Pisces man: a true gentleman and a kind wizard. What zodiac sign suits Pisces men

He is very attractive and always pleases the eyes with his smile. He looks successful, but if there is no woman next to him, he only creates the impression of success, since it is his personal life and love that are important to him. If there is no love, he tries to compensate for this feeling, but usually he does not succeed.

He may be interested in that woman who can give him an emotional relationship, since he himself is emotional and affectionate. He needs to build a union exclusively on an emotional basis with an admixture of romance, so he promises to be strong and durable in all respects. Perhaps this is a union for life.

Usually his preferences do not seriously change. That is why he should pay attention to this important point and then make a choice. He needs to discard all conventions, then he can choose for himself the one who he will really like and admire.

Pisces man - compatibility with other zodiac signs!

Fit perfectly!

Pisces and Cancer - Many happy days.

Pisces and Scorpio - If Pisces will obey, then happiness is guaranteed.

Pisces and Pisces - Boredom in a relationship.

These unions, even without love or falling in love, will be ideal.

Fit well!

Pisces and Aries - Meetings are cheerful and happy.

Pisces and Taurus - Long and warm relationship.

Pisces and Capricorn - If they learn to give in to each other, they will be happy.

Pisces and Aquarius - Many fantasies and dreams.

These unions will be good, even without love, just falling in love is enough.

Usual combination!

Pisces and Sagittarius - Shared tastes and similar personalities, but conflicts are inevitable.

Pisces and Gemini - Too different to be happy.

For these unions, at least the love of one partner is necessary, the other may simply be in love. In such pairs at the very beginning married life everything is working out in the best possible way, but in the literal sense, their union can be called sitting on a powder keg.

Questionable combination!

Pisces and Leo - The relationship is short-lived.

Pisces and Libra - Rely on the one you love.

These unions require love between partners. These unions have the motto "Close together, but boring apart!". In this regard, the couples of this union constantly disperse and, in an attempt to start life anew, forgetting about past grievances, converge again. But after a certain period of time, they again scatter in different directions.


Virgo and Pisces - A stormy and passionate love story.

This union is possible only if between them is the first love or the same true love. Although they will still feel and painfully experience the fact that they are not similar to each other, that their tastes do not converge, and their spiritual world so different that sometimes they simply cannot understand each other.

The most important thing! What zodiac sign suits a Pisces man?

He is peculiar and therefore it is difficult for him to find a partner. He often has excessive demands on a woman, in addition, he tries to immediately show that he is ready to obey. However, in this regard, the union has its advantages - it will be able to find mutual language with any woman. Especially this quality is manifested after 31 years. As a result, he can make his relationship stable and even ideal for himself.

Often, relationships, both men and women of the Pisces zodiac sign, develop from friendship into love, they sometimes cannot understand them and often confuse pity and compassion for a person with love. Outwardly, representatives of Pisces are soft and gentle people, and they give everything to their beloved partner, all their warmth. In their souls, there is a place for illusions and dreams, which in rare cases are revealed to anyone, even to their loved one.

Pisces is compatible with many, because they can get along well with almost all signs of the horoscope, in principle they are ready to obey and do not like to take the initiative into their own hands, gladly passing it into the hands of their partner. Sustainable relationships Pisces are good at building and maintaining, and all thanks to their ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of a partner and common interests. They are excellent parents and completely devoted to raising their children.

Women and men according to the compatibility horoscope, born under the zodiac sign of Pisces, are unique people in their own way, they harmoniously combine mysterious character traits, stubbornness that people who know them can hardly bear.

To understand how to behave in a society of men and women of the Pisces sign, you need to know about their belonging to the water element. It is for this that we present the Pisces compatibility horoscope with other signs of the Zodiac, which will help you learn more about these people, about the various areas of life of this sign, whether it is household, family relationships, love interests or their relationship in business.

One of the main elements, when compiling a horoscope for the sign of the Zodiac Pisces, is the ascendant - rising sign. In order to determine the sign of the Zodiac in which the person (ascendant) was at the time of his birth, we suggest using the table below ascendants.

How to use the table of ascendants below: for example, you were born on February 19 .... at 8.30, which means that your ascendant at the time of your birth was in the zodiac sign Aries.

19.02 - 28.02 01.03 - 10.03 11.03 - 20.03 Ascendant
8.30-9.30 7.50-8.50 7.10-8.10 Aries
9.30-10.50 8.50-10.10 8.10-9.30 Taurus
10.50-12.30 10,10-11.50 9.30-11.10 Twins
12.30-15.00 11.50-14.20 11.10-13.40 Cancer
15.00-17.50 14.20-17.10 13.40-16.30 a lion
17.50-20.30 17.10-19.50 16.30-19.10 Virgo
20.30-23.10 19.50-22.30 19.10-21.50 scales
23.10-2.00 22.30-1.20 21.50-0.40 Scorpion
2.00-4.20 1.20-3.40 0.40-3.00 Sagittarius
4.20-6.10 3.40-5.30 3.00-4.50 Capricorn
6.10-7.30 5.30-6.50 4.50-6.10 Aquarius
7.30-8.30 6.50-7.50 6.10-7.10 Fishes

Compatibility Pisces women and men

Sometimes Pisces can seem weak and helpless, besides, they themselves reinforce this impression, believing that it is easier to get support. In fact, they are mostly lazy, and also dreamers and dreamers, they prefer to spend their energy not on real things, but on virtual ones. website/node/3823

Among these people there are very weak personalities, they are easy to succumb to bad influence, although there are also strong, purposeful personalities among them who have achieved a lot in life.

It is hardly worth expecting bold decisions and decisive actions from men, representatives of Pisces, they will prefer to go with the flow, which, in their opinion, in the end, will carry them to their goal. If a man of this sign has achieved success in life, then he certainly owes success not to himself, but to his partner, or simple luck, or maybe a combination of circumstances.

Women born under the sign of Pisces are very sentimental, they try to draw the attention of others to their vulnerability and vulnerability, and they do not hide the fact that they dream of protection and patronage. strong man. Pisces women are kind and attentive, they are good mothers and love their children, but they don’t know how to educate them, because they have too soft a character.

Are Pisces and Aries Compatible?

Sensual and fragile Pisces, attracted by the passion and determination of Aries, they are ready to give him tenderness that will flatter him. The imagination and mysterious charm of the Pisces man will reveal to his partner the sensitivity and romanticism of this personality.

Aries in alliance with Pisces - will make decisions, as well as protect a partner who will always need it. Stubborn and warlike Aries loves to dominate, but this will not embarrass Pisces, because she is looking for a strong support. Although Pisces can be disturbed from time to time by Aries' criticism of her.

Are Pisces and Taurus Compatible?

A strong and powerful representative of Taurus, can provide protection and peace to the indecisive Pisces. The creative interests of Taurus will stimulate the artistic imagination of Pisces.

Pisces will encourage Taurus' love for comfortable life, comfort in their home, by joint efforts they will equip themselves with a beautiful love nest. Both of these signs are passionate and sensual, although Pisces can be changeable and more emotional than Taurus. The inclinations of the owner of Taurus will give Pisces a sense of security.

On the other hand, Taurus is too practical and down to earth to constantly waste their time on satisfying the romantic nature of Pisces. If they can solve these problems, everything can work out for them, and joint family life will be peaceful and happy.

Are Pisces and Gemini Compatible?

Pisces is surprised by the wit and sociability of the representative of Gemini, the same, fascinates by the mystery of Pisces. But these impressions of each other are not enough for a life together, their relationship is unstable and ready to explode at any moment.

Pisces will not be able to accept Gemini with his changeability and frivolity,the same ones will be irritated by the emotionality and dreaminess of the former.

Unprotected Pisces in this pair will show a sense of ownership, try to grab a partner tightly, which is unlikely to work, because Gemini craves entertainment and novelty.

Both of them are mobile and rather unstable, although in different ways. One cannot choose a direction in life, while the other is torn in all directions at the same time. Both of them, to create strong family more powerful partners are needed.

Are Pisces and Cancer compatible?

Pisces in this union get real pleasure, satisfying the sexual needs of sensual Cancer. This romantic pair of partners will find tenderness and passion in each other.

Pisces will give the reins of government to Cancer, who will make most of the decisions, as well as take care of the material security of the union, and the financial instinct of Cancer will help to cope with this.

These two are equally sentimental and love the hearth. A devoted Cancer completely suits the insecure Pisces, they, in turn, admire the first, as a result - a completely compatible couple, although there are some buts!

Are Pisces and Leo compatible?

Pisces prefer to dream and think, but they do not know how to act, which will annoy Leo, who considers them, at best, to be idle dreamers. These two are very different people, because Pisces are shy and indecisive, they are always immersed in themselves, while the representatives of Leo are self-confident and domineering people.

Although both are emotional, but each in their own way, if Leo is quick-tempered, then Pisces hide themselves in their fantasies. It will be difficult for Leo to understand the resentment and dreaminess of a partner. The more sociable Leo always needs a circle of fans, while Pisces do not like publicity and will demand exclusive rights to their partner.

Leo loves to travel the world, but Pisces does not like to move away from home. These two cannot be combined, like water and fire.

Are Pisces and Virgo Compatible?

The loving nature of Pisces will initially intrigue the Virgo representative, but at first, in the future, the opposite of these people will exclude any mutual understanding. Virgo simply cannot trust the feelings of Pisces, while she is ruled by emotions rather than her mind.

Restrained Virgo, and even critical, she will not bring sexual satisfaction to her partner in the person of Pisces, and her life claims will make Pisces feel even more insecure.

Virgo will not be able to give her partner the love she needs, will not be able to provide the support that Pisces needs. This couple, most likely, is not destined to go through life together.

Are Pisces and Libra Compatible?

These two zodiac signs from the first day of acquaintance, they will be imbued with mutual sympathy, because both of them have creative potential and artistic flair.

Although family relationships in this couple are in question, because Pisces are looking for not only emotional support, but also life support, Libra will not be able to provide such support. They want love and harmony in life, but they run away from responsibility and excessive obligations.

Pisces and Libra equally love luxury and beautiful housing, but the question is - Pisces is too lazy to earn money, while Libra, although wasteful, knows how to make money.

Libra has many interests, in different areas life and it seems to them that Pisces is strangling them, trying to limit their freedom. Sexual harmony is clearly not enough in this pair, for long term relationship, a family can live a long time, but as long as it lasts, it means that they still enjoy each other.

Are Pisces and Scorpio Compatible?

Pisces sees a great partner in Scorpio, the same will give them a wonderful sexual union and emotional support. Jealous Scorpio does not bother Pisces in any way, in fact - thanks to jealousy, they feel loved by people.

The dependence of Pisces on a partner is exactly what Scorpio needs. These two, in a relationship, will acquire, on a sensual level, a special commonality of views and approaches to life.

The perfect combination, like a great marriage. Both of them are violent in emotions, have intuition, will be faithful to each other, and their interests coincide.

Are Pisces and Sagittarius Compatible?

These two zodiac signs ignite each other only in bed, this is where the compatibility of Pisces and Sagittarius ends. As you know - Pisces are dreamy with a rich imagination and imagination, they do not know how to act, unlike Sagittarius, who enjoys his activity.

Independent Sagittarius loves freedom of movement too much, he will not be able to sit still like a Fish. Sagittarius, with his causticity, will hurt Pisces, her romantic and sensitive nature.

Pisces strive for intimacy, but will be rebuffed by Sagittarius, who seeks to free himself from unnecessary obligations. Living together unlikely, because Pisces are dependent and love their home, and the restless Sagittarius adventurer will not be able to linger at the hearth.

Are Pisces and Capricorn Compatible?

These two personalities, different in nature and approaches to life, will sympathize with each other. A strong and powerful representative of Capricorn, exactly the person that Pisces needs. They will feel secure with a pragmatic Capricorn who will take responsibility for making common decisions.

Pisces, for their part, will breathe romance into a partner, into his sober approach to life, which will please the way and with what generosity Pisces exude praise in his address.

Capricorn can hardly express his feelings, but Pisces, thanks to their intuition, will feel his devotion and love for her. IN intimate relationships they are all right.

At first glance, these are sharply different signs of the Zodiac, in their character and outlook on life, however, they are a good couple.

Are Pisces and Aquarius Compatible?

Romantic Pisces inspires the representative of Aquarius to love experiments. Sex, apparently, will give both of them great pleasure, because they like to fantasize, albeit in a slightly different way. site/node/3823

Aquarius is inherently impassive, he is interested in knowing the world, and everything, while Pisces will strive in this pair for a closer relationship. As a result, the sociable and a little windy Aquarius will look around. Pisces, having learned about this, will not tolerate betrayal.

An independent Aquarius always strives for freedom, as he needs it, he will be outraged by the partner’s desire to keep him under house arrest, so that family life can develop successfully in this pair, only in some cases.

Do Pisces Go With Fish

If all life's issues could be resolved in bed, this couple would be the happiest, but unfortunately this does not happen, although each of them needs each other, because one does not have what the other has.

Both of them are weak-willed and dependent on outside help, both are prone to self-doubt, tend to sink into pity, as they do not want to perceive real life.

IN joint union, they will only increase each other's insecurity and confusion, they will seek to indulge their weaknesses. It is difficult for them to solve even a simple life task, they just need a strong hand that will push them in the right direction.

Apparently, this marriage union has few prospects, sooner or later each of them will start looking for someone they can rely on.

Sensitive and dreamy, intuitively feeling the intentions and desires of others, Pisces rarely make mistakes in choosing a partner. Typical representatives this is a sign, they have a huge inner world, strong imagination, sensitive intuition, and sometimes supernatural abilities that greatly influence her life. The most suitable partners for Pisces can be signs that can appreciate her subtle and vulnerable soul and all her riches. inner world. For the sake of this, the vulnerable Pisces is ready to endure all the ups and downs. emotional state your partner.

♓Pisces and Aries♈

The union of Pisces and Aries is the union of two signs that are different from each other, but which, however, can create a viable and beautiful couple. The horoscope advises lovers to listen sensitively to each other's problems and, if necessary, make concessions.

♓Pisces and Taurus♉

Taurus and Pisces can make a pretty good union, but quite often some omissions are possible due to the too stubborn and practical nature of Taurus, who finds it difficult to come to terms with the dreaminess and impracticality of Pisces. This is a delightful and sweet union, it is difficult to refuse a tender relationship, but there are constant problems in them.

♓Pisces and Gemini♊

The union of Pisces and Gemini can become ardent and passionate, but quite often leads to emotional distress on the part of Pisces. Lack of understanding, silence, secrets from each other and sometimes even deceit - all this they both, as a rule, consider to be quite justified in the family, and therefore their union rarely turns out to be lasting. However, it also happens that Gemini and Pisces deliberately turn a blind eye to the secrets of their partner, thereby prolonging their mysterious marriage.

♓Pisces and Cancer♋

The union of Pisces with Cancer is the passion of the two most sensitive and vulnerable creatures. It is quite easy for them to understand each other, double tenderness and deep feelings that are available only to them. In such a pair there is a rather vivid connection, but which is doomed to transience, it is very difficult for both partners to keep such a storm of emotions. The stars advise that in order to prolong the relationship, both partners need to learn to trust each other and communicate openly and honestly.

♓Pisces and Lion♌

Paired with Leo, Pisces expect a gentle display of feelings, affectionate kisses and captivating nets. It should be noted that such an alliance is extremely dangerous for Pisces, which cannot survive in such cruel world. Too independent Leo and overly sensitive Pisces, this is a utopian relationship, with few joys.

♓Pisces and Virgo♍

Pisces and Virgo, such a relationship will bring satisfaction to sexual fantasies, but will be difficult in ordinary life. Extreme impracticality Pisces will test for strength peace of mind earthly Virgo, such a life will become a source of conflict and misunderstanding, as a result, such an alliance rarely turns out to be lasting.

♓Pisces and Libra♎

In the union of Pisces and Libra, two meet creativity, but the complex nature of Libra can hardly endure the emotional whims of Pisces. Too sensitive Pisces makes this combination difficult, as a result of which this connection does not last long. The stars advise that in order to maintain a relationship, Libra needs to curb their temper, remembering that there are also a lot of things that unite them: they have a good sexual compatibility and a real talent to feel beauty in all its manifestations. Together they have a great time in nature, at exhibitions, in theaters. Sometimes their relationship is stronger if Pisces and Libra are not in a hurry to get married, but remain lovers or just friends.

♓Pisces and Scorpio♏

A very sexual union, Pisces can create with Scorpio. We can say that this is the most erotic combination for both, it gives all the prerequisites for a long-term relationship. Pisces, as if all her life dreamed of such a partner who would surround her with tender affection and deep warm feelings.

♓Pisces and Sagittarius♐

Not the best union for Pisces, this is a combination with Sagittarius. Although Pisces' attractiveness and tenderness often attract Sagittarius, his unbridled nature can hurt the tender heart of Pisces. With the onset of a difficult period for this relationship, neither partner is able to accept correct solution for a happy life together.

♓Pisces and Capricorn♑

Pisces and Capricorn, in general, can make a good combination if Pisces gets used to the constant absences of their partner. Very bright prospects are added by the careless attitude of both partners to money. Outwardly, this union often looks ideal, although in reality it is not always so. Philosophically minded Pisces and Capricorn, with his love of order, are too different to understand each other well.

♓Pisces and Aquarius♒

Aquarius, not the most suitable match for Pisces. Too detached from the dreamy and sensual nature of Pisces, Aquarius will sooner or later get tired of her tantrums, in which case conflicts cannot be avoided. Although Pisces and Aquarius have a lot in common in this union: they are connected by a childishly sincere, admiring view of the world, emotionality, the ability to fantasize, a subtle sense of beauty. This can be a wonderful creative union in which the spouses are engaged in one common cause.

♓Pisces and Pisces♓

The union of two Pisces is the union of two overly emotional partners, which works great in the intimate sphere, but two are unsuited to realities Everyday life of a person, they can hardly create an ideal family. In a pair of two Pisces, there are too many omissions, fantasies and secrets between them. Even having lived side by side all their lives, Pisces often remain a mystery to each other. And yet, in spite of everything, together they are able to feel the real kinship of close souls and the need for each other. The rest is usually irrelevant to them.

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