What did the apartment dream about, interpretation from dream books. Why dream of a dirty apartment

Dreams always come unexpectedly.

Many people rarely dream, but the pictures they see in a dream come true in reality. Every dream is unique.

Why someone else's apartment is dreaming - it's worth figuring it out.

What is the dream of someone else's apartment - the main interpretation

Dreams about your cozy home always delight the heart and soul, but what if someone else’s home appeared in a dream, in which a person will have to spend some time? This pastime can be both very positive and carry negative feelings. And the point here is not at all in the individual characteristics of a person, because dreams often prophesy the future, but in emotional state person.

It is very important to interpret not only the main picture of the dream, but also all its details. So you can see the options for the development of events in the future. It is important to remember the situation of the room, the placement of furniture in it and other items.

Sometimes on the walls of the premises may appear strange characters and signs - it is better to sketch them from memory and try to find similar ones among those that met early in dreams, give them an interpretation. It is worth noting that seeing someone else's apartment in a dream is a change in reality. They will be positive or negative - other signs and symbols of the dream, the very mood of a person during sleep will tell about this.

You should not be afraid of such dreams, because any change in a person's life is a movement and should be encouraged. It is important to accept all changes with gratitude. If the dream was of a very negative nature, it is worth considering all your further actions in order to prevent misfires in an important matter.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book indicates that it is worth interpreting a dream about someone else's apartment from the point of view of the emotionality of sleep. If the dream did not bring pronounced negative emotions and the building itself outwardly seemed very pleasant and even beautiful - life will change in positive side and very fast.

If during a dream a person is visited by a feeling of anxiety, fear, other negative thoughts - he should really think about what in his own personal life frightens him so much. He may be overly concerned about his health. loved one or their financial position.

Miller's dream book indicates that such dreams can promise waking health problems for a loved one and even his death. If in a dream someone else's apartment:

Abandoned - you can expect longing and loneliness;

Dirty - it is worth thinking about the words that you say to loved ones;

Things and furniture begin to break in it - imminent health problems are possible;

It shines with cleanliness and comfort - life will soon improve.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, a slightly different interpretation of the dream is given, which is what someone else's apartment is dreaming of. Such a dream promises a new acquaintance and long-awaited meetings. If the design of the room has a complex and bright character It means that you will get to know a woman. If the design of the apartment is dominated by clear lines and a simple geometric pattern, you will meet a man.

If you find a fireplace or other stone products in the apartment, you should worry about your safety and peace. Anxieties and tribulations are possible, which long time will haunt you.

If on the way to someone else's apartment you come across a fence or a fence, you should expect obstacles on the way to a holistic and even relationship. Unrequited feelings are possible that will torment you. Those who already have a relationship should be extremely careful - problems and disappointments in their personal lives are possible.

For those who already have a relationship, such a dream promises a lack of opportunity to gain mutual understanding from their soulmate. If in a dream you overcome a difficult path to someone else's apartment, obstacles will succumb to you, and you will easily solve all your problems.

If the apartment in the dream is beautiful and cozy, you will have a beautiful and prosperous relationship with your loved one or a romantic relationship with a new acquaintance. If you want to leave someone else's apartment, even though it looks very attractive, such a dream suggests that in reality you will refuse all the opportunities that fate will give you.

Destruction in someone else's house - to the heavy mental illness which will soon aggravate general condition health. Perhaps your partner is a despot and a tyrant, and you spend a lot of energy trying to improve relations with him.

Why dream of someone else's apartment in other dream books

In Vanga's dream book it is said that in a dream to see someone else's apartment as if it were a toy - all cherished dreams and desires will come true. It is worth waiting for the gifts of fate that you have been dreaming of for so long.

If the apartment is empty, there is a lot of dirt and dust in it - expect difficulties from where they could not come from. Possible black streak in life, loneliness. Problems will pile up snowball, and count on the support of loved ones in this case is not worth it.

In an esoteric dream book it is said that if in a dream you really want to enter someone else's apartment, in reality you will try to enter someone else's life. It is also worth paying special attention to those emotions that will accompany all your actions. If they are very positive, then you really should share life with a new person.

    If the apartment has small and dark rooms, you should not expect strong and serious relationship. They will be temporary. You might just make new friends.

    If a person has not had a long time love relationships and in a dream he gets a picture of how he visits someone else's apartment - you should expect positive change in personal life. If a young girl dreams that she stayed overnight in someone else's apartment, it means that she will have a temporary flash of feelings for an outside man. But these feelings are not destined to last long.

    If a man who is engaged in business has a dream about how he spends the night in someone else's apartment, he should prepare for positive changes in his business. He will receive a large amount of money for his work, in many respects he will outperform his competitors.

    If a married person dreams about how he spends the night in someone else's apartment, in reality he will begin to think about treason. But it is worth remembering that such a deception will open quickly enough. As a result, even a divorce is possible.

What should be done in such a situation - to renew feelings, breathe into them new life, to think about forgiving each other small weaknesses in order to continue to live happy and strong family life.

In the Veles dream book it is said why someone else's apartment is dreaming - to very difficult situations in life. Cleaning in someone else's apartment is an invaluable work that obviously will not benefit a person. Major financial losses.

Its useful to note, that the very process of cleaning in someone else's apartment is interpreted by the dream book as an irresistible desire to get the location of another person. But these efforts will also be useless, no one will appreciate them. What to do in this situation is to direct your strength and energy to a more useful thing, which will become the work of your whole life.

Cleaning in someone else's house can also be interpreted as an inexorable desire to change something in your life and not be able to do it. But you shouldn’t give up - it’s worth it, make every effort to get a positive result, otherwise time will be irretrievably lost and there will be a period of stagnation in life that will not leave more human.

If in a dream it appeared that someone else's apartment was on fire, this is a favorable sign. This means that all blocks and fears will be destroyed, they will no longer be displayed in real life. If in a dream during a fire a person fears for his life and health - in reality he will pay too much attention to absolutely empty little things that in reality are not worth it.

Believe in dreams or not? If you gratefully accept the signs and hints that they send to a person, you can count on them in the future as wonderful helpers, always ready to help. Do not be afraid of changes in real life. Sometimes they are simply necessary in order for a person to begin to believe in himself again. A strong one who is ready to take the blows of fate. It is thanks to dreams that they can be avoided, their blow softened, Negative consequences in future.

In a dream, you can get into the most extraordinary places. You may be on another continent, in another country.

Why is the apartment dreaming? How to interpret the dream in which you ended up in someone else's apartment?

What is the dream of the apartment - the main interpretation

We all like to be at home, relax, spend time with family and loved ones. But, they do not always come to us in a dream. Sometimes in a dream we can see completely strangers who have nothing to do with us. We can be in a dream in places we have never been before.

How should we interpret the dream in which we ended up in an unknown apartment? Is it worth worrying about it? It is important to consider such details of sleep:

In which apartment did you find yourself;

How did you get into it?

Are you comfortable in it;

Are you looking for a way out of the apartment, or is it enough for you that you are in it;

Who else is in the apartment;

What emotions and feelings overcome you.

If in a dream you are in an apartment that is filled with lights and light - your life will be filled with completely different colors, you will begin to look at things much easier, stop looking for flaws in yourself and others.

If in a dream the apartment is dark, it is scary and cold to be in it - your feelings for someone will cool down, and you will begin to look for an outlet in another person. You will look for returns in another person, you will try to figure out whether someone needs you at all, or whether what you already have is enough for you.

If in a dream the apartment is abandoned and you feel uncomfortable in it, then there are moments in your life from which you want to run away, from which you just want to hide. But the dream book advises you to always face the truth and not stop there, not worry about the past so that it does not affect your future.

If you dream that someone brought you to an abandoned apartment, although he promised to take you to a new living place, take a closer look at this person. Perhaps he does not tell you a lot, perhaps you will not be able to agree with him on an important matter on which your reputation will depend. Try to find a compromise in this matter and not be disappointed in anyone in advance. It is also important to feel other people so subtly that you can have a heart-to-heart talk with them at any time.

If you dream that someone is knocking on your door and you want to see who it is, and you realize that you are in someone else's apartment - do not delve into someone else's life more than your own, do not put more energy into solving other people's issues. Try to prioritize so that no one is left out. If you rely only on yourself - you will not be able to achieve what you want, if you constantly rely on others - you will not be able to control your life and will be offended that someone has become better than you in some business.

What is the dream of an apartment in which mice are wound up? This is a very bad sign. So all your undertakings and all your desires and efforts will be depreciated. You will not be able to set up your life in such a way that you get the maximum pleasure from it. You will increasingly look for the causes of your difficulties in other people, not realizing that you yourself are to blame for this. Try not to let your enemies tarnish your good name after such a dream. You are a big hindrance to someone, since such problems have begun in your life, since you can’t restore justice and equalize relations with enemies in any way.

If you dream of an apartment in which there are a huge number of cockroaches, take a look at your lifestyle. Perhaps you devote too much time to trifles and do not relate to more difficult things. Nothing seriously. If you dream that you are building a house for yourself, but in the end you end up in an apartment, your dreams will be too different from reality. You will come up with something that is so convenient and you will believe in it. We can talk about relationships, we can talk about some important communication, which should bring you pleasure, but you can’t understand what it will lead to.

If you dream that a black cat is walking around your apartment, this is a very positive signal. So in life you can avoid major troubles, because of which your reputation could suffer. Do not look for extreme and guilty. Just accept the fact that everything will work out for you in the best possible way and you will be able to more actively engage in your inner world, you can leave troubles and problems behind.

If you dream that someone is knocking on the door of the apartment, but there are nails on the threshold, they will interfere with you. They will interfere with you in all endeavors and in all decisions. Do not take risks, do not build shaky castles and hopes. It is better to calculate your time so that you have enough of it to achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will have to build castles in the air and dream all the time, and never reach your goal.

Making repairs in the apartment - to new opportunities in life. You yourself strive to change everything and you are absolutely right, perhaps this is your last option for active actions and then you will have to rest for a long time, to be in someone's shadow. To prevent this from happening, change everything for the better now, change yourself in the direction of development, try to justify all the desires and hopes of other people, but do not forget about your own.

Why dream of an apartment according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that you dream of an apartment when you need peace and protection, when you need to be constantly ready for changes to take place in your life soon. If you have a partner, but in a dream you walk around the apartment alone, you will temporarily part with him.

You may want to take a break, you may want to reconsider your attitude to everything that happens in your life and after that already establish such a relationship that suits both of you.

If you dream that someone is trying to get into the apartment, your life is interesting to many. You try to maintain equal relations with many, but you do not always succeed. Try to be more loyal to yourself and to your desires. Try not to provoke negative emotions in other people towards yourself. If you dream that a thief climbed into your apartment and began to destroy everything there, do not succumb to temptations.

You may want to build a new relationship with a person who is not worthy of you. Do not change those relationships that have proven their devotion to temporary infatuation. It won't lead to anything good.

What is the dream of the apartment according to the Esoteric dream book

AT Esoteric dream book it is said that the apartment is dreaming as a symbol of the stability of your life and your emotions. Perhaps you have long been looking for opportunities to build a life on the principle that you can do everything yourself. Especially if in a dream you yourself are engaged in repairs in the apartment. Such a dream suggests that you are actually taking on too much and do not think about the consequences of such a decision. You need to consult and listen to competent opinion.

If you dream that the apartment caught fire and someone burned down in it, you really want life changes. You lack positive emotions, you are almost constantly in a state of tension and worries. Try not to get upset anymore. Just let go of the problems and let yourself live.

Why dream of an apartment according to other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the apartment is dreaming when it is time for you to take care of yourself. You have to put things in order in your thoughts and emotions. Perhaps you yourself do not know what you want from life, but now is the time when it is time for you to figure out the direction of moving forward, otherwise you will gradually roll back in your decisions.

If you dream of an amazing apartment in which there are many unusual things, your everyday life will also surprise you.

You can suddenly win a gift, meet an old acquaintance, meet that person that you have not thought about for a long time, but only constantly remembered when a certain time came.

What is the dream of the apartment according to Aesop's dream book? Aesop's dream book says that the apartment is dreamed of when you want and need security. If in a dream you see how you close the door of an apartment with a huge lock, you will want to be alone for quite some time. But this loneliness will not do you any good. Think about what you are trying to hide from? From what truth? From what truth?

Why dream of someone else's apartment? During the day, the mind of every living being fixes certain situations that they experience. And already at night, his subconscious part shows pictures from the captured, distorting them quite strongly. For this reason, you may also dream of your own home, but changed beyond recognition.

What if someone else's apartment is dreaming?

Did you see it as described in the previous paragraph? Then you should relax, sleep means absolutely nothing. It is simply an incorrect perception of space, by that part of the consciousness that comes into contact with the subtle level of the universe. However, if you dreamed of someone's apartment in which the sleeping person had never been, then this may mean his desire to change his life, place of residence or direction. professional activity. In this case, it is worth deciding whether it comes from the dreamer himself or is it something superficial and inspired by someone or something. After all, sometimes it happens that a disgruntled wife scolds her husband for years, trying to get him to stop repairing toilet cisterns and start selling potatoes. In this case, the goal set by the woman, distorting own desire men, the latter may seem like being in a room in which he has never been.

Psychics, talking about what someone else's apartment is dreaming of, are advised to remember if the dreamer had negative experiences in the recent past. For example, if he was invited to a housewarming party in a magnificent apartment, finished and equipped according to top level, then he could have a feeling that does not give rest even at night - envy.

When you dream of a room in which the sleeper has been more than once, this indicates that something attracts him there. For example, a neighbor has the latest computer, which impresses with its parameters and delights with its unusual design. Looking at him, you become infected with the desire to acquire the same one - this is also a feeling of envy, but, so to speak, its white variety. It is better to get rid of this feeling, otherwise the goals set in life will never be achieved. If you dream of the same room in someone else's apartment and the dream is quite frequent, then this indicates some kind of energy binding. For example, for a love spell, your own love, or the fact that it is in that place that comfortable sensations arise. In this case, one should mentally imagine the threads of energies that stretch from the dreamer to that room and cut them off with imaginary scissors. You will have to do this several times, but the dream will not happen again.

What portends?

An unfamiliar alien apartment, in which everything looks like after the war, indicates that the sleeper is very confused in his life and perceives a lot in a completely different way. At first, this confusion is a dream, and then it can manifest itself in reality in the form of negative situations. Therefore, after waking up from sleep, you should take a white sheet of paper and a pen and rewrite all your problems, experiences and, of course, positive points that are still observed in life. Then you need to find solutions to all problems, and think through each one to the smallest detail. After that, you need to deal with your feelings, but after working out the first point, the list of the second will greatly decrease. The third one will simply reinforce confidence in one's own resourcefulness and show that not everything is as bad as it was perceived by the dreamer. However, this is not the end of the changes that lead to the positive, it is necessary to start solving problems, according to the plan that was drawn up when working out the first paragraph.

The dwelling that you dream about is dark and uncomfortable, this is an indication that the sleeping person has a weak protective energy layer, which means that he can get sick. If the unfamiliar room was bright and well-groomed, then this is a sign that the forces of light support the sleeping person and he should expect some kind of gift of fate.

When you dreamed of someone else's apartment and you want to cry, then you do not need to succumb to emotions. After all, they are most often superficial - the influence of the invisible forces of the universe. It is better to immediately distract from these visions important things and the mood will imperceptibly change for the better.

Changes, significant changes in fate - this is what someone else's apartment often dreams of. But in the dream books there are also more interesting, useful and detailed comments regarding this vision. The main thing is to remember in the morning all the possible details of the dream.

What does Miller say?

An interesting decoding of what someone else's apartment is dreaming of is offered by psychologist Gustav Miller. He assures that a good, luxurious environment in a dreaming someone else's home promises a sleeping person a sudden enrichment. Perhaps it will be an inheritance or profit from some scam.

Even more remarkable is the fact that in Miller's dream book the same plot prophesies a woman a successful marriage. True, it is important to take into account the fact that if the apartment was furnished modestly, then in reality one cannot count on generous gifts of fate.


Why did you dream that you were in someone else's apartment? To the fact that a loved one is not faithful to you, the dream book sadly states. The same plot is also interpreted as a warning that someone is trying to harm the sleeping person.

But if in a dream you are visiting relatives or friends, then this is a good sign that a promotion is coming in reality.

Did you happen to find the keys to the apartment of an outsider in a night dream? Then in reality you will become aware of important secret information. And if, while sleeping, you also opened the door with this key, then you will be able to correctly dispose of the information received.

It’s bad if the door in night vision was tightly locked. This is a harbinger of conflict, quarrels with friends.

Temporary residence

Did you have to live in someone else's apartment in a dream? Beware, because the dream book prophesies an awkward situation that can adversely affect your reputation.

Starting a new project or getting married - that's what you dream about renting a house. If in a night fantasy you saw that you were sleeping in someone else's apartment, then this is evidence that you cannot cope with such a character trait as envy. True, if you slept with friends and acquaintances in a dream, do not worry, the dream book promises happiness.

In a night dream, woke up in someone else's bedroom? Oh, this is a sign that you will provoke the jealousy of a partner. But the dream that the landlords suddenly wake you up suggests that you will find a good job.

Where are you getting involved

Unceremonious interference in the affairs of other people, which will entail trouble - that's what else someone else's apartment is dreaming of. And if the dreamer discovers that he is in an office center or hotel, then in reality he is clearly embarrassed to show his abilities and capabilities to the full, says the dream book.

Very soon the girl will go down the aisle - that's what she dreamed of someone else's apartment. And for a lady, this dream is a harbinger of a new romance. However, the man will also have a romantic acquaintance in reality, but it will not last long.

Without an invitation

Did you dream that you went into the home of a stranger without an invitation? It's okay, the dream book reassures, just in real life you will join a group of like-minded people, take a place in the team.

In general, visiting someone else's house in a night dream without an invitation is associated with interference in someone else's life. But if you were invited to enter, then this is a signal - someone needs help, the dream book explains.

Humiliation and annoyance - these are the feelings to be experienced by someone who in a dream was not allowed further than the hallway, was not invited to enter.

What are the chances?

The cost, style, appearance, state of the dreaming environment will help you find out in more detail what someone else's apartment is dreaming of. So perfectly furnished, spacious, bright, it can be a prophecy of the sleeper's unprecedented luck. Even one huge, stylishly furnished room, according to the dream book, is a harbinger of the fact that an old cherished dream will soon come true.

Everything is changing

Old connections that are burdensome, but you have not yet decided to abandon them - this is what an abandoned someone else's apartment belonging to another character dreams of. But housing in a new building, according to dream books, marks the beginning of a new life stage.

Seeing in a dream someone else's apartment with furniture, you need to be prepared for various surprises, even those that can cause stress, the dream book warns. Why, then, did you see a dwelling without furniture? In addition, it is time to stock up on new knowledge, to master additional skills.

House in disarray

An unplanned spontaneous trip or other leapfrog in the life of a sleeping person - this is what an unfamiliar cluttered apartment may dream of. The same plot may suggest that the dreamer in life will have to solve other people's problems.

If the dreaming alien apartment was rich, then there will be a chance to strengthen financial situation. However, even if a mess reigned in such a dwelling, it is unlikely that in reality it will be possible to increase the state.

But what if the sleeper personally made a mess in someone else's room? Such a phantasmagoria predicts Hard times and poverty.

Start cleaning!

In a dream, did you clean in a strange house? Then in reality you will have to solve the problems of strangers. Dream book cleaning is a harbinger of a choice to be made, a serious decision to be made. Cleaning in midnight vision symbolizes freedom from burdensome duties.

But sometimes these same actions are evidence that you are actually under someone else's strong influence. Cleaning up in a dream with the help of special tools and devices is a dream that strengthen your financial position. But acting in a dream with your hands, in reality you can easily get rid of unnecessary personalities, burdensome connections.

Details and Details

The interpretation of sleep may vary depending on what exactly had to be done.

Washed the floor? Unfortunately, upon awakening it will be difficult to avoid conflicts and even scandals. But the dishes are a sign of the upcoming reconciliation with someone. Vacuumed? Then you can easily get rid of everything superfluous. Did you take out the trash? Behind you is a trail of gossip, provoked by the fact that some of your secrets became public. Why did you dream that they wiped the dust? To the fact that long-standing problems will disappear.

We make repairs

The dreamer will spend time, effort and nerves in order to sort out the affairs of others, if someone else's apartment is being dreamed up, where repairs are underway. However, it is not so bad to overhaul in a dream not even your own home, it means that the sleeper will find a new use for his abilities. Did you wallpaper? Then dreams will come true.

There is, however, another interpretation of dreams about repairing someone else's housing: friction and disagreement may arise in the sleeping family.

Other predictions

Dreaming of a flood? If it does not take place in your apartment, then the dream book hints: you are under pressure from some powerful person.

Dreams in which an apartment is dreamed of are deciphered in different ways. The interpretation of sleep depends on various nuances relating to the apartment that was directly dreamed of. In order to correctly and in as much detail as possible interpret the dream, it is necessary to remember all the details of the dream. The cleanliness of the apartment, its walls, furnishings, dimensions - all these details will help to decipher the dream. Also, for a correct interpretation, you will need to remember whether the dreamed apartment was yours or someone else's, what actions were performed with real estate and many other details.

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An apartment in a dream means the state of affairs in reality, therefore, in order to protect yourself from something, you need to take a good look at what you see. Correct interpretation will help not only to understand and analyze your life situation but also predict the future.

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      • Why is the apartment dreaming?

        To see a spacious and bright apartment of impressive size - good sign. A dream promises success in all endeavors. reverse meaning has a dream in which the dwelling is presented in the opposite way - a dark and small apartment. The oppressive environment in such apartments and the lack of air can mean health problems.

        The new apartment symbolizes the state of the dreamer's aura. If in a dream it seemed spacious and bright, then everything is in order with the state of mind. If the new home was seen as gray, gloomy and very small, then you should pay attention to your inner world and oppressed energy.

        It is considered a bad sign to see how in a dream someone enters a new home. In real life, this may mean that someone or something may disturb the dreamer's energy space. It is especially bad if the person entering the dwelling caused fear or discomfort.

        If in a dream the apartment was furnished with luxurious expensive furniture (as in a palace), then this does not bode well. In reality, this may mean that plans can collapse due to little things.


        Seeing a repair in a dream is a change. Do not be afraid of such a dream, because changes should be expected only in a positive way. Other dreams about apartment renovations can mean the following:

        • observe repairs in your home - to free help from other people;
        • help make repairs - to help other people;
        • whitewashed walls - for a quick move to a new place of residence;
        • to see dirt in the apartment - to an early illness;
        • mess in your home - to disagreement with relatives;
        • clean the room - to build relationships with relatives.

        Condition of the dwelling

        The type of room in a dream reflects the dreamer's state of mind. If a dwelling is in a state of disrepair, then this indicates the insecurity and instability of the person who had such a dream. If, on the contrary, the dwelling looks cozy, beautifully furnished and well-groomed, then there is nothing to worry about.

        Depending on the state of the housing seen, the dream is interpreted in different ways:

        • current ceilings in a dream warn of a mental disorder, up to a nervous breakdown;
        • the floor in the apartment is damaged - to a lack of confidence in the future;
        • an empty dwelling symbolizes a feeling of emptiness in the soul;
        • if only furniture is missing - to the loss of friends and associates;
        • housing with old furniture- to resolve conflicts in the family;
        • without doors or with boarded up windows and doors - to a lack of prospects in any endeavors;
        • many windows - to an abundance of new opportunities;
        • apartment with open front door- to unexpected guests (can also interpret internal readiness to perceive something new);
        • the door itself opens - to the bad news;
        • to cover the apartment door - to get rid of problematic and burdensome connections;
        • a flood in your home - to difficulties;
        • a flood in someone else's apartment - to a misunderstanding with other people;
        • to see a dove in an apartment - to joyful events;
        • to catch a flown pigeon - to a happy family life;
        • the dove knocks on the windows of the apartment - to the news or an unexpected, but pleasant visit of guests.

        A fire in an apartment symbolizes upcoming experiences in love. For married people, a dream portends an imminent betrayal. People who are not bound by marriage, a dream prophesies a quick meeting, which will lead to the creation strong family. If the fiery flame did not touch the walls of the room, then the dream promises the dreamer some kind of temptation, which, in the end, he will resist. The apartment after the fire speaks of extinct feelings and departed love.

        If you dreamed that the apartment was filled with water, then the interpretation of the dream will depend on the state of the dreamed liquid. muddy water with impurities of dirt and sand - to a misunderstanding in the family. The purest clear water- symbolizes the achievement of success and well-being in the family.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

        Manipulations with housing

        Buying real estate in a dream promises profit and a successful investment. However, a dream in which the acquisition of housing takes place under someone's pressure speaks of big losses. After such a dream, it is advisable to refrain from any actions with finances.

        The remaining manipulations with housing in a dream are deciphered as follows:

        • To shoot - to imminent changes in personal life. For a girl, a dream promises the appearance of a fan. For married representatives of the weaker sex, such a dream suggests that a love affair will happen in their life.
        • Rent - to new love or infatuation.
        • Search for housing (search for an apartment) - to the emergence of a desire to completely change life. Also, a dream promises a change in activity or a change in personal life.
        • Sell ​​- to get rid of burdensome relationships or to receive income. If the sale is hard on the soul, then the dream promises parting with the person to whom the dreamer feels sympathy. If the sale process is accompanied by a feeling of lightness and joy, then the dreamer will be financially successful.
        • Buying luxury apartments is an impossible dream. It takes a long time and hard work to achieve them.
        • Moving - to new changes in life. Moving to new apartment- to unexpected luck. Moving to an old apartment - to the difficulties in relation to the plans conceived.
        • Inherited - to problems that require immediate solutions.
        • Get an apartment as a gift - to financial stability.
        • Buy housing at a discount - to help and protection influential people. If in a dream there is no way to leave the room, then such a dream promises the destruction of plans related to the journey. Bad news will cause the cancellation of the intended goals.

        See someone else's apartment in a dream

        Someone else's apartment is someone else's life. A dream involving someone else's housing portends the solution of other people's problems or the keeping of secrets and secrets. For a girl, such a dream promises a quick marriage. A married woman dreams of someone else's housing for new love experiences.

        Unfamiliar apartments in a dream mean imminent changes in waking life. Finding out exactly what changes life is preparing is easy enough: if the apartment was clean and spacious - to good, dirty and uncomfortable housing - to negative life changes.

        A dream about a grandmother's house is a very bad sign. Such a dream promises the imminent death of a relative along the line deceased grandmother or dead grandfather. The parental apartment in which childhood passed means that in reality the dreamer has not seen his parents for a long time. The dream speaks of the need to meet with them and discuss the difficulties and problems that have arisen.

        If dreamed former apartment(in which the dreamer lived before), then this speaks more of an emotional attachment to the former dwelling. But if the apartment was dreamed not the same as in the dreamer's memory, then this promises life changes. Changes can positively impact general position affairs.

        If a person in a dream still lives in old apartment, although in reality it no longer lives there, this suggests that you should reconsider your life plans. For a girl, such a dream is a hint that promises should not be blindly believed. young man. Flat ex-husband in a dream usually means that the dreamer still cannot let go of the past. If being in this apartment, you feel comfort and joy, then this indicates a subconscious desire to return past life. Unpleasant feelings from the home mean a lack of regret about the breakup of past relationships.

        Deciphering a dream according to different dream books

        Various famous dream books usually similar in the interpretation of dreams, but in some ways their interpretation is still different:

        dream interpretation Dream interpretation
        MillerThis dream means fatigue from accumulated problems. The dreamer needs a change in life
        WangiA new, large and spacious apartment portends soon happiness in personal life and well-being in the family
        FreudA dream symbolizes limited space and a desire to go beyond the ordinary. The dream portends the development of new territories where you can prove yourself and make every effort.
        JunoGetting real estate - to legal registration love relationships. Renting or renting out housing - to adultery on the side. Moving to a new home - to a change of plans. Apartment renovation or an already renovated apartment dreams of moving to a new place of residence
        TsvetkovaSleeping with your apartment means stability. A dream in which someone else's or rented housing symbolizes life changes
        IslamicTo see your own apartment - to global changes in life

        A dream with a home certainly carries a certain meaning in real life and you should not ignore such dreams. However, for people who are engaged in their professional activities in home repairs or in the sale and purchase of real estate, such dreams usually do not mean anything.

        The interpretation of the vision is not always correct. But if you take into account all the events and facts that take place in reality, and correctly compare them with the predictions of the dream book, then you can avoid impending troubles and turn the situation in your favor.

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