Russian photographers and their work. Analysis of the great flights - the work of famous photographers of the world. Helmut Newton is the best nude photographer

Sometimes one photo can replace 1000 words. Talented photographers know this and know how to get into our hearts through this amazing art form. The art of photography has been exciting us for many years.

Today we have access to technologies that can turn ordinary photos into beautiful pictures. We use photo editors, buy the latest digital cameras and cool photo paper, like this , for the plotter. We get good pictures on this matte paper and we can print them on a plotter. But to become a truly talented photographer, you need something more. List of the most popular photographers of all time and their most famous photographs.


Jay Meisel is a well-known contemporary photographer who became famous for his simple yet original shots. Even though he doesn't use complex lighting, he manages to capture vibrant and gorgeous shots.

2. Red wall and rope - Jay Meisel.

Brian Duffy was a famous British fashion photographer from the 60s and 70s. At one time he lost interest in photography and burned most of his work, but then the love of photography returned to him.

Brassai is the pseudonym of Gyula Halas, a famous photographer who became famous for photographing ordinary people. His shots are an expression of pure feelings and emotions.

Annie Leibovitz specializes in portraits. The photographer is best known for her collaborations with Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone magazine. Her stunning celebrity photography makes her the world's most sought-after celebrity photographer.

Jerry Welsmann is famous for his collages. There is not an ounce of Photoshop in Jerry's work. All this is the result of a photo lab master.

Robert Capa is known for his war photographs. He has been in five wars: the Spanish Civil War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, World War II, the Arab-Israeli War, and the First Vietnam War.

Everyone has seen these pictures: a selection of the most famous and most impressive photographs that have repeatedly circled the whole world.
"The most famous photograph that no one has ever seen" is how Associated Press photographer Richard Drew calls his picture of one of the victims of the World Trade Center, who jumped out of the window to her death on September 11

Malcolm Brown, a 30-year-old photographer from New York, following an anonymous tip, filmed the self-immolation of Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc, which became a protest against the repression of Buddhists.

A 21-week-old fetus that was supposed to be born in December of last year, in the womb before starting spinal surgery. At this age, a child can still be legally aborted.

The death of the Al-Dura boy, filmed by a TV station reporter, as he is shot to death by Israeli soldiers while in the arms of his father.

Photographer Kevin Carter won a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph "Famine in Sudan" taken in early spring 1993. On this day, Carter flew to Sudan specifically to shoot scenes of hunger in a small village.

A Jewish settlement confronts Israeli police as they enforce a Supreme Court decision to demolish 9 houses in the Amon settlement outpost, West Bank, February 1, 2006.

A 12-year-old Afghan girl is the famous photograph taken by Steve McCurry in a refugee camp on the Afghan-Pakistani border.

July 22, 1975, Boston. A girl and a woman fall trying to escape the fire. Photo by Stanley Forman/Boston Herald, USA.

"Unknown Rebel" on Tiananmen Square. This famous photograph, taken by Associated Press photographer Jeff Widene, shows a protester who single-handedly held off a tank column for half an hour.

The girl Teresa, who grew up in a concentration camp, draws a "house" on the blackboard. 1948, Poland. Author - David Seymour.

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001 is a series of coordinated suicide terrorist attacks that took place in the United States. According to the official version, the Islamist terrorist organization Al-Qaeda is responsible for these attacks.

Frozen Niagara Falls. Photo taken in 1911.

April 1980, UK. Karamoja region, Uganda. Hungry boy and missionary. Photo by Mike Wells.

White and color, photograph by Elliott Erwitt, 1950.

Young Lebanese people drive through the devastated area of ​​Beirut on August 15, 2006. Photo by Spencer Platt.

The photograph of an officer shooting a handcuffed prisoner in the head not only won a Pulitzer Prize in 1969, but also completely changed American attitudes towards what was happening in Vietnam.

Lynching, 1930 This shot was taken when a mob of 10,000 whites hanged two black men for raping a white woman and killing her boyfriend. Written by Lawrence Beitler.

At the end of April 2004, the CBS program 60 Minutes II aired a story about the torture and abuse of inmates at the Abu Ghraib prison by a group of American soldiers. This became the loudest scandal around the presence of Americans in Iraq.

Burial of an unknown child. On December 3, 1984, the Indian city of Bhopal suffered from the largest man-made disaster in the history of mankind: a giant poisonous cloud thrown into the atmosphere by an American pesticide factory killed more than 18,000 people.

Photographer and scientist Lennart Nilsson became internationally famous in 1965 when LIFE magazine published 16 pages of photographs of a human embryo.

Photograph of the Loch Ness Monster, 1934. Author - Ian Wetherell.

Riveters. The picture was taken on September 29, 1932 on the 69th floor of Rockefeller Center during the final months of construction.

Surgeon Jay Vacanti of Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston in 1997 managed to grow a human ear on the back of a mouse using cartilage cells.

Freezing rain can form a thick crust of ice on any object, destroying even giant power lines. In the photo - the consequences of freezing rain in Switzerland.

A man tries to alleviate the difficult conditions for his son in a POW prison. March 31, 2003. An Najaf, Iraq.

Dolly is a female sheep, the first mammal successfully cloned from the cell of another adult creature. The experiment was set up in the UK, where she was born on July 5, 1996.

The 1967 Patterson-Gimlin film documentary of a female Bigfoot, the American Bigfoot, is still the only clear photographic evidence of the existence of living relic hominids on earth.

Republican soldier Federico Borel Garcia is depicted in the face of death. The picture caused a huge uproar in society. Photographed by Robert Capa.

A photograph taken by reporter Alberto Korda at a rally in 1960 claims to be the most publicized photograph in history.

The photo, which depicted the hoisting of the Banner of Victory over the Reichstag, spread around the world. 1945 Author - Evgeny Khaldei.

The death of a Nazi functionary and his family. The father of the family killed his wife and children, then shot himself. 1945, Vienna.

For millions of Americans, this photograph, which photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt called "Unconditional Surrender", has become a symbol of the end of World War II.

The assassination of the thirty-fifth US President John F. Kennedy was committed on Friday, November 22, 1963 in Dallas (Texas) at 12:30 local time.

On December 30, 2006, former President Saddam Hussein was executed in Iraq. The Supreme Court sentenced the former Iraqi leader to death by hanging. The sentence was carried out at 6 am in the suburbs of Baghdad.

The US military is dragging the body of a Viet Cong (South Vietnamese rebel) soldier on a leash. February 24, 1966, Tan Binh, South Vietnam.

A young boy looks out from a bus loaded with refugees who have fled the epicenter of a war between Chechen separatists and Russians near Shali, Chechnya. The bus returns to Grozny. May 1995 Chechnya

Terry the cat and Thomson the dog share who will be the first to eat Jim the hamster for dinner. The owner of the animals and the author of this wonderful photo, American Mark Andrew, claims that no one was hurt during the photo shoot.

French photographer Henri Cartier Bresson, who is credited with the founders of the genre of photo essay and photojournalism, took this shot in Beijing in the winter of 1948. The photograph shows children queuing for rice.

Photographer Bert Stern was the last person to photograph Marilyn Monroe. A few weeks after the photo shoot, the actress died.

There were times when alcohol was sold to children - it was enough for a parent to write a note. In this frame, the boy proudly walks home, carrying two bottles of wine to his father.

The final of the English rugby championship in 1975 gave rise to the so-called "striking" - this is when naked people run onto the field in the midst of a sporting event. A fun hobby, nothing more.

In 1950, at the height of the Korean War, General MacArthur, when the Chinese launched a counteroffensive, realized that he had overestimated the capabilities of his troops. It was then that he uttered his most famous phrase: "Retreat! For we are moving in the wrong direction!"

This photograph of Winston Churchill was taken on 27 January 1941 at a photography studio in Downing Street. Churchill wanted to show the world the resilience and determination of the British during World War II.

This photo was remade into a postcard and for a long time was the most popular postcard in America. The photo shows how three girls with dolls are arguing furiously about something on the alley of Sevilla (Spain).

Two boys are collecting fragments of a mirror, which they themselves broke before. And there is still life all around.

Russian photographer Dmitry Ageev, winner of the 2014 Hasselblad Masters Awards, created a series of portraits of children suffering from epidermolysis bullosa as part of a joint project between Citibank, Mastercard and the Butterfly Children Foundation. The disease makes the child's skin so vulnerable that any touch causes him pain.

But you can help butterfly children without a single touch. For this, posters with contactless payment technology were created - you can make a donation of 100 rubles simply by holding your payment card to the poster. The initiative was launched in December 2016 and has already managed to attract the attention of millions of people, including movie stars, pop stars, and sports.


Photographer from San Francisco Kelsey McClellan(Kelsey McClellan) with stylist Michelle Maguire(Michelle Maguire) created the original Wardrobe Snacks photo series. On it, clothes and various foods are harmoniously matched in texture and color.


Dutch photographer Robert Harrison(Robert Harrison) with Chef Robbie Postma(Robbie Postma) created an amazing Menu photo series. With the help of various real culinary elements, the chef's face was put on make-up, or even various masks, from seafood, spices, coffee beans, broken glasses, etc. Although the pictures look creepy, they can not be admired. Watch the video below to see how the photo series was created.


German photographer Robert Gotsfried(Robert Götzfried) visited twenty Catholic churches in Germany and took photos of old music bodies. In the photographs, the author reflected the pipes of the organ, striking in their beauty and perfect symmetry.

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Turkish photographer and designer Aydin Buyuktash() continues to create pictures that turn the imagination around. While traveling in the United States, the author took many pictures, and upon arrival home, he created an impressive series of photo manipulations from them. In them, he combined shots of the same place, from above, and landscapes with a receding perspective. As a result, a feeling is created that the terrain is wrapped towards the top.


Australian photographer John Platt(John Platt) created a photo series of vehicles from the blockbuster Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). Although most of the cars were destroyed as scrap metal, the photographer managed to capture some of them. He cleaned up these post-apocalyptic cars and bikes from dust and dirt and took impressive studio photos.

What makes a photographer famous? Decades spent in the profession, acquired or invaluable experience? No, the only thing that makes a photographer famous is his pictures. The list of famous photographers of the world consists of people with a bright personality, attention to detail, and the highest professionalism. After all, it is not enough just to be in the right place at the right time, you also need to be able to correctly display what is happening. Being a good photographer is not easy, let alone professional. We want to introduce you to the greatest classics of photography and examples of their work.

Ansel Adams

"What the photographer is able to see, and what he sees - to say, is of incomparably greater importance than the quality of technical equipment ..."(Ansel Adams)

Ansel Adams (Ansel Easton Adams Born February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American photographer best known for his black and white photographs of the American West. Ansel Adams, on the one hand, was gifted with a subtle artistic flair, on the other hand, he had an impeccable command of photographic techniques. His photographs are full of almost epic power. They combine the features of symbolism and magical realism, inspiring the impression of the "first days of Creation". During his lifetime, he created over 40,000 photographs and participated in more than 500 exhibitions around the world.

Yusuf Karsh

“If, looking at my portraits, you learn something more significant about the people depicted in them, if they help you sort out your feelings about someone whose work has left a mark on your brain - if you look at a photograph and say: “Yes, it’s him” and at the same time you learn something new about a person - then this is a really good portrait” ( Yusuf Karsh)

Yusuf Karsh(Yousuf Karsh, December 23, 1908 - July 13, 2002) - Canadian photographer of Armenian origin, one of the masters of portrait photography. During his life he made portraits of 12 US Presidents, 4 Popes, all British Prime Ministers, Soviet leaders - Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, as well as Albert Einstein, Ernest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, Bernard Shaw and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Robert Capa

“A photograph is a document, looking at which one who has eyes and a heart begins to feel that not everything is safe in the world” ( Robert Capa)

Robert Capa (real name Endre Erno Friedman, October 22, 1913, Budapest - May 25, 1954, Tonkin, Indochina) is a Jewish photographer born in Hungary. Robert Capa was not going to become a photographer at all, life circumstances pushed him to this. And only courage, adventurism and bright pictorial talent made him one of the most famous war reporters of the twentieth century.

Henri Cartier Bresson

«... photography can capture infinity at one point in time... " (Henri-Cartier-Bresson)

Henri Cartier-Bresson (August 2, 1908 – August 3, 2004) was one of the most important photographers of the 20th century. Father of photojournalism. One of the founders of the photo agency Magnum Photos. Born in France. Was fond of painting. He paid much attention to the role of time and the "decisive moment" in photography.

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange (Dorothea Margarette Nutzhorn, May 26, 1895 - October 11, 1965) - American photographer and photojournalist / Her photographs, bright, striking in the heart with their frankness, nakedness of pain and hopelessness, are silent evidence of what hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans had to endure, deprived of shelter, basic means of subsistence and all hope.

This photograph has been literally the epitome of the Great Depression for many years. Dorothea Lange took the picture while visiting a vegetable picker camp in California in February 1936, wanting to show the world the resilience and resilience of a proud nation in hard times.


“There is always a chance - and each of us hopes for it. Only a bad photographer takes one chance in a hundred, while a good photographer uses everything.

“Every creative person has two dates of birth. The second date - when he will understand what his true calling is - is much more important than the first "

“The purpose of art is to elevate people to a level that they could not reach in any other way”

“There are many photographs full of life, but incomprehensible and quickly forgotten. They lack strength - and this is the most important "(Brassai)

Brassai (Gyula Halas, September 9, 1899 - July 8, 1984) was a Hungarian and French photographer, painter and sculptor. In Brassaille's photographs, we see the mysterious Paris in the light of street lamps, squares and houses, foggy embankments, bridges and almost fabulous wrought iron bars. One of his favorite techniques was reflected in a series of photographs taken under the headlights of rare cars at the time.

Brian Duffy

“Every photograph taken after 1972 I have seen before. Nothing new. After a while, I realized that photography is dead ... " Brian Duffy

Brian Duffy (June 15, 1933 – May 31, 2010) was an English photographer. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Sammy Davis Jr., Michael Caine, Sidney Poitier, David Bowie, Joanna Lumley and William Burroughs have all stood in front of his camera.

Jerry Welsman

“I believe that the ability of a person to convey things beyond the visible is enormous. This phenomenon can be observed in all genres of fine arts, as we are constantly looking for new ways to explain the world, which sometimes reveals itself to us in moments of understanding that go beyond the boundaries of our usual experience.(Jerry Welsman)

Jerry Welsman (1934) is an American theorist of the art of photography, teacher, one of the most interesting photographers of the second half of the twentieth century, a master of mysterious collages and visual interpretations. The surreal collages of the talented photographer conquered the world when Photoshop was not even in the project. However, even now the author of unusual works remains true to his own technique and believes that miracles are happening in a darkened photo lab.

Annie Liebovitz

“When I say I want to take a picture of someone, it means I want to get to know them. Everyone I know, I photograph" ( Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz)

Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz (Anna-Lou «Annie» Leibovitz; genus. October 2, 1949, Waterbury, Connecticut) - famous American photographer. Specializes in celebrity portraits. Today it is the most popular among women photographers. Her work graces magazine covers. Vogue, Vanity Fair, New Yorker and Rolling Stone, she was posed naked by John Lennon and Betty Midler, Whoopi Goldberg and Demi Moore, Sting and Devine. Annie Leibovitz managed to break the stereotypes of beauty in fashion, introduce older faces, wrinkles, everyday cellulite and imperfection of forms into the photo arena.

Jerry Gionis

“Set aside at least five minutes a day to try to accomplish the impossible - and you will soon feel the difference” ( Jerry Gionis).

Jerry Gionis - the top wedding photographer from Australia is a real master of his genre! No wonder he is considered one of the most successful masters of this direction in the world.

Colbert Gregory

Gregory Colbert (1960, Canada) - a pause in our fast paced world. Stop on the run. Absolute silence and concentration. Beauty in silence and immobility. The feeling of delight from the feeling of belonging to a huge living being - the planet Earth - these are the emotions that his works evoke. Within 13 years, he made 33 (thirty-three) expeditions to the most remote and exotic corners of our vast and at the same time such a tiny planet: India, Burma, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Dominica, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tonga, Namibia, Antarctica. He set himself one task - to reflect in his works the amazing relationship between man and nature, the animal world.

In fact, the list of the greatest photographers is quite long, and these are just a few of them.

Everyone knows popular actors, singers, politicians, but do you know the most famous photographers in Russia? It is they who give the world beautiful portraits, vivid photo reports and create new types of photography.

Portrait photography

One of the most common types of photography is portrait photography. A skilled photographer must convey the character of a person, his emotions and mood with just one frame.

Lyalya Kuznetsova

Lyalya Kuznetsova was born in Kazakhstan in 1946. She graduated from an aviation institute and worked as an engineer for some time. In the 70s, the girl became interested in photography, and already in 1978 she began working as a photographer at the Kazan State Museum of Art.

Lyalya specializes in portrait photography. Her most famous exhibition is "The Road" - a series of photographs about the life of gypsy camps. The first photographs for this exhibition were taken in the late 70s, when the photographer decided to shoot one of the last gypsy camps in the USSR.

Oleg Videnin

The photographer was born in 1963 in Bryansk. After school, Oleg Videnin entered the Institute of Technology with a degree in forestry engineering. He worked as a forester. Later he tried his hand as a theater actor, but photography fascinated him more. Oleg decided to specialize in portrait photography.

In the late 90s, when various Internet portals appeared where you could publish your own pictures, real popularity came to Oleg. He became one of the most mentioned photographers on the Runet.


Photojournalists use photography as their primary means of conveying information. A true professional in his field must be objective and independent.

Vladimir Vyatkin

Vladimir Vyatkin was born in 1951. Since childhood, he was fond of music and photography. Immediately after graduating from the boarding school, he went to work as a photo laboratory assistant at the APN. In 1971, Vladimir was drafted into the army, but upon his return he again went to work at the Novosti Press Agency, where he continues to work to this day.

Vladimir prefers to photograph public and social topics, art, sports. He developed the style of neopictorial photography. He has participated in numerous special projects for National Geographic magazine. He is a laureate of the international photo contest World Press Photo and many other prestigious competitions.

Alexander Zemlyanichenko

The famous photojournalist Alexander Zemlyanichenko was born in 1950 in Saratov. Immediately after moving to the capital in the 80s, he began to collaborate with the magazine "Rovesnik". Later he was accepted into the staff of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

Since the beginning of the 1990s, a well-known Russian photographer has been running the photo service at the Moscow office of the Associated Press agency. Alexander is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and is also a Kremlin pool photographer.

Military photojournalist

Military photojournalists risk their lives on a par with soldiers. They get into the thick of military conflicts in order to get the most relevant shots.

Yuri Kozyrev

Yuri Kozyrev was born in 1963 in the Russian capital. He graduated from Moscow State University, faculty of journalism. In 1986 he took up photography professionally. He was the first to cover the largest regional conflicts and wars on the territory of the former USSR (Abkhazia, Moldova, both Chechen wars, Beslan). Also, since 2002, he lived in Baghdad, where he came to work at the personal invitation of Saddam Hussein.

The famous photographer is the winner of many international competitions, such as World Press Photo, Press Photo of Russia, The World Press Club Photo Award, Visa pour L'image, The Overseas Press Club Oliver Rebbot Award and many others.

Evgeny Khaldei

The most famous photographers in Russia - Evgeny Khaldei and his work

Evgeny Khaldei was born in Donetsk (the old name is Yuzovka) in 1917. He took his first picture with a homemade camera at the age of 13. From the age of 16, Eugene began his work as a photojournalist. Since 1939 he has been a correspondent for TASS Photo Chronicle. The photographer worked for TASS during the Great Patriotic War. He traveled all 1418 days of the war with a Leica camera from Murmansk to Berlin.

In 1995, in Perpignan, at the International Festival of Photojournalism, Yevgeny Chaldei was awarded the most prestigious award in the art world - the title "Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters". One of the most famous Russian photographers died on October 6, 1997.

Mark on history

Some photographers have made invaluable contributions to the art of photography. Their inventions are used to this day, and their works are admired by contemporaries around the world.

Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky

Russian photographer, publisher, teacher and chemist (a student of Dmitri Mendeleev himself) Sergei Prokudin-Gorsky was born in 1863 in the Russian Empire. Since 1887, Sergei began to make reports on the technical results of his photographic research to the Fifth Department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society. Further, his career develops rapidly. He becomes a pioneer of color photography in Russia, patents many new technologies in the field of photography.

During his lifetime, Sergei managed to work with the Lumiere brothers for several years. The most famous Russian photographer of that time died in 1944 in Paris.

Alexander Rodchenko

Alexander Mikhailovich Rodchenko was born in 1891 in St. Petersburg. He is the founder of constructivism, design and advertising in the USSR. The photographer worked with his wife, artist-designer Varvara Stepanova.

The photographer became famous after a series of psychological portraits of his close and famous personalities. He later presented foreshortened shots of buildings. Years later, on behalf of the OGPU, he removed the completion of the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal. One of the most famous Russian photographers died in 1956.

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