Ancestral memory: description, awakening, review of scientific papers. Tribal memory What is the genetic memory of ancestors


Return to your roots and you will open the gates to the Divine World.

Commandment of God Ramhat

Coming into this world, each of us received everything necessary for a long and happy life. All the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Ancestors are hidden in our Tribal memory, so each of us knows everything from the moment of his birth, you just need to remember. In order to be able to remember, it is necessary to open your Heart and develop your consciousness, to see their essence, IMAGE behind the external manifestations of things ... Only through the IMAGE is it possible to access a huge information bank where information about everything is stored. Imagination will help you to accurately tune in to the task at hand. Concentration of attention will allow you to stay in the required state for the required time. Entering the state of thoughtlessness will open the doors to the subconscious and the necessary answers will come to the question in the form of IMAGES. All these skills are the necessary keys to awaken the Ancestral memory.

Under natural conditions, the family memory awakens itself. It awakens through the voice of the mother, through the native language, through the singing of birds, through folk songs, through circling in a round dance, through a firm unhurried tread on the native Earth, through communication with nature and through many other things. There is a natural feeling of unity with one's Family, a clear sense of belonging to it and an awareness of the close relationship of generations. A person who has awakened the Tribal memory gains tremendous inner strength and self-confidence, understands his responsibility for the life and well-being of loved ones, and is able to naturally show cordiality and kindness. Such a person cannot be manipulated and it is impossible to force him to make a deal with his Conscience. Such a person cannot be defeated or his Spirit broken.

However, the way of life imposed by society makes it impossible for the natural awakening of the Tribal memory. There are many reasons for this - a distorted language, a failure of natural rhythms, the replacement of a living house with dead reinforced concrete walls, the impact on a person of many adverse factors, the destruction of proper education ...

And since the Tribal memory is silent, then a person is deprived of a natural connection with his Family, with his roots, is deprived of access to the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Ancestors, is deprived of guidelines for life and the natural support that was given to him by the fact of birth. Such a person turns into a lump of plasticine, from which you can sculpt anything. All that remains to be done for this is simply to provide him with certain information in order to form the required views and behaviors. That is why there was a need for the so-called "education", through the millstones of which each of us passed. That is why it was necessary to perform the substitution of the very concept of EDUCATION. In the modern sense, “Education” is the process of teaching all individuals, without exception, by third-party teachers in a system of institutions specially created for this, with the aim of forming a personality focused on meeting certain social standards, such as a virtuous Christian, an energetic entrepreneur, etc. In fact, EDUCATION is the sculpting of an IMAGE, i.e. a creative process that implies the need for a person to perform certain inner work, the presence of personal aspirations, the creation of intentions, the application of mental efforts, and much more. Those. it is an entirely creative activity.

That is why it is so important to awaken the Family memory and restore your ties with the Family. This will allow to reveal the potentialities inherent in a person, to know oneself and to join the knowledge, wisdom and spiritual experience of the Ancestors.

However, before proceeding to the awakening of the Generic memory, it is necessary to understand what memory is, what types of memory exist and where it is stored.

Memory is one of the mental functions and types of human mental activity, designed to save, accumulate and reproduce information and experience accumulated by a person. The ability to store information about the events of the external world and the reactions of the body allows you to repeatedly use it in the sphere of consciousness for subsequent activities.

Main types of memory:

1. Instant Memory: characterized by memorization of newly received information without its awareness and comprehension. The storage time of the received information is from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds.

2. Short-term memory: the information received is stored for 15-20 seconds, it is not consciously remembered, but is ready for playback.

3. RAM: information can be stored for several days, is necessary to perform certain work, after which it is erased.

4. Long-term memory: the storage period of information is long, it can be reproduced many times at any time. Neural connections of the brain, water clusters in liquid media of the body, protein and crystalline structures of the body can act as a memory carrier. The neural connections of the brain are actively formed in a child up to the age of 5, creating unique patterns of the cerebral cortex, which are resonant circuits that ensure the exchange of energy-information signals with the outside world. Numerous experiments have shown that memory is not stored in any particular area of ​​the brain, but is dispersed throughout the entire volume of the brain. The explanation for this was given in the 1960s, when neurophysiologists applied the principle of holography to the mechanism of memory, which made it possible to consider the brain as a holographic structure. Water clusters are formed due to covalent and hydrogen bonds under the influence of a person's psycho-emotional state and external fields of various origins. Protein structures are formed in the process of various biochemical reactions, including those associated with the manifestation of emotions, and begin to manifest themselves as macromolecules with certain resonant frequencies. Crystalline structures, such as, for example, the brain sand of the pineal gland, contain various salts (calcium, magnesium, etc.) and impurities (strontium, zinc, magnesium, sodium, iron, sulfur, etc.), and are carriers of holograms that set the rhythm spatially. - the temporary existence of the organism, and are able to retain the information once recorded on them for a long time, which explains why it is so difficult for older people to change their character traits or behavior patterns. The information that is stored on the media listed above can be overwritten using certain methods and energy-informational influences.

5. Genetic, Tribal memory: hereditary information about a single person, which is reflected in his DNA and is inherited. DNA contains a program for building a human body in space and time in the form of a multidimensional, figurative-wave code, and DNA also contains information about all those people who belong to this Earthly Human Family. At the same time, only part of the information is presented at the DNA level, while the main part of the information is stored in the information field, which is called morphogenetic. Each person has an individual morphogenetic field.

Information in the morphogenetic field is stored by solitons - unusual waves that can exist for a very long time and are able to remember the conditions of their excitation. The material carrier of the morphogenetic field is the physical vacuum. At the same time, the morphogenetic field is constantly changing, reflecting the dynamics of human development. All feelings, desires and fantasies, actions, emotions, etc. - all of them are fixed in the human field. Human development entails corresponding changes at the DNA level, which is made possible thanks to transposons. Transposons are wandering genes that belong to their own DNA and only change their spatial arrangement in accordance with changes in the morphogenetic field. The discovery of transposons and the peculiarities of their behavior confirm the chromosomal theory of heredity.

Rewriting information at the level of the morphogenetic field is impossible, once recorded it is stored forever, so it does not matter how much time has passed since any event and whether the person of interest to us is alive or not. With the help of the brain, a person can tune in to the morphogenetic field in the same way as we tune a radio receiver to a radio wave, which, under certain conditions and fine tuning, allows us to obtain the necessary information about our Ancestors.

6. Racial memory.

The totality of individual morphogenetic fields of people belonging to a particular ethnic group, people, etc., and united in a common morphogenetic field. Racial memory stores information about everything that happened to all Clans included in the Race throughout their existence, all their unique experience of victories, mistakes and overcoming them.

7. Akashic Records: contain the entire human experience and the entire history of the origin of the universe. To define the Akashic Records, the most accurate are figurative analogies with the "World Library", "Universal Computer" or "Mind of God". At the same time, each space-time section, each grain of sand of the Universe is connected with everything that exists and contains complete information about the entire Universe, including information about the past, present and future, which finds an explanation with the introduction of the concept of the holographic Universe. The information contained in the Akashic Records is constantly updated along with the events taking place in the universe. The material carrier of the Akashic Records is the physical vacuum, absolute nothing, which contains everything.

In this way,

Ancestral memory - this is information that is stored at the level of an individual morphogenetic field of a person, containing complete information about ALL Ancestors of a person belonging to a given Earth Clan, access to which is possible subject to certain conditions and fine-tuning. One of the main conditions is the need for the absence of any artificial distortions in the structure of human DNA, which can be caused by various reasons.

It is important to understand that there is a big difference between naturally occurring changes in the structure of DNA as a result of human development, which entails a change in its morphogenetic field and the corresponding movements of transposons within DNA, and artificially induced changes in DNA associated with the introduction of foreign fragments into DNA. If fragments of foreign DNA enter the human body in one way or another, and the body, for various reasons, cannot protect itself from them, then they are embedded in DNA and change its figurative-wave code. This leads to damping of resonances between DNA structures and the associated morphogenetic field. With the appearance of small distortions in the structure of DNA, partial attenuation of resonances will limit access to the morphogenetic field as a whole, however, partial awakening of the Ancestral memory in this case will be possible. If distortions in the structure of DNA are significant, then there will be a complete attenuation of resonances, which will make it impossible to awaken the Ancestral Memory. This is the same as if a person decided to open the door to the library not with his own key, but with the key to someone else's lock.

This problem is indeed very serious and cannot be solved with the help of commonly used methods. However, it can be solved with Generic Transformation:

generic transformation - this is an emotional-sensual transformation of oneself with the transition to other spatio-temporal relations. It is used in cases where traditionally used methods are ineffective in order to solve an existing problem. It includes several main stages: 1. identifying the root cause of the problem (when and under what circumstances it occurred); 2. entry into a special state of mind; 3. acceptance and awareness of one's responsibility for everything that happened; 4. correction of worldview, i.e. real changing your attitude to what is happening and changing your lifestyle; 5. Performing Generic Transformation.


In order to be able to safely apply the Generic Transformation method and successfully solve the problem, deep knowledge and understanding of cause-and-effect relationships in the space of options is necessary. The requirements that must be met necessarily for those who decide to apply the Generic Transformation method:

  1. Strict adherence to safety regulations.
  2. Firm intention to solve the existing problem.
  3. The presence of special knowledge and skills developed to the required level to work with the subconscious.

In view of the foregoing, it becomes clear that in order to awaken the Generic memory, it is not enough to have a simple desire to awaken it. For this reason, even the traditionally used methods of awakening the Tribal memory, such as performing rituals, performing folk songs and dances, contemplating and interacting with the natural elements, and many others, for all their sacredness and effectiveness, do not in themselves guarantee access to the Tribal memory. Therefore, quite often, after participating in such events, a person, in addition to a solemn sense of belonging to what is happening, has a feeling of dissatisfaction caused by the lack of the expected result. Based on the foregoing, our task is to learn how to connect to the Ancestral memory at will, i.e. make this work a controlled process, independent of random factors.

The main stages of awakening the Tribal memory:

  1. Opening the Heart, preparing the mind and body, bringing the state of health back to normal.
  2. Formation of the intention to awaken the Tribal memory.
  3. Exclusion of factors preventing the awakening of tribal memory.
  4. Elimination of distortions in the structure of DNA.
  5. The use of various methods that contribute to the awakening of tribal memory.

So, first of all, you need open your heart . Why is this needed? Our Ancestors knew well that the heart is not only the most important organ in the human body, but also the basis of our entire life. As a person becomes more cordial, his emotional balance is strengthened, mental clarity increases, and the quality of life improves. Opening of the heart is facilitated by the most important Commandment, which children were taught from an early age - "Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the surrounding Nature." With the help of the mind alone, it is impossible to fully realize and comprehend the deep meaning inherent in this Commandment. The heart is not only the source of virtue, but also the source of unconditional knowledge when no further proof is required. A person is able to show his best qualities only if his heart is open. True love, attention and care can only be bestowed from the heart. The heart connects us with the experience of our whole life and allows us to open access to Ancestral memory.

That is why it is so important to learn to open your heart and perceive the world around you through your heart, being in a state of love. And that is why the increased attention in various Eastern schools to the lower Dan Tien energy center (the Belly chakra in the Vedic tradition) is a dead end path that is not able to fully reveal the abilities and capabilities of a person.

What was well known to our Ancestors, today has been confirmed as a result of numerous scientific studies. It turns out that the heart in the human embryo begins to develop before the brain. At the Institute of Heart Mathematics, the direct connection of the heart with the mind, body and spirit has been proven. It is noted that the heart is able to respond to events before they manifest themselves. Those. the first reaction to an approaching event comes from the heart, then the brain reacts, and only then do reactions appear in the body. And only after a person feels the reaction of the body, he is fully aware of the event. Thus, it is the heart, and not the brain, that has direct access to the information field beyond the boundaries of time and space, and it is this heart that is the main receiver. [ 8]

The heart has its own internal brain and nervous system. At the same time, the brain obediently obeys the messages coming from the heart brain, after which it begins to generate a thought that structures the information field in a certain way. This allows you to tune in to the desired wave, and as a result of resonance, a person receives information that corresponds to this wave. Thus, the brain is only part of the thinking mechanism of our mind, and the exchange of information between the heart, brain and the rest of the body is carried out using several biological communication systems.

The opening of the heart in a person naturally occurs as a result of realizing oneself as a cell of a huge Universal organism, which is connected with invisible threads to everything that exists, as a result of realizing how wisely the world around us is arranged, which can give rise to an indescribable feeling of delight and unity with the Universe. The opening of the heart also occurs as a result of following the moral standards of behavior, thanks to the accomplishment of good deeds, selflessness, thanks to the manifestation of modesty, honoring one's parents, Ancestors, etc.

You can help open the heart with the following exercise:

1. Pick a time and place where you won't be disturbed. Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax. Relaxation should be so deep that you stop feeling your body, it sort of dissolves and ceases to exist for you for a while.

2. Begin to slowly inhale and exhale. Note that initially your attention is focused in the head, in the area of ​​the third eye. Gently, slowly shift your attention from the head area down to the heart. Then begin to observe with your mind's eye how your breath passes directly through the heart.

3. Think of someone for whom you feel great love - a loved one, your own child, etc. Start focusing on the love you feel for him, imagine him with love, remember all the details of communication with him and begin to stay in this state. When extraneous thoughts arise, gently let them go and return your attention back to breathing through your heart and to your love for this person.

4. Now look at yourself from the outside. You sit relaxed and do the exercise. Take the love you have for another person and send it to yourself. Feel the waves of quiet joy and happiness that surround you now.

5. Then send that love to other people. First, to those who first come to mind, then to everyone else, including even those with whom, for some reason, difficult relationships have developed. Remember that all the people around us carry the same part of the Almighty, which is in everyone, i.e. At the level of the Spirit, we are all One. Thus, all the people around us are our direct spiritual relatives, therefore, understanding this, it is easy to move from ordinary goodwill to true unconditional love. Fix this state in your memory and stay in it constantly.

Next, it is necessary learn to work with your subconscious . We live and develop in an ocean of information, while our sense organs, mental activity, behavior patterns and related emotional manifestations load our consciousness with a huge stream of information in a continuous stream. Therefore, in order to be able to receive the required information from the information field, it is necessary to be able to stop all this seething flow, to be able to enter a state of mental silence and tune in a certain way, while maintaining purity of thoughts, a clear mind, a firm intention and a loving heart. The acquired skill of working with the subconscious allows you to use the language of communication with the help of images to obtain information from the information field.

But also physical body should be prepared . Special requirements are imposed on the normal functioning of the brain and the integrity of the human biofield. How well the brain functions will determine how well it will be able to emit and receive energy-informational signals, and this, in turn, will directly determine the possibility of obtaining information from the morphogenetic field of the Genus.

Need to self-diagnose identify and eliminate biofield deformations , especially in the head area, since the presence of deformations in this area can seriously disrupt the normal functioning of the brain and make it impossible to awaken the Generic memory. In addition, over time, any deformation of the biofield can lead to the appearance of various deviations in the state of health. Biofield diagnostics can be performed using the AURAGRAPHICS method, or using other methods that allow you to get a visual visual image of a person's biofield in real time. This work can also be done by everyone independently after passing the appropriate training.

signs deformations of the biofield in the head area: a poorly functioning imagination, the inability to concentrate one's attention on a chosen object for a long time, poor memory. Possible reasons: violation of cerebral circulation, disturbances in the work of neurons of the brain, spatial mismatch, negative energy-information impact from hostile people, various author's programs of negative content, hereditary causes, the influence of energy-information plugs of various origins, etc.

Solution to the problem: identification of the root cause of the appearance of biofield deformation or a combination of causes, correction of the worldview, restoration of the integrity of the biofield by appropriate methods and its subsequent protection with the help of devices specially designed for this.

1. A person who has awakened the Tribal memory acquires tremendous inner strength and self-confidence.

2. A person deprived of tribal memory inevitably degrades.

3. The power of the Family becomes available to your power if your Heart is in harmony with it.
4. Inheriting the blood of the Ancestors, a person inherits the Knowledge and Wisdom that the Ancestors possessed.

5. Everyone who is one with the Family gets access to the spiritual primary sources of all things.

The next step should be the exclusion of various factors that prevent the awakening of Ancestral memory, and the restoration, if necessary, of the DNA distortions caused by them.

The awakening of family memory is prevented by:

Connection to the church egregor.

Cause: The ritual of baptism performed in the church is a black magic action designed to remove a person from the Family and block the normal operation of his energy information centers. Binding to an alien egregor occurs with the help of a bundle of hair, which is rolled into wax and followed by washing with charmed water. Any attempts to break the connection with an alien egregor using the usual methods are dangerous and ineffective, because. rejection of communication with egregor means rejection of a part of oneself in the form of hair. And since the hair at the wave level is connected with its owner, this will lead to the launch of the program for self-destruction.

Solution to the problem: Baptism by the Generic Transformation method.


Cause: interracial marriages lead to a distortion of DNA structures, as a result of which it becomes impossible to connect to the information field of the Sort. In addition, in children born in interracial marriages, immunity is reduced, susceptibility to infectious diseases increases, the work of the endocrine system worsens, and there are disturbances in the activity of higher nervous and mental activity. .

Solution to the problem: finding solutions on an individual basis.

The use of products with GMOs.

Cause: GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are food products created through genetic engineering. The use of products with GMOs negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leads to a gradual decrease in immunity, the development of cancer, etc. In addition, the constant consumption of GMO products leads to horizontal DNA transfer, i.e. DNA is not completely digested, and a small part of it is integrated into the cell nucleus, after which it becomes part of the chromosome. This leads to a distortion of DNA, provokes the development of infertility and makes it impossible to awaken the Ancestral Memory.

Currently, GMO products are present in almost all types of staple foods, primarily in flour, sugar, confectionery and bakery products, meat of animals that have consumed GMO products, etc. etc.

Solution to the problem: refusal to use GMO products, performing Generic Transformation.


Cause: blood and transplanted organs have their own biochemical memory and energy. As a result of a blood transfusion or transplantation of an organ from a donor to a recipient, individual programs and information mutually influence each other, as a result of which character traits and habits change, DNA structures are distorted, which will prevent connection to the information field of the Genus. In addition, a continuous energy-informational connection arises between the donor and the recipient, so there is a high risk that they will suffer from each other's diseases. In the event of the death of one of them, the health of the other deteriorates for reasons that are inexplicable from the point of view of modern medicine.

Solution to the problem: performing Generic Transformation.

Conducted ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

Cause: ultrasound damages brain cells and disrupts DNA. During ultrasonic irradiation, double helixes of DNA unwind and even break. If at least once an ultrasound examination was carried out, or ultrasonic mini-washing machines and various devices to repel rats, mice, etc. were used in everyday life, then a person received a dose of ultrasonic irradiation . Violations in the structure of DNA make it impossible to awaken the Generic memory.

Solution to the problem: performing Generic Transformation.

The entry of foreign genetic material into the body.

Cause: If the body is weakened, then when fragments of foreign DNA enter it, it is not able to protect itself, and they are integrated into DNA, changing its figurative-wave code. Fragments of foreign DNA can enter the human body in different ways: 1. through bodily contact with other people through handshakes, hugs, kisses (our Ancestors greeted strangers by simply placing their hands on their hearts); 2. through drugs containing foreign genetic material; 3. with believers as a result of physical contact through touching and kissing objects of worship, such as icons, crosses, relics, stones, statues, etc. All these items contain the genetic material of people who have previously touched them, and, in addition, various specially prepared compounds and oils containing foreign and hazardous components can be applied to these items.

Solution to the problem: performing Generic Transformation.

Language distortion.

Cause: the distortion of the language makes it impossible for a natural resonant connection to arise with the help of sound (vibration) with the corresponding speech-like structures of DNA, which are a wave code for access to the morphogenetic field of a person and his Ancestral Memory. In order to have such access, the vibrational component of our speech must be recognizable and understandable by DNA, consonant with it. In reality, this is not happening right now. Centuries-old activity aimed at transforming the figurative Proto-Language into an ugly one and its constant simplification has led to the degradation of the language. Removed from circulation, or distorted BUKOV, carrying the code of the construction of living matter. Instead, letters devoid of meaning are proposed, as a result of which the language has become dead and alien to our DNA. For this reason, the use of a modern language makes it impossible for the occurrence of consonance (resonance) with the speech-like structures of DNA and gaining access to the Ancestral Memory.

Solution to the problem: the use of IMAGES to interact with the area of ​​the unconscious and gradual and return to the use in everyday life of the Proto-Language.

immoral lifestyle, indecent behavior.

Solution to the problem: through the awareness and correction of the worldview, the replacement of unviable behavior patterns with viable ones, work with the subconscious. Changing habits.

Drug addict.

Cause: chronic disease caused by the use of narcotic substances.

Solution to the problem: identifying the root cause, performing Generic transformation.

Lack of Conscience, joint message of the human soul and the Light Gods. Only in the presence of conscience is the structure of Man formed - Body-Soul-Spirit-Conscience , which is a kind of portal for connecting to the Ancestral Memory.

Solution to the problem: opening of the Heart, awareness of the purpose of coming into this world and the meaning of life.

Impact of foreign programs.

Cause: influence through television, radio, mass media, the Internet with the help of specially prepared information and various methods and methods of influencing the subconscious of a person in order to introduce certain ideas or ideas that make it possible to have a covert effect on the mental structures of a person and change his mental state or behavior in the required direction. Scientific and technical inventions have made possible an unprecedented speed of information transfer, and at the same time for a multi-million audience, but at the same time it turned out to be just as possible the intensification of the information-psychological war, expressed in the manipulation of individual and social consciousness.


Cause: At the age of 5 years, there is an active formation of neural connections in the child's brain. Vaccination of children during this period leads to damage to brain neurons, the development of autism and, as a result, to inhibition of the development of the child. Autism is not a disease, but a developmental disorder therefore it cannot be cured with conventional medicines. Autism leads to violations of the physical, mental and emotional spheres of the child, causes serious problems with memory and attention, which is a significant obstacle to the awakening of ancestral memory. Of particular danger are the components that make up the vaccines:

1. Mercury, used in vaccines in the form of diethylmercury, is a neurotoxin and is second only to uranium, a radioactive substance, in terms of toxicity. In combination with aluminum and formaldehyde, the toxicity of mercury increases many times over. Most of the mercury accumulates in the brain, which is mostly made up of fat cells, which leads to the development of autism in children. Multicomponent vaccines such as DTP also cause developmental regression in children, which makes them a major cause of autism. In recent years, the number of reported cases of autism has tripled and averages 1 case per 1,000 children.

2. Many vaccines contain bacterial and viral DNA and microorganisms such as simian cancer virus, cytomegaloviruses, mutated viruses of dogs, monkeys, ducks, protozoa (for example, Acanthamoeba, which is called the "brain-eating amoeba"). At the same time, vaccines are injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural protective barriers of the body, as a result of which not only does it become poisoned, but the immune system is also disabled, foreign bacterial and viral DNA are embedded in human DNA, changing its original structure.

3. In the production of some vaccines, cadaveric organs and blood of people who died from serious diseases are used as raw materials, from which vaccine viruses are isolated, or sick, genetically defective animals are used for these purposes - for example, mice of special "cancer lines" (AKR) originally intended for oncological experiments. After the viruses have multiplied, they are inactivated (i.e., killed) with formaldehyde, a powerful protoplasmic poison, mutagen, and carcinogen that is commonly used to embalm corpses. At the same time, formaldehyde itself does not go anywhere, it remains entirely in the volume of the vaccine dose.

Solution to the problem: performing Generic Transformation.

Slagging of the body.

Cause: violation of the normal functioning of the body due to poisoning with endogenous slags that appear due to metabolic disorders and exogenous slags: alcohol, smoking, polluted water and air, yeast bread, meat that carries low vibrations and is grown using antibiotics, food products with artificial additives and preservatives, household chemicals, toothpastes with fluoride components, electromagnetic smog and much more.

Solution to the problem: correction of the state of health, purification of the Soul and body, transition to a healthy diet, refusal to eat meat and yeast bread, use of biologically active water. If necessary, perform Generic Transformation.

Failure of natural biorhythms.

Cause: in the period from 00:00 to 2:00, provided there is complete darkness in the room, the pineal gland (pineal gland) produces the maximum amount of melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful anti-stress and antioxidant substance that takes part in biochemical reactions in the body. As a result of night wakefulness, conscious or forced, the functions of the mind and mind inevitably begin to suffer, which over time will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, a decrease in concentration, the development of chronic fatigue, weakening of willpower, the appearance of unreasonable irritability and other problems.

Solution to the problem: Regardless of the circumstances, go to bed no later than 22:00. From 22:00 to 2:00 at night it is necessary to sleep.

Low level of vital energy.

Causes: waste of vital energy due to various reasons.

Solution to the problem.

1. Preservation of vital energy:

  • Take responsibility for all your own actions, regrets and despondency will disappear.
  • Monitor and control your own thoughts, words and actions.
  • Get rid of the baggage of stress, which will restore the normal conductivity of the nervous system and eliminate mental complexes and blockages.
  • Eliminate bad habits or transform them into more appropriate ones.
  • Get rid of energy vampires and plugs of various origins.
  • Transform existing negative energy into positive We have nothing to make good out of, except out of evil."). When a negative feeling appears, evoke bliss in yourself and impose it on the emotion (dissolution of the negative in grace).
  • Avoid striving for perfection, for the ideal.
  • Make each decision once and no longer waste energy on doubts about the choice.
  • Do not follow the rules, schemes, dogmas. Assess the situation every time in a new way.
  • Handle adversity as it comes. Get rid of the secondary psyche when there are experiences in hindsight. This leads to constantly reduced vitality and diseases due to negative mental states.

2. Getting vital energy:

  • With the help of proper breathing (Alive) and nutrition.
  • Interaction with natural elements: air, water, earth, fire, as well as with the mineral, plant and animal world.
  • Interaction with people (words, thoughts, emotions).
  • From higher energy-information plans through prayer, meditation, work for the common good.

The presence of any of the problems listed above or their combination, as well as the failure to fulfill the conditions specified above, makes it impossible to awaken the Ancestral memory. Only after all the problems have been eliminated, and the conditions are met, you can proceed to the awakening of the Ancestral memory through:

  • participation in the Rites;
  • folk dances, singing;
  • native speech, original Word and Image;
  • veneration of the Ancestors Remember the Ancestors in your thoughts»);
  • study of the Commandments of the Gods and Native Faith;
  • visiting ancient cities;
  • contemplation of Artifacts;
  • glorification of the Gods;
  • hymns to the gods;
  • unity with nature;
  • concentrated contemplation and insight into the essence of the subject;
  • classes in Slavic gymnastics and Russian martial arts;
  • psychophysical exercises and labor;
  • contemplation of protective ornaments and folk embroidery;
  • contemplation of swastika symbols;
  • contemplation of works of art;
  • acquaintance with the heroic past of our people;
  • folk tales;
  • meditative practices of connecting to the information field of the Family;
  • and much more.

A large amount of material on this topic is presented and

In conclusion, a few tips:

  • Keep your thoughts and aspirations pure.
  • Refrain from advertising your plans to awaken the Family Memory among people who are unfriendly towards you, since the final implementation of the plan is influenced by the information carried by the thoughts of other people. And vice versa - the more supporters will share your beliefs and aspirations, the sooner you will be able to awaken your Tribal memory.
  • All the questions that life has put before you, you must and can answer yourself.

So be it, and so be it!

1) Connection to the church egregore. Reason: The ritual of baptism performed in the church is a black magic action designed to remove a person from the Family and block the normal operation of his energy information centers. Binding to an alien egregor occurs with the help of a bundle of hair, which is rolled into wax and followed by washing with charmed water.

Any attempts to break the connection with an alien egregor using the usual methods are dangerous and ineffective, because. rejection of communication with egregor means rejection of a part of oneself in the form of hair. And since the hair at the wave level is connected with its owner, this will lead to the launch of the program for self-destruction.
Solution to the problem: Baptism by the method of Generic transformation.

2) Incest.

Reason: interracial marriages lead to a distortion of DNA structures, as a result of which it becomes impossible to connect to the information field of the Sort. In addition, children born in interracial marriages have reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, worsening of the endocrine system, and disturbances in the activity of higher nervous and mental activity.
Problem solving: finding a solution on an individual basis.

3) The use of products with GMOs.

Reason: GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) are genetically engineered foods. The use of products with GMOs negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, leads to a gradual decrease in immunity, the development of cancer, etc. In addition, the constant consumption of GMO products leads to horizontal DNA transfer, i.e. DNA is not completely digested, and a small part of it is integrated into the cell nucleus, after which it becomes part of the chromosome. This leads to a distortion of DNA, provokes the development of infertility and makes it impossible to awaken the Ancestral memory.
Currently, GMO products are present in almost all types of staple foods, primarily in flour, sugar, confectionery and bakery products, meat of animals that have consumed GMO products, etc. etc.
Solution to the problem: refusal to use GMO products, performing Generic Transformation.

4) Donation.

Reason: blood and transplanted organs have their own biochemical memory and energy. As a result of a blood transfusion or transplantation of an organ from a donor to a recipient, individual programs and information mutually influence each other, as a result of which character traits and habits change, DNA structures are distorted, which will prevent connection to the information field of the Genus. In addition, a continuous energy-informational connection arises between the donor and the recipient, so there is a high risk that they will suffer from each other's diseases. In the event of the death of one of them, the health of the other deteriorates for reasons that are inexplicable from the point of view of modern medicine.

5) Conducted ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

Reason: Ultrasound damages brain cells and disrupts DNA. During ultrasonic irradiation, the double helixes of DNA unwind and even break. If at least once an ultrasound examination was carried out, or ultrasonic mini-washing machines and various devices to repel rats, mice, etc. were used in everyday life, then the person received a dose of ultrasonic radiation. Violations in the structure of DNA make it impossible to awaken the Generic memory.
Solution to the problem: performing a Generic Transformation.

5) Entry into the body of a foreign genetic material.

Reason: If the body is weakened, then when fragments of foreign DNA enter it, it is not able to protect itself, and they are embedded in DNA, changing its figurative-wave code. Entry into the human body of fragments of foreign DNA can occur in different ways:
1. through bodily contact with other people through handshakes, hugs, kisses (our Ancestors greeted strangers by simply placing their hands on their hearts);
2. through drugs containing foreign genetic material;
3. with believers as a result of physical contact through touching and kissing objects of worship, such as icons, crosses, relics, stones, statues, etc. All these items contain the genetic material of people who have previously touched them, and, in addition, various specially prepared compounds and oils containing foreign and hazardous components can be applied to these items.
Solution to the problem: performing a Generic Transformation.

6) Language distortion.

The reason: the distortion of the language makes it impossible for a natural resonant connection with the help of sound (vibration) with the corresponding speech-like structures of DNA, which is a wave code for access to the morphogenetic field of a person and his Ancestral memory. In order to have such access, the vibrational component of our speech must be recognizable and understandable by DNA, consonant with it. In reality, this is not happening right now. Centuries-old activity aimed at transforming the figurative Proto-Language into an ugly one and its constant simplification has led to the degradation of the language. Removed from circulation, or distorted BUKOV, carrying the code of the construction of living matter. In their place, letters devoid of meaning are offered, as a result of which the language has become dead and alien to our DNA. For this reason, the use of a modern language makes it impossible for the occurrence of consonance (resonance) with the speech-like structures of DNA and gaining access to the Ancestral memory.
Solution to the problem: the use of IMAGES to interact with the area of ​​the unconscious and gradual and return to the use of the Proto-Language in everyday life.

7) Immoral way of life, obscene behavior.

Solution of the problem: through awareness and correction of the worldview, replacement of unviable behavior patterns with viable ones, Work with the subconscious. Changing habits.

8) Drug addiction.

Cause: chronic disease caused by the use of narcotic substances.
Problem solving: identifying the root cause, performing Generic Transformation.

The absence of Conscience, the joint message of the human soul and the Native Gods.
Only in the presence of conscience is formed the structure of a Human - Body-Dash-Spirit-Conscience, which is a kind of portal for connecting to the Ancestral Memory.
Solution to the problem: opening the Heart, understanding the purpose of coming into this world and the meaning of life.

8) Impact of alien programs.

Reason: exposure through television, radio, the media, the Internet using specially prepared information and various ways and methods of influencing the human subconscious in order to introduce certain ideas or ideas that make it possible to have a covert effect on the mental structures of a person and change his mental state or behavior in the required direction. Scientific and technical inventions made possible an unprecedented speed of information transfer, and at the same time for a multi-million audience, but at the same time it turned out to be just as possible the intensification of the information-psychological war, expressed in the manipulation of individual and social consciousness.
Solution to the problem: Work with the subconscious. Manipulation protection.

9) Vaccination.

Reason: At the age of 5 years, there is an active formation of neural connections in the child's brain. Vaccination of children during this period leads to damage to brain neurons, the development of autism and, as a result, to inhibition of the development of the child. Autism is not a disease, but a developmental disorder of the child, so it cannot be cured with conventional medicines. Autism leads to violations of the physical, mental and emotional spheres of the child, causes serious problems with memory and attention, which is a significant obstacle to the awakening of ancestral memory. Of particular danger are the components that make up the vaccines:

1. Mercury, used in vaccines in the form of diethylmercury, is a neurotoxin and is second only to uranium, a radioactive substance, in terms of toxicity. In combination with aluminum and formaldehyde, the toxicity of mercury increases many times over. Most of the mercury accumulates in the brain, which is mostly made up of fat cells, which leads to the development of autism in children. Multicomponent vaccines such as DTP also cause developmental regression in children, which makes them a major cause of autism. In recent years, the number of reported cases of autism has tripled and averages 1 case per 1,000 children.

2. Many vaccines contain bacterial and viral DNA and microorganisms such as simian cancer virus, cytomegaloviruses, mutated viruses of dogs, monkeys, ducks, protozoa (for example, Acanthamoeba, which is called the "brain-eating amoeba"). At the same time, vaccines are injected directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the natural protective barriers of the body, as a result of which not only does it become poisoned, but the immune system is also disabled, foreign bacterial and viral DNA are embedded in human DNA, changing its original structure.

3. In the production of some vaccines, cadaveric organs and blood of people who died from serious diseases are used as raw materials, from which vaccine viruses are isolated, or sick, genetically defective animals are used for these purposes - for example, mice of special "cancer lines" (AKR) originally intended for oncological experiments. After the viruses have multiplied, they are inactivated (i.e., killed) with formaldehyde, a powerful protoplasmic poison, mutagen, and carcinogen that is commonly used to embalm corpses. At the same time, formaldehyde itself does not go anywhere, it remains entirely in the volume of the vaccine dose.
Solution to the problem: performing a Generic Transformation.

10) Slagging of the body.

Cause: violation of the normal functioning of the body due to poisoning with endogenous slags that appear due to metabolic disorders, and exogenous slags: alcohol, smoking, polluted water and air, yeast bread, meat that carries low vibrations and is grown using antibiotics, food products with artificial additives and preservatives, household chemicals, toothpastes with fluoride components, electromagnetic smog and much more.

Solution to the problem: correction of the state of health, purification of the Soul and body, transition to a healthy diet, refusal to eat meat and yeast bread, use of biologically active water. If necessary, perform Generic Transformation.

11) Failure of natural biorhythms.

The reason: in the period from 00:00 to 2:00, provided there is complete darkness in the room, the pineal gland (pineal gland) produces the maximum amount of melatonin. Melatonin is a powerful anti-stress and antioxidant substance that takes part in biochemical reactions in the body. As a result of night wakefulness, conscious or forced, the functions of the mind and mind inevitably begin to suffer, which over time will lead to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, a decrease in concentration, the development of chronic fatigue, weakening of willpower, the appearance of unreasonable irritability and other problems.
Solution to the problem: regardless of the circumstances, go to bed no later than 22:00. From 22:00 to 2:00 at night it is necessary to sleep.

12) Low level of vital energy.

Causes: Waste of vital energy due to various reasons.
Problem solving: establishing the causes and their relief.

1. Preservation of vital energy:

Take responsibility for all your own actions, regrets and despondency will disappear.
Monitor and control your own thoughts, words and actions.
Get rid of the baggage of stress, which will restore the normal conductivity of the nervous system and eliminate mental complexes and blockages.
Eliminate bad habits or transform them into more appropriate ones.
Get rid of energy vampires and plugs of various origins.
Transform existing negative energy into positive (“We have nothing to make good out of, except out of evil”). When a negative feeling appears, evoke bliss in yourself and impose it on the emotion (dissolution of the negative in grace).
Avoid striving for perfection, for the ideal.
Make each decision once and no longer waste energy on doubts about the choice.
Do not follow the rules, schemes, dogmas. Assess the situation every time in a new way.
Handle adversity as it comes. Get rid of the secondary psyche when there are experiences in hindsight. This leads to constantly reduced vitality and diseases due to negative mental states.

2. Getting vital energy:

With the help of proper breathing (Alive) and nutrition.
Interaction with natural elements: air, water, earth, fire, as well as with the mineral, plant and animal world.
Interaction with people (words, thoughts, emotions).
From higher energy-information plans through prayer, meditation, work for the common good.
The presence of any of the problems listed above or their combination, as well as the failure to fulfill the conditions specified above, makes it impossible to awaken the Ancestral memory.
Only after all the problems have been eliminated, and the conditions are met, you can proceed to the awakening of the Ancestral memory through:
participation in the Rites; folk dances, singing; native speech, original Word and Image; veneration of the Ancestors (“Remember the Ancestors in your thoughts”); study of the Commandments of the Gods and Native Faith; visiting ancient cities; contemplation of Artifacts; glorification of the Gods; hymns to the gods; unity with nature;
concentrated contemplation and insight into the essence of the subject; classes in Slavic gymnastics and Russian martial arts; psychophysical exercises and labor; contemplation of protective ornaments and folk embroidery; contemplation of works of art; acquaintance with the heroic past of our people; folk tales; meditative practices of connecting to the information field of the Family; and much more.

In conclusion, a few tips:

Keep your thoughts and aspirations pure.
Refrain from advertising your plans to awaken the Family Memory among people who are unfriendly towards you, since the final implementation of the plan is influenced by the information carried by the thoughts of other people. And vice versa - the more supporters will share your beliefs and aspirations, the sooner you will be able to awaken your Tribal memory.
All the questions that life has put before you, you must and can answer yourself.

Genetic memory (“ancestral memory”, “ancestral memory”) has been proven by scientists. Previously, it was evaluated only at the level of hypotheses. She received the most serious attitude from psychologists (hypnotherapists). Through ancestral memory, the inexplicable was explained: for example, constant stress and panic attacks during a prosperous life (parents survived the concentration camp). Under hypnosis, patients revealed shocking details of horrors that they simply could not know.

Even 100 years ago, Ivan Pavlov, a Russian physiologist, believed that descendants inherit the experience of their ancestors, which is associated with stress and pain. But until recently, this assumption has not been confirmed experimentally.

It was only in 2013 that a breakthrough occurred. The study that proved Pavlov's assumption was conducted by American scientists Kerry Ressler and Brian Diaz from the Emory University Medical Center in Atlanta (USA). They found that traumatic data alters gene activity through chemical modification of DNA. The experiments were carried out on mice, which passed on the memory of the smell from generation to generation. The article was first published in the scientific journal Nature Neuroscience.

During the study, it was found that newborn rodents inherited from their parents a gene responsible for innate reflexes. In particular, offspring may be afraid of certain smells that their "parents" cannot stand.

Scientists have taught male rodents to be afraid of the smell of bird cherry, which has the substance acetophenone. Then, by crossing these males with females, they got offspring and found that the mice were also afraid of the smell of bird cherry. Moreover, the education of offspring by parents and contacts between generations were excluded. In addition, the reaction to the "dangerous" smell was not lost in the next generation and when breeding offspring by artificial insemination.

It turns out that traumatic information changes the activity of genes through chemical modification of DNA. Experts have proven that this is a biological, and not a social transfer of information, and it occurs through the transfer of DNA methylation through germ cells.

Such a scheme is typical only for “paternal” and “grandfather” memory, but not for “maternal” memory, since spermatogenesis occurs throughout the life of men, and a woman is born with a full set of eggs, and it is no longer possible to somehow change these genes. However, in the same formed eggs, a woman keeps the family memory from her father, i.e. the grandfather of her child. By the way, it is curious that among the Jews it is customary to define a true Jew precisely by his mother.

Prior to the publication of these studies, masses of books were written on ancestral memory. Most of them are from psychophysiologists and hypnotherapists. As indirect evidence (in the absence of experienced) they cited the amazing and inexplicable skills of babies (for example, the ability to swim). The discussions went along the following lines:

Today it is known that during pregnancy, the fetus in the womb dreams about 60% of the time. From the point of view of S.P. Rastorguev, the author of the book "Information War", it is the genetic memory that manifests itself, and the brain scans and learns it. “Into the original void that the embryo in the mother’s womb is destined to fill, a genetic program is supplied that contains the lives already lived by the ancestors.” Thanks to the sciences, today we know that the human embryo in the womb in the process of maturation, passing through the entire cycle of evolutionary development - from a single-celled organism to an infant, "briefly recalls its entire history as the history of the development of a living being." As a result, a newborn child keeps a genetic memory recorded by all his historical ancestors. For example, a newborn has the ability to float on its own. This ability to swim is lost after a month. Those. children are born with a full arsenal of knowledge, carefully preserved by centuries of evolution in genetic memory. And up to 2 years, the child retains sound, visual, tactile genetic memory. Unfortunately (or fortunately), as we grow and learn, access to genetic memory decreases.

Present in our psyche, the data of genetic memory are usually not available to us in conscious comprehension. Since the manifestation of this memory is actively opposed by our consciousness, trying to protect the psyche from the "split personality". But genetic memory can manifest itself during sleep or a state of altered consciousness (hypnosis, trance, meditation), when consciousness control is weakened.

Ancestral memory is WAVE information that is stored at the level of an individual morphological field of a person, containing complete information about ALL Ancestors of a person belonging to a given Earth Clan, access to which is possible subject to certain conditions and fine-tuning. One of the main conditions is the need for the absence of any artificial distortions in the structure of human DNA, which can be caused by various reasons.

All the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Ancestors are hidden in our Tribal memory, so each of us knows everything from the moment of his birth, you just need to remember.

And since the Tribal memory is silent, then a person is deprived of a natural connection with his Family, with his roots, is deprived of access to the sacred knowledge and Wisdom of the Ancestors, is deprived of guidelines for life and the natural support that was given to him by the fact of birth. To awaken the Family memory and restore our ties with the Family, to understand what we do not know (more precisely, we do not remember). This will allow to reveal the potentialities inherent in a person, to know oneself and to join the knowledge, wisdom and spiritual experience of the Ancestors.

There is a big difference between naturally occurring changes in the structure of DNA as a result of human development, which entails a change in its morphogenetic field and the corresponding movement of transposons within DNA, and artificially caused changes in DNA associated with the introduction of foreign fragments into DNA. If fragments of foreign DNA enter the human body in one way or another, and the body, for various reasons, cannot protect itself from them, then they are embedded in DNA and change its figurative-wave code. This leads to damping of resonances between DNA structures and the associated morphogenetic field. With the appearance of small distortions in the structure of DNA, partial attenuation of resonances will limit access to the morphogenetic field as a whole, however, partial awakening of the Ancestral memory in this case will be possible. If distortions in the structure of DNA are significant, then there will be a complete attenuation of resonances, which will make it impossible to awaken the Ancestral Memory. This is the same as if a person decided to open the door to the library not with his own key, but with the key to someone else's lock.

This problem is indeed very serious and cannot be solved with the help of commonly used methods.

Awakening Generic memory is not enough to have a simple desire to awaken it. For this reason, even the traditionally used methods of awakening the Tribal memory, such as performing rituals, performing folk songs and dances, contemplating and interacting with the natural elements, and many others, for all their sacredness and effectiveness, do not in themselves guarantee access to the Tribal memory. Therefore, quite often, after participating in such events, a person, in addition to a solemn sense of belonging to what is happening, has a feeling of dissatisfaction caused by the lack of the expected result.

The main stages of awakening the Tribal memory:

So, first of all, you need to open your heart. Why is this needed? Our Ancestors knew well that the heart is not only the most important organ in the human body, but also the basis of our entire life. As a person becomes more cordial, his emotional balance is strengthened, mental clarity increases, and the quality of life improves. Opening of the heart is facilitated by the most important Commandment, which was taught to children from childhood - "Learn to live in harmony with yourself and the surrounding Nature." With the help of the mind, it is impossible to fully realize and comprehend the deep meaning inherent in this Commandment. The heart is not only the source of virtue, but also the source of unconditional knowledge when no further proof is required. A person is able to show his best qualities only if his heart is open. The heart connects us with the experience of our whole life and allows us to open access to Ancestral memory. But not the organ itself habitually called the heart, but the HEART CENTER AS THE SACRED CENTER "HEART"! Naturally, there are no chambers in the very heart and there is no storehouse of knowledge and information. The approximate principle of opening the MIDDLE on the mental and on the physics looks like in the video (at the bottom of the page by the link). In another way, the MIDDLE is not revealed - if you are told the opposite, then they are maliciously lying to you or frankly engaging in verbiage and profanity using your ignorance!

That is why it is so important to learn to open your heart and perceive the world around you precisely through sensations and images, being in a state of so-called “love” by THEM. And that is why the increased attention in various schools to the lower energy center is a dead end path that is not able to fully reveal the abilities and capabilities of a person.

Everyone needs to form a clear intention to awaken the Tribal memory. It is important to realize what the awakening of the Generic memory gives:

1. A person who has awakened the Tribal memory acquires tremendous inner strength and self-confidence.

2. A person deprived of tribal memory inevitably degrades.

3. The power of the Family becomes available to your power if your Heart is in harmony with it.

4. Inheriting the people of the Ancestors, a person inherits the Knowledge and Wisdom that the Ancestors owned.

5. Everyone who is one with the Family gets access to the sacred primary sources of all things.

The next step should be the exclusion of various factors that prevent the awakening of Ancestral memory, and the restoration, if necessary, of the DNA distortions caused by them.

The awakening of family memory is prevented by:

- Hatred.


Connections to THEIR egregors.


The use of products with GMOs.

Conducted ultrasound examination (ultrasound).

The entry of foreign genetic material into the body.

Language distortion.

Immoral lifestyle, obscene behavior.

Any addiction.

Lack of Conscience.

Impact of alien programs and engrams.


Slagging of the mental and physical body.

Failure of natural biorhythms.

A low level of vital energy and a lack of motivation to live and a working program "SUICIDE" for everyone who has not gone through a sacred birth.

The presence of any of the problems listed above or their combination, as well as the failure to fulfill the conditions specified above, makes it impossible to awaken the Ancestral memory. Only after all the problems have been eliminated, and the conditions are met, you can begin to awaken the Ancestral memory.

So be it, and so be it! From

The article tells about one of the opportunities to gain knowledge, protection and help of the Family.

Entry into the Genus

It is done only once in a lifetime. The goal - speaking in Internet language, is a connection to the "egregore". But your Rod is not an egregor. He just looks like him. And that is only at first glance.
I will omit the theoretical considerations. Not to confuse, but to save money. If you enter your Genus, then you will automatically recognize all this. Even if only at the level of sensations, it does not matter.

What gives such an entry.

Now just imagine that in your family there was, for example, a witch. Who wrote her achievements in those notebooks that have been lost for centuries.
Having entered the Rod, you can write these notebooks again! Just be present when they are written. Not even like that. Not to be present, you will write them. Such is the property of Generic memory - to receive information from that sorceress, you become her.

Retreat first.
Please do not confuse Ancestral memory with the one that comes from your past incarnations. Until you have entered the Genus, you will inevitably get confused in this matter, remaining at the level of theoretical thinking.
After entering, you will clearly distinguish them, by the way, it will be easier to read the genetic one.
Their main difference is that you can remember your past lives without entering the Genus.

The second is protection. The clan protects its relatives. Everyone without exception and always.
One visit to the Ancestral Fire is enough, as you automatically get rid of all the negatives directed at you. Well, almost everyone. What has been done by a true Master will certainly remain, but it is quite possible that what was previously invisible will become apparent. And accordingly, you can quickly find an antidote, in the same place, in the Family Memory. If you want to shoot yourself. Or use the song of the Family. No individual influence can resist this technique. At least I have never encountered one. And I haven't seen much...

Third . The energy of the Ancestral Fire becomes available to you. It is organically woven into everything you do, enhancing the result, sometimes at times.
It doesn't matter if it's long jump or magic effect.
So far, everything is very rosy. But cynics will definitely remember the cheese and the mousetrap.
I will answer them.
It is difficult for me to imagine a person capable of harming their parents or their children. Normal, I emphasize - normal! a person strives to protect his family in every possible way, to make him strong, happy ... well, Rod is your family! That's the whole answer - magically simple.

Well, now the technique. There are two of them. Children's and adult.

Children's technique or "on a pencil".

Imagine a pencil as clearly as possible, a stylus dressed in a wooden shirt, the color of the stylus, how sharp it is, what color the wooden shirt is, even the marks of teeth when you gnawed this pencil in thought ... and go back to childhood, to that episode that is in your memory associated with this particular pencil!

Do not want to remember, but just become yourself then ... This is the main thing.
As you understand, the pencil is just an example, it can be any thing. And the most important thing for a child is what? Curiosity is the engine of knowledge. And a curious child walks along a golden path in the forest thicket. Whether or not you see the wolf guardian of the Forest nearby is not important. He exists and he guides and protects the child on the way.

Retreat second.
Guardians or Horts are living people! As soon as one of them receives a signal that someone has gone, it immediately appears next to him. There are quite a few of them and these are quite powerful werewolf people. Werewolves, of course, are there, on the subtle planes. And although in real life they usually do not conjure, the Forest gives them its protection.

One of the main advantages of this technique is safety. If you have truly become your child self, and not just imagined it.
My recent student even managed to ride a Horta all the way to the Ancestral Fire!

But if you decide to be cunning and only pretend to be a child, then this wolf will confuse you. And he will not let him go to the Ancestral Fire.

But everything turned out well and you ended up in a clearing where a fire is burning and you, I remind you - a child, are met by an adult. This is your Ancestral Fire and your recipient.
He will teach you, test you - not without it, and, in the end, he will name you. Called a generic name. This event may happen in a day, or in a year, or not at all... it's all up to you.
After naming, you become a full-fledged ancestor. With all the ensuing rights and, alas, responsibilities. But back to the first visit.

You can play with the flame - this fire will not burn you, in short, do what you want, the recipient will definitely look after and, most importantly, return you back.
After this return, you will have a path to your Fire. Use his protection, use power, absorb knowledge - everything is in your hands.

The presence of a successor is the main sign that the campaign was successful. By the way, there may be more than one of them.

Adult technology.

An already established person comes to Rod. With knowledge, with strength, with the desire to return to your family and become part of it.
In meditation, you turn to that relative, whom you can imagine more clearly and who is the oldest at the moment. And you ask to be taken to the Ancestral Fire.
Get consent - you will be taken.
Get a refusal - ask to take you to the elder. This will not be denied.

You puzzle the next relative with the same requests. And so you move deep into time until you are brought to your cherished clearing. Or they will refuse, citing the fact that the Fire of this Kind has died out.

Yes, such a catastrophe is also possible, thanks to the clergy and communists with their militant obscurantism and atheism. In this case, it is possible to enter a foreign Genus, which from now on becomes yours. But here the help of the sorcerer is already needed.
How it looks like, you can read in the previous tale. But let's not talk about sad things. You managed to convince your relatives of your sincerity. Notice, not in strength, not in need for the Family, but in sincerity.

And you were led to your clearing to your Ancestral Fire. All the relatives will be there with you. And the main event will happen - the naming of the generic name.
Receiving this name is the distinguishing feature that you didn’t dream about all this. In conclusion, I will say that some people manage to get to the Ancestral Fire without any technique - on bare enthusiasm and personal strength. But these are few...

Meeting with the Keepers of the Family

This tale-experience was written by me on the basis of unreal events - after the meditation "Meeting with the Keepers of the Family", in which I really "saw" and "experienced" all this.

I am standing on the edge of a large forest clearing, a coniferous forest is darkening around. A warm summer night pleases with a high starry sky and a fresh breeze. In the center of the clearing grows a huge century-old Oak and large gray boulders stand in a circle in front of it. In the depths of my soul, I know that this is a reserved glade, and that this Oak is the Tree of my Family. I know I've been here before. In the center of the circle formed by the boulders, a fire flares up, as it flares up, the boulders are enveloped in haze, and they turn into chairs, and translucent luminous shadows appear in them. The shadows thicken, and now I see that they are men and women dressed in some kind of folk costumes. Under the Oak, on the most powerful chair, sits the Elder - the Great Ancestor - a gray-haired old man, with wise eyes and a powerful figure.

I feel the Call. I go to the circle - I know they are waiting for me there. I approach and stop outside the circle, but the flames of the fire are already illuminating my face - they noticed me, they smile at me. There are 24 of them - 12 on the right hand of the Elder and 12 on the left hand. Opposite the Elder there is one empty chair - it is for me. I cautiously approach him slowly. These are not even chairs, these are thrones and you can feel the Power in them - the Power of the Family. From the beginning, I run my hand over the rough surface of the stone, my fingers begin to tingle, heat runs from my hand all over my body. I look at the old man, and he nods to me. I sit on the throne meant for me.

And then the chain seems to close - I see how through me and through each of their Guardians, in the region of the heart, a pink-gold ray flows. It pierces everyone and digs into the center of the circle, into the flames of the fire. And a diadem appears above the fire - a thin golden circlet with a diamond-shaped emerald gem in the center. He floats through the air into the hands of the first Guardian on the left, and lays down on a velvet pillow. Something inside me, some voice says “Come, Xenia!” I approach this Guardian of the Family. This is a Woman with very kind radiant eyes, she looks at me like a mother and holds out a very simple wooden large mug with some kind of drink. It smells of thyme and some other fragrant herbs and red berries that look like wild strawberries. I drink the infusion, it seems to cleanse of everything unnecessary. The woman smiles at me and I hear her voice in my head, "You're one of us!" She takes a hoop-diadem, and, like a crown, puts it on my bowed head. She gives me a part of her Power and all the Knowledge that she has. Then he takes off the hoop and places it on the velvet cushion I hold.

Next, I move counterclockwise to the next Guardian. And the ritual of initiation (and this is it) is repeated. So I go around the whole circle, receiving Initiation and Blessing from each of the Guardians. And to each I bow at the waist, accepting with Gratitude that Power and Love that comes to me. And so I reach the last of the 24 Guardians of the Family, the one who sits on the right hand of the Great Ancestor. This is a Man - handsome, strong, he breathes with Protection. I hear his voice in my head: “You are just like us! But a little different! and he repeats the ritual.

Then the diadem goes to the Great Ancestor. He looks at me, into my eyes. I see in them Love of such strength that it overwhelms me, I feel that he is proud of me. With the words "You are ours!" he puts a hoop diadem on my head and all the pink-gold rays focus on me. What fills me makes me different. Now I am the Keeper of the Family. Keeper Xenia. And sometime, in due time, I will pass this Power on. I sit on my throne, and I see that my clothes have changed - now I am in some kind of national costume. I am filled with the Power and Love of My Kind, I feel the Call of the Guardian and a great responsibility. From my hands is a ball of Light, the same ball burns in the emerald of the diadem.

The fire slowly goes out, the Guardians silently melt and disappear, the thrones turn into boulders. And here I am sitting on a gray boulder in a night meadow with the Generic Oak. The ball of Light from my hands penetrates into the region of the heart and solar plexus. The diadem seems to soak into my head and disappear into me. I go up to Oak, bow to him to the ground, and then, embracing, I press my whole body. And I hear a voice inside: “You can come to us for the Force when you need it. You are ours!”

What else to read