Tatyana Chubarova year of birth. Biography. Your favorite feature film

The story of Tatyana Chubarova is unusual and amazing, like the singer herself. Her openness and purity of soul attract, because once you see Tatyana, you feel this genuine tenderness, sincerity, and on the other hand, a very powerful inner core, spiritual ardor!

Tatyana creates as she breathes, she lives in music, the charm of life, as one of the great critics once remarked very correctly: “Talent is the ability to be surprised”, and of course, love, which gives new strength to creativity, because the most beautiful songs they write about love when love is always in the soul and envelops the heart with a light trail. Unusual cheerfulness, a thirst for creativity, a constant search for oneself, this is the whole Tatiana. Her songs, like a life-giving force, awaken consciousness at the mental level and give an incomparable feeling of joy and happiness. Tatyana Chubarova is not just a talented performer with great potential, she is also the author of many of her songs.

Today, the name of Tatyana Chubarova is on everyone's lips, her songs are rotated on well-known radio stations: radio "Dacha", radio "Dorozhnoye", radio "Autoradio", radio "Moscow", radio "Mart" and many others. Clips of the singer

see on well-known TV channels, such as: “Russong TV”, “Russian Music Box”, Music of the First, Russia 1 (“Hot Ten”, the artist’s interviews are always bright, interesting, and most importantly, “like in spirit”.

But after all, few people know that Tatyana Chubarova reached this level on her own, without any help and support, and to this day all achievements are the merit of the artist herself, few people understand that colossal work is behind success.

The singer has successfully released five solo albums:

"Necklace of Love" - ​​2000.

"Velvet Night" - 2005.

"Do not pain the soul" - 2007.

"wormwood and nettle" -2010 and "If I..." 2011.

A new concert program “I will give” will be timed to coincide with the release of the last album. Tatyana decided to open her tour with a solo concert in Moscow, which will take place on October 28, 2011. This concert will be the main event of the autumn!!!

Tatyana Chubarova is a popular Russian singer, equally successful in four musical styles: folk song, pop music, chanson and romances. Genres Variety music Chanson Page address https://www.realrocks.ru/id192627 Description Tatyana Chubarova is a popular Russian singer who works equally successfully in four musical styles: folk song, pop music, chanson and romances. Her songs, like a life-giving force, awaken consciousness at the mental level and give an incomparable feeling of joy and happiness. Tatyana Chubarova is not just a talented performer with great potential, she is also the author of many of her songs. Today, the name of Tatyana Chubarova is on everyone's lips, her songs are rotated on well-known radio stations: Russian Radio (Ukraine), Avtoradio, Dacha Radio, Road Radio, Baltika Radio, Police Wave, People's Radio ”, radio “Chanson”, “Autoradio”, radio “Moscow”, radio “Mart” and many others. She released seven solo albums: "Necklace of Love" - ​​2000. "Velvet Night" - 2005. "Do not pain the soul" - 2007. “Wormwood and nettles” -2010 “If I ...” 2011 “I will give” 2013 “And love has its own laws” 2017 In October 2011, a solo concert by Tatiana Chubarova - “I I will donate." The presentation of the fifth album "If I..." introduced a completely new stage in the singer's work: highly professional musical material, where the secrets of her life were revealed. Tatyana Chubarova is a frequent guest on Russian television. Clips for the songs: "If I" (2011 - director Alexander Igudin) "I will give" (2012 - director Alexander Filatovich), "Autumn" (2013) and "White Blizzards" (2014 - director Semyon Gorov) "If I could" (2015 - directed by Alexander Seliverstov. With the participation of theater and film actor A. Nosik) are rotated on TV channels: Russong TV, Russian Music Box, Music of the First, Russia 1 , "RU TV", "Chanson TV", As part of the "Chanson of the Year 2015" award in the Kremlin, in a festive concert, Tatiana Chubarova performed. She performed a new song "If I could", the video for which hit the "Hot 20" hit parade on Shanson TV. The famous actor Alexander Nosik was invited to the main role. On the set, he reincarnated as the husband of Tatyana Chubarova, who betrayed the quivering and tender feelings of his wife, cheating on her with another woman. The clip turned out to be very dramatic and vital. The track is rotated on the radio "Chanson" (103.0FM) Since the summer, the singer's tour has taken place with a concert program “If I could. ..” On November 30, 2016, at the Moscow State Variety Theater in a grand concert “WINTER TALE for adults”, Tatyana Chubarova congratulated the Chanson TV channel on its 10th anniversary and sang the song “And love has its own laws”. Tatyana creates as she breathes, she lives in music, the charm of life, as one of the great critics once remarked very correctly: “Talent is the ability to be surprised”, and of course, love, which gives new strength to creativity, because the most beautiful songs they write about love when love is always in the soul and envelops the heart with a light trail. Tatyana's interviews in the press and on the radio are always bright, interesting, and most importantly, "in spirit." Tatyana is a singer who is able to give through her songs her love for life, for music, for creativity. Unusual cheerfulness, a thirst for creativity, a constant search for oneself - this is the whole Tatyana. Members Sites

“I will give you heavenly flowers. I will give you cherished dreams. I will carry the whole wide world in my hands and give you the dawn ”- lines from a romantic and promising song by Tatyana Chubarova. And truly, she is a singer who is able to give through her songs her love for life, for music, for creativity. At the end of the meeting, she presented our editorial staff with her CD and a good mood.

Tatyana Chubarova is a pop-folk singer. She devoted more than twenty years to art, thirteen years of which the singer sings in Moscow. Arriving to conquer the capital, behind Tatyana's back was the formation of the State School of Culture of the city of Novosibirsk, the singer received an education in her specialty: the conductor of a folk choir. Already in Moscow, Tatyana Chubarova receives a second education and graduates from the Institute of Contemporary Art, as a teacher of "pop-jazz vocals" and as a vocalist.

We met her in a cafe where she came with her husband and son. Tatyana turned out to be a very open and cheerful person, a beautiful woman with beautiful blue eyes. We talked to her about inspiration, self-love, never being afraid to start from scratch, and much more.

- Tell us about your family, please?

Everything is fine. I am married and have a wonderful husband and son. My husband works in Yakutsk and, one might say, I practically moved here for permanent residence. The son went to the tenth grade in Yakutsk. And so I will be forced to stay here more and more often. Except for the tour. The daughter works in Novosibirsk.

What do you think is the best way to raise children?

I will tell you by the example of how I raised my children myself. Most importantly, children should respect their elders. So that they listen to the advice of their parents. They didn’t steal, they didn’t do any nasty things. They were not vindictive. I spoil my children very much. Which, in fact, is probably a bit wrong. If you look now, I raised my children with a stick and a carrot. My daughter says that she has received a lot of love from me, she is so grateful for her upbringing that I am happy. Mom is an idol for her, she copies everything from me: how I dress, how I make up, how I go somewhere and so on.

- Does your family sing?

My mother sang very well, my father was an accordion player. That's why they always performed. Dad always dragged me to his concerts, I sang all the adult songs. And, of course, I can’t live without a stage.

- Probably, now you will arrange your concerts in Yakutsk more often?

Of course, I would like to hold some concerts with you. It depends on attendance. If the attendance is the same as, say, June 3, then of course it is not interesting to be at a loss and you want to see a full house.

- How do you like the Yakut public?

In Yakutsk, the audience is wonderful. I have been performing here for many years. I not only held concerts, but also performed at various parties - and I am satisfied with the audience. They meet very well, warmly, always with warm applause. It is evident that they are soulful. I say this sincerely. Most likely, it depends on the message that I carry from the stage.

- Would you like to work with the Yakut organizers?

Of course, I would love to work with the republican organizers, any organizations. I don't care who I work with. That is, neither the city, nor the nation, nor the country where I perform makes any difference to me. I am very mobile, respectable, flexible, and in general, I love my job very much. There are such artists who will deny - I either won’t, or I don’t want to. No, I'm happy to go and sing.

- What is the difference between Moscow artists and provincial ones?

Most likely, the difference is that in Moscow, in arranging and presenting a performance, everyone tends to follow the example of the West. But show business, no matter what city, whether it be Yakutsk or Novosibirsk, cannot be compared with Moscow. In Moscow, there are more requirements, a person strives for this and adapts. You become such a professional that you are not ashamed to show yourself in the future. There is no complexity. In the provinces, artists have tightness, lack of vocal professionalism. This speaks volumes. And, of course, the behavior on stage.

- With which of the Yakut performers would you like to sing?

When I held a concert here in the summer, I really wanted to sing with Evgeny Prokopiev. But the schedules did not match, and we did not manage to perform with him. Then I invited another family team, but again, the schedules did not match. I listened to their songs, I liked them. I wanted to make such a surprise - they sing in Yakut, then I in Russian. The idea was such an interesting one. But in the end it didn't work out.

Where do you get inspiration for writing your songs?

You know, I listen to my songs, and whenever I listen to my albums, I have some new dreams, new ideas. And I begin to draw some kind of picture in the image - what would I like to do next, where would I want to move, what do I need. For example, it is to walk along the red carpet, record a new song, shoot some kind of video, or give a big solo concert. For every artist, the higher the bar you set for yourself, the sooner it is realized.

What qualities do you need to have to be successful?

You just have to love what you do. Finance now plays a huge role in show business. Without finance, one person in a million breaks through. If a person does not have finances, then there are good connections.

- Heard you write books?

Yes, I have one book already finished, but it has not been released yet. This is a fiction story - a biographical book about me, a mystical story, a story about show business. Most likely, this year it is necessary to implement this idea, it's time to release it. Another book is a novel called "My Half". It hasn't been released yet either. All the time family affairs, flights, show business. So far, the hands do not reach. A novel takes a long time to work on.

What do you think is more important for a woman - career or family?

I can never separate - family or career, everything is important to me. Career is important for me, children, family, husband are important for me. I love my job, because without it it is impossible to simply live. You can not put such a question for yourself - family or career. I make it all come together.

- I heard that you are friends with Prokhor Chaliapin and Dima Bilan.

With Dima Bilan, we performed several times on the same site. And with Prokhor Chaliapin, yes, we are friends, a wonderful person with an amazing smile. I generally like to be friends with men. Because men are kinder, they don't envy. And women are flattering, they can look into your eyes and think about something completely different.

- Do you like to cook?

Yes I love cooking. My husband loves pea soup and chicken wings in the oven with potatoes, garlic and sauce. In food I prefer everything that is forbidden, but tasty. I love pancakes for breakfast. I love to cook for my husband - when you love a person, everything turns out easily, and it's very interesting to cook for a loved one. Of the Yakut dishes, I really like indigirka and stroganina.

- Do you believe in predictions?

Sometimes, when there are some questions in terms of creativity, I turn to one of my very good friends.

- Now it has become fashionable to get involved in Feng Shui. What do you think of this teaching?

I will not say that I am a fan of feng shui, but yes, of course, I use something.

- What do you think about our current youth?

The current generation, of course, leaves much to be desired. He has a lot to learn.

- What are your impressions of Yakutsk?

There are very good photographers, stylists, I like to go to one salon in the Old Town. There are very good fur coats, diamonds. Naturally, every city has its pros and cons. I miss Moscow here, I miss work, no movement. Without movement, I begin to recover, without movement, I lack an outburst of my energy and emotions.

- Please tell us about your future creative plans.

I dream of opening my own vocal school in Yakutsk. Now I'm thinking about this project. I have a production center LLC Chubarova Production. I really want people to sing professionally. Both adults and children. I am also going to arrange a concert in the city of Lugansk, in Ukraine. Then there will be a duet with Nikolai Baskov.

This article is devoted to the crime boss Chubarov Boris Yakovlevich, who became known throughout the country thanks to a pompous and unusual monument on his grave. The funeral ceremonies of some well-known criminal authorities and influential figures of the former Soviet Union will also be covered, as well as a little touch on their life and biography.

Burial of crime bosses

The dangerous nineties are long gone. From the late eighties to the two thousandth, more than 250 thieves in law and more than a thousand crime bosses went to another world, not to mention ordinary bandits who died in showdowns every day.

Since many of these figures enjoyed great prestige and reverence in their circles, after their death, friends and relatives tried to designate the status and position in society of these people and perpetuate their memory. Most of the monuments are installed on the most expensive parts of the cemeteries. The monuments depict not only the deceased themselves, but also the attributes and objects of their luxurious life. There were even special private cemeteries for criminals, like the one located in Rakitki, near Moscow. In the nineties, the bandits bought up entire plots of land so that even after the death of the "boys" they would remain together.

Chubarov's biography

One of the most pompous and striking monuments to the figures of business and crime, which in the nineties was considered an interconnected activity, is the monument to Boris Yakovlevich Chubarov. Little is known about Chubarov, but it is known that he was an influential businessman who owned several profitable organizations. Boris Chubarov is a crime boss who had great influence and opportunities in criminal circles and was nicknamed "Borya Soda". Chubarov was given such a nickname due to the fact that he earned his first money selling sparkling water. In the early 90s, he also made a profit from city slot machines.

However, it is not possible to find out the details of the biography of the authority of Boris Yakovlevich Chubarov. The only thing known is Chubarov's date of birth - July 2, 1946, and the businessman's date of death - June 13, 2004. In Novosibirsk, he was in contact with thieves in law and other representatives of crime. According to unofficial data, the Novosibirsk businessman died of cirrhosis of the liver. According to rumors, the monument was erected by his own son, who now manages the business of his late father. This monument is a tribute to the deceased.

crime boss business

From open sources, you can find out that officially Boris Chubarov was the founder and director of a large limited liability company Liner-2, whose sphere of interests included those owned by Chubarov were known and popular in Novosibirsk.

The authority also owned a network of bars and various drinking establishments. The most stable and largest profit Chubarov brought hotel business in Novosibirsk. The authorized capital of Liner-2 LLC was more than forty million rubles. However, many in the city know that Boris Yakovlevich Chubarov was a criminal authority who was respected in certain circles and could solve many issues. Of course, his criminal connections helped in the promotion of his rather lucrative business.

Monument to Chubarov Boris Yakovlevich

In the center of the Kleshchikhinsky cemetery in Novosibirsk, among the simple grave fences and tombstones set very close together, which practically no one watches, you can find a spacious area, clearly divided into sectors. You can immediately pay attention to the huge size of the tombstone, on which the cross is set, perfectly distinguishable against the sky. This is rarely seen, it is a monument to the authority of Chubarov Boris Yakovlevich. In Novosibirsk, such monuments on the graves are not very common. This style can be called the cemetery "aesthetics of the new Russians." The sculpture is quite large and overly pretentious. The grave of authority stands out against the background of simple tombstones, which are often left unattended.

There are no frills in the sculpture itself - there is a man with a stern expression on his face, a little overweight, his tie has strayed to the left. Looks very realistic. Mercedes from a huge piece of granite looks like a real one. Apparently, it was the favorite brand of cars of the deceased. There are no pompous epitaphs on the tombstone.

According to the opinions about the authority Chubarov Boris Yakovlevich, he was a very respected person in the business circles of the city. Many are interested in knowing who the man was, on whose grave stands the most conspicuous monument at the Kleshchikhinsky cemetery in Novosibirsk. The unusualness of the monument attracts the eyes of people who come to visit the dead.

Chubarov family

According to official information, Chubarov lived in the city of Novosibirsk with his family throughout his life. His wife, Vladimirovna, was born on September 18, 1951. According to official documents, he is an individual entrepreneur. After marriage, they lived on Sorge Street, apt. 178. There are two children in a family: a son and a daughter. The son's name is Lev, he was born on October 15, 1971, he also lives in Novosibirsk. Daughter - Evgenia Borisovna, was born on July 2, 1980. Both Lev and Evgenia are engaged in business and are registered as individual entrepreneurs. The sphere of activity of Chubarov's daughter is health services and trade. The son manages the hotel and restaurant complex of the late father "Liner-2", several large LLCs are registered to him. Thus, all members of the Chubarov family are entrepreneurs in the service sector.

Crime of the nineties

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to dire consequences for the younger generation, which in the early nineties had to decide on their priorities and values ​​in life. After the collapse of the huge state in the former republics of the Union, catastrophic difficulties arose in the economy at the same time. Young people had no prospects of obtaining official jobs from the state. In such difficult conditions, young people had to choose their own sources of income in order to feed themselves and their families. It was almost impossible to become a wealthy person legally at that time.

The fate of the bandits

The groups included young men who were accustomed to relying solely on forceful methods in solving all business issues, living according to special criminal "concepts". During the period of the active phase of their activities, the members of the organized criminal group became known for their cruelty, in comparison with which modern representatives of organized criminals behave more adequately. Gang fights on city streets, kidnapping of influential businessmen, extortion, embezzlement of someone else's business, contract killings, torture of businessmen and their families - all these terrible phenomena were quite common in the nineties.

The funeral of Ded Hasan - how it went

The last pompous funeral of the crime boss took place in Moscow at the Khovansky cemetery, when they said goodbye to the influential thief in law Aslan Usoyan, nicknamed Ded Hasan.

It was a large funeral, which was attended by at least one and a half thousand people. In general, the ceremony was pathetic and solemn, as required by the position of the deceased - an authoritative thief in law. Aslan Usoyan was lying in a luxurious coffin, which was varnished and made of mahogany. Thanks to the efforts of make-up artists, the horrifying wound on the face left by the killer's bullet is almost imperceptible. At the Khovansky cemetery, the ceremony was led by an old man in a hat, who probably knows the religious and national traditions of the Yezidis, to whom the authority Aslan Usoyan belonged.

Farewell to Jap

In 2009, the entire underworld said goodbye to the famous Russian authority Vyacheslav Ivankov (Yaponchik). His monument and grave are located in one of the most famous cemeteries in Moscow - Vagankovsky. Such prominent personalities as poet Sergei Yesenin, actor Andrei Mironov, football player Lev Yashin and other famous people are buried here.

It is impossible for an ordinary person to get here. But influential friends of Ivankov discovered the grave of his mother, so the authorities of the capital gave permission for the burial of Yaponchik. The funeral was attended by hundreds of criminal authorities and thieves in law. He also erected a chic monument on the grave.


The graves and monuments of criminal authorities stand out noticeably against the background of old, neglected fences and graves of ordinary people. Authorities are treated with special respect even after their funeral. In cemeteries, they only get VIP seats: on the central aisle or at the very entrance to the cemetery. Some monuments have special lighting, even in winter you will not see snow or rust on them, and in summer everything is laid with fresh flowers. An example of this is the monument on the grave of the authority Chubarov Boris Yakovlevich.

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