role relationships. Roles and progress of the group

Each employee in the organization plays at least one, two, and perhaps three or even four team roles, which are quite natural for him. Under certain conditions, people are also able to take on other roles, although some of these roles may be ones in which employees feel uncomfortable, or even simply helpless.

Team roles and their characteristics

table 2

Types of team roles

Required personal qualities and contribution to the team

Possible disadvantages

"Idea's generator"

Creative orientation;

rich imagination; originality of thinking; desire for innovation; source of original ideas for the team

Lack of experience in interpersonal communication; psychological instability;

waste of time considering interesting ideas


Turning ideas into practical actions; turning the solution into easy-to-do tasks; bringing order to the team

Lack of flexibility; dislike for fantasy

ideas; dislike for frequent changes of plans


diligence and conscientiousness;

timely tracking

complete the task; normative registration of the completed task

excessive concern

state of affairs; propensity for inner experiences;

unwillingness to delegate their duties; rejection of a frivolous attitude to his duties on the part of others


Critical analysis of the situation; strategic approach and insight in assessments; accuracy of judgments; pursuit

consider all possible solutions

Underestimation of the factors of stimulation and inspiration;

lack of inspiration and creative imagination; the ability to knock others down by stifling their initiative

Resource explorer?

Mastering the art of negotiation; variety of contacts; the ability to improvise; favorable study

opportunities; manifestation of activity and sociability

Loss of interest as enthusiasm wanes; jumping from one task to another; the need for increased

nominal external pressure


The ability to harmonize

team relationships and eliminate disagreements; attentive listening to the interlocutor; respect for the opinions of others; sensitivity; lack of overconfidence

Indecisiveness in crisis situations; the desire to avoid acute situations;

obstruction of decisive action at a crucial moment


A clear statement of purpose; acting as a moderator during discussions; promoting effective decision-making; possession of communication skills

Tendency to be manipulative

to transfer their duties to others; taking credit for the whole team


Professionalism; purposefulness; ability to concentrate efforts; initiative; readiness to devote oneself to work

Orientation in a narrow professional field; poor communication skills;

passion for concrete facts and results

It should be noted that these roles can be considered equally important for effective teamwork, provided that they are used in the team at the right time and in the best possible way.

For example, when a team is just beginning to consider a problem or develop a project, it is common to need innovative ideas first, an “idea generator” is needed, followed by the need to evaluate how these ideas can be translated into practical actions and achievable tasks. ("executor). In these stages, success is achieved provided that the team has a good "coordinator", whose task is to ensure the greatest impact from team members at the right time. When it comes to complex negotiations with other groups, the qualities possessed by the “resource explorer” are of great importance. To contain excessive displays of enthusiasm that distract from the main activities of the team, there must be an “expert” in the composition of the team.

All kinds of sources of friction and misunderstandings between team members are eliminated by the "collectivist", while due to the presence of? Specialist? the team has at its disposal rarely encountered skills and knowledge, which periodically arises. The role of the “closer” is not to lose sight of even the smallest details of the implementation of the decisions made and to achieve the consistent implementation of all planned actions.

In order for a team to get the most out of the variety of team roles, each team member must be aware of the specifics of the team roles of their colleagues. Only in this case will the team be able to determine whether among these roles there are those that do not belong to the natural strengths of the team members. If this situation occurs, then those team members for whom the natural missing team roles are secondary will have to try to fill this gap. Obviously, this will require an atmosphere of openness and trust, which usually exists in well-organized and managed teams.

Unfortunately, we have to state that in teams with an insufficiently high level of mutual trust and openness, there are people who can speak frankly about everything related to their functional roles, but show some shyness when it comes to their personal characteristics. In such situations, a competent team leader will try to resolve the problem with tact.

Family values ​​govern the way of life. Distribution of roles and establishment of leadership.
The role structure of the family ensures its effective functioning and satisfaction of the needs of all its members. Taking into account the following requirements:

Role consistency, in relation to roles performed by one person. So is the family as a whole;
- the roles taken must correspond to the capabilities of the individual, “role overload” should not be allowed;
- the performance of the role should ensure the satisfaction of the needs of the individual within the family;

Family roles, in accordance with the status of kinship:

Husband wife; father mother; son daughter; brother, sister; grandfather grandmother.

The very concept of a family role as a specification of the social roles of a husband, wife, mother, father, children, etc. is sociological. Role- this is "the social function of the individual, corresponding to accepted norms, the way people behave depending on their status, or position in society, in the system of interpersonal relations." At present, the quality of interpersonal relations of spouses is determined by how the spouses themselves perceive them, how prosperous and successful they consider them to be.
Both domestic and foreign researchers point out that the rules of role behavior and role relations in the family are established in the process of family life, in close relationship with interpersonal relationships and communication of family members.
Let us give a classification of the main roles in the family, described by Yu.E. Aleshina::
1. Responsible for the material support of the family.
2. The owner is the hostess.
3. The role of the person responsible for the care of the infant.
4. The role of the educator.
5. The role of the sexual partner.
6. The role of the organizer of entertainment.
7. Organizer of the family subculture.
8. The role of the person responsible for maintaining family ties.
9. The role of the "psychotherapist".
An essential point is the extent to which the opinion of a family member about his role coincides with the idea of ​​​​others about it.

The main parameters of the role structure of the family are the nature

dominance, which determines the system of relations of power and subordination, that is, the hierarchical structure of the family, and the distribution of roles in accordance with the tasks that the family solves at this stage of its life cycle.

The role structure of the family is largely determined by the leading family values, the hierarchy of which develops throughout the life cycle of the family, reflecting the change in the significance of its functions. For example, after the birth of children, the educational function occupies a central place in the family, and the value of parenthood becomes the leading one. and prosperous newlyweds have a balance of family and professional values ​​of the spouses. Family values ​​regulate the lifestyle of the family, the distribution of roles and the establishment of supremacy.

Leadership in the family determines its hierarchy and organization of functioning, the nature of decision-making, the degree of participation of family members in the management of its life, power relations - dominance and subordination.

management and decision-making in the hands of one family member. The democratic system of relations is the equal participation of all family members in management and decision-making. The trend in the development of the modern family is the transition from an authoritarian to a democratic system of relations, which is primarily due to the formation of legal and economic equality of men and women. Headship can be of an individual nature (personal headship) and be joint. In the first case, all or most of the most significant functions for the family are concentrated in the hands of one person. This form of leadership is unlikely to be effective from the point of view of management theory, however, in times of crisis in the development of the family system, individual leadership turns out to be adequate and useful. In stable periods, the optimal form of leadership is joint leadership. It happens with and without separation of functions (egalitarian option).

However, along with the actual primacy, there is also a formal primacy, i.e. attributed according to certain rules. In the event of a discrepancy between actual and formal primacy, conflicts arise,

the struggle for the recognition of actual leadership, for the establishment of the supremacy of one of the family members. Traditionally, formal headship is attributed to the husband, while actual headship is shared equally between husband and wife.

In the case of sole authoritarian leadership in the family, the father (patriarchal family), mother (matriarchal family), child (children-centric family) can dominate. Dominance (the use of power) can be based on authority and respect for the head of the family, tribute to traditions and obedience to the law, recognition of the leader’s competence and delegating the right to lead and make decisions to him, the use of coercion and violence, “bribery”, flattery and manipulation of family members.

A role is a normatively approved model of behavior expected of

a person who occupies a certain social position and position in interpersonal relationships. The content of the role and its performance are regulated by norms, i.e. certain rules developed and adopted by the group that must be followed for the implementation of joint activities. There are rules, regulations regarding both the acceptance of roles and their execution. It is also important to control the fulfillment of the role and sanctions, both external and internal, aimed at restoring the balance of family activities due to a certain impact on a family member who does not fulfill his role. The degree of acceptance by a family member of his family role determines the effectiveness of its implementation and, as a result, , the success of the functioning of the family structure as a whole.

In the role structure of the family, a plan of conventional and a plan of

interpersonal roles.

Conventional roles are prescribed by the sociocultural environment,

are standardized, define the permanent rights and obligations of family members, representing a list of forms of behavior and ways of their implementation, regulated by law, morality, traditions. Interpersonal roles are individualized, determined by the specific nature of interpersonal relations in the family, crystallizing in themselves the unique experience of family interpersonal communication.

The role structure of the family ensures its effective functioning and satisfaction of the needs of all its members, taking into account the following requirements:

Role consistency - the requirement for consistency of roles,

forming an integral system, both in relation to the roles performed by one person and the family as a whole;

The fulfillment of the role should ensure the satisfaction of the needs

individuals within the family;

The roles assumed must correspond to the capabilities of the individual,

“role overload” should not be allowed;

The fulfillment of roles should ensure that the needs of all family members are met.

The classification of roles by F. Nye is based on a functional principle that allows us to distinguish the following set of roles:

- "breadwinner" of the family, owner (hostess) of the house, responsible for the care and upbringing of the baby, educator of children, sexual partner, - "family psychotherapist" responsible for maintaining family ties, organizer of leisure and entertainment (family recreational function), organizer of family subcultures. In the distribution of conventional roles, gender-role differentiation is observed, which is determined by the peculiarities of the spouses' ideas about the roles of men and women in society and the family, the peculiarities of gender-role identity and the actual distribution of roles in the family between spouses. We can talk about the traditional, determined by the biological criterion of the distribution of functions, anti-traditional and equal sex-role differentiation. The traditionalization of roles in the family according to the gender principle is associated with the birth and upbringing of small children. In a modern family, which gravitates towards an equal distribution of roles, gender-role differentiation is quite mobile and the free change in the roles of spouses allows the family to more effectively solve their problems.

Let us dwell on the characteristics of functional roles in the family. Role

"breadwinner" corresponds to the function of ensuring the material well-being of the family. In a traditional family, this role belongs to the husband. In the Modern, as a rule, both spouses work. Playing the role of "breadwinner" actually predetermines the solution of the issue of power and primacy in the family.

The role of the owner (hostess) of the house implements the function of organizing and maintaining life.

The role of the person responsible for the upbringing of the infant stands out from the educational function of the family and stands apart because of the closest interaction of the child in infancy with a close adult.

The possibilities for the parent who assumes the function of the educator of the infant to perform other functions are extremely limited.

The implementation of the role of the educator of children (of older age), which involves the management of the process of socialization, moral development, and the formation of competence, as a rule, is carried out by both parents.

The role of the sexual partner includes the manifestation of activity and initiative in sexual behavior. Traditionally, the role of a leader in sexual relations is assigned to the husband, but recently the situation has not looked so clear due to the increase in the activity of women.

The role of the "psychotherapist" ensures the satisfaction of the needs of family members in emotional understanding, support, security, a sense of personal self-worth and is key in the modern family. Traditionally, it is assigned to a woman due to the recognition of her greater emotional sensitivity, but in reality this is not always the case. The husband, in the role of a family "psychotherapist", as a rule, strengthens his leadership position and real leadership in the family.

The listed roles are rather "internal" in nature and do not imply going beyond the boundaries of the family system. Along with them, we can talk about family roles that are implemented in the context of a wider social environment, performing an intermediary function between the family and the social environment. These include the roles of those responsible for maintaining family ties, the organizer of leisure and the family subculture.

The role of the person responsible for maintaining family ties involves leadership in organizing communication with relatives and friends, participation in family rituals, ceremonies, holidays, providing the necessary material and psychological support to needy members of the extended family, and social control. Traditionally, this role was played by the wife, now there is no clear priority, the acceptance of this role is determined by the nature of kinship relations and the personal characteristics of family members.

The role of the organizer of family leisure, which implements the recreational function of the family, is aimed at planning and holding weekends and holidays. The importance of this role is growing in the current situation of lack of interpersonal communication in the family.

The role of the organizer, creator of the family subculture, a kind of spiritual leader of the family, who determines its interests, cultural needs, hobbies, arose relatively recently and is responsible for the function of spiritual communication and providing conditions for the cultural growth of family members. As a rule, this role is assumed by the most competent and interested member of the family. The performance of the roles of the organizer of family leisure and the organizer of the family subculture quite often combines one family member due to their meaningful proximity. Family culture includes rituals and rituals of the life cycle that accompany major family events (engagement, wedding, birth of children, funerals, etc.). Family festive culture - New Year's ceremonies, celebration of birthdays, anniversaries, other significant dates of the family calendar - has a ritual-game character, determines the history of the family, performing the function of its integration and strengthening cohesion, ensures the formation of its self-awareness.

H. Richter identifies pathological roles. Depending on their subject, they can be individual and family. The causes of family pathological roles lie in the field of violations in the “family - social environment” system.

The phenomenon of pathological roles is an indicator of family dysfunction as an integral system. Individual pathological roles include roles like “family scapegoat”, “family shame”, “darling”, “baby”, “sick family member”, etc.

The performer of the role of "scapegoat" is something like a "lightning rod", serves as a target for the emotional reaction of the rest of the family. Quite often, he is calm about the emotional reactions of the household and accepts this role, realizing its positive effect. “The shame of the family” acts as a kind of screen onto which the rest of the family members are “projected”, he is recognized by the family or its individual members as the culprit of all misfortunes and, as a rule, rejects this role. The “darling” is, as it were, an intermediary between conflicting family members, a bearer of the emotional principle that unites the family, and thereby prevents an open solution to the problem. "Baby" is an eternal child, regardless of age, all misconduct and sins are forgiven him, his role is to be a confirmation of the merits of the rest of the family members, as well as the basis of her cohesion in his care.

Pathological family roles, caused by a violation of family ties with the social environment, include the roles of “family-theater”, “family-fortress”, “family-sanatorium”, etc. For example, in the “family-fortress” hostile attitude towards the social environment the desire for isolation, social distancing, aggressive forms of response. The "family-theater" seems to live on the stage, flaunting care, affection, mutual understanding, while remaining "deaf" to the needs and interests of its members in real life. Usually, the system of family roles that an individual performs should be such as to ensure that not only his needs are met, but also the needs of other family members. Under such conditions, the family atmosphere is quite favorable, the relations of family members are harmonious. But over time, there is a redistribution of interpersonal roles in the family, and the psychological climate in it deteriorates sharply. This usually happens when someone in the family is forced to take on a social role that is traumatic for himself, but psychologically beneficial to other family members (for example, the role of "family scapegoat"). Such a variant of interpersonal relations is also possible, when the role played by one of the family members is traumatic for others, and not for himself (the role of a “sick family member”). Often, both types of roles are combined with each other: one of the family members plays a role that traumatizes him, the other - traumatic for others. Interpersonal roles, which, due to their structure and content, have a traumatic effect on family members, are called pathological family roles.

Pathological roles may arise as a result of the interaction of the family with the social environment or directly in the family itself. At the same time, social, personal and psychological deformations (in the form of neuropsychic disorders) are possible for the bearer of this role, which, one way or another, extend to other family members.

In the event of the emergence of pathological roles associated mainly with a violation of the relationship between the family and its social environment, relations with neighbors, with other families, relatives, state institutions, etc. change. Moreover, these changes are such that they make the transition of the family to a system of pathological roles necessary. There are such varieties of family groups as “family-fortress”, “family with anti-sexual ideology”, “family-sanatorium”, “family-theater” *, where the border between well-being and trouble is barely perceptible in the initial period of the functioning of the family. However, over time, family troubles become so obvious that neither the members of the family nor its social environment have any doubts about this.

At the center of the "family-fortress" is an individual with neuropsychiatric disorders, which are expressed in a tendency to paranoid reactions. He uses his influence in the family to induce other members of the family group to accept his idea that "everyone is against us", "we are attacked - we defend ourselves." This inevitably leads to a restructuring of relations in the family: interpersonal roles of the "leader" and his "comrades-in-arms" arise. These roles can turn out to be pathological, since in the presence of an individual with paranoid reactions, they contribute to the consolidation and development of disorders, and put “comrades-in-arms” in a difficult position, creating significant neuropsychic stress.

Cases where the relationship of the family with the social environment is not quite common, are quite common. This is, for example, a family that has been leading a lawsuit for many years, or a family that spends too much effort to improve its material well-being; a family that is completely focused on some kind of extra-family activity or, on the contrary, completely isolated itself from others. Naturally, in such families, the system of interpersonal roles is formed under the strong influence of relationships with the social environment. If a family has been litigating for many years, then the member who is most actively involved in this process, who is better versed in legal subtleties, enjoys the greatest authority. However, not every family that solves such problems becomes dysfunctional. Its transition into this category occurs only when the restructuring of the family's relations with its environment was necessary in order for it to move to relationships that are conditionally desirable for one of its members.

One of the practical tasks of the psychology of family and marriage relations is to increase the degree of psychological compatibility of young people by developing in them the traits, qualities and properties of altruism, empathy, tolerance, democracy, and the ability to sacrifice one's own interests.

Advice for spouses.

1. Respect yourself. In order to enjoy the respect of the second spouse, his parents, his children, neighbors (and a person does not live without contact with other people), one must first of all respect oneself. Self-respect involves, first of all, honesty, sincerity, the impossibility of committing meanness, betraying or humiliating another person. A self-respecting person cannot do what he would not want to be done to him.

2. Respect your spouse. Constantly, and especially in critical situations, remember that not so long ago this particular person was the closest to you, that he (she) is the father (mother) of your children.

3. Never insult or humiliate your second spouse alone, or even more so in the presence of children and strangers. There are no such sins and crimes in family life that could not be mentioned without causing personal insult. Refrain from hasty decisions. You may be wrong, but the insulting words spoken will do the irreparable.

4. Do not exaggerate your own abilities and virtues, do not consider yourself always and in everything right. Agree that when choosing a spouse, you did not want to marry (marry) a narrow-minded, primitive person. How could it happen that after some time that he spent in communication with you, the spouse has changed so hopelessly?

5. Be attentive. Without assessing the well-being, the mood of the second spouse, it is easy to commit tactlessness, to make an unforgivable mistake. Men need to be especially careful. And because the well-being and mood of women is more labile, and because a woman needs it more. A new hairstyle, dress, jewelry... Only women know how their indifferent, unseeing look hurts.

6. Be grateful. Do not take what the second spouse has done for granted, not worth gratitude, even if it is part of his responsibilities. It may happen that unappreciated and unrewarded efforts cease to be made. And how the attitude to the matter changes if you know that you will hear sincere words of gratitude for it.

7. Learn to listen and hear your spouse, take his place. Of course, there is not always time, but more often - the desire to spend one's own nerve cells on other people's experiences. But the fact of the matter is that these experiences are not someone else's (if only the desire to create a family is sincere), they excite the person closest to you. And it depends on how much you can share his experiences, whether the family will become prosperous. In family relationships, the ordinary laws of arithmetic are transformed into the highest mathematics of feelings - trouble divided by two is halved, joy divided by two is increased by 4 times.

8. Try to get to know your spouse as quickly as possible and get to know your spouse better. Knowing what negative traits the second spouse has, and they are easier, firstly, to neutralize, and secondly, to correct. Or predict behavior in some extreme situations.

9. Don't get down. Do not flaunt in front of each other in underwear, both literally and figuratively. If you did not hide your shortcomings before the wedding, then, in any case, you did not flaunt them. You don't have to post them now. On the contrary, try to get rid of what gets on the nerves of the second spouse.

10. From the very first days of family life, it is necessary to understand, comprehend and master the roles of wife and husband. In some ways, you need to limit yourself, to give up something habitual, to do something not very pleasant. Here the psychological setting for such changes is important. For example, in the need to give up regular meetings with friends, from the habit of spending holidays with a fishing rod, one can see only negative things, and besides, one can not appreciate (as a matter of course) what is offered in return for the lost one - an evening with his wife, a vacation on a garden plot, and etc. Such an attitude will lead to constant discontent, the emergence of a tense, oppressive atmosphere in the house.

11. Know that each person has several areas and levels of claims. A person, for example, can be equally an average engineer and a poet. But the spheres and levels of claims in these two areas are different. And if criticism of an engineering solution does not bother him much, then comments about poetry are perceived painfully. This does not mean, of course, that poetry cannot be criticized. But this should be done with the utmost respect, tact and reasoning. Remember - offending a person is much easier than earning forgiveness later.

12. Never generalize (this, by the way, is important not only when communicating with spouses, but also in relationships with children), even obvious shortcomings. It must be borne in mind: calling a husband (child) a slob, and a wife (daughter) a digger, you close the path to improvement, to eliminating a shortcoming; since such a characteristic is perceived as an assessment of an already formed vice, which is difficult or impossible to get rid of. It is necessary to say specifically: “I forgot to clean up after myself again ...” or, even better: “What a great fellow you will be if you clean up after yourself ...” Negative general characteristics (even if they are true) are always perceived as insults and are discarded by the person. It is better to evaluate this particular act and at the same time in such a way that, “without driving a person into a corner”, make it clear that you believe in his ability to show his best next time.

13. Never evaluate the actions of the second spouse without taking into account the motives that prompted him to them.

14. In family life, it is sometimes better not to know the truth than to try at all costs to establish the truth. The ancients said: "If you do not want to be deceived - do not ask."

15. Keep in mind that a frank confession to a stranger is far from always beneficial. It is especially dangerous to seek solace from people who sympathize with you, who care about you. Their short remark, understanding assent, approving look, it would seem, pour balm on the wounds of the soul. But this balm is insidious and poisonous - after all, it blackens the second spouse, destroys an objective opinion about him, and undermines the integrity of the family.

16. Treat your spouse's hobbies with interest and respect. Do not consider yourself able to replace the spouse of the whole world. No matter how much he loves you, the world is much wider and more interesting. And therefore, you should not separate your spouse from old friends (girlfriends) and wean him from former traditions.

17. Posturing and immeasurable boasting in men, apparently, in the blood. A husband may buzz your ears with a story about what a great discovery he is on the verge of. Support him, tell him that you always believed in his talent, but what's the talent - in his genius! In general, you do not risk anything: firstly, his pride will be satisfied, secondly, he will cook dinner, thirdly - who knows - maybe he really will discover something that no one has noticed before him? But if you interrupt the story, then you will surely spoil the mood for both him and yourself, and even worse, push your husband to look for another pair of ears that are willing to listen to any of his nonsense.

18. A man loves with his eyes (appearance), a woman loves with her ears (talks about appearance). A woman must find out what exactly attracts her husband in her, and exploit this part of the body, not forgetting at the same time about the possibilities of improvement and everything else. The husband likes the neck - wear open blouses, chest - decollete, legs - sew a dressing gown with a single button under the chin. But do not forget that with the help of physical education and specially selected exercises, you can increase the bust and reduce the waist, change the shape of the legs in the desired direction, etc. A man who does not forget to repeat every day to his wife that she is beautiful can feel full security: he will not be forced to wash the dishes, run once again to the store and give his entire salary to the penny.

19. As a rule, women love pleasant surprises and gifts, but especially - to make purchases. A visit to a department store can occupy a woman's imagination for a long time. The husband must mobilize the will, gather strength, but behave with her in the store in such a way as not to spoil the relationship. It is strictly forbidden to recommend buying the first thing that caught your eye - even if it is really the best and exactly what your wife dreamed of, she will perceive such advice as a desire to quickly get rid of the procedure that is unpleasant for you, and will never buy. Gathering courage, be patient for half an hour and only then point to the product you like.

20. Remember, a woman in general, and your wife in particular, much more than a man needs warmth - not only spiritual, but also ordinary, physical.

21. Avoid satiety. The spouses, who for a year, and three, and five are constantly together or three together (if only there were many children!) Within four walls, an emotional and psychological oversaturation with communication accumulates. A woman is both a mother, and a nanny, and a friend, and an adviser, and a colleague, and a sexual partner ... The husband has approximately the same duties. How not to get lost here! And also - psychological fatigue, fatigue from continuous partner dialogue. And now - a flash of anger, at first glance, unmotivated. Spouses are tired of each other! Need to rest! But it is not necessary to go on vacation alone. In addition, quarrels arise regardless of the service schedule! One day, one evening is enough to relieve emotional stress... Hunting, fishing, theater, gatherings with a friend...

22. Know, no matter how emancipated women are in our time, their nature requires that at some time, in any situation, they remain just women - weak, defenseless, in need of guardianship and support of a strong friend. It is very bad if the husband forgets about this and voluntarily turns into another child in the family - irresponsible and dependent, constantly demanding attention.

23. Remember - sexual disorders in the second spouse can only go away with the active help of the first. Only! Of course, this requires the advice of a psychologist. But their implementation is impossible without the most active and interested participation of the first spouse.

24. Do not forget - one of the most powerful means of improving the family atmosphere, relieving tension, initiating love communication and intimacy - kisses. Even in ancient India, more than 20 types of kisses were invented: with compressed, half-open and open lips, with the participation of one or two languages, different in duration, strength, etc. Modern sexology not only does not oppose the invention of the ancients, but also supplements it, taking into account latest scientific data. So, if earlier it was believed that kisses are needed primarily by a woman, now it has been proven that they are simply necessary for a man. And the main thing is not technique, but sincerity.

6. The concept of a "dysfunctional" family. Types of dysfunctional families

The concept of "dysfunctional family" does not have a clear definition in the scientific literature. Synonyms of this concept are used: a destructive family, a dysfunctional family, families at risk, a disharmonious family.

The problems that such a family faces relate to different aspects of life: social, legal, material, medical, psychological, pedagogical, etc.

At the same time, only one type of family problems is quite rare, since all of them are interconnected and interdependent. (For example, social disorder leads to psychological stress, which gives rise to family conflicts; material limitations do not allow meeting basic needs, and adversely affect the physical and mental health of adults and children).

A dysfunctional family is a family in which the structure is broken, basic family functions are depreciated or ignored, there are obvious or hidden defects in education, as a result of which “difficult children” appear.

Dysfunctional families can be divided into two large groups:

1. families with a clear (open) form of trouble:

conflict families;

Problem families

asocial families;

Immoral-criminal families;

families with a lack of educational resources (single-parent families).

2. families with a hidden form of trouble (internally dysfunctional): outwardly respectable families, but in them the values ​​and behavior of parents diverge from universal moral requirements, which affects the upbringing of children.

Families with an open form of trouble:

forms of family trouble have a pronounced character;

manifest simultaneously in several spheres of family life (for example, at the social and material level);

manifest themselves in an unfavorable psychological climate in the family;

the child experiences physical and emotional rejection on the part of his parents, he develops a feeling of inadequacy, shame for himself and his parents in front of others, fear for his present and future.

Families with alcohol dependence.

Family signs:

* Blurring, fuzziness of the boundaries of one's Self. Family life is disordered, unpredictable, children do not know which feelings are normal and which are not, this leads to the fuzziness of the boundaries of the child's personality.

*Negation. Much in the life of an alcoholic family is built on lies, on hiding the truth, adults deny the negative nature of what is happening, the child does not understand what is happening around.

* Inconstancy. The needs of the child are met from time to time, he experiences a lack of attention, tries to attract attention from adults by any means, including deviant forms of behavior.

*Low self-esteem. The child thinks that he is to blame for what is happening, transfers the guilt of adults onto himself.

*Lack of information about how normal families function.

An indicator of the psychological climate in such a family is the emotional state and behavior of the mother (wife). Living together with an alcoholic leads to characterological shifts, which is called “codependence” by experts.

The following dependencies are possible:

* the whole life revolves around the alcoholic, and the family is concerned about the impression that it makes on others;

* to the detriment of children, mothers spend a lot of energy caring for a drinking husband, run the household themselves, hide alcohol, try to control their husband;

all the wife's actions are motivated by fear, anxious foreboding, expectation of the bad.

Children in an alcoholic family:

become victims of a double standard: they see and understand what is happening in the family, but they are afraid to talk about it with others, they become withdrawn (“ This terrible family secret);

· live in a state of secrecy, subterfuge, deceit ("life in hiding");

· feel powerless and lack of a way out of the situation (“What is real?”);

· experiencing ambivalent relationship with father(attentive, affectionate, caring in a sober state and angry, aggressive, cruel - in a drunken state);

· watching struggle, conflict, quarrel parents - this causes children to dislike drinking and scandalous parents;

· experience fears and anxious forebodings - fear of the return of parents home, tend to leave home;

· experiencing disappointment- parents do not fulfill their promises, children know about the unfulfillment of the promised, do not trust them;

growing up too fast- older children are forced to take on parental functions, care for younger children and drinking parents. Children grow up and can take revenge on their parents for their abused childhood. The cruelty of parents breeds the cruelty of children;

· experiencing insults and humiliation, violence– drinking parents lose control over their behavior;

· experiencing abandonment- children are left to their own devices - which leads to failure to assimilate elementary family responsibilities and problems in the future family of the child;

low self-esteem, lack of self-esteem;

life in a world of fantasy, myths that allow you to survive -(“What if my father was always sober?”) – even to the point of thinking about the death of his parents.

conflict families.

Family signs:

* in the family there are constantly areas where the interests, intentions, desires of all or several family members collide, giving rise to strong and prolonged negative emotional states, the ongoing hostility of family members;

* conflict families can be noisy, scandalous, where raising the tone, irritability is the norm of the relationship between spouses or quiet, where there is alienation, the desire to avoid interaction;

* a conflict family negatively affects the formation of the child's personality, his behavior.

Children in a conflict family.

3 models are possible:

The child is a witness to family conflicts

experiencing feeling of insecurity, instability leading to pathological fear, constant tension, severe nightmares, self-isolation, inability to communicate with peers;

· need hide your strong emotions- prohibition in the family to express their feelings, which is characteristic of children's spontaneity;

· mental traumatization of children, increasing alienation, dislike for quarreling parents;

· aggressiveness towards the "wrong" in the opinion of the child, the parent and the acceptance of the other parent's side;

· capriciousness, inadequate emotional reactions due to the breakdown of the child's psyche.

The child is an object of emotional discharge of conflicting parents

* tension of parents, irritation, annoyance splashes out on children (especially when the child is similar in appearance or character to one of the parents) - addressing the child with harsh remarks, accusations, the parent continues the conflict with the spouse

and vice versa - the parent tries to eliminate his emotional dissatisfaction by increased care for the child, isolating him from the society of the other parent.

* If there is a conflict in the family on issues of upbringing - the inconsistency of the requirements of the parents to the child.

The child is a tool for resolving family disputes

* the mother, dissatisfied with her relationship with her father, compensates for the nervous tension on the children, provoking the appearance of emotional and behavioral disorders in them, and the father tightens his demands on the child;

* the child is faced with a choice - mom or dad, adapts, hypocrites, benefits from the conflict;

* some children develop a tendency to denunciation, cynicism, distrust of adults;

*symptoms of emotional disorders, irritability, anxiety, decreased mood tone, sleep and appetite disturbances are manifested.

Internally dysfunctional families.

Distrustful family:

Increased alertness in relation to others (neighbors, acquaintances, teachers), expectation of hostility;

Poor contact with others

frequent long-term conflicts with relatives;

In any conflicts (with peers, with teachers), parents consider only their child to be right;

Children in a distrustful family:

*children develop a distrustful-hostile attitude towards people;

* suspiciousness, aggressiveness, violation of contacts with peers;

* conflicts with teachers and educators;

* non-recognition by children of mistakes and their own guilt;

* it is difficult to make contact with teachers, they do not believe in sincerity and are waiting for a dirty trick.

Frivolous family:

* differs by a carefree attitude to the future, strives to live today;

* prone to momentary pleasures, her plans for the future are uncertain;

* the family lives by inertia, without making any attempts to change anything (old furniture, lack of things needed in the house, inability to organize leisure time other than watching TV, feasts);

* the family is constantly in a state of internal discord, conflicts arise over the slightest trifle.

Children in a frivolous family:

* grow weak-willed, disorganized, with unformed volitional qualities.

Tricky Family:

* appreciates enterprise, luck, dexterity in achieving life goals, the ability to achieve success at minimal cost, to deceive everyone;

* often circumvents laws and moral standards, prone to adventures;

* seeks to use others to achieve their own goals, creates a wide circle of useful acquaintances;

* to such qualities as diligence, patience, perseverance shows a dismissive attitude.

Children in a tricky family:

* fully adopt the views of adults;

*they form an attitude - violate, but most importantly - do not get caught!

Families focused on the success of the child:

* the child feels that all his positive relationships with parents depend on his success (he is loved as long as he does everything well);

* reproaches, edifications, punishments in case of impossibility to achieve the desired success;

* the child has a state of increased emotional stress, expectations of failure,

disruptions in the form of inadequate reactions to failure (suicide, leaving home).

Pseudo-mutual families:

* encourage the expression of only warm, supportive feelings, and hostility, anger hide, suppress.

Pseudohostile families:

*on the contrary, they hide, reject warm feelings, show hostile ones.

Children in a pseudo-reciprocal and pseudo-hostile family:

* the child learns not to feel, but to play with feelings, remains emotionally cold,

shows in the future non-interference, distancing.

Families of famous people:

* the family is constantly in the public eye;

* lack of manifestations of care, affection, attention to children.

Children in families of famous people:

* The first type of behavior -

Many children consider themselves exceptional from childhood, assuming that parental merits should be inherited;

They experience disappointment, grief, resentment and anger at others and their own parents if they do not receive recognition;

Selfish, arrogant, set peers against themselves;

They lead an idle life.

The second type of behavior is

They are hard pressed by the burden of parental glory;

Weighed down by the increased interest of others;

Strive to surpass their famous parents;

They suffer from loneliness and lack of attention from their parents.

Wealthy families:

* the family lives in a state of extreme and chronic stress;

* heavy family scenes and proceedings are carefully hidden by everyone, including children and relatives;

* parents, making a career, do not pay time and attention to children, entrust the upbringing of children to other persons (tutors, relatives).

Border families.

Families with disabled members:

* experience financial insufficiency, often children are left unattended

Families with disabled children:

* a typical initial reaction is the denial of the child's defect, disbelief in the presence of the disease, the hope of an erroneous diagnosis;

* secondary reaction - a feeling of anger, helplessness, hopelessness;

* often the family is preserved only formally out of a sense of duty to a sick child;

* parents experience unreasonable feelings of guilt, torment, feelings;

*feeling of shame due to the birth of a sick child, fear of condemnation of others,

sometimes - the accusation of doctors, teachers;

* show hyper-custody to the child;

*final reaction - emotional adaptation;

* Divorces often occur in such families.

Families with a violation of the structure of family roles:

Family-fortress (everyone around us is against us, family members are comrades-in-arms in the struggle);

Family theater;

Family resort;

Family with anti-sexual ideology.

Incomplete families and their types.

An incomplete family is a family that consists of one parent with one or more minor children. There is a category of functionally incomplete families - professional reasons make one of the parents often absent from the family.

There are several types of incomplete families:

divorced family

Orphaned family

single mother with child

For any type of single-parent family, due to the lack of male influence, they are characterized by:

The harmonious development of the intellectual sphere is disturbed, the mathematical, spatial, analytical abilities of the child suffer due to the development of verbal abilities (for full-fledged intellectual development, the child must be influenced by two types of thinking: male and female);

· the process of gender identification of boys and girls becomes less clear (development of female character traits in boys or "compensatory masculinity" in girls);

It is difficult for teenagers to learn the skills of communication with representatives of the opposite sex;

It becomes possible to form excessive attachment to the mother.

Child in a family of divorced parents:

Statistics (during and after the parents' divorce):

37.7% have reduced school performance,

19.6% suffer from discipline at home,

17.4% of children require special attention,

8.7% of children run away from home,

6.5% have conflicts with friends,

every fifth child with logoneurosis has experienced a divorce of parents

In the family upbringing of children without a father, three types of mother's attitude to this problem can be distinguished:

1. the mother does not mention the father and builds upbringing as if he never existed;

2. the mother tries to devalue the father in the eyes of the child, to convince that the father was bad;

3. The mother tries to see the father as a parenting ally who has certain merit.

Psychologists note several temptations that lie in wait for a mother who is left without a husband:

Life for a child- a woman sees the meaning of her life in raising a child, for her there is no personal life.

Fighting the image of a husband- a woman exaggerates the negative traits of her ex-spouse

Heredity- a woman looks for the negative traits of her ex-spouse in the child, explains the failures in education by heredity.

Attempt buy love baby- a stream of gifts, permissiveness.

A child in an orphaned family goes through several successive reactions:

shock - silent withdrawal into oneself or an explosion of tears, a feeling of discomfort;

denial of death


despair - the realization of the impossibility of returning the deceased;

anger - the child is angry with the parent who left him - tantrums, refusal to communicate, rudeness;

Anxiety and guilt - lead to depression;

fear of remarriage of the parent.

A child from a single mother's family:

* an illegitimate child is in the most disadvantageous social position compared to children from other types of single-parent families - social discrimination will accompany him all his life;

* the child becomes nervous, notorious, has low self-esteem;

* the process of gender-role identification is violated (homosexuality in boys, the assimilation of standards of behavior by a single mother by girls);

* Blind maternal love makes a child infantile.

According to psychologists, modern families are hindered in raising their children by:


Unorganized life - parents solve everyday problems and take little care of their children;

Insufficient level of pedagogical training of parents.

social role- a model of human behavior, given by the social position of the individual in the system of social institutions, public and personal relations. In other words, a social role is the "behavior" that is expected of a person who occupies a certain status.

Modern society requires a person to constantly change behavior patterns to perform specific roles. Young girls realize very early that they should be beautiful, and young men - that their image should be complemented by the image of a beautiful girl walking nearby. Gender roles predetermine age ratios in couples. In advertisements and TV shows, gray-haired men often appear in the romantic environment of partners much younger than themselves. Have you ever seen anything to the contrary

How and why does each new generation learn the behavior inherent in a particular gender role? This occurs in a process of learning based on reinforcement, punishment, and modeling (Bussey & Bandura, 1999). Violation of a model of behavior corresponding to a certain gender is severely punished, especially among adolescents. Let's say senior Ernie asks friendly nice Ellen to dance. Due to the fact that Ellen is not very good looking, Ernie's friends mercilessly mock him for asking the "ugly" out on a date. Ernie won't repeat his mistake again. His friend Justin, who has seen all this, will be careful in the future to invite girls who are not very pretty on a date. According to the cognitive theory of social learning, Justin only had to watch Ernie's punishment to understand that boys shouldn't ask unattractive girls out on dates.

Role relationships- this is a relationship due to the functional responsibilities of the subject. They are characterized, in particular, by the following features.

Impersonality. Roles are attached to everyone who is in the corresponding status place.

The conditionality of behavior by role responsibilities. A social role is a set of expected behavioral stereotypes associated with the performance of a well-defined, specific job. Difficult compatibility of social roles. The problem lies in determining what exactly and from whom is expected. The individual's opinion about his role does not always coincide with what others think about it and what it really is - everything can differ within wide limits. Survival of the asocial role of the subject. Roles are quickly learned and can significantly influence the behavior of the subject. Role relationships are represented by the following parameters. Role episode is defined by the assumption that the group takes a fixed position on some issue. This assumption becomes known to the role performer, who, in turn, forms the perception of what is expected of him, and, as it were, subsequently sets some behavior for a member of the organization. However, his behavior may differ significantly from the actual expectations of the group. Therefore, the behavior of the group may also change.

role set-- a set of roles corresponding to a given status is a group of individuals who form, store expectations regarding how the role performer should behave, exchange these expectations and let the role performer know about them. The role set indicates the behavioral stereotypes that exist in the social group. Role performers have clearer ideas about it in cases where the role set is small than when it is large. Small role sets are associated with the formation of cliques, or isolated small groups within a social group.

Role differentiation is defined as the degree of difference between types of functions between people. The higher the division of roles, the higher the role differentiation. It gives an idea of ​​how social roles are distributed in specific production circumstances. Any organization is faced with what is called the role problem, These include:

role conflict;

Role uncertainty;

Role overload.

There are many ways to solve role problems. One of them is connected with structural changes, change of work.

The social role is a specific mechanism by which public interests determine the behavior of the individual in various situations of communication.

The social roles required in specific situations of communication are developed by society over long periods of its development as socially approved types of people's behavior.

The style of role-playing behavior of a person is a personal coloring of the performance of a role, depending on the temperament, character, motivation and other characteristics of the individual, on her knowledge and skills.

The role behavior of the personality has two plans. These are actions due to:

1) regulatory requirements - "I" in the role proposed by the circumstances;

2) personal claims - "I" as such.

First plan of action- social form of role-playing actions, second plan- a psychological way of role-playing self-realization.

It is here that the essential problem that was discussed above arises - the difficult compatibility of social roles. The difference between what the subject refers to his role, what others think about it, and what is actually the "real" given role, as a rule, leads to intra-role and inter-role conflicts.

The subject of role relations

Role - a set of expected behavioral settings for a given position. These expectations depend only on the position occupied by the individual, and not on his personal characteristics, and will be the same for all individuals occupying this position. At the same time, each person can play (and usually plays) several roles at the same time. Roles at work, in the family, in the company of friends, they are all different from one another. We will focus our attention on work roles, that is, on roles that are directly related to our behavior at work. For these roles, several characteristics must be distinguished. First, work roles are impersonal. They apply to everyone who occupies a particular position. Second, roles have to do with task behavior. A role in an organization is a set of expected behaviors associated with performing a particular job. Third, job roles can be very difficult to fit together. The problem lies in determining who determines what is expected of whom. What we think is relevant to our role, what others think about it, and what it actually is can vary greatly. This makes it difficult to define what a "real" role is. Finally, roles are quickly learned and can have a significant impact on both attitudes and behavior. Much of what we think and do is determined by our roles. As roles change, so do our views. One of the most interesting problems is the so-called "problem of the foreman" (first-line supervisor). The role of the foreman is considered one of the most difficult in any organization. It is characterized by the fact that the foreman is forced to fulfill the largely conflicting expectations of managers - his immediate superiors and workers - his immediate subordinates. Managers are interested in efficiency, productivity and costs, while workers are more interested in the issue of their pay, safety and comfort.

Roles and progress of the group

An important area of ​​research is how worker roles are learned, changed, and affect group behavior and performance. These studies are represented by three main concepts: role episode, role set and role differentiation. The most common is the concept of a role-playing episode. The role episode begins with the assumption that a group of individuals takes a certain position. These assumptions somehow get through to the role player, who in turn shapes their perception of what is expected of them. This perception then guides his (her) behavior. But this behavior is significantly different from what the group expected. Therefore, the behavior of the group also changes. It should be borne in mind that the first two steps are expectations, while the second two are concrete actions. The second important concept is the role set. A role set is a group (set) of individuals who store and exchange expectations regarding how the role performer should behave, and also make him (her) aware of these expectations. The role set is useful in the sense that it can tell us about the behavior patterns that exist in the organization. Role players have a clearer idea of ​​their role when the role set is small than when it is large. Finally, small role sets are associated with the formation of cliques and isolated groups within an organizational unit. Role differentiation is extremely important in understanding the formal role structure of working groups. Role differentiation is defined as the degree to which different types of functions are performed by different (rather than the same) people. The higher this separation (and non-mixing) of roles, the higher the role differentiation. Thus, understanding roles gives us the opportunity to learn about how people understand what they should do in a particular position. Roles help to understand the processes of relationships and interactions that take place in the organization. role problems. Roles also help us understand the problems an organization faces. Among them are role conflict, role ambiguity and role reboot. Role conflict occurs when two or more expectations are incompatible. There are four different types of role conflict. They differ simply in the source of inconsistent expectations. The first type is known as an intrasender role conflict. It occurs when the same role set member (such as a boss) gives two or more incompatible quests. Another type of conflict is called an intersender role conflict. It occurs when two or more members of a role set have conflicting expectations (such conflicts abound in the job of a foreman). Another type of conflict is called interrole conflict. It occurs when two or more roles held by an individual contain incompatible requirements. The last type of conflict is called personality-role conflict. It refers to a situation where the personal positions of the role performer are incompatible with his role requirements. As a comment, it can be noted that a high level of role conflict leads not only to a lower degree of job satisfaction among employees, but also to a decrease in productivity and an increase in employee turnover. Role uncertainty. Role ambiguity simply means that the role performer does not know exactly what is required of him. In this case, the role performer may either not know the goals to be achieved, or may not know the ways to achieve these goals. The roots of role ambiguity should be sought in the role set when the expectations formed by this set are not clear enough (whereas in the case of role conflict they are clear but incompatible). While recognizing the negative impact of both role conflict and role ambiguity, it is necessary to ask which problem is more serious. The answer depends on the position occupied by the role performer. Role conflict is more of a problem at lower levels, while role ambiguity is at higher levels. Role reboot. Role reset occurs when the expectations and demands of a role exceed the capacity of the role performer. As a rule, the reason for this situation is also uncertainty. The problems caused by role conflict, uncertainty and reset are extremely serious and their impact on people and organizations is enormous. There are several ways to get rid of them.

Role relationships

The relationship between the participants in a communicative act, determined by the social situation and changing when the situation of communication changes. Speakers choose from an extensive repertoire of roles that are most appropriate for a given communication situation (buyer - seller, student - teacher, fellow student - fellow student, etc.)

Dictionary of sociolinguistic terms. - M.: Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Linguistics. Russian Academy of Linguistic Sciences. Managing editor: Doctor of Philology V.Yu. Mikhalchenko. 2006 .

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    role relationships- The relationship between the participants in the communicative act, determined by the social situation and changing when the situation of communication changes. The speakers choose from the repertoire of roles the roles corresponding to a particular situation: a student, a teacher, a policeman ... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

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