Consider, for example, the interpretation of the words "read" and "read". The meanings of the original word-forming word and

Before moving on to the main topic, one concept should be introduced, which will play a significant role in all further reasoning.

Along with the concept of meaning, modern psychology uses the concept of meaning, which plays a decisive role in the analysis of the most important aspects of the problem of language and consciousness.

For classical linguistics, "meaning" and "sense" were almost synonymous and, as a rule, were applied unambiguously. Only very recently in foreign psychology and psycholinguistics have two aspects of the concept of the meaning of a word begun to differ: “referential” meaning, i.e. a meaning that introduces it into a certain logical category, and a “socio-communicative” meaning that reflects its communicative functions (Hallyday, 1970, 1975; Rommetveit, 1974; and others).

In Soviet psychology, the distinction between “meaning” and “meaning” was introduced several decades earlier by L. S. Vygotsky in his classic book Thinking and Speech, which was first published in 1934 and became widely known.

By meaning, we understand the system of connections that has objectively developed in the process of history, which stand behind the word. For example, the word "inkpot" is followed by the meaning we discussed above. As we have already said, the word "inkwell", which has developed in social history, means something related to paint (black-), to tool (-il-), to receptacles (- nits-). Thus, this word not only points to a certain subject, but also subjects it to analysis, introduces it into the system of objective connections and relations.

By assimilating the meanings of words, we assimilate universal human experience, reflecting the objective world with different fullness and depth. "Meaning" is a stable system of generalizations behind the word, the same for all people, and this system can only have different depths, different generalizations, different breadth of coverage of the objects it denotes, but it necessarily retains an unchanged "core" - a certain set of connections.

Next to this concept of meaning, however, we can distinguish another concept, which is usually denoted by the term "meaning". By meaning, in contrast to meaning, we understand the individual meaning of a word, isolated from this objective system of connections; it consists of those connections that are relevant to this moment and to this situation. Therefore, if the "meaning" of a word is an objective reflection of the system of connections and relations, then the "meaning" is the introduction of subjective aspects of the meaning in accordance with the given moment and situation.

Let's look at an example that illustrates this situation. The word "coal" has a certain objective meaning. This is a black object of wood origin, the result of burning trees, which has a certain chemical composition, which is based on the element C (carbon). However, the meaning of the word "coal" can be completely different for different people and in different situations. For the hostess, the word "coal" means what is used to kindle the samovar or what is needed in order to kindle the stove. For a scientist, coal is a subject of study, and he highlights the side of this meaning of the word that interests him - the structure of coal, its properties. For an artist, this is a tool that can be used to make a sketch, a preliminary sketch of a picture. And for the girl who stained her white dress with coal, the word "coal" has an unpleasant meaning: it is something that gave her unpleasant experiences at the moment.

This means that the same word has a meaning that has objectively developed in history and that is potentially preserved by different people, reflecting things with different fullness and depth. However, along with the meaning, each word has a meaning, by which we mean the separation from this meaning of the word of those aspects that are associated with a given situation and the affective attitude of the subject.

That is why modern psycholinguists rightly believe that if “referential meaning” is the main element of language, then “socio-communicative meaning” or “meaning” is the main unit of communication (which is based on the perception of what exactly the speaker wants to say and what motives induce him to utterance) and at the same time the main element of the living, associated with a specific affective situation, the use of the word by the subject.

An adult cultured person has both aspects of the word: both its meaning and its meaning. He firmly knows the established meaning of the word and, at the same time, can each time choose the necessary system of connections from the given meaning in accordance with the given situation. It is easy to understand that the word "rope" for a person who wants to pack a purchase has one meaning, but for a person who has fallen into a hole and wants to get out of it, this is a means of salvation. Only with some mental disorders, for example, with schizophrenia, the ability to choose a meaning that corresponds to the situation sharply suffers, and if a person who fell into a pit and to whom a rope was thrown, will talk about the qualities of the rope, say, that “the rope is a simple rope ", and will resonate instead of acting, this will indicate a clear deviation of his psyche from the norm.

So, in a word, along with a meaning that includes subject relatedness and the actual meaning, i.e. generalization, the assignment of an object to known categories, there is always an individual meaning, which is based on the transformation of meanings, the selection from among all the connections behind the word of that communication system that is relevant at the moment.

Let us now turn to the main topic of interest to us and try to trace how the meaning of a word is formed in the process of child development.

Meaning and Meaning

The analyzed examples indicate that the comprehension of the text is a complex process. However, it obeys certain laws, due to the phenomenal features of the human brain. How to use these laws for our task: to learn by fast reading deep and fully understand the text? To find ways to solve this problem, it is necessary first to decide what should be understood in the text being read. Obviously, to some readers, the question itself may seem meaningless: you need to understand everything that is contained in the text. And here an interesting discovery awaits us: the entire text does not need to be read in its entirety. To understand it, it is enough to read only a certain part of it, which can be conditionally called the "golden core" of the content. These are exactly those 25% of the content of the text that remain after the elimination of redundancy.

What is the "core"? To understand this, let's consider the basic semantic (semantic) principles of text construction. As modern linguistics has established, texts have a unity of internal logical organization. They are built according to the same logical rules for the coherence of the presentation.

Rice. 11. Text compression levels

In addition, as we already know, the redundancy of texts reaches 75%. Obviously, the "golden core" that we are talking about carries the main semantic load. And if this is so, then the target process of text transformation, i.e. its compression, during reading can be conditionally considered the selection and formation of this “core”. On fig. 11 is a flow chart of this operation. The text contains certain information that the reader sees in it.

When describing further transformations, we will proceed from the semantic information theory developed by the Soviet mathematician and linguist Yu. A. Shreider. According to this theory, the reader, studying the information, compares it with the amount of knowledge (also called the thesaurus) that he has at the moment, and gives an assessment of the incoming information. This means that if at first the reader did not understand the text, then the text does not carry any information for him. If then, even after a long time, having gained new knowledge, the reader turns to the same text for the second time, then he already extracts the necessary information from it. What happens to her next? As a result of studying the text, the reader highlights the meaning, which is then converted into meaning. Before analyzing the essence of the process that occurs further, it is necessary to give an explanation: what is the meaning and meaning? For the first time, the study of the concepts of "meaning" and "meaning" was undertaken by the German mathematician and logician Gottlob Frege.

In 1892, his work “On the Meaning and Meaning” was published, which has not lost its relevance to this day. G. Frege defines meaning as the content of a linguistic expression, that is, it is a thought contained in words. The meaning of a linguistic expression is that essential object that is verbally fixed in the human mind. For example, the meaning of the word moon is essentially a celestial body or a natural satellite of the Earth.

According to G. Frege's concept, the relationship of a name to what it names or designates is the relationship of naming, and the thing that is called is the meaning of this name. Any name always names something (the function of naming, or nomination), and this something is a certain thing. Naturally, there may be unnamed things.

Thus, meaning is the essential property of a name, which is realized through the manifold naming of things. G. Frege calls the meaning the difference in the way of formal designation of objects by names. Combinations of words like Alexander Pushkin, great Russian poet, poet killed by Dantes different in meaning, but the same in meaning. In the language in general and in texts in particular, one can find different ways of using names: teacher - teacher; doctor - doctor; hippopotamus - hippopotamus, etc. These examples provide different information about the same thing. Meaning is what is transmitted and understood in the message as socially significant information and that when receiving the message should be understood unambiguously. Two expressions can have the same meaning, but different meaning, if these expressions differ in the structure of the text implementation. Consider the expressions "5" and "3+2". The meaning in each of them is different, but the meaning is the same.

Let us turn again to fig. 11. The final stages of the transformation of a text fragment include the extraction of meaning from the received meaning. Does this mean that always, in any text, there are all the components of this scheme? Not at all. However, the content of each of its elements is in descending order. Indeed, texts always contain information. Few meaningless texts can be found. But very many meaningful texts do not contain meaning. In the literature on logic, an example of such an empty expression is usually given:

concept expressed in words king of France, makes sense, but in relation to the XX century. doesn't matter. Are scientific texts of similar content possible? To answer, it is enough to find out if there is a value in the quoted text.

Consider some total and hence unique instance of "A". Establishing the identity of an instance with itself can be viewed as a mapping that brings the images of "A" in accordance with the pre-image of "A". Instance "A" by definition can only be compared with itself. Therefore, the mapping is internal and, according to Stilov's theorem, can be represented as a superposition of a topological and subsequent analytic mapping. The totality of images "A" constitutes a dot system, the elements of which are equivalent points... As shown by the analysis carried out by the Soviet linguist I. P. Sevbo, formal coherence and scientific sounding do not reduce the emptiness of this text.

Obviously, now we can answer the question of what should be read in texts: you need to be able to find the meaning.


how to practically learn to highlight the value? Let's consider another interesting phenomenon. As N. I. Zhinkin showed, the brain of every person already has this ability, since it contains a program for highlighting meaning in any readable text that makes sense. Experiments of psychologists! confirmed that when processing text, the human brain always highlights the "nuclear" meaning, regardless of the way it is formally expressed or sensed. So, in one of the experiments, a group of subjects was asked to press a special button every time the word appeared on the screen. doctor, and not respond to the signal if other words appeared, even similar in style, for example speaker. Most of the subjects were able to

Rice. 12. Filtering ability of the brain

this task. Then, without warning, the message was shown on the screen. doctor. Almost everyone pressed the button, although the word was not in any way similar to the word doctor.

This example is proof that when perceiving textual information, the brain reacts not to the linguistic structure of the word, but to its content. The brain's perception of various phrases is shown in Fig. 12. Due to the presence of an algorithmic filter, the brain does not skip (outputs 0) the phrase "Purple ideas sleep furiously." For the phrase "My yours do not understand" the corresponding expression is formed. And finally, the brain reacts the same way to words doctor And doctor, whereas for the word "announcer" the output is also 0.

The meaning of the word as a unit of the study of speech thinking. Stages of development of word meanings (L.S. Vygotsky). The technique of "double stimulation". The meaning and meaning of words

The unit of analysis of speech thinking is a psychological phenomenon that is both speech and thinking - the meaning of words. Meaning is a characteristic of a word; on the other hand, it is a generalized representation of reality. Before the advent of man, speech and thinking evolved separately and independently of each other. Their unification became possible due to the emergence of language in human society. Speech thinking arose around the age of 2, when children begin to possess language. How did the meaning of the word develop in ontogeny? The idea is to model the natural conditions in which human concepts are mastered. 1) a person in the world around him is faced with various objects that may be similar or different from each other in some way. 2) a person in the world around is faced with the words that denote these concepts. The concept is formed under the conditions of the possible correlation of different words with different objects, which are denoted by these words. Vygotsky: As a unit of analysis of higher forms of thinking that distinguish man from animals, one should choose the meaning of the word, reflecting "unity of communication and generalization".

Vygotsky and Luria experimentally substantiated the position according to which the types of speech thinking are characterized by the types of generalizations that are fixed in the word. The type of thinking can be judged by the structure of the meanings functioning in his speech. Then the stages of the development of meanings (in sociogenesis and ontogenesis) give the name to the forms of thinking: syncretic, complex and conceptual. Children 3-12 years old: stages of speech development: 1) syncretic stage . Features: it is impossible to establish objective connections between geometric figures. It is difficult to identify the objective content of the meaning of words used by children. Grouping based on a random attribute. 2) stage of complexes . When selecting geometric shapes, children begin to focus on their objective features. At the same time, not 1 of these signs is not common to all figures designated by this or that word. The meaning of words is characterized by a certain objective content, but it cannot be called a concept. There is 5 types of complexes: associative (children select figures according to the model according to several successive signs at once), collection (they do this not according to the principle of similarity, but according to the principle of complementarity), chain (children begin to select figures according to one attribute. But at some point they change feature), diffuse (figures are selected on the basis of common global similarity), pseudo-concept (selected figures have at least one common feature). 3) concept stage . At least one common feature is found + they are aware of this feature as a common one. In children, concepts first appear in the form of potential concepts. Their content is characterized by one feature common to some group of objects. The development of concepts ends with the formation of true concepts, they are composed of a set of common features. True concepts first appear in children by the age of 11-12.

Dual Stimulation Technique- a technique originally developed by L.S. Vygotsky and L.S. Sakharov to study the process of concept formation. It uses two rows of stimuli, of which the first performs the function of an object to which the activity of the subject is directed, and the second - the function of signs with the help of which this activity is organized. So in the Vygotsky-Sakharov experiment, figures of various colors, shapes, heights and sizes were used as stimuli-objects, and words written on the reverse side of each of the figures, which are experimental concepts, were used as stimuli-means. The subject had to formulate a concept, gradually revealing its features based on the selection of figures who, in his opinion, acted as carriers of this concept. At the same time, it turned out to be possible to investigate how the subject uses signs to control his thought processes and how, depending on the way the word is used, the entire process of concept formation proceeds. In the future, the methodology received a wide methodological understanding as a means of analyzing the development and functioning of higher mental functions in general.

The process of translating a thought into a word lasts in time and goes through 5 successive plans. They can be regarded as certain forms of existence of thought. 1 plan- plan of external speech. Thought is presented in the final form - sound expression. 2 plan- plan of the meaning of external speech. Thought exists in the meaning of related words. 3 plan- plan of inner speech. Inner speech is speech for oneself. It is not used to transfer to other people. It has certain characteristics that distinguish it from external speech (1. internal speech is predicative. It lacks a subject about which something is reported. Because each person knows what is being said. 2. it is abbreviated. It does not consist of completely spoken words or phrases, but of fragments 3. the predominance of meaning over meaning). 4 characteristics of the meaning of the word: 1) objectivity. The meaning of the word exists in the language independently of the subject, so that the subject must appropriate these meanings and master them. 2) stability. The meaning of the word has an invariable content. 3) versatility. The same content of the meaning of words for all people. 4) the meaning of words - such contents that exist only outside the contexts of phrases. The meaning of a word is the opposite of the meaning of words. The meaning of the word: subjectivity. The content depends on the will and desire of the subject; variability; uniqueness; arises and exists only in the context of phrases. The meaning of a word is the subjective, changeable and often unique content of a word, acquired by it only in a certain context of phrases. 4 plan- plan of thought. Thought exists in its pure form, without connection with internal and external speech. 5 plan- the plan of need - the volitional sphere. Any thought that has to be embodied in words arises in connection with his need.

Meanings are simultaneously: 1) the subject of the thinking process (the content of what we think about), 2) the means of thinking (the sign acts as a tool, allowing you to highlight the properties of the object, fix and establish new relationships), 3) the product of thinking (as a result of thinking, new values).

Definition and basic processes of memory. Types of memory; their ability to classify. memory models. Patterns of memory: forgetting curves, the law of the "edge of the row", memory and activity, motivation and memorization.

Memory is a mental process of reflecting a person's experience by remembering, storing and reproducing information.

Memory processes: 1) Memorization is a process aimed at preserving impressions in memory. 2) Preservation - the process of processing, generalization and systematization of the material. 3) Reproduction (recollection) - restoration in memory of previously perceived information. 4) Forgetting is a process focused on removing information from memory. Forgetting has a positive side - a person frees his memory to save new information or forgets negative events. 5) Recognition - the process of memory, as a result of which, when perceiving information, a feeling of familiarity arises.

Types of memory: 1) Depending on the storage time of the material: instant(3 seconds) short-term(7±2 seconds) is a mandatory intermediate storage and filter that processes the largest amount of information. Short-term memory is very closely related to long-term memory, because unnecessary information is eliminated here and useful information remains, operational(intermediate) - the time of information storage is designed to solve the problem, long-term. 2) Depending on the predominant analyzer: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, motor 3) Genetic (congenital) Intravital: motor, emotional, figurative, verbal-logical.

The laws of memory are general patterns that characterize the work and structure of human memory:

1) The law of associations: the more various connections and associations are revealed between parts of a complex material, the faster and better the material will be remembered, preserved longer and easier to remember.
Types of associations: by similarity, by contrast, by contiguity: mental formations that arose simultaneously or sequentially are perceived together.

2) Ebbinghaus' law: in the first hours after memorization, an active process of forgetting information operates.

3) "Edge effect": the beginning and end of information is well remembered.

4) "The Zeigarnik Effect": things that are completed are much more quickly forgotten than things that are not completed.

5) The law of active repetition when memorizing material.

Memorization is the process of memory aimed at retaining impressions in memory.

Reproduction (recollection) is the restoration of previously perceived information in memory.

Types of memorization depending on the participation of the will:

1) Arbitrary (there is a goal - to remember).

Psychological conditions: creation of a psychological attitude; temporally reasonable repetition; vigilance is essential for efficiency.

2) Involuntary (without a goal, but with interest).

3) Mechanical (learning information through repeated repetition).

4) Semantic (based on the search for semantic connections in the studied material).

Reproduction of information occurs in the same way as memorization took place.

1. associationist theory. Association - connection, connection, explanatory principle of all mental formations. A necessary and sufficient reason for the formation of a connection between two impressions is the simultaneity of their appearance in consciousness. Accordingly, memory is not an active process (activity) of a person with objects or their images, but as a mechanically formed product of associations. Types of associations - by contiguity, by similarity, by contrast. Memorization is really the linking of the new with the already existing in experience. But connections are formed selectively, and associationism does not give an answer to the question of how this process is determined.

Representatives of Ass. psychology - Ebbinghaus, Müller, Pilzecker - the first attempts at an experimental study of memory. The main subject of research is the study of the stability, strength and strength of associations. An important contribution to science is the development of Ebbinghaus and his followers of methods for the quantitative study of memory processes.

2. Behaviorism. The global task is to establish unambiguous relationships between stimuli and responses, the problem of skill. Memory is exhausted by the acquisition of various motor and speech skills; studied mainly in an involuntary form. Studies of arbitrary memory, the central problem is memorization. In these works, the well-known propositions about the influence of repetitions on the success of memorization, about its dependence on the volume and nature of the material, were confirmed and further developed. New facts were obtained about the dependence of memorization productivity on various kinds of attitudes and motives.

3. Gestalt psychology. Keller, Koffka, Wertheimer, Levin. The basis for the formation of associations is the law of integrity. The whole is not a simple sum of elements; a holistic formation - a gestalt - is primary in relation to its constituent elements. The leading condition for memorization is the structure of the material. Therefore, in order to memorize unorganized, meaningless material, an additional initial condition is necessary - the intention of the subject. Gestalt psychologists lost sight of the most important aspect of the process of building and fixing the image - a person's own activity. Meanwhile, for memorization, it is not so much the fact of the similarity or difference of elements that matters, but the action of a person who discovers these similarities and differences.

4. Personality theories of memory– revealed a number of factors influencing the course of memory processes, especially retention: activity, interest, attention, awareness of the task, as well as emotions accompanying the course of memory processes.

5. The idea of ​​the social nature of human memory. Janet, Vygotsky, Luria, Leontiev. Memory processes are understood as a social form of behavior, a specific socially controlled action. Comparative studies of involuntary and voluntary memorization (P.I. Zinchenko, A.A. Smirnov).

6. Structural model of memory. A complex configuration of interacting subsystems that ensure the implementation of the main memory functions: fixation, processing and reproduction of mnemonic contents in behavior and consciousness. In modern structural models, the following blocks (subsystems) are distinguished: sensory register(an ultra-short-term storage of information of a very large volume. The task is to provide the next block with the ability to classify incoming information and send it for further processing. It is required to experience the world as a continuous integrity. Forgetting is associated with interference and attenuation), recognizer ( part of long-term memory, taken out. The transformation of a chaotic flow of information into organized meaningful units. During the process of recognition, long-term memory provides patterns of cognition (hypotheses of standards, prototypes and traits) ), working memory ( a block of memory in which information circulates that is necessary for the implementation of the current activity and / or is present in the mind. ), long-term memory ( permanent storage of information. Forgetting as such does not exist in long-term memory.)

the meaning of the word is:

the meaning of the word the meaning of the word the content side of the word; consists of lexical, grammatical, sometimes derivational meanings. So, the words tenderness and gentle differ in grammatical meaning; and gentle and snowy coincide in grammatical meaning, differing in lexical. The meaning of the word is being studied semantics.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006.

Meaning of the word MEANING OF THE WORD. Concepts that are associated (linked) by speakers of k.-n. language with the idea of ​​a known sound or sound combination that makes up a word. Z.S. can be complex, i.e. disintegrate in the mind of the speaker into several Z.; so, with the word "hand" in Russian. the concepts are connected: 1. about a well-known object of thought and 2. about its well-known relation to other objects of thought, indicated by other words in the same sentence (Z., introduced by the form blames, pad.). The first Z., i.e. Z. S. as a sign of the subject of thought without its relation to other subjects of thought, called. the main one, and that Z., which is recognized as modifying the main Z., called. formal. Both the basic and the formal vocabulary of the word are distinguished by a certain instability, mobility, and the ability to change somewhat with each new use of the word. In relation to the basic star, this instability is explained by the complexity of the basic star itself; Thus, the concept of words denoting objects as receptacles of features can be broken down into ideas about individual features that are part of a complex representation of an object. So, talking about oak, we can think about the shape of a growing oak tree, its leaves, acorns, bark color, wood pulp color, strength, durability, etc.; each of these partial representations can appear in our thought without being accompanied by other representations as a Z. S. "oak". Further, the same name can be transferred to other objects by similarity or contiguity (metaphorical or metonymic transfer Z.). The same thing happens with words that represent the names of individual features of an object (cf. the verb "to go" as applied to a person, train, clock, time, business, etc.). Frequent use of the word in k.-n. one of the non-original Z. can lead to its displacement from the language in the original Z., i.e. to change Z. words.

N. D. Literary encyclopedia: Dictionary of literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M.; L.: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925

The meanings of the original word-forming word and

semantic word. Reading process.

Pavlov Viktor Vasilievich

Tula Polytechnic Institute.

e-mail: [email protected]


The article discusses how a dictionary entry is built in a word-building dictionary.

A distinction is made between a semantic word and a word-forming one.

The difference between the meanings and features of verbs is considered on the example of the words "read" and "read". The definition of the category "concept" is given. The interpretation of the words "read" and "read" is compared. In general, the issue of teaching reading and a foreign language is considered.

Key words: word formation, concept, word interpretation, word analysis, lexical meaning, features, reading process, learning, foreign language.

Key words: word formation, the concept, the interpretation of the words, parsing words, lexical meaning, characteristics, process of reading, learning a foreign language.

Consider how a dictionary entry is built in a word-building dictionary.

A word-formation nest is a collection of words with an identical root, ordered in accordance with the relations of word-formation motivation. A nest is a set of word-building chains that have the same source word. A word-formation chain is a series of single-root words that are in a relationship of successive derivativeness.

Words that have an external similarity are combined into one nest, a common part - the root, which acts in them as a carrier of a common meaning for the whole family of words.


Brave - daredevil

dare - dare



However, in order to combine certain words into one nest, external similarity is not enough; it is necessary to have internal, semantic similarity. The relationship of the words forming the nest lies in their semantic commonality. An external indicator of the semantic community of related words is the root, an internal semantic word.

The initial word-forming word of the chain is often not a semantic word.

In the nests of mature words (words with stable morphological features) there is always a semantic word (courage).

In the interpretation of the lexical meaning of a word, a semantic word (a concept that has an interpretation) is involved, and in the origin of words, the original word-forming word and derivative words are involved.

Consider, for example, the interpretation of the words "read" and "read".

READING, -i, cf. 1. cm. to read. 2. What is being read, a work being read, an essay. Interesting, entertaining part 3. usually plural. Meeting, in which they read aloud (obsolete). Literary readings. 4. pl. A series of lectures or reports in memory of an outstanding scientist, writer. Lomonosov readings at the university.

READ, -ay, -ayesh; read; nesov. 1. what. Perceive what is written, pronouncing or reproducing to oneself. Ch. book. Ch. out loud. Ch. to himself (not aloud). Ch. by syllables. Ch. fluently. Ch. in two languages. Ch. from the lips (for the deaf-mutes: to perceive verbal speech by the movements of the lips). 2. someone. Perceive visually and intellectually. work. The young man reads a lot. Nobody reads anything. Ch. notes (trans.: distinguish them and play them with your voice or on a musical instrument). H. geographical maps, drawings (translated: be able to use). 3. transfer.. what. Perceive, guess. by external manifestations. H. moods by faces. Ch. in the hearts (guess someone's thoughts, desires). Ch. doubt on someone's face. 4. someone. Pronounce, recite (some kind of text). Ch. poetry from the stage. Ch. by heart Krylov's fables. 5. what. Speak for the purpose of teaching, instruction. Ch. notations, moralizing. 6. what. Present orally in front of an audience. Ch lecture. Ch. course of Russian literature. 7. read (those). Use in the meaning: it must be understood in such and such a way, it means such and such. Unwillingness to interfere - read indifference. II owl. read, read, read; -read (-en, -ena) (to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 values) and read, -ay, -ayesh; -ita-ny (to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 values). II multiple read, present not used (to 2 and 4 values). And noun reading, -i, cf. (to 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 values), reading, -i, cf. (to 2 and 5 meanings) and reading, -i, cf. (to 1.4 and 6 values). Take a book to read. II adj. reading, -th, -th (to 2 meanings).

READ (-ayes, -ayesh. 1 and 2 liters. not used.), -ayes; nesov, 1. Be such that you can read (in 1 and 2 meanings); to be read. The inscription is hard to read. The novel is read with interest. 2. anonymous, to whom. About the desire to read, about the mood for reading (colloquial). In such noise it is not readable.

READER, -and, f. (simple). Reading room and reading room.

READING ROOM, -and, genus. pl. -len, w. An institution, a place where visitors read books, periodicals. Library-h. University h.

READER, -I, m. 1. A person who is busy reading some. works, to which written works are addressed. Attentive h. h. newspapers. Reviews of readers about the book. Meeting of the author with readers. 2. A visitor to a public library, reading room, reading room. Hall for readers. I) f. reader, s. II adj. reader, th, th. readership. H. ticket.

READING, -and, well. 1. Reading aloud in front of a group of listeners (colloquial). Collective hours of newspapers. 2. Rehearsal reading of roles (special). Table part (i.e., the first reading at the table, not on stage).

READER, -a, m. I. A person who reads; one who is busy reading (obsolete). 2. A person who reads to someone. aloud, generally one who reads aloud. 3. An artist performing with artistic reading. Reading competition. 11 f. reader, -s (ko 2 and 3 meanings). II adj. reader, -th, -th (to 2 and 3 meanings). Reading section of the theater society.

READING, -a, cf. (colloquial neglect-). Low-quality, low-quality reading (in 2 digits).

"FROM. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, Publisher: ITI Technologies, 2008.

Given the semantic word "reading" will be:

READING - 1. Object, information (object carrying information). This is what is read, read. And the corresponding types of objects - books, collections, lecture series, etc.

Interesting, entertaining reading. Literary, Lomonosov readings. Lexical word. Read reading.

2. Action, object, information. An action that unites the processes in the human brain associated with the perception of textual information. Reading aloud. Read aloud.

3. Action, reproduction, information. Reproduction of information from memory. Reading a poem (without using textual information). Reader.

4. Concept, action, object, information. This is a receptive type of speech activity associated with the perception and understanding of information. Contains a sign of generality (concept).

Semantic, conceptual word. Processes in the human brain associated with the perception and processing of textual information.

Reading is a set of complex psycho-physiological processes through which information is extracted from a graphically recorded text. Visual, motor, auditory analyzers take part in reading, with the help of which a person reacts to written graphic signs (letters) and translates them into words, meanings, meanings.

Reading has several lexical meanings, which are based on the concept.

An action that unites the processes in the human brain associated with the perception of textual information. Comprehension of information may or may not occur. Word forming word.

Contains a sign of specificity. What?

An object. READ 1. To be such that one can read (in 1 and 2 meanings); to be read. The inscription is hard to read. The novel is read with interest. 2. anonymous, to whom. About the desire to read, about the mood for reading (colloquial). In such noise it is not readable (is not readable).

"FROM. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, Publisher: ITI Technologies, 2008.

READER - place, reading, attitude (contains an expression of attitude to the place where they read: condescending, diminutive-scornful).

READING - quality, place, reading.

READING ROOM - place, reading.

READER, -I, m. - Man, reading (to himself and aloud).

READING, -and, well. Action, reading (out loud). Short for "read".

READER, -a, m. Man, reading (out loud).

READING, -a, cf. Object, information, relation (object carrying information) (contains an expression of attitude to information, by the word book: negative-scornful). The book is information, reading.

Book reading. Reading aloud. Reading to yourself (not aloud). Reading in syllables. Reading fluently. Reading in two languages. Lip reading, etc. (Process).

But the word "reading" in the sentence is not always replaced by the word "read".

Interesting, entertaining reading. Interesting, entertaining read. But, interesting, entertaining reading to read? He talks about different dependence and different signs of words. Violation of the phonetic compatibility of the sentence.

When interpreting words in dictionaries, it is necessary to use semantic words (notions-nouns and concepts-verbs), and not word-forming ones.

A noun, as it were, objectifies an action. And a semantic word arises - the concept-noun "reading" and a word-forming word - the concept-verb "read".

Beautiful words about life with meaning

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves.

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, mortuaries is the height of idiocy. It is necessary not to be afraid of the dead, but to feel sorry for them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing something important to be done, and those who remained forever mourning the departed.

But there are no chance meetings... This is either a test... or a punishment... or a gift of fate...

You should not return to the past, it will never be the same as you remember it anyway.

If you really need something, life will definitely give it to you ... There is only one way to comprehend - to act.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate. After all, in your life there are only a few of them.

Human life is divided into two halves: during the first half they strive forward to the second, and during the second back to the first.

Sometimes one call separates us from happiness… One conversation… One confession…

Beautiful words with meaning about love

Winners in life always think in the spirit: I can, I want, I. Losers, on the other hand, focus their scattered thoughts on what they could have, could do, or what they could not do. In other words, winners always take responsibility for themselves, and losers blame circumstances or other people for their failures.

Friends are like food - every day you need them. There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you. But there are such friends as air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students.

When you feel good and have fun, a lot of people surround you, but if you feel sad or something happens in your life and you really need help ... the number of people decreases sharply and those people who truly appreciate and value you remain.

When you let go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to stop slowly ...

And it can be difficult. But this is life. And endure steadfastly... And not break down... And smile. Just smile.

Life has changed so much, and the world has deteriorated so much that when you have a pure sincere person in front of you who wants to be around, you are looking for a catch in this.

If life loses its meaning, take risks.

Even after 100 failed attempts, do not despair, because 101 can change your life.

Beautiful words with a short meaning

Errors are the punctuation marks of life, without which, as in the text, there will be no meaning.

If you value your life, remember that others value theirs just as much.

A friend who has reached power is a lost friend.

A person who all his life always and in everything considers not himself, but others to blame, is also unhappy in his own way.

As a rule, you can judge a person by what he laughs at.

All troubles are sent to us so that, looking for a way out of them, we begin our spiritual development and change something in ourselves for the better.

All joys are sent to us in order to show how wonderful life is when we are on the right path.

As a fable, so life is valued not for its length, but for its content.

Sometimes it’s good to lose everything in order to understand what you really lack…

Or why sometimes people don't say what they want to say?

Surely everyone has faced such problems at one time or another. One of the reasons for these difficulties is that our brain works on two levels: on one level, the words with which we communicate are selected, and on the other, their meanings are analyzed. Word analysis has a surface structure, which distinguishes the choice of words and intonation, and a deep structure, which analyzes the hidden semantic meanings of words.

We tend to focus on the meaning of the words (Deep Structure) that are being told to us, with little or no attention to superficial analysis. For example, you don't wear a watch, but you know what time it is at the moment because you just looked at the street clock. And if at that moment I stop you on the street and ask: “Do you have a watch?”, then you will probably answer: “It's about four now.”

This will end our conversation, and we will both be satisfied, despite the fact that you did not answer my question. Your statement indicates that you have understood the deep meaning of the question. Indeed, I was not interested in the very fact of whether you have a watch, but how many at a given moment in time. Or rather, I wanted to know what time it is, but the very wording of my question was about whether you have a watch. If, on the other hand, you focused on the superficial meaning of my question, then you would answer: "I do not have a watch." Your answer would probably confuse me. And if not, then I would think that something is wrong with you.

To give another example, I once had lunch with a friend of mine who is doing research in one of the clinics and is also the author of several books. We were talking about books and I asked her, "Can you tell me who your editor is?" To which my friend replied: "Her name is Jane Doe." If she answered "Yes, I can", then I would have to ask another question to get the name of the editor. In answering my question, my acquaintance penetrated into its essence, although if she did not want to name her editor, she would, of course, say in response: “No, I cannot tell you that.” Thus it turns out that a person reacts either to the surface meaning of your question, or to its deep meaning; and what he will respond to depends on his opinion about your question.

In fact, from a person's speech, one can learn things about him that he himself does not suspect. From this we can conclude that paying more attention to the surface meaning and deep meaning of what they say to you will help you better understand people and learn more useful information about them.

Experts believe that the form (surface structure) of words can be as important for determining the character of a person and his qualities as their deep semantic structure. The best people who are said to be mind readers simply pay more attention to the words and expressions the person uses in conversation.

By paying more attention to what is said to you, you can become more aware that the hidden meaning of words can tell you a lot about the people who say these words.

One of the simplest and most powerful ways to increase your sensitivity to words is simply to constantly think about their surface meaning and deep meaning whenever you hear the words. At first, the need for additional analysis can tire you too much, so it’s best to start by recalling past conversations and the words that were spoken in them. You should consider both what your interlocutor said and what you answered him. You can keep a special journal where you will write down the hidden meanings of words that you have discovered. You will surely be surprised at how quickly you acquire the ability to determine the true meaning of what people say.

Insidious language

In everyday life, we all come across expressions that at first glance are ordinary kind phrases, but upon further examination it turns out that in their essence they are fraught with the most severe insults. Indeed, it often happens that many "courtesies" turn out to be sophisticated ridicule.

For example, at work, you may hear the following: "I see how you are concerned about the affairs of the company."

The superficial meaning of this phrase is that the person addressing you really sees that you are interested in the affairs of the company, its financial stability, etc. But the same phrase can have another, deeper and more offensive meaning:

You don't give a damn about the company, and all I'm thinking about is how to keep it afloat,

You should pay more attention to the affairs of the company.

Even more insidious and offensive may be another phrase: "Everyone understands how hard it is for you to cope with a new job."

At first glance, it may seem that this phrase really expresses sincere sympathy and that the person who said it wants to cheer you up. However, the same phrase has another deeper meaning. This phrase may mean that everyone has long understood that you are a person with mediocre abilities (in other words, mediocrity), who, due to his insolvency, cannot cope with his official duties.

The phrase in question can also mean that everyone knows that you have experienced serious difficulties in doing this work, so there is no point in trying to hide or deny it.

If you do not feel the ambiguity of these phrases, then it will be really difficult for you to cope with the new job responsibilities. It should also be noted that in no case should you enter into an argument, that is, you should not respond to this with “I really care about the company’s affairs ...” or “Really, everyone knows how hard it is for me.”

If you learn to feel the hidden meaning of phrases, you can easily avoid such traps. The statements in question might be advised to respond with: “It is amazing to me how people in your position can think that I do not care about the affairs of the company ...” or “Thank you, I really appreciate your concern for my humble person” .

You should never forget that every person has sins that he diligently hides, so your allusion to the situation in which the person who is addressing you is will definitely work, forcing the wits to think about what exactly you are hinting at and what you generally know about him We can say with absolute certainty that for a long time he will no longer have any desire to joke with you. Such a response also perfectly parries the attack, depriving it of any causticity. If you react in this way to the caustic remarks of ill-wishers, then they will understand that jokes are bad with you.

In order to learn to feel the ambiguity of phrases, try to record and analyze sharp conversations that you have witnessed or participated in. The superficial meaning and deep meaning of all replicas should be analyzed. When you study a sufficient number of such conversations, you will certainly notice that your sensitivity to language turns has increased several times. You may also notice that this made it easier for you to work with people, because they saw you as a serious opponent in a verbal fight and decided that it was better to live in peace with you. You will feel that you have become more respected, and all this is only due to the fact that you have begun to better understand the semantic meanings of various language turns.

Content indicated by one or another linguistic expression by a word, sentence, sign, etc. The question of the Z. of linguistic expressions is studied by linguistics, semiotics, and logical semantics. Distinguish subject, semantic and expressive Z. linguistic ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

meaning- MEANING, SIGNIFICANT, SIGNIFIED Franz. signification, signifiant, SIGNIFIE. The basic concepts of modern linguistics for describing the sign were substantiated by the classic of this science F. de Saussure. According to the scientist, the signifier / signified are ... ... Postmodernism. Glossary of terms.

VALUE, VALUE, i; cf. 1. The main semantic content of what l. Z. concepts. Z. look, gesture. Z. speeches, speeches. Determine h. words. Lexical words (the concept they denote). Full, direct, literal, figurative h. words. 2.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Meaning: Meaning is the semantic content of a word, phrase or character. The function value is the result of the function evaluation. The absolute value of the modulus of a number. The value of the quantity is the ratio of the measured physical quantity to the unit ... ... Wikipedia

The content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The concept of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, logic, and semiotics. In the science of language, Z. (see Lexical Meaning) is understood as semantic ...

The semantic content of the word, reflecting and fixing in the mind the idea of ​​an object, property, process, phenomenon, etc. encyclopedic Dictionary

Meaning- (common Slavonic, from the word "sign") 1. quantity or value, expressed as a number; 2. information about something objectively existing, about its role in what is happening (the term sense rather conveys the personal value of an object or such information for an individual). *… … Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

meaning- meaning / ne 1) The main semantic content of what l. Meaning / concept. The meaning of a look, a gesture. Meaning / speech, speeches. Determine the meaning of the word. The lexical meaning / meaning of the word (the concept it denotes) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Philosophical Encyclopedia

A material object (phenomenon, event) acting as a representative of some other object, property or relationship and used for the acquisition, storage, processing and transmission of messages (information, knowledge). Distinguish… … Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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