Dream Interpretation: a bat flies in a dream, bites, attacks. Why is the bat dreaming? What is the dream of a bat, a bat bite or a lot of bats? Basic interpretations - what is the dream of a bat

A bat, an unpleasant-looking creature, acquires its own symbolic meaning when it appears to a person in a dream. However, the interpretation of the dreams she visits as a guest is far from always negative. To correctly determine what is dreaming of bat in each individual case, it is necessary, remembering all the circumstances of night vision, to open your favorite dream book.

Living in dark caves and perfectly oriented without light, bats in night visions can personify fear of the unknown, incomprehensible. The dreamer should rely on intuition and look inside himself - perhaps there is something strange in his behavior.

According to one interpretation, this winged creature portends a journey. According to other versions, for example, according to the Chinese dream book, it promises the dreamer a long and happy life.

Native American Indians considered this beast a symbol of the active work of intuition, rebirth. Having seen a dream involving this animal, people often feel a surge of new strength, spiritual and emotional renewal.

If the bat seen in a dream is sleeping, this is a bad omen, portending a black life streak. If the individuals of this animal in the dreamer's dream look into his window - in real life, you may have to become an eyewitness to an anomalous phenomenon.

A dead bat in a dream portends an imminent illness. It is worth taking measures to strengthen immunity and maintain good health. A winged beast flying under the roof of the dreamer's house portends a long journey abroad. Long business trip possible.

Other details of interpretation

If an unpleasant creature attacks a person observing a dream, this is an extremely bad omen, portending sadness, loss and possible death. loved one.

Also, such a dream can be a warning that warns the dreamer against dangerous and risky activities, since in the period after such a dream they can bring undesirable consequences, serious injuries.

A bat bite speaks of pessimistic moods and views on the dreamer's life. Those who see such a night picture should fight negative emotions and let life sparkle with new colors.

A different interpretation of such a dream - difficult situations, problems and troubles, will soon appear in the life of a person who has a dream. However, perseverance, courage and steadfastness will help to overcome the black stripe and get out of the water not only dry, but also with a valuable acquisition.

A winged beast flying around the apartment in a dream promises an unexpected departure. It can be associated with both a job change and an invitation to visit from old friends. However, there are more gloomy interpretation such a night vision in which bad news will serve as the reason for departure.

Bat Actions

The subconscious sometimes gives rise to the most bizarre and seemingly ridiculous pictures in the imagination. But even they have their own symbolic meaning.

  • For example, marrying a bat in your dream is a sign that promises a happy and friendly family life.
  • Killing an impartial beast in night vision is a good omen: it promises life changes that will bring relief from heavy thoughts, depression, blues and bad mood. Problems will be easily solved, and diseases will recede. Another interpretation of the same vision is victory over enemies, envious people. However, victory will not come just like that - you have to work hard.
  • Catching a bat is an excellent omen that promises career advancement, success in business, and improved material well-being.
  • The winged creature, hovering above the dreamer, personifies his ill-wishers. If she hovers on a light background and is easy to see, things are not so bad: the intrigues of enemies will be revealed and prevented in time. But if the background on which this creature flies is dark, this is not a good sign that speaks of a serious danger hanging over the dream observer.
  • To hold an ugly creature in your hands is to expect bad news.

Miller's dream book

According to the statement that this dream book cites, a bat is an extremely bad sign, portending a series of troubles, misfortunes, sorrows and disappointments in the dreamer's life. A person expects the death of someone close to him, as well as diseases and serious injuries of the sleep observer himself.

A terrible winged creature of white color warns the dreamer of death. But such a warning should be taken as a call for vigilance, caution, perseverance and courage.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Having seen this impartial creature in your dream, you should be careful in handling fire, take a closer look at children and protect them from fire (keep them away from matches, stoves and fireplaces). A bat bite can portend a house fire.

Dream Interpretation Maya

In this dream book there are two interpretations of such a dream. The first is positive, and it speaks of those dreams in which an unpleasant animal flies. Such a dream portends pleasant trip. However, to make it even more memorable, you can eat some exotic fruits before bed.

The second, negative interpretation, speaks of dreams in which dead bats appear. Such dreams portend an imminent illness and urge the dreamer to pay attention to the state of health and the immune system.

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AT Slavic mythology the bat is a mysterious nocturnal predator in which the soul of a cruel and vicious person is infused. Also, the connection between bats and vampires is firmly rooted in the minds of people. Perhaps it is for this reason that the appearance of winged animals in a dream is considered a negative sign. But what do professional interpreters think about this?

The appearance of a bat in night dreams is mystical and in nature and is almost always interpreted by dream books in a negative way:

  • Miller's interpreter - various troubles, injuries, loss of loved ones can fall on your shoulders;
  • Tsvetkova - to death or unexpected major troubles; if the animal flew around the room, you can prepare for an early departure;
  • a collection of dream books offers several interpretations of the image: fear of a new life; discover new talents in yourself; to the troubles that unknown people will cause you;
  • Winters - to depression and loss of strength;
  • English - you are surrounded by insidious people; if the mouse flew at night, the danger is close, and you can no longer do anything; daylight flight indicates a minor degree of threat;
  • universal - next to you is a person who feeds on your energy;
  • Sonarium - you will encounter something hostile;
  • French - you will suffer because of the actions of an unfamiliar person;
  • esoteric - intuition can let you down, be vigilant;
  • Velesov - you will participate in night orgies;
  • gypsy - to minor troubles that will be solved by themselves;
  • modern - since the bat always hangs upside down, to solve the problem, you need to look at the situation from a different angle;
  • Wanderer - you will be disappointed;
  • Chinese - a business that you plan to do secretly from everyone will turn out to be successful and give a good profit;
  • mythological - to trouble;
  • Schiller-Schoolboy - to insomnia, worries;
  • Kananita - to vain worries;
  • generalized - to an unpleasant journey.

If a man in his night dreams marries a bat, he will marry a very beautiful woman.

In most cases, a bat in a dream is a negative sign.

Quantity: one, several or a flock

Sometimes in night dreams a person sees himself in a dark cave surrounded by a flock bats. If the animals did not show aggression, but simply watched you, the vision indicates an adventure in which dishonorable people will involve you. Be careful, do not take the word of strangers. Try to end your cooperation with them before yours suffers. good name.

If several individuals have separated from the pack and attacked you, you will have to listen to a lot of claims addressed to you. Some of them will have nothing to do with you. According to the interpreters, the most correct thing to do in this situation is to abstract and not enter into an argument with anyone.

Dreamed of only one animal, and he was in a sleeping state? Expect stagnation in work. Moreover, the case to which you assigned great expectations, suddenly breaks and instead of profit will bring you a loss of reputation and large debts.

White bat prophesies death

I dreamed of a white or black individual

Much depends on the color of the animal. The white bat has several interpretations:

  • a warning that encourages you to persevere and prudence;
  • symbol of death;
  • the Chinese dream book assures that the image symbolizes a long and happy life.

The black color of the animal means that the dreamer is plagued by bad thoughts, because of which he does not want to live. He drives himself into a depressive state, from which he sees no way out.

In ancient times, it was customary to nail bats to doors to protect them from evil spells and night demons. Women sprinkled the head of the bed with bat blood to ensure the well-being of their children.

Bat in hand - bad news

Actions in a dream: a bat attacks, bites, etc.

Much in the interpretation of sleep depends on the actions of the animal or the dreamer:

  • a bat entangled in your hair means that you are subject to the negative influence of some old woman; try to break out from under her care, because this will not lead to anything good;
  • the animal walked over your body - you feel that you are moving towards an abyss; some dream books are convinced: this plot indicates the dreamer's obsession;
  • flew in your room - in the near future you will have to suddenly leave your father's house;
  • soared in the air - a symbol of freedom from others and your independence; you can solve all the problems that have arisen without the help of outsiders;
  • bit you - to serious negative changes in life;
  • the animals chasing you, the touch of which you felt, personify your own fears that prevent you from living a normal life;
  • to watch their flight - you will gain the gift of clairvoyance;
  • the aggressiveness of the bat is a sign that fate will decide to test your strength, forcing you to endure difficulties and losses;
  • if you fought with an evil animal and defeated him, in reality you are ready to meet your enemies and inflict a powerful blow on them; a demonic creature won - ill-wishers will gain an advantage;
  • hunting a bat with a slingshot is a symbol that you will do things that will only harm yourself;
  • kill the animal good sign, the black bar will soon pass, and life will play again bright colors;
  • to see a dead bat - to a sharp deterioration in well-being, do not forget to take care of your health;
  • a winged predator in your hands - to unpleasant news, try to control yourself and not give in to panic, because difficulties can always be avoided.

Very often, the plot in which the bat appeared is a prophecy of disasters. You should stock up on courage and try to find positive moments in the current situation. In any case, do not forget that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, and sleep can be an ordinary game of the subconscious.

In a dream, we can see a variety of pictures, meetings with different people and animals. Why is the bat dreaming? How to interpret such a dream?

Why is a bat dreaming - the main interpretation

A bat dreams of trouble and trouble, of illness and loss. Worth paying Special attention to the rest of the details of the dream and interpret it in its entirety:

Where did the bat come from in your dream;

Whether there were several bats;

Have you been bitten by a bat;

Did a bat attack you;

Who else participated in your dream;

Did the bat talk to you;

What emotions visited you during and after sleep.

So, a bat that suddenly appeared in your house means that you will meet with uninvited guests. You may expect an unpleasant visit that will end in a quarrel. If you see that a bat is rushing around your house and cannot find a way out, such a dream means that troubles will come over you, and you will also look for a way out of a difficult situation.

The dream interpretation advises to approach the solution of the problem with wisdom and not to rush things. You will not be able to radically change anything, since you need all the difficulties for further development. If you see that a bat has sat on your bed, expect trouble in your personal life. You will have a difficult conversation with the second half. You can not for a long time find mutual language with a lover. Try to spend more time with him now. If you act wisely, you will be able to avoid conflicts.

If you dream that someone else is launching a bat into your house, you should beware of lies and betrayal. The one who calls himself your friend is actually your enemy. You should not trust strangers so unconditionally, otherwise you will have to pay dearly for it.

If you dream that a bat sits on your shoulder, look for the cause of your troubles and troubles in yourself. You are too demanding of others and forgive yourself a lot. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at your shortcomings and eliminate them.

Did you get bitten by a bat in a dream? It is worth fearing health problems. Such a dream can also warn you against rash spending and unforeseen expenses. If you see that you are very ill after a bat bite, or you even die from it, you should seriously take care of your health in reality.

The troubles and problems that overcome you will affect your health. If you see how a bat attacks someone else and does not touch you, you will witness someone else's defeat. In reality, you can help this person and acquire true friend.

If a bat talks to you in a dream, remember what exactly she wants to tell you. This may be quite important information for you, which you do not have enough to make a strong-willed decision.

If in a dream you are attacked by a huge number of bats, try not to take everything too close to your heart in reality. Yes, troubles and defeats await you, but if you ask for support and help in time, you can avoid terrible consequences.

If in a dream it seems to you that you yourself will turn into a bat, you yourself will create problems for other people. Try to stop judging them. You, like them, make mistakes. Do not be too harsh with loved ones - you can quarrel with them for a long time and seriously.

If you dream that you turned into a bat after a bite, you will begin to live differently after negative impact another person on you. Perhaps someone is already making you angry and provoking you into negative emotions. Limit communication with this person and try to maintain confidence in yourself.

If you dream that a bat woke up during the day and flies on the street, you will have to radically change your plans. Be prepared for such changes. Think about how to protect yourself from unexpected negative consequences.

A bat that falls dead to the ground in a dream means your victory over the enemy in reality. You will learn to accept right decisions in stressful situation become more self-confident. Finally find a goal worth pursuing. The dream book portends you only positive changes after such a dream.

What is the dream of a bat according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says what the bat dreams of. Such a dream portends you losses and disappointments in your personal life. You will not be able to improve relations with your soulmate for a long time after a dream in which a bat bites you.

Someone will think of quarreling you with your lover, bringing enmity into your relationship. The dream interpretation advises not to trust rumors, but your intuition and your partner. Otherwise, you can really lose the relationship.

If in a dream you see how your beloved turns into a bat - such a dream can mean betrayal on her part. Perhaps you already have a rival who is trying to destroy your relationship.

If a woman dreams that a bat bites her, in reality she already has an insidious rival. She ruined more than one relationship. The dream book advises a woman to try with all her might to maintain a relationship, to prevent a break. Otherwise, she will not be able to move away from this loss for a long time.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a bat, she should monitor her health, perhaps it may be shaken. In the near future, she should not meet unpleasant people. Such meetings can lead to stress.

Seeing a lot of small bats is a hassle and worries. If bats fly around you in a dream and make an unpleasant sound, your reputation will suffer. You cannot restore it.

Seeing in a dream only a bat bite on your hand - old relationships will make themselves felt. But the dream book does not advise you to get involved in this adventure. Nothing good will come of resuming a relationship.

What is the dream of a bat in the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that a bat dreams of health problems and even death. If you dream of a dead bat, your troubles and losses will soon end. You will expect relief after a protracted illness.

If you dream that you yourself have turned into a bat - negative thoughts will overcome you. You will become angry and offended by life. The dream book advises you to monitor your emotions and not give in to despondency, otherwise you risk losing important connections and contacts.

If you dream that someone you know has turned into a bat, expect betrayal and unpleasant surprises from this person. To the loss of health, there is a dream in which a bat bites you. It will be a sudden illness.

If you feed a bat from your hand in a dream, you can quickly find a solution to your problem. You yourself will find a way out of a difficult situation. The dream book does not advise you to panic in reality, it advises you to independently look for a way out of the situation.

If in a dream you had a chance to talk with a bat - in reality you will have an unpleasant conversation with a person who is wiser than you and more self-confident. This person will play an important role in your development. Try to remember exactly what your conversation is about. Perhaps you will receive an important clue on how you should live your life.

What is the dream of a bat in other dream books

Miller's dream book says that if you see a lot of bats in a dream, misfortune and loss await you. The dream book advises you to take care of the health of your loved ones if you see bats attacking you. Such a dream may also warn you against over-confidence in others. You are too open, and tell a lot to outsiders. It's time to keep everything a secret.

If in a dream you dream of a white bat, this is a very sad sign. There will be losses in your family, someone will get very sick. You can still change the situation if you provide timely assistance to those in need of protection and support.

The Home Dream Book says that if you dream of a bat hanging upside down, try to look at the situation differently, perhaps you do not want to see the logical way to resolve it. It is worth restraining emotions and avoiding quarrels and scandals. You should not diligently defend your rights, it is enough to explain your position. No matter how negative the dream may seem, no matter what events it portends, you yourself build your reality. Dreams only suggest and warn.

Bats symbolize evil spirits, so the dream in which you see this mammal is a bad sign. Sometimes a bat is associated with a witch, or simply an old woman hostile to others. The article offers an interpretation of dreams online, including why the mouse dreamed and it attacks.

Dream interpretation bat flew into the house

If in a dream you saw a bat that flew into your house - expect trouble from nowhere in real life. If, in the continuation of sleep, you manage to drive the bat out of your home, conflicts and failures will bypass you.

What is the dream of a bat in hair, bitten, bites

If you dreamed that a bat was tangled in your hair, in reality this is a sign that you were influenced by an elderly lady who led you to gloomy thoughts.

In many dream books, a bat is associated with an evil old woman. Bat bites in a dream mean self-flagellation and self-digging.

Bat dream book Vanga

According to Vanga's dream book, to see a bat in a dream means in reality that you should expect attacks and trials sent down by demonic forces that are thirsty for your blood.

Bat dream book islamic

AT Islamic dream book the bat is associated with the invisible danger that lies in wait for you, coming from an insidious vampire woman who takes your life energy.

Bat Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, bats are a symbol of a warning against impending danger in reality. To avoid trouble, try to stay at home at night and in the evening.

Bat dream book Freud

Freud claims that a bat seen in a dream means your irrepressible desire for nightly orgies.

Bat dream book of Juno

In Juno's dream book, to see a bat flying past you in a dream means in real life that all adversity will bypass you. It is only important not to turn everything upside down, as this unusual mammal, endowed with the ability to fly, likes to do.

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Bats due to nocturnal lifestyle and extraordinary appearance many seem mysterious, mysterious and sinister. They fly in complete darkness, hang upside down and prefer to live in caves. The appearance of an eerie night flyer in a dream is perceived by many as a bad sign. You should not be afraid, you just need to find the answer to what the bat is dreaming of.

I dreamed of a bat - the general meaning of the image

Among the peoples of the world, the image of a bat receives different interpretation. The Chinese consider it happy symbol giving long life. The Indians see it as a symbol of intuitive knowledge. For some interpreters, a white bat in a dream is a sign of death. In all nations, this image is important for the dreamer. This is a sign that you should definitely pay attention to!

On the correct interpretation details affect storyline sleep. The color of the animal also matters, there are many of them or it is one. Often this image can be regarded as an alarm signal, a warning about danger.

Gender of the dreamer

  • If a woman dreamed of a bat and bit her in a dream, this may warn of the presence of a rival in her personal life. The dream warns that it is necessary to maintain the existing relationship in order to prevent a dark, heavy streak in life.
  • A bat promises a young girl a difficult test, perhaps the death of a loved one or a break in an expensive relationship, a lot of trouble.
  • Pregnant women should pay attention to health.
  • For a man, such a dream threatens with a loss of reputation, debts, and possible prosecution.


If there are a lot of bats around in a dream, this promises many small problems. They make a squeak - the reputation can suffer irrevocably.


The white color of the animal gives hope for a successful resolution of an unpleasant situation if the dreamer is careful. Both himself and his relatives and friends can get into trouble. By helping, you yourself can avoid the blow of fate.

It is more difficult to understand why the black animal is dreaming. It is believed that this is a reflection of the heavy thoughts of the person himself.

Feelings of hatred and envy undermine the body from the inside, you need to get rid of them.

Gray nocturnal animals are an unlucky symbol. It warns of physical injury.

Mice attack, bite, attack...

  • If a bat curls over its head and then gets tangled in its hair, get ready for a very difficult period in life. It cannot be avoided, so you have to be persistent.
  • The pursuing and attacking flocks of bats in the dream books speak of the dreamer's desire to run away from the attacking relatives, work colleagues, a real fear of persecution.
  • The night guest flew into the house - to a quarrel with uninvited guests.

A bitten mouse warns of shaky health.

The dreamer is in for sickness. If they bit another, the person will witness someone's loss or miss. By providing the necessary support, you can get a true friend.
  • The bat says something, you need to remember its words - perhaps they carry important information for you and the subconscious mind is trying to reach the mind in this way.
  • A fallen dead animal symbolizes victory over enemies. A strong, good sign that everything will be fine.
  • To turn into a bat himself, from a bite or according to the plot of a dream - the dreamer will become a constant source of trouble for loved ones. A dream warns of arrogance and categorical attitude towards others.
  • Feed the animal from the hand - to the found right solution to problems. And the solution will come by itself, without much effort.
  • Awakening psychic abilities portends a dream in which a person watches the flight of several flying individuals. You have to trust your sixth sense.

Dream Interpretation

Various sources interpret this bright symbol in different ways. Depending on the direction of the dream book, bats can be both a good and a bad omen. Old books do promise nightly orgies!

Bat: Freud's dream book

According to the psychoanalyst, a dream promises disappointment in a lover.

  • The bite of a bat will bring a quarrel on the basis of gossip, and a woman - a successful rival.
  • The bite site seen warns that one should not return to a partner from the past - a new meeting awaits ahead.

Opinion of the French dream book

The French dream book considers the bat to be a sign of the troubles that the dreamer brings through the fault of others. You need to be more careful in choosing your friends. The same source indicates that the seen wedding with a bat symbolizes the right choice of a worthy partner.

Bat in a dream according to Miller

In Miller's writings, a white fly portends both death for the seer himself and the loss of a loved one. In addition, financial collapse is to be expected. General state sadness and anxiety will poison life.

Psychological dream books

The image of the fly speaks of a deep internal conflict person.

Perhaps the dreamer will have to sacrifice his principles in order to achieve a result and make a deal with his conscience.

It won't end well. Also, large mice are the dreamer's own fears that he needs to deal with. Their bites warn of possible depression.

Other interpretations

  • The modern interpreter of dreams, Nina Grishina, believes that the night flyer is an unkind sign. Soon you can expect information that will upset.
  • According to Tsvetkov, to see a sleeping animal - it will be possible to avoid trouble.
  • Gypsy dream book considers this animal good sign. All troubles will be a thing of the past, and luck will overtake the dreamer.
  • Esoteric dream book believes that a bat in a dream is a sign of prosperity and success in all directions. But the dead, on the contrary, prophesies illness and loss of strength.
  • According to Vanga's dream book, the bat recommends that a person clean up the energy, since he himself attracts negativity.

It should be remembered that if you dreamed of bats, you need to be careful in the next period of your life. Sleep is a clue of the subconscious.

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