Developmental tasks on the topic of wild animals. Homework. Wild animals. material (middle, senior group) on the topic. Children need to know

Tatiana Klyueva
Homework for parents middle group on the topics “Wild Animals”, “Domestic Animals”, “Poultry”



wild animals. The child must learn: names animals and their young, their appearance what parts their body consists of; where they live, what they eat.

words: wild animals, predators, herbivores, squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, bear, elk, badger, mouse, mole; den, lair, mink, hollow; skin, etc.

Tell your child about what they eat wild animals our forests and where they live (in a hole, den, lair, hollow, etc.)

Play with the children at games:


(selection of adjectives for the word ANIMALS»)

Herbivores, predators, angry, dangerous, timid, defenseless, weak, etc.

“Select, name, remember”

(pick up and name as many words as possible - signs, words - actions):

Bear (Which)- brown, huge, shaggy, clumsy, club-footed, strong.

Hare (Which) - …

Fox (which) - …

Bear (what is he doing)- waddles, roars, sleeps...

Fox (what is he doing) - …

Hare (what is he doing) - …

"Who with whom?"

It's getting cold and I'm getting sick animals and reached out to Doctor Aibolit. In the morning, the doctor noticed that a lot of people had gathered in the clearing near the hospital. animals. Look at the picture. Who came to Doctor Aibolit's clinic? (Fox with a fox cub. Hare with a little hare. Etc.)


(agreement of numerals with nouns in gender, number and case):

One fox, two foxes, five foxes.

(squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, elk, badger, mouse, mole, beaver, wild boar, hare)

“Who was who?”

(fixing the names of the cubs + logical thinking+ creates, case)

There was a bear. (bear cub).

(squirrel, hedgehog, wolf, fox, elk, badger, mouse, mole,

beaver, wild boar, hare)

"Whose family?"

(learning possessive adjectives):

A wolf, a she-wolf and a wolf cub are a wolf family.

Hare, hare and little bunny -.

Fox, fox and little fox -.

She-bear, bear and cub -.

Elk, moose cow and elk calf -.

Boar, wild boar and little boar -.

Beaver, beaver and beaver -.

Hedgehog, hedgehog and hedgehog -.

“Whose cub?”


A fox cub is a fox cub

Little Wolf -. Elk calf -.

Little squirrel. Badger -.

Bunny. Beaver -.

Little mouse. Teddy bear -. Hedgehog.

Invite the children to write a story -

description about wild animals according to the scheme:

Body parts

What is the body covered with?

Where does he live?

What does it eat?

How do you spend the winter?




Talk to your child about pets. The child must learn: names pets

and their young, what parts their body consists of; where they live, what they eat; what benefit does a person have for a person? animals.

The child must be able to use in his speech words: Pets, bull, cow, pig, horse, horse, goat, sheep, ram, dog, cat, cub, kennel, barn, farm, pigsty, stable, sheepfold, neigh, bark, moo, meow, horns, hooves, tail, mane , udder, mustache, etc.

Play with the kids:

“Who eats what?”

The horse eats oats and grass.

(cat, dog, goat, ram, sheep, pig, donkey)

“Who will be who?”

(fixing the names of the babies + logical thinking + instrumental case)

There will be a puppy. (dog)

(kid, kitten, calf, foal, piglet, lamb)

"Agree and repeat"

The kitten laps, and the kittens. (LakaUT)

The calf moos, and the calves.

The puppy runs, and the puppies.

The kid jumps, and the kids.

The piglet grunts, and the piglets.

The foal jumps, and the foals.

The lamb chews, and the lambs.

"Who's the boss?"

(use of possessive adjectives):

Whose muzzle does the HORSE have? - equine (tail, mane, legs, teeth, skin)

COW (horns, muzzle, tail, hooves, tongue)

DOG (fur, nose, tail, paws, bark, collar)

CAT (muzzle, claws, habits, tail, eyes, fur)


(coordination of numerals with

nouns in gender, number and case):

One cow, two cows, five cows,

(cat, dog, goat, ram, sheep, pig, donkey, kid, kitten, calf, foal, piglet, lamb)

"Name the whole family"

mom dad cub cubs

sheep ram lamb lambs

horse … … …

cow … … …

pig … … …


dog … … …

cat … … …

“Whose, whose, whose?”

tail, nose, head, ears

cow's cow's cow's

in a dog.........

in a cat.........

in a goat.........

at the ram.........

Give each other descriptive riddles

Jumps, chews, hides. Who is this?

Butting, chewing, bleating.

Sneaks, scratches, purrs.

Grazing, chewing, mooing.

Gnawing, guarding, barking.




Talk to your child about poultry. Children must learn the names poultry and their chicks what parts their body consists of; where they live, what they eat; what benefits do they bring to a person; a person's love for poultry and animals.

The child must be able to use in his speech words: poultry, poultry farm, poultry farm, poultry house, guinea fowl, hen, rooster, chicken, goose, goose, gosling, duck, drake, turkey, turkey, chick, beak, body, comb, feather, paws, membranes, claws; cackles, cackles, quacks, crows.

Play with the kids:

“Who eats what?”

Duck eats algae, grass, worms

(rooster, chicken, goose, turkey)

“Who will be who?”

(fixing the names of chicks + logical thinking + instrumental case)

There will be a gosling. (goose or goose).

(duckling, turkey, chicken)

"Agree and repeat"

(use of singular and plural verbs):

The goose cackles, and the geese... Cackling

The hen clucks, and the chickens... cackle

The turkey chatters, and turkeys... chatter.

The rooster crows, and the roosters... crow.

The duck quacks, and the ducks... quack.

"Who's the boss?"

(use of possessive adjectives):

Whose comb does the COCK have? – cockerel

(tail, feathers, wing, beard, character)

Whose meat does CHICKEN have? – chicken

Whose feet does the DUCK have? -duck

(beak, feather, paw)

Whose beak does the GOOSE have? -goose

(meat, leather, fluff, feathers)

Whose feather does the TURKEY have? - turkey


(coordination of numerals with nouns in gender, number and preference):

One duck, two ducks, five ducks.

(goose, rooster, hen, drake, turkey, turkey, duckling, gosling, chick, turkey)

Ask your child to write a story about any poultry

Body parts

What is the body covered with?

Where does he live?

Benefit to man

Give the children riddles

Make riddles.

Clucking, clucking, calling the children together,

He gathers everyone under his wing. (Chicken)

A tail with patterns, boots with spurs.

I wake everyone up, even though I don’t wind the clock. (Rooster)

He appeared in a yellow fur coat,

Goodbye, two shells. (Chick)

Red paws, pinching the heels,

Run without looking back. (Goose)

The barrel is rolling, there is not a knot in it. (Egg)

Wild animals in winter.

      Game "Clap, don't yawn." Clap the sound B.

      Determining the place of the sound B in words: pigeon, squirrel, curlers etc.

      Sound analysis of the syllable BI with laying out a graphic diagram

      Game “Name the Family” (word formation exercise).

Dad is a bear, mom is a bear, cub(s) is a bear cub(s); wolf, hare, hedgehog, fox...

      Game "Who has who?" (word formation exercise).

The bear has a teddy bear; from the wolf, from the fox. The bear has cubs; from the wolf, from the fox. Etc.

      Game “Who will we give what?”

Meat for the wolf; raspberries, honey, carrots, apples, nuts, mushrooms.

7. “Who has what house?”

All animals are preparing their homes for winter. The bear chooses... (den). The squirrel is looking for... (hollow). The fox is digging... (a hole). The wolf is making... (a lair). The den is the house... (of the bear). Hollow - house... (squirrels). Nora is the house... (foxes).

8.Say it correctly.

There were two squirrels - there were five... (squirrels) There were two foxes - there were five... (foxes) There were two hares - there were five... (hares) There were two wolves - there were five... (wolves) There were two bears - there are five... (bears) There were five squirrels - two left... (squirrels) There were five foxes - two left... (foxes) There were five hares - two left... (hares) There were five wolves - two left... (wolves) There were five bears - two left. (bear)

A girl was walking through the forest, and there was a squirrel with a baby squirrel... .(ka),

Here is the fox and the fox... (knock), Here is the she-wolf and the wolf... (knock),

Here is the hare and the hare.. .(nok), Here's a hedgehog and a hedgehog... (knock)

And without mom the bear... (knock).

11.Complete the sentence.”
The hare is white in winter, and in summer.... The hare has a short tail, and ears...

The hare has long hind legs, and the front ones... The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog...

The hedgehog sleeps during the day, but hunts... The hedgehog is small, but the bear...

The squirrel is gray in winter, and in summer... The squirrel has a long tail, and the hare...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog in... The fox has soft fur, and the wolf...

The fox lives in a hole, and the wolf in... The bear roars loudly, and the hedgehog snorts...

12.« Who was who? Reinforcing the names of baby animals.

The bear was... (bear cub). The hedgehog was... (hedgehog). Lisa was... (little fox). The moose was... (calf). The wolf was... (wolf cub). Badger was... (badger). The squirrel was... (little squirrel) - The hare was... (bunny). The boar was... (pig).

13.Answer the questions: whose? whose? whose?

Whose ears? Hare ears - .... Wolf ears - ... Squirrel ears - ... Bear ears - Fox ears - ,. Whose tail? Whose head?

14.Development of coherent speech

Tell us about your favorite animal:

What is the name of?

Where does he live?

What does it look like?

What does it eat?

How to protect yourself from enemies?

What do you like about this animal?" align="left" width="155 height=115" height="115">

Questions about the content of the tale

1. What did the hedgehog say to the squirrel?

3. How do hedgehogs winter?

4. Game " Tricky questions"

Who has more paws - a fox or a squirrel?

How many ears, tails, and paws do two hares have?

Whom (what) more - hares or bunny ears?

Who is bigger: a hare or a little hare, a bear cub or a she-wolf, a wolf cub or a she-wolf?

5. When do they say that?

Keep a tight rein. The bear stepped on my ear. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

6. Which word doesn't fit?

Wolf, wire, cub, she-wolf. Squirrel, squirrel, white, squirrel.

7. Who's the odd one out?

Wolf, fox, dog, bear. Elk, wolf, hare, deer. Owl, magpie, squirrel, crow.

8. What do they have in common and how do they differ from each other?

Squirrel and fox. Beaver and otter. Bear and badger. Fox and wolf. Elk and deer

Where are whose traces? Connect with arrows

Repeat the drawings by cells

Homework topic


Dear parents, reinforce the following vocabulary with your child:Subject: animal, bear, den, paw, claws, fox, hole, part, body, hedgehog, needle, hare, ear, torso, coward, squirrel, hollow, brushes, supplies, preparation, skin, elk, hooves, wolf, mouth, lair, fur, belly, boar, fangs. Verbal: live, prepare, hide, hunt, store, eat, change, hibernate, flee, howl, growl, swim. Signs: wild, forest, cowardly, big, club-footed, cunning, nimble, red-haired, small, shaggy, fluffy, brown, toothy, predatory, clumsy.

Listen and retell the story

“What did the hedgehog say?”

Everyone prepares for winter in their own way. A fidgety squirrel is jumping. He hurries, collects nuts, acorns, places them in hollows, in wood crevices, and if he finds a fungus on the ground, he picks it and hangs it on a tree branch to dry. She will need this during the long winter. The squirrel works all day and keeps looking at its neighbor, the hedgehog. Since the fall he has become lazy and clumsy. He doesn't run around the forest much and doesn't catch mice. It climbs into the leaves and dozes all the time. “Why, hedgehog, are you completely lazy? - asks the squirrel. “Why aren’t you preparing for winter, storing up food?” - - The hedgehog laughed and said something quietly to the squirrel.

Questions about the content of the tale

1. What did the hedgehog say to the squirrel?

2. Why doesn’t the hedgehog prepare for winter?

3. How do hedgehogs winter?

Where are whose traces? Connect with arrows


Topic: Communicative interaction on the topic “Wild Animals”.

"Reading" images.

Recognizing objects by contour. Hatching. Gesture “I’ll take it”, “I can”.

Learning to read and write sounds and letters A U O I

Alternative reading

Target: Continue to develop the ability to understand other people's speech -

Expand your passive vocabulary.

Enter the names of animals (fox, wolf, hare, hedgehog, bear) and their body parts into the passive dictionary.

Continue to teach to understand and follow simple verbal instructions (here, give, drink, go, serve)

To cultivate the need for verbal expression in order to communicate with others,

encourage speech based on the results of actions.

1.Finger gymnastics

Stomp, stomp, stomp.Palms knock on the table .

Bunnies are dancing at the edge of the forest.Show the bunnies.

Stomp, stomp, stomp.Palms knock on the table.

Paws are dancing, Shake your hands.

Ears are dancing. Show the bunnies.

2. An adult displays pictures in front of the child. wild animals and calls them: “Here is a bear. Here's a bunny. Here's the fox. Here's a wolf. Here's a hedgehog. Here's a squirrel.

Game "Guess who it is?"

An adult asks the child to solve riddles.

Big, brown, shaggy, club-footed, clumsy. (Bear.)

Gray, angry, toothy, angry, hungry. (Wolf.)

Cunning, fluffy, red-haired, agile. (Fox).

Small, long-eared, shy. (Hare)

Spiny hedgehog.

Speech instruction

Strengthen the ability to perform simple steps like: show the squirrel (bunny, fox, etc.), take the bear, give me the fox. If there are these toys at home, then first on the toys, then on the card.

Working with contour images.

We overlay images of animals on the contours.

Global reading work (Wild animals worksheet).

Read the fairy tale Kolobok to your child.

Draw needles for the hedgehog.



Z AND I C M E Far East E YES

These are the vowel sounds of AOUI - they are sung, remember them. Sing the sounds along with the boys and girls. Lead your finger along the path and sing.

Say all the words starting with the sound A and explain to the child that they begin with this sound A. Ask the child to name the words, come up with new words starting with the sound A. (The same with other sounds and letters.) Color the letters and pictures. Color the letters red .

What else to read