Height 158 ​​category b4 what troops. Category B3 in the army - which troops? Suitability category B3. Physical requirements for “A2”

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First of all, these include persons who are unable to perform military service due to health problems. To determine the ability of citizens, based on their health status, to perform military service, to undergo it in certain branches, types of troops in specific military specialties, fitness categories for military service, the decoding of which is given in Federal law. Later in the article we will look at the categories of suitability for military service.

Categories of suitability for military service: determination procedure

Finally, appeal the conclusion regarding the category of fitness for military service in court. It should be noted that the judicial procedure does not exclude the conduct of an independent examination of a military medical nature during trial. When a person who has been given a deferment from conscription remains subject to conscription at the time of its expiration, he is called for a medical examination in the general manner. Based on its results, a change in the category of fitness for military service is also allowed.

Russian citizens who have reached the age of 27 years and/or are in the reserve have the right to undergo repeated medical examinations. They are carried out by military commissariats. Based on the results of the examination, it is possible to change the fitness group for military service determined earlier. To change it, you need to do the following:

  • If you disagree with a certain degree of suitability, undergo an independent military medical examination;
  • File a judicial complaint against the conclusion with approval of a certain category of fitness for military service;
  • Pass a medical examination related to admission to;
  • Submit a written appeal to the head of the military commissariat department. It must contain a request to schedule a second medical examination. Here it is necessary to describe the changes that have occurred in the state of health. They must provide grounds for revising the conclusions of the military medical commission. This can be confirmed by medical documents attached to the application obtained as a result of a new examination.


Cancellation of the mandatory re-examination of persons who were previously recognized as partially fit for military service is not considered a basis for refusal to order a re-examination. In any case, a citizen who is recognized as partially fit and enlisted in the reserve in this regard has the right to a re-examination, as a result of which it is possible to change his category of fitness for military service. This conclusion follows, in particular, from the practice of judicial disputes.

If a refusal is received regarding a referral for a second medical examination, the citizen has the right to appeal it. An appeal is made in court if a person believes that there are actions (inactions) or decisions that violate his freedoms and rights. Such a complaint is considered in the standard manner. Based on the results of the hearing, the claims of the complaint may be satisfied.

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A future soldier going to serve under a contract or being called up to serve conscript service in the ranks of the Russian Army, must undergo a military medical examination, during which his suitability or unsuitability for military service will be determined. According to the results of the medical examination, the conscript will be assigned a certain fitness category, of which there are only five. If, after a medical examination, a young man is assigned fitness category “A”, then he is guaranteed to go to repay his military duty to his homeland. The only question is which troops?

What does fitness category “A” mean?

When a young man comes to a medical institution to undergo a military medical examination, he comes to the attention of doctors of various specialties. If the conscript has any documents confirming the presence of the disease, he must provide them to the commission, along with certificates from, for example, a drug dispensary, a dermatovenerological dispensary, etc.

During the medical examination, all conscript diagnoses are carefully checked against a special list called the “Schedule of Diseases,” which contains a list of all diseases that limit or exempt from army service.

“Schedule of illnesses” is a document on the basis of which a future military personnel is assigned a fitness category. If the council made a decision to assign the recruit category “A”, it means that he will serve, due to the absence of a non-conscription illness. In addition, this category is also assigned to those who have a non-conscription disease, but it is still in the initial stages, therefore, cannot become an obstacle to military service, since there are no functional impairments or disorders yet.

How is fitness category “A” assigned?

There is such a term as “diagnostic minimum,” which means that every conscript who appears for a medical examination must undergo an ECG, fluorography, and also undergo tests. In addition, an examination by doctors of seven specialties is required (ophthalmologist, surgeon, therapist, ENT doctor, neurologist, dentist and psychiatrist).

The purpose indicator (DI) is an important criterion that has numerical designation: 1, 2, 3, 4. This means that category “A” has several subcategories that determine the degree of suitability of a young man for service in certain troops.

Suitability category "A1"

This subcategory is considered the highest of all four, having the highest mission indicator, allowing a young man to serve in elite troops, for example, in the border guards, special purpose or air assault. Special forces, airborne forces, Marines are also included in this list. To get into the elite units, you must have suitable physical characteristics.

For example, service in the Airborne Forces implies the absence of excess weight. Of course, lack of it can also become a serious obstacle to becoming a paratrooper. There are also restrictions on height: the future fighter " winged infantry» cannot have a height below 175 and above 190 cm.

  1. No underweight or grade 2 obesity.
  2. Excellent hearing (whispered speech should be recognized from a distance of 6 m).
  3. Height is within 185 cm, and for future submarine sailors - no more than 182 cm.
  4. Absence of dichromasia and limitation of the visual field (the excess should not be more than 20 degrees).

Suitability category "A2"

If a conscript was assigned subcategory “A2” based on the results of a medical examination, it means that there were unpleasant moments in his life. For example, fractures of the upper or lower extremities, a serious illness that was successfully healed, or if at the time of the visit to the doctors he had residual effects of any ailments. To become a sailor and serve on submarines and ships, you must:

  1. Have a height of up to 182 cm.
  2. Do not be class 2 obese or underweight.
  3. Have excellent hearing (6/6).
  4. If there is a limitation of the visual field, this indicator should be no more than 20 degrees.
  5. Lack of dichromasy.

For young people who are subject to conscription tank forces(drivers, crew members) of tanks, armored vehicles and other military vehicles are subject to similar requirements, with the exception of some points. Thus, the height of a tanker cannot be more than 175 cm, and such an indicator as the audibility of whispered speech for crew members should be 3/3 or 1/4, and for drivers - 6/6 m.

Suitability category "A3"

When, by decision of the members of the medical commission, a conscript is awarded category “A3”, it means that he has some eye diseases. For example, a young man with slight myopia - within two diopters - may fall into this category. If correction is not required, then the young man can be called up internal troops, guard and chemical units, armored units, rocket troops and artillery. Suitability indicators are:

  1. Absence of 2nd degree obesity and underweight.
  2. Height is within 180 cm.
  3. The audibility of whispered speech is 5/5 or 6/6 m.
  4. Lack of dichromasy.
  5. Restriction of the visual field, completely absent or not exceeding 20 degrees.

Suitability category "A4"

When assigning this subcategory, you need to be prepared for the fact that a young man can be sent to serve in any branch of the military, with the exception of all those listed above. Suitability indicators are the same as for category A3. But what is the difference then? Category A4 includes conscripts who have either minor problems with vision or with their legs, namely with their feet. That is, if a conscript has first-degree flatfoot, he automatically falls into this category.

What you need to know

When passing a military medical examination, each specialist participating in this process makes his own conclusion. Consequently, each doctor has the right to determine not only the category of suitability, but also the indicator of purpose. But how then is the general category of suitability determined? According to the lowest PP. That is, if a neurologist puts category “A1”, a therapist “A2”, and an ophthalmologist - “A3”, then the military ID will indicate that the future soldier has been awarded category “A3”. It is noteworthy that the PP and the category itself are advisory in nature, and future fate the young man is determined by the recruiting station.

Is it possible to switch from one fitness category to another?

It happens that a conscript does not agree with the opinion of doctors, and the law allows him to challenge the decision of the military medical commission. Sometimes a subcategory or even a category is overestimated, especially when there is a shortage or the military registration and enlistment office “has a plan.” But if a young man has a commendable desire to serve in elite troops, but the subcategory assigned to him does not allow him to do this, then what? He can change it.

The main thing is that your health condition allows you to do this. The initial registration, which also involves passing a medical examination to determine the category, is not so scary. After all, before conscription, the young man will have to undergo a medical examination again, and during this period he can improve his health in order to have a chance to fall into a higher category.

One must express one’s disagreement with the doctors’ verdict not in the office of a medical institution or in the military registration and enlistment office, but through the competent use of legal instruments, and appealing the decision of the medical commission is possible not only administratively, but also in court. If a young man has been assigned a specific fitness category, and he does not agree with it, then he needs to request a referral for further examination, or for an in-person control medical examination (CMC). If the KMO does not satisfy the conscript, then he has the right to go to court, notifying the military commissariat of his decision.


What is fitness category A1? Conscription into the army lasts for a certain time, during the process it is necessary to determine which category of fitness a citizen belongs to. As you know, there are 5 categories in total: A, B, C, D and D. Often they have digital designations that are written next to each other; when determining for service, this data is taken into account. First, conscripts undergo a medical examination. On at this stage the doctor asks about previously suffered diseases and possible ailments that are present on the this moment.

The specialist analyzes the obtained indicators and draws a conclusion whether they can interfere with military service. It is important to identify psychological characteristics citizen. As for category A, it should be noted that this health group means fitness for the army; it may have numerical designations, for example, A1 or A2. Are there any differences between them? It is very important to understand this issue; you also need to find out which troops will assign a man who has been assigned this category.

The letter A means that the citizen is currently mentally and physically healthy.

It indicates that the person has not previously suffered serious illnesses that would have interfered with his service. The number 1 is needed so that the specialist can clearly indicate the health of the conscript. Based on category A, we can draw a conclusion about where he will be located and which troops he will be sent to. In order for a conscript to be assigned fitness category A at the military registration and enlistment office, he must meet certain criteria. Height should be from 177 to 185 cm. It is important that the citizen eats properly and nutritiously, excessive excess weight unacceptable. It is important to confirm the absence of digital weakness and dichromasia. What is the difference between fitness category A2? Which troops can recruit a conscript? In this case, there is a possibility that the citizen suffered injuries that were associated with fractures; perhaps he had previously suffered serious illness, but at the moment the person is healthy and fit for military service.

Indicators for category A2

In order for a conscript to be accepted for the crew of submarines and surface ships, good color sensitivity and complete absence dichromasia, the conscript must be no taller than 1.85 cm. It is important that he adheres to proper nutrition and had no problems with overweight. Category A2 includes members tank crews and engineering machines. If a citizen’s visual field is limited by more than 20 degrees, he is given the NG mark, which means that he is not fit for military service. Drivers must have excellent vision and no color weakness. A conscript's height fluctuates around 175 cm; if a person is obese or has a poor diet, he is considered unfit for military service.

The desire of conscripts to serve in certain troops, unfortunately, is not always the reason for the distribution of future fighters. Much attention in this process is paid to the health category that was assigned to the young man by the medical board.

Health categories

Before deciding which category of troops are recruited, let’s briefly analyze them:

  • A - conscription, fit for service;
  • B - conscription, suitability with minor restrictions;
  • B - exemption, limited validity;
  • G - deferment, temporarily unfit;
  • D - complete exemption, the citizen is not fit for military service.

If doctors of different profiles have given a conscript different values ​​of fitness for service, say A3, B1, B4, then to judge with which category they are recruiting for which troops, one should use the lowest one - B4.

The values ​​of the degree of suitability to some extent affect the region where the conscript will serve. If he is allergic to spring flowers, then most likely he will have to serve in the north, and if chronic acute respiratory infections or bronchitis are detected, then the conscript will be sent to serve in warmer climes.

In addition to diseases and pathologies that determine the fitness category (we will describe them all in detail below), each branch of the military (especially the most prestigious) has additional requirements for a young man - a certain height, weight, hearing, visual acuity.

Category "A"

A group to which a very small percentage of conscripts belong (which troops are recruited into with categories A1, A2, etc. - the next point). Guys who don't have (or don't have) strong influence on general state) pathologies and diseases:

Subcategories "A"

The group is divided into three categories - the lower the number, the fewer restrictions on distribution to the troops:

A1. The conscript has no signs of obesity or dystrophy, has acute hearing (6/6 m), no limitations in the angle of vision, or deviations in color sensitivity. Height ranges from 170-185 cm, weight no more than 90 kg.

Which troops are accepted into with category A1: airborne, marine, air assault, border, special purpose.

What troops are accepted into with category A2? For service on surface and underwater ships in the absence of obesity, dystrophy, vision problems, high rate audibility of speech in a whisper, height up to 185 cm.

A young man can also get into service as a driver or crew member of a tank, self-propelled guns, or engineering vehicles based on tractors. The conscript's height must be up to 175 cm, he should not have problems with weight or vision; for crew members, hearing acuity indicators can be 1/4 or 3/3.

A3. The young man has been diagnosed with subtle vision problems (dichromasia must be absent). Also, the conscript does not have obesity or dystrophy, must have good hearing acuity (5/5, 6/6), and not be too tall (up to 180 cm).

Troops: missile, anti-aircraft gunners, chemical units, guard units, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, drivers and crew of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers.

A4. The conscript has been diagnosed with impaired visual acuity, for example, myopia. The remaining indicators of health requirements are the same as in A3. Guys who fall into this category are assigned to branches of the military not named above.

Category "B"

This category is determined for most future fighters. The guys are fully fit for service, but with restrictions in some branches of the military. It is prescribed due to the presence of diseases and pathologies that do not pose a threat to life and health (for example, advanced myopia).

As practice shows, most young people with categories B1-B4 have little chance of getting into special forces (SN VV Ministry of Internal Affairs, SPN GRU), Airborne Forces, naval personnel, or the Marine Corps.

  • strategic missiles;
  • aerospace defense (secondary tasks);
  • ground: motorized rifle (by the way, the question very often comes up: “What category do they recruit into motorized rifle troops?”), tank, artillery and missile forces, air defense of the ground forces;
  • Navy: coastal only;
  • Air Force: radio engineering, anti-aircraft missile, special aviation, military transport, army, long-range, front-line aviation (secondary tasks - without participation in flights);
  • special forces: automobile, engineering, communications, electronic warfare, biological, radiation, chemical defense, railway (which category is accepted into the railway troops - most often it is B4).

Categories "B", "D", "D"

Let's look at what the remaining categories mean.

Group "B". A conscript with this category is exempt from military service during peacetime and is enlisted in the reserves. However, he will be eligible for conscription war time- for assembling a set of parts of the second stage.

Group "G". This is temporary unfitness for military service. The cause may be a serious health disorder or injury, in particular obesity, dystrophy, or fractures. The duration of the deferment is 6-12 months. If a draftee has several deferments, he will probably end up with a B. There is a deferment until reaching the age of non-conscription.

Group "D". The conscript is absolutely exempt from military service. The military ID confirms complete unfitness. Group “D” is marked with a special stamp in the passport young man.

Additional requirements

Speaking about which category of troops are taken into which, it is necessary to touch upon the special requirements for fighters of individual troops:

  1. Security units, guards, Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Height and weight: 155 (46-55 kg) - 180 cm (78-100 kg), vision not worse than 0.5/0.1.
  2. Naval composition of the fleet. Height and weight: 150 (42-52 kg) - 185 cm (67-94 kg), vision not worse than 0.5/0.4.
  3. Special units, airborne forces, attack aircraft, marines. Height and weight: 170 (53-66 kg) - 185 cm (67-94 kg), vision not worse than 0.6/0.6.

Also, to serve in all of the listed troops, good hearing is required - 6/6.

Urgent service is not possible on submarine fleet, in the border troops. It is open only to contract workers.

Which category of troops are recruited into - this question becomes more and more relevant for each conscription. Naturally, a certain category of fitness of a young man is the decisive moment in the distribution, but, as practice shows, it sometimes resembles Russian roulette - the decision can be quite unexpected for the conscript.

When carrying out conscription activities in relation to a conscript, one of its components is a medical commission (medical examination). At the medical commission, a conclusion is made regarding the conscript's suitability for military service for health reasons. The fitness category is determined in accordance with the Schedule of Diseases (Appendix to the Regulations on Military Medical Examination). From the approved fitness category depends on whether he will go to serve in the army or be released from execution military duty.

  • A - fit for military service; (subject to conscription)
  • B - fit for military service with minor restrictions; (subject to conscription)
  • B - limited fit for military service; (exemption from conscription: the conscript is enlisted in the Armed Forces Reserve and is issued a military ID)
  • G - temporarily unfit for military service; (deferment from conscription for 6-12 months)
  • D - not fit for military service. (exemption from military duty: the conscript is issued a military ID)
– More information about eligibility categories:
Suitability categories B1, B2, B3, B4
Fitness category B
Suitability category G
Fitness category D

As you already understood from the description suitability categories, in order to be released from the army, a conscript should achieve categories “B – limited fit” or “D – unfit”. Exactly these suitability category allow the conscript to legally don't go to the army.
Citizens often get confused with the wording of the categories “B – suitable with minor restrictions” and “B – limitedly suitable”. In the first case, you are subject to conscription, in the second, you are exempt from conscription.
The number after the letter “B” is called the mission indicator, determined in accordance with the Table of Additional Requirements of the Schedule of Diseases (Appendix to the Regulations on Military Medical Examination) and indicates the possibility of serving in a particular branch of the military.

When citizens are initially registered for military service (at the age of 17), a medical commission is conducted in relation to the future conscript, which determines his suitability category. It should be understood that no matter what is assigned, when a citizen reaches conscription age (18 years), the medical commission will have to be repeated (and often changes).

If you have already passed a medical examination and decided to draft you into the army, i.e. You were assigned suitability category“A” or “B” (and you do not have the right to a deferment), then do not despair. There are many legal ways to avoid being included in the ranks Russian army. In this case, it is better to trust the professionals and act immediately.

Remember, any medical report, as well as a decision on conscription into the army, can always be appealed to higher authorities and justice can be achieved.

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