Full description of the zodiac sign: Aquarius. Various data on the zodiac sign "Aquarius": from what to what date

Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. There are two varieties of Aquarius, one ruled by Sature, the other by Uranus. Saturn is the planet of sad memories, melancholy, unfulfilled hopes. Uranus, on the contrary, is the planet of action, the inspirer of scientists.
Aquarius is very attractive to other people because of its humanity. Every Aquarius has something of an inventor obsessed with the idea of ​​improvement. He has periods of laziness and inactivity, but then he overcomes them and in a week he can complete the amount of work calculated for a month. In dealing with Aquarius, you need to be prepared for all sorts of surprises. He loves to shock the townsfolk with his antics. Being calm and kind by nature, Aquarius takes great pleasure when he manages to defy public opinion.
Aquarius can be funny, original, independent, but can also be diplomatic, sympathetic, timid, gentle. There are dark periods of loneliness in his life when he does not want to see anyone. However, no matter what state he is in, Aquarius always retains his sharp insight, which is much deeper and sharper than that of other signs.
Aquarius hates routine, pedantry. Uranus makes him an euntar, instinctively feeling that the old traditions are wrong, that the world and people need drastic changes. He constantly analyzes the situation, acquaintances. People around you can feel awkward when Aquarius asks them direct and often tactless questions, getting to their most intimate feelings. But after solving another puzzle, he loses interest, and sometimes even gets upset because of it. The feeling that you have ceased to be interesting to Aquarius and he turned his back on another, more meaningful person is very insulting and not easy to survive.
Aquarius does not have many friends, as he strives for quality, and rarely establishes strong relationships. He is always interested in new people, so he does not have many real attachments. If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is useless to appeal to his feelings. However, Aquarius is one of the few signs that can offer friendship to a partner after a completed romance.
Aquarius is surrounded by a special atmosphere of isolation. People often don't understand it. This is due to the fact that others simply do not keep up with him, since Aquarius lives mainly in the future and comes to the present only on short periods. Astrology claims that today's Aquarius is 50 years away from ours. This sign is known as the sign of geniuses, since 70% prominent people born under this zodiac sign. On the other hand, among Aquarians, the percentage of patients in psychiatric institutions is very high.
Aquarius is not a fighter, although not a coward. He is often not built to fight and is more likely to agree with the wrong opinion, just so as not to enter into a long discussion.
Aquarians, as a rule, have a bad memory, but they don’t need to memorize much, since they get their knowledge in a different, somehow mysterious way.
Aquarius does not tolerate lies and deceit, does not like to lend and borrow himself. If this happens, he will repay his debts on time, demanding the same from his debtors.
Aquarius is a curious mixture of coldness, practicality and eccentric fickleness. His mind and body must be free as the wind. Trying to stop Aquarius is like putting the wind into a bottle. Aquarius is the embodiment of the hopes and ideals of mankind.

Zodiac sign Aquarius date of birth:

Born from January 21 to February 1.
Venus had the greatest influence at birth on these people. Shamefully timid, soft-spoken people, prone to sadness and gloomy thoughts, refined in love relationships.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

Born from 2 to 12 February.
Mercury had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are affectionate, have a clear mind, slightly arrogant and striving for fame, a developed sense of humor, and observe the norms of social behavior.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

Born from 13 to 20 February.
The moon had the greatest influence at birth on these people. They are prone to frequent disappointments, restrained in the manifestation of feelings and emotions, have increased susceptibility, strive for the truth, like to tell the truth, unshakable and attractive personalities.
Numbers contributing to happiness and good luck: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Compatibility horoscope: Aquarius zodiac sign from what date to what - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

What date does the Aquarius zodiac sign start with?

  1. I don't understand from what to what number
  • Aquarius personal horoscope

    The symbol of Aquarius is two waves, denoting "living" and "dead" water. Often depicted as a man pouring water from a jug, which should mean a servant of humanity, seeking to quench the thirst for knowledge. Aquarius in Greek mythology correlates with the myth of Ganymede. Ganymede is the son of the Trojan king Tros and the nymph Kalliron, so he was half an “earthly” person. Ganymede was extraordinarily handsome. His beauty captivated Zeus, and when Ganymede grazed his father's herds on the slopes of Ida, turning into an eagle, he abducted him and carried him to Olympus. There Ganymede acted as the royal cupbearer. Zeus comforted the father of Ganymede by giving him magnificent horses and showing him his son, numbered among the host of the gods. Subsequently, Ganymede was exalted to heaven and placed in the number of zodiac constellations under the sign of Aquarius. The patron of Aquarius is Uranus, which is nothing but the beginning of all beginnings. Uranus (Sky) married Gaia (Earth). From their union came the Titans, the most famous of which are Kronos (Time), Ocean (lord of the rivers and seas), Atlas (lord of the mountains) and Japhet - the progenitor of people. Uranus was prolific, besides the Titans, he also had other children - Cyclopes, Storms, but they were terrible in appearance, so Uranus hid them in the womb of Gaia (Earth), which caused her to suffer greatly. Gaia persuaded her son Kronos to rebel against his father. Kronos defeated his father and castrated him. Drops of the blood of Uranus, falling to the ground, gave birth to Giants, Furies, and from those that fell into the water, Nymphs and Aphrodite were born. (Kronos - see Capricorn).

  • Here is the picture
  • (January 21 - February 20)
  • Finally, the era of Aquarius and white dog stepped on. (the era of the “white dog” according to the Old Slavonic calendar) T. is the Era of the revival of the Light Forces.

    Aquarius: from what date to what?

    Many people ask themselves: “Aquarius: from what date to what?” It is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question, later you will understand what it is about. It is officially considered that people born from the twenty-first of January to the eighteenth of February are Aquarius. Each sign has an impact on people, like a name. And it is important to consider which planet affects more. In this case, Aquarius is influenced by the planet Uranus, which is responsible for discoveries, the opportunities that he gives to people, opening doors for them.

    What date does Aquarius begin?

    Most often, the Internet or books, newspapers, in which everything is different, are used to answer this question. And it is very difficult to know exactly which numbers are correct. Although the opinions of astrologers differ on this score. Some believe that over time everything has shifted, since the appearance new sign: Ophiuchus.

    Negative qualities of Aquarius:

    Aquarians are trying to make this world a better place. Some of them cannot find accurate information regarding their character and numbers. And that's why. Today there is a theory that says that the signs of the Zodiac have shifted relative to the Sun, that is, it is necessary to develop new horoscope. Kunkl, who is a professor of astrophysics, came to the same opinion. He believes that the horoscope for two thousand years is very outdated. And people see this every day. Children are born who are completely different in character from their sign.

    Uranus is a fairly small planet, but it has a very strong effect on Aquarius. big influence. As you know, the symbol of this representative zodiacal circle are two waves, one of which denotes living water, and the other - dead. Such people are endowed with amazing talents that wake up in them throughout their lives. Some sources say that a person born on a border date, for example, the eighteenth, can be attributed to two signs at once, since he takes on their characteristics. However, this is debatable.

    Aquarius dates start on January 21st and end on February 18th. To date, there is no more accurate information. Astrologers only put forward theories, which in most cases are not supported by anything.

    If you are in doubt about which sign to attribute yourself to, read more information on our website about the nature of this representative of the zodiac circle. For such people, the desire for freedom and independence is mainly characteristic. They have a light disposition, they like to solve some practical matters related to a particular area of ​​life. It should be remembered that before Aquarius comes Capricorn, which influences people born before the twenty-eighth of January, after which Aquarius enters full force and gradually fade away.

    It should be borne in mind that such people are constantly learning something new, they do not like lazy people and those who constantly complain. But if there is a person in their environment who needs something, they will definitely help. They should rest more and gain emotions so that they have strength for their favorite activities. From them are obtained good doctors, as they are incredibly cold-blooded and impartial. They may also choose the legal profession, as they have a cold mind that will help them in this work.

    After Aquarius, Pisces is already coming, which can also affect a person if he was born, for example, on the eighteenth of February. In conclusion, I would like to say that such people do not cause rejection in others, they fit perfectly into absolutely any company, they can keep up the conversation or tell something very interesting. But they definitely need the support of loved ones, only in this case they consider themselves confident and filled with vitality.

    Also, a video about Aquarius will certainly be useful to you. Look right now!

    Various data on the zodiac sign "Aquarius": from what to what date

    If you ask your grandmother the question: “Zodiac sign Aquarius - from what to what date?”, Then she may not answer you, because various horoscopes were not particularly revered before October revolution, and in the USSR they were, to put it mildly, not encouraged for use by the masses. Occult and related information was dealt with by special closed units, the developments and calculations of which are still classified as "Secret". Fashion on similar information for the population came during perestroika, when the information space was open to both Western and Eastern trends.

    Is Modern Astrology Outdated?

    Today, it is impossible to accurately establish the data on the sign of Aquarius (from which to which date) completely reliably, because there is a point of view that due to a change in the position of the Earth's axis, the entire horoscope has shifted by almost one sign of the Zodiac. Professor of astrology Kunkl came to this opinion, who believes that the signs of the Zodiac, formed 2000 years ago, on this moment outdated. However, he has many opponents who believe that astrology is point oriented. spring solstice, with which the sign of Aries begins, and not on the location of stars nearby.

    On what date does Aquarius (zodiac sign) begin according to Kunkle's calculations?

    He believes that those born under such a constellation can consider themselves those whose birth fell on the period from the sixteenth of February to the eleventh of March. An interesting feature The horoscope compiled by the astrophysicist is that one week is allotted for Scorpio (November 23-29), and the sign of Ophiuchus (from November 29 to December 17), which was previously absent, was added.

    Famous astronomers stick to tradition

    In most of the published horoscopes, including those from famous astrologers (Pavel Globa and others), it is not noted in any way that the signs, including Aquarius, have somehow shifted. From what to what date can it be found in the classical zodiac layouts? Persons born from January 20 to February 19 may consider themselves born under this sign.

    These people can establish for themselves belonging to the Aquarius sign. No matter what date it starts, such a person has a desire for freedom, new knowledge, and extensive acquaintances. Persons born on the above dates are witty, independent, interesting. But it must be borne in mind that the final character of an individual is formed under a great variety of astrological factors, of which the zodiac sign is the simplest.

    Time shifts all landmarks

    The true parameters of the Aquarius zodiac sign (from what date to what date) will be quite difficult to establish in the future, because with each century the equinox points marked in the calendars in the sign of Aries (and Libra - autumnal equinox), will increasingly shift to other constellations (by one in 2-2.5 thousand years). At the same time, the displacement of the earth's axis (precession) is also affected by earthquakes and other large natural disasters. Therefore, you should not focus on your own compliance. astrological characteristics rather shape life and relationships on their own.

    Aquarius from what to what date?

    People who belong to the zodiac constellation Aquarius were born from January 21 to February 20.

    The zodiac constellation Aquarius is located between Capricorn (December 21 to January 19) and Pisces (February 20 to March 20).

    In astrology, Aquarius is considered the sign of the element of air. Refers, along with Leo, Scorpio and Taurus, to the signs of the constant (unchanging quadrant).

    All Aquarians celebrate their birthday during this period.

    As far as astronomy is concerned, The sun passes the constellation Aquarius from February 16 to March 12. As we see, in fact astrological signs zodiac do not correspond to the actual position celestial bodies in the starry sky.

    I myself am Aquarius, so I can definitely say that the sign of Aquarius is in astrological forecasts starts reporting from January 20 to February 18. But the most interesting thing is that the sun is under this sign only from February 16 to March 12.

    Aquarians are people born between January 21st and February 18th. But during the first 7 days, this sign still has significant influence previous - Capricorn. After January 28, the sign comes into full force, gradually losing it. Those who were born on the "border" seven days (on any side) usually combine the qualities of two signs at once, they are more sensitive and vulnerable.

    Aquarians have a great desire wealth but they are not greedy. They are tireless workers and are ready to work hard for their goals. They have a well-developed intuition, they literally see through a person, which can sometimes prevent them from being happy. Aquarians do not like a frank demonstration of love, their feelings are deep and sincere.

    Zodiac sign Aquarius from what to what date? Characteristics of the sign Aquarius

    Immediate and curious, sociable and friendly, Aquarians are full of light, airy energy. They love to dream, but their fantasies do not always become reality. There are many contradictions and originality in this zodiac sign.

    What is Aquarius? From when to when does he dominate? What are his lucky numbers, stones-mascots? Aquarius is marked by incredible intuition, insight. This is a sign of philosophers, inventors, geniuses, madmen.

    Description of Aquarius

    The sun, moon and 8 planets have their influence on the fate and temperament of a person. The characteristics of all the signs of the zodiac depend on where the heavenly bodies were at the time of birth. An important role is played by the hour, the minute, the place where new life appears. Therefore, people of the same zodiac sign can differ from each other in temperament, character, and potential.

    Winter month is Aquarius. From what to what number does this sign begin and end? From January 21 to February 20, Aquarius dominates, endowing those born on these numbers with growth above average and subtle features faces. The eyes of Aquarius are usually light. Blue, grey, light green. Hair is often blond, straight.

    In some horoscopes there are slight changes in dates. The Aquarius sign also has them. By what date it ends depends on the location of the planets in a particular area and the hour of birth. Therefore, sometimes in horoscopes you can see other dates for the reign of Aquarius - from January 21 to February 18.

    Symbols and planets

    Aquarius belongs to the air element. This gives windiness, ease of behavior, airiness and inconstancy of thoughts. Symbols of Aquarius - wings, zigzag, flight of birds, sage. This means dispersion in goals, ideals. At the same time, a deep mind, a penchant for reflection, analysis. Flight of thought and tight control of the mind.

    Sociable, lively, addicted zodiac sign Aquarius. The characteristic of Aquarius depends on the ruling planets - Uranus and Saturn.

    The first half of life is marked by greater ease and fun than the second. Up to 30 years Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Giving the character stubbornness, self-will, eccentricity. Giving Aquarius peace, nobility, self-confidence.

    The second half of life passes under the dominance of Saturn, which will add deep vital wisdom to the sign. There will be less fantasies, but pragmatism and the ability to analyze the situation will be added.

    Full characteristics of the zodiac sign: Aquarius

    The sign of Aquarius is a person who pours water. It is a symbol of knowledge, spirituality, which he conveys to humanity. Aquarians surprisingly know how to calm, encourage, encourage. They try to improve the natural essence of man. By the power of your temperament, help or inspire.

    Their thinking is fast and people do not have time to understand what Aquarius wants to tell them. From what date are the true representatives of this zodiac sign born? The famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the date can vary from January 20 to 21. It depends on the region, hour, minute of birth.

    Aquarians are free-spirited and unpredictable people. Outwardly, they seem active and sociable. But deep down, Aquarians are very isolated. They clearly separate themselves, their emotions from those around them. They often take the position of an observer.

    Changeable in their feelings and priorities Aquarius. Zodiac sign ( a brief description of this confirms) dictates a constant renewal of life. New sensations, impressions, emotions. The accumulation of life experience and wisdom leads to permanent shift beliefs. However, Aquarius true friend, a reliable spouse for those whom he truly loves.

    Positive and negative qualities

    Positive Qualities of Aquarius. A devoted friend, a reliable comrade. You can always expect help and support from him. Able to listen and advise. In critical situations, he is able to restrain his emotions. In love, a faithful faithful companion.

    Aquarius is good with people. Intuitively understands their hidden motives. Has a good sense of humor. Aquarius has a sharp analytical mind.

    Negative Qualities of Aquarius. There are many ideas, plans that cannot be realized due to their utopian nature. He spends time and energy talking about his future at the expense of the present. Considering freedom above all else, he tries not to get too close relationships. He often changes tastes, passions, ideals, beliefs.

    Aquarius is too emotional, does not know how to say “no”. Sometimes, to his own detriment, he rushes to help. Few people understand him because of his too great propensity for fantasies. These are brilliant people, born before their time.

    The main types of Aquarius

    Depending on the date of birth, Aquarius is divided into 3 main types. From what date to what date the planets lined up in a certain order, they endowed their wards with such features.

    The first type of Aquarius is under the influence of Venus. These are people born between January 21st and February 1st. Venus, the planet of love, gives them refinement, shyness. Aquarians of the first type great importance give emotions, spiritual impulses. Love daydreaming rarely allows you to achieve real life goals. The temperament is often melancholy. Important Years life - 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

    On what date does Aquarius type 2 begin? From 2 to 11 February. Mercury rules here, the planet of communication and trade relations. Such Aquarians are cheerful, careless. Easily make friends, new acquaintances. They love companies, noisy fun. Smart and arrogant. Strive to achieve career heights. They have a sanguine temperament. Important years of life - 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

    On what date does Aquarius of the third type begin? Born 12 to 20 February, they are under the influence of the moon. This is a planet of emotions, kindness, flexibility of communication. Aquarians of the third type pay great attention to the family, relationships. They know how to give advice based on amazing intuition. Popular with colleagues and superiors. Temperament - lyrical sanguine. Important years of life - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

    Aquarius Man

    Rules and regulations do not limit male Aquarius. Only own experience will show what they are willing to do, what they are not. They are always supported by numerous friends.

    A constant thought process distinguishes this Aquarius zodiac sign. The characteristic of Aquarius is unthinkable without creative experiments, tireless ideas. These men bring with them diversity, interest in life. The desire to prove yourself, to try all the nuances and situations.

    Aquarians act spontaneously. their career, family life subject to ups and downs. Their freedom-loving disposition does not tolerate limits, restrictions. Therefore, Aquarius men often achieve career heights at the end of their lives. They are not in a hurry to get married, preferring an open relationship.

    Often and in an instant, they are ready to change everything and start from scratch. Gray dull existence is not for them. The Aquarius man can change his job, apartment, car, wife, without thinking about the consequences at all. The desire for change is more important than a calm measured life.

    Aquarius Woman

    Adventurism and friendliness - such is Aquarius. From what date to what date, how the planets lined up in a certain sequence, such basic qualities were endowed with charming women of this sign.

    Unlike men, they have a pragmatic mind, rational thinking. The Aquarius woman always sees her own benefit and can categorically declare it. Their non-standard solutions, creativity will help to prove themselves in leadership positions. They are more punctual, they know how to act within the established framework, restrictions.

    Aquarius women have a huge circle of acquaintances and friends. They love pleasure walks, holidays, romantic evenings. Their independence, love of freedom make them achieve success in the profession. They are trying to start a family later. They don't like routine homework. However, their house is full of interesting guests. The humor and sharp mind of the Aquarius woman will always attract new friends and admirers to her.

    They are good mothers, do not dominate their child. They completely exclude the authoritarianism of education, but they also do not allow themselves to be manipulated. Aquarius women with children try to be friends, allowing themselves free style education.

    Aquarius Child

    Aquarius perceives only his own mistakes and experience. From whatever date a child begins to count his years, he will always appreciate his own knowledge and achievements. This sign does not like boring training. He will reject a pedantic approach to knowledge. It is worth talking with such children on an equal footing. Conflicts are resolved calmly, adequately advising the child to behave competently.

    Parents of Aquarius children should allow their children some liberties in self-education. The craving for innovation, unexplored places and situations will quickly lead them to wisdom and self-knowledge. They listen carefully to the conversations of adults, often making friends with older children. Committed to protecting children and pets.

    Aquarius children are lively, active. Abrasions and bruises, tears and broken knees are quickly replaced by joyful laughter and the search for new adventures. They have a very developed intuition, so Aquarius children very subtly feel the mood of adults, understand their hidden motives.

    It is worth teaching the little Aquarius to be assiduous. Engage not only interesting business but also those that are useful. Be sure to instill careful attitude to money.

    Parents should find out from what date the sign of Aquarius is ruled by a particular planet. Depending on the date of birth of the child, adjust the main milestones of education.

    Stones and talismans

    Talismans of Aquarius - key, icon. They tell about the mystery, the true spirituality of the sign. About deep wisdom, the ability to be reborn and reborn.

    Aquarius can be modest and daring. Temperament, character, talisman stones will help to reveal the internal contradiction of the sign. His recklessness and rational mind, friendliness and isolation. Talisman stones can be:

    The stones will help balance the Aquarius character. Learn to make smart decisions. Complete with small strokes the whole picture of this sign.

    Sapphire will give clarity and clarity to thinking. It will bring good luck in business and the respect of colleagues.

    Aquamarine relieve anxiety, pacify emotional impulses. Add calmness, wisdom.

    Turquoise strengthen the marriage. Eliminate strife and enmity. It will attract the attention of the opposite sex, preserve youth.

    Amethyst will bring new victories to life, give inspiration. Sharpens intuition. It will restrain in the manifestation of aggression, negative emotions.

    Chrysoprase will help in the implementation of new plans and ideas. Attract new friends, establish understanding with colleagues.

    Agate add softness, calmness, patience. Helps you make the right decisions.

    lucky numbers

    Each zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers. They influence fate, help to choose the right path in life. What are the lucky numbers for Aquarius? Which of them can bring happiness and good luck? Numerology is a whole system of knowledge. She is able to give a person success and good luck.

    Lucky car number can bring unexpected joy to its owner. With the help of numbers, their successful combination is to win the lottery. The apartment number promises an unsuccessful or lasting marriage. What days can Aquarius expect good luck? What dates of the month will help bring joyful events?

    Firstly, number 17. This is a symbol of new ideas, the search for the unknown, creative impulses. In sum, it gives the number 8, a symbol of wealth. This number is associated with the search for treasures - both material and spiritual.

    Secondly, numbers 2, 4, 8. Or all numbers that can be divided by 4.

    Thirdly, these are the numbers 9, 11, 13. For the lottery and other winning systems - 9, 14, 19 and their combinations.

    The days of the week are also considered auspicious. For Aquarius, this is Wednesday, Saturday. It is on these days that you should plan serious conversations or long trips, major purchases or surgical interventions.

    Unfavorable day - Sunday. This time is better to devote to quiet household chores.

    Colors and shades

    A successful combination of colors harmonizes everything around. A person dressed in a certain range is able to attract new pleasant acquaintances. An apartment designed in the right color can attract success or promote relaxation.

    For Aquarius, blue, blue, green shades are considered successful. Bright colors can bring emotional instability. Flashy colors negatively affect the delicate taste of Aquarius, his psyche. Therefore, it is better to choose a calm soft range.

    Pale blue, light purple, deep blue will give hope. Inspire creativity. Smooth out negative emotions, pacify the negative. Block sadness and longing. Such colors will give peace, spiritual joy.

    Green, in all its shades, gives Aquarius inner energy, the ability to be creative. They will give maturity to thoughts, restore calmness.


    An idealist at heart, the only love for life is looking for the zodiac sign Aquarius. What numbers will bring happiness, what stones will add good luck - these parameters will help you find your destiny. In life partners Aquarians - men and women - choose partners carefully. Not everyone will be able to fit their high demands.

    In the first half of life, it is worth paying attention to Gemini and Libra. These signs are united by the air element. She will help you get mutual language, find common interests, achieve goals.

    In the second half of life, Virgo, Aries, Pisces are well suited. It is good to build a family with them, build material values. They will help to put into practice the creative impulses of Aquarius.

    After 40 years, partnerships with Leo are possible. Both signs, having become wiser and calmer over the years, are ready for compromises. There may be some error in the relationship. More calmly endure the difference of views and thoughts.

    Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio should be avoided. This does not mean that they should be ignored. Of course, Aquarius is unpleasant for Scorpio's excessive jealousy, Taurus's lack of imagination, and complete misunderstanding with Capricorn.

    Nevertheless, all signs of the zodiac are subject to love. You just need to know how to behave properly. What to encourage and what to avoid with Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. It is worthwhile to better study what Aquarius is, the horoscope, from what date and at what time each of the signs was born. Under what conditions is compatibility possible.

  • If you ask your grandmother the question: “Zodiac sign Aquarius - from what to what date?”, Then she may not answer you, because various horoscopes were not particularly revered before the October Revolution, and in the USSR they, to put it mildly, were not encouraged for use by the general public. Occult and related information was dealt with by special closed units, the developments and calculations of which are still classified as "Secret". The fashion for such information for the population came during perestroika, when the information space was open to both Western and Eastern trends.

    Today, it is impossible to completely reliably establish the data on the Aquarius sign (from what date to what date), since there is a point of view that due to the change in the position of the Earth's axis, the entire horoscope has shifted by almost one Zodiac symbol. This opinion was reached by professor of astrology Kunkl, who believes that the signs of the Zodiac, formed 2000 years ago, are now outdated. However, he has many opponents who believe that astrology focuses on the point of the vernal solstice, from which the symbol of Aries begins, and not on the location of the stars nearby.

    What date does Aquarius (the symbol of the Zodiac) begin with, according to Kunkle's calculations?

    He believes that those born under such a constellation can consider themselves those whose birth fell on the period from the sixteenth of February to the eleventh of March. A fascinating feature of the horoscope compiled by the astrophysicist is that one week is allotted for Scorpio (November 23-29), and the Ophiuchus symbol (from November 29 to December 17), which was previously absent, is also added.

    Famous astrologers stick to tradition

    In most of the published horoscopes, including those from recognizable astronomers (Pavel Globa and others), it is not noted in any way that the signs, including Aquarius, have somehow shifted. From what to what date can it be found in the traditional zodiac layouts? Persons born from January 20 to February 19 may consider themselves born specifically under this sign.

    These people can establish for themselves belonging to the Aquarius sign. No matter what date it starts, such a person has a desire for freedom, new knowledge, and extensive acquaintances. Persons born on the above dates are witty, independent, fascinating. But it must be taken into account that the final character of this or that individual is formed under the majestic multitude of astrological factors, of which the symbol of the Zodiac is the simplest.

    Time shifts all landmarks

    The real parameters of the Aquarius zodiac sign (from what date to what date) will be quite difficult to establish in the future, because with each century, the equinox points marked on the calendars in the sign of Aries (and Libra - the autumn equinox) will shift more to other constellations ( one in 2-2.5 thousand years). At the same time, the displacement of the earth's axis (precession) is influenced, among other things, by earthquakes and other major natural disasters. Therefore, you should not focus on your own compliance with astrological characteristics, but shape life and relationships on your own.

    Freedom-loving Aquarians are unusually lively, funny, capricious, original, self-satisfied and independent, and at the same time diplomatic, soft, modest and compassionate. The Aquarius sign produces more geniuses than any other sign. The symbol of Aquarius is a man holding two vessels, one of which living water, and in the other - dead. Aquarius - a person who separates Good and Evil; Black and white. On the external level, he is, as a rule, very active, sociable, sociable, he is attracted by everything new, everything that concerns spiritual growth. Usually he quickly comes into contact with any person, often strives for freedom in his ideological convictions, for equality and fraternity in general.
    Aquarians adore their circle of acquaintances and friends, cannot live without communication with loved ones, appreciate people very much and easily establish friendly relations with any people. A person born under this sign can objectively evaluate a person and a situation. At the inner level, Aquarius is already beginning to sound the Water of the next sign of Pisces, which forms such qualities as variability, the ability to transform and spiritual tact. The attitude of Aquarius to familiar people during life can change dramatically. Despite his external activity, he is internally isolated, as it were, has a certain detachment, knows how to take the position of an observer. He never climbs into the center of events, often has extravagant, original behavior, thinking, ideas. But, despite his extravagance, he almost always has the ability to self-observe his consciousness, to self-control. Aquarius can sometimes experience spontaneous psychological abilities, the ability to penetrate the secrets of the psyche up to flashes of revelation that reach prophecy.
    Aquarius always strives not only for originality in its manifestations, but often for an original way of life. Sometimes he expresses extraordinary thoughts that are ahead of time and do not fit in the minds of contemporaries. It happens that tomorrow he can discard what he worshiped yesterday, he may well also express very harsh judgments on the same issue.
    In addition, many changes occur in his life, often unexpected. A profession becomes a hobby, and a hobby develops into a profession, and sometimes Aquarius cannot separate one from the other. If we talk about the dynamics of development, then these are constant, sudden upheavals, irrational and original, and then a slow and steady attraction to one of the poles, to one of the opinions.
    Aquarius is very interesting person, often come to his mind original ideas, thoughts, information that sometimes does not fit in the head. He seems to be receiving information from the future. The task of Aquarius is to understand this information, translate it into a language understandable to people and give it to others.
    In astrology, people born under the sign of Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) are considered original to the point of eccentricity. Aquarians are loyal friends who remain reliable comrades even after marriage. They take their work so seriously that they often get nervous about it. Confidence in life they draw from communication with people of equal intelligence. Usually Aquarians are charming, their attention and sympathy for others bring them universal respect.

    Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, its ruling planet is Uranus and Saturn. The element is Air (unorthodox and inventive), the sign is constant (strong and reliable). The symbol for Aquarius is a man pouring water or two waves denoting "living" and "dead" water. The color of Aquarius is turquoise and blue. The stone corresponding to the sign of the Zodiac is amethyst and garnet; metal - uranium, tin and aluminum. Body area - lower leg and ankles. Lucky day: Friday, bad day - Sunday. Lucky number is four. corresponding sign Chinese horoscope- Tiger. The best partners of Aquarius are Gemini and Libra, unfavorable relationships with zodiac signs Taurus and Scorpio.

    Congratulations to Aquarius

    We are not afraid of water
    And we are afraid of trouble ...
    It's scary, scary to pour water,
    We are afraid to live in the world ...
    Day after day the water goes
    We follow her - back and forth ...
    Where does the water flow
    We are drawn there!
    Today here, tomorrow there
    On crystal, on waves...
    Ahead is a whirlpool
    Rotation - vice versa!
    Air, sky and water
    We've been captivated forever!

    Whatever happens to Aquarius
    He has no regrets.
    And even if you get sick
    He will never say that.
    There would be a beloved friend,
    Work and your own corner at home.
    Everything else is just water.
    And yet he sometimes dreams
    About the place - it couldn't be better.
    There flows from the high mountains
    Stream with water, almost holy.
    He should stay there
    And fresh in the morning to wash
    Clear mountain water.
    But even our children know:
    There are no such beauties in the world.
    Dreams are beautiful, however, these,
    Dreaming is good sometimes.
    But stay with us
    Your true friends.
    Everything else is just water.

    Aquarius can't be bored
    Going where it's more fun
    Warming hearts and souls to others
    Responsive soul.
    Murmur and suffer, Aquarius,
    Justify your sign, -
    Cherish a beautiful dream
    Having specie.
    Good initiative will not sink into oblivion
    In the name of light...
    And if there is no happiness at all,
    It is worth inventing it! ..

    She is very paradoxical.
    And often intelligent.
    But she has one whim:
    Freedom is her motto!

    Invited by our Aquarius
    The house is full of friends
    From friendly speeches
    Your heart will get warmer.
    After all, in the company of his
    Meet the holiday more fun:
    Aquarius will frolic with her more freely and boldly.
    Aquarius as director
    Directs the conversation.
    We will join the general choir,
    Warm up your passion.
    We say to Aquarius
    that we adore him
    What good do we want him
    To be happy and loved.
    Aquarius listened to us for a long time,
    He drank hard and ate
    And then washed in the shower
    From the speeches of plentiful ears.
    Our humor in a poem
    Aquarius on your birthday
    Will not leave without forgiveness
    And flattery will drive away without embarrassment.
    To be honest, Aquarius,
    Among the many people
    Indeed, there is no sweeter
    Than our glorious Aquarius.

    I'm so lucky in my life
    Communicate with cute Aquarius,
    With you cozy and warm
    And from communication a fairy tale blows.

    Health, happiness, true loyal friends
    To you, our glorious and beautiful Aquarius!

    He doesn't look like anyone.
    Enter any door without knocking.
    Impromptu bright will surprise
    With a running start will stun everyone!
    Like a child, naive, noisy
    And unexpected at times;
    That will shake with a crazy dream,
    He's a hero for the cause!
    When our friend goes to work,
    Throwing head into the pool,
    Entering into any contact boldly,
    We follow him in droves.
    Like a perpetual motion machine at work
    And it doesn't slow down
    Although sometimes we state
    What an idle progress!

    Although, Aquarius, your character is not simple,
    wise growth is inherent in your ideas,
    they are usually good
    and everything comes from the heart and soul!

    You are the very best friend
    and people know all around
    how nice it is to have friends
    like you, our Aquarius!

    Who is the sweetest in the world
    All blush and whiter?
    Of all the signs of the horoscope
    It's definitely Aquarius.
    Who is smarter than a Jew
    Who will open a hundred doors?
    Of all the signs of the horoscope
    It's definitely Aquarius.
    Who has a hundred friends
    Who is the hero of the whole planet?
    Of all the signs of the horoscope
    It's definitely Aquarius.
    I wish with all my heart
    So that every Aquarius
    AT New Year managed to achieve
    Fulfillment of all things.

    According to the horoscope - Aquarius,
    Character - you are the best,
    But just become more fun
    And success will await you!

    And in life, and in love, there are always doubts,
    All decisions are unexpected and strange.
    Absent-mindedly plays with his fate,
    He will guess the whole truth for himself and for you!
    You don't have to redo it.
    Let the whole process flow.
    The sign of Aquarius is independent, steadfast,
    Doesn't learn from experience.
    And with her strangeness she is mystical,
    Beautiful, elegant, artistic.
    To lure Aquarius into a net,
    Your intelligence must be high!

    He thinks a lot about life
    Hard work - to live according to the mind.
    Accompanies her all her life
    The mysterious word "why".

    I've been very lucky in my life
    What made friends with Aquarius,
    With you in communication - warm,
    And my life became brighter
    Since I met you
    Friendship means a lot to the heart
    I wish you happiness and good
    Hope, sunshine and good luck!

    Always share the joy
    sensitive to the suffering of people,
    Life-giving with their coolness,
    Extravagant Aquarius!
    You met me once
    Cool down like a stream.
    For those who are thirsty
    Aquarius is the most valuable!

    aquarius, aquarius,
    Shed warmth for people,
    Let the thaw in the soul,
    Lighten all their paths.
    Give silver, not copper,
    All those born in your constellation,
    Protect them from trouble
    Create heaven on earth for them.
    Without longing and without sadness
    To meet the morning
    To make the days desirable
    For Sergey, Sasha, Anna -
    I have many other names
    I met in that constellation.

    Immediate and curious, sociable and friendly, Aquarians are full of light, airy energy. They love to dream, but their fantasies do not always become reality. There are many contradictions and originality in this zodiac sign.

    What is Aquarius? From what to what number does he dominate? What are his lucky numbers, talisman stones? Aquarius is marked by incredible intuition, insight. This is a sign of philosophers, inventors, geniuses, madmen.

    Description of Aquarius

    The sun, moon and 8 planets have their influence on the fate and temperament of a person. The characteristics of all the signs of the zodiac depend on where the heavenly bodies were at the time of birth. An important role is played by the hour, the minute, the place where new life appears. Therefore, people of the same zodiac sign can differ from each other in temperament, character, and potential.

    The winter month is Aquarius. From what to what date does this sign begin and end? From January 21 to February 20, Aquarius dominates, endowing those born on these numbers with growth above average and delicate facial features. The eyes of Aquarius are usually light. Blue, grey, light green. Hair is often blond, straight.

    In some horoscopes there are slight changes in dates. The sign of Aquarius also has them. By what number it ends depends on the location of the planets in a particular area and the hour of birth. Therefore, sometimes in horoscopes you can see other dates for the reign of Aquarius - from January 21 to February 18.

    Symbols and planets

    Aquarius belongs to the air element. This gives windiness, ease of behavior, airiness and inconstancy of thoughts. Symbols of Aquarius - wings, zigzag, flight of birds, sage. This means dispersion in goals, ideals. At the same time, a deep mind, a penchant for reflection, analysis. Flight of thought and tight control of the mind.

    Sociable, lively, addicted zodiac sign Aquarius. The characteristic of Aquarius depends on the ruling planets - Uranus and Saturn.

    The first half of life is marked by greater ease and fun than the second. Up to 30 years Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Giving the character stubbornness, self-will, eccentricity. Giving Aquarius peace, nobility, self-confidence.

    The second half of life passes under the dominance of Saturn, which will add deep vital wisdom to the sign. There will be less fantasies, but pragmatism and the ability to analyze the situation will be added.

    Full characteristics of the zodiac sign: Aquarius

    The sign of Aquarius is a person who pours water. It is a symbol of knowledge, spirituality, which he conveys to humanity. Aquarians surprisingly know how to calm, encourage, encourage. They try to improve the natural essence of man. By the power of your temperament, help or inspire.

    Their thinking is fast and people do not have time to understand what Aquarius wants to tell them. From what date are the true representatives of this zodiac sign born? The famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the date can vary from January 20 to 21. It depends on the region, hour, minute of birth.

    Aquarians are free-spirited and unpredictable people. Outwardly, they seem active and sociable. But deep down, Aquarians are very isolated. They clearly separate themselves, their emotions from those around them. They often take the position of an observer.

    Changeable in their feelings and priorities Aquarius. The sign of the zodiac (a brief description confirms this) dictates a constant renewal of life. New sensations, impressions, emotions. The accumulation of life experience and wisdom leads to a constant change of beliefs. At the same time, Aquarius is a true friend, a reliable spouse for those whom he truly loves.

    Positive and negative qualities

    Positive Qualities of Aquarius. A devoted friend, a reliable comrade. You can always expect help and support from him. Able to listen and advise. In critical situations, he is able to restrain his emotions. In love, a faithful faithful companion.

    Aquarius is good with people. Intuitively understands their hidden motives. Has a good sense of humor. Aquarius has a sharp analytical mind.

    Negative Qualities of Aquarius. There are many ideas, plans that cannot be realized due to their utopian nature. He spends time and energy talking about his future at the expense of the present. Considering freedom above all else, he tries not to get too close relationships. He often changes tastes, passions, ideals, beliefs.

    Aquarius is too emotional, does not know how to say “no”. Sometimes, to his own detriment, he rushes to help. Few people understand him because of his too great propensity for fantasies. These are brilliant people, born before their time.

    The main types of Aquarius

    Depending on the date of birth, Aquarius is divided into 3 main types. From what date to what date the planets lined up in a certain order, they endowed their wards with such features.

    The first type of Aquarius is under the influence of Venus. These are people born between January 21st and February 1st. Venus, the planet of love, gives them refinement, shyness. Aquarians of the first type attach great importance to emotions, spiritual impulses. Love daydreaming rarely allows you to achieve real life goals. The temperament is often melancholy. Important years of life - 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

    second type? From 2 to 11 February. Mercury rules here, the planet of communication and trade relations. Such Aquarians are cheerful, careless. Easily make friends, new acquaintances. They love companies, noisy fun. Smart and arrogant. Strive to achieve career heights. They have a sanguine temperament. Important years of life - 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

    What date does the Aquarius of the third type begin with? Born 12 to 20 February, they are under the influence of the moon. This is a planet of emotions, kindness, flexibility of communication. Aquarians of the third type pay great attention to the family, relationships. They know how to give advice based on amazing intuition. Popular with colleagues and superiors. Temperament - lyrical sanguine. Important years of life - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

    Aquarius Man

    Rules and regulations do not limit male Aquarius. Only their own experience will show what they are willing to do and what not. They are always supported by numerous friends.

    Constant thought process distinguishes this Aquarius zodiac sign. The characteristic of Aquarius is unthinkable without creative experiments, tireless ideas. These men bring with them diversity, interest in life. The desire to prove yourself, to try all the nuances and situations.

    Aquarians act spontaneously. Their careers and family life are subject to ups and downs. Their freedom-loving disposition does not tolerate limits, restrictions. Therefore, Aquarius men often achieve career heights at the end of their lives. They are not in a hurry to get married, preferring an open relationship.

    Often and in an instant, they are ready to change everything and start from scratch. Gray dull existence is not for them. The Aquarius man can change his job, apartment, car, wife, without thinking about the consequences at all. The desire for change is more important than a calm measured life.

    Aquarius Woman

    Adventurism and friendliness - such is Aquarius. From what date to what date, how the planets lined up in a certain sequence, such basic qualities were endowed with charming women of this sign.

    Unlike men, they have a pragmatic mind, rational thinking. The Aquarius woman always sees her own benefit and can categorically declare it. Their non-standard solutions, creativity will help to prove themselves in leadership positions. They are more punctual, they know how to act within the established framework, restrictions.

    Aquarius women have a huge circle of acquaintances and friends. They love pleasure walks, holidays, romantic evenings. Their independence, love of freedom make them achieve success in the profession. They are trying to start a family later. They do not like routine housework. However, their house is full of interesting guests. The humor and sharp mind of the Aquarius woman will always attract new friends and admirers to her.

    They are good mothers, do not dominate their child. They completely exclude the authoritarianism of education, but they also do not allow themselves to be manipulated. Aquarius women with children try to be friends, allowing themselves a free parenting style.

    Aquarius Child

    Aquarius perceives only his own mistakes and experience. From whatever date a child begins to count his years, he will always appreciate his own knowledge and achievements. This sign does not like boring training. He will reject a pedantic approach to knowledge. It is worth talking with such children on an equal footing. Conflicts are resolved calmly, adequately advising the child to behave competently.

    Parents of Aquarius children should allow their children some liberties in self-education. The craving for innovation, unexplored places and situations will quickly lead them to wisdom and self-knowledge. They listen carefully to the conversations of adults, often making friends with older children. Committed to protecting children and pets.

    Aquarius children are lively, active. Abrasions and bruises, tears and broken knees are quickly replaced by joyful laughter and the search for new adventures. They have a very developed intuition, so Aquarius children very subtly feel the mood of adults, understand their hidden motives.

    It is worth teaching the little Aquarius to be assiduous. Do not only interesting things, but also those that are useful. Be sure to instill a careful attitude to money.

    Parents should find out from what date the sign of Aquarius is ruled by a particular planet. Depending on the date of birth of the child, adjust the main milestones of education.

    Stones and talismans

    Talismans of Aquarius - key, icon. They tell about the mystery, the true spirituality of the sign. About deep wisdom, the ability to be reborn and reborn.

    Aquarius can be modest and daring. Temperament, character, talisman stones will help to reveal the internal contradiction of the sign. His recklessness and rational mind, friendliness and isolation. Talisman stones can be:

    • sapphire;
    • black agate;
    • turquoise;
    • pearl;
    • amethyst;
    • nephritis;
    • aquamarine;
    • chrysoprase.

    The stones will help balance the Aquarius character. They will teach you how to make informed decisions. They will complete the whole picture of this sign with small touches.

    Sapphire will give clarity and clarity to thinking. It will bring good luck in business and the respect of colleagues.

    Aquamarine relieve anxiety, pacify emotional impulses. Add calmness, wisdom.

    Turquoise strengthen the marriage. Eliminate strife and enmity. It will attract the attention of the opposite sex, preserve youth.

    Amethyst will bring new victories to life, give inspiration. Sharpens intuition. It will restrain in the manifestation of aggression, negative emotions.

    Chrysoprase will help in the implementation of new plans and ideas. Attract new friends, establish understanding with colleagues.

    Agate add softness, calmness, patience. Helps you make the right decisions.

    lucky numbers

    Each zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers. They influence fate, help to choose the right path in life. What are the lucky numbers for Aquarius? Which of them can bring happiness and good luck? Numerology is a whole system of knowledge. She is able to give a person success and good luck.

    A lucky car number can bring unexpected joy to its owner. With the help of numbers, their successful combination is to win the lottery. The apartment number promises an unsuccessful or lasting marriage. What days can Aquarius expect good luck? What dates of the month will help bring joyful events?

    Firstly, number 17. This is a symbol of new ideas, the search for the unknown, creative impulses. In sum, it gives the number 8, a symbol of wealth. This number is associated with the search for treasures - both material and spiritual.

    Secondly, numbers 2, 4, 8. Or all numbers that can be divided by 4.

    Thirdly, these are the numbers 9, 11, 13. For the lottery and other winning systems - 9, 14, 19 and their combinations.

    The days of the week are also considered auspicious. For Aquarius, this is Wednesday, Saturday. It is on these days that you should plan serious conversations or long trips, major purchases or surgical interventions.

    Unfavorable day - Sunday. This time is better to devote to quiet household chores.

    Colors and shades

    A successful combination of colors harmonizes everything around. A person dressed in a certain range is able to attract new pleasant acquaintances. An apartment designed in the right color can attract success or promote relaxation.

    For Aquarius, blue, blue, green shades are considered successful. Bright colors can bring emotional instability. Flashy colors negatively affect the delicate taste of Aquarius, his psyche. Therefore, it is better to choose a calm soft range.

    Pale blue, light purple, deep blue will give hope. Inspire creativity. Smooth out negative emotions, pacify the negative. Block sadness and longing. Such colors will give peace, spiritual joy.

    Green, in all its shades, gives Aquarius inner energy, the ability to be creative. They will give maturity to thoughts, restore calmness.


    An idealist at heart, the only love for life is looking for the zodiac sign Aquarius. What numbers will bring happiness, what stones will add good luck - these parameters will help you find your destiny. The life partners of Aquarius - men and women - choose partners carefully. Not everyone will be able to fit their high demands.

    In the first half of life, it is worth paying attention to Gemini and Libra. These signs are united by the air element. It will help to find a common language, find common interests, achieve goals.

    In the second half of life, Virgo, Aries, Pisces are well suited. It is good to build a family with them, build material values. They will help to put into practice the creative impulses of Aquarius.

    After 40 years, partnerships with Leo are possible. Both signs, having become wiser and calmer over the years, are ready for compromises. There may be some error in the relationship. More calmly endure the difference of views and thoughts.

    Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio should be avoided. This does not mean that they should be ignored. Of course, Aquarius is unpleasant for Scorpio's excessive jealousy, Taurus's lack of imagination, and complete misunderstanding with Capricorn.

    Nevertheless, all signs of the zodiac are subject to love. You just need to know how to behave properly. What to encourage and what to avoid with Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. It is better to study what Aquarius is, the horoscope, from what date and at what time each of the signs was born. Under what conditions is compatibility possible.

    How to behave with Aquarius?

    1. Aquarians are often tactless. It's not because they want to offend or impose their point of view. They are just interested in many areas of life. They want to deal with all situations and feelings. Aquarius should be stopped in time, warning that not all questions can be pleasant.
    2. Do not deceive and disappoint this zodiac sign. Aquarians are very trusting. They do not tolerate lies and betrayal. If they trusted someone, don't let them down. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to return the old relationship.
    3. In no case should Aquarius be given an ultimatum. He considers this a restriction of freedom of choice. In this case, Aquarius will prefer to break off relations. It is better to translate everything into constructive criticism. Only by succumbing to reasoned beliefs, Aquarius will be able to change his point of view.
    4. Often this zodiac sign seems cold, indifferent. To find out the true state of things, you should not put pressure on Aquarius. No need to force things. You need to be patient and wait. When Aquarius is ready to speak, he will tell the truth.

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