With which institutions is interdepartmental interaction carried out. IV. Forms of interdepartmental interaction. The main "core" of the system of interaction and social partnership

The real estate state registration service, working to improve the quality of public services in its field, operates in a multi-vector manner. An electronic portal through which you can get some information, advice from a specialist on a hotline, an electronic queue, opening registration windows in multifunctional centers ...

One of the most difficult areas of activity of the department is interdepartmental interaction with other bodies of state services.

Interdepartmental interaction is the exchange of documents and information, including in electronic form, between authorities, bodies of state non-budgetary funds in order to provide citizens and organizations with state and municipal services.

What is it for? The main voiced motive: to significantly reduce the list of documents and all kinds of certificates required when registering a particular real estate transaction. And indeed, today we no longer have to attach some pieces of paper - the specialists of the registering authority will independently request the document it needs from an adjacent department.

Especially important is the open exchange of information between Rosreestr and the cadastral chamber. At the moment, this process has not been perfected. The difficulty is the uncorrected and diverging (for various reasons) data on some real estate objects in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and the State Property Committee. In the language of professionals, the coordination of such conflicting information is called harmonization. It is the harmonization of data that will eliminate the numerous errors that arise in connection with the registration of real estate, transactions with it, payment of taxes, etc.

At the present time, you can find out about the features of interdepartmental interaction by looking at any existing branch of the cadastral authority, for example, at the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestra" in the Bryansk region.

Normative legal regulation of relations arising in connection with the provision of state and municipal services is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2011 No. No. 1184 "On measures to ensure the transition of federal executive bodies and bodies of state non-budgetary funds to interdepartmental information interaction in electronic form."

Since July 1, 2012, the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestra" in the Bryansk region switched to interdepartmental information interaction in the provision of public services with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, organizations subordinate to these authorities.

At present, this transition allows the provision of state and municipal services to citizens without requiring from them the information and documents that other authorities and state organizations that participate in interdepartmental information interaction have.

When applying for services to the cadastral authority, the applicant has the right not to provide a number of documents necessary for the implementation of the state cadastral registration of real estate, for example:

  • a document confirming that a land plot belongs to a certain category of land - a decision to classify a land plot to land of a certain category;
  • a document confirming the established permitted use of the land plot - a decision on establishing the type of permitted use of the land plot;
  • permission to put the capital construction object into operation;
  • other documents named in the Federal Law of July 24, 2007 No. 221-FZ “On the State Real Estate Cadastre”.

The above documents will be requested by specialists without the participation of applicants within the framework of interagency cooperation.

But it is necessary to note an important point for understanding the mechanism: the cadastral authority requests approved materials, and does not order their design in the authorized bodies. And you can only request what is already there. If a document (for example, assigning a land plot to a certain category of land) has not been previously issued by the local government, the citizen will have to apply to the local government for the execution of such a document. In other words, within the framework of interdepartmental interaction, only those documents are provided that are available in the authorities and state organizations participating in the interaction.

The specialist of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FKP Rosreestra" in the Bryansk region notes that the branch, within the framework of interagency cooperation, provides state authorities and state non-budgetary funds with the information contained in the state real estate cadastre free of charge, in the form of the following documents:

  • copies of the document on the basis of which information about the property is included in the state real estate cadastre;
  • cadastral extract about the property;
  • cadastral passport of the property;
  • cadastral plan of the territory;
  • cadastral certificate of the cadastral value of the land.

The main consumers of this service are the Federal Tax Service, the Federal Property Management Agency, Rosprirodnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, the Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Bailiff Service, as well as local authorities of the Bryansk Region (the procedure for providing the above information was approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 2010 No. 75 “On establishing the procedure for provision of information entered in the state real estate cadastre”).

It should be noted that sending interdepartmental requests is allowed only for purposes related to the provision of public services, and officials who have sent unreasonable interdepartmental requests are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 7.1. Federal Law No. 210-FZ).

The main task facing the Cadastral Chamber is to improve the quality and accessibility of public services of Rosreestr, including the provision of services in electronic form. To achieve these goals in full, public authorities and local governments need to ensure the effective use of information and telecommunications technologies.

In this regard, the specialists of the cadastral authority strongly recommend that the authorities and organizations participating in interdepartmental interaction submit requests to the cadastral registration authority electronically through the Rosreestr services portal (

On improving the interdepartmental interaction of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency on the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation, developed in accordance with paragraph 2 of section I of the minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission on juvenile affairs and the protection of their rights of December 21, 2016 city ​​No. 14.

to the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia
dated 23.08.2017 No. ТС-702/07

on improving interdepartmental interaction of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency on the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation

I. General provisions

Guidelines for improving interdepartmental interaction between bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency on the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines), developed in accordance with paragraph 2 of section I of the minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission on Juvenile Affairs and protection of their rights dated December 21, 2016 No. 14.

These Guidelines are addressed to bodies and institutions that are part of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency (hereinafter referred to as the prevention system), and are designed to improve the efficiency of work on the timely identification of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, as well as on their socio-pedagogical rehabilitation and/or preventing them from committing offenses and antisocial acts.

Interdepartmental interaction - joint coordinated actions (decisions) of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction on the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation;

Information interdepartmental interaction - the exchange of documents and information, including in electronic form, between the subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction on the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation;

Subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction - bodies and institutions of the prevention system, other bodies and organizations participating within their competence in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency;

The procedure (regulation) of interdepartmental interaction is a document that defines the list of subjects (participants) engaged in interdepartmental interaction, types of activities carried out within the framework of interdepartmental interaction, the procedure and forms of interdepartmental interaction, requirements for the content, forms and conditions for the exchange of information, including in electronic form, the procedure for monitoring and evaluating the results of interdepartmental interaction.

II. Principles of interdepartmental interaction

Interdepartmental interaction should be based on the principles:


Delimitation of competence between subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction;

Exclusion of duplication of procedures for collecting and processing information about minors and families in a socially dangerous situation by subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction;

Individual approach in organizing work with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation;

Ensuring the confidentiality of information received in the process of interdepartmental interaction.

In addition, the applied approaches to the methodology for classifying families as being in a socially dangerous situation and in need of preventive work in relation to them are recommended to be carried out on the basis of the principle of presumption of good faith of parents in exercising parental rights. In accordance with the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, raising a child for parents is an integral part of the exercise of parental rights, therefore, bodies and institutions of the prevention system, when identifying minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, are recommended, first of all, to recognize and respect the rights and obligations of parents, legally responsible for the child.

Thus, the principle of the presumption of good faith of parents implies the good faith of the actions of parents in relation to their children until the relevant bodies and institutions of the prevention system (for example, the commission on minors and the protection of their rights, the guardianship and guardianship authority or other authorized body) the opposite facts will be recorded and established, testifying to the dishonest behavior of parents in relation to their children.

III. Subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction

The organization and coordination of interdepartmental interaction on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is carried out by the commission for minors and the protection of their rights, created by the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and operating on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

The organization and coordination of interdepartmental interaction on the territory of a municipality (urban settlement, municipal district, urban district, urban district with intracity division, intracity district, intracity territories of cities of federal significance) is carried out by the territorial commission for minors and the protection of their rights, created by the highest executive body of the state the authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, or a municipal commission for minors and the protection of their rights, created by a local self-government body (hereinafter referred to as the territorial [municipal] commission).

The subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction are:

Commissions for juvenile affairs and protection of their rights;

Management bodies of social protection of the population;

Bodies exercising management in the field of education;

Guardianship and guardianship authorities;

Youth authorities;

Health authorities;

Employment agencies;

Internal affairs bodies;

Institutions of the penitentiary system (detention centers, educational colonies and penitentiary inspections).

Institutions created in these bodies that perform certain functions for the prevention of neglect and delinquency of minors, as well as commissioners for children's rights in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other bodies, institutions and organizations can participate in interdepartmental interaction within their competence in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or) the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of local governments, as well as resolutions of the commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and (or) territorial (municipal) commissions.

Commissions of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and territorial (municipal) commissions, when organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction, taking into account an individual approach to working with minors and families in a socially dangerous situation, are recommended to use the full potential of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction.

The chairmen of the commissions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the chairmen of the territorial (municipal) commissions are personally responsible for organizing the work of the relevant commissions for coordinating issues of interdepartmental interaction.

IV. Forms of interdepartmental interaction

Interdepartmental interaction can be organized in the following forms.

1. Interdepartmental analysis and interdepartmental forecasting are used to collect data (information) necessary to identify problems in the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Interdepartmental analysis is aimed at joint analytical developments of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, where, based on the results obtained, further forecasting of the effectiveness of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation can be built.

The combination of information flows organized by various subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction makes it possible to foresee the emergence of new problems in the family that is the object of interdepartmental interaction (for example, possible conflicts between a minor and his parents [other legal representatives]).

It seems necessary to analyze the totality of the data obtained by the body organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction (the commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the territorial [municipal] commission) from the point of view of predicting scenarios for the development of events, which predetermines the alignment and tactics of using various professional forces.

2. Holding meetings of the commission of the subject of the Russian Federation, territorial (municipal) commissions, as well as advisory bodies created by them (if any): working groups, councils, headquarters, councils and other bodies.

3. Joint development of guidelines, rules, procedures, regulations that are mandatory for the subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction during their joint work, the establishment of which before the start of joint work with families in a socially dangerous situation affects the final result of interaction.

4. Coordination of documents necessary both for the organizational aspects of the implementation of interdepartmental interaction, and for the implementation of the joint professional activity itself.

5. Carrying out joint comprehensive targeted activities, inspections, projects, operations, etc.

This form can be of two types.

Firstly, this is a set of measures designed for a long period with the consistent accumulation of information, professional experience in working with families in a socially dangerous situation, and the phased introduction of forces and means of various subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction (implementation of interdepartmental programs for the social rehabilitation of minors and families in a socially dangerous situation).

Secondly, these are short-term, single joint actions of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction (for example, a survey of housing and living conditions in which a family lives).

When implementing this form, the body organizing and coordinating interdepartmental interaction (a commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a territorial [municipal] commission), in agreement with other subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, can determine the circle of participants in the event who have the professional skills necessary to perform the assigned tasks.

6. Development of a unified strategy for joint interaction (for example, in the field of prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency).

The results of the joint development of a strategy can be implemented in proposals for the preparation of various organizational and tactical measures, complex operations, joint work plans, departmental acts (orders, resolutions) or local decisions.

7. Working meetings of heads or other representatives of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, which are organized to increase the efficiency of mutual information, response to a problem that has arisen (for example, the fight against neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency).

At such meetings, agreements are reached on the coordination of actions and the exchange of information, and plans for joint events are prepared.

8. Information interdepartmental interaction, which is implemented through information exchange between subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction, including using modern technologies (for example, the Internet information and telecommunication network, local interdepartmental networks, databases, and others).

This form allows you to conduct network consultations, webinars, conference calls, teleconferences.

When organizing interdepartmental interaction, various forms of interdepartmental interaction can be used simultaneously.

V. Informational interdepartmental interaction

Information interdepartmental interaction is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”.

The conditions for the exchange of information, the requirements for its content and forms of presentation, including in electronic form, are recommended to be fixed in the procedure (regulation) for interdepartmental interaction, which may have the status of a regulatory legal act or be approved by a resolution of the commission of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and (or) territorial (municipal) ) commissions.

When developing requirements for the content, forms and conditions for the exchange of information, including in electronic form, it is advisable to provide for:

Creation (determination) of the operator of the interdepartmental interaction system, which will ensure its functioning in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of information, information technologies and information protection;

The possibility of using centralized databases and classifiers of information systems connected to the system of interdepartmental interaction. It is recommended that participants in interdepartmental interaction access electronic services for interdepartmental interaction in order to obtain information, the content and volume of which are necessary in order to exercise the powers vested in the subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction;

Protection of transmitted documents and (or) information from unauthorized access, distortion or blocking from the moment the specified documents and (or) information enter the system of interdepartmental interaction;

Storage of documents and (or) information contained in electronic services of information systems of subjects (participants) of interdepartmental interaction connected to the system of interdepartmental interaction and monitoring the performance of electronic services;

Conditions for organizing interdepartmental interaction;

The form for submitting an interdepartmental request and a response to this request;

Responsibility for untimely provision of documents and (or) information within the framework of interdepartmental interaction.

Document overview

Methodological recommendations are presented for improving the interdepartmental interaction of bodies and institutions of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency on the organization of preventive work with families in a socially dangerous situation.

Forms of interaction, participants are indicated. Information exchange issues are regulated.

interaction is the basis
social support
in organizations of social
Olga Ivanovna,
professor, doctor
sociological sciences

1. Interdepartmental interaction: concept, essence
and tasks in the social sphere
2. Interdepartmental interaction in the organization
social support: types and forms of implementation
3. Regulatory grounds for interdepartmental

4. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction
5. Effective technologies of social work on
interdepartmental level in the organization of social

1. Interdepartmental interaction: concept, essence and tasks in the social sphere

Interdepartmental interaction in the social sphere -
is the process of pooling resources
public authorities
local authorities
organizations of various departmental affiliations
business structures
for the implementation of measures to implement the rights
The essence of interdepartmental interaction in
social sphere is a complex of interconnected
resources of the social sphere involved in solving
human problems

The main tasks of interdepartmental interaction

Maximum mobilization (inclusion) of industry resources
Development and implementation of programs, plans, measures, including
interdepartmental resources
Coordination and control of participants' activities
Alignment of resources and solutions
Participation in monitoring activities and evaluating results
interagency cooperation

2. Interdepartmental interaction in the organization
social support:
types and forms of implementation
Art. 22
Assistance in providing
– medical;
- psychological;
- pedagogical;
– legal;
– social assistance
not related to
social services
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the Basics


Social support
carried out
if necessary, citizens
including parents, legal
representatives of minors
by involving organizations
providing medical,
psychological, pedagogical,
legal, social assistance
(not related to social

Organization of social support
Implemented on
Social support activities
reflected in the individual program
Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ "On the Basics
social services for citizens in the Russian Federation"

Types of interdepartmental interaction in
implementation of social support
Immediate response
(crisis response, emergency assistance)
Joint participation (implementation of activities for
social support)
Engagement of specialists
(interdisciplinary teams)
information exchange
(interdepartmental electronic interaction)

Forms of implementation of interdepartmental interaction
with social support
Governing bodies
The documents
databases (banks) of data


3. Regulatory bases for interdepartmental
interactions with social support
Federal Law No. 120-FZ of June 24, 1999 “On the Fundamentals of the System
prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency”
Federal Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998 “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights
Federal Law of April 24, 2008 No. 48-FZ "On guardianship and guardianship"
Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ “On the Basics of Health Protection
citizens in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law No. 495-FZ of December 28, 2014 “On the Fundamentals of Social
Services to Citizens in the Russian Federation"
Federal Law of January 8, 1998 No. 3-FZ “On Narcotic Drugs and
psychotropic substances"
Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in
Russian Federation"
Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection
disabled people in the Russian Federation"
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2016 N 1839-r “On approval
Concepts for the development of early intervention in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020
of the year"


Regulatory bases of interdepartmental
interactions with social support:
documents of the city of Moscow
Law of the city of Moscow dated April 7, 1999 No. 16 "On the prevention of neglect and
juvenile delinquency in the city of Moscow"
Law of the city of Moscow dated April 13, 2005 No. 12 "On the organization of activities
commissions on affairs of minors and protection of their rights"
Law of the city of Moscow dated September 28, 2005 No. 47 “On the empowerment of local authorities
self-government of intracity municipalities in the city of Moscow
the powers of the city of Moscow for education and organization of activities
district commissions on juvenile affairs and protection of their rights"
Law of the City of Moscow dated October 26, 2005 No. 55 “On additional measures of social
support for the disabled and other people with disabilities in the city
Moscow" (as amended on 12/16/2015)
Law of the city of Moscow dated April 14, 2010 No. 12 “On the organization of guardianship,
guardianship and patronage in the city of Moscow"
Law of the city of Moscow dated July 9, 2008 No. 34 “On social services
population of the city of Moscow
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated March 25, 2008 No. 195-PP "On the Strategy
Government of Moscow on the implementation of state policy in the interests of children
"Moscow Children" for 2008-2017"
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP



4. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction
Regulation - a document containing binding legal norms
1. Regulation
executive power of the city of Moscow in the organization of social
service and social support of citizens in the city of Moscow
2. Regulations for interagency cooperation in the field of detection
family problems and organization of work with families,
who are in a socially dangerous situation or difficult
life situation
3. Regulation
minors and protection of their rights and the State
budgetary special educational institution for
students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior
the city of Moscow of the professional educational school "Chance"
Department of social protection of the population of the city of Moscow
4. Regulations for interagency cooperation in the field of identification and
organization of work with minors who use
narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors

13. Regulations for interdepartmental interaction between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the organization of social services and social

Regulations for interdepartmental interaction between executive bodies
authorities of the city of Moscow in the organization of social services and
social support of citizens in the city of Moscow, approved
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP
"On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow"
carried out in order to timely and
quality provision to citizens
social services, as well as assistance in
providing citizens with medical,
psychological, pedagogical,
legal, social assistance,
relating to social services

14. Participants of interdepartmental interaction

Department of Social Protection
population of the city of Moscow
Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for
the city of Moscow
City Health Department
services in the city of Moscow
City Department of Education
execution of sentences in the city of Moscow
Department of Labor and Employment
population of the city of Moscow
Office of the Federal
services in the city of Moscow
Department of Culture of the City of Moscow. State institution - Branch
Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
Department of Physical Culture and
in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region
sports of the city of Moscow
Department of Transportation and Development
road transport
infrastructure of the city of Moscow
State institution - Moscow
branch of the Social Insurance Fund
Russian Federation.
"The main thing
the Bureau
medical and social
expertise on

citizens in the city of Moscow"

15. Forms of interdepartmental interaction

Exchange of documents and (or) information used for recognition

Providing assistance on issues arising in the recognition process
citizen in need of social services, providing
social services, social support
Creation of coordinating and advisory bodies, working groups
in order to carry out concerted actions related to
recognition of a citizen in need of social services,
provision of social services, social support
Regulations for interdepartmental interaction of executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the organization
social services and social support of citizens in the city of Moscow, approved by a resolution
Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP "On social services for citizens in the city of Moscow"

16. Activities for social support are carried out

participants in interdepartmental interaction (bodies
their subordinate organizations
organizations that provide services that are not related to
social services,
service providers
agreements on interagency cooperation, other agreements
interdepartmental interaction, their subordinate
organizations and other organizations
Regulations for interdepartmental interaction between the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the organization of social services and social
escort of citizens in the city of Moscow, approved by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 26, 2014 No. 829-PP “On social services
citizens in the city of Moscow"


5. Effective technologies of social work at the interdepartmental
level in the organization of social support


The specifics of interdepartmental interaction in
solving various problems
Organization of early aid
prevention of social orphanhood
Organization of prevention of child abandonment at birth and (or)
placement in medical facilities
Providing timely assistance to families with children affected by
Assistance in family placement of orphans and children left without
parental care
Organization of escort for minors in conflict
with the law, and their families
Support for families raising a "special child"
Accompanied accommodation
Accompanied employment


Map of interdepartmental social
social support resources
Portrait of a family (categories of citizens receiving services) on
county (district) level
The structure of needs (general characteristics, most
probabilistic queries, expectations)
Interdepartmental infrastructure (bodies
state administration and local self-government,
organizations of different departmental affiliation, SO
NGOs, business structures, socially active citizens)
Personnel potential of the coordinating organization
interdepartmental interaction in social


Interdepartmental interaction at various
stages of social support
Diagnostic-search stage identification of the problem, collection of complete information
Contract stage
designing the actions of specialists, determining the area of ​​responsibility for
problem solving, including the development of an individual program and its
approval at the interdepartmental working group, conclusion of an agreement on
social support
Activity stage - the stage of "professional support"
implementation of actions to solve the problem in accordance with the approved
an individual program and an agreement on social support,
intermediate diagnostics and monitoring in order to correct further
actions against a citizen (family)
Reflective stage
conducting final diagnostics and monitoring the effectiveness of social
support to determine the need for further social
support or its termination with the development of further recommendations e
"Supporting stage" - the stage of post-maintenance
monitoring the situation after the provision of the necessary state assistance


Regulations for interdepartmental interaction of bodies
executive power of the city of Moscow when organizing
social service and social support
List of participants in interdepartmental interaction
Types of activities carried out by executive bodies
state power within the framework of interdepartmental interaction
Procedure and forms of interdepartmental interaction
Requirements for the content, forms and conditions of information exchange, including
number in electronic form
The mechanism for the implementation of measures for social support, including
including the procedure for involving organizations in its implementation
The procedure for exercising state control (supervision) and evaluation
results of interdepartmental interaction

Interdepartmental information interaction is carried out within the framework of the provision of municipal and state services to the population. It involves the exchange of data and documentation, including in electronic form.


The exchange of information and documentation is carried out between municipal and state bodies that provide relevant services to citizens and legal entities. The system of interdepartmental interaction also involves authorized units subordinate to federal or territorial structures, multifunctional centers, specialized departments of extrabudgetary funds.


The organization of interdepartmental interaction acts as one of the directions of the reform of the administrative system. It is focused on increasing the availability of municipal/public services. This task is realized by reducing the amount of documentation provided by the applicant. The missing materials and information should be obtained by the authorized structures themselves.

Normative base

For the first time, the requirements for creating a system of interdepartmental interaction were formulated in Federal Law No. 210. Subsequently, they were included in the Concept for Eliminating Administrative Barriers that Existed for a Long Time in the Country and Increasing the Level of Availability of Municipal/Public Services for 2011-2013. The program fixed the basics of interdepartmental interaction, general rules and terms for its implementation. The concept was approved by government decree No. 1021-r dated June 10, 2011. The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade has developed Methodological Recommendations for the transition of local and federal bodies to the provision of services through a system of interdepartmental interaction.


The exchange of data and documentation in electronic form is currently a priority area of ​​interagency cooperation. For this, the SMEV was formed. The electronic interaction system consists of regional segments. Thanks to the SIEV, the authorized bodies are able to quickly exchange the necessary materials, which significantly reduces the time for considering applications.


The preparation of proposals concerning the organization of interaction between authorized bodies is assigned to the Interdepartmental Group. To implement the provisions of Federal Law No. 210 and the above Concept, a list of public services was formed, the provision of which is carried out as part of the exchange of data and documentation between the competent structures. Similar work is carried out by local government institutions.

SMEV functions

Within the framework of interagency cooperation:

Problems of interdepartmental interaction: registration

One of the tasks of the system is to ensure the reliability of the transmitted data. Currently, the outgoing document is registered by the sending authority, and then re-registered by the recipient structure. This raises the question of guaranteeing the integrity of the information bases of departmental systems. For example, an attacker, having learned the passwords of administrators, can change or delete this or that entry.

Unique identificator

It is assigned to each document, regardless of whether it is outgoing or incoming. The unique identifier acts as a serial number. It uniquely defines both the document itself and the registration card. Meanwhile, the number is unique for a particular departmental system. This means that messages with the same ID can end up in the central database.

Improvement of interagency cooperation

To solve the issue of guaranteeing the integrity of databases, according to experts, it is possible by introducing a third party. It will be the administrative center of the system. There would be no attached files in its database, that is, the documents themselves. At the same time, it would contain key information about them. Such a system, on the one hand, must be subject to sufficiently high requirements for performance and uninterrupted operation. At the same time, it must ensure the integrity, authenticity, and reliability of the materials sent.

This task is realized due to the fact that, in addition to the mandatory details that are provided for in the Regulations on the Rules for Office Work, the card also contains a checksum calculated according to the transmitted document. As a result, a triple registration of documentation is formed. As for the unique identifier, it is assumed that a single centralized system will be created covering all regional segments. In this case, each document will be assigned its own number, regardless of the location of the registration authority.

Limited access

According to the Plan, the requirements for SMEV should provide for the possibility of working with official documentation. This means that departmental systems must comply with the standards established for software and hardware systems that process materials with limited access. The implementation of this task is difficult for most executive power structures. Experts believe that this problem has 3 solutions:

Digital signature

Another factor affecting the effectiveness of interdepartmental interaction is the Federal Law regulating the approval of documentation in electronic form. The government establishes additional requirements aimed at ensuring the compatibility of digital signature tools when registering and processing incoming messages. This moment is extremely important for the organization of interaction. It should be noted that at the beginning of the 21st century, several certification centers emerged under federal structures that used formats and standards that were incompatible with each other. As a result, each system needed its own private key: one for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, another for working with the Treasury, and a third for sending departmental documentation. In addition, incompatible funds were used by banking and other commercial structures.


Despite a number of existing problems, the system of interdepartmental interaction has a number of positive aspects. First of all, citizens do not need to independently collect information in various municipal and state structures. To apply, he should provide only personal documents (birth certificate, passport, etc.). All other documentation that is required to provide the service to the subject, the department will collect independently. At the same time, the legislation establishes that the authorized body is not entitled to request from a citizen information that is at the disposal of another state structure.

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