Find out the rising sign by date of birth. How to calculate the ascendant? Calculate ascendant by date of birth

The article presents a method for determining the Ascendant by the appearance of a person and his behavioral characteristics.

Determining the Ascendant by the appearance of a person is not an easy task, however, it can be solved. It must be remembered that the Ascendant is the crown, and the cusp of the 2nd field is the feet of a person. It should also be understood that heredity has a huge impact on a person’s appearance, so the instructions in this article on hair color, eyes, height and similar characteristics should be understood as classical. When determining the Ascendant, more attention should be paid to behavioral manifestations - gestures, communication characteristics, gait, demeanor, and so on.

  • 12 main types of appearance and external behavior according to the signs of the zodiac
  • 4 types by elements
  • 2 types of male and female sign.

Stage 1: Determining the Feminine/Male Sign of the Ascendant

Male rising signs: Fire, Air - growth is average and above average. Behaviorally open. They say what they think, do not hide their thoughts. They protect their inner territory with a smile, unlike female signs.

Female rising signs: Water, Earth - growth is average and below average. Secretive or reserved. They do not say what not everyone thinks or says - they hide part of their thoughts.

Stage 2: determination of the elements of the Ascendant Fire / Air / Water / Earth

Fiery rising signs are frank and say what they think, even if they are not asked. They are overwhelmed with energy, they want to show themselves to demonstrate themselves, to discover their opinion. Strive for leadership in the company, seize the initiative in conversation. They are not silent for a second. The conversation is on point all the time. Energetic in behavior, active, impulsive, temperamental. Prone to monologue in conversation. It is important to express your opinion, and not to listen to the interlocutor. Good physical constitution, even large, with a developed muscular system, broad bone, broad shoulders. They like to play sports, do exercises in the morning or run. They love red.

Air rising signs open, they say what they think, sincere, but not as frank as the Fiery. They answer directly the question posed, i.e. when they are asked. Easy to communicate. Sociable, talkative, but always give the opportunity to the interlocutor to speak and even love it. Dialogue is important to them, but not a monologue. The character is easy. Little energy, no temperament. Nervous, nervous, restless, easily agitated, but the excitement is not strong. The physique is asthenic, thin, thin bone, narrow shoulders.

Water rising signs. Behaviorally emotional. Hide thoughts, but splash out feelings. Reactions are very violent - with tears and tantrums. They like to talk and talk heart to heart, about secret, secret. They also talk about themselves in secret. They tend to be round. With age tend to plump and round. Short limbs.

Rising earth signs.

There are no external rules. Restrained in emotions, hide thoughts and feelings.

Stage 3: Determining the Sign of the Ascendant

Rising in Aries e

Dark / light brown hair. The eyes are light brown.

They tend to throw their heads back (look as if from a high). Problem hair.

Very direct, frank, assertive, they literally capture a person and dump all their problems on him. Can literally talk about intimate things with strangers. Loud, energetic.

Rising in Leo

Brown eyes, blonde hair.

Charming, pleasant, cordial, natural, charming open, cordial smile, endearing. The back is kept straight, if they sit in an uncomfortable position, they always straighten their shoulders. Problem hair. Features of gait are more pronounced in women - graceful and beautiful - the gait of a fashion model. often worn high heel. Natural in their behavior. But in a conversation they seize the initiative and conduct a monologue, however, a little softer than Aries. They love to lead. They love to be the center of attention. They do everything to draw attention to themselves (clothes, conversation).

Rising in Sagittarius

Big blondes with blue eyes.

Well built, with broad shoulders. Seizes the initiative, speaks loudly, attracts attention. Tendency to be overweight, sometimes become obese, often have a belly and full cheeks. Fight it by playing sports. Slouch. The problem of the hip joint - clubfoot, poor gait. They put their socks in when they stand or sit, or vice versa - they turn them out. good hair, Early gray hair. They speak sharply, as if they are shooting from a bow. Each portion of words is a shot from a bow.

Ascendant in Libra

Blonde hair, light eyes. Stooped from lack of vital energy. Increased fatigue, youthful appearance, straight nose, fine facial features. Cute in appearance. youthful appearance. Teenage face type, up to 60-70 years old look like young men.

Very smiling and friendly, with humor, benevolent. Nod your head in approval and encouragement of the interlocutor. Libra loves light conversation about pleasant things. Peaceful, easy to worry, but quickly calm down. They tend to blush more than others - they sometimes feel insecure and are easily embarrassed.

They speak beautifully with pauses, beautiful gestures. Artistic.

Rising in Aquarius

Brunette with black eyes. They often smile, but, as a rule, out of place and out of place. The smile is not as pleasant as that of Libra. The character is easy, sociable, characteristically abrupt change body position or direction of movement. Buffoonery, antics. When performing, they are restless and even “twitchy”.

Ascendant in Gemini

(brunettes with blue eyes). Long arms legs. There are very high and very high. Basketball and volleyball players. Narrow shoulders, asthenic physique. Very sociable and even talkative. At the same time, like all air signs, they are capable of dialogue, unlike the Fire signs. Nervous sign - trembling, tapping, swaying of the legs are characteristic. When walking, they wave their arms and shake their shoulders. Prone to gesticulation in conversation.

Rising in Cancer

blonde hair and Blue eyes. In childhood, literally white, with age they can darken.

Tend to become stout and round with age, Short legs and arms. Short fingers. In men, the cancer-like position of the arms is very noticeable - they are strongly bent at the elbows. Emotional incontinence, tantrums and tears (especially in childhood). Timid, shy, afraid to seem ridiculous in an unfamiliar company. Behavior opposite to Leo is better not to be paid attention. They strive to look like everyone else - otherwise you will draw attention to yourself, which is scary. Emotional, sociable, psychological, sensitive, sensitive. They tend to constantly move their eyes - as if they are probing the environment. Cancer's gait does not stand out from the general background. Often aquiline nose.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Dark hair, dark eyes, Roman nose ( big nose). Some are quite well put together. Men can look very masculine and athletic, muscular, like a fire sign. Courageous, rude features. Women have a masculine face. There is a redhead in the hair, beard.

They appear extremely confident. The gait is firm, confident, masculine in women too), maybe a little loose. Often ironic and mocking facial expressions. Strong expressive, hypnotic look. Rude in their behaviour. They may use foul language. Of course it depends on the culture. Emotionally powerful, unrestrained, prone to emotional outbursts, scandals, unrestrained. Secretive. In the photo, as a rule, a wary look. May be confused with fire signs, but the difference is that in a conversation they do not seek to seize the initiative and are too emotional.

Rising in Pisces

Blond hair and eyes. Quiet modest, timid. The most silent in the company - they listen and are silent. Dreamers and quiet. At home, they can be prone to tantrums and violent emotional outbursts. With age, they tend to be overweight, the figure can become loose. foot problem - foot pain small size legs, mincing gait, small step, poor walkers.

Ascendant in Capricorn

Square shape of the body, head.

Looks older than his years. Speaks in a quiet voice, can move to a whisper, does not like to raise his voice. Serious, thoughtful. Often as if sad. An aspect of despondency, sadness, or seriousness on the face. Most often short, thin, small thin. Black hair, black eyes. Ash hair and gray, expressionless eyes.

Rising in Taurus

Square body and head. Large head, short neck. Dark hair and dark eyes. They love sweets very much and therefore are full. They are tall and eat well. Very slow, lazy. If they say, then everyone will be put to sleep, because. speak slowly and emotionally not expressed. Some suffer from tongue-tied tongue, too lazy to speak. Confident calmness and slowness are the main difference.

Ascendant in Virgo

Normal physique, proportional. Blond hair, light brown, dark brown, light eyes - blue (transparent). subtle features faces. The face is small. The nose is large. Outwardly younger than his years. Looks like Wes. Sociable, talkative, seems frank. But unlike Libra, Virgo speaks on one note (there are no voice modulations) and tends to chatter, talkatively. There is no beautiful gestures characteristic of Libra.

based on lectures by Shestopalov S.V.
prepared by Kotenko A.Yu.

"We were born at a certain moment in a certain place and bear the stamp of their influence in the same way that years of aging determine the bouquet of a fine wine." Carl Gustav Jung.
Without a doubt, astrology is primarily a science about us. It illuminates the path to the depths of the individual. Astrologers say that you can not go blindly through life, leading your destiny within certain limits and achieving better understanding of his personality.
people, when they hear the word "astrology", they always represent their zodiac sign, under which they were born. But only a few have heard that every person also has an Ascending sign of the Zodiac, which is called the Ascendant.
Ascendant or rising sign(these terms are equivalent) - an important element of your horoscope. The ascendant is a sign that reflects your outward behavior; he largely determines how he sees you the world.
As you can see, the word "external"
is key in relation to your rising sign, as it represents the outer side of your personality. Taking advantage modern language, you can say that this is your image. Very often it turns out that the ascendant is responsible for what the world sees in you first of all, what is the first impression you make. Many astrologers believe that the rising sign reveals you more directly than the sign of the Sun. The Ascendant has been compared to the door of a house, the entrance through which the visitor must pass in order to see
housing itself.
Since the ascendant is the sign that rises above the horizon at the time of your birth (hence the term "rising sign" comes from), it reflects the moment when your independent life in this world. It characterizes your interaction with others, your individual style of communication.
The ascendant is called the sign of your "I" - your self-awareness, independence, interest in yourself. In many ways, the rising sign signifies your goals, aspirations,
indicates the main area of ​​​​application of your creative forces. To some extent, this sign also affects external characteristics and manners. This is your world-facing mask. Like any mask, it can hide the true face, but rather it is part of the real face. This is the face that you show to others with the greatest ease and naturalness.
What is an ascendant? According to the simplest definition, the ascendant is astrological sign rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of your
birth. To better understand what this means, imagine the Earth as a small circle centered on a larger circle. The second circle depicts the sky, the celestial sphere surrounding us. You lie on a small circle (Earth) and look at the sky at the moment of your birth. If you draw a line from the eastern horizon to the surface of the celestial sphere, this line will indicate the exact position of your ascendant. (Some clairvoyants claim that they actually see this person's astral line.)
When a person says that he was born under a certain sign, he means the sign of the Sun (that is, the sign in which the Sun is at the time of birth). However, astrologers, speaking of the sign under which an individual is born, mean the ascendant. In the past, the ascendant was considered a more important factor than the sign of the Sun, but this opinion was abandoned in the twentieth century. However, many astrologers believe that the line of the ascendant is the main component of the birth chart, because other parameters of the horoscope can be calculated,
based on her position. One thing is certain: without the establishment of an ascendant, the interpretation of the horoscope remains limited, and it will never become truly natal, that is, related to the moment of birth.

To determine the Ascendant you need to know the date of birth, time and place of birth. You can find out your Ascendant using any astrological program. If you do not have such an opportunity, then below I present to you another way to determine the ascending zodiac sign.
First you need to find out under which zodiac sign you were born, as well as your time of birth. Further, the countdown must begin from your zodiac sign, taking into account sunrises
and sunsets.
Sunrise for people born in mid-latitudes, start at the following hours:
January, December - approximately 8:30 - 9:30
February, November - approximately 7:30 - 8:30

March, October - approximately 6:30 - 7:30
April, September - approximately 5:30 - 6:30
May, August - approximately 4:30
- 5:30

June - at about 4 o'clock in the morning
July - approximately 4 - 4:30
January, December - 16:0 0 - 17:0 0
February, November - 17:0 0 - 18:0 0
– 18:0 0 - 19:0 0

April-September - 19:0 0
- 20 :0 0

May, August - 20:0 0 - 21:30
June, July - 21:30 - 22:30
You can determine your ascending zodiac sign as follows:
If you were born at sunrise plus or minus 1 hour, then your Rising sign is the same as your main one.
If you were born 2-4 hours after or before sunrise,
then your Ascendant is the next or previous sign relative to your main sign. For example, if you are Leo, then the Ascendant would be Virgo (+2 hours) or Cancer (-2 hours).
If you were born 4-6 hours before or after sunrise, then your sign will be the third from the main one. For example, for Leo it is Libra or Gemini.
If you were born between sunrise and sunset during the day, then the sign is the fourth from the main one. For Leo, it's Scorpio.
If 4-6 hours before sunset, then the fifth. For Leo, this is Sagittarius.
If for 2-4
before sunset, then the sixth. For Leo, it's Capricorn.
If you were born at sunset plus or minus 1 hour, then the seventh sign. For Leo, this is Aquarius.
2-4 hours after sunset - the eighth sign.
4-6 hours after sunset - the ninth sign.
Between sunset and sunrise at night is the tenth sign.

So, you have determined your rising sign. Below are descriptions for each sign.
Aries- growth is often average. The physique is athletic. The head, forehead, thick eyebrows stand out. By nature, quick-tempered, a pioneer in everything. Very active, energetic, prefers to do first, and then think about actions. There may be head injuries.

Taurus- growth is often high, especially in men. Strong neck and shoulders. Slow by nature, loves luxury, comfort, aimed at making money. Understands cooking, talent for music, good voice. There may be a tendency to be overweight.

Twins- growth is often low. The nose is sharp, the movements are fast. The physique is thin. By nature, he is very quick-witted, quickly perceives information, sociable, able to do several things at the same time, it is difficult to complete things to the end.

Cancer- average height. The voice is soft. The face is round, the eyes are large, moist. The character is soft, secretive, touchy. He loves the house, it is not easy to make contact with strangers, he appreciates family traditions. Tendency to corpulence. Knows how to manipulate other people's feelings.

a lion- medium or high growth. The posture is straight, the chest stands out. In appearance, greatness and charisma are felt. Often the hairstyle stands out. proud character, strong feeling dignity, leadership and organizational skills. Strongly sensitive to flattery. Likes to have a great time. Energetic and enterprising.

Virgo- height is high or medium. The physique is thin. Proper facial features. By nature, she is very demanding of herself and others. Strong analytical mind. Sometimes it can be overly picky and meticulous. Pays great attention to detail. Good performer.

Scales- growth above average. Many beauties and beauties have given sign. Well built figure. Makes a huge impact on his appearance. The character is harmonious, a born diplomat and aesthete. Before making important decisions, he often weighs all the pros and cons. Strongly needs a partner, self-fulfilling at the expense of a partner.

Scorpion- Height is average or below average. The body is stocky. Direct, piercing gaze. The nose is snub or aquiline. He has great willpower, tough, independent, loves extreme sports. Secretive, distrustful and suspicious. Prone to extremes.

Sagittarius- height is high or medium. Tendency to corpulence. Women often have a ponytail. The hips stand out. Optimist by nature, cheerful, loves to travel. Direct, honest, sometimes can be tactless. Interested in other countries, religion.

Capricorn- height is high or medium. The physique is thin. The appearance is dry. In youth, it may look older than its years, with age it “gets younger”. By nature, ambitious, responsible, prone to depression and pessimism. Focused on career and power, acts carefully and efficiently. hardy.

Aquarius- growth above average. The physique is harmonious. Bright skin. The character is open, sociable, extraordinary. Tends to be eccentric. There are a lot of ideas in my head, prefers informal communication, "hangouts". Ability in the field of information technology.

Fish- growth below average or average. Tendency to corpulence. Large eyes stand out strongly. Outwardly, it can give the impression of lethargy. By nature, indecisive, lazy, very highly developed imagination, secretive, has the ability to deceive. Able to "induce fog".
==> You can read more about each ascending zodiac sign here: load/0-19

Synthetic sign and ascendant render strong influence on the character of a person. It is possible that in the first field of the horoscope on ascendant there is another sign different from the solar one, or the planets are located in such a way that it turns out synthetic sign, which significantly affects a person, his demeanor and outlook on life. Do you think that the description of the characteristics of the sign does not suit you and horoscopes are nonsense? This is fixable, by the end of the article your opinion will completely change.

Almost everyone knows their zodiac sign. And reading his description in different books, he often understands that this description is not always suitable for him. This is possible because sometimes the sun sign (just the one that everyone knows) does not match with ascendant or synthetic sign. Sometimes a synthetic sign describes our character much better than a solar one.

Often a person is perceived not as a representative of his solar sign, but through his synthetic sign. A synthetic sign is some conditional total unit depending on the elements and crosses in which the planets are located. Every zodiac sign belongs to one of the elements (fire, earth, air, water) and to one of the crosses (cardinal, fixed, mutable). For personal horoscope we count the number of planets in each element and in each cross. As a rule, in any element and the cross is the most planets. This will be our synthetic sign. If you want to know what kind of synthetic sign you have and whether it exists at all, please contact me and I will tell you. You can also calculate yourself by building your horoscope with the help of. After that, we look at which elements and crosses prevail in the horoscope and according to the table you can find your synthetic sign that affects your character. It may be that there will be no bright predominance of signs and elements.

You can also look at your characteristics by finding out which sign you have on the ascendant. Ascendant, being the cusp of the first field of the horoscope, is considered a symbol of personality, a symbol of one's own "I", characterizes temperament, character, behavior, type of reaction of feelings to external stimuli. The ascendant is the rising degree in the eastern part of the horizon at the time of birth. The ascendant is a sign at the beginning of the first house and it is he who determines the appearance, behavior, manner of speaking, complexion, height, hair color, clothing style, image choice. Even choosing what color to dye your hair or what color contact lenses buy - a person acts as the sign on the Ascendant tells him. The sign and planets in the first field of the horoscope affect the choice of profession, especially in the area where certain external data and physical features, it also depends physical activity person, a penchant for any kind of sport. It is important for an astrologer to know the influence of zodiac signs and planets on a person's appearance. This knowledge allows you to clarify and verify the correct time of birth and is crucial when the time of birth is unknown. But it should be remembered that the rising sign (Ascendant) affects the external, but not the internal manifestation of the personality.

Determining the rising sign by appearance

First you need to understand the ascending sign belongs to the male or female signs. Male signs lengthen the limbs, make the face taller. The movements are energetic, the gait is fast. They endow a person with openness, frankness and sincerity in the manifestation of feelings, love for everyone's attention, smiling. Female ascending signs shorten the limbs, height, make the face round or square. There is restraint in the behavior. They prefer not to express their thoughts, but to keep them to themselves, they try to stay away from everyone's attention. The smile is restrained, shy, sometimes ironic.

The signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are related to male signs. The fiery rising sign gives a large build, broad shoulders, large facial features and a love of sports. Such people speak loudly, strive to be the center of attention, and tend to monologue. Air rising sign, lengthens the limbs, makes the face and figure thinner, youthful appearance. The person is sincere, sociable, prone to dialogue. Not as energetic and excitable as signs of fire, they are pleased to be in the spotlight, but they will not impose themselves.

The female signs include the signs of Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). water sign on the ascendant gives a rounded physique, shortens the arms and legs. Such people are emotional, prone to violent manifestations of emotions, express their feelings openly, while what they think, they leave to themselves. They love to talk heart to heart. Representatives of the earth ascending signs may have a square physique or head shape. The subject is restrained, a little emotional and silent, he will never openly say what he thinks. He tries to remain in the shadows, he is embarrassed by excessive attention.

In addition to all of the above, the appearance is influenced by the planets in the first house, as well as the aspects of the planets to the elements of the first house.

Sun increases muscle mass gives reddish hues to hair. A person wants to be the center of attention, believes that the whole world revolves around him.

Moon makes a person round, small, caring, kind.

Mercury lengthens the limbs, gives excessive talkativeness.

Venus just softens, it does not affect growth and complexion. Venus gives a person softness, creates an external harmonious image, a pretty face, a peaceful character.

Mars makes a person more energetic, courageous, active and assertive.

Jupiter magnifies, enlarges. Light eyes and hair. Generosity and optimism are clearly manifested in the character.

Saturn creates a deficit in appearance. Lack of height, weight, size. People with Saturn in the first house look older than their years, facial features are small. Modesty, diligence, perseverance can be traced in behavior.

Uranus increases in height, makes hair and eyes darker. Such people are inventors by nature, always open and disinterested.

Neptune reduces physical forms, but increases spirituality in a person. Increases susceptibility, daydreaming and stealth. A person with Neptune in the first house can make a secret out of nothing.

Pluto standing in the first house gives a quick reaction, increases self-confidence, the nose becomes individual, large, the hair becomes more magnificent with reddish tones.

Every person has two zodiac signs. The first sign is determined by the hour of birth. It is called the rising sign, or ascendant, and characterizes the individual personality of a person.

The second sign is determined by the birthday. It is called solar and, according to the position of the Sun, fixes the degree of birth, which characterizes the unique essence of man.
In the first part of the book, explanations are given on how to determine your ascending sign by the hour of birth in order to know the internal forces that contribute to the disclosure of the capabilities and character of the individual.
The second part of the book reveals the secret meaning of the birthday, fixed by the degree of birth, and determines those leading manners that, through their patronage, actively influence the formation of earthly opportunities provided by the incarnated entity.
Separately, the definition and characteristics of the leading planets during their stay in a particular sign of the Zodiac and their direct influence on the course, rhythm and color of the life cycle are given.

Rising sign (ascendant) - a person's personality

The ascending sign, which is determined by the hour of birth, characterizes the personality of a person.
A person's personality is a set of properties and qualities of character, its external manifestation, as well as physical and spiritual potentials, which are given to the essence for the realization in earthly conditions of the opportunities provided by the degree of birth.
The sphere of activity of the individual is earthly life.
The solar sign, which is determined by the birthday, characterizes the essence of a person.
The essence of a person is the spiritual basis of individuality, his ego, his monad, which carries the experience of all past incarnations.
The sphere of activity is infinite life in the subtle plane.
The personality is constantly under the control and influence of the essence, taking on all the joys and hardships of physical existence in the dense material world.
In his activity, the person is completely independent and free to make any decisions. However, each decision is recorded Higher Powers who follow the fulfillment of destiny (karma).
As mentioned above, the totality of the properties and qualities of a person determines the ascending sign.
The rising sign can coincide with the sun and thus enhance all its qualities and, giving it its vital energy, determine the character, often strong. A person becomes the bearer of his double sign, that is, he initially becomes twice Capricorn, or twice Aries, or, say, twice Sagittarius.
However, often the rising sign is not a mirror image, does not coincide with the solar one. Such people become carriers of the vital energy of the two signs of the Zodiac. This is what often leads to confusion in the minds of those who are familiar only with the beginnings of astrology. They see a person’s behavior in front of them, they know his birthday, that is, they know the sign of the Zodiac, and they can’t understand either his actions or character traits, because they do not correspond to this particular solar sign, its characteristics. In such cases, they usually wave their hands at astrology as a very approximate science, far from specificity, and in general ... How can you trust the signs of the Zodiac if we know for sure that this person was born in early January and according to the horoscope he is the purest Capricorn, but in reality he behaves like a real Gemini?
Such examples are often found in everyday reality, and people who are superficially familiar with astrology blame the ancient science unreasonably. They just don't know what
each person has two signs of the Zodiac, and in the example above, in a typical Capricorn hour of birth, the ascending sign is in Gemini, and it is they, the qualities of Gemini, that dominate behavior. We repeat - in behavior, that is, in the external manifestation of the essence. And inside, in his core, this person remains a Capricorn, and when it comes to serious issues, he will show his flinty Capricorn firmness.
Often the ascending sign has a decisive influence on the appearance of a person: on his face, on the physical structure of the body. A man looks at a chubby woman, considers that he has a charming and sensual shell in front of him, begins to court, make acquaintances, and in fact it turns out that instead of the emotional sensuality of the shell, he met with the cold prudence of the Virgin.
The ascending sign is the external manifestation of the essence, the “clothes” by which it is met, in which it manifests itself, and in which it walks through life.
To avoid unpleasant mistakes in determining the character of a person, one must learn to recognize his ascending sign.

Definition of the rising sign (ascendant)

The rising sign is determined quite simply. Take a simple tear-off calendar, open it on the page particular day birth. As a rule, all tear-off calendars indicate the time of sunrise. The time of sunrise on a particular birthday is the starting point, the starting position for determining the rising sign.

Next comes the arithmetic. But before you start calculating the rising sign, you need to know two rules.
First rule. The rising sign changes every two hours of direct time. There are 24 hours in a day, and 12 signs themselves, therefore, there are two hours for each sign.
Second rule. The definition of the rising sign begins from the moment the Sun rises, and the first rising sign will be the repetition of this particular person, the solar sign. A person, for example, was born in the sign of Capricorn, and the first two hours after sunrise on the day of his birth will belong to the rising sign of Capricorn. And if a person was born in the sign of Taurus, then the same first two hours will be the rising sign of Taurus, then the hours of Gemini, Cancer, and so on will follow.
Let's explain on specific example. The man was born on March 31st. Open the calendar and look at the numbers. They indicate that the Sun rose at 6:20 that day. This is the starting time for determining the rising sign.
And then there is a simple arithmetic calculation. If, for example, this person was born between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning, then his rising sign will be Aries, with all the ensuing consequences that strengthen his sun sign.
If born between 8 and 10 am, then his rising sign will be Taurus, which will impose its own characteristics and bring its own energy.
If born in the period from 10 to 12, then his rising sign will be the sign of Gemini, which will leave its strong imprint on behavior and appearance.
The next rising sign will be Cancer, then in a couple of hours, it will become Leo, then Virgo and so on. The last ascending sign in this series will be the sign of Pisces, if a person was born exactly on March 31 in the period between 4 and 6 o'clock, that is, just before dawn. It is quite natural that his behavior in life will be far from the habits of Aries.
An important feature. You need to know that if the ascending and solar signs belong to the same element or are related, then they complement and reinforce each other. For example, Aries has an ascending sign in Sagittarius (the element of Fire) or in Aquarius, that is, in a related element of Air. But it is precisely this strengthening that can sometimes let a person down, since everything in life will be easy for him, which means that from constant “luckiness” he can calm himself and lose that vital vigilance and fighting energy that are so necessary for him in this earthly incarnation.
And vice versa, if the solar and ascending signs belong to unrelated elements, for example, Aries has an ascending sign in Cancer, that is, the element of Fire (Aries) met the element of Water (Cancer), then in such cases there is no mutual suppression and muting of the characteristic qualities , but the simultaneous feeding of opposite energies. They, as a rule, also complement each other with the high demands of these opposites. Here, life does not go “like clockwork”: both the most global and the simplest life issues are resolved tensely, but in a more complete manner and often with a better result than in the first case. Conclusion: this Aries in his earthly incarnation needs to have the “clothing” of Cancer in order to best fulfill the task, fulfilling his destinies.
Let us especially note that there are neither good nor bad combinations, and each is given to a person with a specific purpose. Accidents are excluded, each soul, setting off for earthly life, for its next incarnation, knows well both the goals and tasks, and the conditions in which it will have to live, fulfilling its destiny.

Features of the rising sign (ascendant)

Now, knowing how the ascending sign is determined, let's move on to considering its features and qualities of the personality's character, which it determines, being in each individual sign of the Zodiac.
The ascending sign indicates the constellation that was rising above the horizon at the moment when a person was born, and it is this constellation, or rather, the sign of the Zodiac, that becomes the fulcrum in his earthly life, like a house and earth, strengthening the concept of himself, of his will and its manifestation in the surrounding world, that is, characterizing the personality.
Below we give a description of typical, one might say normal, or ideal, or classical manifestations of ascending signs, although in reality it can be observed that these descriptions somewhat do not coincide with individual specific cases. These differences, or rather, some changes in appearance and personality characteristics, occur for two reasons.
First reason. If at the time of birth there was a planet above the horizon in the constellation, which will affect these signs. A happy, kindred planet with its influence will strengthen the good and weaken negative qualities character, and vice versa if the planet is hostile.
The second reason. Influence the formation of personality and national characteristics, inherited traits, early learning, environment, occupational traits, and geographic, racial influences all have some influence on changes in both character and appearance.
We repeat that both of these causes do occur in reality, but they only partially influence, without changing the main characteristics. So, for example, the influence of the planet can be determined by the outward appearance of a person. Jupiter determines the tendency to overweight. Mars develops the muscular system. Venus indicates the gracefulness of forms and good looks, a unique attractive smile. Saturn usually makes hair, eyes and skin color darker than the characteristic of the sign indicates. Mercury gives high and average height, restless activity. Neptune indicates some physical sign - pale, transparent color face, something remarkable in the depths of the eyes, the lines of the lips. Uranus results in long limbs, slender forms or unusual, strange facial expressions and, often, a large nose. Ascending Mars, Uranus and Saturn usually leave their "mark" on the face or head in the form of a scar, a mark.
The planet that appears above the horizon at the time of birth affects the physical and mental warehouse of a person.

And the Ascendant are the three most important figures in the natal chart, which determine the personality and forms of its manifestation. They rarely converge in one sign, although such cases do occur (it is precisely such cases that most of all correspond to the classical descriptions of a particular sign). As a rule, for men, the Sun constitutes the "basis" of the personality, a set of its permanent properties, and the Moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability to the environment, trends and dynamics of development. In women, both luminaries "change roles."

The ascendant shows the degree of realization of the possibilities inherent in a person. We can say that the solar-lunar horoscope is like a "genotype" of a personality, a set of properties, given to man at birth, a product of a certain geomagnetic situation ( left hand in palmistry). Whereas the Ascendant can be called an astrological "phenotype", a set of properties acquired by a person more or less consciously during life (in palmistry - right hand). This is an expression of the same free will that Ptolemy spoke about, pointing out that the "stars" determine fate only halfway - everything else a person arranges for himself. Another thing is that not all people can (or want) to become "the blacksmiths of their own happiness", many just go with the flow, leaving fate to make decisions for them.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that in the West it is customary to record the time of a person’s birth to the nearest minute, so the calculation of the Ascendant rarely causes difficulties there. In the countries of the East (including the Soviet Union) such an opportunity is not always available; the error in the time of birth can reach several hours. Here you have to either rectify the Ascendant according to life events, or get by with a solar-lunar horoscope, which, unfortunately, is more like a magazine horoscope for large masses of people.

But back to the houses counted from the Ascendant. We got twelve different sizes - their size varies depending on geographical latitude, time of year, and time of day. In addition, we received four important points, of which one is the Ascendant. Let's consider them in more detail.

Descendant in the cosmogram

Directly opposite the ascendant is the descendant, the descending (or setting) degree. If at the moment of a person's birth a certain degree of the celestial circle rises in the East, then in the West, naturally, at the same moment, a certain degree sets and is called a descendant or a descendant. The descendant is a point and is denoted by the letters DS.

The ascendant-descendant line represents the horizontal, or more simply, the horizon. If the ascendant corresponds to the human "I", the beginning human personality(tip), then the descendant is the point of knowledge of the environment, the point of a person’s relationship to other people and their relationship to him, not without reason, the descendant opens, “the house of marriage and partner.”

Further on the cosmogram there are two more points that make up the points of the IV and X houses; the first point is called the nadir, the second is the middle of the sky. Nadir opens the fourth house and is designated IC (from the Latin "imum of the goal" - the lower part of the sky). The middle of the sky corresponds to the point of the tenth house and is denoted by MC (from the Latin "purpose medium", meaning the same).

In a physical sense, IC corresponds to midnight, and MC to noon: these points of the ecliptic the Sun passes (approximately) at twelve o'clock in the afternoon or night of a given calendar date. On the cosmogram of a person born, say, at 11.45 local solar time, the MC point almost coincides with the position of the Sun, and if born at 12.05, it will leave it a little behind.

In the occult plan, the nadir (IC) personifies, as it were, the “initial capital” of a person, the genetic and mental baggage given to him at birth; the middle of the sky (MC) is the goal of his aspirations, the “zenith” towards which his personality strives in the course of its development. Human life as if it goes along the line connecting the nadir with the zenith. This line (IC-MC) is called the meridian.

The horizon line divides the cosmogram into northern and southern halves, and the meridian line into western and eastern halves. Already a quick glance at the cosmogram is enough to determine how the planets are located relative to these lines, and to draw some conclusions.

For a better representation, redraw yours on Blank sheet paper, and draw two lines along the blue arrows, the Ascendant (AS) in the 1st house and the Midheaven (MC) in the 10th house. Redrawing the map is recommended for all novice astrologers, this will help them plunge deeper into the mystery of the influence of subtle energies.

If most of the planets are above the horizon, that is, in the southern half of the cosmogram, this usually indicates that the "owner" of the horoscope is a man of action: he prefers to control his own destiny. How closer to the sun to the meridian, the higher position it reaches. This is true even when other indicators are not entirely favorable.

If the planets are located more below the horizon, in the northern half of the cosmogram, then fate is not very favorable to a person: all his development takes place “inside”, in the soul, without giving a tangible social result. Such a person is usually not able to cope with circumstances. If near the nadir (IC), that is, the lowest point northern half sky, turns out to be the Sun or Jupiter, a person often devotes himself to mystical teachings, metaphysics, occult sciences. If, however, Mars and Saturn are near this point, this indicates tensions in the family.

If most of the planets fall into eastern half, that is, within the triangle MC-AS-IC, this means early development personalities, bright events in youth, in general, early independence of a person, and under other favorable conditions, early success in life. If the horoscope is generally unfavorable, this can mean many difficulties and obstacles in the first half of life.

If the planets are concentrated mainly in the western half, that is, in the triangle IC-DS-MC, then major events occur in the second half of life. Such people generally tend to wait without taking action; they make decisions that are imposed on them environment. At all inner life for them is more important than external.

The horizon and the meridian divide the cosmogram into four sectors - quadrants. These sectors are rarely equal to each other, because at different latitudes and in different time year day and night, light and dark time days have different duration. The American astrologer Dane Rudhyar, in his book Astrology of Personality, indicates that the northwestern sector gives the concept of emotional sphere man, and the southeast - about his logical thinking; the southwestern one tells about the peculiarities of his perception, and the northeastern one tells about the ways of processing information.

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