Real photographs of ghosts that could not be explained. Ghost photos: real stories that shocked the whole world

Creepy legends

For centuries, legends about creepy encounters with ghosts have been passed down from mouth to mouth. They say they wander through ancient castles, cabinets of curiosities, museums and cemeteries. Sometimes restless souls even appear on the roads. Who are they: the most terrible ghosts? It turns out that you can literally come face to face with some of them on the street. In this article you will learn stories about the most terrible and famous ghosts that frighten people in Moscow, St. Petersburg and abroad.

Ghosts of an unfinished house. California

Ghosts of an unfinished house. California

Sarah Winchester, the widow of the owner of a major arms company, was predicted that the ghosts of the people killed with their rifles would haunt her for the rest of her life. The only way to salvation is to continuously build with the proceeds from sales. new house(Winchester Mystery House). The house was founded in San Jose in 1884 and was rebuilt for 38 years until Sarah passed away. Now this building has 160 rooms. Steep stairs at times lead straight to the ceiling, with walls hidden behind opening doors. The house is open to tourists, many of them complain about doors slamming for no reason, footsteps in the attic, moving lights, and handles turning by themselves.

Cursing mother. Moscow. Nikulinskaya street

Cursing mother. Moscow. Nikulinskaya street

Once on this street, a reckless driver hit a pregnant girl. Since then, every third driver who has had an accident on this road says that he heard a lullaby and saw a young mother with a baby in her arms. It looks like the ghost is taking revenge for his shattered dream of having a child.

The fatal crew. Moscow. Kuznetsky Bridge

A tipsy gambler leaving the local casino runs the risk of encountering a mysterious gray crew. And God forbid he confuse this carriage with a taxi. The ghostly crew will whisk him away into the unknown and no one will ever see him again.

The ghost of a repentant robber. Moscow. Gorkovskoe highway

A robber who ruined hundreds of lives once died here. His body was not buried, and now his soul stops cars passing on the highway. Bearded old man swiping appearance to a homeless person, always says the same phrase: “Forgive me, a kind person!" You need to answer: “God will forgive!” and quickly add gas. And if you are rude to the ghost, you can get into an accident.

The ghost of terrorist Sofia Perovskaya. Saint Petersburg. Catherine Canal

The ghost of terrorist Sofia Perovskaya. Saint Petersburg. Catherine Canal

Residents northern capital Once a year in March they can see the figure of a woman. Her face is blue from suffocation, there is a purple mark from the rope on her neck, and in her hands she holds a handkerchief, which she used to signal the bomb throwers.

The most curious ghost. Petersburg. Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography

By order of Peter I, a skeleton was brought to the museum tall man. During the post-revolutionary confusion, the skull of this exhibit was lost. Museum workers began to notice a headless ghost at night, looking for the missing part of the skeleton. The visions continued until it occurred to someone to attach someone else’s skull to the skeleton. It seems that the ghost was satisfied and stopped bothering people.

This article will appeal to all those who like to tickle their nerves with various mystical stories.

Diana Berthelot and "The White Healer"

In 1975, Diana Berthelot, her husband Peter and their 12-year-old son attended Worsted Church in Norfolk, England. Diana began to pray in silence, and Peter decided to take a photo of his wife. Returning home and looking at the photograph, the couple froze in horror.

In the photo, there was a white shadow sitting directly behind Diana. The couple returned to the church the following summer (apparently they were not the shy ones) and asked local workers if they had noticed anything strange.

The priest told the Berthelots the legend of the White Lady, also called the Healer. She appears in church next to someone who needs healing. Diana recalled that at that time she was really very sick, but after visiting the church she felt much better.

Three men and a baby

It's not often that a real ghost appears on set. feature film, but this also happens. This happened in 1987 during the filming of the comedy Three Men and a Baby. This scene features actor Ted Danson, with a creepy figure standing behind the curtains behind him. a little boy, who keeps his eyes fixed on the operator.

Danson swears there was no boy present during filming, and neither the cast nor the crew could come up with a logical explanation for how the creepy boy with that creepy look in his eyes slipped onto the set.

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Maybe there was a similar article, but I still decided to write about ghosts and ghosts.
Along the narrow corridor in terrible light Coming from nowhere, a stream of unspeakable horrors rushed through. They danced madly, muttering something to themselves - they had been dead for more than forty years.

Ralph A. Kram, "At Krofsberg Fortress"

Ghosts and ghosts - who are they?
Who are they really, these secret “apparitional” figures of unearthly substances?! The thing is that the world around us is inhabited by multiple unknown and mysterious entities, regardless of whether we like it or not. But not everyone can see and feel them, so their presence in our lives is still the subject of ongoing debate between scientists and parapsychologists. Energy beings - ghosts and ghosts - are shown only to clairvoyant people with special abilities feel the subtle worlds.

Habitats of ghosts and ghosts
Most often, ghostly spirits are tied to a specific place, room, the energy of which feeds the energy clot. It all depends on how great their strength is. Low-power entities receive energy from the native walls of an ancient house, the terrain, and the presence of easily absorbed energy from the residents. Some energy systems can only move a few meters, while more powerful ones move kilometers and can “travel” distances from cities to countries. Such guests of the other world are visible clearly and clearly, have a bright glow, can make loud sounds and give off a “chilling cold”.

The most striking manifestations of ghosts:

- extraneous noises: blows, tapping, loud sounds of falling objects;
- slamming of cabinet doors, chests of drawers, closing and opening entrance doors, moving furniture;
- sudden switching on and spontaneous switching off of lights, radio, TV, etc.;
- the disappearance of any objects in the house and their reappearance in the same place;
- unusual behavior and inadequate reaction of animals to a non-existent object;
- spontaneous combustion of objects and the appearance of streams of water that appear out of nowhere;
- an unpleasant feeling that you are being constantly watched, “the feeling of being looked at in the back.”

How are ghosts different?!

Ghosts have different manifestation characteristics than ghosts. Unlike ghosts, they are indifferent to physical world, do not demand anything from living people and often simply play out the most emotional scenes from their past life. These are not very powerful transparent substances that produce repetitive actions that were important to them during life. For example, the deceased leads to the site of the tragedy, the one who hid the treasure - to the place where the treasures are buried, the thief - to the hiding place with looted things.

What do ghosts and ghosts do among us, the living?
Our planet is a kind of purgatory for those who have already left this world. According to legends, all sinners have a chance to correct their mistakes and have time to do good deeds. Thus, mysterious stories are born about ghosts who send signals of danger to the living, try to save and play the role of a Guardian Angel. The soul is not able to go home while they grieve too much about it, grieve greatly. Or when a person suffers from a terrible shock during death, stories arise about ghosts - tortured, innocently killed, rattling with their chains, frightening with heartbreaking screams and often avenging their torment on the living.

Transparent creatures remain with us if they were cursed by someone or summoned by an unprofessional self-taught medium and do not want to come back.

edited news SHADOW IN THE CORNER - 10-03-2013, 20:42

The Internet is full of ghost photos, but not all of them are genuine. In this collection we have collected for you the most famous pictures with ghosts whose authenticity has been determined by competent experts.

Photo taken at an intersection in San Antonio, Texas. Andy and Debi Chesney made a special trip to this intersection to check out the ghost legend and take some photos. Quite unexpectedly, a transparent figure appeared in one of the photographs after development.

Freddie Jackson was a mechanic in the Royal Air Force during the First World War and died in 1919 after being hit by a propeller. But two days later he appeared in a squadron group photo, peeking out from behind his head best friend.

It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Reyham, who resided at Reyham Hall in the early 17th century.

According to available records, she was buried in 1726. It is suspected that the funeral was a hoax, but in fact Charles locked his wife in a remote part of the house and kept her there until her death.

In 1891, Lord Combermere died after his carriage overturned. The photographer set up his camera in the lord's library with the lens shutter open for one hour.

And everyone else at that time was almost four miles from home at the lord’s funeral. After development, everyone immediately noticed in the photograph the outline of the head and hands of a man sitting in the owner’s favorite chair.

Ghost on the stairs National Museum Greenwich (England). The former clergyman took his famous photograph in 1966. Experts, including several from Kodak, have concluded that the image is not a fake.

In 1959, Mabel Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit her mother. She took a photo of her husband sitting in the front passenger seat. The film was developed, after which it turned out that someone wearing glasses was sitting in the back seat.

In 1996, Ike Clenton took a photo of his friend who was dressed in a cowboy outfit. And it was right in the middle of Boothill Cemetery near the town of Tombstone.

They both claim that when this picture was taken, no one was in sight near them. Ike Clenton says it is impossible to take a photograph like this without showing the legs of the person standing behind.

This photograph was taken during an investigation by the Society for the Study of Ghosts in the cemetery at Bachelor's Grove. On August 10, 1991, several members of the society were in the cemetery near a small abandoned grave.

In 1924, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, two crew members of the steamship Watertown, were accidentally killed by a steam escape. They were buried at sea off the coast of Mexico. The next day, the crew photographed their “faces” appearing and disappearing in the water.

His Reverend K.F. Lord took a photo of the altar in his church in North Yorkshire, England. The photograph and negative were carefully examined by experts who found no evidence of editing or re-exposure.

Mrs Andrews came to the cemetery to visit her daughter Joyce, who died when she was 17, and did not notice anything unusual when she took this photo. The woman claims that there were no children nearby.

In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley photographed the interior of St Botolph's Church in London. On the top floor of the church, in the upper right corner of the photograph, a translucent figure is clearly visible, shaped like the outline of a girl.

According to the book “Real Ghosts” by author Brad Steiger, where this photo was published, there was only one photographer in the church at that time. Since the figure who appeared in the photo was all in black, it was assumed that it was a clergyman.

The photo was taken near Alice Springs, Australia in 1959. The translucent female figure in the foreground cannot be a result of double exposure, experts say.

This famous photo was captured on surveillance video by a nurse at an unknown hospital. A dark figure stands on a patient lying on the bed.

The photo is known as “Face in the Window.” A mysterious face looks out from a courthouse in Alabama. According to the stories, this face former slave named Henry Wells, who was struck by lightning.

Photo of the so-called Ghost Bridge, according to legend, the photo shows the ghost of a woman drowned in the river.

The photo was taken in the abandoned Waverly Hills sanatorium, where tuberculosis was treated. Because effective treatment at that time there was none; the mortality rate was very high.

After the discovery of antibiotics, the sanatorium was closed, but according to legend, the souls of the patients still roam there, and on this photo one of the nurses is Mary Lee.

The Myrtle Plantation House in St. Francisville, Louisiana is one of the most famous haunted houses. The most famous of them is the ghost of the slave Chloe, who was hanged.

The Whaley House is also known for paranormal activity. Thus, it is believed that this photo shows the ghost of Thomas Whaley, who died from ant poisoning.

This is a very old photo that was taken during the renovation of the house. Supposedly it depicts the ghost of a Confederate soldier who died during the American Civil War.

Wedding photographer Neil Sandbach was photographing the area when he photographed this barn in Hertfordshire, England. An incomprehensible white figure appeared in the photo, the presence of which Neil could not find an explanation for.

In 1975, Diana and Peter Berthelot visited Worsted Church. Peter photographed his wife praying in silence in one of the church pews. Later he found out that he managed to capture in the photo the White Lady, about whom among local population there are legends.

In the picture happy mother and son, who had just moved to a new home in Chicago. After development, the photo revealed the face of an old woman and a bulldog, which can be seen in the reflection of the door.

This photo was taken at Hampton Court Palace in England in 2003. According to experts, the image of the ghost at the door is not a photomontage.

Charleston's Old Town Jail is over two hundred years old and thousands of inmates have died here. It is assumed that the light figure in the photo is the ghost of one of them.

This is a photograph taken at Lake Dorothy Dunn, Wisconsin, USA. According to the photographer, there were no children around when the photo was taken.

The Mary King's Inn in Edinburgh, Scotland has long had a reputation as a haunted house.

The teenager took this photo while attending a wedding at Tulloch Castle in Scotland in 2008. According to The Sun, the castle has been around since the 1200s and is haunted by the ghost of the “Green Lady.”

This photo is from the Decebal Hotel in Romania. Legend has it that an ancient Roman treasure is hidden somewhere in a 150-year-old building, and this ghost is guarding it.

Photo from the Tea Room in Australia. Owner Dan Clifford said the motion sensor triggered something late at night and that's what he found on the security video.

The picture was taken in England, in Aston Church. Experts cannot explain the nature of the ghostly figure.

The photograph shows the ghost of a child looking out the window of the famous haunted house at 432 Abercorn Street in Savannah, USA. Legend has it that a girl tied to a chair by the window died of heatstroke in the house.

This famous photograph made at the beginning of the 20th century. A disembodied hand is imprinted on the Queen Anne bureau.

The story behind this photo is also widely known. The photo was taken before the relatives took the old woman to a nursing home. Her husband, who had died 13 years earlier, allegedly appeared behind her.

A police officer took a photo of the abandoned truck before it was towed. A ghostly figure was later seen inside.

This photo was taken at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, USA, known for its paranormal activity. Experts find it difficult to explain the nature of the ghostly figure in the photo.

This publication will present real photos ghosts and apparitions. These are photographs of ghosts that were captured at the very different time And different people. The photographs were taken in different parts of the world.

Of course, many will be interested in the question, are these photographs real? Or are they just a product of editing, as well as a good knowledge of Photoshop? These pictures will answer all your questions.

The presented selection of photographs is very interesting. Yes, and the theme of ghosts itself is very interesting. To believe or not to believe in ghosts is everyone’s personal choice. But the pictures are still worth a look.

The owner of the camera is filming her daughter, and behind her is the phantom of a woman without legs.

In the hospital. While waiting, the woman was playing with her camera phone and accidentally took a photo of the floor. If you lighten the photo a little, you can clearly see the ghost of the boy.

Texas, 2001

Gettysburg, 2005

Black Abbot

The photo was submitted to Ebay. It shows two ghosts at once.

The man left, leaving the webcam on. This is what he found when he returned.

The photograph was taken immediately after the person's death.


Ghost from Borley, England.

Ghost on his knees.

Ghost on the stairs.

Ghost from a toy store.

Burning girl. England.

Ghost behind the stairs.

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