Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams big apartment. Why dream of a new apartment? Dream Interpretation: new apartment, moving in a dream

Seeing yourself in someone else's apartment- portends a girl a quick marriage; for a woman - the appearance of a lover or a date with him; man- a love affair.

If you dream that you are moving to a new apartment- favorable changes await you soon.

Seeing a lot of things when moving or a new apartment with a lot of things- predicts that luck will suddenly fall on you.

Buy a luxury apartment in a dream- warns that your dreams are not destined to come true due to the fact that you ignore the little things and do not calculate your actions taking into account these little things. A woman has such a dream- speaks of her too great demands on her husband.

If you dream that you live in a cramped, dark and old apartment- Your plans will not be realized. Girl this dream- speaks of the unreliability of the proposal received by her.

If you dreamed that you were furnishing an apartment- expect disagreements in the family.

If you dream that you were kicked out of the apartment or taken away from you- A successful acquisition awaits you. If a woman sees such a dream- she is waiting for a gift that she has long dreamed of.

Flat- this is the physical body, the subtle bodies are located in the physical body.

House, apartment- always indicate that the matter is happening in your subtle body (in energy, aura).

Always remember which floor- a floor is a level, an apartment is your energy body.

Run through the rooms- move by consciousness through the physical body (for example, through energy channels).

Let something into the apartment- means to let something foreign into your energy field. Or something is trying to do it in ordinary life. This is bad- if you don't like it, if creatures in dark clothes cause you dislike in a dream. Do not let in!

Eastern female dream book

See yourself in an unfamiliar apartment- to significant changes in life. For good or bad, it depends on how the apartment you see looks like.

The apartment is bright and spacious- Luck will surely smile at you.

If the apartment makes you feel gloomy- Don't count on success.

The dream in which you intended to rent an apartment- testifies: a load of problems that you cannot solve on your own is pressing on you.

To dream about your apartment, but in some unusual form(under strange lighting, with different furniture, etc.)- a sign that your attempts to change your life have every chance of success.

Have you watched someone renovate your apartment?- soon one of your loved ones will spend a lot of time and effort to improve your life.

In a dream, you watched someone renovate someone's apartment.- you have to spend a lot of time and effort to improve the life of one of your friends.

Sell ​​an apartment- to receive a very large amount of money.

Apartment purchase- to a successful investment of money.

Dream Interpretation Veles

A strange cat walks through your apartment and turns into a human- you have a very serious opponent who can bring big trouble.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The apartment is too luxurious- poverty; repair- relocation; get- marriage, marriage.

Take off or donate- love affair.

Move to a new- change of plans, a new period of life.

Modern universal dream book

Flat- bilateral symbol: symbol cohabitation and at the same time private property. Thus, it symbolizes the desire for communication and joint activities, which by no means excludes your independence.

If in real life you live in a house, and in a dream you see an apartment is a sign that you want to "lower the bar". Perhaps you are looking to simplify your life.

In a dream, did you dream of an apartment on a high or low floor? If in a dream you have an apartment on a high floor- it means that you strive for high ideals or you have high thoughts, views, desires; if in a dream you have an apartment on a low floor, it means that you prefer to feel solid ground under your feet.

Esoteric dream book

Flat- living space. New new horizons in life.

Seeing your apartment in a dream portends cash receipts.

Changing your apartment to another means cheating in love.

Someone else's apartment says that the person with whom you are in intimate relationships, cheats or intends to cheat on you with your closest girlfriend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this portends a wedding.

Not having an apartment - you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a surprise and pleasant surprise.

Taking a tenant to an apartment is a sign that you will be initiated into the Don Juan list of your fan.

If the tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you off, you will be in trouble with men on the basis of financial settlements.

To find yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom - to the jealousy of a husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream portends that your desire to live better is realized.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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What does sleep mean Apartment

Indicates the closest to the "I" space of existence, the dominant stereotype of the subject. Means a set of behaviors that characterize the lifestyle of the subject. In addition to the usual psychoanalytic meanings of the individual components of the house - the roof, ground floor, middle floors, basement, etc. - it is important to learn about the external and internal condition of the house, its decoration and architecture. It is even more important to find out in what place (bedroom, dining room, kitchen, etc.) the action of the dream unfolds. If a bathroom (toilet) is seen, then this indicates empty eroticism, obsessive masturbation, something that has an aggressive dynamic, for example, a negative psychology, expressed in aggression, characteristic of the anal stage of development. The image of the kitchen is less negative if the subject does not see knives there or the process of carving meat (an indicator of active negativity in the stage of external pathology). Positive images of the bedroom and dining room. Apart from general meaning the house sometimes symbolizes various aspects of the subject's own organism.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

See in a dream Apartment

Apartment - living space. New - new horizons in life.

To furnish again - to master new possibilities for applying one's strength.

Repair the old - find new forms for activities on old territory, which will be associated with the re-issuance of documents.

The larger the apartment, the more spacious - the wider the living space, the cramped and cluttered - the narrower.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do dreams mean Apartment

To have her in a dream in good condition and with a decent environment means that your business will go well.

Finding a new apartment or changing in a dream is a sign of a change in occupation;

To rent an apartment in a dream means the beginning of a new business;

To give a "corner" to someone in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business;

Paying rent in a dream is a sign of retribution for something. Sometimes such a dream means separation from a loved one and deep emotional experiences.

Accepting rent in a dream is a sign that the past will remind you of itself. Sometimes such a dream means that you will have to do something that you left a long time ago.

It is possible that after such a dream you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time and who repents of his mistakes.

See interpretation: tenant, house, dwelling.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream about apartment

Too luxurious poverty; relocation repair; get married, get married. Shoot or rent a love affair. Move to a new change of plans, a new period of life; death. See add. Room in the river Spaces.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

What does it mean in a dream Apartment

Whoever sees in a dream that he bought an apartment or that it was presented to him, he will go on a long journey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Meaning of dreams Apartment

Significant changes will take place in your life. For better or for worse - depends on how the apartment looks.

Imagine that the apartment has been renovated (see Renovation).

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What does the apartment mean in a dream

If in a dream you saw yourself in an unfamiliar apartment, then soon significant changes will take place in your life.

If it is bright and spacious, then luck will certainly smile at you.

If it causes gloomy sensations - do not count on success.

If you dreamed that you were renting an apartment, then in reality you will face problems that you can solve on your own.

Seeing in a dream your apartment in some unusual or distorted form, know that your attempts to change your life will sooner or later be crowned with success.

If in a dream you can’t leave the apartment in any way, in reality the trip you have planned will be overshadowed or upset by unpleasant news.

Interpretation of dreams from

dreaming big flat indicates favorable changes in life. This symbol appears in a dream on the eve of grandiose prospects that are ready to open before the dreamer. But for a thorough understanding of what a luxurious living space is dreaming of, dream books are advised to take into account all the details.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller claims that a large apartment, dreamed of in a dream, portends changes soon. Why dream about how you wander through unknown rooms? This means that the changes will be positive.

Did you dream that you were renting out your own spacious living space, but it was uninhabited? The dream interpretation sees in such a plot a hint that you have many unsolvable problems.

Dreaming of his own apartment, but with someone else's furniture, is good news.

financial well-being

A new large apartment, where there is a lot of air and light, in a dream is a sign that nothing threatens your financial well-being.

According to Longo's dream book, buying a spacious apartment with several rooms portends a profit and an increase in your income.

Making repairs in a large apartment in a dream means that all your actions are correct, you must continue to move in the same direction.

Changes in fate

Loff's dream book promises a new relationship, explaining why one dreams of acquiring a large new living space.

If in a dream you purchased a luxurious apartment or a mansion that was previously owned by a person you like, then in reality a romantic relationship with the hero of your dreams will develop.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov prophesies a break in relations with someone dear to the heart of people, if in a dream you had to see how a recently purchased bright apartment was flooded. The same interpretation is given if a large apartment was rented out.

Don't get into conflict

Sometimes in a dream you can see an empty spacious apartment flooded with water. Dream Interpretations advise taking into account the state of this water in order to understand exactly what this picture is dreaming of.

If the water was clear, then it positive sign: in life you have someone to rely on. If the liquid was cloudy and dirty, then a conflict with relatives is possible. Dream Interpretations explain that it is better to refrain from quarrels with loved ones, otherwise a break in relations is not excluded.

When in a dream you have to repair someone else's apartments, this indicates an attempt to shift your own responsibilities to someone else. And this person is not enthusiastic about your initiative.

A little bit of sadness

The spacious apartment looked great in my dream, but was it empty? By Eastern dream book This is the personification of longing for the past.

If you dreamed that you bought a huge apartment, but you didn’t manage to live there - to loneliness for a while.

What's next on the labor front?

Why dream parental home? Miss Hasse claims that this is a change at work or in her own business.

In the light that appeared in a dream huge apartment were there many windows? This is a sign that in the near future you will have the prospect of taking a good position or establishing new relationships with partners.

Did the apartment seem dark and gloomy? Dream connoisseurs, explaining why this is a dream, believe that problems are expected in the labor field (numerous conflicts with employees, dissatisfaction with superiors, disruption of deals and betrayal of partners). The best way out at this moment is to take a vacation.

Other interpretations

Man, in present time, can not do without housing. Unfortunately, now buying your own apartment is an almost impossible task if you do not take loans from a bank or from your friends. Therefore, thoughts about how wonderful it would be to have your own apartment can often visit. If you live with your parents, then every young couple dreams of escaping from them. A woman wants to be the only mistress in the house, and a man wants to have the opportunity to fully relax after work, without unnecessary reproaches and instructions from his father or father-in-law. A dream where you get a new apartment or not only spreads its wings, but also gives hope. Dreams do not always have a direct meaning, so find out why you dream new flat, the dream book will help. After all, it is he who acts as a reliable source of the requested information.

Why is the apartment dreaming? To answer the question, you need to remember the details of the dream, the type of home, and, of course, carefully analyze the emotions experienced during sleep, and what you felt immediately after waking up.

According to the dream book, an apartment is a sign of good news or change. But not everything is so simple. There are many other interpretations that indicate what will happen in the near future.

Seeing an apartment in a dream

A new home, in any case, portends important changes in everyday life. You can find out more precisely what the dream portends if you remember the details of the dream. So, dark housing, despite the fact that it is new, speaks of the difficult implementation of the plan. Especially for a young person, this is a sign of future dangers and losses.

The new apartment that you move into in a dream promises troubles in reality, but they will attract new opportunities. Therefore, you should not be upset ahead of time. Also, such a dream for changes in the usual rhythm of life. New acquaintances, pleasant meetings await you, new position and perhaps you will change your life principles.

According to Miller's dream book, an apartment that causes anxiety promises trouble and unfavorable times. And if the housing was bright and spacious, then luck is on your side, and will not leave you. long time.
If the housing has already been furnished, then your undertakings will bring success and respect from colleagues. Arranging furniture on your own - to disagreements in the family circle.

People dream of a coveted apartment so much that they often dream of it already. If you have been planning or dreaming of buying an apartment for a long time, then it is quite understandable why you are dreaming of an apartment. If you, as if you didn’t dream, and didn’t think about anything like that, and suddenly you dreamed about an apartment, then of course you would like to solve such a wonderful dream.

And is he so beautiful? Let's figure it out. As in any dream, in dreams about apartments, details are important in many ways. What apartment did you dream about - new, old, bright, spacious, empty, furnished, etc. - in the details lies the key to sleep.

Why dream of a new apartment

If you dreamed of a new apartment, it is always a change in life, but for the better or for the worse, you need to figure it out. If in a dream you saw a bright spacious apartment, woke up with good mood and a feeling of joy, then in reality you will find the same joyful changes.

The same can be said about what is the dream of the apartment if you see your own apartment in a dream, but updated, in some other light, perspective, perception, for example with new furniture - all this suggests that you want some changes in your life and these changes are for the better will surely come true, that is, you have every chance of success.

If you dreamed of moving to a new apartment, then favorable changes await you, some kind of unexpected luck. A new apartment in beautiful expensive decoration - to wealth. But if you dreamed that you were arranging new furniture, such a dream indicates impending disagreements in the family.

If a young girl sees herself in a dream in a new apartment, then such a dream for an early marriage. At the same time, just seeing a new apartment in a dream without entering it portends the loss of personal relationships.

The dream interpretation explains what is the dream of a new apartment for a woman - for a quick date with her lover, for a man - for the beginning of a love affair. Seeing a two-room apartment means intrigue with two fans or admirers.

At the same time, if you woke up in a gloomy mood, you dreamed that you couldn’t leave the apartment in any way, then such a dream portends unpleasant news.

If you dreamed of a new, but cramped apartment, then your plans will not come true soon.

Why dream of someone else's apartment

The apartment is the personification of the physical body. In the physical body, as you know, there are subtle bodies. When you analyze what the apartment is dreaming of, you should understand that such a dream indicates the state of your subtle body, what is its energy, aura. The floor is also important - if a dream drew your attention to the number of storeys, then you should remember this, because the number of storeys is a reflection of your level, degree of happiness, joy or grief.

Understanding all these subtleties, you will be able to unravel, why dream of someone else's apartment. If, for example, you dreamed that you were letting someone else into the apartment, then it all depends on your feelings in a dream. If you felt joy in a dream, then this means that you will let a new positive acquaintance into your life, and vice versa, if the dream upset you, you woke up bitterly, you were scared or unpleasant in a dream, this means that you and in life, you should not bring close to the heart of some strangers.

In general, an unfamiliar someone else's apartment is a warning about some kind of trouble. If, suppose you dreamed that you were doing repairs in some strange apartment, then this indicates that in real life you will have to shoulder the burden of other people's problems.

Also, someone else's apartment in a dream may be evidence of the upcoming betrayal of your partner.

Why dream of buying an apartment

It would seem that buying an apartment should portend something pleasant and long-awaited. However, this is not always and not entirely true. After all, buying an apartment in life is a very troublesome and financially costly business. Similarly, the dream book unravels why dream of buying an apartment- Serious financial problems await you, or losses, or costs, possibly large debts. At the same time, if in a dream you bought a bright, spacious apartment, then you will be able to overcome all the difficulties in real life. If you dreamed of buying a gloomy, small, dirty apartment, then the problems will be protracted.

At the same time, selling an apartment is more likely auspicious sign than what dreams of buying an apartment. After all, the sale of an apartment is a profit and a kind of renewal. Therefore, selling an apartment in a dream means good luck in financial affairs and also at work. At the same time, buying an apartment in a dream can mean financial difficulties associated with the loss of a job.

Why dream old apartment

The dream book explains what the old apartment is dreaming of - seeing yourself in an old cramped apartment only means that your plans are not destined to come true. If a woman sees herself in an old apartment, this means that even if she interesting offer by marriage, she should not flatter herself, such a marriage will not lead to anything good. For a man to see himself in an old apartment is a fleeting, meaningless hobby.

However, the old apartment in which you, let's say, spent your childhood or lived for a long time, with which you have a lot connected, can mean something completely different. An old apartment can be associated with memories of childhood, parental home, and here it matters whether the owners of that house, that apartment that you are dreaming of, are currently alive. To understand what dreams former apartment parental home, you need to remember what feelings you felt in a dream and how you felt in real life when you lived in this apartment. If you have warm memories, such a dream suggests that you should change something in your life in the image of the house that you dream about. If the owner of the apartment or house that you are dreaming of has already died, then the dream indicates that you have protection in the world of the dead, that the deceased person supports and protects you. If some troubles are connected with the house that you dream about, then in reality you are in danger. Such a dream is a warning about possible problems or trouble.

What is the dream of the old apartment in which you once felt very good? The dream interpretation solves such a dream as an impetus for the fact that you need to make your today's house as cozy as the one in which you once lived, or change something in your life like the way you lived before.

Why dream of robbing an apartment

In life, robbing an apartment is more than an unpleasant moment. However, in an allegorical sense, an apartment is your personal life, your internal physical body, your aura, energy, your inner self. Thieves are associated as worshippers. Here is the clue to what the robbery of an apartment is dreaming of - to changes in personal life.

The apartment is also associated with personal space. When you dream of a new apartment, these are new horizons in your life. And if the apartment is spacious, it means ample living opportunities. A narrow, cluttered apartment means tightness of vital interests, difficulty in implementing plans. Therefore, if you dreamed that you were robbed, it means that your living space was freed, your opportunities expanded.

Robbery of an apartment in a dream is not at all like a robbery on the street or in transport.

Precisely due to the fact that the apartment is the personification of living space, it is very easy to figure out what a big apartment is dreaming of. A large apartment means a large living space, success in achieving plans.

Why dream of flooding an apartment

Dreams involving water are always harbingers of strong emotions. Water is purification. Everything that is washed away with water is cleansed. Seeing flooding in a dream is either the collapse of something, or the beginning of something new. However, in order to correctly unravel why the apartment is flooded in a dream, it is important to remember any details seen in a dream, as well as the feelings that accompanied the dream.

If in a dream you did not feel fear, confusion, anxiety, then such a dream positive change. On the contrary, if you were accompanied in a dream by a feeling of bitterness, a feeling of loss, then the dream portends trouble in life.

To dream about how your apartment was flooded - to changes in your personal life. If the apartment was flooded with icy water and in a dream, as if in reality, you felt icy cold from the water - this is an alarming change. If you dream that you flooded a neighbor's apartment, then this is evidence that you are trying to interfere in someone else's life.

Why dream of an empty apartment

Emptiness is always a disappointment. If you dream of a beautifully and richly furnished apartment, this is a success in business. At the same time, an empty apartment in a dream does not bode well in real life. Given that the apartment is a reflection of your inner state, then you can only figure out what an empty apartment is dreaming of as a reflection of your loneliness, and possibly spiritual devastation.

At the same time, details and sensations are important in any dream. If in a dream you saw an empty apartment and felt relieved at the same time, then such a dream means purification, renewal. Perhaps in the near future you will be able to shed the burden of problems, perhaps something new, some new changes await you. And if the dream coincides with the fact that in life you are currently considering some plans, then the dream says that they are destined to come true.

If in a dream you felt a painful mood, a feeling of loss at the sight of an empty apartment, then in real life you will also experience losses.

Why dream of stealing an apartment

A dream about the theft of an apartment should not be confused with a robbery in an apartment. When in a dream you see an empty apartment from which things are taken out, this can be associated with cleansing and renewal coming in your life.

Theft, as such, has a negative interpretation. Feeling robbed in a dream means loss and disappointment in life. It is also important what exactly was stolen from you in a dream, what significance for you is what was stolen from you. Let's try to figure out why dream of stealing an apartment?

The apartment is the personification of your inner peace. Theft of an apartment can mean a loss of vital interests, an inability to make a decision, confusion in front of something new, a lack of understanding of which way to go. The symbolism of what is stolen is of decisive importance in solving the dream.

Most likely, what dreams of stealing an apartment are lost hopes, major losses in real life, a series of unfulfilled desires, failures in personal life.

What else can an apartment dream of

As already mentioned, in order to most accurately figure out what the apartment is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details of the dream. For example, an untidy room symbolizes your mess in state of mind, internal discomfort. An unfinished apartment is a sign of unfinished business, unrealized opportunities, unfulfilled plans.

If the room is filled with people, it is important to understand how they are configured towards you. If they are friendly in a dream, this indicates that you are in agreement with yourself and the world around you. If in a dream you felt aggression from people in the apartment, then this means internal discord, lack of a sense of balance, conflicts in real life.

If you do not see an exit in the room, then such a room is a symbol of the mother's womb and your strongest dependence on your mother. To figure out what the apartment is dreaming of, try to remember what sensations you felt in a dream. You felt safe, or in a dream you were haunted by a feeling of hopelessness, heaviness. What did you feel in the room without an exit - a sense of security, calm, or, on the contrary, a feeling of anxiety and fear? The answers to these questions will help you interpret your dream. Confusion and fear may indicate a loss of authority, longing and hopelessness in life.

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