Romanian forest Hoya-Bachu named the most mysterious place in the world - Locals. Cursed forest of transylvania bermuda triangle romania mystical forest hoya bachu

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Hoya Bachi - the scariest forest in Romania

Transylvania is a region where there is wild, untouched nature and weathered medieval castles. In one of them lived the most famous vampire in the world - Count Dracula. There is hardly another such mystical and legendary place in Europe as this. In addition to the castle of the tough count, there is another creepy attraction - the Hoia Baciu forest, which is located near the city of Cluj-Napoca and is considered one of the most terrible in the world.

On the Internet, you can find reports that there are ghosts in the Romanian forest. People disappear there, and perhaps there is even a portal to another dimension. There are quite a few strange stories, and some of them talk about UFOs. There is only one conclusion to be drawn: what is happening here cannot be explained by terrestrial phenomena.

According to legend, it all started with the disappearance of a shepherd and his herd of 200 animals, who once entered the forest and did not return.

True, no one can say exactly when this European Bermuda Triangle swallowed up the shepherd and his sheep. According to documented evidence, inexplicable things began to happen there at the latest since the 60s. It was at this time that UFOs were repeatedly seen, several of which were captured in photographs.

People who visited Khoya Bachi told how they felt that someone was watching or following them. Many also spoke of panic attacks, nausea and dizziness. There were traces of fire on the trees, although there were no fires there. Many visitors to the forest complained about the occurrence of strange scratches and even burns.

Many have tried to explain what is happening in the forest. Some believe that creepy stories are just fiction to attract more tourists.

Transylvania in central Romania is famous for its legends about Dracula, its provinces and ancient castles. Many people still do not believe that this land exists. Due to the mountainous borders, Transylvania is rightly called "the land beyond the forests." This amazing area hides the most haunted Hoya Bachu forest in the world.

The forest of Hoya Bachu is located outside the town of Cluj-Napoca, known as the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania" due to the mysterious events and paranormal phenomena taking place in this area. Stories of strange occurrences refer to the forest. Ghostly visions, mysterious sounds, inexplicable hallucinations, flying lights, the appearance of geometric shapes, trees twisting are some of the common experiences visitors to the forest have. There are also stories of travelers disappearing suddenly without any explanation. It is assumed that thousands of people disappeared in a strange place.

paranormal activity

People living in the area believe that whoever enters the forest never returns, and the ominous place is haunted by the spirits of brutally murdered peasants. They punish anyone who enters their territory.

People said that as they walked along the edge of the forest, they felt a pair of eyes watching them. Many heard strange laughter and sounds coming from the trees. Some visitors to the forest have seen strange faces without bodies and an incomprehensible glow that suddenly appears out of nowhere. People who entered the thicket came out with unexplained rashes, scratches, and burns, while others experienced headaches, nausea, or nosebleeds.

Photographs taken in the forest showed shadowy figures and images that were not there when the picture was taken. Between twisted and crooked trees there is one special circle where there are no trees at all - the “bald meadow”. Paranormal experts believe that this is the peak area of ​​the dark forces.

UFO sighting

According to the stories of local residents, UFOs are often noticed in Hoya Bachu and the missing people are associated with alien abductions. The forest was especially famous for its sightings of alien objects in the 1968 and 1970s. The most recent UFO was seen in 2002. Two local residents recorded a 27-second video of a bright object flying over the forest. The object then sped off into the sky and disappeared.

Portal to another dimension

There is an opinion that Hoya Bachu is a gate to another dimension or a border between worlds. Many visitors to the strange place reported that there is not enough time in the forest. For example, a story about a little girl who got lost in a thicket. She was searched for a long time and unsuccessfully. Five years after this incident, local residents found a crying girl outside the forest zone. She looked the same as she had five years ago, but did not remember what happened to her. It seemed to her that very little time had passed since she had entered the forest.

Researchers have repeatedly visited and studied the Hoya-Bachu forest. Many believe that it is indeed a place of paranormal phenomena and UFOs. One of the proposed theories concerned supersonic waves, which cannot be heard by the human ear. However, these sound waves can create sharp physical effects from their vibrations. They can also be the cause of the audio hallucinations and physical discomforts that visitors to the forest experience.

Stories about sightings of strange phenomena, a dead zone of vegetation, the lack of time in Hoya Bachu, can be exaggerated. However, many still believe that something strange is really happening in the forest - there is a force at work that goes beyond imagination and violates the logic of our world.

Some forests on Earth are truly creepy places. Strangely curved trees, flickering shadows, unknown sounds emanating from the void, chilling the soul with a piercing echo of the howl of animals instill in a person the fear of the unknown and mystical. For the most part, as a rule, there is no real danger in all this, and this eerie feeling is only present in our minds, but what is happening in one sinister forest of Transylvania actually exists, and can drive even the most convinced skeptic crazy. . The legendary habitat of vampires, ghouls and werewolves - Transylvania (region of Romania), is also known for its cursed forest; dark, ominous, full of various inexplicable phenomena and strange incidents.

The forest of Hoia-Baciu is located to the west of the city of Cluj-Napoca in Transylvania, in a far from remote and frequently visited area. This area is very popular among explorers because of its huge number of strange phenomena. Although the area of ​​the forest is only 3 square kilometers, it nevertheless has a long history of unexplained phenomena, and boasts a full range of oddities, including the appearance of ghosts, UFOs, magnetic anomalies, ghosts, spectral faces, disembodied voices, mysterious disappearances, unexplained physical impact on visitors. It is hard to imagine such a place on Earth where so many oddities would be concentrated in such a small area. For all his inexplicable phenomena, Hoya-Bachi has earned the nickname "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania."

Most of the locals avoid hiking in this forest. As it turned out, the name of the forest itself comes from an inexplicable phenomenon. Legend has it that Baciu (Romanian for "shepherd of sheep"), once led a herd of sheep through the forest, but never left it. Despite all efforts to find the shepherd, no trace of him was found, just like the traces of 200 sheep. As if they all just disappeared from the face of the Earth. The area quickly gained notoriety in local folklore as a place from which no one returns. The inhabitants of this area also believe that the ghosts of brutally murdered peasants roam the forest, and those who enter here with their own cruel thoughts will be punished by the forest in justice. This sinister reputation as a cursed place has long kept people in fear, for a long time it was considered dangerous to even talk about Hoya Bachi.

It is not difficult to understand why such legends and folklore have taken over this place. The atmosphere of Hoya Bachi is very gloomy and formidable, with its ancient, gnarled trees, in the bark of which you can see screaming faces, strange signs, and burns on the trunks. Electronic equipment in the forest refuses to work, and the compass needle spins in all directions. Eyewitnesses often talk about the intangible thick air that permeates the space around with fear. The most common manifestations in the forest that visitors encounter include unexplained, strong and severe anxiety, excessive thirst, feeling someone's eyes on oneself, fear, sudden, powerful panic attacks for no apparent reason, and a strong desire to flee, even with the absence of any danger.

Some visitors have reported severe migraines, and feelings of disorientation, nausea, dizziness, a sense of lost time, and unexplained sharp pains in various parts of the body. Among the mysterious incidents in the forest, eyewitnesses testified to a loss of consciousness, later they found themselves in a completely different place and could not understand how much time had passed. Others described powerful memories of their past that literally came crashing down on them when they entered the forest, but then disappeared as soon as the person left this cursed place. In other cases, people reportedly went on astral travel, they described how their minds flew, they saw themselves from above, they saw the forest, and then they returned back to the body again. Many people, just a few minutes after they entered the forest, experienced such strange physical sensations as tingling in the body, tickling, or electric current. Occasionally, Hoya Bachi guests complained of unexplained physical injuries such as nosebleeds, bruises, scratches, scars, and even burns appearing on the body on their own.

However, an all-pervading cloud of anxiety, feelings of being watched, mysterious physical sensations, and injuries inflicted by invisible forces do not seem to be the worst thing that can happen in Hoya Bachi. Travelers report that they often hear disembodied voices or laughter. Perhaps the most terrible phenomenon in the forest is considered to be suddenly flashing faces of people in front of frightened visitors. These faces can also be seen in the photographs taken in this forest. Mutilated, distorted faces also materialize from the trees themselves, here you can find thickets of branches that seem to grow into faces. Separate reports tell of a thick black fog that seeps through trees and bushes. Among other things, unknown otherworldly voices can be heard from radios and telephones in these places.

Forests can be really spooky places, but there seems to be something going on in Hoya Bachi that goes beyond "just" spooky.

The Crooked Forest, where all the trees are uniformly deformed, looks like a fabulous place, as if a magic spell of a strong wizard had worked here. Old pine trees, planted almost a hundred years ago, grow in the most unthinkable way. About 400 trees were planted in 1930, but when the seedlings grew, the trunks of all the trees leaned towards the north.

An area of ​​bizarrely curved pines is located near Griffin in western Poland and is called the Crooked Forest. All the trees in the warped area have a mysterious 90-degree bend towards the north at the base. The reason why the trees took such an unusual shape is still unknown. This unique or magical forest is still a great mystery, showing off a landscape of warped space.

The twisted trees are surrounded by a large forest of straight growing pines, with only 400 trees having an unnatural curve. It is estimated that the trees should have grown normally for 7-10 years, but apparently the intervention of an unidentified force caused the curvature. Excluding the bend, the trees can be said to have grown tall and intact.

The small town where the trees were planted was completely destroyed during World War II and was only rebuilt after the 1970s. Perhaps for this reason, no one knows the truth about the Crooked Forest, there was no one to clarify the mystery of the enchanted place.

Probably the trees were bent using some kind of tools or technique, trying to solve the riddle of the anomaly different versions. However, the cause and technology are still unknown.

It is said that a group of farmers planted the trees and gave them such an exotic shape to create natural warped wood. The goal was to later use the trees as a building material in furniture or shipbuilding. During World War II, the invasion of Poland interrupted the work of the people, and they left these peculiar trees as we see them today.

Some say that a strong snow storm could knock the young trees down, giving them a rare shape. Other theorists point to a different vector of gravitational attraction in this area, considering it to be the cause of the anomalous phenomenon.

A closer reason for the appearance of the "magic forest" is the invasion of Poland by German tanks. The iron cars raced through the young forest, flattening the trees, causing them to grow twisted.

At the same time, all the reasons given are our imagination and theories, there is no witness who could explain the story. The reason for the appearance of the Crooked Forest is still a mystery, also related to the anomalous zone of the Crooked Forest Hoya-Bachu, whose history is overshadowed by frightening events.


Transylvania, nestled in central Romania, is famous for its terrible legends of Dracula's villainy and castles with grandiose history. Until now, many people do not believe that this land even exists. Surrounded by mountainous borders, Transylvania is rightly called "the land beyond the forests." The area of ​​legends and vampires shelters the most frightening forest in the world - the forest of Hoya-Bachu.

Hoya Bachu Enchanted Forest - Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania

The forest of Hoya-Bachu, located outside the city of Cluj-Napoca, is known as the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania". It's all about the mysterious incidents of the most real paranormal activity. Ghostly sightings, mysterious sounds, inexplicable hallucinations, flying lights, the appearance of geometric shapes, twisting trees - these are the smallest impressions of visitors to the Hoya-Bachu forest.

There are also stories of travelers disappearing suddenly and without a sound. Some of those who disappeared after a while reappeared, and, according to them, did not disappear at all. Others have disappeared, perhaps forever. It is assumed that the enchanted forest transferred hundreds of people to another space.

The forest of Hoya-Bachu got its name and became famous from an incomprehensible incident. Once a local shepherd Bachu disappeared in the forest, and a large flock of 200 sheep also disappeared. Early in the morning he drove the sheep to the market, intending to follow the path of the forest...they were never seen again. The missing man was searched for a long time, but no traces were found.


With regard to the forest, people believe that anyone who enters it runs the risk of never returning home. According to superstitious opinion, the spirits of peasants who were brutally killed in the forest live here. Their spirits were locked inside the forest, and now they often punish those who enter here.

Still others sin at all on Vlad Tepes, who made this place his patrimony for entertainment. The infamous figure used to hunt in these places when he was resting from his gloomy deeds. Or maybe the forest thicket was chosen by the devil himself.

Many people walking along the edge of the forest experienced the disturbed feeling of an invisible observer. Others heard strange laughter and indistinct voices from behind the trees, or even saw strange faces without bodies, suddenly appearing out of nowhere. Also, fireballs fly out from behind the trees. People who ventured into the anomalous area of ​​the forest often came out with unexplained rashes, scratches, and burns. Some suffered severe headaches, nosebleeds and nausea.

Between the twisted and crooked trees of the Hoya-Bachu forest, there is a special circular area where there are no trees at all. Paranormal experts believe that the activity of otherworldly activity is at its peak here.


There are often reports of UFOs flying over the forest. The reason for the disappearance of people is also associated with alien abductions. True, those who believe in magic and sorcerers are sure: evil spirits are holding a conference!

Hoya-Bachu forest first became famous for its UFO sightings in 1968. Biologist Alexander Sift, having become interested in the mystery of the forest full of anomalous phenomena, visited an amazing place. He was even lucky enough to capture an unidentified object flying over the trees in the frame.

Then that same year, on August 18, military technician Emil Barney collected sharper photographs of similar objects. Then a UFO was captured in 2002 from the top floor of an apartment building in the nearby city of Cluj.

Two local residents recorded a 27-second video of a bright, cigar-shaped object flying over a forest that disappeared as it dived into the sky. The last UFO sighting was in 2016, although we can talk about it conditionally - these are not “usual” flying saucers, but flattened spheres surrounded by fiery light.


An interesting hypothesis sees a passage to another dimension in the fantastic area of ​​the forest, considering the "enchanted place" the boundary between ours and the other world. Many visitors have reported that even time disappears in the forest.

One of the recent cases is the disappearance of a five-year-old girl. She entered the forest and got lost. Search parties searched for the child for a long time, but did not find any traces of the missing. Five years after this incident, local residents discovered that the girl was crying near the forest. The child looked like she was five years old, and her clothes also corresponded to the time of disappearance. She did not remember anything about those five years when she was considered missing.

Many researchers have visited and studied the Hoya-Bachu forest, concluding that the forest is indeed a haven for paranormal phenomena and UFOs. One of the proposed theories even concerned the influence of supersonic waves. The supposedly anomalous region can be the source of such waves that cannot be heard by the human ear.

Such waves can create sharp physical effects from their vibrations. They can cause audio and visual hallucinations. They are likely to be the cause of the physical inconvenience that visitors to the forest face. On the other hand, how, then, to explain the disappearance of people?

Stories of UFO sightings, paranormal activity, vegetation dead zone, lack of time in Hoya Bachu can be exaggerated. However, many are still sure that something unnatural is really happening in the forest.

In many anomalous zones, a certain force is visible that goes beyond our imagination and violates the logic of our world. Let's wait and see if someone in the future can solve the mystery of the twisted trees anomalies.

Near Cluj.

It is called the "Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania".

The BBC made a film about the mysticism of this place, Nicolas Cage was interested in its phenomenon.

According to legend, at the beginning of the last century, the forest (then it was simply called Hoya) began to change literally before our eyes. The straight trunks of the trees gradually bent at monstrous angles. The ground was overgrown with thick moss. Animals gradually disappeared from the forest, followed by almost all the birds. The sinister reputation of the Hoya forest began to justify immediately after the end of the First World War. A shepherd lived in one of the local villages. One day in June, a shepherd drove a flock of 200 heads to a fair in Cluj. His path ran through the forest. Bachu went there early in the morning and ... disappeared without a trace. No traces of either the shepherd or the sheep could be found. Since then, the forest, like a predator that tasted the taste of human blood, demanded more and more victims. Within a few years, several more people disappeared in Hoya Bachu. Their bodies were also not found.

In the 1960s, the Romanian biologist Alexander Sift became interested in the Hoya-Bachu phenomenon. He became the first scientist who seriously took up the study of the paranormal zone. For a number of years, Alexander, despite the danger, crossed the forest far and wide, spent the night in the thicket, and held photo shoots there.

Alexander Sift noted that in the depths of the forest there is a strange round clearing on which there is no vegetation.

When the films were developed after nightly photo shoots, the researcher drew attention to another strange feature. Many photographs show round luminous objects that are not perceived by the naked eye.

... In 1968, the case of Sift was continued by the Romanian military engineer Emil Barni. Shortly after the observation began, he managed to photograph a UFO above the treetops. Nowadays, numerous ufologists from different countries of the world - Germany, France, Great Britain, Hungary come to Hoya-Bacha.

In 2016, another film was released exploring the Hoya-Bachu phenomenon.

A photo posted by Poetic Heretic (@poeticheretic) on Apr 28, 2016 at 1:19am PDT

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