Russian passport, practically never visits her hotel in Yalta and supports Ukraine. As Censor.NET reports.

She spoke about this in an interview with Gordon Boulevard. Native sister singer Lidia Khlyabich. “Of course, we are for Ukraine, we live here, this is our homeland and we want there to be peace, for all people to live better.

Sofia Rotaru stood under the Ukrainian flag with the slogan “Glory to Ukraine!” (photo) Russian and Ukrainian pop star Sofia Rotaru demonstrated her civic position on Ukraine's Independence Day, which was celebrated yesterday in Nezalezhnaya.

The 67-year-old singer was photographed with the yellow-blue flag of Ukraine under the slogan “Glory to Ukraine!” together with his entire family: son Ruslan Evdokimenko, daughter-in-law Svetlana and granddaughter Sofia.

Rofe Rotaru sold the marble arch of the bathhouse to the Turks for $1 million, and in its place she installed a remake made of plaster

At the end of September, the Crimean parliament allocated 14 acres of land to the People's Artist of Ukraine Sofia Rotaru in a suburban village of Yalta called Massandra.

On this land, the singer intends to start growing organic vegetables and fruits for her restaurant at the Villa Sofia hotel, which the family recently rebuilt in the very center of Yalta, right on the embankment.

Sofia Rotaru - Latest News 2017

January 13, 2017 Sofia Rotaru Ever since the long-running TV show “Sharks of the Feather,” Otar Kushanashvili remains, perhaps, the most toothy shark in domestic show business.

December 5, 2015 Sofia Rotaru Today the most important concert of the outgoing year is taking place at the Olimpiysky - “Song of the Year”.

Rotaru asked Putin for a Russian passport

Sofia recently found herself at the center of a scandal: first, the artist’s son posted them on the Internet family photo, on which was written “Glory to Ukraine!”

And then there were reports about the cancellation of the singer’s concerts in Tomsk, Kemerovo and Khabarovsk.

She herself said in an interview with Super.ru that she congratulates everyone on the holidays, including Russians, and her civic position is “world peace.”

A resident of Crimea, singer Sofia Rotaru, refused to receive Russian citizenship

Crimea. Russia. Savor Similar news Living in Crimea, singer Rotaru refused to become a Russian citizen, reports Ekho Moskvy with reference to Ukrainian media.

Let us remind you that due to the fact that Crimea was annexed to Russia, its residents receive Russian passports, but they retain Ukrainian ones.

Sofia Rotaru Russian citizenship

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Sofia Rotaru refused to accept Russian citizenship

  • March 28, 2014

“My wife, daughter Sonya and I have already for a long time“We live in Kyiv,” Rotaru’s son Ruslan tells us. - And Sofia Mikhailovna, although she is constantly on the road, prefers to be at home, in Yalta. I am Ukrainian, and I will not change my citizenship. I don't feel like a Russian. Sofia Mikhailovna, too, being a Moldovan born in Ukraine, does not plan to change her citizenship. If the situation becomes more complicated, we will issue a residence permit. But now there is complete confusion with the documents. There is only a clear mechanism for issuing Russian passports, but there is no mechanism for refusing them. In fact, there is only one option - to leave Crimea. But real estate is just real estate because, unfortunately, you can’t move it anywhere. Moreover, the house in which I grew up, in which I spent best years, we will never sell. And no matter what territory it appears in tomorrow, this is my home. Losing it is like cutting off your own hand!” - Ruslan explained.

As the Observer reported, residents of Crimea without Crimean registration are asked to leave the peninsula.

Citizenship of Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru stood under the Ukrainian flag with the slogan “Glory to Ukraine! " (photo)

In addition to the family photo, Evdokimenko posted several photographs of the Ukrainian flag with characteristic images of the silhouettes of “heroes on the barricades.”

As it turned out, the artist’s entire family was at that moment near Kiev in country house stars, where they celebrated the birthday of Ruslan Evdokimenko - he turned 44 years old.

Sofia Rotaru to Russian media: If Putin gives me a Russian passport, I won’t refuse

The singer noted that she is not ready to give paid concerts in occupied Crimea, but she will perform with pleasure on Yalta Square for all residents of the city.

“I lived in Yalta for many years, and if I’m going to organize a concert there, I’ll have to invite all my friends.

Sofia Rotaru's son plans to obtain dual citizenship

At the same time, the man admitted that, despite the fact that he lives in Kyiv, he is registered in Yalta. This means that Ruslan will have to decide on his citizenship in the near future. On this moment Evdokimenko has not yet decided what to do. If the question arises about the need to obtain Russian citizenship, Sofia Mikhailovna’s son expressed his readiness to obtain it. However, Ruslan does not want to renounce Ukrainian citizenship: Which is correct: a woman is a citizen or a citizen of Russia? December 23, 2013 17:08 The administration of the city of Yekaterinburg, within the framework of the project “Ekaterinburg speaks correctly,” addresses complex issues written official business speech. When filling out questionnaires and other official documents The applicant often faces [...]

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  • Show business was blown up by the news: concerts of 67-year-old Sofia Rotaru were canceled in three Russian cities at once - Tomsk, Kemerovo and Khabarovsk. Many associated this with the rash act of her son Ruslan Evdokimenko - on Ukraine’s Independence Day, Rotaru was photographed with a yellow-blue flag along with the whole family, and the star’s son posted the photo on a page on a social network, accompanying it with the comment: “Glory to Ukraine.” In an exclusive interview with SUPER, Sofia Rotaru decided to dot all the i’s in this scandalous story.

    Sofia Mikhailovna, did Ruslan ask you for permission when he posted this photo online?

    I was aware. Ukraine had a holiday - Independence Day. Ukraine is the country in which I live most of my life. I congratulated the residents on this holiday - what’s wrong with that? Just like I congratulated Russia many times or Uzbekistan and other countries of the former Soviet Union. There is no politics here. I even had a desire to take a photo with two flags - Russia and Ukraine and write: “I am for the friendship of peoples.”

    What is your personal civic position? You, being a citizen of Ukraine, have a business in Crimea and go on tour around Russia...

    I have only one civic position - I am for world peace! I am a Moldovan, born in the USSR, we were one family, and it pains me to look at the ongoing conflicts between our countries.

    Will you cancel your tour of Russia due to the disruption of your concerts in a number of cities?

    I will work at those concerts where my audience will come, where they are waiting for me. I have never participated in any conflicts, and I am not going to storm the sites.

    Why don’t you go on tour in your native Ukraine or Russian Crimea?

    Over the forty years of my creative activity, I organized a huge number of tours both in Ukraine and in other countries of the former Soviet Union. Yes, I haven’t performed in Crimea for a long time. I’ll honestly admit why: I lived in Yalta for many years, and if I’m going to organize a concert there, I’ll have to invite all my friends. You see, what if I forget someone? If there are grievances, and it won’t be convenient for the organizers, I’ll take away ninety percent of the hall from them with counterfeits. You know, I’d rather perform in Yalta someday on the square for free, for example, at the bottom of the city. I think then no one will be offended. By the way, the Yalta Department of Culture called me this year with such a proposal, but I was undergoing treatment in Germany, so we agreed on next year.

    Would you like to obtain Russian citizenship?

    Then I need to apply for Moldovan, Uzbek, and Belarusian citizenship. In fact, the Russian press wrote that I allegedly renounced Russian citizenship. Please understand that this is not true. I was registered in Kyiv for ten years. When residents of Crimea received Russian passports, I was not legally entitled to do so, since I had a residence permit in Kyiv. But, on the other hand, if Vladimir Vladimirovich gives me a Russian passport, like Depardieu, I would not refuse. You will not need to obtain a work permit.

    Are you ready to speak out and support people in Lugansk and other cities affected by bombings?

    I'm ready to perform where they want me. It doesn’t matter whether it’s Lugansk or Donetsk, Riga or Moscow. I love each of my viewers and am grateful to God that this love is mutual.

    Would you like to appeal to the Russian public, who condemned you after your son’s anti-Russian gesture?

    I would like to wake up one day and hear the news on TV: the war between Russia and Ukraine is over. I would like Ukraine not to prevent Russian stars from performing at home, and Russia from Ukrainian ones. I myself have never gotten involved in politics, although the press attributes this to me, and I don’t like it when politicians interfere in creativity. I was very upset when the Latvian government banned the entry of my Russian colleagues - Oleg Gazmanov, Valeria and Joseph Kobzon. Honestly, if I were performing in Jurmala, I would go on stage to Valeria’s song. During all this time, I have not seen a single statement by Valeria against Ukraine. Apparently, she, like me, became a bargaining chip in a political game. I would like to address my viewers with the words: “My dears! I am a People's Artist of the USSR, and every viewer in the entire post-Soviet space is dear to me! I am grateful to God for your love, for your support, for your recognition. I will be glad to everyone who loves music, who loves song and who loves my work!”

    Sofia Rotaru

    Politeka ".

    The legendary Soviet and Ukrainian singer Sofia Rotaru, who pleases Putin with concerts in the Kremlin, secretly got married.

    The famous Russian barber and showman Sergei Zverev spoke about this, writes the Politeka portal.

    So, the stylist spilled the beans during one of his meetings with fans. When it came to women to whom Sergei could offer his hand and heart, fans began to list candidates - Irina Allegrova, Aziza, Sofia Rotaru. At this moment, Zverev burst out with a statement exposing the singer’s personal life.

    “Rotaru? Is she free? She’s secretly married. She’s so luxurious,” Zverev said.

    It is worth recalling that the 17-year-old granddaughter of the legendary Ukrainian singer Sofia Rotaru shared photos from an unusual photo shoot with her fans. Many of her subscribers noted that they were imbued with the festive and winter atmosphere. Sonya Evdokimenko published bright pictures on her Instagram profile.

    The granddaughter of Sofia Rotaru appeared before an audience of thousands in the snow-white image of a Snow Maiden. She posed near tall fir trees covered with fluffy snow, wearing a voluminous white fur coat, and a small dog was sitting in her arms.

    Let us remind you that it was previously reported that despite her age, Sofia still looks as wonderful and charming as she did at the beginning of her career. The singer gained success not only thanks to her talent, but also to her incredible work and charisma. And yet, she also had her own tragic moments in life. Full name Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru. Sofia's nationality is Ukrainian, but she has Moldovan roots. The singer was born in the village of Marshyntsi, which is located in the Chernivtsi region. At that time, Ukraine was still the Ukrainian SSR.

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