Mating jungars. How hamsters breed at home and how to breed them. Features of living together a pair of Djungarian hamsters

Breeding hamsters is a topic that concerns every owner of these nimble pets. Some people prefer to just love these funny animals, watch them, while others earn money by breeding hamsters at home. The information in this article will be useful for both the first and second categories of hamster owners. People who keep hamsters for themselves will learn how to properly maintain a pregnant hamster and what to do after childbirth, and people involved in breeding will thoroughly learn all the existing nuances. After all, someone has to take care of the breeding of hamsters so that they can be bought at a pet store.

Breeding hamsters at home is not an easy task. Many have heard that a hamster of any breed is very prolific. In reality, this is not entirely true, and often there is a huge variety of different kinds of nuances. Since most breeds of hamsters are single, they are strictly forbidden to be placed in one cage, otherwise conflicts that can end in death cannot be avoided. It is not enough just to buy hamsters of the opposite sex, they definitely need to purchase two dwellings.

This rule applies to all but hamster breeds. These small rodents live in a large group. Breeding this breed will require a large cage, each individual must have enough personal space. If there is not enough space, rodents will fight for it. For those who have not yet been breeding and want to try their hand, this breed of hamsters is best suited.

When breeding hamsters, it must be remembered that the female after childbirth is able to become pregnant again, after a short period of time. This should not be allowed. The body of a rodent with frequent births will quickly weaken, the female feels that there is not enough milk, and can destroy part of her offspring. The female will leave only those whom she will definitely feed. To prevent re-mating, the female is separated from the total mass of hamsters.

The reasons why a female can eat her offspring, we described in.

Breeding Djungarian hamsters, as well as rodents of other species, requires more effort. You will need to purchase not one or two cells, but several. The male and female live in separate cages, and the grown brood, which has reached the age of 1-2 months, must be moved out from the female. Young growth will soon also need separate housing.

Having set out to keep hamsters for breeding, it should be clearly understood that regardless of the species, hamsters can breed 3-4 times during the year. Physiologically, they can bring offspring to a rodent more often, but it is undesirable to allow this.

There is a clear rule that must not be violated - all hamsters, except for the Roborovsky breed, must have their own cages.

Neglect of this rule can lead to constant conflicts, and sometimes the loss of one of the pets.

Age restrictions should be adhered to, that is, a female can only be allowed for fertilization to a male when she reaches 4 months. At this age, the necessary weight of the female Syrian hamster for mating is reached. After all, if the female is too young, then she may not have time to develop a maternal instinct, as a result, she or the babies will be born too weak, and the body of a fragile mother is greatly depleted.

But we wrote about the gestational age of a hamster.

Mating Chinese hamsters is not very easy, as the female and male have been kept together since childhood. It will not work to settle an adult, these hamsters are too aggressive towards each other.

Hamster diet during pregnancy

Nutrition in breeding hamsters plays a key role. Breeding Syrian hamsters directly depends on the diet. If the female does not receive enough nutrients, then she will give birth to weakened offspring. Food for the female should contain all the necessary vitamins. Breeders feed pregnant females, cereals, and. During the pregnancy of the female, her nutrition should be taken seriously.

Conditions of detention

For breeding, it is very important in what conditions the rodent is kept, and it is worth worrying not only about room temperature and silence. It is necessary to pay attention to the filling of the cell. The bottom area of ​​the cage should be at least 50x30 cm. This will give the rodent space. The bottom of the cage should be lined with pressed sawdust, pellets or corn litter. The litter is covered with a thickness of at least 1 cm.

It is necessary to put a house in the cage, the hamster will hide in it. Rodents use houses not only as a bedroom, but also as a pantry. The birth of offspring often occurs in it too. You can notice where he plans to give birth to cubs by following the female. She will start preparing the nest even before birth. Help in the arrangement can, and the owner. To do this, it is enough to tear an ordinary white napkin into pieces, which are left in front of the entrance to the house. The pet will definitely use them for arrangement.
Water for a pregnant hamster should be fresh and in a portable drinker. The presence of water is vital for the female during pregnancy. Regularly check rodent supplies to make sure they do not consist of perishable foods.

A pregnant pet should be provided with activity, that is, purchase special accessories for running.

Surround a pregnant female with unobtrusive care and soon you will enjoy little hamsters in your home.

When breeding hamsters, the following main factors should be considered:

  • hamsters kept together do not get along very well, so the male and female should live in different cages, they need to be brought together in neutral territory, and under the supervision of the owner. An exception to this rule is Roborovsky's hamsters;
  • at the time of the first mating, the age of both the female and the male must be at least four months old;
  • after the next birth, the female must pass at least two months before the next mating;
  • a female older than a year cannot be knitted.

How do hamsters mate?

First you need to determine the period of estrus in the female. Estrus happens every 3-5 days, its duration is from four hours to a day. Its occurrence can be recognized by the following signs:

  • during estrus, the female secretes a substance that has a sharp musky odor;
  • mucous secretions are observed in the tail area;
  • she becomes restless, can run around the cage from corner to corner;
  • may refuse the most favorite delicacy;
  • makes specific sounds.

As for males, everything is simple here, they are able to mate from the fifth week of life, and this ability is maintained almost throughout their entire life.

As already mentioned, mating should take place on neutral territory, so prepare a cage or just a cardboard box in advance. Keep in mind, if the female has not yet come into heat, a conflict may well arise between her and the male - be ready to separate the fighting, and in this case it is better to prepare a pair of gloves.

If the time for mating is chosen correctly, and the hamster is quite friendly towards the gentleman, mating will occur, which can take 5-20 minutes. After everything has happened, the hamsters are seated in their native apartments.

If the female does not go into heat 3-5 days after mating, then the mating process was successful and the hoyachiha is pregnant. However, pregnancy does not always occur immediately after the first attempt. In the next period of estrus, you can try again to mate until the desired result is achieved.

Most often, for breeding, it is recommended to start 1 male for 2-5 females. In some literary sources, cages with females are advised to be placed around the male's cage. The male cell is connected to the female cells with the help of special connecting pipes. The diameter of the pipes is selected so that the male can easily move along them (approximately 4 cm). So that only the male can get into the cages of the females, and the females could not get into other cages, they put on a collar made of synthetic material. This ensures that there will be no fights between pets.

Pregnancy and childbirth of hamsters

The pregnancy of a hamster lasts on average only 14-19 days, and in Djungarian hamsters, the duration of pregnancy can reach 30 days. On the tenth day, clear signs of pregnancy appear, it is from this moment that the rapid growth of the weight of the expectant mother begins. If during pregnancy the weight of the female decreases, this may indicate illness or death of the embryos inside the womb.

Approximate duration of pregnancy for:

  • Syrian hamsters and Roborovsky hamsters - 16-17 days;
  • Campbell's hamsters and Siberian hamsters - 19-20 days.

Future mothers move very carefully, try not to make sudden movements. Do not disturb a pregnant female unless absolutely necessary! Include more protein in her diet (it can be egg white, cheese, cottage cheese, baby meat food, etc.).

3 days before giving birth, the female's thirst increases. At this time, you should change the water at least 3-4 times a day.

Childbirth usually begins at night. Arrange a house or nest in the cage in advance (you can use a cardboard box). Inside the nest, the hamster arranges everything herself, just remember to provide her with soft paper, napkins and hay. The cage where the hamster will give birth should be in a quiet and peaceful place.

Usually, the pet copes well with the process of childbirth on its own, and in the morning the owners find replenishment. Hamsters are born in the shell, the mother gnaws it in the head of the cub, and the baby takes the first breath. Each hamster litter can have from four to eighteen cubs. Babies are born completely helpless, deaf, blind, tiny, their skin is thin and red. The only thing that is perfectly developed in babies is the ability to distinguish smells.

Experienced breeders and veterinarians can help with the birth process when a female gives birth for the first time or when a large number of cubs are born.

But there are times when the help of a veterinarian is needed during childbirth, namely:

  • if with pronounced contractions and attempts after 15 minutes there are no results
  • after the birth of the first baby, after 30 minutes, the rest of the cubs are not born.

Within 30 min. After childbirth, a healthy mother will definitely eat before starting to feed her cubs. Refusal to eat may mean the occurrence of any postpartum complications. The vaginal membrane closes in the first two days after childbirth, and at this time, slight bleeding can be seen from the birth canal.

The first time a hamster usually gives birth to 4-5 cubs, subsequent litters can have many more babies.

Hamster Care

After birth, during the first week, hamsters cannot be picked up.. Having smelled someone else's smell on the cubs, the mother will most likely eat them. The desire to stroke the babies should be postponed until the appearance of wool, which will happen in a week.

For the convenience of mothers and babies, it is recommended to put a napkin or soft paper in the cage, with which the female covers the cubs when leaving them to eat. 5 days after birth, the cubs can already squeak demandingly, on the twelfth day of life, the hamsters begin to slowly crawl out of the nest and explore the surrounding space. The eyes of babies open only 2 weeks after birth, at about the same time they begin to eat on their own. At this time, you can put a little porridge and carrots, grated on a fine grater, in a cage for babies. A healthy mother with a lot of milk can feed her cubs for up to a month, and this has a positive effect on the health and strength of hamsters.

At the age of one month, hamsters are placed in cages: boys in one cage, girls in another. This is done in order to prevent early unwanted pregnancy. Hamsters live in a new home for another 1-2 weeks. During this period, hamsters are tamed and played with. Hamsters can move to a new home with new owners at the age of 5-6 weeks.

Problems in breeding hamsters

Cubs can be born already dead, die in the process of childbirth, or become victims of a negligent mother.

Dead babies in a healthy female can be born for the following reasons: infection, illness, malnutrition, inadequate diet during pregnancy, lack of essential vitamins and minerals in food.

Often, pregnancy, especially the first, ends with the fact that the hamster eats the cubs. There are quite a few reasons for this:

  • improperly composed diet during pregnancy, in particular, insufficient amount of animal protein in the diet;
  • the failed mother is too young;
  • stress or fear after childbirth;
  • in the cage where the hamster gave birth, there is a male who poses a threat to her babies, and therefore she directs aggression either to the male, and if this fails, then to the cubs;
  • regulation of the number of offspring (a female hamster has 5 or 6 pairs of nipples, and so many babies can be born that she will not be able to feed them all);
  • if the cub was born weak, sick or with a birth defect;
  • if a person took a small hamster in his arms in the first week after birth, because of which the baby has a strange smell.

There is also a situation when the cubs die because of the excessive care of the mother, when, worrying about the safety of the offspring, she constantly carries the cubs in search of a safer place.

Children can be born quite healthy, and, nevertheless, die in the first week of life. This can happen due to the fact that the female is not able to fully feed her children (insufficient milk or its complete absence).

Malnutrition, lack of drinking water, heat in the room where the cage with the pregnant female is located and stress can cause the death of the hamster just before the birth or at the very beginning of feeding newborns. This condition is often referred to as hamster pregnancy toxemia. Signs of toxicosis of pregnancy in females: lack or decrease in appetite, dull and disheveled hair, muscle spasm, salivation.

Attempts to cure this problem in most cases are unsuccessful. Prevention is important here - ensuring the most comfortable conditions for a pregnant hamster (constant humidity and air temperature, absence of drafts, peace and quiet, as well as a properly composed diet and access to fresh, clean water).

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Pair of hamsters

All pet owners can be divided into 2 categories. Those who keep pets in their home because of their great love for them, and those who plan to earn money by breeding offspring from their pet. Well, we will not now try to shame someone in mercantile interests. In the end, there is nothing wrong with that. And, if someone had not been breeding hamsters at home, then now your charming Hamster would not live in your house. Simply, in our publication we want to tell you how to do it correctly - with minimal moral and material losses, both for you and for your pet. So, how to breed hamsters at home ...

What types of hamsters can be bred at home

Do not rush to think that if hamsters are prolific rodents, then just choose any species you like, purchase a pair, and how you can start the breeding process. Not at all. It's not that simple. Some types of hamsters are absolutely not amenable to breeding, no matter how hard you try and torture the animal. And, here, - those just love to live alone, therefore, they do not lend themselves well to reproduction. And, the joint residence of a pair of hamsters of these species in the same cage - in 95% of the case ends badly, because between rodents, even despite the fact that they are of different sexes, conflicts arise, a struggle for territory, sharp teeth and claws are used, and as a result such a showdown, one of the hamsters may die. The exception is Roborovsky's hamsters. They are paired animals that do not tolerate loneliness. They can be kept in a cage in pairs. And, here are all the rest, including jungars, if you are so impatient to start breeding them, it is better to breed them in different cages, and bring them together only for mating.

Regarding Roborovsky hamsters, I also want to say that in captivity they breed poorly, they need special temperature conditions for this. But, if you "catch" the temperature, pick up a couple - your Roborians will regularly delight you with offspring. True, sometimes they should still be seated for a certain period of time, since frequent births deplete the body of a female hamster.

Recommendations for breeding hamsters at home

  • Most "breeders" of hamsters still recommend keeping the male and female in separate cages and bringing them together only for mating, moreover, on neutral territory.
  • Breeding hamsters younger than 4 months of age is not recommended. The offspring may be too weak, and early birth will weaken the body of the female hamster.
  • If you seriously decide to breed rodents, then it is better to purchase. Moreover, for each female it is necessary to have a separate cage. You should also have an extra cage for breeding offspring. By the way, do not forget that already at 4 weeks your grown hamsters are ready for breeding, therefore, keeping babies of different sexes in one cage is not recommended, since mating processes can occur uncontrollably, but the offspring from such early mating will not be viable.
  • For self-education, be sure to take a short course on hamster genetics and species. Then, you will be able to independently give answers to all your questions, and the result of your work will not disappoint you.
  • Chinese hamsters are very difficult to breed. The fact is that they are so aggressive towards each other that in order to count on offspring from them, a couple must be kept together from early childhood. Only then will they adequately respond to each other. Otherwise, when a male stranger is placed next to the female, she can even tear him apart…

Comfortable conditions for breeding

Numerous offspring

Well, after you figured out the type of hamsters, the number of cages for them, and the number of females and males, it's time to create comfortable breeding conditions for these little rodents. To do this, you must take care, as we wrote above, to purchase several cages or terrariums that would be spacious enough (the floor area of ​​the cage should be no less than 30 x 50 centimeters). This is necessary so that the animal has space to run and frolic. So, for dwarf breeds of hamsters - these are Djungarian hamsters, Chinese, Roborovsky and Campbell hamsters, it is imperative that these sizes be observed, since they are very active. If it is not possible to purchase such a large cage, you can try to win by having several floors in the cage. As for the rods in the cells, in addition to the fact that they must be very strong, their optimal placement is horizontal. Thus, the hamster will be able to climb them, like stairs.

Do not forget about installing drinking bowls, feeders, a running wheel for playing in such a cage. Many hamster owners often simply install a bowl of water instead of a drinker - but this is not entirely correct. Since the hamster can overturn such a bowl, the water will spill, and you will have to clean and clean the cage. You will avoid all this if you install a special drinking bowl - the hamster will definitely not turn it over. In addition, using a drinking bowl, you can easily dissolve vitamins, special additives in such drinking water, and you will monitor the amount of water that the rodent drinks. Well, a running wheel is a must for maintaining a healthy physical shape. You won't believe it, but

in Nature, a baby hamster runs up to 12 kilometers a day, and at the same time he feels good. And, here's a passive lifestyle in your cell negatively affects it ...

If you have a desire and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cage allows, you can also install a house and a toilet in it. Do not forget about toys - in veterinary and pet stores you can see walking balls or pens. True, here it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the hamster - one travels with pleasure in a walking ball, and the other is afraid of him for some reason ...

As for the choice of filler for a cage with hamsters, we had a whole publication about this on our website, but we remind you that it is still recommended to opt for sawdust - pressed or granulated, at your discretion. If possible, you can use hay or a special pressed cellulose filler. As for paper, napkins, this is a moot point. Although, some breeders claim that hamsters build their nests from this material. But, here's what is strictly forbidden to be used as a material for such a nest - so, this is cotton wool. Moreover, any, even the one on which it can be written that it is intended for use in cages with small rodents. The fact is that thin fibers of cotton wool can wrap around the pet's paws and disrupt blood circulation in its limbs. As a result, the paw may completely atrophy, and the animal may die. Well, if a hamster “thinks” of eating cotton wool, it can damage its intestines with its fibers. A similar taboo for use in hamster cages is newspapers and magazines. On the sheets of these publications there are "tons" of printing ink, a drop of which can kill our beloved hamster.

Do not forget to place a special stone in the cage, on which the rodent will grind its teeth. Such stones come in several types - chalky, mineral, they can have a different shape, size and color. By the way, branches of fruit trees, a natural product, can become an alternative to such stones.

Since you are already here, then most likely you have already read ours, reduced to one article. Therefore, today we will talk about such a breed as, about which we also already wrote.

Now it's time to talk about reproduction. Do you know that Djungarian hamsters in captivity breed very easily and quickly? Therefore, if you become the owner of a pair of such small rodents, then you should prepare for the fact that soon your hamsters will have abundant offspring, and it will appear with an enviable frequency, which we will talk about today.

Features of living together a pair of Djungarian hamsters

Despite the fact that you decided to take a couple at once and motivated it so that your hamsters would not be bored, experienced hamster breeders (there are some!) Still advise heterosexual Djungarian hamsters to be kept in different cages and unite the family only for mating periods. Why? The fact is that a male jungarik and a female jungarik, despite the fact that by chance they are now husband and wife, will still fight for territory, and in the process of such a struggle they will get scratches, bites and others. injury. Therefore, in order to avoid such family bloodshed, it is better to keep them separate. Although, as an exception, there are cases when a male and a female live soul to soul and do not conflict over centimeters of their cage, but this is extremely rare ...

But, if you do not leave hopes for living together (or you feel sorry for buying another cage), you can place the hamsters together, but at the same time carefully observe their behavior for several days. If there are no conflicts - it's good, if the cute ones are scolding - breed them in different cells.

It is noteworthy that, as the experience of hamster breeders shows,

most often in such conflicts and battles for the cage and finding out the relationship "who is the boss in the house" wins ... the female, and the male almost always concedes to her.

In order to prevent the development of possible conflict situations, it is also recommended to start a couple at the same time and of the same age. It is not worth adding a new female, who is younger than him, to a permanent resident of the cage, the rodents may begin to conflict.
And finally, a little secret on how to push your hamsters to each other and help them develop a warm relationship.

Put the hamsters in one cage and shine a bright lamp on it. Naturally, your hamsters will not like this behavior of yours and the jungars will try to hide from the bright light in the dark. But after all, there is only one dark corner, therefore, they will have to, willy-nilly, but make friends with each other ...

When can I start mating Djungarian hamsters

In order to answer this question, we will first answer the question of when puberty occurs in Dzhungaria. And, this happens, as a rule, when your hamster turns 1-2 months old, but with mating it is better to wait a few months, so that the hamsters “grow up” and the female is able to take care of her offspring.

Given the peculiarity of these rodents - the love of nightlife, do not be surprised that such a crucial moment in their lives as mating, they will also postpone for the dark time of the day.

Once every 4-5 days, the estrus occurs in the female dzungaria, and its duration can be from 4 to 24 hours. It is during this period that the female is ready to mate. How do you know when estrus has arrived? The female herself will tell you about this by her behavior - she will raise her tail, arch her back and react loyally to the approach of a male.

True, it may happen that she does not like the male, but as they say, for lack of a better one, sooner or later, perhaps not in this estrus, but in the next, she will definitely give up.

Hamster breeding video

How does pregnancy proceed in a female dzhungarik

Pregnancy in a female Djungarian hamster lasts from 17 to 21 days. In the case when childbirth does not occur on both the 22nd and 23rd day, the help of a veterinarian may be required.

During pregnancy, the female should not be nervous and excited, and if the male annoys her, it is better to move him out of the cage to another place. Feed the expectant mother with fresh vegetables and fruits, give egg white, you can give a small piece of boiled chicken meat, dairy products, and be sure to provide her with a mineral chalk stone.

Also provide the female with building material for the nest - suitable as such material.

A few days before the expected date of birth, remove the cage and hide the running wheel - it will certainly not be useful to the expectant mother in the coming days.

In their natural habitat, animals bring offspring from late spring to early autumn. Reproduction of hamsters at home depends on the owner of the rodents, since pet owners prefer to keep rodents in separate houses. Living in the same cage, rodents conflict, fight and multiply uncontrollably. We will deal with the main questions about mating hamsters: when rodents reach maturity, when and under what conditions to mate, how to determine pregnancy, what to do if animals do not mate.

Some aspects of mating

To prevent unwanted mating of hamsters, it is recommended to keep animals of different sexes separately. The female is placed next to the male only for breeding. Such a measure helps to avoid unwanted pregnancy and fights.

Hamsters start breeding at 3 to 6 weeks of age. Dzungaria can breed from an earlier age.

Reproduction at an early age adversely affects the health of the mother and offspring. The age of the female from 3 months to six months is the most favorable for mating. The male can actively breed up to one and a half years.

It is recommended to give the female a “rest” after giving birth for at least three months. During this time, she will regain strength and prepare for a new pregnancy. Re-mating the female is recommended at the age of 8-10 months. At 12–14 months of life, some individuals lose the ability to reproduce.

Males breed from 15 weeks of age. Most often, males are fertile throughout their lives and are sensitive to the choice of a partner. Frequent mating adversely affects the health of the male. He may lose the ability to reproduce.

What to do before mating

Before you bring hamsters, you need to check their gender. To avoid attempted mating of same-sex individuals. Reproduction of animals is possible only during estrus in females. A hamster's estrus occurs every 3-5 days. The duration of the extus is from 4 to 24 hours. If you bring rodents at other times, the couple will simply fight.

Determining the beginning of estrus is quite simple. The behavior of the rodent is changing. The girl begins to worry, loses her appetite, mucus is secreted in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tail, makes unusual sounds. During the period of extus, the female secretes a special secret that attracts individuals of the opposite sex. The smell of the secret is quite sharp.

A hamster can raise her tail, spread her legs, arch her back and react more calmly to the approach of a gentleman. Sometimes the female can chase the male. If you need to mate this particular pair, try repeating the mating after a while. Perhaps the lady will agree.

The period of sexual hunting in different species of hamsters is determined differently. Dzungarians and Campbell's hamsters practically do not show signs of estrus. The Syrians, on the contrary, are activated, secrete mucus and a pungent odor.

In the wild, winter is hibernation time for hamsters. Therefore, some individuals do not mate in winter. Domestic animals most often breed throughout the year.

Males always show interest in females. During the period of sexual hunting, their interest intensifies, as she lets her closer to her.

We carry out mating

Before breeding hamsters, you should make an acquaintance. It is better to introduce animals in the male's cage or in neutral territory. It is strictly forbidden to run a male into a female's cage.

Females are quite capricious, so a fight can start not only because of the lack of estrus. A young male can be severely scratched and bitten by a female due to a conflict that has erupted.

Rodents may stop fighting and start mating. Pairing takes about five minutes. Sometimes 25-30 minutes. The process may continue after some time. The maximum mating time is 45 minutes. Particularly active males after mating lie exhausted and do not move.

If mating is carried out in a cage, in case of an emergency it will be difficult to separate the fighting animals. It is recommended to reduce hamsters in cardboard boxes. If the hamsters start fighting, put on leather gloves and put the wrestlers into cages. Gloves will protect against cuts and bites of animals.

After mating, the animals are seated in different cages, otherwise conflicts and fights continue. If the hamster does not become pregnant, the mating is repeated. Pregnancy is not confirmed if after 3-5 days the girl starts estrus.

The constant content of heterosexual individuals in one cage can lead to uncontrolled mating. The lactation period and pregnancy occurring at the same time adversely affect the health of the female. Take care of the comfortable conditions for the pregnancy of the hamster. During this period, it is better not to disturb the animal.

How to determine pregnancy and how long it lasts

A positive result appears one and a half weeks after mating. Previously, the signs are difficult to see.

The main signs of pregnancy:

  1. Enlarged tummy. Sometimes, due to the long coat, it may not be visible.
  2. Swollen nipples.
  3. Increased appetite.
  4. The animal is less active, rarely runs in the wheel and the labyrinth.
  5. Behavior changes: a pregnant girl becomes more aggressive or more affectionate.
  6. Actively supplies.

The presence of these symptoms signals the imminent appearance of offspring.

Pregnancy lasts about 19 days. Syrians are born 16–18 days after mating. Jungariki appear later. Sometimes pregnancy can last a month.

The movements of the expectant mother are smooth and unhurried. Try not to disturb her during this period. A few days before the birth, the pet needs to increase the amount of water and protein in the diet.

Babies are born without outside help. The mother independently separates them from the shell, takes care of them in the built nest. Rodent litter contains from 4 to 18 kids.

Why don't hamsters breed?

Hamsters breed only under favorable conditions. There are several reasons for the absence of offspring in animals:

  1. Rodents of the same sex.

Quite often, in stores, they mistakenly determine the gender or say at random. This leads to attempts to breed individuals of the same sex. Before mating, make sure there is a boy and a girl in the box.

  1. Excess weight.

Obesity of females is especially common in jungars, it negatively affects the production of hormones. This prevents pregnancy. It is easy to determine the obesity of miniature pets: when walking, the belly of a fat animal touches the floor, when the homa sits, its paws are hidden in the folds of adipose tissue.

To prevent obesity, watch your pet's diet, do not let him eat too much and do not give high-calorie foods often.

  1. Wrong nutrition.

An insufficiently varied diet and a lack of vitamins negatively affect the ability to reproduce. Malnutrition also leads to a lack of vitality. The pet may not have enough energy for the mating process and further pregnancy. This problem can also provoke cannibalism in females. Dzungaria especially often eat offspring.

  1. Illness and stress.

Serious diseases weaken the body, the animal is not able to reproduce for some time. Constant stress also affects the appearance of offspring. When hamsters begin to mate, they should not be disturbed by extraneous noise, drafts and other pets. If something constantly interferes with rodents, it is quite difficult to get offspring.

During the mating period, try to create the most comfortable conditions for your pets. Then the chances of getting young animals will increase.

Is it possible to castrate a hamster

Rodents are loners by nature. Regular estrus does not cause much trouble to either the animal or the owner. Castration of a hamster is extremely rare, since miniature creatures do not tolerate anesthesia well.

If from the point of view of the owner this operation is necessary, consult with a specialist.

There is no chemical sterilization for hamsters. Castrate rodents in emergency cases, in the presence of serious diseases. Sexual hunting does not harm the hamster's body, so mating is not necessary.

After childbirth

For the first 7 days, newborn babies are in a nest built by their mother and feed on milk. For three weeks, the offspring and the mother try not to disturb. A woman in labor may react aggressively to actions against her children or refuse them altogether.

The first weeks of the life of babies do not change the litter, as needed, add a new one. Monitor the amount of food in the bowls and periodically enclose a new one. After 3 weeks, the children are separated from their mother and observed in a new house. It is necessary to determine the sex of the cubs in time and seat them in different dwellings. You can distribute animals a month after birth.


Reproduction of hamsters is a simple process. In order for the offspring to turn out healthy and both individuals did not suffer, you need to know the basic rules for crossing rodents. Take care of compliance with all conditions of mating, and the offspring will not be long in coming. Do not forget that hamsters breed quickly enough, so you should take care of finding hosts for babies in advance.

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