Editing process. Editing official documents Editing process

The concept of editing comes from the Latin word redastus - put in order. Editing is always aimed at making a single text or an entire edition more adequate for perception in order to ensure their compliance with certain standards, as well as to ensure that the text or edition is presented as a complete complete system.

Editing is the activity of creating and distributing a book.

To understand the nature of editing, it is also essential to use signification data. From the point of view of significs, communication includes all procedures by which one person can influence the behavior and actions of another.

Since communication is based on information, the specific feature of editing should be considered that it is directly related to information and the processes of its transmission.

Thus, the nature of editing, its formation and subsequent development are entirely related to the need for verbal processing of information.

  • 2. Text concepts
  • 1. A human thought fixed on some material carrier.
  • 2. In general, a coherent and complete sequence of characters.
  • 3. An ordered set of words designed to express a certain meaning.
  • 4. A written message objectified in the form of a written document, consisting of a series of statements united by different types of lexical, grammatical and logical connections, having a certain moral character, a pragmatic attitude and, accordingly, literary processed.
  • 3. Informative and communicative essence of editing

Editing arose and developed for a long time due to the need to process text. The text is a means of organizing, designing and fixing information in the processes of interpersonal and (or) public communication. From the very first steps, a person was forced to rely on information. Without it, there could be no knowledge of the surrounding world, it was impossible for a person to adapt to the surrounding nature, his survival, self-development and vital activity. In connection with the need of people to exchange information, the text was born as a result of a specific act of speech.

Direct connection with information reveals the communicative essence of editing. For thousands of years, the only available was the non-material way of transmitting information through the word. Thanks to the exact word, not only mutual understanding was achieved between directly communicating people, but it also provided the opportunity to pass on the baton of accumulated knowledge and experience from generation to generation. At the same time, only that information that corresponded to the needs of the collective and did not run counter to its experience could be included in the collective communication chain.

Editing (in other words, checking and correcting text) is one of the most important stages in working on .

When starting to edit the text, it is important to clearly understand what goals are set for you. Editing can be as clean stylistic(i.e., not affecting the content), and semantic. In the first case, the editor is required, first of all, to have impeccable literacy, a subtle sense of the word. In the second, along with this, a thorough knowledge of the essence of the issue, possession of factual material. There are, however, general principles.

The general scheme of the editor's work looks like this:

  • perception - criticism - adjustments;
  • verification of factual material;
  • identification of compositional defects;
  • identification of stylistic errors and errors;
  • detection of spelling and punctuation errors.

The first stage of editing - the perception of the text - is extremely important. Before you change anything, you should read the document as a whole. Some of the questions can usually be removed in the course of reading. In addition, only with a holistic perception, the editor is able to evaluate the composition, detect contradictions, logical errors, disproportion of parts of the document, etc.

After the document has been read and errors and points of doubt noted, the most complex and delicate issue of acceptable degree of interference in the text. The originality of the editorial work lies in the fact that corrections are made to someone else's text. Therefore, the editor has the right to change the form, but not the content of the document. Far from always the question of the permissible limits of interference in the text is solved simply. First of all, this refers to the problem of verbal repetitions.

The official business style has its own specifics. One of the fundamental requirements for the language is the accuracy, unambiguity of the statement. And although usually the repetition of the same word (or words of the same root) within a small text is considered a stylistic mistake, but this is acceptable when it comes to the repetition of terms. Special vocabulary has a number of features that must be taken into account. The meaning of the term is specific, it most often does not have absolute synonyms and cannot be replaced by another word without changing the essence of the statement. Therefore, it is often necessary to make an exception for texts rich in terminology, and to preserve verbal repetitions for the sake of accuracy of meaning.

For example: After the end of the work of the SAC, the deans, on the basis of the protocols of the SAC, draw up an order to graduate from an educational institution, which is submitted to the educational department within five days from the date of completion of the activities of the SAC.

GAK - the state attestation commission cannot be replaced by a phrase close in meaning. To avoid a triple repetition, you can only use the word "commission" instead of the abbreviation once.

The editor should remember: if you have to save repetitions, you need to think about other ways to "lighten" the text. In particular, you can refuse long, cumbersome sentences. Most often, a complex sentence can be easily turned into several simple ones.

The most important editorial principles can be defined like this:

  • keeping the content of the document unchanged;
  • the ability to prove that interference with the text is necessary;
  • integrity and consistency (all shortcomings are noted and corrected immediately, since one change may lead to another);
  • clarity and precision.

The latter seems obvious. However, it is not uncommon for the editor to edit by hand, and some words turn out to be “unreadable”. In the future, someone who types on a computer may unwittingly introduce a new error into the document.

It is absolutely unacceptable to leave question marks or other notes in the margins after finishing the editorial work.

Editorial functions are considered completed after all doubts are resolved and only notes intended for corrections remain in the margins of the document.

Editing texts

There are four main types of editing:

  • editing-proofreading;
  • editing-reduction;
  • editing-processing;
  • editing-alteration.

Editing-Proofreading as close as possible to proofreading work. It is a correction of spelling and punctuation errors and typos. Such corrections usually do not require the agreement of the person signing the document.

Modern computer technology has freed document workers from a large part of the proofreading burden: text editors allow you to check spelling and make corrections directly while typing. But this should not be the basis for complete carelessness. In this matter, as in many others, man has no right to rely entirely on technology.

You have to keep in mind that computer text editors "do not know" many proper names. Surnames, initials, geographical names, names of enterprises and institutions must be verified with particular care.

In addition, the computer is not able to detect all typos. He "does not notice", for example, the transformation of the preposition "on" into the preposition "for", the particle "not" into "neither": for him all these are equally correct words. Automatic verification will fail if you mistakenly type "1897" instead of "1997". Only a person who understands the meaning of the statement is able to detect such errors.

Edit-cut produced in two main cases:

  • firstly, when it is necessary to make the document shorter by any means (then you can go for some reduction in the volume of content);
  • secondly, when the text contains redundant information - repetitions and "common places".

The editor is obliged to eliminate from the well-known facts, common truths, unnecessary introductory words and constructions. It is important that the editor is well versed in the material and is able to determine whether the repetition of the same words is justified and whether their replacement with synonyms is acceptable.

Editing-Processing represents an improvement in the style of the document. Errors and shortcomings associated with the violation of the compatibility of words, the indistinguishability of paronyms, the use of cumbersome syntactic constructions, etc. are eliminated.

A document proofread by a qualified editor must:

  • contain no factual errors or typographical errors;
  • be perfectly literate in terms of spelling and punctuation;
  • have an optimal volume;
  • be built according to the laws of logic;
  • comply with the stylistic norms of the Russian literary language and the special requirements of the official business style.

All actions that a user performs on a document can be divided into two large groups: editing and formatting.

To understand the difference between these operations, consider the following example. The surrounding world is filled with various objects. Each object has its own purpose. "This is a chair. They sit on it. It is a table. They eat after him." All objects also have a shape, i.e. appearance. You can select groups of objects that have the same purpose, but a different shape. For example, all cars have the same purpose - movement, but how diverse they are in form. Another example. All books have the same form - they consist of pages. But the content of each book is different.

A text document, as an object created in the Word software environment, also has content and form. Content is the content of the document. The same content can be displayed by various means - using text, drawings, diagrams, formulas, tables, etc. However, in order for the content to be better perceived and assimilated, various methods are used to change the appearance of document information objects. For example, enumerations will be better perceived if they are presented as a list. Some reference information will look better if it is formatted as a table. The text will be clearer if it is supplemented with a picture or an explanatory diagram.

Thus, we can conclude that the quality of a text document depends on both the content (content) and the appearance.

In fact, formatting operations do not change the meaning of a text document, but improve its appearance. Formatting operations include various ways to select text, namely:

  • changing the parameters of individual words and phrases;
  • changing the parameters of individual paragraphs;
  • design of headings and subheadings;
  • converting text to a list;
  • converting text to tabular form;
  • inserting automatically generated fields (page numbers, tables, figures, etc.).

When working on a text document, the user has to do a lot of work manually. When editing, perhaps the longest manual work is typing. The author does not always like the content of the text the first time. Therefore, it is necessary to re-read it many times both in order to correct words, sentences and in order to correct the typographical errors that have crept in. Thus, the quality of the content of the document depends entirely on the user.

When formatting a document, the author first decides which parts of the text and how he will highlight, and then the user re-reads the text, but in order to format it. It often happens that the user does not like the formatting performed. For example, the values ​​of the character parameters or paragraph parameters were not successfully selected, the list marker does not fit the text in meaning, etc. Then the formatting process has to be completely or partially redone. Many users perform formatting manually, namely, they use the basic formatting technique “select an object and set new parameter values ​​for it”. This takes a long time, especially if the document is large and contains many formatting elements. And here the human factor plays an important role.

However, the Word environment is a powerful automated system that provides document processing automation tools that save time and improve the quality of document preparation. In particular, for many formatting actions that can be performed manually, there are corresponding automation tools.

Some automation features need only be enabled in the environment, and then they will work automatically without user intervention. Other tools are used by the user only when he deems it necessary.

According to the two types of work on documents, automation tools can be divided into editing automation tools and formatting automation tools (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Text Document Processing Automation Tools

3.6.2. Editing automation tools


One of the important qualities of the text is the absence of grammatical errors. Grammatical errors in the text can occur, firstly, due to ignorance of a person, and secondly, as a result of a typo when typing. To eliminate grammatical errors, an automated spell checker is built into the Word environment. The basis of this system is a database of spellings of Russian and English words, and a knowledge base of grammar rules. This system checks each written word against the database, and also analyzes the spelling of phrases and sentences (case consistency, comma placement, etc.). When errors are found, the system gives a hint and, in some cases, options for correcting errors. This system is an example of an artificial intelligence system.

Rice. 2. Options for correcting the error

By default, Microsoft Word checks spelling and grammar automatically as you type, highlighting possible spelling errors with a red squiggle and possible grammatical errors with a green squiggle.

The spell checker is always enabled by default. In order to see which system settings are enabled and, if necessary, disable it, select the command Service/Parameters. On the tab Spelling checkboxes must be checked Automatically check spelling and Automatically check grammar, as well as some other spell checking features. You can also set a set of grammar rules here. The default set is For business correspondence.

You can correct errors as you enter text, or you can check all the text at once after entering.

To correct a mistake as you type, right-click on text with a wavy green or red underline, and then choose a suggestion or command from the shortcut menu.

When correcting a spelling mistake, the context menu often offers words that are similar in spelling (Fig. 2).

But it is better to check the spelling immediately in the entire text at the end of the input. This will save a lot of time. To check spelling, place the cursor at the beginning of the text and select the command Service/Spelling. A dialog box will open (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Spell check dialog box

The window contains a fragment of text with an error and options for correcting it. You can choose an option or correct the error yourself in the top field. After that click on the button Change. If you do not understand why the program fixed the error, click on the button Explain.

It should be noted that if the system underlines the words with a red line, this does not mean that the word is spelled incorrectly. It is possible that this is some special term that is not in the dictionary. Very often, proper names are underlined, as well as compound words (for example, autotext, autocorrect, etc.). If you do not agree with the error, then click the Ignore button.

If you are sure that the word is spelled correctly, then you can add it to the custom dictionary and it will no longer be underlined. To do this, right-click on the word and select the command from the context menu Add to dictionary.

It should be borne in mind that all word forms of a new word must be entered into the dictionary. To do this, select the command Options/Spelling/Button Dictionaries. All user dictionaries are displayed in the window that opens. By default, Custom.Dic is present. Click the button Add. A new window lists all the words added by the user. You can view the dictionary, add or remove words.

If a typo results in a word that exists in the dictionary, then the spelling checker will not mark the word. For example, instead of the word “cat”, the word “who” is written, or instead of the word “couple”, the word “desk” is written. To eliminate such situations, one should read the text personally or, even better, ask another person to read the text.

AutoCorrect, AutoText

To automate the input and correction of text in the Word environment, there are also tools AutoCorrect and AutoText.

As mentioned above, with a quick "blind" text input, typos are possible. For example, instead of the desired letter, the adjacent key is pressed, as well as some other situations. Or the next letter is entered before the previous one. Tool AutoCorrect has a built-in dictionary of the most typical typos and erroneous spellings, and when such a situation is detected, it automatically replaces the word with the correct one. The dictionary can be replenished. To view the autocorrect parameters and complete the dictionary, run the command Insert/AutoText and in the additional menu select the item Autotext. In the dialog box that opens, select the AutoCorrect tab. To complete the dictionary, type in the field Replace the wrong word, and in the field On the- correct.

Rice. 4. Tools AutoCorrect and AutoText.

It is more convenient to replenish the dictionary automatically. Almost every user has their own typing features and standard typos and errors. If during the typing process you entered a word with a typo, then you can not only correct it, but also include it in the autocorrect dictionary. To do this, in the context menu (Fig. 4), select the command AutoCorrect.

Instruments AutoText and AutoCorrect can also be used to quickly enter standard phrases using the first few letters.

So on the tab Autotext you can view and add to the list of autotext items if the phrase length does not exceed 32 characters. For example, the list includes the phrase "Dear Sirs", which is often used in letters. To enter it, it is enough to type the first characters “Respect” in the new paragraph, and the entire phrase will appear in the contextual help.

In addition, this list contains elements for inserting service information, which, as a rule, is inserted into the header. For example, author name, creation date, publication date, file name, etc.

To enter sufficiently long standard phrases, as well as standard images (for example, logos), you need to create an autocorrect element.

AutoCorrect Element Creation Technology

  1. Type in the text a long phrase (over 32 characters) or insert a picture.
  2. Highlight a phrase or picture.
  3. Execute the command Insert/AutoText/AutoText/AutoCorrect tab.
  4. In field On the the selected element will be displayed. In field Replace enter a combination of characters that will be replaced by this element.

For example, to enter the phrase "NOI International Banking Institute", you can create the element "MBI1". Symbol 1 is added in order not to be confused with the abbreviation MBI, which is also often found in the text.

Sometimes misspelled words are corrected without highlighting or warning, even though they are not recorded in the autocorrect dictionary. This happens when there is only one option for correcting a word. For example, double consonants in participles and adjectives (caused, transmitted, wooden, etc.). Or vice versa, instead of one letter, you wrote two identical letters in a row (text, case).

Finding and replacing characters

Imagine that you have written a detective novel and named the main character Lieutenant Petrov. The editor of the publishing house read the novel and says: “Everything is fine, the plot is twisted very dashingly, it is easy to read. Only now the name of the protagonist is somehow faceless, unheroic. Yes, and the title is not enough. Let's call the hero Major Udalov." You agreed with the editor and went to fix it. Do you really have to scrupulously re-read the text again, looking for all the references to the main character? That's what you would have to do if you didn't have a computer. And in the Word environment, this problem is solved in a matter of minutes. Just use the find and replace tool.

Teams Edit/Find and Edit/Replace allow you to find some piece of text or a set of characters and, if necessary, replace them with another fragment. Basically, these commands are used when working with multipage text.

Rice. 5. Find/Replace Tool

In the dialog box, select the appropriate tab Find or Replace and enter search characters and replacement characters in the corresponding fields (Fig. 5).

The find and replace tool is useful when you misuse special or nonprinting characters in your text.

The most typical errors in the use of special or non-printable characters in the text are:

  1. More than one space is inserted between words.
  2. A space is entered between the word and the punctuation mark following it.
  3. There is no space between the punctuation mark and the word following it.
  4. There is no space before the opening or after the closing parenthesis.
  5. Spaces are inserted after an opening or before a closing parenthesis.
  6. Multiple spaces are used to indent the first line.
  7. Extra "line break" characters are found in scanned texts or copied from Web pages.
  8. Instead of a "paragraph break" character, a "line break" is used.
  9. Extra tabs.

To search and replace special characters, click on the button Special in the window.

Table 1 shows examples of text correction using the find and replace tool.

As part of this work, you will need to master the technology:

  • processing text with systematic typing errors;
  • inserting page numbers;
  • creating styles and style formatting of the document;
  • creating a table of contents in a document;
  • automatic numbering of figures and tables in the document;
  • creating cross-references in a text document.
  • Presentations

    Title of the presentation annotation

    P The concept of editing comes from the Latin word redastus - put in order. This value perfectly reflects the essence of editing, which is always aimed at making a single text or an entire edition the most adequate for perception, in order to ensure their compliance with certain standards, and also to ensure that the text or edition is presented as a complete system.

    Speaking of editing, they mean a variety of work packages. First of all - activity in spheres of mass communications. It covers the management of the content side of the work of publishing houses, editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, studios and includes the preparation of publications, television and radio programs, work with the texts of films and performances. Editing is also used in management, marketing and management systems in the preparation of management, statistical, legal documentation.

    In publishing, editing contributes to the satisfaction of the population's need for a book. It is implemented by the system of forms and methods of work of the editor and involves the implementation of the editorial and publishing process, which ensures the publication of works of literature.

    The editor in his work relies on special bibliological knowledge in the field of publishing and editing, the theoretical substantiation of the book and literary work as objects of editing, takes into account the experience of major editors of the past and present.

    The tasks of the editor include the preparation of a specific publication, the formation of the repertoire of the publishing house, the organization of the editorial and publishing process. We can say that he is the organizer, leader, manager of the book publishing business.

    The scope of his tasks is extremely wide. The editor is engaged in literary, methodical, informational, organizational, creative activities.

    When preparing a specific publication, the main task of the editor is to evaluate the manuscript submitted by the author, determine the tasks and ways of its improvement, and prepare the original for publication. The editor gathers a creative team capable of taking part in preparing a literary work for publication. Such a team may include an artist who illustrates and designs a book, literary critics, art critics, bibliographers, specialists in various fields of knowledge - they create a reference apparatus for the publication, reviewers and consultants, art and technical editors. The editor must ensure the coherence of the work of the creative team, "connect" certain specialists to work on the publication at various stages of the editorial and publishing process.

    The editor's work on the text of a literary work includes a critical reading of the manuscript, which makes it possible to evaluate the topic and problem, the connection of factual material with the topic and problem. This assessment is important for determining the significance of the content of a literary work. In addition, the editor evaluates the form of presentation of the material, analyzing the composition of the work and the linguistic and stylistic means used by the author. The editor works together with the author on preparing the work for publication, discussing with him all his comments. If previously published works of literature are selected for publication, the editor must be prepared for the fact that he will have to carry out textological work, which is carried out either by himself or by a specialist in the field of textual criticism.

    To work on the language and style of a work, it is very important to have a good knowledge of the language in which it is written, the basics of practical and functional stylistics.

    But this is not enough to prepare the publication. It is necessary to know the typological features of publications, the basic requirements for them. First of all, this group of questions is important in the formation of the publishing repertoire. It often happens that before selecting a work for publication, the editor develops the concept of a future book. This concept is based on marketing research of the needs in certain publications, the ability of readers to purchase them, as well as the ability to offer the reader material that meets his needs.

    Focusing on the concept of the book, the editor selects a work from previously published ones or orders a new work from the author, receiving which he develops a model for a future publication. It was then that the creative team of the creators of the book was formed, the leader and organizer of which was the editor. He also ensures the passage of the manuscript in the publishing house and in the printing house - the so-called editorial and publishing process, the result of which is the finished publication.

    When developing the concept and model, the editor draws on the typology of the book, which allows you to determine the type and type of publication, based on the specifics of the subject, reader's address and intended purpose of the future publication. These features determine the requirements for a literary work, taking into account the characteristics of the types of literature and genres of works. When working on a literary work, the editor uses editorial analysis as one of the main methods, which involves not only evaluating various aspects and elements of the manuscript, but also determining areas for finalizing the work, taking into account how the editor plans to publish it.

    When preparing a publication for publication, editing is the main component of the editorial and publishing process. Often the editor has to work together with the author on the plan-prospect of a literary work, he is engaged in finalizing the text, determines the principles of illustration and design, as well as the creation of a reference apparatus for the future edition.

    As an independent activity in the book publishing business, editing did not take shape immediately. This type of activity took shape as book publishing developed due to the need to provide certain operations, processes, and solve specific problems of publishing literature.

    In Russia, editing did not have independent significance until the beginning of the 19th century. However, during the 17th-18th centuries, the preconditions for the allocation of this kind of activity were formed. The 19th century can be seen as a time when editing gradually acquires its own status, becomes an independent field of activity with its own goals, objectives, methods, and forms of work. This does not happen immediately, but in stages - in connection with the development of publishing and the complication of the repertoire of publications, the problem-thematic and organizational-functional structure of the publication of literature, as well as changes in the needs and interests of readers.

    At that time, editorial and publishing activities were closely intertwined with the main directions of the social and national liberation movement in Russia and Europe, with the formation and development of Russian culture.

    But the experience of editing at that time was not yet generalized, and editors were not specially trained. Only in the middle of the 20th century, special knowledge in the field of editing begins to form, and many aspects of this knowledge are based on the analysis of the actual editorial practice of the 19th century, and this century can be called a kind of factual basis for the modern theory of editing. When substantiating the forms and methods of this activity, the variants of the editorial work of individual writers, editors, publishers are studied, and on this basis the theory and methodology of the activity itself is created.

    The well-known historian of the book E.A. Dinershtein showed that during the 19th century the quantitative and qualitative composition of readers was gradually changing. Until the 1950s, noblemen predominated in the total mass of consumers, in the post-reform period, the leading place among readers was occupied by a diverse intelligentsia, and by the end of the century a new layer of readers from the peasant and working environment was sharply identified. This determines the attitude of publishers and editors to the published literature - they begin to take into account the specifics of the reader's perception.

    It should be kept in mind that editing is a personalized activity. The personality of the editor determines his work on the work and introduces his own individual beginning into someone else's work. This is clearly seen in the materials that have preserved the edits of writers working on other people's manuscripts. For example, this becomes clear when analyzing Chekhov's revisions of several works by the authors.

    All these aspects determined the selection of material to show the features of the development of editing in the publishing industry in Russia. The textbook discusses general issues and specific experience in preparing publications, editorial practice of publishers, writers, editors, which are important for characterizing the formation and development of editing as an independent field of activity. In addition, a general description of the work of a modern editor is given.

    The structure of the material is not determined by the history of the development of the book business. The sequence of presentation is connected with the development of the actual editorial activity.

    At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, when the system of branch publishing houses that needed specialist editors was actively developing, the Moscow Polygraphic Institute (now the Moscow State University of Printing Arts) opened an editorial and publishing department. From that time on, the training of professional editors began. The theory of editing is also developing, including a system of knowledge about the regularities of the publishing process, preparation of publications, work on the text, etc.

    Bibliological knowledge in the field of editing makes the first shakgi in the 20s of the twentieth century. Separate works appear, summarizing the experience of preparing the publication, questions of language and style are considered, and editorial and publishing activities are studied. By the end of the 1950s and into the 1960s, an independent branch of book science was taking shape - the theory of editing. The composition, structure, goals, tasks, subject, object of science are justified. She is primarily associated with the names of N.M. Sikorsky, A.V. Zapadova, R.G. Abdullina, L.N. Kastrulina, E.A. Lazarevich, A.E. Milchin, K.M. Nakoryakova, V.I. Svintsova, B.G. Tyapkina, M.D. Feller, E.V. Schluper. In the 1970s and 1990s, certain areas of the scientific foundations of editing were developed. The features of the works of certain types of literature, types and types of publications are investigated, the elements of publications and forms, methods, methods of their preparation are considered, the specifics of the perception of the content of works and the possibility of activating this process are substantiated, the problems of reading and the peculiarities of their satisfaction are considered. In addition, computer technologies are studied in relation to the editorial and publishing process, the specifics of their use in publishing.

    The discipline "Editing. General course" is an introduction to the system of disciplines of the editorial complex. Its task is to show how editing was formed during the development of book publishing, to reveal the directions of the editor's work, to identify the main milestones in the process of becoming editorial activity, to characterize the experience of the most famous figures in science, culture, book business who contributed to this process.

    This textbook was prepared at the Department of Publishing and Editing of the Moscow State University of Printing Arts. The textbook was prepared by a team of authors: Dr. philol. sciences, prof. S.G. Antonova (introduction, ch. 2-8), Ph.D. philol. sciences, prof. IN AND. Solovyov (Ch. 1, 11), Dr. philol. sciences, prof. K.T. Yamchuk (Ch. 9, 10).

    In world publishing practice, the concept of "editing" has taken root both as a scientific term and as the name of the subject of teaching at the relevant university faculties. At the special faculties of Soviet universities, "Literary Editing" was traditionally presented. For some reason, this name of the subject has been preserved to this day.

    Domestic researchers of the theory and practice of publishing have started talking about the types of editing quite recently. Although there is no doubt that literary editing is only an integral part of universal editing.

    The scientific literature now considers a number of varieties of editing. This, in particular, general, literary, scientific, special, title. There is also linguistic, logical, compositional, psycholinguistic, computer, publishing, printing.

    Let's highlight the main types of editing.

    It is advisable to consider two main blocks of editing types:

    general (universal);


    Consider the content of each of these blocks.

    General (universal) editing

    This type of editing provides for an integral system of the editor's work on the original, which ensures its perfection in meaning, form and convenience for the reader (consumer).

    The main components of this type of editing are:

    1. Elimination of logical errors.

    Typical logical errors:

    a) mixing the order of presentation (It was raining and two students. One in the morning, and the other - to the university),

    b) incorrect substantiation of the motivation for the action (At the all-Ukrainian conference of book publishers, the main issue was providing the city with new trolleybuses);

    c) the presence in the sentence of concepts that mutually exclude each other (the gold medal was received by an outsider of the competition).

    2. Elimination of factual errors.

    a) historical nature (the First World War began in 1924);

    b) geographic nature (In the southern regions of Ukraine - Odessa, Kherson and Sumy regions - the collection of early grains began);

    c) printed matter (the population of Ukraine today is about 48,000,000 million people);

    d) "digital nature" (Out of 3,000 copies of books published, 2,500 were donated to libraries, 1,500 were transferred to higher educational institutions).

    e) “visual” inconsistency (photograph by Alla Pugacheva with the caption “Kristina Orbakaite”).

    This block of editing also includes the problems of subject matter, composition, author's position, placement of political accents.

    Special Editing

    This block can be divided into the following subtypes of editing:


    artistic and technical.

    Literary editing.

    The main purpose of this type of editing is the analysis, evaluation and correction of the literary part of the work. It is primarily about improving the language and style of the original, eliminating grammatical, syntactical and stylistic errors.

    What criteria should an editor be guided by when choosing improvements to a work?

    Criteria for choosing linguo-stylistic means:

    Accessibility of the language to the appropriate group of readers;

    Expressiveness, clarity of presentation;

    Correspondence of the lexical series with the thoughts of the hero of the work or the author;

    Correspondence of the style of presentation to the genre of a particular work.

    Example. Recently, publications of authors have appeared on the book market, which were previously prohibited. For the most part, these are works that were written in the twenties and thirties. In the case of reprinting such works, the editor faces a difficult question: what spelling system to follow? Most publishers bring such texts into line with modern spelling, preserving the lexical, morphological and phonetic features of the author's language. Coordinating the punctuation of books with modern norms, however, the editors strive to preserve the basic character of the author's syntax.

    4 Scientific editing

    In some cases, given the complexity or archival importance of a publication that is being prepared for publication, it becomes necessary to invite a leading specialist in a particular field of science. Such a specialist in this case carries out scientific editing of the original. Its main task is to analyze, evaluate the work and correct inaccuracies from the scientific side.

    The same is meant when some publications refer to title editing. The name of such an editor is put on the title page, which serves as a guarantee for the reader of the high quality and solidity of the publication.

    According to the requirements of publishing standards, the name of the scientific editor is indicated on the title or on the back of the title page.

    5 Artistic editing

    Refers to varieties of special editing. It is carried out by publishers. The art editor in the publishing subsection, as a rule, is a specialist with a higher art and printing education.

    The process of art editing includes: ordering the artwork for the publication, evaluation of sketches, test prints and elements of the artwork for the cover and content of the publication from the artistic and printing side.

    Technical editing provides for a detailed embodiment of the artistic and graphic design of the publication in the material: technical parameters of typesetting and layout, typeface palette, font sizes, indents, descents, etc.

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