Walkthrough for the guild of Necromancers - Gothic Game Online World. Mighty Beliar Magic Gothic 2 Return 2.0 0066 Necromancer

Path of the Necromancer
To become a necromancer, you must first learn about this community from Vatras when talking about guilds. Then we go to Xardas and say that we want to embark on the path of the dark magician. Xardas will take a couple of days to think. In two days he will agree to accept us as his disciples. Now we are a disciple of darkness. To become a magician, you need to gain 75 mana, and in the Rebalance mod 100 mana, and even 40 intelligence in addition. Xardas spoke the truth about the hard way! Xardas will teach us the circles of magic, the creation of runes of darkness and increase our mana, and he will also be able to sell any cadaverous crap in the form of bones, rotten flesh, etc.

Manuscripts of Xardas
When we become a disciple of darkness, Xardas will ask us to return to him his old manuscripts, which are still kept somewhere in the monastery. You can get to the abode of the fire mages through the quest of the guild of merchants or by stealing the key from Pedro (only in unofficial patches and the Rebalance mod). The first manuscript is in a closed cell behind the novice Babo (we get the key to the door from Xardas). The second manuscript will be in the library. When we have the papers, you can return to the necromancer and turn in the quest.

in vain way
Xardas will ask us to bring him the book "The Vain Path" from one of the city magicians. Since there is only one city magician - Gallahad, then we go to him. He will agree to exchange the book for some valuable thing for the magician. You can bring him a crown plant or a scroll of exorcism from the old tower of Xardas in Minenthal. We get the book, give it to Xardas, the quest is completed.

Xardas asks us to find an ancient tome of dark magicians called "Necronomicon". There are two ways to complete this quest: fast and correct.
Fast way
In the port of Khorinis, we jump into the sea and sail straight all the time until we reach a huge deserted beach with a bunch of fire lizards. At its very beginning rises an ancient tower. A serpentine leads to its foot. We go along it and get into the cave. In the depths there will be a shadow golem. We do this: we prepare a spell of light and slowly approach the creature. Soon the golem will fall on us. When there are 5-7 steps between us, we cast light, the golem falls apart, we take away its particle and move on. There will be a portal in front of us, we go into it. Now we are at the top of the tower, in front of us on the stand will be the Necronomicon. The real problem is the descent from the tower. There are two options: either turn on the cheat mode and fly off with F8, or jump long and hard, trying to fall into a small lake at the foot (almost impossible without acrobatics).
The right way
1. We go to the crypt behind the courtyard of Onar and clean out all the undead there, led by the Lord of Shadows Inubis, from whom we take the key to the tower.
2. Now we are heading into the woods to the hunter Grom. There will be a small tower behind the two trolls. We open the door with the Inubis key, kill the zombies and the skeleton magician, take everything that is bad, then read the book on the stand in the center of the icon. A zombie necromancer will appear. We okshchaem it with a scroll of the destruction of the undead (otherwise too long) and take away the ashes of Nergal.
3. We carry the ashes to Xardas, perform the ritual of summoning an ancient necromancer. We learn from him about the tower on the coast, after which we sentence him to another death.
4. Next, we do everything that is described in the quick way.
If you pass in the right way after completing step # 3, serious bugs can occur (in version 1.0, all saves made after these events stop loading; in version 1.1, Xardas falls asleep forever), so it's better to go through this quest in a fast way.

Orc hearts
Xardas needs orc hearts. Hunters Grom (in the forest behind Onar's yard under the bridge to Fort Azgan) and Talbin (in Minental by the river on the plateau above the refuge of the paladin Markos) can teach how to get this trophy.

We are moving on to a very interesting storyline, namely the passage for the Necromancers. Your old friend Xardas will be the main target so-called quest generator, there are not so many quests, but the plot twists and the ability to choose their passage pleasantly surprises even the most experienced player.

Path of the Necromancer

Xardas- the main necromancer in the game, during the passage of the main quest branch for the Necromancer guild, it is worth considering that everything will be tied to him. The first thing to do is to go to him and ask permission to join. Naturally, you will receive a refusal, we are waiting for several days, during this time we increase our own supply of mana (minimum 75), which is also the spiritual power of the player. We boldly go to the main necromancer, he will initiate us into novices, i.e. students, where you can later craft everything related to dark magic.

"Artifacts of Xardas"

A very simple task, in the style of go fetch, although the logic of the task is quite well thought out. The magician instructs you to bring the stealing part of his manuscripts, according to some reports they are lost, but extreme memories said that they were in the temple of the Fire Mages. The path is difficult and dangerous, because you have to go through the mountains. That we are waiting for a small "surprise" in the form of the fact that you need to find 2 parts of artifacts at once. The first part is in the library, the second in Xardas's room, in principle, you won't get lost nearby. In the end, we return everything to the owner.

"Vain Put"

The third task from Xardas. By analogy with the second, you will have to travel a lot in search of the magician's book. Specifically talk to Gallahad, he has what you are looking for. The only difficulty is that you need to give him something in return, for example, a “scroll of exile” from an old tower, or a crown plant. The first and second solutions will not be easy, my advice is better to give a scroll.

"Orc Hearts"

Xardas gives you the task of finding orc hearts, but without the necessary training and experience, you have little chance. Therefore, you need to learn a little in Talbina in the Valley of Mines. It is not difficult to find it, it is not far from the Marcos cave. One or two lessons will be enough. In order to make it easier for yourself and get the treasured experience, ask Diego for help and go hunting together.

How to become a necromancer in G2?


The final quest from Xardas, one of the most difficult in the addon, the task is as follows - find a spell book to open an ancient portal.

In order to get information about it, you need to:

Kill the Lord of Shadows, who lives in the crypt outside Onar's courtyard, let's test our skills a bit, in turn, he has the key to the tower as a trophy.

Now some more difficulties are added, we head into the forest to the hunter Grom, bring down the trolls, find the tower, open the lock with the key of the Lord of Shadows, kill everyone who is there, collect all the loot, read the book on the stand, call on the zombie - Nergal, kill him ... he burns from it remains the dust, which we need.

It remains the case for small things, in the tower of Xardas we carry out the ritual of summoning the ancient, from his words we will learn all the details of our further actions.

It is located in the port island of Khorinis. We jump into the water, swim to the right past the pirate ship, debris and rocks, we see a tower on the horizon - we go into it, here is the first difficulty - the “shadow golem”, as soon as it starts attacking, we destroy it with a spell of light, everything is basically easy, the main thing seize the moment. There should not be any further obstacles on the way, a teleport opens into which we will enter, we see, in fact - the Necronomicon.

That's all my friends, I hope they caught the essence, I personally was very interested in playing, although the quests are of the same type, they are made with special love, you can immediately see the pros tried. I wish you a pleasant game, if you have any questions, write in the comments, wait for further reviews and passing this is just the beginning.

In these articles we will consider the path of becoming a necromancer. After we come to the city and communicate with Vatras, we will have to go back to Xardos and ask him to be his student. He agrees to accept us, but first he will think for a couple of days. It is also a very interesting moment that one of the bookshelves every day gives a not bad scroll with a spell (even if we are not a necromancer).

The main problem of embarking on the path of a dark mage is getting mana and intellect, in different release builds of the return, intellect is given under different circumstances. At the moment I have build 65, before build 51 intelligence was given for activating teleports in horinis, but now this is not possible.

Mana boost for the Necromancer

We will need 75 mana to become a Necromancer, another 100 to put on a robe of a necromancer and 120 to put on a Necromancer's Staff, all the points that we will receive for levels are best spent in mana until we get it up to 100. After we get 100 mana. We enter the alchemist Constantino and get 10 more mana. And ten more mana can be obtained by wearing the ring of Astral Energy.

How to raise intelligence in return 2.0?

Intelligence can be earned at the initial stage in the following ways:

  • Reading books from merchants;
  • Learning Alchemy (Important!!!);
  • Learning languages ​​(Important!!!);
  • Reading book racks
  • Gifts of the gods

Important!!! learning alchemy and languages ​​is necessary after we become an adept of darkness, otherwise the intellect will not grow and we will waste points.

At the current stage, we will consider passing at an easy level, in the future we will compile a complete guide for passing at different difficulty levels.

In the case of passing the game on more difficult modes, we will not be able to spend points on dexterity, respectively, it will not work to get into the library and the closet of the fire mages, and consequently we will not be able to read several books.

By killing bandits, the karma of Innos and Beliar will increase, as soon as we collect 50 karma, it will be possible to use gods gifts, gifts of the gods can only be used once per 10 levels. we play as a necromancer, then I advise you not to touch Innos' karma. in the future, it will not be able to grow with us, and it will be an order of magnitude more problematic to raise it, so it’s better to spend beliar’s karma

Leveling for the hybrid class. Hard. Version 0061

Class: warrior/mage (hybrid).
Weapon type: any.
Chapters: 1-4

Playing a hybrid is the choice for the experienced player who wants to be both a mage and a warrior/dodger, but does not want to play the game twice.​

Class selection.

In order for the game to be comfortable for playing multiclasses in Return 2.0, a strict leveling system is required. Otherwise, certain moments of the game will be very uncomfortable and too difficult. It also makes no sense to play both a dodger and a strongman at the same time, since the main damage of these classes is physical.
The most useful and interesting will be a hybrid of a magician-warrior or magician-dodger. For a warrior mage, a fire mage or guru is best, and for a dodger mage, a water mage or necromancer is best, however, the opposite is also possible.
You should choose in advance what to focus on in pumping.

The main options are:
A) Maximum in strength / agility, minimum in magic. (GG is a student of Bosper or Harad);
B) Maximum in magic, minimum in strength/dexterity. (GG - student of Constantino);
C) Pumping this and that approximately in half. (Apprenticeship of your choice).

The main differences in these upgrades depend on at what moment and what gifts of the gods you take, and so - at what moments you change the profile stat.
Option A - Strength / Agility rises to 100+, gifts for strength / dexterity, mana does not become a profile stat at all. And it can go up to 50, or not go up at all, except with permanents.
Option B - Strength / Agility rises to 50, gifts for intelligence, profile stat change occurs for LP if necessary (maybe 10-15 times per game).
Option C - Strength / Agility rises to 100, mana to 60, gifts are taken in a ratio of 5 to 3 (5 in strength / dexterity, 3 in mana) or Strength/Dexterity up to 130, mana up to 50, boons 4d4.

The last option is the most inconvenient, since the change of the profile stat occurs a small number of times per game at the moment of taking gifts. Also, do not forget that we will get +7 in dexterity per LP (+2 of them in Chapter 7) from monsters, and +7 in mana - from books (Magic Knowledge and Ancient Astronomy).

1 chapter.

In just 1 chapter, you can gain about level 25 (together with theft), however, here and now, and further in the guide, I will use less than the maximum levels that can be scored, so that the guide does not force you to clear everything that is possible.
Therefore, let's take 20 levels for 1 chapter +10 LP from monsters / bonuses.

The first 10 levels we download:
Strength/Dexterity up to 50 (40 hp), selected weapon type up to 30% (25 hp), basic hunting (Hides, Fangs, Reptile Skins, Claws, Hearts, Meat) - 21 hp. For the guru - also the languages ​​​​of fire lizards, as they are needed for entry. The rest is also worth it, since they will go for wine and protection from fire, but you can not immediately. If you are a student of Harad, you should immediately invest 15 LP in blacksmithing, 3 in smelting, and 10 in mining. Also 14 hp goes to stamina, but only if you don't choose the option maximum magic. In this case, stamina does not swing at all.
Total, with the maximum scenario - 133 LP. The rest of the HP goes into pumping life (up to 270, or up to 540 if you are not a student of Harad and did not pump endurance).
At level 10-20, you have already joined a guild and can learn magic. The first step is to research the first mana potion or hp of your choice and raise the alchemy to 40%, this requires wine for mana. If you have not pumped mana, then you can dial the required number with bonuses, having a base 20 mana.
35 - jewelry (ring +10 at the tower next to Niklas, ring +10 at Ysgaroth, amulet +15 at Zuris), 10 - donations to Vatras, 1 smoking, 2 Daron, 2 Koragon's beer. Total: 70 mana. In chapter 1, you can collect 16 grapes, we get another +24 from wines. We also get +6 from spirit potions, 1 gives Constantino for the key, 1 is bought from Lemar, 1 in the chest next to the Oran idol. So we have enough mana to join even waterbenders, while not pumping mana at all.
Teach: 1 circle (20 LP), 1 attack rune 1 circle (10-15 LP), all runes of 1 circle at Gallahad, including the rune of hacking (14 LP). If necessary, we pump mana up to 50. We also teach theft (only theft, sneaking and breaking are optional), but only if you intend to steal, or you are a trickster. Otherwise - that is, just for the sake of the keys - it's not worth it.
Further - we finish learning hunting (horns of mrakoris, horns of snapper, mandible and wings, if we are a student of Constantino) - 12lp, and also we learn a potion of strength / dexterity (20lp). You can also increase your HP to 500 if you haven't done it before.
We still have about 50-70 LP left, we leave them for Chapter 2.

Chapter 2

We immediately download mana regeneration (20 hp) and set off to clean Khorinis and Yarkendar. In this case, without really straining, by the end of Yarkendar you can get level 30. 2 circle of magic for this sweep, in general, is not necessary.
Then there is a fork: if we focus equally or more warrior than mage, then we pump all these LPs in strength / dexterity up to 100 and pump weapons up to 60%, otherwise we take the 2nd circle of magic and pump one the corresponding spell, and the rest we put into weapons / pumping languages.
Clearing the valley of mines in chapter 2 is not necessary at all, so it makes sense after clearing Khorinis/Yarkendar in chapter 2 to quickly jump to chapter 3. If there are LP left, you can also upgrade permanent potions of life, mana and stamina. Do not forget to take gifts in time and collect herbs / permanent potions. If you are a student of Harad, it is worth increasing the ore production to 85%.

Chapter 3

Here again a fork. If we focus on magic, then we take the 3rd circle and one corresponding combat spell ( excluding guru).
If a warrior / dodger, then we pump melee weapons above 60% (two-handed - up to 78%, one-handed - up to 72%).
Next, we clean up the Valley of Mines, and with such pumping, there should not be any particular problems. For warriors, it would be worth going to the Flooded Tower or Mountain Fort, get the Claymore of Malbar (220 strength, 250 damage), or a dark vow (210 strength, 240 damage), or a silver Nordmar blade in the Mountain Fort for one-handed.
For tricksters - do quests for the guild of thieves and craft a top sword (if you pumped swords, not spears).
Mages do not need anything, 3 circles of magic is enough to clear the valley.
It is worth thinking about pumping long-range weapons if you pumped strength. You can raise the crossbow up to 30-40% for easy cleaning. You should not touch the bow, magic guilds do not teach breaking through. You can also learn the runes for the destruction of undead, warg and medium healing - at your discretion, look as needed.
On clearing the valley, approximately level 50 is gained, and on the received LP, magicians learn weapons to the maximum value, warriors / dodgers learn magic up to 3 circles (immediately from 1 circle) and learn one spell 2-3 circles for greater comfort of long-range combat. 20 lvl also goes towards leveling Lang's tongue on the Guardians quest. It is also worth leaving 100-110 LP for chapter 4 (or even more).
It is also worth thinking about the passage of Masyaf's lair - there you can find good buns for any class.


About theft is worth noting separately. If you've leveled up your agility and are playing as a dodger/mage hybrid in any ratio, it's a good idea to start stealing from chapter 1 onwards. On this, by chapter 3-4 you will get a decent amount of experience. If you intend to steal without dexterity, this is also possible, but in my opinion, this is unnecessary hemorrhoids, and you can postpone it until chapter 3-4, when you gain 100-150+ dexterity bonuses and can safely start stealing. After 100 thefts and the AST achievement, theft will be available without sneaking.
In general, stealing is not mandatory for playing a hybrid of a strongman and a magician, and you can score on it with a pure soul. As well as the Thieves Guild, by the way, but this is up to you.

Chapter 4

Climax. If you focused on magic, then we immediately learn the 4th circle and one corresponding spell. Jewelcrafting can be learned later.
Otherwise, we immediately teach the jeweler, putting the 4th circle into the background.
Taking into account the theft and a complete clear, chapter 4 can be finished at level 75-80, but I will take 70.
For the gained 300 hp, we learn jeweler (110), 4th circle of magic (60), as well as one rune of 4th circle, if we are a magician, or no runes if we focused on a warrior / dodger or pumped everything equally.
Also at this time, you need to pump up protection against heat, cold and poison (poison is not required now, but in the future it will be necessary - the swamp camp will become poisonous).
Scrolls of fire rain would be useful - a good help in many difficult places.
It's time to go to the Valley of Shadows and beat the face of the villains there, clean up the Plateau, the Valley of Mines and other similar locations.
First of all, I recommend going to the Valley, then to the Temple of the Sleeper to get Urizel and a rune from it - a good help in the future. Those who pumped strength can upgrade the crossbow to 100% - provided, of course, that you have already crafted a top crossbow and gained 450 strength. Well, in the Valley of Shadows it can come in handy.
If you chose the maximum magic, pumped strength and didn’t gain that much, you can not pump the crossbow at all.
By the end of Chapter 4, you will most likely have all the necessary weapons pumped to the maximum, and from the military skills only the now useless weapons of the orcs, as well as dual blades, remain. Twin blades - up to your taste, this is an optional skill. And later, in chapters 5-7, it remains to download only the necessary magic (5-6 circles and corresponding runes).
If the emphasis is on magic - throw further free LP into runes that have not yet been learned for the sake of magical power, if on strength / dexterity - throw everything into the profile stat.

What else to read