For the sake of his young wife, Maryanov began a new life: the story of the actor’s last love. - Who needs it, for the actor to die?

October 16, 2017

For the last eight years, the artist has been happy with his wife and daughter

Dmitry Maryanov with his wife Ksenia and daughter Anfisa. Photo: Facebook

Maryanov had no end to his fans, but he married only once - at the age of 45. In September 2015, actor Dmitry Maryanov married psychologist Ksenia Bik, who is 17 years younger than him. The couple’s daughter, 6-year-old Anfisa, was also at the wedding. Before his marriage, the actor hid his relationship and the birth of his child.
The couple's love story began in Kharkov, where Dmitry Maryanov was on tour. Family friends couldn’t go to the Ladies’ night performance, so they gave the tickets to Ksenia’s mother. And so the girl and her mother were sitting in one of the first rows at the Kharkov Opera and Ballet Theater. Mom noticed that throughout the performance Maryanov periodically glanced at Ksenia, and while bowing, he threw her a rose and shouted to her to come to Kutsenko’s concert, which was to take place in the evening in one of the clubs. Bik said that suddenly some of their friends couldn’t go to the concert: they gave her tickets, and she went there with a friend. At the club, of course, I met Maryanov and started talking. He asked for a phone number and began calling several times a day. Soon Bik flew to visit the star in Moscow. The young woman was amazed by the actor’s bachelor pad: she spent half a day cleaning the apartment, putting things in order, and then Dmitry showed her Moscow. After this, the psychologist from Kharkov began four years of moving and living out of suitcases between Kharkov and Moscow.

Ksenia Bik with her husband Dmitry Maryanov. Photo: Facebook

Ksenia behaved wisely: she did not impose herself on Maryanov, did not ask when he would take her as his wife. She didn’t even transport her things, but took them with her: she was afraid of reproaches that the provincial girl decided to get a job at the expense of a celebrity in Moscow. “People from the periphery are often suspected of this: I heard whispers from Dima’s entourage,” Ksenia Bik said in an interview.
When Bik gave birth to her daughter Anfisa, she was still living in Kharkov. Since at that moment she was defending her dissertation in psychology (the woman received a scientific degree), she had a successful practice - Bik worked as a psychologist. By the way, having moved to Moscow, it took her a lot of work to acquire a client base; competition in the capital is high.

Gradually, Maryanov realized that he could not live without his daughter and Ksenia, renovated the apartment, and moved his beloved girls to live with him. Many of the actor’s famous friends attended the couple’s wedding: Lyubov Tolkalina gave the bride a dress, Mikhail Politseymako was the toastmaster, and Nonna Grishaeva’s husband, Alexander Nesterov, came up with a sketch for the newlyweds wedding rings with emeralds.
Bik said in an interview that they lived amicably, rarely quarreled, she was a caring wife who collected and packed lunch or dinner for her husband every day for work. They rarely quarreled, Ksenia recalled how Maryanov knew how to make peace: “We’ll quarrel, then we’ll run away to our rooms, then an hour later he throws out a white flag: panties on a Chinese rice stick...”
Maryanov was a fisherman, a hunter, and rode a motorcycle - his wife said that his whole body was covered in scars, as he often fell off his “bike.”
Despite big difference at an age, Dmitry could surprise his wife: once, when it was frosty outside, he stripped down to his underpants in the entrance, took flowers in his teeth and rang the doorbell in this manner to make his wife laugh. Maryanov trusted his wife and gave her his entire salary; Ksenia jokingly called herself “the family accountant.”

Ksenia Bik with her daughter Anfisa Maryanova. Photo: Facebook

Dmitry Maryanov said that Ksenia changed his life, he became a monogamist: “Ksenia helps me in many ways. The profession of a psychologist is closely related to the acting profession. There are such concepts: “psychological gesture”, “motivation of actions”, “analysis of scenes”... At the beginning of our relationship, out of habit, I tried to look to the left. Then he began to stop himself: “What? Are you stepping on the same rake again?” Now I reassure Ksenia, reminding her: “I have no desire to cheat on you and thereby ruin our relationship.”
When asked what Dmitry Maryanov would change about himself if he could rewind time, he answered: “I would probably quit smoking. I am more than happy with what is happening to me now. I am grateful to those women who loved me, to those people whom I met. I don’t regret anything, it’s good that it all happened.”
His wife had a positive influence on Maryanov: he started playing sports, lost weight, had a lot of plans... But, according to some friends, the actor loved to drink and most recently he was treated in a clinic for alcohol addiction. The actor died at the age of 47; the preliminary cause of death is said to be a detached blood clot.

If it was initially reported that the man became ill while relaxing with friends at the dacha, then it later turned out that he was taken to the medical facility from a private clinic - the artist was treating an old spinal injury there, his agent said.

A few months ago, Dmitry’s leg hurt due to a blood clot, he was given a filter, he was taking blood thinning medications, said the actor’s brother, Mikhail Maryanov.

Shortly before the tragedy, Dmitry complained of back pain, and his relatives decided to take him to a clinic for treatment. “The service staff, as I understand it, called an ambulance. Seeing that he couldn’t wait, he decided to go himself because a blood clot had broken off. The pathologist said it was a matter of time. Everything went on for seconds, for minutes,” shared Mikhail.

Some, however, question this version. Thus, figure skater Irina Lobacheva, Dmitry’s former common-law wife, suspects that her ex-lover did not die a natural death. “Dima died for a reason! He never had thrombophlebitis. He checked his health, monitored him…” she stated.

“Something wasn’t going well with his young wife.”

Dmitry Maryanov, charming and youth famous, enjoyed success with women. His first companion was actress Tatyana Skorokhodova. They were both students at the Shchukin Theater School and lived together in a dormitory for three years.

Then Maryanov had a relationship with fashion model Olga Anosova. In 1996, their son was born. The civil marriage broke up on Olga’s initiative: she, as they say, kicked her husband out due to inattention to the family and alcohol abuse.

Dmitry lived for another five years with actress Evgenia Khirivskaya-Brik (she later married director Valery Todorovsky).

The artist’s next common-law wife was world and European champion, Olympic medalist Irina Lobacheva. “We met in 2009 on the show “ glacial period“says the athlete.

— I was divorcing Ilya Averbukh then. And Dima broke up with his girlfriend. We worked together, and off we go. Of course, he is a gorgeous man! Impressive, strong-willed. It was impossible to resist him.”

The couple separated in 2011. Irina then married another man. And Maryanov’s chosen one was Kharkov resident Ksenia Bik, who was 17 years younger than him and who gave birth to a daughter, Anfisa, from the actor. In 2015 they got married.

According to Lobacheva, it was because of Ksenia that she and Dmitry separated: “Goshi Kutsenko had a concert, and Dima came to it with Ksenia. And everything was already clear. We parted without scandals."

“Even though Dima and I broke up, we talked and corresponded until the very end,” the figure skater says. “He came to visit me four months ago. It seems that something was not going well with his young wife. He showed me a photo of his daughter.”

“He came to me, wrote to me... Since he remembered me, it means that everything was not so good between him and that young woman,” she states.

“Well, he would have died in 30 years, not earlier!”

According to his former common-law wife, the actor “was absolutely healthy.” “He couldn’t die on his own, he got help, I’m sure of it! The easiest way to attribute it to a detached blood clot. Well, yes, he drank, it was such a sin. Well, he would have died in 30 years, not earlier! I am sure that there is a crime in his death,” Irina shared her guesses.

Answering a journalist’s question about who needed Maryanov’s death, Lobacheva did not hide the fact that she suspected his wife: “To the one who receives the inheritance. Him big flat in the Polezhaevskaya area, in the center of Moscow. "Wonderful cottage."

Irina has a hostile attitude toward Ksenia Bik: “Dima has been loving man, changed girlfriends. He could not live with one woman for a long time, he found another. And with last wife Not everything went well for him. If he left her, she would be left with nothing. Ksenia grabbed him, seeing that he was rich. She did everything with a long-range view. She turned out to be the only one who managed to drag him into the registry office. That was the plan."

“Dima’s dad is old, so he’s not a hindrance to this girl. I would advise the father to fight for the inheritance so that the widow does not get anything. I don't believe she had anything to do with it. It is necessary to conduct a serious investigation into the circumstances of Dima’s death,” Lobacheva added.

Maryanov’s women “were all good, except the last one,” Irina is sure. She suspects that Ksenia Bik might not have given birth to a child from the artist: “I would now advise Dima’s father to check: is she his own? Conduct DNA analysis. I have doubts about this."

“Dima’s friends need to unite and conduct their own investigation,” continues Irina Lobacheva. “And the role of Dima’s young wife in his death, I believe, is not the last...”

“Then he was simply saved by a miracle - he was given help on time”

But actress Lyubov Tolkalina, who was friends with Maryanov and played with him in theater and cinema, does not believe in the criminal nature of her colleague’s death:

“This is stupidity... He was healthy, but last summer he was diagnosed with a blood clot. Then he was simply saved by a miracle - he was given help on time. His wife Ksenia was nearby and quickly reacted. We were very scared for him then. It was like the first bell.”

“After that incident, Dima began taking medicine that thins the blood. We, friends, tried to convince him that he needed to take care of himself. But artists - they don’t listen to anyone at all! I can assume that this time everything was much faster, and there were no loved ones nearby, and it all ended like this...”

“Dima was physically very strong, healthy, athletic. He is both a stuntman and a very seriously physically trained person. I went under the ice of Lake Baikal several times. And then suddenly... Apparently, with age, some changes began to occur in the body.”

“There is nothing to reproach his wife for,” defended the wife of actor Tolkalin. “She always took care of him.” They were not just gentle, but absolutely ideal relationship. You can count couples like them on your fingers. Ksenia was a guardian angel for him... He simply needed her like a child.”

About the figure skater Irina Lobacheva herself

Figure skater Irina Lobacheva stopped hiding her relationship with 29-year-old colleague Ivan Tretyakov. At the age of 45, the athlete found happiness. Only now she admitted that she married Tretyakov last year.

According to the skater, the age difference does not bother them; now she dreams of giving her chosen one a child. And it was Ivan who insisted on going to the registry office.

Yes, Vanya and I officially registered our marriage. Moreover, on August 4th. And before that we lived together for a year. It was Ivan who insisted that we go to the registry office. It was a very correct gesture on his part, which I, of course, appreciated. I wanted to show that he a real man and thus takes responsibility for his woman, that is, for me,” the woman said.

The couple did not arrange a magnificent celebration, although Lobacheva threw a bouquet. Now Tretyakov wants a wedding. But Lobacheva’s 14-year-old son Martin opposed the wedding.

He was jealous of Vanya and said: “Mom, I didn’t allow you to get married!” He is very worried that I divorced his dad. But now I was still able to make friends with my new husband, and with new girl Ilya too. Martin and my Vanya have a small age difference - 15 years. The son now lives with his father,” the athlete shared

Let us remember that Martina Lobacheva gave birth in marriage to Ilya Averbukh. In 2007, the couple divorced. Dmitry Maryanov became one of the figure skater’s lovers, so she took his death hard.

Figure skater Irina Lobacheva in talk show air“Let them talk” made a number of loud statements about the death of Dmitry Maryanov. The athlete blamed the actor’s widow for a lot of things.

Lobacheva was Maryanov’s common-law wife for four years. The figure skater and the actor planned to get married, but it didn’t work out. The celebrities broke up, but continued to communicate as friends.
In the “Let Them Talk” program Irina decided to reveal secrets ex-lover. So, Lobacheva is sure that the daughter who was raised by Maryanov is not his own. “I know this is not his child. I saw a video of this girl's real father. Dmitry was a very trusting person, he could be fooled,” said Irina.

In addition, the skater believes that Ksenia Bik could have contributed to the death of her husband. Lobacheva accused Maryanov’s widow of self-interest. “A girl from Ukraine will do everything to get an apartment in the capital. Dima and I talked once every few months, I know a lot that I don’t say. If she was loving wife, she had to monitor his health, help him, protect him,” the athlete quotes.

Lobacheva is sure that not everything was all right between the spouses. The marriage was on the verge of collapse. “I know that he was going to divorce Ksenia,” Irina noted.

Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15, 2017. According to official version, the 47-year-old actor died due to massive blood loss caused by a ruptured femoral vein.

Widow of a famous and beloved Russian actor Dmitry Maryanova blames himself for the sudden death of his husband.

Heartbroken, Ksenia Bik is sure that she could have saved her husband if she had trusted her intuition. Told about this close girlfriend Dmitry Maryanov Lyubov Tolkalina.

According to her, during his stay in the clinic, the theater and film actor did not stop communicating with his wife. As it became known, three days before his death, Dmitry Maryanov complained to Ksenia Bik about feeling unwell.

In this regard, the psychiatrist was ready to take her husband from the medical institution, Rosregistr reports. On the tragic day, the clinic staff assured Ksenia that her husband’s condition was stable. However, Ksenia Bik still had a bad feeling about her husband’s health.

“She is very worried about this now. Because she didn’t listen to her intuition, but listened to what she was told “everything is fine.” They told her that she could relax, that they had equipment…” Lyubov Tolkalina shared information on the air of the “The Stars Aligned” program.

In addition, Ksenia Bik commented on a recent interview with her ex common-law wife actor and figure skater Irina Lobacheva.

“Irina is a poor and unhappy woman - she buried two husbands. I don’t hold a grudge against her for these statements; on the contrary, I feel sorry for her. I'm still in my right mind not to react to this. God be with her,” said Ksenia.

Note that the famous athlete believes that Maryanov could not die “on his own.”

“They helped him, I’m sure of it!” – she said in an interview with KP.

The figure skater is convinced that Ksenia Bik staged the artist’s death in order to get her inheritance.

“Not everything went well with his last wife. If he left her, she would be left with nothing. Ksenia grabbed him, seeing that he was rich. She did everything with a long-range view. She turned out to be the only one who managed to drag him into the registry office. This was the plan,” Lobacheva said.

Let us remind you that the Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence due to improper performance of one’s professional duties.”

Department officials suspect the staff of the Phoenix rehabilitation clinic, where Maryanov was in the last hours of his life, of improper performance of their duties.

Ksenia Bik, Maryanov’s wife: Ksenia spoke about the inheritance of her late husband

The actor promised to bequeath to his wife everything he earned.

The widow of Dmitry Maryanov, psychotherapist Ksenia Bik, is having a hard time with the death of her husband. According to her, their relationship in marriage was unique, and all their friends tried to follow their example. The wife protected the artist from problems as best she could, so she has nothing to blame herself for or make excuses for. This is especially true for the issue of inheritance.

According to Bik, after Dmitry’s death she was told that a criminal case could be opened against her. Allegedly, the wife was interested in the death of the actor. However, Bik replied that her husband did not have time to leave her anything.

“Dima talked about this (inheritance) for a very long time, but never did anything. He said that everything he earned should go to us (Ksenia and daughter Anfisa). But he didn’t do anything, so there are no claims,” Ksenia Bik said in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

It is worth recalling that Maryanov left behind a three-room apartment on Khoroshevskoye Shosse in Moscow, which, according to realtors, costs about 45 million rubles, as well as a country mansion in the Moscow region on Novorizhskoye Shosse. His approximate price— 90 million rubles.

After Maryanov’s sudden death, Ksenia is supported by all the actors with whom her husband was friends. Ksenia admitted that she felt like she herself was “cut in half and one part was buried.”

She confirmed the information that investigators are checking the private clinic where Maryanov was treated and died. It is important for her that everyone responsible for her husband’s death is found. A medical expert told KP on condition of anonymity that the investigation could initiate a criminal case against the clinic’s specialists for negligence, which led to serious consequences.

“There are many questions about how they treated people for alcoholism in this private shop. They say they guaranteed anonymity, so they brought people there who wanted no one to know about their illness,” he said.

The narcologist, who twice saw Maryanov for consultation, a week before his death, the artist was completely healthy, there were no serious reasons for concern. The actor was just “slightly hungover.” According to him, Maryanov’s wife confirmed that her husband had been drinking for the last four days.

The actor's former common-law wife said that the actor died not by accident

Figure skater Irina Lobacheva, with whom actor Dmitry Maryanov, who died suddenly, lived for several years civil marriage, made a loud statement. The athlete is sure that death famous artist was not accidental. She believes that Maryanova brought to coffin board his current wife is a psychologist from Kharkov, Ksenia Bik.

“Dima died for a reason! He never had thrombophlebitis. He checked his health, monitored it...” claims Lobacheva. The figure skater admitted that even after the breakup she maintained good friendly relations with the actor, and in Lately they often communicated and corresponded. “He came to visit me four months ago. It seems that something was not going well with his young wife. He showed me a photo of his daughter. I was absolutely healthy. He couldn’t die on his own, he got help, I’m sure of it!” – the athlete added.

Lobacheva does not deny that the artist drank heavily on alcohol, but does not see anything criminal in this. “Well, yes, he drank, it was such a sin. Well, he would have died in 30 years, not earlier!” – the figure skater believes. According to her version, Ksenia Bik deliberately attributed her husband’s death to a broken blood clot, because this is a “very convenient” diagnosis. “However, we need to get to the bottom of the truth,” Irina urges.

(Photo: Dmitry Maryanov’s Facebook page)

The athlete also named the reason why the Kharkov resident could want Maryanov’s death. Lobacheva is sure that it’s all about inheritance. “He has a large apartment in the Polezhaevskaya area, in the center of Moscow. “It’s a wonderful dacha,” explained the actor’s ex-lover. She does not believe that the union of Ksenia and Dmitry would last long. According to her, the artist’s wife also understood this, which is why she wanted to take over all his property.

“If he had left her, she would have been left with nothing. Ksenia grabbed him, seeing that he was rich. She did everything with a long-range view. She turned out to be the only one who managed to drag him to the registry office (the actor first got married at 45 years old, the bride was 29 then - website). This was the plan,” the website quotes the athlete.

It is known that his widow Ksenia Bik is currently claiming Maryanov’s inheritance; common daughter Anfisa and son from former fashion model Olga Anosova Daniil. However, Lobacheva advises the actor’s father to fight for his son’s property and not give it all to the widow. Moreover, the skater believes that at the same time it is necessary to conduct a DNA test to establish whether Ksenia’s daughter, whom she gave birth to eight years ago, is really Maryanov’s own.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Maryanov died at the age of 47 on the way to the hospital. An autopsy showed that the artist suffered a blood clot, which led to cardiac arrest. The doctors did not have time to help the actor. It is still unknown exactly where Maryanov was when he became ill. Some argue that the artist at that moment was undergoing rehabilitation in a drug treatment facility, where he was sent to fight alcohol addiction. Perhaps Dmitry is there, which has shaken his health.

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