Nature teaches us to understand beauty. “Love for one’s native country is impossible without love for its nature” consultation (preparatory group) on the topic Nature teaches us to understand beauty

Nature: trees, flowers, river, mountains, birds. This is everything that surrounds a person every day. Familiar and even boring. What is there to admire here? What to be excited about? This is what a person thinks, who from childhood was not taught to notice the beauty of a drop of dew on the petals of a rose, to admire the beauty of a newly blossoming white-trunked birch tree, or to listen to the conversation of the waves rolling onto the shore on a quiet evening. And who should teach? Probably a father or mother, a grandmother or grandfather, someone who himself has always “been captivated by this beauty.”

The writer V. Krupin has a wonderful

A story with the intriguing title “Drop the Bag.” It’s about how a father taught his daughter, “blind” to the beauty of nature, to notice the beautiful. One day after the rain, when they were loading a barge with potatoes, my father suddenly said: “Varya, look how beautiful it is.” And my daughter has a heavy bag on her shoulders: how do you look? The father's phrase in the title of the story seems to me to be a kind of metaphor. After Varya throws off the “bag of blindness,” a beautiful picture of the sky after the rain will open before her. A huge rainbow, and above it, as if under an arc, the sun! My father also found figurative words to describe this picture, comparing the sun to a horse harnessed to a rainbow! At that moment, the girl, having recognized beauty, “as if she had washed herself,” and “it became easier for her to breathe.” Since then.

Varya began to notice the beauty in nature and taught her children and grandchildren, just as she had once adopted this skill from her father.

And the hero of V. Shukshin’s story “The Old Man, the Sun and the Girl,” an old village grandfather, teaches a young urban artist to notice the beauty in nature. It is thanks to the old man that she notices that the sun that evening was unusually large, and river water in its setting rays it looked like blood. The mountains are also magnificent! In the rays of the setting sun they seemed to move closer to people. The old man and the girl admire how between the river and the mountains “the dusk was quietly fading,” and a soft shadow was approaching from the mountains. What a surprise the artist will be when she learns that a blind man was discovering beauty before her! How to love native land how often to come to this shore so that, already blind, you can see all this! And not just to see, but to reveal this beauty to people.

We can conclude that we are taught to notice the beauty in nature by people endowed with a special flair and special love for native land. They themselves will notice and tell us that we only have to look closely at any plant, even at the simplest stone, and you will understand how majestic and wise the world how unique, diverse and beautiful it is.

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Nature teaches us to understand beauty.

(K.G. Paustovsky)

Once, in my distant childhood, while walking in the forest, I came across an icy bush. I was so struck by the bizarre outlines of the frozen cascade that I carefully sat down under it and froze there for a long time, afraid to destroy this beauty with a careless movement. But in my soul there’s a ball: either I’m a princess (who didn’t imagine myself as one in childhood), then The Snow Queen, then Cinderella, then the Mistress of the Copper Mountain... When I came there next time, naturally, I no longer found my fairy-tale palaces. Of course, it cannot be said that from that moment I learned to see and understand beauty; I didn’t even have a clue about it. But those magical minutes are still remembered. Much has been forgotten, but I remember how every spring I came in search of my fairy tale.

Recently an old film based on the work of P.P. Bazhov “The Stone Flower” was shown on TV, and I again plunged into the world of childhood, just as many years ago I admired the beauty of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain and its riches, not at all embarrassed by fake stones. Well, how immediately the wonderful image of Danilka the Nedokormish, described with such love by Bazhov, falls on the soul: “That’s how it came to Danilka the Nedokormish. This little boy was an orphan. Probably twelve years then, or even more. He is tall on his feet, and thin, thin, which is what keeps his soul going. Well, his face is clean. Curly hair, blue eyes. At first they took him as a Cossack servant at the manor's house: give him a snuff box, give him a handkerchief, run somewhere, and so on. Only this orphan did not have the talent for such a task. Other boys climb like vines in such and such places. A little something - to the hood: what do you order? And this Danilko will hide in a corner, stare at some painting, or even at a piece of jewelry, and just stand there. They shout at him, but he doesn’t even listen. They beat me, of course, at first, but then they waved their hand:

Some blessed one! Slug! Such a good servant will not make.” And you and I perfectly understand the irony of the writer, who seems to lament that the boy does not have the “talent” to serve. They cannot place Danilka anywhere; he is not suitable for anything, according to the stupid “educators”. The old shepherd, feeling sorry for the orphan, swore:

“What will come of you, Danilko? You will destroy yourself, and you will also put my old back in harm’s way. Where is this good? What are you even thinking about?

I myself, grandpa, don’t know. So. about nothing. I looked a little. A bug was crawling along a leaf. She herself is blue, and from under her wings she has a yellowish look peeking out, and her leaves are wide. Along the edges the teeth are curved, like frills. Here it looks darker, but the middle is very green, they just painted it exactly... And the bug is crawling...

Well, aren't you a fool, Danilko? Is it your job to sort out bugs? She crawls and crawls, but your job is to look after the cows. Look at me, get this nonsense out of your head, or I’ll tell the clerk!”

And the old shepherd did not know that “this orphan has the talent” and talent of an artist, an inquisitive mind and an indefatigable desire for knowledge. Nature was not stingy, generously gifting the Underfed. Many people can admire beauty, but not many can feel it, let it pass through their hearts, be filled with it, and be enriched spiritually. And Danilko sees beauty both in the natural world (conversation with the shepherd) and in human creations (his “strange” behavior in the manor’s house, where he was looking at works of art). Already in childhood, natural phenomena were the standard of beauty for him: in his music “either the forest is noisy, or the stream is murmuring, the birds are calling to each other to all sorts of voices.” And having become a recognized master, Danila strives for perfection, does not sleep at night, suffers. In his creative pursuits, he outgrew his teacher. Old Prokopich is only a skilled stone cutter, and Danila the master experiences the artist’s painful anxiety:

It’s a shame that there’s nothing to complain about. Smooth and even, the pattern is clean, the carving is according to the drawing, but where is the beauty? There's a flower. The most inferior one, but when you look at him, your heart rejoices.

He wants to convey the beauty of a living flower in stone. Compete creatively with living nature. The Mistress of the Copper Mountain sees this obsession. After all, she reveals her wealth only to people endowed with talent and hard work, selflessness and richness of soul. She's not hostile to the human world(as the legends said), but at the same time alien to him. The beauty that the Mistress can show to Danila is perfect, but cold (Pushkin’s “indifferent nature” comes to mind). The Mistress is the embodied soul of the natural kingdom, and this soul is free from warm human passions and feelings. Mountain masters become the same: they come closer to understanding the essence of nature, but lose their human essence. A person, expressing beauty, can spiritualize it with his hot human soul, and the beauty in his creations is always different than in nature. Danila’s flower should have turned out differently from the underground flowers if it had absorbed the love for Prokopyich and Katya, and neither the Mistress nor her underground artists would ever create such beauty. Yes, apparently, Danila’s soul was a little cold towards the world of people; he had not matured enough to understand that a person is capable of not just copying natural beauty, but creating something else, animated by his warm heart...

We are growing, and with us our fairy tales, created by such masters of words as P.P. Bazhov: by rereading them, we learn lessons for adults; Along with magic, we now see real pictures of life, which raise many questions in us. Now, when I come to the forest, I remember with a smile my naive attempts to return something that will never happen again. After all, nature, as a true artist, does not copy the masterpieces it creates. And people, growing up, learn from her to understand not only beauty - the whole world.

I would like to end my thoughts on the relationship between beauty, nature and man with the poems of A. A. Fet:

A whole world of beauty

From big to small,

And you search in vain

Find its beginning.

What is a day or an age?

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

What is eternal is human.

Between 1874 and 1883


1.Malachite box. Tales. Bazhov Pavel Petrovich. IG Lenizdat: Lenizdat-classics

“Love for one’s native country is impossible without love for its nature”

Message for Educators

“Nature teaches us to understand beauty.
Love for one’s native country is impossible without love for its nature.”
K.G. Paustovsky

These words of a wonderful Russian writer most accurately emphasize the importance of nature in our lives. “Many of us admire nature, but not many take it to heart,” wrote M.M. Prishvin, “and even those who take it to heart do not often manage to become so close to nature as to feel their own soul in it.”

We are accustomed to the fact that every day we are surrounded by plants and animals, the sun is shining, spilling its golden rays around us. It seems to us that this was, is and will always be. There will always be a green carpet of grass in the meadows, there will be

Flowers are blooming, birds are singing. But this is not true.Scientists are alarmed to notice that the animal and plant world on our planet is becoming poorer, rivers and seas are being polluted, and this leads to the death of all life in them. Many species of animals and plants have already disappeared on earth. People started to miss clean water, because rivers and lakes dry up and become polluted due to deforestation chemicals, industrial and household waste.

Each of us must protect the nature of our Motherland for us and our descendants. Nature conservation is everyone’s sacred duty. Have a sacred attitude towards all living things. Take care of every tree, twig, every flower. Do not cut down trees unnecessarily, do not break them. Pick up trash after yourself on river banks, forest clearings. Avoid fires in the forest. Do not pollute forests, lakes and do not allow your friends to do this, do not poison or destroy fish. Don't destroy birds' nests, don't kill animals.If we do not learn ourselves and do not teach our children to perceive ourselves as part of the world of living nature, then the future generation will not be able to admire and be proud of the beauty and wealth of our Motherland.

A child can get his first knowledge of how to learn to love and take care of his native nature in preschool childhood.From the first years of life, children begin to develop ecological culture. Watching a mother who carefully cares for flowers and pets, the child has a desire to come up and pet the cat or dog, water the flowers or admire their beauty. Children grow up and learn a lot about the world around them. The singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the splash of water in a river, the rustle of grass, the color, shape and smell of flowers and fruits, the rustling of dry leaves, the creaking of snow underfoot - all this serves as material for the development of children's aesthetic sense and sensory perception. The ability to see and hear nature acquired in childhood arouses in children a deep interest in it, expands their knowledge, and contributes to the formation of character and interest. In the process of introducing children to nature, moral, physical and mental education is carried out. In the moral development of a child, a special place is occupied by instilling in him a love for his native nature and a caring attitude towards all living things.

The child should know that every plant, animal, insect, bird has its own “home” in which they feel good and comfortable. It is necessary to pay attention to the beauty of nature in different time year, day and in any weather. Teach children to hear the singing of birds, inhale the aromas of the meadow, and enjoy the coolness of the spring. Isn't this the most a big joy In human life. This is the one

the greatest gift that Mother Nature gives us. In winter, draw children's attention to the beauty of trees. Admire the Russian birch tree, which is covered with frost. Read the poem by S. Yesenin:

Explain clearly to your children that in winter the trees sleep, and only we can protect them from the cold. Invite them to do a good deed - cover the roots with snow so that the trees do not “freeze.”

Watch with your children how it snows. Note its properties (fluffy, white, cold, etc.)

The footprints are clearly visible in the freshly fallen snow. Invite your child to play the game “Pathfinders”. By the tracks in the snow you can determine who passed here, who went where, whose they are (humans, cats, dogs, birds).

In spring, nature wakes up. Rejoice with your children at the appearance of the first grass, the first leaf. Invite your child to play the game “Find the Signs of Spring.” (The sun is shining brighter, the sky is blue, the first flowers have appeared, etc.)

Pay attention to the arrival migratory birds. Explain to the children that birds have a hard time after a long winter, and we can help them by building birdhouses and remembering to feed them.

The best summer vacation is a trip to the forest. Admire the giant trees and thickets of thick grass. Tell the children about what you can see in the forest rare plants, which are listed in the Red Book. These are lily of the valley, St. John's wort, corydalis. Under no circumstances should they be torn off. Admire their beauty and breathe in the aroma. Find with children medicinal plants, name them, explain the benefits. While picking mushrooms and berries, tell the children that they are needed not only by us, but also by the inhabitants of the forest. Some mushrooms are not suitable for animals

They only feed, but also receive treatment. For example, fly agaric. A very beautiful, but poisonous mushroom for humans. And the elk will come, and he will need it for treatment. Explain to children that mushrooms need to be cut with a knife and not torn together with the stem. After some time, a new mushroom will grow in this place.

Don't look into birds' nests - these are their homes. The bird may become frightened and leave the nest. Small chicks will be left without maternal care and die.

Of course, everyone understands that one should not destroy nests, anthills or dig holes.

Don't make noise in the forest. Don’t take tape recorders with you to nature; you can listen to them at home. And you don’t have to talk to each other throughout the forest: enjoy your communication with nature. The forest, animals, birds, and even the tiniest flower will be grateful to you for your care and attention. Teach children to behave correctly in nature, without harming all living things that surround them.

Don't leave trash at your vacation spots!

They help to protect and love nature environmental tales. Inquisitive kids love to listen to them. They ask many questions, and it is necessary to find answers to them together.

By involving children in close communication with nature, in understanding its world, we, adults, contribute to the active development in children of such qualities as kindness, patience, hard work and mercy. These features inherent in early childhood, will firmly become part of a person’s character and become his basis.

We and nature are one big family. Let's teach children to see beauty native nature, we will educate careful attitude to her, and the child will treat everything that surrounds him with care - and our upbringing will not be in vain. And then you can be calm for nature and the younger generation.

Let us not... be too deluded by our victories over nature. For every such victory she takes revenge (F. Engels).

What I see in nature is like a magnificent design that we can only comprehend superficially. (A. Einstein)

There is no greater crime than to rape, mutilate, and pervert nature. Nature, the unique cradle of life in the Universe, is also the mother who gave birth, fed and raised us, and therefore we must treat it as we treat our own mother - with the highest degree of moral love.(Yu. Bondarev)

Nature is the best and most objective teacher when solving the most difficult issuesSciences. (V.V. Dokuchaev)

It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person without instilling in him a sense of the Beautiful. (Rabindranath Tagore)

Our nature must have millions of loving, faithfulfriends... (L.M. Leonov)

Nature cannot contradict man unless man contradicts its laws... (A.I. Herzen)

A person who understands nature is nobler, purer. He won't do anything bad. He went through the “soul university.”(L. Leonov)

Telling a person: don’t enjoy nature is the same as telling him: kill your flesh. (D.I. Pisarev)

Nature, earth, man are a moral problem that affects the very existence of people as people. Nature has been and must remain man's teacher.(N.I.Sladkov)

We are looking forward to a signal from space from distant civilizations. And somehow we don’t listen to the signals that constantly sound on our earth, the calls of birds and animals... Listen to the voices of the living!(N.I.Sladkov)

Knowledge not born of experience... is completeerrors. (Leonardo da Vinci)

We must protect nature in all its forms. Protect the earth itself, soil, vegetation, water and air. To protect the beautiful Russian landscape - the landscape that played and is playing a huge role in shaping the character of the Russian people.(K.G. Paustovsky)

You must have not only an eye, but also an internal sense of nature, you must hear its music and be imbued with its silence. (I.I. Levitan)

Nature again and again turns out to be much richer than our ideas about it, and the countless “surprises” that it presents to researchers make its study excitingly interesting. (V.A. Ambartsumyan)

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it. (I.S. Turgenev)

Be a son of your homeland, deeply feel your connection with your native soil, treat it filially, return a hundredfold what you received from it. (K.D. Ushinsky).

Man can never be satisfied with just what nature has given him; his own active intervention will be necessary.”(I.I. Mechnikov).

Forests - greatest sources health and inspiration" (K.G. Paustovsky).

Even in his most beautiful dreams, a person cannot imagine anything more beautiful than nature . (Alphonse de Lamartine Gresim)

Like a great artist, nature can achieve great effects with small means. .(G. Heine)

Nature can do everything and creates everything . (Johann Goethe)

Nature is an ever-changing cloud; never remaining the same, she remains herself. (Ralph Emerson)

Nature knows no stop in its movement and punishes all inactivity (I. Goethe).

Nature does not accept jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people.(I. Goethe).

Nature never makes mistakes; if she gives birth to a fool, that means she wants it (B. Shaw).

Nature... awakens in us the need for love (I. Turgenev).

The study and observation of nature gave rise to science (Cicero).

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great things for nothing (Herzen).

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. (Leonardo da Vinci).

There's nothing more inventive than nature (Cicero).

Nature cannot be caught sloppy and half-naked, she is always beautiful (Emerson).

Nature can only be conquered by obeying its laws (F. Bacon).

Nature does not have speech organs, but creates tongues and hearts, through which she speaks and feels. (I. Goethe).

Nature teaches us to understand beauty. Love for one's native country is impossible without love for its nature. (K. Paustovsky).

Nature is in a sense the Gospel, loudly proclaiming the creative power, wisdom and greatness of God(M. Lomonosov).

Nature is always right and wise, even if we don’t understand it enough (I. Goethe)

Nature is the only book with great content on every page (I. Goethe)

Nature never deceives us; we are being deceived (J. J. Rousseau)

The tenderness and delight that we experience from contemplating nature are memories of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth, more precisely: this is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time(L.N. Tolstoy)

Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we bring our human beginning into the feeling of it, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sadness will come into full harmony with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of beloved eyes and the measured sound of the forest from reflections on the life we ​​have lived.(K.G. Paustovsky).

From communing with nature you will get as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need.(I. Zeime)

Nature does not accept jokes; she is always truthful, always serious, always strict; she is always right; mistakes and misconceptions come from people(I. Goethe)

In everything that nature works on, she does nothing hastily (J. Lamarck)

Nature perfects everything (Lucretius)

Our love for nature is explained, among other things, by the fact that nature feels neither hatred nor envy towards us(Akutagawa).

Nature says this: “either study my laws, master me, benefit from it, or I will enslave you and, without giving you any benefit, I will also cause you deprivation.”(Mikael Nalbandyan)

Nature pleases, attracts and inspires only because it is natural (W. Humboldt)

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life(Leonardo da Vinci)

When I think that the whole world is doomed to destruction due to my own idiocy, then even the Moon does not seem so far away to me. From it, our poor Earth is probably clearly visible - dirty, polluted by man, the most unfortunate of all celestial bodies(D. Lawrence)

Man cannot help but be fascinated by nature; he is connected with it by a thousand inextricable threads; he is her son. (I.S. Turgenev)

Everything beautiful on earth comes from the sun and everything good comes from man. (M.M. Prishvin).

In gold mines it happens that you find a nugget weighing so many kilograms, but nugget bread does not exist in nature. Bread will not be born on its own. It is grown by the golden hands of the sower, and the bread itself becomes gold of the rarest value, without which life on our planet is unthinkable(Mikhail Alekseev).

Medicine is the art of imitating the healing effects of nature. (Hippocrates).

Nature is the best of books, written in a special language. This language needs to be learned (N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky).

Along with white spots in nature, green spots also disappear... (N. Nikitin).

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew. M.M. Prishvin

All manifestations of life on earth originate from the green leaf. . K.A.Timiryazev

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