Regional concept. The structure of the concept of development of the region. State regional policy in the Russian Federation

Sycheva I.N. Concepts of regional development in the context of globalization / I.N. Sycheva, E.S. Permyakova // Economics and business: theory and practice. - 2016. - No. 5. - S. 170-174.


I.N. Sycheva, d - r econ. sciences, professor

E.S. Permyakova , Ph.D. economy . Sciences, Associate Professor

Altai State Technical University I.I. Polzunova

(Russia, Barnaul)

Annotation . This article discusses new approaches to the development of the regional economy, due to the trends in the globalization of the world economy. Wasps are revealed about features of modern regional development in Russia. A number of organizational and economic measures are given that contribute to the intensification of the process of regional innovation. n development.

Keywords: globalization, regional development,knowledge economy, points of growth.

Globalization of the world economy and see e on technological modes involves a change in the concept of regional development, due to objective factors of development And tia of all world countries. The prerequisites for changing the concept are laid in the global economy with its new approaches to development. And countries based on up-to-date information R mation technologies oh gee. First of all, these include: strengthening the regionalization of countries; emergence of new opportunities in cross-country interaction; enhancement of integration processes in the regional b nom level as a result of the escalating conc at rents in the world market; rega gain about new as a response to the growing role of trans from national corporations; active development of migration processes in the h personal forms of their manifestation; the growing problem of the raw material supply of the national about nal economies, first of all, en R getic and water;search for solutions to protect national markets while complying Yu deniya international about announcements.

New concept of regional development And tiya includes the following major aspects: development based on modern information technologies; new by d move towards the evaluation and use of regional b resources; new opportunities in e graceful processes, including the world about exit. w o The first aspect that reflects a new approach to the development of regions is the e a move towards a "knowledge economy" based on the priority development of innovative technologies that provide the basis for conc at rental advantages of the region. A major contribution to the "knowledge economy" is made by the development and tie and n formation and communication market. When p e transition to the information society, the proportions between mu from cultural and intellectual efforts, between routine operations and creative T Vom, between replicating the past and innovation. The volume of the information and communication market today exceeds s forces 1 trillion. USD In developed countries yes n sector contributes significantly b contribution to GDP growth: for example, in the USA it exceeds s shakes 30%; rapidly growing corporations but investment in information technologies X technologies (up to 35% of all capital about zhenii), and the share of specialists in the field of information technology in the total structure of employees with about puts more than 10%. Patents related to the production of new information technologies account for more than 30% of all applications filed in Finland, Isla n dii, korea. All countries develop and implement national programs for R development of the information society. Thus, Europe announced its project "Technology about of the Information Society". Only those r e ions that are actively involved in this process have the opportunity to And little use of the advantages about the first division of labor and participation in the world about economic connections. World technological e Russian leaders have learned to master the resource a mi less times twisted countries, establishing an intellectual and financial co n troll. Regarding the regional economy about mics can be called the following advantages e properties: the presence of highly professional but research units, about b having competitive advantages in certain scientific areas of modern e exchange research; creation on the register about the national level of conditions for the implementation of e th innovation cycle; creation is high about level of living standards, first of all, for research teams (quality education with subsequent staff retention; quality e nature of life); active inclusion in the international e national and international research colle to tiva.

To the third direction, reflecting the change in the regional concept, one can T carry a new approach to assessing and using but niyu regional resources.Changing the structure of the world economy from its e orientation from raw material orientation to art about service sector and more efficient and from use of natural non-renewable resources, as well as the greater importance of t but resources, such as transport, space n natural, water and others, allows you to s share the following aspects of the new reg about nal approach: compliance with regional about duct to global trends while maximizing the use of regional th conk u rental benefits;developed transport component and its inclusive value in m and solid transport corridors; depth of complex processing of natural data resources owls; specific resource costs per unit of regional product and co T wearing with world indicators; quality T in labor resources and their potential for an innovative economy; compliance of the regional product with the potential e shallow ground, high-quality display and bodies.

The fourth direction of the regional economy includes new opportunities about in integration processes and the degree of involvement of the regional economy in the world economy: export potential and its from use, quality structure.

World trends are also reflected in Russia. To replace the centralized about issues of territorial development, in which about some key positions were occupied by P federal industrial complexes b level, models arrive, landmark about on independence, activity and economic self-organization of territories about riy. A distinctive feature of the modern economy is the creation of new territories And torial network models, based on about of which lies the active involvement of the reg about new to the process of innovative transformation about vaniya, to the creation of scientific and production systems with high co n centered intellect at potential, designed to provide a new level of co n competitiveness of the region she. The modern stage of territorial development And and strengthening the role of regions within the Russian Federation e walkie-talkie is characterized by the release of sl e following priority areas: about nodative foundations for delimiting fun to between the center and the regions; use about public-private pairing T inertia as the basic mechanism of interaction th state action andbusiness community; representation of regions as large X technological sites created by high about co-technological productions and scientific and technical complexes; attraction from but milestone experience and capital to form about vaniya industrial districts; pov s determining the importance of small production about go and innovative business, etc.

The peculiarity of Russia is unequal about dimensionality of development of its regions. So, from all sub b projects of the Russian Federation, about 10 regions are among the leaders in terms of the level of innovative development (Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Sver d lovskaya region); among federal districts at gov among the most innovative development and tykh fall Ural b sky, Volga and Central. At the same time, in the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts with about most of the scientific organizations are concentrated but nizations (54.5%), personnel employed by AND OKR (63.5%), as well as state budget funds, n but directed to support science (64.2%). At the same time, in terms of shipments at women's innovative products with s the leaders are the Ural and Volga federal districts.

Thus, the basis of innovative development Ross ii and her regions should be the solution of the following tasks: restoration and strengthening of ties between science and h leadership; ensuring multi-channel financing of scientific and technical and n innovative activities; e development f effective measures to stimulate innovation And onno activity; infrastructure development at ry that ensures the transfer of technology into practice. Knowledge, new technologies in representation in the global space n are decisive for the Russian regions to reach a new level for And economic and sustainable development. Usto th The sustainable socio-economic development of the region is characterized by its ability to ensure positive dynamics in the level and quality of life of the population, using b call for these purposes new factors and conditions about wia, including balanced reproduction about production of economic, social, natural resource potential, local And called on its territory. In modern times n In Russia, regional authorities, as a rule, are motivated rather geoeconomic than geopolitical co b rage niami. The inclusion of Russia in the world economic space should about come not only through individual regs about we are under double pressure about vincialism: proper center and region about cash bl about cov. The problem of regional integration for our country must be considered as a problem of strategic about th "inscription" of the whole of Russia in geoeconomist and ku cross-border regions. acute neo b country-friendly creation reproduction d natural model can, of course, start And start from growth points - individual attachments but real regions with a certain n nye competitive advantages. Among the regions of the border belt, more than bl but Favorable conditions for development are those that are located on global communications that provide international at people's regional cooperation. For regions of "dead end" n e bypass special and nal measures of the federal regional about policies based on the fundamental principles of sustainable spatial development. At the same time, you well but not just to benefit from geographic e stance or even correct posture And positioned - neo b we need to determine which factorsintraregional development and can supportgeoeconomicinterests of other countries.

The prospect of economic development of the regions should be based on the support well ke "reference" regions - points of industry And al, technological and infrastructural to tour growth. However, these points cannot be well but highlight and support within the framework of about current budgetary policy about problematic ions at the expense of donor regions. As a result b tate recipient territories lose mot and to development, and the development of successful e Gions, on the contrary, are artificially restrained t xia.

Russia from a policy of uniform development And It is necessary to switch to the policy of points of growth, since often the most successful solutions to stimulate economic e growth of the country as a whole are realized in the e gyons. At the same time, according to the leadership of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, federal social And national standards determined by the state R social policy, should be ensured in all, without exception, r e regions, and as for investment funds from the federal budget, they should be directed only where R prerequisites for economic growth are being put in place. Growth points are characterized by one about temporary concentration of industrial personnel shlenn about sti and hi-tech , scientific potential, student youth, production centers e kidneys, infrastructure. Potential t Growth check open to public-privateinvestment project to comrade, in Russia dost but exactly.

In world practice, the April about a number of organizational and economic measures have been put into practice that contribute to and n intensification of the process of regional and n innovative development: implementation of special targeted programs for the general about state, r e regional and local levels; direct state subsidies and targeted allocations of regional (m e stnyh) authorities; local tax incentives aimed at stimulating innovation And onno activity of enterprises; formation of science parks and about cash prices advanced technologies;creation of small business incubators; etc And attracting venture capital; mobilization but allocation of private sector resources to solve the problems of regional development; shapers but entrepreneurial networks and class e ditch; perfect development of information, communication, financial infrastructure and structures; org a nization of management consulting for entrepreneurs, etc. have measures.

At the same time, the regional innovation policy pursued in practice P determined by specific economic from lovia. Therefore, there is no one total p e concept for the use of various tools for its implementation. Each state at gift and each region comes to real And these tasks, taking into account the existing features, traditions, available resources R owls and needs.

Bibliographic list

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I.N. Sycheva , doctor of economic sciences, professor

E.S. Permyakova , candidate of economic sciences, senior lecturer

I.I. Polzunov Altai state technical university

(Russia, Barnaul)

abstract. This article discusses the new approaches to the development of the economy of the r e gion, due to the trends of globalization of the world economy.The peculiarities of modern regio n al development in Russia. We present a series of organizational and economic measures that counter b ute to the intensification of the process of regional innovation development.

keywords: globalization, regional development, knowledge economy, the growing point.

The purpose of creating a development concept is to create management mechanisms that must respond flexibly to possible changes in the situation in society, that is, the strategy must adapt development to external changes. Internal processes should focus on the goals of the concept, and not on the solution of current local problems. To implement the concept, certain stages of development and specific tasks are identified in terms of creating the necessary prerequisites for further development. The concept should be focused not on simply increasing the consumption of resources, but also on increasing the efficiency of using the existing potential.

There are four main stages in creating a development concept.

Problem analysis:

Identification of systemic imbalances and the factors that cause them;

Analysis of the mechanisms of occurrence and reproduction of imbalances;

Establishing links and interdependencies between the problems of the territory;

Identification of key problems, division of problems into external, characteristic for the whole country, and internal, inherent only in this particular territory;

To formulate the boundaries of possible intervention of the authorities of this level of government to solve the problems that have arisen;

Determine the factors that can be influenced to solve problems;

Set the time required to solve a particular problem;

If, as a result of the analysis, problems are identified that have arisen due to imbalances in mechanisms external to a given territorial level, then they are fixed and, with a brief analysis, are transferred to higher levels, along with their vision of the optimal resolution.

Formulating goals and strategies:

Based on the analysis of internal problems, a set of development goals is formed;

The formulated goals are checked for consistency with each other, as well as with the development goals of higher levels;

The development of the maximum number of directions in which it is possible to achieve the set goals is carried out;

An analysis is being made of alternative sources of resources, economic levers, structural changes, economic and other incentives, etc., their possible combination and sequence of use to achieve goals.

Thus, simultaneously with the development of possible directions for achieving each goal, the requirements for its implementation mechanisms are formed and substantiated. The overall goal of this stage is to highlight the most significant measures and ensure sufficient concentration of resources in priority areas, preventing their dispersion.

Assessment of possible consequences

At this stage, strategies are analyzed from the perspective of:

Achievement of previously formulated goals;

Changes in the state of the solved problems of the territory;

The possible emergence of new problems and exacerbation of existing ones.

Consequence assessment involves identifying the possible response of all elements of the system at a given level to the strategic impacts. This process can be optimized by comprehensively modeling the consequences of implementing different strategies. When modeling the situation, it is advisable to take into account the possible reaction not only of the internal elements of the system, but also the possible reaction of higher and neighboring and management bodies. If the assessment shows that the formulated goals are unattainable, it is necessary to clarify the goals set, the problems to be solved, change strategies or change the time frame for achieving the goals. As a result, only those strategies that satisfy the goals in terms of the quality of the consequences are selected from the set of feasible strategies.

Choosing the optimal strategy

A comparative analysis of all selected admissible strategies is carried out. The choice is made using a system of criteria reflecting:

Resource efficiency;

Universality of the strategy, i.e. the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment;

Realizability of the main functions of this level.

At this stage, it is necessary to provide for several scenarios for the implementation of the strategy, which are applied depending on the predicted changes in external conditions within certain boundaries. It is necessary to assess the likelihood and extent of such changes in the external environment and, accordingly, provide for possible adjustments to the strategy in the process of its implementation, depending on which scenario is actually being implemented. Accordingly, it is necessary to identify and evaluate reserves that ensure the achievement of the formulated goals, despite possible adverse changes in the external environment. In addition, it is necessary to formulate possible events, the occurrence of which will mean the need for a complete revision of the concept of development.

The adopted strategy should serve as the basis for the development of both long-term and operational decisions to manage the development of the territory. Therefore, the timing of the stages of its implementation and the main parameters that must be achieved at each stage should be formulated.

Crisis processes in the economy, as already noted, covered all regions. A decisive negative impact on the socio-economic situation of the regions is exerted by macroeconomic factors: the narrowing of the domestic market, inflation, the non-payment crisis, increased external competition, etc.

At the same time, the crisis phenomena have significant regional peculiarities. The largest decline in production is typical for regions with a high concentration of industries with declining demand (especially the defense industry, agriculture and investment engineering). With the development of an open remote economy, the benefits are received, first of all, by regions with a developing market infrastructure and exporting products with high currency efficiency. Large urban agglomerations, centers of banking and commercial capital, are the first to emerge from the economic crisis; here begins the growth of the physical volume of the gross domestic product and real incomes of the population.

The movement towards the Kazakh market has not yet been able to overcome the trend of territorial disintegration of the economy that began in the late 1980s. The intensity of interregional exchange for the main types of goods continues to decrease. The outstripping growth of transport tariffs made the established economic ties of the outlying regions unprofitable, created the danger of their isolation from the economic core of Kazakhstan and predominantly economic orientation towards neighboring states. For example, for several years now, the situation with deforestation for fuel in the West Kazakhstan region has been critical, while hundreds of wagons of coal have been idle in the Ekibastuz region.

The differentiation of regions in terms of living standards is increasing. The purchasing power of nominal cash income differs significantly, taking into account the regional differentiation of the subsistence minimum. Above the average republican purchasing power of nominal cash income, taking into account the regional differentiation of the subsistence minimum.

The deepening of differences between regions complicates the implementation of Kazakhstan's reforms and is fraught with dangers of socio-economic conflicts. In the course of economic reform, serious differences are observed in the pace and direction of its implementation. Models of reforming regions based on the use of regional benefits and subsidies have largely exhausted their potential. Differences remain between regions in terms of the intensity of market reforms and the use of administrative methods of regulation.

In this situation, it is especially important to pursue a state policy differentiated by regions.

The most important direction of the economic reform being carried out in the regions is institutional market reforms.

The course of reforms is also hampered by the objective features of regional development, including the specialization of a number of regions in a narrow set of types of economic activity, aggravated by the underdevelopment of the service sector.

Let's consider some issues of execution of the republican budget and, in connection with this, trends in the ratio of the republican and territorial budgets.

The share of direct taxes has increased, while indirect taxes have decreased. In the revenue base of territorial budgets, there is a decrease in the share of direct and indirect taxes, taken together, with a simultaneous increase in the share of other taxes and fees.

As a result, the share of revenues in regional budgets (excluding subventions) increased. A serious, although correctable, asymmetry of the tax and budgetary system has developed from the standpoint of relations between the center and the regions. Two-thirds of the territories are subsidized by the republican budget, and the total amount of budgetary funds transferred according to mutual settlements is about 20% of all financial resources of the regions. There are regions that live only on subsidies. Many people make an obvious bet on VAT, income taxes and resource payments - they provide a large share of revenues to the territorial budgets.

Today, unfortunately, a number of urgently needed laws have not been adopted, for example, the law on anti-dumping, on grain, unfair competition, which would contribute to greater manageability in the economy.

The state regional policy until today is mainly aimed at solving short-term problems and eliminating critical situations. In essence, as such, there is no verified and long-term regional policy in the republic, since the elimination or mitigation of territorial disproportions at the national economic and sectoral levels is not directly among the priority goals, but, at the same time, the chosen methods of budget equalization through transfers remain ineffective and even more so. aggravate the situation.

Evidence of the spontaneity and disorder of regional policy is that the provision of benefits to the territories is more the result of the assertiveness of the akims than the result of economic calculations. In the absence of a coherent policy towards the regions, departmental fragmentation persisted in decision-making on supporting industries in certain regions, as well as inconsistency in the actions of republican and regional authorities.

As already noted, the economic crisis in the country has a pronounced regional character. If, on average, the volume of industrial production in the republic decreased by almost 2 times in comparison with the pre-crisis level, then in the regional context, the depth of the decline and its determining factors are sharply differentiated.

A new factor determining the financial position of the regions during the period of market reforms was the disorganization of payment and settlement relations. As a rule, today the impact of the payment crisis on the position of individual enterprises or industries is considered, but the regional aspect of this problem is practically not considered. Meanwhile, this factor, given its size, has a serious impact on the self-sufficiency of the territories and the state of its budgets.

The analysis of the regional structure of non-payments shows that the main factor of such differentiation is the sectoral specialization of the regions. As the analysis showed, the main share of non-payments is concentrated in the fuel and energy industry, as well as in the agricultural sector, ferrous metallurgy and machine building. Accordingly, the largest volume of non-payments is concentrated in the regions of Pavlodar, Karaganda, Petropavlovsk, Zhambyl regions, as well as in agricultural regions.

The general deterioration of the financial situation caused a sharp increase in wage arrears.

The largest amount of debt falls on the "mining" regions and regions dominated by heavy industry and agriculture.

The significant share of regions with the predominant development of extractive industries in the total amount of wage arrears is due not only to the financial situation, but also to higher wages in some regions.

As already noted, the sectoral influence on regional development leads to the fact that individual regions "escape" ahead in development not due to industrial and economic growth, but due to the one-sided development of the main industry. This further enhances the differentiation of regions. The backward regions in this case may turn out to be not so backward, although they will lag behind the average indicators. In other words, regional differentiation acquires its own specifics and, consequently, the average indicator ceases to be a criterion for providing financial assistance.

Our analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators characterizing the financial situation of the regions allows us to draw the following conclusions:

in the context of a general imbalance in the financial system, unsettled budgetary, tax, payment and settlement relations in the economy, financial indicators do not reflect with a sufficient degree of objectivity the real economic needs of the regions, therefore, they cannot serve as the main criterion for making managerial decisions at the level of central executive authorities, in in particular, on the financial support of the regions.

in this case, for a more objective assessment of the financial situation of the regions, a wider system of indicators should be used, not limited to the analysis of such traditional financial indicators as the state of territorial budgets and the amount of profit received.

During the period of reforms, the financial situation of all regions of Kazakhstan worsened, but the pace of this process and the consequences of this decline varied sharply by region.

In general, we can single out 3 groups of factors that determine the specifics of economic reforms in the regions:

sectoral specialization of the regions associated with the peculiarities of their natural resource potential;

the performance by the regions of specific republican functions (primarily defense, foreign economic, etc.), which causes an imbalance in the sectoral structure of the economy, which is not adapted to the market;

the geographical location of a particular region, which causes significant differences in transport costs and the cost of reproducing the labor force.

Still, the specifics of the sectoral structure of production in individual regions had a decisive influence on the rate of its decline. This was facilitated by the fact that sometimes the government contributed, wittingly or unwittingly, to deepening the established sectoral priorities. As a result, the specifics of the Kazakh economy and its transformation were determined by the smallest decline in production only in the extractive industries.

The crisis of the current model of interbudgetary relations has serious grounds. The country is increasing the concentration of tax revenues in the republican budget to finance public expenditures that are not directly related to the interests of the regions. Simultaneously with a decrease in regional budget revenues (due to an increase in the concentration of accumulated taxes in the republican budget), there is a reduction in centralized spending on financial support for the regions.

Of course, over the years of reforms, there has been a reduction in the centralized redistribution of financial resources through the republican budget. Today, in different territories, from a third to a half of income goes to the budgets of the territories. The state of the budgets of the territories in such conditions already more reflects their financial situation, although massive violations of payment discipline, both by enterprises and individual regions, and the provision of benefits to a number of them continue to distort the real situation. In conditions when 12-13 out of 14 regions and 2 cities reduce their budgets to deficits, the percentage of income left in the territories is important only for three or four main donor regions.

In Kazakhstan, the following groups of regions can be distinguished today:

1) oil - Aktobe, Atyrau, Mangistau

2) energy, which, however, are divided into electric power, which are in a more or less prosperous position (Pavlodar) and coal mining, the main industry of which is subsidized (Karaganda).

3) industrial, focused on industrial military orders or crisis extractive industries and therefore are traditionally subsidized: North Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Shymkent.

4) Agrarian and industrially undeveloped: Torgai, Alma-Ata, Kyzyl-Orda, Kostanai.

5) The city of Alma-Ata stands out among all these regions, the prosperous financial situation of which was determined in many respects by the higher speed of market transformations, the presence of a highly developed market infrastructure and the status of the capital (until very recently), which made it possible to concentrate significant resources in the city.

The imperfection of the modern Kazakh practice of state regulation is largely due to the general crisis in the economy and inefficient use of resources.

At the same time, in our opinion, it was precisely the wrong regional policy that protracted the crisis. As arguments for this, one can cite the failure to fulfill such conceptual requirements that ensure the success of the state regional policy, such as strategic goal setting, focused on the tasks of territorial development; taking into account the interests of all parties (including donor regions); selection of priorities and concentration of state resources and efforts in these areas; consistency and orderliness of private actions; the presence of lethally developed and legalized mechanisms and procedures that ensure the very possibility of implementing the previous requirements.

The protracted systemic crisis, in turn, adversely affected the regional situation. Unfortunately, this has led to the fact that today, when the resources of the state have been exhausted, social stabilization is now being shifted either to citizens or to regions, which also now have no resources. Under these conditions, even such steps as the transfer of communal property to the regions does not give a real effect, firstly, the institution of communal property itself has not been worked out (there is not even a law on communal property), and secondly, the regions, having received this property, are trying to get rid of it and privatize it, since local budgets are not able to support it, and also because the regions have proven economic mechanisms for commercial use.

State regulation of territorial development as a result of the general financial crisis was carried out on a rapidly declining budgetary-tax-economic base, and the need for state support for the territories, on the contrary, was growing just as rapidly.

First of all, the budgetary-tax regulation, which strengthens the territorial disintegration, needs to be radically updated. The acuteness of the problem is so strong that it gives rise to initiatives of local authorities not only of a cosmetic nature (for example, to knock out subventions), but also very radical initiatives. An example of the latter is the initiative to give a special status to the city of Alma-Ata, which is a forced measure.

All this testifies to the fact that practically all organizational and legal forms of support for the regions turned out to be ineffective or ineffective.

Thus, today there is an acute shortage of effective mechanisms for the implementation of economic policy throughout Kazakhstan.

Regional structural and economic policy and management of market formation in the region

The goals of the regional economic policy, like any goals, are long-term in nature and are associated with the strategic directions of socio-economic development. The main goals in this case are:

strengthening the economic unity of the country on the basis of the principles of state unitarity;

raising the level and quality of life of the population, ensuring equal conditions for social development in all regions of a socially oriented economy.

full use of regional factors and favorable conditions for the formation of a socially oriented economy in the regions.

To achieve these goals, a number of tasks are required:

ensuring the efficiency of the main life support systems of the production potential, infrastructure systems, overcoming the decline in production, increasing the competitiveness of enterprises;

promoting the creation in each region of financial potential sufficient to solve the main tasks of socio-economic development;

promoting the establishment of interregional economic relations and the development of the all-Kazakh market as an integrated system of regional markets for goods, services, capital and labor;

reducing the gap in the levels of social and economic development of the regions, both through active support for backward and depressed territories, and through the development of an economic mechanism of interest in development;

regulation of unemployment, taking measures to regulate the migration of the population.

To provide for the following as the main forms of state regulation of regional development:

use of the republican budget for the redistribution of financial resources between regions;

implementation of republican programs for the development of regions and industries, including with the use of co-financing;

placement of republican orders for the supply of products for national needs.

The main part of the activities, of course, can be carried out within the framework of the general macroeconomic, structural investment, foreign economic, social policy, institutional reforms. But at the same time, their development and implementation should take into account the integration (agglomeration) regional effect and compliance with the interests of the integrated socio-economic development of the territories. So, for example, when holding competitions for investment projects with state participation, it is important to take into account their impact on the socio-economic situation in competitive regions.

The state can form a trust fund for regional development, the funds of which can be used to finance effective projects of regional and interregional significance.

Economic and regional regulation should be based on a clear mechanism of relationships between different levels of government. In particular, it is necessary to prepare legal documents on the delimitation and delegation of powers between the republican authorities and regional authorities, as well as on the general principles of organizing the management of regions. Legislatively and normatively, the procedure for providing state support measures to the regions should be fixed. It is necessary to make wider use of the possibilities of new organizational forms of economic cooperation (regional and interregional associations of economic cooperation, territorial financial and industrial groups, etc.).

The economic mechanism of regional relations, first of all, of course, will develop in the direction of improving the budgetary and tax system, dividing state property and property income between the republican and regional levels, clarifying the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and economic responsibility between the republican levels.

The main task of the state, in our opinion, is still not the direct management of this development, but the creation of conditions under which the regions would be interested in achieving better economic results on a national scale, in expanding the financial base, both of the regions and the republic as a whole. .

For example, in view of the wealth of natural resources in Kazakhstan in the process of reforming the tax and budgetary system, one of the most pressing issues is the strengthening of the role of rent payments, payments for the use of subsoil, the participation of regions in profit sharing, etc.

But the state also has a regulatory role related to the maintenance and development of the all-Kazakhstan and interregional market.

The territorial and organizational structure of the national economic complex of Kazakhstan as a management system is currently embodied in two interconnected and relatively independent subsystems: 1) economic regions of different scales (the grid of large regions serves as the basis) and 2) administrative-territorial units.

For the implementation of public administration on the basis of an optimal combination of republican and local interests, the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is divided into two main categories - regions and settlements.

A region is a part of the territory of the republic, including several settlements, formed and managed in the interests of the republic. The regions are the region, district and aul (rural) district as the main links of the republican administrative-territorial structure. (December 8, 1993 N 2572-KhP Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Kazakhstan”)

Socio-economic zoning performs three major functions: 1) political - to help strengthen the stability of the state; 2) economic and social - to create the best conditions for the formation in the country of rational territorial proportions and developed effective regional complexes of the national economy; 3) organizational - to ensure the controllability of territories that brings the required results.

Nowadays, there is a widespread opinion about the expediency of a deep reform of the entire territorial-organizational structure of Kazakhstan.

The republic is improving the mechanisms for regulating regional development, but the work being done is often hypothetical, and not based on scientific developments. The development of a new mechanism should go through systematic, comprehensive studies and experimental verification of their results and lead to concrete proposals.

The economic principles of zoning are implemented on the basis of the socio-territorial division of labor, which, in the conditions of today's formation and tomorrow's development of a market economy, will increase its productivity and, on this basis, better satisfy the diverse needs of society. To some extent, the social division of labor is regulated at the state level, but in general, objective circumstances, such as natural resources, play a decisive role.

The social principles of zoning are based on the need for social orientation of market relations. This necessitates regional differentiation of social standards. For example, when zoning, one should take into account the territorial features of the reproduction of the labor force.

The ecological principles of zoning are called upon to take into account, in the course of economic regionalization, natural resources, which are not only the material and material basis of any production and its location, but also the determining directions in the development of the region.

The organizational principles of zoning are implemented in the functions of general and territorial management of the economy and the social sphere and include such functions as forecasting, operational regulation, coordination, accounting and control. Today, an optimal combination of market self-regulation with indicative planning is needed.

The territorial structure of the Kazakh economy has developed and will develop under the influence of three main groups of factors.

1. Natural geographic factors: a vast territory with a harsh climate in most of the territory, low average population density, differentiated potential of natural resources. A very significant differentiation and uneven distribution of natural and labor resources. Thus, about 3/4 of the population is concentrated in the south, while they have only a tenth of the entire natural resource potential.

2. The long-term impact of the planned consolidation of the raw materials orientation, as a result of which, firstly, the raw material structure of industry was formed, and secondly, the necessary economic potential and living standards of the territories were not provided. Almost 80% of the industry in the early 90s was the extraction of raw materials and primary processing. In the territorial structure, an excessive concentration of production arose, a narrow specialization of individual regions, distant and clearly irrational economic ties between suppliers and consumers, single-industry towns also grew, social infrastructure merged with large manufacturing enterprises. As a result, with the beginning of the reforms, chronic unemployment arose in some, and an excess population in others. Ecological disaster zones emerged, the state of small towns (Zhanatas, Kentau, Stepnogorsk, etc.) became critical.

3. A complex of transformational conditions and difficulties associated with the transition to market relations. As a result of the imposition of transitional factors (a decline in production, the non-competitiveness of most products, etc.), the economic disintegration of regions began - an increase in isolation and a decrease in the intensity of interregional ties.

And if in Russia, in the conditions of a federal structure and high independence of the regions, each of them began to pursue its own policy (some of them - Ulyanovsk, Voronezh, Mordovia, etc. - took a guideline to preserve elements of a directive-planned economy, that is, they directly regulated agriculture, introduced control over prices, normalized the distribution of consumer products, subsidized the agricultural sector, etc.), others - Moscow, the Nizhny Novgorod region - to form market transformations, still others - to use the excess of world prices over domestic ones to expand exports (oil-producing regions), fourth - to begging for tax breaks, support from the federal government, subsidies, then this could not happen in Kazakhstan.

But this did not diminish the differentiation, but, on the contrary, increased it. In essence, the government mothballed the former system of governance, bringing the variety of policies into one form, namely, into the rigid centrally regulated model created in previous years. Others! In other words, radical changes in Kazakhstan's economic relations as a result of reforms necessitate equally significant changes at all levels of economic management, including at the level of local government - cities and regions.

The need for qualitative changes in management at this level is due to the incompatibility of the remaining economic relations with market ones. Even the role of regional bodies has become incomprehensible today, at least as far as the economic role is concerned.

One thing is obvious - the criteria for regional specialization should be different, and instead of maximizing the nationwide effect, there should now be a criterion of a different quality - meeting the demand and competitiveness of industries in different regions.

Of course, at the initial stage, regions with good infrastructure, close proximity to stable sales markets, skilled labor, etc., get a significant advantage at the initial stage. In essence, this is today in each region one or two urban centers. In the south - this is the city of Alma-Ata, in the north - the city of Astana, Pavlodar, in the west - Aktyubinsk.

The set of competitive industries for some extractive regions is being reduced. Therefore, the western regions will most likely receive cardinal development.

Of course, the role of the center in a unitary state cannot be completely crossed out. Unlike a federal state, for a unitary state, the term "state regulation of regional development" is probably more applicable, since the center is more closely involved in this process. However, what should be the principles of such regulation?

In our opinion, the main thing should be the principle of equal rights of regions.

The creation of a system of state regulation of regional development goes through numerous collisions in relations between the center and regions, and especially in the economic sphere: distribution of property, income from it, taxes, financing of regional budgets, specific rights to foreign economic activity.

The foundations of the economic mechanism of regional relations (by the term regional relations we mean relations both between the center and the region, as well as interregional) should be developed in the direction of improving the budgetary and tax system, separating state property and property income between regional and municipal levels, clarifying the delimitation of subjects of jurisdiction and economic responsibility between the center, regions.

Decentralization of management processes, the transfer to the territories of part of the rights of republican government bodies, is an urgent task for Kazakhstan.

At the same time, the most topical issue is the creation of interbudgetary relations that meet regional interests. The main principle of budgetary federalism should be a wide range of budgetary powers and responsibilities and the normative assignment of their own sources to territorial budgets.

Alma-Ata can, for example, collect taxes from the headquarters of corporations located in it (like the state of Delaware in the US), as well as significant amounts from sales tax (like Florida and Washington). Other regions could receive most of their revenues from taxation of natural resources (like Alaska and Wyoming in the US) used on its territory, and still others from corporate income tax (like the state of Oregon). Why, for example, is there a single VAT rate in all regions, if in depressed regions it only hinders the development of industry and entrepreneurship?

Excises can be set not only by turnover, but also by profit.

As we have already noted, the goal of the new regional policy is to achieve interregional integration based on the economic interconnections of the regions.

The following types of integration between regions can be distinguished: technological, commercial and general economic.

Technological arises between enterprises with a spatial division of production stages and is carried out in the form of TNCs, transregional corporations of joint-stock type.

Commercial integration develops through commodity markets or the creation of integrated production structures (FIGs, etc.), which contributes to the development of trade and economic ties between regions.

General economic integration is facilitated by various non-state associations.

Regional economic models should generally be aimed at:

the formation of mass purchasing power of all segments of the population, the development of the domestic market;

reducing taxes on income received from investment activities and increasing them on real estate, natural resources, on transactions with securities, on industries that pollute the atmosphere, introducing a progressive tax on excess profits and income, excise taxes on luxury goods and using these funds to increase the income of the least wealthy segments of the population;

creation of a mechanism of social guarantees and protection based on social partnership. On the basis of public consent, it is necessary to solve the problems of the level of wages, unemployment, the financial and credit climate of the region (taxes, tariffs, collateral, credits, loans). As you know, social partnership implies a three-level implementation: at the bottom, the social requirements of the collectives are formed; on average, agreements are accepted between the regional union of entrepreneurs-employers and the regional trade union association; at the top, the decisions made are agreed with the government.

development of a system of measures to prevent a decrease in consumer demand: the introduction of a public works program, the creation of regional funds to support socially unprotected segments of the population, the introduction of flexible forms of employment and working hours, systems of long-term motivation of personnel.

Important is the problem of state intervention in the formation of demand for industrial products, the participation of the state in entrepreneurial activity. Direct and indirect participation of the state in investments in social and scientific and industrial infrastructure - in energy, transport, communications, in fundamental science, in ecology, as well as in the development of new industries that will help increase the competitiveness of domestic producers in the world market is very important. Regions can provide targeted subsidies and investments in production necessary to restore economic ties between regions and participate in the formation of regional investment programs.

In turn, macroeconomic steps are being taken at the state level: the development of a flexible customs policy, a system of tax support, etc.

The formation of a developed market environment in the region requires streamlining market relations based on new rules, norms, and mechanisms for their provision. If in countries with developed market economies these norms of behavior of market entities, the rules of their relations and regulatory mechanisms by local authorities have been formed and developed over a long period of time, then Kazakhstan still has to go through these stages. At the first stage, it is necessary to change the old and create new institutional management structures, the task of which is to achieve certain relations in the regional economy, the formation of norms and rules corresponding to these relations.

One of the most effective mechanisms of regional policy and state regulation is the development and implementation of concepts and forecasts of territorial development. Concepts and forecasts embody the general idea, a look into the future and the main directions of development of the country and its regions. IN concepts the basic idea of ​​the socio-economic evolution of the territory is laid. The idea is inextricably linked with the ideal as the highest goal of the development of the country and individual territories, a guideline for regional strategy and policy. Scientifically based concepts can become a kind of ideology of people's life. They reflect goals, general parameters, structural proportions, possible directions for the fastest achievement of long-term goals. Conceptual ideas are actually brought to life, provided that they reflect the aspirations and hopes of the population. They are the basis for the development of strategic plans, target complex and functionally structured programs.
The development of the conceptual foundations of territorial development is usually carried out by the executive authorities with the involvement of scientists from various scientific fields (political scientists, economists, lawyers, ecologists, geographers, etc.). The geographical substantiation of the concepts is based on the representation of the territory as a geosystem, including nature, population and economy. The country and regions are considered as integral socially oriented territorial public systems. The geographical approach to the development of the concept is based on the following methodological principles:

  1. The idea of ​​the territory as a set of natural-historical, socio-economic and spiritual-cultural formations.
  2. Recognition of the sovereignty of the regions and their consideration as complexly organized TPS, functioning with inter-regional exchange and intra-regional distribution of goods and services produced.
  3. The exalted role of a person as the main producer, consumer and manager, the organization of all life activities, taking into account environmental and moral imperatives.
  4. The leading goal of regional development is to recognize the socio-ecological one, which ensures the comprehensive development of the individual and the balance of all spheres of human existence.
  5. Recognition of the relative independence of the social, spiritual, national, economic and other interests of the region.
  6. Coordination of the activities of economically independent production entities in a certain territory, the commonality of the totality of conditions and factors of their functioning means, as a result, self-regulation of the region.
  7. Understanding that the study of specific cause-and-effect relationships, the identification of patterns of self-development inherent in the region, the internal logic to the rhythms of its evolution is no less important than the recognition of the general laws of social development.
  8. In a region of any taxonomic rank, a system of elective economic management should be created that would ensure the improvement of the material, social and environmental conditions for the life of the population.
  9. In the conditions of a market economy system, when the functioning of the region in space and time is characterized by increasing openness, the level of stochasticity and development uncertainty becomes higher.

Based on these principles, it is possible to reveal the essence of concepts more deeply and increase their practical orientation. The long-term concept of regional development is characterized by a clear target orientation towards solving socio-economic and environmental problems. It embodies all territorial studies, including sectoral and local ones. Based on the coordination of the goals and interests of the development of regions and the country, a holistic strategy for long-term development is being developed.
Territorial development concepts are developed on different dates. For the long term, the goals and main directions of the functioning of the regions, qualitative guidelines for improving the socio-economic and environmental conditions of the population are usually outlined. Concepts for medium and short-term periods, along with qualitative characteristics, also include quantitative indicators.
Concepts are built on the basis of the country's long-term development strategy and may have the following integral structure:

  • regional strategy of Russia;
  • problematic situation in the region;
  • goals and objectives of development;
  • strategic plan, forecast;
  • priority areas and territories;
  • perspective model of the region;
  • target programs (Fig. 25).

Rice. 25. Block diagram of the concept of regional development

Focusing on the regional development strategy of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to identify the internal and external potential of the territory, the state of the socio-economic, environmental and political situation. At problem situation analysis in the regions, it is necessary to take into account the situation both in the country as a whole and in municipalities. In each region, all-Russian problems are manifested, and at the same time individual ones, and differentiated in urban and rural areas, in specific municipalities. A problematic situation is a kind of indicator of territorial trouble and serves as a motivating force for socio-economic functioning. The development of regions occurs in the course of solving internal problems between the expected quality of life and reality, the availability of goods and the purchasing power of the population, population and habitat, urban and rural areas, productive forces and social relations, etc. To solve these and other problems, a clear setting of goals and an appropriate set of means, methods, and tools are required.
Setting goals and formulating the tasks arising from them is the most important stage in the development of the concept. At the same time, it is important to foresee the consequences of the problems being solved, the prospective situation in the country, regions and municipalities.
The goals and objectives should reflect the acuteness of territorial problems and at the same time express the interests of the population. They must be socially oriented, environmentally friendly and realistically achievable. The system of goals can be ranked with the allocation of subgoals of the first, second and other orders. As general purpose it is possible to proclaim the improvement of the moral and physical health of the population, ensuring a high level and quality of life for people. This goal of the socio-spiritual direction has specific features in each region and, at the same time, remains a guideline for the long-term development of the Russian Federation. Based on the general goal, the goals of the first order can be a decent standard of living, social comfort of human existence, territorial justice, balanced economic development, and environmental well-being. Goals of other orders are distinguished taking into account the territorial characteristics of people's life.
Among the tasks, the most relevant are the following:

  1. Increasing the social protection of the population, eliminating negative monetization processes, forming a middle class, ensuring the physical, mental and environmental safety of people's lives.
  2. Formation of territorial communities of people in which conditions are created for strengthening the family, regional reproduction of the population, material support for young people, poor citizens, the disabled and pensioners.
  3. Creation of a favorable ecological environment for people's lives, including the natural, economic, social, spiritual, political environment.
  4. Formation of a progressive production and territorial structure of a mixed economy, attraction of investments and stimulation of innovations.
  5. Formation of the all-Russian and regional markets, providing them with high-quality, competitive services and goods for consumer and industrial purposes.
  6. Balanced development of municipalities, urban and rural areas, the supporting frame of settlement and the ecological frame of the territory.
  7. Rational use of natural resources, conservation of the gene pool and protection of the natural environment.
  8. Ensuring comfortable infrastructural arrangement of the territory.
  9. Formation of optimal budgets and improvement of interbudgetary relations.
  10. Improvement of regional management and local self-government.

These and other tasks are focused not only on the transition period, but also on the creation of prerequisites for the prosperous life of people and the balanced development of territories in the future. Conceptual goals and objectives can serve as a guideline for the development of strategic plans and long-term forecasts.
Strategic plans become one of the active types of long-term forecasts of urban development. They are a set of documents that reflect the strategic goals and objectives of the future development of a particular city, potential opportunities and priority areas for its development. The specificity of strategic plans lies in the fact that they construct a model of the future functioning of the city as a relatively ideal place of residence for people, and justify ways to achieve this ideal.
As a method of local self-government and at the same time a link, a stage of the concept of territorial development, strategic planning becomes an active tool for regulating the processes of socio-economic development of municipal and even regional entities. Strategic plans have become a benchmark for the development of many large Russian cities. Among them are St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, etc.
Of particular relevance in conceptual constructions are long-term forecasts. In social geography, a great deal of experience has been accumulated in the development of socio-economic forecasts of an integral nature. They include a set of private forecasts such as economic, demographic, water management, environmental, innovation, etc. Socio-economic forecasts of territorial development are based on a system of principles: consistency, complexity, historicism, associativity, comparativeness, continuity, continuity, etc.
Socio-economic forecasting outlines the ways of development of the territory (country, regions, cities, villages, etc.) for a long perspective period. In this case, two main types of forecast are used - search (research) And normative. The first one boils down to the continuation in the forecast period of the present, well-studied, stable trends and patterns. Based on the use of the principle of inertia of the development of the territory, the orientation of the search forecast in time occurs in the direction of the course of time, that is, “from the present to the future”.
A normative forecast is based on ideas about the desired, given state of the territory, the established moment of the future, which is ensured by the achievement of pre-set goals in the most rational ways. In this case, the orientation of the forecast in time is carried out according to the scheme “from the future to the present”. Territorial forecasts are developed, as a rule, with the mutually corrective influence of search and normative forecasts, which make it possible to select the most reasonable options for the future state of the territory. At the same time, in some forecasts, the search component may prevail, while in others, the normative component.
At the junction of these two types of forecasting, program-targeted forecasting appears. This type of forecasting is based on the synthesis of normative and search forecasting methods. It is the basis for the creation of targeted integrated programs for the development of the territory, one of the factors of problematic zoning.
Forecasting the development of socio-economic regions is more expedient to carry out by functional blocks taking into account the interconnections and relationships between them (Fig. 26).

Rice. 26. Structure of the complex forecast of the region

Development Forecast socio-demographic bloc includes such aspects as changes in the population, its composition, dissection. Particular attention is paid to raising the level and improving the lifestyle of the population, increasing the volume and changing the structure of income, improving working conditions, living and recreation, and forming territorial communities of people. To develop forecasts for improving the standard of living of the population, indicators are used that reflect the volume of consumption and the degree of satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, real money incomes, the turnover of all types of trade, the volume of consumption of household services, as well as the composition of the consumer "basket", specific indicators of the consumption of basic foodstuffs and non-food products, provision of living space, social security of all segments of the population.
The population forecast, formation and use of labor resources is developed to determine the prospective population, labor market, in order to develop a hypothesis for the formation and movement of the able-bodied population, to identify the possibility of influencing this process.
One of the issues of the system of predictive research in socio-economic regions is resettlement. The most important pattern of settlement is its close relationship with nature and production. Natural conditions and the state of the natural environment, the scale and specificity of the development and location of objects of material production and the non-productive sphere largely determine the size of the population and the nature of its settlement. In turn, the existing system of settlement directly affects the location of production and services, the state of the environment.
Forecasting natural resource block regions is carried out in close connection with forecast calculations for other blocks. Particular attention is paid to such aspects as the basic and restrictive impact of this block on the entire structure of socio-economic regions. The basic position of the natural block is based on the presence of the natural resource potential of the regions and the possibilities of its reproduction. Restrictive functions are in the formation of the geo-ecological situation and the environment of human life.
Forecasting the state and rational use of natural resources includes assessing the available and possible resources of raw materials and fuel, determining the needs of regions and external consumers for resources, performing a comprehensive assessment of the natural resource potential of the territory and comparing it with other regions.
Forecast economic development regions is developed taking into account the results of forecasting other functional blocks. In conditions of great difficulty in determining the priorities for the development of the economic block for the future, the development of an economic forecast in the territorial aspect should be aimed at choosing possible options without excessive "rigidity" of indicators.
When forecasting the main link in material production - industry - it is most important to take into account the development opportunities for priority sectors that have a social and environmental focus and satisfy the daily needs of the population. The task is not so much to determine the parameters for the further development of already functioning economic objects, but also to identify the possibilities for creating and locating new objects of different forms of ownership. The solution to this problem is based on the calculation of the economic, social, and environmental efficiency of production. Further development of the forecast comes down to linking the previously planned development options with the limits of investment, natural and material resources, and the capacity of the territory.
Forecast infrastructure block includes forecasts for the development of industrial, social, environmental and market infrastructure.
Part production infrastructure includes engineering and technical structures and facilities that provide the material conditions for the territorial organization of the economy, population, nature management. The development of the production infrastructure should be predicted at a faster pace than the functioning of the economy. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the interconnections and proportions between the infrastructure of federal and regional subordination.
Particular attention should be paid to the forecast social infrastructure. The rational organization of social facilities can be achieved on the basis of taking into account the prospective system of population resettlement. The main principle of placement and acquisition of social infrastructure facilities in settlements of different sizes and profiles is the normative threshold. According to this principle, each settlement forms its own set of service institutions and devices. In this case, it is necessary to take into account; a) structural completeness of objects of daily maintenance; b) the availability of objects of periodic and episodic maintenance; c) correspondence of the set of service objects to the taxonomic rank of settlements.
When forecasting the development of social infrastructure, it is necessary to take into account the availability of its facilities and services. Accessibility should be understood broadly - as territorial, temporal, financial, legal, age, etc. accessibility. Territorial accessibility of services in rural areas is especially important, for which it is necessary to expand mobile forms of service.
Forecasting development and territorial organization ecological infrastructure should be linked with forecasts of economic development and nature management. Particular attention should be paid to the problem of creating enterprises for the disposal of industrial and household waste, treatment facilities, biosphere reserves and wildlife sanctuaries.
During the transition period, it is especially important to anticipate the formation of objects market infrastructure- systems of commercial banks, trading houses, stock exchanges, holding and insurance companies, etc. In cities, corporations, forms, it is necessary to outline the creation of marketing centers, design services, personnel training systems,
Based on these forecasts, a integral, complex forecast, its specificity lies in the fact that this is not the sum of partial forecasts, but integration - synthesis with obtaining a qualitatively new forecast. A comprehensive forecast has the functions of not only coordinating and linking individual forecasts, but also foreseeing the development of integral regions, which are also not reducible to the sum of functional blocks.
Integration of private forecasts is carried out by coordinating the scale, timing of lead and results in order to develop a strategy for the development of regions of different ranks. The consolidating beginning is the target orientation of regional development, the main tasks of the integrated socio-economic development of the territory.
The main purpose of complex forecasts is to provide information about the future state of the regions, the formation of the concept of their long-term development. The core of complex forecasts is the prediction of ways to improve regional and local processes of social reproduction.
The development of forecasts can be viewed as a systematic study, decomposed into a number of stages:

  1. Setting the goal and objectives of the forecast.
  2. Determining the time limits of the study.
  3. Collection and systematization of all information about the functioning and development of regions and their functional blocks.
  4. Building a "tree of goals" and a "tree of resources", choosing forecasting methods, identifying limitations and more inertial aspects of regional development.
  5. Synthesis of private forecasts: natural resources, regional organization of productive forces and the functioning of the TIC, population growth and its resettlement, development of industrial and social infrastructure, etc.
  6. Development of the main parameters of the forecast.
  7. Building a preliminary forecast.
  8. Examination and preparation of the final forecast.
  9. Forecast correction.

These forecasting stages are of a general nature and are usually corrected and refined during the research process. At the same time, the completeness and effectiveness of methodological tools play an important role. The most common forecasting methods are the following: extrapolation, expert assessments, balance sheet, modeling, cartographic, graph-analytical, etc.
In the concepts of territorial development, an important stage is the choice of priority areas of socio-economic functioning. At the same time, one should focus on increasing the socialization of the market economy, a gradual transition to high-tech industries, and the introduction of environmentally friendly products. The priority areas include the following:

  • the well-being of the people;
  • social security of the population;
  • preservation of the ethnic group;
  • family strengthening;
  • production efficiency;
  • product competitiveness;
  • high quality of services;
  • innovative activity;
  • budget balance;
  • comfortable living environment for people, etc.

When choosing priority areas, it is necessary to highlight growth poles, foresee perspective development focuses and provide for all mechanism of multiplier impact on the environment. To determine the degree of mutual influence of enterprises of different profiles, you can use the design of energy production cycles. An analysis of the functioning of the flow-by-stage chain of production in the structure of cycles, the diagnosis of interdependence and the effectiveness of associated development can become the basis for determining technopolises, technology parks, special economic zones of technology-innovative and industrial-production areas.
The most important stage of conceptual development is the design perspective model of the region. It can be presented in the form of an ideal socio-ecological-economic system (complex). In the center of the complex there is a person (family, society, ethnic group) living in a comfortable environment.
The specific implementation of the concepts of territorial development is carried out in targeted comprehensive programs.

test questions

  1. What is the essence of the idea of ​​concepts and forecasts of territorial development?
  2. What authorities and specialists carry out the development of the conceptual foundations of territorial development?
  3. What methodological principles are based on the geographical approach to the development of concepts of territorial development?
  4. Describe the specifics of long-term, medium-term and short-term concepts.
  5. Describe the integral structure of the concept of territorial development.
  6. What is the general goal of Russia's long-term development?
  7. List the tasks of development of the territories of the Russian Federation.
  8. What are Strategic Urban Development Plans?
  9. What is the role of socio-economic forecasting in conceptual constructions?
  10. Describe the specifics of forecasting the development of functional blocks (socio-demographic, natural resource, etc.).
  11. What is the main purpose of integrated forecasts?
  12. List the steps in developing forecasts.

On January 8, 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation published Decree No. 2769-r dated December 29, 2014, which approved the "Concept of Regional Informatization" ( link to PDF version of the document, hereinafter referred to as the “Concept”).

As stated on the website of the "Expert center of the electronic state" ( link to material), the Concept defines the main goals and directions of activity for the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (RF) for the period up to 2018, as well as the organizational model for managing regional informatization.

The concept proposes the basic principles for the development of ICT in 12 areas in various areas of socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including healthcare.

The concept was based on the results research conducted by the e-Government Expert Center at the end of 2012. During this work, together with the expert community Priority areas of informatization of various socially significant areas, including healthcare, were identified. As a result of a fairly long work, the document took into account the opinions of experts at the regional and municipal levels, specialists from IT companies, representatives of public organizations, as well as the “Council for Regional Informatization” created in the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, .

At the very beginning of the document there is paragraph 6, which reads: “ Recommend to public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to take into account the provisions of the Concept in the preparation and implementation of regional informatization projects, providing funding for their implementation". This means that regional authorities are not obliged to execute the document verbatim, they recommended. But regarding the federal authorities, there is clause 4, which says: “ Federal executive authorities and state non-budgetary funds to be guided by the provisions of the Concept in solving the problems of using information and communication technologies for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation". In other words, the Federal Ministry of Health obliged to fulfill stipulated provisions and requirements of the document.

Since the provisions of the Concept also apply to Russian healthcare, for us (those who in one way or another are engaged in the automation of medicine), the document is of particular importance. In fact, when developing and implementing federal and regional programs for the informatization of medicine, we must now do this in accordance with the Concept - not contradicting it, not ignoring its provisions, but perhaps expanding and supplementing the individual points provided for by it.

Most of the document is formulated in such a way that each proposal or thesis in it can be applied in any of the areas considered by the Concept. In order to make these provisions more understandable and meaningful for those involved in the informatization of medicine, we have prepared a concise retelling of the main provisions of the document specifically for the healthcare system. And here's what happened:

Chapter 1. Introduction.

Main goals regional health informatization are:

  • improving the quality of life of citizens through the use of informatization;
  • leveling the level of development of informatization of medical organizations in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • formation of an effective system of public health management based on the use of information technology.
Comment: at present, the Department of Information Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Health emphasizes in all its speeches that informatization is carried out in the interests of 3 main groups: medical staff, patients and management systems. In the Concept, in the section on the goals of informatization, the text is formulated in such a way that informatization is done in the interests of patients (citizens) and the management system. The practical link (doctors, nurses - the main users of the implemented medical information systems) is not mentioned in the text of the document, however, further paragraphs and requirements of this document, including a special section on healthcare, clearly indicate that informatization should be carried out, including for this user group.

Main tasks that need to be addressed in order to achieve these goals are:

  • comprehensive and coordinated with the goals defined at the federal level, the implementation of programs for the socio-economic development of the regions
  • improving the quality and accessibility of medical care provided with the help of information technology;
  • increasing accessibility for citizens of information about the activities of health authorities;
  • formation of a regional information and telecommunication infrastructure necessary for information interaction;
  • ensuring integrated management of the implementation of information and communication technologies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The provisions of the concept correspond to the main directions of state policy in the field of informatization, formulated in:
  • Strategies for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation (approved by the President of Russia on February 7, 2008,
  • Development strategies for the information technology industry in the Russian Federation for 2014–2020 and for the future until 2025 (government decree dated November 1, 2013 No. 2036-r,
  • The State Program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011-2020)" (approved by government decree No. 313 of April 15, 2014,
Chapter II. The use of information and communication technologies for the socio-economic development of regions

The subjects of the Russian Federation, when introducing ICT in healthcare, should be guided by the following general principles:

  • organization of accounting in electronic form of key industry indicators and resources (material objects, recipients of medical care and others) and the formation of mechanisms for automated analysis and control, which will improve the quality and transparency of management decisions [ note: in other words, the introduction of such systems as the “Passport of the Moscow Region”, the “Register of Health Workers”, the “Register of Medical Equipment and Technology”, the creation of regional patient registration systems, regional information and analytical systems, etc.];
  • ensuring the legal significance of documents and information submitted in electronic form, which will make it possible to abandon the duplication of maintaining state and municipal information resources in electronic form and on paper and reduce the costs of this activity, increase the speed of access to information resources, while increasing the reliability and relevance of the posted information in them;
  • ensuring legally significant document flow in electronic form [ note: apparently, this can also include a legally significant electronic medical record - the basis of the foundations of informatization of medicine], including in interdepartmental and interlevel interactions, with the rejection of duplication of document flow on paper, which reduces costs, reduces the time for preparing, executing and delivering documents [ note: in other words, it is necessary to introduce a transition to electronic medical document management and the rejection of paper medical records, which is strictly speaking impossible today for many reasons, including non-compliance with this thesis of the legal framework, more about this is discussed in our article. ON THE. Khramtsovskaya publication here: ];
  • reducing the time and financial costs of citizens and medical organizations for interaction with state authorities and local self-government, including by increasing the share of remote methods of interaction using the Internet when informing citizens and organizations, providing state and municipal services and implementing control and supervisory functions, which will reduce the costs of relevant activities, reduce the time of interactions and reduce corruption risks;
  • increasing the productivity of medical staff and employees of health authorities by automating their typical operations, which will increase the efficiency of their activities.
It is expedient to create regional information systems used in healthcare taking into account the need to automate functions assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation to regional and municipal authorities, including integration with the Unified State Medical Information Health System (EGISZ).

It is required to exclude duplication of functions in federal and regional information systems created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The creation of regional segments of the Unified State Health Information System should be coordinated and aimed at solving socially significant problems of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. When planning healthcare informatization activities, it is necessary to compare the expected socio-economic effect of creating a system with the costs of its creation, implementation and use, including by citizens.

The Federal Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, exercising the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation, with the participation of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation within the established competence, can:

  • determine the priorities of regional health informatization;
  • ensure the delimitation of areas of responsibility for the implementation of information and communication technologies at the regional level between federal executive authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • to form a system of indicators of the effectiveness of healthcare informatization;
  • ensure the adjustment (if necessary) of legal acts in order to switch to an electronic form of maintaining information systems and reporting, as well as interdepartmental (interlevel) information interaction, eliminating duplicative maintenance of information resources and exchanges on paper;
  • ensure the determination of the procedure for information interaction between federal, regional and municipal information systems in the field of health care, including by determining the formats for the presentation of reporting and accounting data in electronic form, in order to accelerate and automate the processes of information exchange.
On pages 8-9 of the document, provisions and requirements related directly to healthcare are presented, so we will simply quote this part of the Concept without significantly changing the original text:

In the healthcare sector, regional informatization is carried out taking into account the state program of the Russian Federation "Health Development", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 No 294 "On approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Health Development", and decrees of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No 598 "On improving the state policy in the field of healthcare" and dated May 7, 2012 No 606 "On measures to implement the demographic policy of the Russian Federation" and aims to improve the quality of medical care, including high-tech, development and implementation of modern methods of diagnostics, prevention and treatment, improving the efficiency of healthcare system management.

To this end, it is recommended to create and develop at the regional level information systems for supporting medical decision-making and monitoring the implementation of medical care standards, including receiving remote medical consultations by medical workers and patients, information systems for recording medical care provided to patients, information systems that provide remote recording on appointments with a doctor and providing patients with remote access to their medical information (history) and information about the received medical services. It is advisable to provide citizens with access to information about health services provided in the subject of the Russian Federation, about the qualifications of medical workers, and the results of the activities of medical institutions in the region.

An effective mechanism for monitoring the volume of medical services provided is to inform citizens through their personal accounts on the Unified Portal about the facts received by the health authorities of the receipt of medical services by citizens, as well as comparing, within the framework of the current legislation, the data of medical records maintained in electronic form with the data of the system compulsory medical insurance and reporting data of medical institutions.

Efficiency in making managerial decisions is recommended to be achieved through the development of analytical tools based on the information contained in the regional component of the unified state information system in the field of healthcare.

To improve the efficiency of medical personnel, it is advisable to create ergonomic workstations that reduce the number of time-consuming manual operations. In particular, it is recommended to introduce electronic prescribing systems for medicines, integrated with decision support systems in the field of rational pharmacotherapy, maintaining an electronic medical record of a patient and an electronic medical record.

In medical institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to provide comprehensive automation of the processes of managing a medical institution and providing medical services, as well as the integration of information systems of medical institutions with regional and federal information systems in the field of healthcare, including providing medical personnel with certificates of electronic signature verification keys necessary for maintaining medical records in electronic form.

To reduce the cost of creating and operating information systems in the healthcare sector, it is recommended to use "cloud" technologies, taking into account the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the protection of personal data and medical secrets.

It is advisable for the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation to ensure the approval of the formats for the provision of medical information and documents in electronic form, the procedure for exchanging such information, as well as adjusting the provisions of legal acts in order to ensure the maintenance of medical records, accounting of medical information and the formation of reporting forms in electronic form, as well as the elimination of duplicative submission of these information on paper.

Chapter III. Improving the quality of the provision of state and municipal services

According to this section, the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation recommended provide for applicants [ note: note that the word “applicant” is used - i.e. it is understood that this item is provided not only for citizens and patients, but also for everyone who has the opportunity to apply and receive public services, including, apparently, medical workers] possibility:

  • apply for state and municipal services, receive the result of these services and notifications about the progress of their provision through various forms and methods of access, including through the Unified Portal of State Services and regional portals, as well as through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services.
  • evaluate the quality of state and municipal services, including those provided in multifunctional centers.
Comment: let me remind you that the list of state and municipal services was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2009 N 1993-r “On approval of the Consolidated list of priority state and municipal services provided by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments in electronic form, and also services provided in electronic form by institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal institutions”, . According to the version of this document, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07.09.2010 N 1506-r, the services presented in the table below should be provided in the healthcare sector.

It is advisable for regional health authorities (HMOs) to ensure:

  • creation and refinement of information systems in order to ensure the automation of the provision of state and (or) municipal services and the performance of control and supervisory functions, including the automation of internal processes and the automation of processes of interaction with the applicant;
  • optimization of the procedure for the provision of priority services (execution of control and supervisory functions) in electronic form in accordance with the methodological recommendations that determine the requirements for the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form, developed by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
  • Morgunov Anton Vladimirovich, Candidate of Sciences, Leading Researcher
  • Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

The article discusses the need to develop documents that define the conceptual foundations of the territorial development of the Russian economy, examines the experience of the developed countries of the world in the field of regional management. The author analyzes the problems of regional development of the Russian Federation and directions for improving the territorial development of the country's economy.

  • Importance of offshore business in entrepreneurial activity
  • Features of servicing corporate clients in tourism
  • Strategic goals of an industrial enterprise and the sustainability of the economy
  • Assessment and management of the economic security of an enterprise, taking into account risk factors and uncertainty of the market environment

In recent years, in the Russian Federation, after a long break, work has resumed on the development of strategic programs for the socio-economic development of territories. Documents have been prepared aimed at developing the conceptual foundations for the territorial development of the Russian economy at the federal level, at the level of federal districts, subjects of the federation and municipalities in the form of medium-term development programs, which formulate the priorities for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

A great contribution to the management system of regional development was made in our country during the Soviet era. In this regard, it is necessary to mention such authors as A.G. Aganbegyan, A.G. Granberg, O.S. Pchelintsev, G.G. Fetisov.

In the work of Lemeshev M.Ya. and Panchenko A.I. integrated programs are defined as “a planned set of economic, social, industrial, technical and research activities aimed at achieving one clearly defined goal of social development.

The analysis shows that economic programming has a positive impact on the economic life of the country. The impact of indicative plans on economic dynamics is difficult to quantify, but it can be argued that high economic growth rates and a relatively small amplitude of cyclical fluctuations in Japan are largely determined by the influence of government programming.

Indicating the main ways of long-term development, the strategic directions of regional development serve as the basis for determining specific policies in various important areas of society: the labor market, budgetary and financial, scientific, educational). Thus, the requirements for the quality of these documents are increasing. At the same time, the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of these documents does not meet modern requirements. At present, it is necessary to create such an economic management system that would combine the market system of economic relations as a basic one and adequate measures of state regulation.

The system of tools for state regulation of the economic development of the regional economic complex is currently in the process of formation. In our opinion, and on this issue we are in solidarity with the authors who expressed this idea back in the last century, it includes: a forecast of socio-economic development, a strategic plan for the development of the region, programming of regional development, development and implementation of the budget of the region, an indicator plan for the development of the region's economy.

Solving the problem of territorial development of the country's economy requires careful and comprehensive justification. The development of a new concept of territorial development acceptable to Russia should take into account all the diversity of factors in the functioning of the country's economy, both external and internal.

The reasons for the unsatisfactory state of affairs in the territorial development of the country's economy are manifold. These issues at the federal level include:

  • the strategic directions of socio-economic transformations in the country are not defined in conjunction with financial resources;
  • regional development programs should find their place in the country's consolidated budget;
  • The strategy for the development of the country's economy should not only have certainty in the most important areas of sectoral development, but at the same time should be deployed in a territorial context.

At present, the system for managing the regional development of the economy in our country is built on the principle of its administrative-territorial division. Each of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has its own legislative, executive, and judicial power. In addition, the development and implementation of management decisions in the field of regional development is influenced by public, religious, charitable and other non-governmental organizations, non-budgetary funds, commercial structures, and the media.

There are many problems of managing regional development at the present stage. We can agree with Oreshin V.P. and Fetisov G.G., that the main ones are:

  1. The country does not have a documented long-term strategy for socio-economic development, taking into account regional characteristics and factors.
  2. Despite the existing differences in the natural-climatic, demographic, historical and cultural situation of the regions, the management of their socio-economic development is carried out according to a single unified scheme.

However, in our opinion, the problem of improving the system of statistical accounting and monitoring the socio-economic development of regions should be added to this list of problems. This system is not quite adequate to the system of economic relations and modern requirements for the organization of structures for managing regional development. This inadequacy is manifested in the set and structure of indicators taken into account, their multi-level incompatibility, in the absence of target and priority indicators in the system, insufficiency of methodological support for a number of important indicators (for example, indicators of the structure of national wealth, total economic potential, land use, etc.).

All this dictates the need to improve the management of the territorial development of the country's economy on the way to finding mutually beneficial for all regions directions for the location and development of production and building mutually beneficial relations between different levels of government. At the same time, it is necessary to use various “input” prerequisites, both internal and external: further development of market relations in the country, improving the quality of life of the population, and increasing the competitiveness of domestic producers. The development of a new concept of managing the country's territorial development is of great political and economic importance, especially for such a specific country as Russia.

In our opinion, the most interesting developments in the field of territorial development management in the countries of the world are as follows:

  1. Solutions for the development of natural resources in remote regions of the country with a harsh climate on a rotational basis, used in Canada (Alberta) and the USA (Alaska) .
  2. The experience of Great Britain in successfully solving the problems of the development of depressed municipalities and counties on the way of activating the role of the central government (development of regional development programs, provision of assistance from the state budget, etc.) should be adopted.
  3. The theory of "points of growth" by Myrdal and Perroux in relation to the development of the country's territory with the allocation of regions that are developing at a faster pace.

In the countries of the European Community, regional policy is currently based on the following basic principles: subsidiarity, concentration of funds, priority for programs aimed at the integrated development of territories, primacy (funds for regional policy activities are used in addition to national resources, but not instead of them).

The European Union proceeds from the position that without solving the problems of the regions, mitigating the disproportions in the levels of socio-economic development between them, from which all regions would benefit, it is difficult to achieve success in the development of the EU.

Based on the experience of developed European countries, the real situation in the socio-economic development of Russian regions, as well as the need to stimulate the transition to a post-industrial society, it is necessary to create a Council for the Development of Science and Technology in the country, headed by the Prime Minister. The creation of such a special body would be a solution to the problem of our economy breaking through into the technological community of the developed countries of the world. Along with this, in order to effectively manage the territorial development of the country, the Council for Strategic Regional Development of the country is needed.

In order to implement the transition from the branch (block-functional) management principle to the territorial-branch) network principle, it is necessary to create a number of management structures responsible for coordinating industries and sectors of the economy. They should be dispersed by regions of profile specialization. Thus, the departments of the Ministry of Natural Resources can be dispersed across the regions of Siberia and the north, as well as partially the Urals. Departments of the Ministry of Agriculture may be dispersed in the southern and central regions of the country. This principle of building management structures will contribute to:

  • organic convergence of the subject and object of management;
  • creating conditions for updating the management system for new personnel from the regions;
  • creation of objective conditions for unblocking the nests of bureaucracy and corruption that have been formed over the years and decades in the government apparatus.

Other advantages of building a country's governance systems according to the proposed principle can also be named. Nevertheless, the decision on the advisability of its implementation at this stage should be carefully prepared, supported by appropriate calculations and subjected to appropriate expertise. However, there is no doubt that the proposed measure will increase the degree of integration of the economic space of the country and regions and increase the level of efficiency in the use of natural-geographical, demographic, production and technological space.

An objective assessment of the results of the socio-economic development of the country and regions should be ensured based on the organization of monitoring, the use of a complex of independent examinations of economic growth, the socio-economic development of the country and regions, and the standard of living of the population.

It is necessary to develop a mechanism of personal responsibility of officials of government bodies, the business community for the implementation of the main provisions and principles of the strategy for the socio-economic development of the country and regions and the program that ensures its implementation.


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