Treatment of infertility with folk remedies. Treatment of infertility in women the most effective methods Modern methods of infertility treatment

When even doctors with years of experience give up in the fight against infertility, couples can turn to centuries-old methods of alternative medicine. Its supporters believe that taking medications, operations and other methods of official medicine are good only in cases of emergency. Whereas chronic diseases are best treated with folk remedies, since they do not treat the symptoms, but eradicate the cause of the disease. In addition, taking pills regularly can cause drug dependence in a person. Another important advantage of alternative medicine over the official one is the absence of side effects and an increase in the body's immunity.

Gynecological diseases require, as a rule, timely diagnosis and treatment with proven means that only a doctor can prescribe. At the same time, as a supplement, the folk method of dealing with a particular disease can be quite effective, enhancing the effect of drugs and setting the woman up for recovery. From time immemorial, it was believed that nature is able to cure any human ailment, provided that the medicine is used correctly and in a timely manner.

Regardless of the method of treatment you choose, you must strictly follow the recommendations for the preparation and use of therapeutic agents. Even minor inaccuracies in the recipe can not only cause the opposite effect, but also lead to poisoning of the body.

There are many methods of alternative medicine that are actively used. The most effective and common are: treatment with medicinal plants, homeopathy, thermotherapy, treatment with bee products. Read more about each of the treatments below.

Medicinal plants in the fight against infertility and gynecological diseases

Fresh Juice quince considered effective in the treatment of infertility. To achieve maximum benefit, it should be drunk 1 tbsp. spoon every evening from new moon to 2/3 of the moon.

upland uterus or ortilia lopsided is considered an effective treatment for gynecological diseases by doctors themselves. It is used for inflammatory diseases - or uterus, menstrual disorders, uterine bleeding, and inflammation of the tubes, infertility. You need to take it for 3-4 weeks, 1 tbsp. spoon before meals 3-4 times a day.

A good aid in treatment is Wintergreen round-leaved. To prepare the infusion, pour 2 teaspoons of dry crushed leaves with 1 cup of boiling water and let it brew for at least 2 hours in a sealed container in the dark. After the specified time, the infusion should be filtered and taken ¼ cup before meals 3-4 times a day.

In the treatment of infertility, a decoction of the root is useful elecampane: 1 tsp crushed root should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and continue to boil for 15 minutes, then leave for 4 hours, then drink 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. spoon.

An almost universal remedy for the treatment of gynecological diseases is an infusion and you. To obtain a medicinal infusion, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed willow bark and infuse the mixture in a thermos for 5-6 hours. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of infusion 30 minutes after meals 3 times a day.

For the treatment of not only female infertility, but also male is good plantain. If we are talking about female infertility, then it is especially effective for inflammation in the fallopian tubes. For men, plantain is useful in that, with almost complete, it is able to correct the situation by increasing fertility. To do this, from autumn to spring, you need to drink a decoction of psyllium seeds. 1 st. Pour a spoonful of seeds with 1 cup of water and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. After the broth is infused, strain it and drink 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day.

A good reputation in the treatment of "female" diseases has earned wormwood(Chernobyl), which can be taken both in the form of decoctions and in the form of pharmacy tinctures. To obtain a useful decoction, insist 1 tbsp in 300 ml of water. a spoonful of dry herbs in a sealed container. Then boil and strain the mixture. Take half a glass 2 times a day.

A rich source of essential vitamin E is the Rose. It not only stimulates women, but also improves men. For women, water, syrup or oil from the petals of white and pink roses is useful. For men, funds from the petals of red and dark pink roses are suitable.

A positive therapeutic effect on the work of the uterus and ovaries has knotweed or highlander bird. This herb is considered useful in the treatment of infertility, especially if a woman wants to give birth to a boy. Pour 1 cup of knotweed with 1 liter of boiling water and infuse in a thermos for 4 hours. Take the infusion 20-30 minutes before meals, 0.5 cup 4 times a day.

Sage has amazing properties that can improve memory, cleanse blood vessels, due to the high content of phytohormones similar to women's, help to cope with infertility. Sage is able to increase the "suction" reflex of the cervix, reduce frigidity. In addition, sage can help conceive and with male infertility. To prepare an infusion of sage, pour 1 tsp. seeds 1 cup boiling water. Drink the infusion after the end of menstruation in the morning on an empty stomach and at night before going to bed for 11 days, 1 des. lying down The course of treatment is at least 3 months. If necessary, 2 months after the course, the treatment can be repeated.

In the fight against female infertility, a good remedy is considered sorrel. 1 st. a spoonful of sorrel should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and boiled for 1 minute over a small fire. When the infusion has cooled, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Sorrel combines well with knotweed and mummy, which have a similar effect on the human body.

A healthy woman should have regular periods. Any significant deviation from the schedule may indicate a latent disease, which in the future can lead to such unfortunate consequences as infertility. Therefore, oligomenorrhea and dysmenorrhea require the same treatment as other gynecological diseases.

To stimulate menstruation with amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea, you can use one of two treatment fees:

Mix 70 g of rosemary leaves with 20 g of fragrant rue herb and brittle buckthorn bark. Every 10 g of the mixture, pour 200 ml of water and take 1 glass 2 times a day. The course of treatment should last 7-8 days until menstruation comes.

You will need the same amount of St. John's wort, licorice root, yarrow herb, juniper fruit, fragrant rue. 10 g of the mixture pour 200 ml of water and drink 2 cups at night. The course of treatment should last 7-8 days until menstruation comes.

To cope with dysmenorrhea, a collection of blackberry leaves, buckthorn bark, peppermint, birch, valerian root and yarrow herb, taken in equal amounts, will help. Pour 10 g of the mixture into 200 ml of water and drink a glass of infusion in small sips throughout the day.

There is still a huge number of medicinal plants and fees that help in the fight against.

Treatment of infertility with homeopathy

Official medicine, unfortunately, does not recognize homeopathic treatments for infertility, as they do not have a scientific basis. However, homeopathic doctors are confident that the effectiveness of infertility treatment with homeopathic remedies is almost equal to the effectiveness of drug therapy. The reason is that traditional medicine often treats only the manifestations of the disease, without touching the underlying causes of its occurrence in humans. Homeopathy, on the contrary, is a complex therapy, as a result of which not only fertility is restored, but also the functioning of the nervous, endocrine systems, and the psychological state of the patient. The homeopathic approach has another undeniable advantage over traditional methods - it is the absence of side effects and consequences. Most of the drugs cannot boast of this, the fee for taking which can result in dysbacteriosis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, immune system disorders and much more.

The basic principle of homeopathy is the treatment of a disease with extremely small doses of substances that in a healthy person will cause the development of symptoms of the same disease. Thanks to this approach, the doctor manages to find and eliminate the cause of the disease by influencing it at the energy-informational level, which is a scientifically proven fact.

Treatment with homeopathic medicines is aimed at restoring and maintaining the functioning of all systems of the human body, and not at fighting one disease to the detriment of other organs, as is often the case in traditional medicine. Thanks to such a complex effect of natural remedies, it is possible to achieve an almost complete recovery (provided that the disease has not yet become irreversible), peace of mind, physical tone and high immunity.

The particular effectiveness of homeopathic treatment of infertility is noted in cases where infertility is caused by inflammatory processes in the genital tract or. Treating these diseases in this way can help not only get pregnant, but also avoid surgery. Homeopathy helps to cure or avoid many ailments related to reproductive health, among them:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • toxicosis and anemia during pregnancy;
  • weak generic activity;
  • risk of preterm birth.

Despite the many advantages and positive qualities of homeopathy, it is very difficult to find an experienced and conscientious homeopathic doctor who can take into account all the characteristics of the patient's body and select the appropriate therapy. In no case should you start treatment on your own without consulting specialists in this field, since rash actions can provoke the appearance of the opposite effect or more serious consequences.

Heat treatment of infertility - paraffin and ozocerite

Ozokerite has special temperature, chemical and mechanical properties that have a therapeutic effect on the human body, in particular, helping to fight infertility. This mineral from the group of petroleum bitumens is able to give off its heat very slowly, which avoids skin burns. Due to the peculiarity of decreasing in volume when cooling by about 10-12%, ozokerite also has a compressive effect, slightly squeezing the tissues and allowing heat to spread to deeper layers. In addition, ozokerite has an estrogen-like, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antispastic, analgesic, resolving and regenerating effect, which cannot but be a good help in the fight against infertility.

In order to experience all the healing qualities of ozocerite for yourself, the mineral must be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 50-55 degrees, immerse gauze folded in 8-10 layers into it, wring it out and apply it to the sacral region and lower abdomen. Then cover these parts of the body with oilcloth and a blanket. The procedure can last from 15 to 40 minutes. After its completion, a half-hour rest is recommended. The entire course of treatment is 10-20 procedures, which can be performed every other day or every day. A second course of treatment with ozocerite can be started no earlier than after 3-4 months.

The waxy substance paraffin is used similarly to ozocerite. Paraffin melts at 40-65 degrees and has a thermal and mechanical effect on the human body.

Bee products for infertility treatment

Of the products of beekeeping in folk medicine, the following are used:

  • Propolis;
  • royal jelly;
  • Flower pollen or bee pollen;
  • Bee venom.

Each of these products has a unique set of properties that help fight not only infertility, but also other serious ailments.

Honey. The healing properties of honey were known to our ancestors. According to modern research, this product contains almost all the trace elements necessary to maintain the metabolic processes of the human body. Due to the content of B vitamins, carotene, vitamins C, PP, K, H, etc., in the treatment of infertility, honey is able to improve metabolism, tissue trophism, increase the body's resistance and stimulate blood formation.

If you want to try honey treatment for yourself, get ready for the fact that you will have to use it often and in large quantities. So per day you will have to eat at least 100-200 g of honey for 2 months. Divide the recommended dose into 3 doses, dissolve honey in warm water and drink 1.5-2 hours before meals or 3 hours after meals.

Propolis. Propolis has the properties of a natural antibiotic, so it is often used for acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages, as well as for menstrual disorders. Propolis is taken both in the form of an extract or alcohol tincture, and in its natural form.

If you want to use natural propolis, to achieve a therapeutic effect, you need to chew 1-3 g of propolis every day, while you only need to swallow saliva.

Alcohol tincture of propolis can be purchased at a pharmacy. In order to prepare the extract, you need to take 100 g of pre-crushed propolis, combine with 100 ml of water (distilled) and heat to 70-80 degrees in about 1 hour. Pour the resulting broth into a tall narrow vessel, after filtering with a paper filter. Leave the vessel for 2-3 days until the liquid separates from the sediment. The clean extract must be drained into a separate container, and the remaining sediment can be used as an ointment, but its effectiveness will not be as high. Use the resulting solution should be diluted in the desired proportion with distilled water.

Royal jelly. Royal jelly looks like a yellowish-white jelly-like substance with a sour taste and a peculiar smell. In fact, royal jelly is the secretion of glands located on the upper jaw of the worker bee. It has the following properties:

  • stimulates the body's defenses;
  • enhances the process of tissue regeneration;
  • saturates the body with various vitamins, microelements, and also contains gamma globulin, biostimulants and nucleic acids.
Royal jelly is used in pharmacology, so preparations with it can be bought at a pharmacy. If there is a desire to use royal jelly in its pure form, then within 10-15 days, 2-3 times a day, 20-30 mg of royal jelly should be absorbed under the tongue.

pollen or pollen. Perga is a protein product that the larvae of the bees feed on. It is produced by bees after collecting pollen, which is extremely rich in many vitamins, trace elements and minerals.

In the treatment of female and male infertility, it is necessary to consume 32 g of pollen per day, 20 g is enough to maintain health. The entire daily dose should be divided into three doses and consumed with water and honey. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. If there is a desire to continue the use of flower pollen, after 7-10 days the course can be started again.

Some twenty years ago, infertility was considered a terrible diagnosis that could not be treated. Therefore, the older generation still treats problems with conceiving a child as a sentence. Fortunately, modern medicine has reached unprecedented heights and has learned to cope with many diseases, including infertility. Moreover, if earlier this pathology was most often attributed to women, today the disease is increasingly being diagnosed in men. Be that as it may, it is imperative to deal with infertility. And the sooner you start treatment, the better. Today, almost all married couples have chances to conceive and have a child. Detailed information on how infertility is treated in modern medicine will be provided below.

Diagnosis of the disease

Recall that infertility can be both female and male. Therefore, before starting the treatment of the disease, it is necessary to identify the cause, which negatively affects the reproductive function of a person. As practice shows, most often infertility develops against the background of anomalies and underdevelopment of the pelvic organs; with hormonal disorders; due to previous infectious and viral diseases. You can find out the root cause of the pathology today with the help of delivery, ultrasound, laparoscopy and other diagnostic techniques. The direction for a complete examination of the patient is prescribed by the doctor.

Infertility Treatment Methods

In modern medicine, two categories of therapeutic methods are used to combat infertility. The first involves the occurrence of pregnancy in a natural way. The second is with the use of assisted reproductive technologies. The method of therapy is selected by a specialist, taking into account the diagnosis and age of the patient.

Treatment of female infertility

If the cause of problems with the conception of crumbs are hormonal disorders in the body of a potential mother, then she is prescribed special medications. The composition of these drugs contains analogues of hormones, which are not enough for a woman to fulfill her cherished dream - to be a mother. Hormonal drugs are also used to stimulate the ovulation process. When infertility is manifested due to impaired patency of the fallopian tubes, experts recommend surgery - hysteroscopy or. In case of serious pathologies of the reproductive system that are not amenable to drug treatment, a woman is offered to use the method of in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this case, a donor egg is used. Also used in the treatment of female infertility intrauterine insemination (). This service is now provided by many obstetrics and gynecology clinics.

Treatment of male infertility

If serious problems with the reproductive system are identified in the stronger sex, they are also recommended to use the IVF method. Spermatozoa are surgically placed into the egg. With low sperm quality and the presence of antibodies, as well as with low sperm motility, the ICSI method is used.

Microsurgical treatment of male infertility is prescribed for those patients who have impaired patency of the seminal ducts. In other cases, therapy is not much different from female treatment. If a man has problems with hormones, he is prescribed hormone therapy. To eliminate infectious diseases of the genital organs, antibacterial drugs are used.

Summing up

We have reviewed the most well-known treatments for infertility in men and women. In most cases, they help already desperate couples become parents within the first year of therapy. Therefore, if you have problems conceiving a child, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. Infertility is a serious problem that requires medical attention. But there is no need to focus on the disease either. It is a well-known fact that when women and men "let go of the situation" and stop worrying about the absence of children, the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

Try to simply switch from thinking about your infertility to something good. Go on vacation, change scenery, enjoy each other alone. Set yourself up for the fact that you will definitely be parents when the time comes. For now, just enjoy life. Such an attitude will 100% help cure infertility, we are sure of this.

Specially for- Ira Romaniy

Infertility is a serious problem that deprives a couple of the opportunity to conceive a child. Violations in the body can be the cause of a fruitless marriage. If both partners are healthy, but there is no pregnancy, the reasons may lie in their physical incompatibility. Modern medicine has developed effective treatments for infertility. Consider their basic principles.

Treatment of female infertility

An examination is required to select the most appropriate therapy. Both partners pass it. A woman is examined for infections, hormonal and immunological disorders, for obstruction of the fallopian tubes, endometrium, biopsy, and reproductive organs are also examined. There are surgical and conservative methods of infertility treatment.


Laparoscopy method

Fallopian tube dysfunction is a fairly common cause of the disease. Adhesions that block the channel through which the egg must pass are often formed due to past infections, inflammations, and abortions.

Laparoscopy is an operative method. Infertility is treated by removing adhesions during surgery. Several small holes are made in the patient's abdomen. One of them is injected with gas to improve visibility for doctors. A laparoscope is inserted into another hole with a camera displaying an image on the monitor. In the third, a manipulator is introduced to move the organs away and perform other actions.

Usually, during laparoscopy, a biopsy is performed in parallel: material is taken for further research and to identify the cause of the disease. After the operation, the doctor prescribes women to drink hormonal drugs, as well as antibiotics, if there are inflammations, and prescribes planning a pregnancy with the support of a stable hormonal background.

Robotic system

Another surgical method for treating infertility caused by disorders in the fallopian tubes is the da Vinci robot. This is an innovative and promising method of surgery. The robot has four arms. The developers have equipped one hand with a camera, the other three are holding tools. Using the control unit, the surgeon controls the robot and controls it. If the doctor's hands may tremble or make a sudden movement during the operation, robot manipulation eliminates such risks.

Surgical robot "Da Vinci"

The following advantages of surgical intervention using the da Vinci system are distinguished:

  • the postoperative period is shorter and less painful;
  • minimal risk of bleeding;
  • easier access for the surgeon to hard-to-reach places;
  • carrying out the operation through small incisions;
  • the development of infectious complications after surgery is unlikely;
  • there is no unexpected tissue injury due to the high precision with which the robot operates.


in vitro fertilization

If a woman is missing one or both fallopian tubes, if they are removed after an ectopic pregnancy and for other reasons, in vitro fertilization may be the way out. This is an artificial insemination method, its principles are as follows:

  • Doctors prescribe medications that stimulate ovulation and egg growth. These eggs are released through the vagina and fertilized in a test tube using partner or donor sperm. Then, the early development of the embryo is monitored in the laboratory.
  • After a few days, the embryos are transferred to the uterus with the help of a catheter, and the woman takes drugs that promote the engraftment of the embryos. A few hours after the operation, the patient is forbidden to get up. An analysis for hCG determines the onset or absence of pregnancy.

The procedure is contraindicated in malformations or deformations of the uterine cavity, ovarian tumors, inflammatory diseases, malignant neoplasms. Mental illness, in which it is impossible to bear a child and give birth, will also be an obstacle to IVF.

Disturbed endocrinology

The causes of infertility are often associated with an imbalance in the work of hormones. In this case, there is a violation of the maturation of the egg and the process of ovulation. In addition to endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction and polycystic disease), an unfavorable psychological state of a woman, infections, benign tumors in the ovaries can affect the imbalance. The doctor orders blood tests to determine hormone levels. Abnormalities in the organs can be recognized by ultrasound of the small pelvis.

If a patient with endocrine infertility is obese, the doctor prescribes a low-calorie diet and exercise. Some women are able to conceive after correction of excess body weight. If pregnancy does not occur, the doctor may prescribe treatment with hormonal drugs, the principle of which is aimed at normalizing the endocrine system. It also corrects dysfunctions of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. Infertility is treated conservatively with hormonal therapy and to stimulate ovulation.

Treatment for inflammation

Conservative infertility treatment

Inflammation of the reproductive organs is a common cause of infertility. The infection can affect the urethra, vulva, uterus, tubes, and ovaries. If acute inflammations have not been fully treated, they will become chronic and can cause infertility.

To determine the causative agent of the disease, the gynecologist takes swabs (sowing on the flora, PCR diagnostics), prescribes general tests. Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor based on a specific pathogen. If the cause is a virus, then the patient is prescribed drugs with an antiviral principle of action, immunity-supporting drugs and vitamins. Usually the partner is also assigned a course.

With immune infertility

Cervical mucus is a defense against vaginal microflora. But with immune pathology, antibodies appear in the mucus that prevent the penetration of spermatozoa into the fallopian tubes.

Then use the methods of infertility treatment:

  • AISM (artificial insemination with husband's sperm)
  • IISD (artificial insemination with donor sperm)

artificial insemination

The principles of these methods are characterized by the introduction of sperm directly into the uterus, which avoids the barrier in the cervix.
Intrauterine insemination increases the chances of conception. This is a painless method of artificial insemination. The sperm of the spouse is carefully prepared, the most active spermatozoa are isolated, the sperm is given a state that allows it to be injected immediately into the uterus. Thanks to this method, the spermatozoon does not linger in the cervical mucus, and the processing of the sperm improves its quality. Insemination should not be carried out if the patient feels unwell, in an unfavorable emotional state, overworked, has a runny nose, headaches.
The patency of the fallopian tubes is a necessary condition for insemination, since fertilization occurs in the uterine tube. A woman should not have abnormalities in the uterine cavity. Curettage, abortion, inflammation of the uterine mucosa, the spiral can become an obstacle to insemination.

Treatment of male infertility

Methods of infertility treatment in men are somewhat different from the treatment of female infertility. Infertility in men is treated a little longer and more difficult, because due to the specifics of the male body, not all medications and methods can be applied.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor will find out if diseases and injuries have been transferred, prescribe ultrasound, tests, spermogram and other studies to determine if there are hormonal disorders, sluggish inflammation in the urethra and prostate. Also, the doctor will examine the external genitalia, palpation of the scrotum, rectal examination. Based on the results, prescribe therapy.

An effective therapy for getting rid of hormonal failure is the use of hormonal drugs. Tamoxifen increases testosterone levels. Vitamins are usually prescribed to improve spermogram. If there are defects in the urethra and its structure after an injury, the problem is solved surgically, which restores the patency of the vas deferens. Varicocele is also treated with surgery.

If a man has chronic infections of the genitourinary system, which cause inflammation and changes in spermatozoa, leading to infertility, antibiotic therapy is performed.

Treatment of the immunological factor of infertility in men

Men can also have immune infertility. The reasons for this pathology are the production of antisperm antibodies by the body that destroy their own spermatozoa. This pathology can develop due to obstruction of the vas deferens, testicular injury, varicocele, infections, as well as a hereditary factor. The treatment of infertility caused by an immunological factor provides for an integrated approach. The following principles and methods of treatment of immunological infertility are possible:

  • surgical intervention in order to restore the patency of the vas deferens, eliminate disturbances in the blood flow;
  • drug treatment against infections, prostatitis and other inflammatory processes;
  • physiotherapy to eliminate antisperm antibodies from viable spermatozoa.

Together with a man, his wife must also undergo diagnostics. Immune infertility is possible in both partners at once. Often, therapy is ineffective. Then are used.

Assisted fertilization methods

IVF and ICSI are also recommended for a decrease in the number of spermatozoa or a violation of their mobility. Their use significantly increases the chances of obtaining a viable embryo. This technology will allow men to no longer turn to donor sperm.

The specialist selects the most complete sperm under magnification

Assisted fertilization methods

special system. To save the sperm from damage, it is placed in a solution. After the embryologist destroys the membrane of the tail of the cell, and it is absorbed into the microneedle, which is then injected into the egg. To create an embryo, at least one mobile and viable sperm must be isolated.

If a specific disease has not been found, a man should improve the quality of nutrition, take multivitamins, maintain a normal weight, play sports (but exclude excessive physical activity), give up alcohol, smoking and various drugs.

We can cure infertility. A couple who wants to conceive needs a full examination. Timely treatment allows you to have children in half of the cases. But for a positive result, you should gain strength, patience and follow all the instructions of specialists.

Infertility can be absolute, and this condition is associated with congenital underdevelopment or poor functioning of the genital organs. However, infertility is much more common as a result of a disease - inflammation, adhesions, impaired sperm motility in men, endocrine disorders. Folk recipes will help to cope with such a problem.

Izmagen (woolly panzeria) is a herbaceous perennial that grows mainly in Eastern Siberia. The wealth of medicinal properties of this plant has made it popular not only among herbalists. The people call izmagen grass-flying grass. Its unique composition is actively used to treat women's and men's problems associated with impaired reproductive function. The herb is useful for infertility and this is not its only advantage.

Medicinal properties and composition of izmagen

The composition of the plant has not yet been fully studied, the probability of discoveries is very high. But even those medicinal properties that have already been proven and are actively used deserve attention. Izmagen is an excellent antitoxic, tonic, sedative and general tonic.

The grass contains alkaloids, malic acid, tannins, water-soluble essential oil, flavonoids and a large number of biologically active substances. Preparations, which include woolly shell, treat cardiovascular nervosa. They are used for atherosclerosis, Graves' disease, blood pressure and rheumatism. And yet, this plant has gained the greatest popularity as a remedy for infertility.

Ismagen and infertility

For the sake of fulfilling the dream of becoming parents, many couples are ready to use any means and methods. Most often, infertility occurs due to various diseases. These can be endocrine disorders, inflammation of the genital organs, impaired sperm motility in men. Modern methods of treatment very effectively solve these problems, but the significance and popularity of traditional medicine recipes is not lost. Medicinal plants are still actively used and help get rid of gynecological diseases. Ismagen, with its unique properties, is among the leaders among herbs that are involved in the treatment of infertility. It quite actively affects the restoration of reproductive function, since its action is aimed at restoring hormonal levels and eliminating inflammatory processes.

As part of the phytopreparation "Ismagen" the only component is the herb panaceria woolly. This plant has a sedative effect. Its medicinal properties help to normalize the menstrual cycle, prevent uterine bleeding, get rid of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.

How to use?

Most often, a decoction of izmagen or herbal vodka tincture is used for medicinal purposes.

Decoction. Chopped grass (1 teaspoon) pour a glass of boiling water and hold on low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and take before meals, 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons.

Tincture. Grass (20 gr.) Pour vodka 200 gr. (proportion 1 to 10). Insist 10 days and take 3 times daily for ½ teaspoon. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Sage for infertility

An infusion of sage seeds helps both men and women. But in women, in addition, the “suction” reflex of the cervix increases, and frigidity also significantly decreases or completely disappears. All these problems disappear completely if linden is added to the infusion of sage. This is why sage is an effective fertility treatment.

Due to the fact that sage contains many hormones, some of which are an analogue of female sex hormones, sage is recommended for women after 35 years of age to drink one glass of infusion daily in the morning.

To prepare it, take one teaspoon of sage and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Insist until cool, this is about 40 minutes. Drink half an hour before meals. For taste, you can add lemon or honey. This rejuvenating course for women lasts a month. There is a 3 month break between courses.

To treat infertility, simply take one dessert spoon of sage seeds per cup of boiling water. To enhance the effect, you can add limes. Wait until it is brewed and you can drink. Start taking immediately after menstruation ends, 11 days in a row, 2 times a day, morning and evening. And so for three months. If pregnancy does not occur, then the course is repeated after a two-month break.

Attention! Do not take too much sage, as it can cause allergies and poison the body.

Psyllium seeds for infertility

Women A decoction of psyllium seeds is good for heavy menstrual bleeding, which is accompanied by severe pain, bad mood and depression. Also, this decoction treats infertility - provided that it is caused by an inflammatory process in the pipes.

men a decoction of psyllium seeds will help in the treatment of immobility of spermatozoa. To be treated with a decoction of plantain seeds is advised not only by traditional healers, but also by Tibetan medicine.

To prepare this decoction, take one tablespoon of psyllium seeds and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Boil for two to five minutes. Give time to brew, then strain. The decoction should be taken warm, 2 tablespoons 4 times a day. The shelf life of the broth in the refrigerator is 2-3 days. The course of treatment is 3 months. It is recommended to take therapeutic baths.

baths. It is also useful to take therapeutic baths from plantain. To prepare it, take 50 g of plantain roots and leaves and pour a liter of boiling water over it. Let it brew for 45 minutes, then strain. One liter of this infusion is for one water procedure. The course of treatment is 15 days every 3 months.

Mummy from infertility

For the treatment of infertility in men and women, mumiyo helps well. Take 2 times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, 0.2 grams of mumiyo, washed down with either carrot or blueberry juice, or sea buckthorn juice.

The course of treatment lasts 28 days. For a more powerful effect, you can mix mumiyo with egg yolks and juices of certain medicinal plants, such as sage or quince. Strengthening of sexual function is noticeably felt in a week.

Knotweed for infertility

Knotweed treats infertility, promotes conception and has a therapeutic effect on the functioning of the ovaries and uterus. Therefore, it is very useful for women, and also knotweed has a beneficial effect on men. Moreover, knotweed has another pattern: when it is used, the chance of having a son increases, and not a daughter.

To prepare the infusion, take 3 tablespoons of dry or fresh knotweed grass and pour into a thermos. Add half a liter of boiling water and let it brew for 4 hours. Take half a glass 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Collection of herbs for infertility

This collection of herbs helps with infertility and inflammation of the ovaries. The course of treatment takes place with complete abstinence from sexual activity. To prepare a decoction, mix 50 g of coltsfoot leaves, sweet clover grass, pharmacy chamomile flowers, calendula flowers and centaury grass. Take 2 tablespoons of this mixture for half a liter of boiling water. Drink 1/3 cup 6 times a day half an hour before meals and between meals. The course of infertility treatment is 1-2 months.

Good to know. Many people are very surprised when they hear that when bathing you need to use laundry soap. Moreover, the higher the percentage, the more alkali in it and the better for the body. Women's diseases that are inflammatory in nature lend themselves well to tincture of the boron uterus, it is also called one-sided ortilia. The same tincture restores irregularities in the menstrual cycle, cures fibroids, uterine fibroids, and infertility.

To prepare it, take 50 grams of this herb, finely chop and pour half a liter of vodka. After 2 weeks, the infusion will be ready. Take 35-40 drops 3 times a day half an hour before meals with warm water. The course of treatment is 4 weeks. At the same time, it should be noted that one-sided ortilia is often confused with wintergreen, since they are both pear-shaped families and are similar to each other. But wintergreen will not help you, it is used to treat inflammation of the prostate.

baking soda for infertility

Perhaps some women have heard that douching with baking soda helps to get pregnant. Only not everyone believes in the old grandmother's method, but the effectiveness of such procedures can be explained from a scientific point of view.

As you know, the vagina is acidic, which has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa. In order to penetrate the uterus and fertilize the egg, the male germ cells have to travel quite a long way, during which half of them die.

When douching with soda, the pH of the vagina changes to the alkaline side, therefore, optimal conditions are created for the life of ejaculate cells.

Douching is carried out at the rate of: half a teaspoon of bicarbonate per 0.5 l of water. The procedure is best done before the start of sexual intercourse, about half an hour. In a slightly alkaline environment, spermatozoa will retain their mobility, their life span will be extended. However, in order not to destroy the microbiological environment of the vagina, douching should be done no more than 2-3 times a month.

Black cumin oil for infertility

Black cumin oil is a useful product that treats many diseases. The Prophet Muhammad called it "a remedy for all ailments except death." As it was found, the oil has a positive effect on the thymus gland, which is responsible for immune defense. It contains phytosterols necessary for the production of hormones in the body. The oil is used for disorders of the reproductive system, both in men and women.

In oriental medicine, the remedy has long been used to restore erection and maintain male abilities. Oil improves the number and mobility of spermatozoa, increases their ability to conceive. In the female half, it restores disturbed hormonal levels, normalizes the monthly cycle, helps in the treatment of inflammation and prevents the appearance of tumors.

Take black cumin oil in a teaspoon with honey 2 times a day. It is good to drink such a drug with tea with chamomile and thyme. Treatment is recommended for 3-4 months, then interrupted for 2 months

Wintergreen for infertility

Wintergreen is a medicinal plant that helps to get rid of chronic inflammatory processes in the female genital area. Adnexitis, colpitis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, atony of the uterus can cause infertility. Men should also take wintergreen tincture or decoction if they suffer from urethritis or prostate inflammation.

The plant is used for infertility in the form of infusion and alcohol tincture. The infusion is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of dried grass are poured with boiling water in an amount of 300-400 ml. Infuse and apply 100 ml with honey three times a day, about an hour before meals. Treatment continues for six months.

Wintergreen tincture is prepared in the ratio: 1 part herb to 5 parts vodka. Insist in a dark place for 20 days. Take 40 drops before meals three times a day. You can also use fresh grass, but this will require half a glass of chopped raw materials per 200 ml of vodka. Insist and take 35 drops.

Geranium oil for infertility

The essential oil of the plant improves mood, fights depression, has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps get rid of painful periods and sexual disorders. Every woman who dreams of motherhood should have a geranium at home and periodically inhale the aroma of the plant.

You can use geranium essential oil to scent the room: this sets the woman in a loving mood. If you add a few drops of aromatic oil to any base oil (avocado, olive), then this remedy can be used for massage. It increases sexual desire, relaxes, increases vitality.

In case of infertility, add a few drops of aromatic oil, approximately 3-4 drops, to 100 ml of heated water. Put a teaspoon of honey here. Apply the remedy 3 times a day, before meals.

With bacterial vaginitis, 3-4 drops of aromatic oil are added to a glass of water, 1 tsp is also put here. baking soda. The solution is used for douching.

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatments.

Many women cannot imagine family happiness without children. But unfortunately, more and more couples are faced with difficulties in conceiving.

You can talk about pathology if pregnancy does not occur within 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse.

But for infertility treatment to be successful, both spouses need to be examined.

Only after analyzing all the data and identifying the “culprit”, it is possible to choose an effective therapy. Consider the causes and methods of treatment of female infertility. We will also dwell on alternative solutions in this situation (IVF, donation of germ cells, adoption).

There are many factors that affect women's health and prevent pregnancy. Most of them can be eliminated with medication or surgery. But in some cases, a complete restoration of reproductive functions is impossible and the use of auxiliary methods, such as IVF (with own or donor oocytes), is required.

Hormonal factors

Approximately 20% of all female infertility cases are due to improper hormone production. As a result, the functioning of the ovaries is disrupted, and the normal maturation of female germ cells does not occur.

At the same time, women often experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle (lengthening, lack of regularity), mood swings, and excessive hair growth in the male pattern. A provoking factor of hormonal and endocrine disorders can be previous head injuries, malnutrition, and constant stress.

Immunological infertility

This relatively rare form of infertility is caused by an overactive immune system. Conception does not occur, because the female body produces antibodies that destroy spermatozoa.

Means (sprays, creams, douches) that change the acidity of the vagina have a similar effect.

This pathology is more common in women who abuse local chemical contraceptives, suffer from allergies, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs, or have undergone gynecological surgery.

Timely diagnosis of immunological infertility gives a good chance of conception, subject to the doctor's recommendations and appropriate treatment. If conservative therapy is ineffective, a procedure or IVF is possible.

Pathologies of the uterus, tubes and ovaries

Not in last place among the factors preventing the conception and normal bearing of a child are uterine pathologies. These can be congenital malformations of the structure - bending, doubling, an abnormal shape, and sometimes the absence of an organ, scars acquired as a result of inflammation or surgical interventions.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the violation of the structure of the muscular layer of the uterus -. All these defects prevent the embryo from being fixed and developing normally.

Damage to the fallopian tubes and disruption of their patency as a result of inflammation is another reason for the lack of pregnancy.

Occasionally, infertility is due to underdevelopment (hypoplasia) of the female gonads and premature depletion of the ovaries.

The use of reproductive technologies (IVF, surrogacy, oocyte donation) and hormonal stimulation is successfully practiced and leaves a chance for the birth of a child even in the most difficult cases.

Psychogenic infertility

It also happens that both spouses are healthy, but pregnancy does not occur. In such a situation, we can talk about psychogenic factors. These include past moral traumas, for example, the experience of an unsuccessful pregnancy or the loss of a child already born.

Subconsciously, a woman may be so afraid of repetition that it prevents conception. Also, a difficult situation in the family or a negative experience of motherhood among close relatives and friends is capable of creating psychological rejection.

Treatment of female infertility caused by such causes should begin with awareness of the problem. For it to be effective, it is necessary to work out the traumatic situation with a psychotherapist.

Do not forget that psychogenic factors can be combined with physiological ones, therefore it is possible to draw conclusions and select therapy only after a complete examination.

Types of infertility in women

Regarding the moment of occurrence of infertility, two types of it are distinguished. We are talking about the primary form if a woman, despite trying to conceive a child, has never had a pregnancy.

The most common causes of this type of infertility are:

  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • congenital pathologies of the structure of the reproductive organs.

Women who were previously pregnant (regardless of the outcome) and have difficulty conceiving are diagnosed with secondary infertility. In this case, disorders are more likely to occur due to inflammatory diseases leading to the formation of adhesions. Complicated abortions or childbirth can also cause acquired infertility.

Diagnosis of pathology

Diagnosis is the first step towards choosing an effective infertility treatment and solving the problem.

Patients who turn to a gynecologist about a long absence of pregnancy will have to undergo a comprehensive examination, consisting of the following procedures:

  1. Gynecological examination with the help of mirrors.
  2. Taking a smear from the vagina.
  3. Blood tests to determine hidden infections and the level of sex hormones.
  4. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  5. Colposcopy (examination of the cervix with a special microscope).

Based on the data obtained, the patient's history and complaints, the doctor may recommend additional examinations. To confirm endometriosis, polyps or small fibroids, diagnostics is prescribed using hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity with an endoscopic apparatus).

If there is a suspicion of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, a hysterosalpingography with a contrast agent is performed.

The MAR test, which detects antisperm antibodies in the cervical mucus, can exclude the immunological causes of infertility.

Another important step in the examination is the determination of the presence of ovulation. You can identify it using special tests, ultrasound control, as well as regularly measuring basal temperature. →

After establishing the root cause of the lack of conception, the specialist recommends the couple adequate methods of infertility treatment in this situation - surgical, conservative or using reproductive technologies (IVF, insemination).

Psychological problems associated with infertility

Women facing infertility often experience severe stress associated with the collapse of their plans. The emergence of anger and a depressed state is a normal reaction, but so that they do not turn into depression, you should not neglect the help of a psychologist.

Restoring a normal emotional state with the help of a specialist is especially recommended in the treatment of female psychogenic infertility.

It is noted that the desired pregnancy occurs twice as fast if before planning it is possible to overcome the stressful state and tune in to a positive result.

Psychologists advise not to keep emotions in yourself. It is better to share your experiences and fears with loved ones, as well as communicate with couples who have similar problems.

Traditional Treatments

If the diagnosis has confirmed that a woman has problems with conception that can be corrected, the doctor selects the appropriate conservative or surgical methods for treating infertility.

When endometriosis, menstrual irregularities, and the absence of ovulation are detected, hormone therapy helps to achieve the desired effect.

Treatment of infectious diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases, requires the use of antibiotics and immunostimulating agents. In this case, both spouses must undergo therapy.

Treatment of female infertility caused by an advanced form of endometriosis or impaired patency of the fallopian tubes may require surgical intervention.

Typically, these operations are performed by a minimally invasive laparoscopic method. The effectiveness of the method in these pathologies reaches from 30 to 65%.

Treatment of female infertility with folk remedies

With minor malfunctions in the work of the female reproductive system and the absence of contraindications, infertility treatment with folk remedies is allowed. Particular attention is paid to proper nutrition.

For women who want to conceive a child, traditional medicine recommends using:

  • decoction of spruce needles (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water), as a remedy for polyps;
  • hawthorn fruit tea;
  • foods rich in vitamin E (lettuce, liver, pumpkin pulp).

It is also recommended to choose poses for intimacy that promote fertilization. When the uterus is bent, the position in which the man is behind is considered favorable. If a woman is overweight, she can achieve the required depth of penetration during intercourse by placing her legs on her husband's shoulders.

Among the remedies approved by gynecologists are homeopathic herbal preparations. But they should be chosen with caution, making sure that there is no allergy to the active ingredients.

With the permission of the attending physician, it is allowed to treat hormonal forms of infertility in women with the help of mud applications and baths. This method is also effective in the adhesive process in the small pelvis.

There are also positive reviews about hirudotherapy. But the listed procedures give a result only when the full course of treatment is completed and in combination with traditional therapy.

Alternative options for infertility

Sometimes conservative treatment of infertility in women is irrational. In a situation where the uterus has been removed, both tubes are completely obstructed or absent, or the functionality of the ovaries has been lost, the use of alternative methods is required.

Reproductive technologies (IVF, egg donation)

With the tubal factor of infertility, as well as other pathologies that prevent the fusion of the egg and sperm, IVF (in vitro fertilization) can be the way out. The essence of the method is to extract the mature germ cells of a woman with a special needle and combine them with sperm in the laboratory.

After the fertilization of the eggs, doctors observe the development of the embryos for several days, and then select one (sometimes more) of the most viable and introduce it into the uterine cavity of the expectant mother.

This procedure has its disadvantages - high cost and relatively low efficiency (the probability of success on the first attempt is 35-40%). But despite this, for many families, IVF is the only way to have a baby.

If a woman does not have her own eggs, she can undergo in vitro fertilization using donor oocytes and husband's sperm. In this case, the child will be biological to only one spouse. But this does not make him less native and gives the woman the opportunity to be realized as a mother.


A serious problem is the loss of the uterus or the presence of medical contraindications that make it impossible to bear a child. But even in such a situation, a woman can have her own children by resorting to the services of a surrogate mother.

To do this, germ cells are taken from the spouses (or one of the parents), they are fertilized in a test tube and, using the IVF procedure, they are placed in the uterus of another woman.

Basically, surrogate mothers are ready to help childless couples for a solid monetary reward. Therefore, the service is available only to wealthy segments of the population.

There are heated debates around the moral aspects of surrogate motherhood, but still it gives hope for the birth of a biological child to women with incurable forms of infertility.


If medicine turned out to be powerless, and there is no material opportunity to use reproductive technologies, or this method is unacceptable for moral and religious reasons, a couple can adopt a child.

This, of course, is not a means of treating infertility, but an alternative solution that allows childless people to feel like parents. There are cases when, having given a child love and a family, spouses later have blood children, despite medical forecasts.

Whether to do IVF, use surrogate motherhood or undergo conservative infertility treatment is up to the spouses. Each method has its drawbacks and pitfalls. The main thing is not to let the problem take its course, because early diagnosis and timely treatment significantly increases the chances of a successful outcome.

Useful video about infertility treatment methods

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