The largest baobab tree. The largest tree in the world: name and photo. Where do baobab trees grow?

Baobab is one of the most interesting trees, growing on our planet in Africa and Australia.

Very thick, up to 10-15 meters in diameter, up to 25 meters high, maybe higher. There are, of course, other giants among...

It is impossible to accurately determine the age of the baobab - the tree does not have annual rings, but “offhand” scientists estimate the lifespan of the oldest specimens as 1000-6000 years.

The branches of a tree with shed leaves look like roots, which local residents have a legend to explain:

“God first planted the baobab tree in the river valley. The tree didn't like it - it was too damp. It was not happy about the mountain slopes either - it was too dry. Then God got angry and threw the capricious ward as hard as he could - so the baobab tree remained standing upside down.”

The baobab blooms with beautiful white fragrant flowers (by the way, they pollinate the tree the bats!), which then turn into fruits that look like large cucumbers.

Quite edible and tasty, just like the seeds. In general, a multifunctional tree is the baobab. . Interesting facts about him are in the short list below.

  • Almost all of the baobab is edible: people and animals eat everything - foliage, bark, fruits, seeds, elephants even eat baobab wood.

  • The tree easily recovers after removing the bark and, like a person, can lose weight (during dry periods) and gain weight (during rainy periods).
  • During the rainy season, the baobab can store hundreds and thousands of liters of water.

  • Due to their size, baobab trees are used by local residents as storerooms, homes, bus stations, temples, public toilets, bars and even as a prison.

  • Due to the water-soaked wood, the tree does not burn in fire and during fires it saves small animals.

This is such an excellent and necessary baobab tree. Interesting Facts, interesting photos baobab, interesting video- We invite you to read and watch.

People have always shown interest in everything. It is not for nothing that each country has its own book of records. But most of all, humanity was amazed by the wonders of nature. They will be discussed below. First, let's learn about the tallest tree in the world.

  • General information

In this category, the absolute champion is the sequoia, whose height can reach 100 m. The birthplace of this tree is the Pacific coast North America. You can see it not only in national parks, but also in some American and Canadian cities. So in Portland, redwood trees grow right on the streets. Sequoias are famous not only for their height, but also for their age. Some of them are 3 thousand years old. Sequoia is easily distinguished by its conical crown and cones. It also has a very thick bark, 30 cm wide. This giant can most often be found near the seashore or in wet gorges.

  • Numbers

The most tall sequoia, known as Hyperion, grows in California in national park"Redwood". The height of this tree is 115.8 m, and the diameter of the trunk is 5 m. The previous record holder was Helios, whose height reached 114.58 m. This tree is located in the same “Redwood”, which is no less interesting than. True, it occupied the palm for only a few months. Scientists keep the exact location of Hyperion secret so that tourists cannot destroy the local ecosystem.

Interesting fact. In the past, many trees were much taller. Thus, at the end of the 19th century, a 155 m high eucalyptus was discovered.

The oldest tree in the world

General information. Trees are among the longest-living organisms on the planet. There are at least 50 trees in the world that are over a thousand years old. The secret of their longevity is the peculiarities of the vascular system, which allows one part of the tree to die while the other continues to live. The real record holders for age among trees are pine trees. At 3000 years old they grow just as actively as at 100 years old. Unlike animals, they do not accumulate genetic mutations.

In addition to pine trees, there are also cypress trees among the long-livers. One of them grows in the city of Abarkuh, in Iran. Scientists say that it is already more than 4 thousand years old. And in Wales there is a yew tree, which, according to scientists, is 3 thousand years old. Can boast of age giant sequoia named General Sherman. Scientists believe that this tree is more than 2,700 years old.

  • Numbers

It's hard to believe, but the oldest tree is 9550 years old! This is Old Tjikko spruce, which grows in Sweden on Mount Fulu. Before oldest tree considered the Methuselah pine from California national reserve. The named tree began its life in 2831 BC. It's hidden in Big Basin Bristlecone. It is surrounded by the same thousand-year-old pine trees. It is not for nothing that this place is called the Grove of the Ancients.

Interesting fact. How can plants survive the many climate changes that regularly occur on our planet? Scientists say that trees can, as it were, die for a while, and after a certain period of time give a new shoot.

The thickest tree in the world

General information. Baobabs are considered the widest trees on earth. They mainly grow in savannas tropical Africa, in Northern Australia and Madagascar. These trees can reach several tens of meters in diameter. Although their height rarely exceeds 25 m. The crown of such trees in diameter often exceeds 40 m. Baobabs bloom for several months a year. Their flowers are quite large (up to 20 cm) and very beautiful. They bloom in the evening, attracting bats. Baobab fruits are shaped somewhat like cucumbers. Mature baobabs often rot inside. According to one scientist, 30 people slept in the hollow of this tree. Sequoiadendrons or “ mammoth trees" Their diameter often exceeds 10 m. The above-mentioned sequoias are not far behind.

  • Numbers

The European chestnut from Sicily, which grew on Mount Etna, once competed for the title of the thickest tree. Its diameter was 20.4 m. Now this title is borne by a tree named Thule. It grows in the Mexican city of Santa Maria del Tule. The circumference of its trunk is 42 m, and its diameter is 14 m. Although at first glance it looks more like several trees fused together. It will take at least 30 people to hug this tree, and its shade can protect 500 people from the sun. Thule is 40 m high and weighs 636 tons. Legend has it that the tree was planted by an Aztec priest 1,400 years ago. It is part of the UNESCO heritage.

Interesting fact. During drought, baobabs use up their own supply of moisture, so they can decrease in volume. This most often happens in winter. The bark of the baobab tree produces a strong fiber used to make fishing nets and fabrics. In addition, medicines against asthma, dysentery and colds are created from the bark. And the leaves of this record holder are even eaten. A drink similar to lemonade is made from the pulp of the fruit, which is why the baobab tree is often called the lemonade tree. In Africa there is even a bar that was opened in the trunk of a baobab tree. It's worth going for this alone

The regions where baobabs grow can be called a real “wonder of the world.” Wood of this plant has an extremely soft and porous structure, which, after infection with fungus, gradually collapses, forming huge voids. However, this does not particularly affect the viability of the tree; even if it is completely hollow inside, it can survive for several more decades. The natives of Africa have adapted to use this feature for practical purposes (for storing food and even arranging homes).

Where do baobabs grow?

In Africa, these giants grow only in arid tropical regions. As a rule, the immediate area is covered with grass, sparse bushes and trees, which are able to survive in conditions of a long hot period followed by the rainy season.

Baobab acclimatization has interesting story. A tree, like a sponge, absorbs nutrients along with moisture, which is retained thanks to the wide trunk. Its diameter often reaches ten meters or more. It is worth noting that the widest sample from the family in question had a width of 54.5 meters and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.


Regardless of the area where baobabs grow, they are small in height compared to their width. This figure ranges from 17 to 25 meters. This configuration allows the tree to survive the burning rays of the sun.

At the same time, water in the plant is retained without evaporating using the bark, the thickness of which is about 100 millimeters. The rhizome plays a significant role in maintaining the desired microclimate; it spreads in several elements over tens of meters, collecting available moisture. It is noteworthy that in dry seasons, with excessive consumption of its own water reserves, the baobab tree slightly decreases in size, and after the rainy season it returns to its normal state.

Plant life

Where baobabs grow, interesting transformations are observed. During the dry season, the tree sheds its leaves and becomes like a plant with its roots sticking up. Among local population There is a popular belief that the baobab tree was punished by God for not wanting to live where it was intended.

After shedding its leaves, the tree begins to bloom (October-November). Round buds appear on the branches. At night they bloom, turning into large flowers(about 200 mm). The shoots are curved petals white with dark red stamens in the form of balls. The life span of a flower is only one night. For that a short time it manages to attract with its aroma bats and fruit bats. As they die, the remains of the shoots wither and emit bad smell and fall off.

Soon oval or round fruits appear, having a thick skin with hairs, containing sourish edible pulp. Baboons really like this filling, which is why Africans sometimes call the plant “breadfruit for monkeys.”


We discussed above in what zone and where baobab grows. Below is some interesting data about this unique plant. The tree is distinguished by its survivability; although it has many internal holes, although it settles, gradually turning into a pile of fiber, it lives for several more tens, or even hundreds of years.

The bark of this plant has no less amazing properties. If it is completely torn off, the tree does not die, since the bark quickly grows back. Even after being cut down or damaged by elephants, remaining with one root, the plant will try to continue its growth, albeit in a lying position.

Scientists have not been able to establish the exact period of life of the baobab; all hypotheses tend to believe that the plant lives for at least a thousand years. It is worth noting that this tree has no rings, and its exact age can only be determined using radiocarbon dating.


On the mainland where the baobab grows, its purpose does not end as food for baboons and elephants. The inner part of the tree is used by local residents as warehouses. Other parts of the plant are also used:

  • Bark is used to make fibers, which are then used to make belts, bags, sacks, and nets. From the ash, medicinal tinctures are obtained to treat various diseases.
  • Shoots and foliage - young elements are eaten, like asparagus, the dry parts are used to prepare spices.
  • Pulp. The fruit filling tastes like ginger and is used for cooking soft drink. The ash from this part is used to produce oil, which is used to cook food.
  • The seeds are eaten raw. A drink reminiscent of coffee is prepared from dry seeds.
  • In addition, pollen, pulp and ash are used in cosmetology and for making glue.

In what country and where do baobabs grow? As already noted, the main habitat of these trees is tropical African savannas. Below are a few interesting facts associated with this unique plant:

  • In winter, the regions where baobabs grow are too dry, so they shed their leaves.
  • Some of the dried fruits of the tree African tribes make glasses.
  • The pulp of the plant is used in Kenya to make sweets.
  • In one night, a baobab flower manages to open, attract pollinators and wither, emitting an extremely unpleasant odor.
  • The height of the plants in question does not exceed their diameter by more than 2-3 times.
  • The baobab adorns the coats of arms of two states.
  • In Zimbabwe, there is a bus station located inside a huge tree.
  • The largest specimens reach a girth of 50 meters or more.
  • The baobab tree is capable of storing more than 100 thousand liters of liquid inside itself.
  • The vitamin C content in one fruit is identical to four oranges.
  • The African baobab is pollinated by one of the species of bats that crash into the flowers, hunting for insects, and then spread the pollen on their bodies to other plants.
  • The plant has no vegetation for nine months of the year, which looks very strange and unusual.

In conclusion

Where baobab trees grow, there is a belief among local residents that the tree used to be a person. He angered the Almighty, and in revenge he turned him into a plant, which he planted upside down. By the way, the second name for baobab among Africans is “inverted tree.”

The most tall trees in the world, with rich history, which have existed on earth for thousands of years. If you happen to see at least one of them in your life, we envy you with white envy. Trees are a special creation of nature and we hope that people will learn to take care of the gift that allows us to breathe clean and healthy air, and stop senseless cutting down.

In the selection below are the most ancient of the giants

1. Sequoia growing in one of the national parks of California is the tallest tree in the world, its height is 115.61 meters

2. Jomon Sugi is the oldest tree in Japan. According to various estimates, it is from 2000 to 7000 years old

3. The Thule tree is considered the thickest on the planet

4. Methuselah is one of the oldest trees on Earth, he is 4846 years old.

Trees whose existence is hard to believe - exciting video!

5. Baobab Sunland, inside of which there is a working pub. According to the results of carbon analysis, the age of this huge tree is about 6000 years.

6. The Giant Tree of Kanchanaburi, It Takes About 10 People to Grab It

7. The tallest trees in the world - this baobab in Senegal is 6000 years old

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