New astrological horoscope for February Gemini

February 2019 can hardly be called an ordinary month, and this is due to the rare mixing of the energies of Mars, Venus and Saturn. Mars is a bright symbol of male energy, focus, strength, will and even aggression. Venus is the source of harmony, peace, and aesthetic perception. And the proximity of Saturn foreshadows restrictions, losses and fears, pushing for summing up intermediate results.

Taking into account the fact that Geminis are by nature overly versatile and changeable, in February it will be difficult for them to navigate such an unstable environment. Accordingly, you shouldn’t count on major successes. According to the horoscope, this month it is better for Gemini to focus on self-education, communication with loved ones and restoration of health, rather than on implementing some big ideas.

In February practical aspects will begin to prevail over feelings, emotions and imagination, and therefore creative impulses are doomed to fade. Romanticism will also go to the side, but dating based on interests and friendly communication will be more relevant than ever. It's time to strengthen family ties, remember old friends, and take care of the house.

In an attempt to find their place, Gemini risks wasting all their energy, as a result of which by mid-February the horoscope promises them chronic fatigue, nervousness and weakened immunity. Sports and all kinds of cosmetic procedures will help restore tone. For Geminis of the second decade, the horoscope recommends visiting a steam room or massage room at least once a week, and for representatives of the third decade, sign up for football, basketball, volleyball or table tennis. And if you suffer from migraines, then jogging is the ideal cure. fresh air.

Love Horoscope for February 2019 Gemini man and Gemini woman

Despite the proximity of Venus, in February 2019, love and intrigue will cease to be the meaning of life for Gemini, especially in the last two decades of the month. An irresistible craving for certainty will appear: either develop existing relationships, or be alone and sort out your desires in order to continue the search for the ideal in March. According to the horoscope, the likelihood of weddings during this period is negligible.

For single Geminis, looking for a soul mate in February is almost pointless. The chances of a successful romance remain only at the very beginning of the month. If during this time you do not have time to meet a worthy person, you will spend the rest of February alone. Although this state of affairs is unlikely to ruin your mood.

Successful couples will learn to be not just lovers, but true friends. The ability to listen and support your interlocutor will develop. The happiest families in February will be those in which both spouses prove their desire for stability and fidelity. However, Gemini will simply have no time to look to the other side.

Horoscope for February 2019 Gemini woman

There is no place for sentimentality and passions in February. Excessive emotionality during this period can backfire. Allow conflict situations It is recommended strictly with a cool head, without nerves and pathos. Otherwise, there is a risk of completely falling out with your opponent and ruining the relationship for a long time. The Gemini woman is an excellent listener, but in February 2019 the horoscope does not advise taking what she hears to heart.

Due to the fact that work prospects in February are quite poor, it is better to devote the month to training and development. The position of the planets is conducive to reading fiction, listening to audiobooks and attending lectures.

The horoscope is forced to warn that from the very beginning of February, the Gemini woman may experience a decrease in libido. Free ladies will completely erase sex from their lives. You will no longer be interested in bed pleasures, and sighs under the moon will also lose their charm for you. Fortunately, the disappearance of attraction in February will affect all of us at once, and therefore no disagreements will arise. Moreover, next month everything will return to normal.

So that February does not go to waste, the horoscope advises seeing friends more often, meeting new people, and also making your home more comfortable. There are probably a lot of things accumulated in the closets that have been taking up shelf space for years, but have never been used for their intended purpose.

Horoscope for February 2019 Gemini man

In February, a Gemini man should not lose sight of the increased competition at work. Every employee wants to stand out, show themselves off to their boss in better light, and many will go the dishonest route. Gemini's competitiveness is at its minimum this month, and in order not to find yourself at the tail of the echelon, you will have to be very careful.

Caution will also be useful in conversations. The horoscope says that in February 2019 the Gemini man will receive many strange gifts from fate. And since skepticism will prevent you from appreciating the gifts of the stars, you will begin to complain about life. Every word you say can be perceived or misunderstood. Especially if it is negative or reflects an opinion different from the majority opinion. In the second ten days of February, it is better not to interfere in other people's quarrels and adhere to a neutral position.

It is undesirable to start new projects in February, but this month is quite suitable for completing “long-term” projects. You just have to try hard so that you don’t have to blush for the results later.

Horoscope for Gemini for February 2019 – work and business

What the horoscope is 100% sure of is that financial position Gemini in February 2019 will not improve. Significant bonuses are possible, but the average salary will remain the same. This does not mean at all that Gemini will have to forget about career growth. On the contrary, many representatives of the sign will advance well in their careers and move to more prestigious positions. It is better to discuss the salary increase with your boss next month.

The ability to maintain informal communication will play a big role in this advancement. Both with colleagues and with superiors. The horoscope considers Gemini in the second and third decades to be the most promising in February. And the undisputed leaders among them will be Gemini customer service managers.

It will become more difficult for a Gemini businessman to manage a company in February. Changing circumstances will continually unsettle you and interfere with your plans. From time to time, Gemini will have to deal with pressure from influential men. To avoid confusion in your thoughts, share problems with loved ones and listen to their advice.

A little secret: to clear your head and concentrate on important tasks, try driving a car: take an extreme driving class or just speed along a country road. Your self-confidence will immediately return, and the resulting charge of vigor will help you cope with difficulties.

This is not to say that this month will pass like clockwork, but, nevertheless, it will open up great opportunities for you! Try to concentrate on main goal. How, stubborn Gemini will begin to implement all their plans. Even despite the obstacles. The main thing is to believe in yourself and not give up at the first difficulties.

In February 2019, Gemini should not quarrel over trifles with people they barely know. Be careful what you say! Otherwise, you may commit a short-sighted act that will bring you trouble in the future. Unexpected, but undoubtedly desirable, romantic adventures await lonely representatives of the sign.

Talismans for the Gemini sign for February 2019

Animal: Lizard

Name: Kirill

Color: Wine red

Number: 2

Mascot: Jupiter

Stone: Pyrite

Plant: Blackberry

Gemini love horoscope for February 2019

♀ Gemini woman. Those who have recently found a partner should avoid a showdown. Otherwise, conflict cannot be avoided! There is a possibility that in February there is a desire to revive an old romance. But it's better not to do this.

♂ Gemini man. An affair with an attractive girl is on the horizon! Try not to overlook your love. The stars promise you a pleasant meeting, which can be very important for single representatives of your sign.

There is only one thing you can regret in life - that you never took a risk.

♀ Gemini woman. Don't be overly curious about the past of the person you're dating. Single Geminis will have a real chance to meet a man, the relationship with whom will result in a whirlwind romance.

♂ Gemini man. The horoscope warns that when expressing your feelings you should exercise some caution - you need to take a closer look at the object of your adoration. For those who are in a couple: in your personal life everything will be harmonious and stable, your loved one will support you.

♀ Gemini woman. You and your loved one will learn to approach things with humor. If for some time the feeling of warmth has disappeared in your relationship and everything has become too banal, then take advantage of this wonderful opportunity!

♂ Gemini man. Temptation awaits you, and this is not surprising - after all, there are so many pleasant temptations around! But before you rush headlong into the pool, try to calculate everything possible consequences. Now is not the time for frank confessions. Keep your words and emotions to yourself, do not give ill-wishers a reason to gossip.

Gemini family horoscope for February 2019

♀ Gemini woman. Astrologers recommend that you learn to maintain balance so as not to worsen your relationships with family members and colleagues. Representatives of your sign will experience positive changes in your life in February. Perhaps there will be a meeting with childhood friends soon.

The most a great victory- victory over your negative thinking.

♀ Gemini woman. Children will be pleased with their success at school (kindergarten, university), organize a small family celebration. There may be some friction with your spouse. The other half will argue and insist on their own. It will be up to you to mitigate the situation and build diplomatic relations.

♂ Gemini man. These days, the influence of the planets will increase in the western sector of your horoscope. must remember the well-being of your family members, and your personal ambitions under the influence of the Moon will fade into the background. You can allow yourself to enjoy the attention of the opposite sex, even if you are in a legal relationship.

♀ Gemini woman. Now good point for communication. You will meet people who will willingly share your hobbies and become true friends. Attempts to flirt are unacceptable now. This, of course, does not mean that you need to put on a burqa or hide in a monastery cell - just behave worthy of your status.

♂ Gemini man. During this period, creative thoughts will prevail in you. This is a good time to pay a visit to older relatives.

Gemini - work and career horoscope

♀ Gemini woman. Awakened energy gives you confidence in achieving your goals. Make sure you have everything you need. You will surely achieve the desired results if you prepare well. You should be less assertive when communicating with colleagues.

♂ Gemini man. The success of a risky operation depends on your tact and patience. Postpone signing important contracts for at least a week. You will be visited by new ideas that can be very fruitful later.

It is easier to overcome bad habits today than tomorrow.

♀ Gemini woman. This is not to say that you are in for a simple time. Important news may come that will affect the events of the coming months. You will have to work hard, but the results achieved will completely satisfy you and will subsequently bear fruit.

♂ Gemini man. At work there is an emergency, you will have to gather your will into a fist, use all your professionalism. The horoscope shows that you will cope with the problems that befall you. Give yourself the attitude “this is enough for me” and step out of action for a while. If you try to “reach unprecedented heights,” you are unlikely to succeed.

♀ Gemini woman. You shouldn't change your job right now. First, take an interest in the current situation on the labor market. Someone will try to use you as a puppet. Be wary of other people taking advantage of your talents and encouraging you to do things that are not your job responsibilities.

♂ Gemini man. The next few days will be very favorable for working on the most complex projects. It is possible that colleagues will be ready to support you. But it’s better to rely on your own strengths than on outside help.

Financial astrological forecast

♀ Gemini woman. You should not lend money; most likely, it will simply not be returned to you. Refuse under any plausible pretext so as not to spoil the relationship.

♂ Gemini man. There is a possibility that you will have to look for a business or financial support with a person with whom you were not on the best terms better relations. To your surprise, he will be ready to help you.

Patience is the child of strength, stubbornness is the fruit of weakness, namely weakness of the mind.

♀ Gemini woman. Do not forget that haste is a bad advisor in financial affairs. Don’t make decisions rashly and don’t make unnecessary purchases.

♂ Gemini man. Some pleasant surprises await you soon. Some of them will relate to material issues.

♀ Gemini woman. good time for large purchases - furniture or any household appliances. The purchased furnishings will improve your life and will delight you for a long time.

♂ Gemini man. This ten-day period is suitable for purchasing something you have been eyeing for a long time for your car. Or maybe you should look into some ice fishing gear?

Personal health horoscope for February 2019 Gemini

♀ Gemini woman. The stars indicate that your intuition and the gift of foresight will increase. This will help you better listen to your body and avoid many health problems.

♂ Gemini man. You should forgive those who have caused you grief. By getting rid of energy “garbage” (grievances, hostility and other negative emotions), you can open the door to a new, bright future!

Dreams remain dreams if you don't go for them.

♀ Gemini woman. In the evenings, relieve emotional stress in the gym or in the pool. A glass of red wine won't hurt you.

♂ Gemini man. This period is favorable for lung exercises. physical activity. Join the pool or gym.

♀ Gemini woman. Even in snowy and frosty weather, try to walk at least a little in the fresh air. This will help you strengthen your immune system.

♂ Gemini man. If you don't overexert yourself, nothing threatens your well-being. Don't take on unnecessary obligations.

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February will be the adoption period significant decisions. Moreover, it will touch like professional activity, and the love sphere. If Gemini does not allow anyone to influence their life path and solutions, then in the future it will bring good result. Therefore, they should rely on their own capabilities and not take other people’s advice into their heads.

Horoscope for February 2018 for Gemini Woman

Love horoscope

From 1 to 9 February. Your passion will increase significantly, but you need to learn to show it harmoniously and listen to the mood of your lover. Be more tolerant of each other. Now is not the time for new acquaintances. Due to the opposition between Venus and Jupiter, dangerous situations may arise. You will become more persistent in achieving your goals, and you will believe that you deserve more. This mood will manifest itself especially clearly after February 6, when you will start preparing for your future successes.

From 10 to 19 February. This is the time of highest inspiration, allowing you to realize everything you have planned. Success will also accompany you in travel, acquiring knowledge, finding a mentor, in competitions and sports. Your sociability will make participation in collective projects extremely fruitful. Thoroughness in everything is welcome, but if you are at least a little distracted from the implementation of your ambitious plans, then this period will be filled with interesting acquaintances and love adventures.

From 20 to 28 February. Under the influence of Mercury's trine to Mars, you will become the real life of the party, but from February 23 to 27, a lot of energy may go into normalizing your well-being. Trust your intuition both in caring for your health and in communicating with people, avoid excessive gullibility.

After February 26, light flirting among old friends can spontaneously develop into a romance. Nevertheless, the period is more suitable for the development of existing relationships, emancipation in the intimate sphere, rather than for finding a new boyfriend. Romantic date. A trip may not be far, but to a place where you have not been before, it will add spice to the meeting and become a breath of fresh air in your relationship.

Men's interest in single Geminis will increase noticeably. They will feel beautiful, desired and indulge in the agony of choice. The stars advise approaching this thoroughly. For example, you can make a list of each candidate with positive and negative qualities.

Married ladies will be envied because of their successful relationships. Some ill-wishers will begin to plot intrigues and try in every possible way to disrupt the idyll in the marriage. Women of the air element should not worry too much about this, because their lover will not let anyone spoil their happiness together.

Love horoscope for February 2018: Gemini The woman will feel that she and her man are a very strong couple.

Finance and work

The beginning and middle of the month are favorable for studying, business trips and expanding cooperation with various companies. During this period, Gemini will feel an urgent need to expand their horizons. They will be able to make useful connections without any problems, establish contact with management and increase their authority in the team. If representatives are satisfied with their current workplace, then they need to draw up a plan for the year in which they identify the skills and abilities necessary for career development in the future. Financially, this will be a controversial time. The stars foretell the receipt of funds from unexpected sources and the commission of financial miscalculations. It is recommended to be more cautious and not to believe too tempting investment offers.

Family horoscope

The arrival of distant relatives is likely. In February and from mid-February you will be improving your home. After February 6th, pay family problems increased attention. Your husband will devote himself entirely to travel, training and networking. This will bring some confusion into your relationship. For the younger generation, this is a period of creative realization. The best reward for good behavior for them there will be a trip to the entertainment center. From February 1 to February 11, go to your parents.

Health and leisure

People around them will tell Gemini that they are too suspicious and are looking for symptoms of illness where they are not there. The stars recommend that representatives of this sign listen to their bodies and trust their own intuition. If they suddenly feel something is wrong, they should take action immediately. Such attentiveness and care towards yourself will help prevent many health problems.

  • Favorable days for Gemini women – 5, 13, 19, 28
  • Unfavorable days for Gemini women – 2, 7, 25

In February 2018, Gemini will experience a lot of pleasant surprises and events that will leave a noticeable mark on their life, and perhaps radically change it. Most cases and tasks that were previously difficult or almost impossible to complete will be solved quickly and easily. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result of your work, which will exceed all expectations. You should also be prepared for everyone’s attention, which you will attract with your determination and originality. At the peak of fame and great achievements, self-esteem will begin to grow and self-confidence will increase.

Career and financial horoscope for men of different zodiac signs for February 2018

February 2018 is a great month to fight deep-rooted complexes and bad habits. Now is the time to start fulfilling your desires and realizing your cherished dreams. You have every opportunity to conquer the desired peak. Be a little more persistent and purposeful. Luck will accompany you in all your endeavors and at the end of the month you will experience incredible success. Even those ideas that previously seemed fabulous to you can be brought to life and made a reality. During this period, all doors will open for Gemini. Now the most important thing is to be able to catch your luck, to squeeze the maximum benefit and benefit out of the situation to achieve your goals. You now have many opportunities and prospects for starting a new life, which will be much better than the previous one. Don't be afraid of change.

Finance. Expenses will exceed income. There will be a temptation to purchase things that are not essential. You should abandon new projects and slowly bring to fruition what you have already started. Payment deferments are likely in February.

Job. Personal relationships, both dislikes and affections, will significantly interfere with your productivity from February 1 to 9. If you wish, in early February you can make an appointment with management or agree to perform a responsible task. It's not time to look for another place yet.

Love. Your chosen one will show interest in diversity and experimentation in intimate life. Discussing your relationship can lead to conflicts, the reason for which lies in his nervousness and overestimation in several areas of his life at once. Therefore, it is not worth initiating frank conversations yet.

Tone. Your loved one is too frivolous about his health. He needs to restore wasted strength and heed the alarming symptoms of his body. It’s better to bet not so much on physical activity, how much for psychological and spiritual practices, self-hypnosis sessions.

Friends. Trips, active search knowledge will contribute to new acquaintances. Many out-of-towners and foreigners will appear in his circle. To avoid conflicts, you should not discuss money and business issues.

Leisure. Best option for your man - combine relaxation with wellness treatments, for example, ski resort With thermal springs. There may be an interest in experiments: raw food diet, Ayurveda, therapeutic fasting.

Horoscope for the 1st decade of February for Gemini

In the first ten days of February 2018, Gemini will have good prospects in the professional field. The favorable location of Saturn and Uranus will increase the representatives of your zodiac sign self-confidence, which will help them show initiative in solving work issues. Inspiration will overwhelm you, and new ideas will appear on their own. During this period, Gemini will be able to look at the situation with a detached gaze, which will help to objectively assess the situation and open up a lot of new opportunities for themselves. It is important that the ideas born do not remain to fade away in your imagination, but become public property. Your unconventional approach and ambition will be generously rewarded. Try to avoid dubious offers, especially if they are incredibly profitable for you. Remember that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.

Horoscope for the 2nd decade of February for Gemini

In the second ten days of February 2018, learn to appreciate what you have and try to improve your abilities. When communicating with colleagues and management, you better keep business ethics and the required distance. This will emphasize your professionalism and indicate the seriousness of your intentions, which will have a good effect on the result when deciding on a promotion. As for relationships with the opposite sex, under the influence of the favorable location of Venus, lonely Geminis during this period will experience casual acquaintance in a very unusual situation.

So make sure you always look your best. This meeting could become fateful, and it is likely that in the near future you will start new serious relationship based on deep, sincere feelings. Try to spend more time for your loved one, rather than immersing yourself in work. Try to avoid a showdown and learn to control your emotions, since you will have absolutely no reason to worry. All troubles and inconsistencies in opinions will be simply petty and easily resolved.

Horoscope for the 3rd decade of February for Gemini

In the third ten days of February 2018, family Geminis will be surrounded by love and care, so a warm bed and a warm dinner will always be waiting for them at home, where they can relax after a busy and busy day at work. Appreciate and value the attitude and feelings of your family and friends. They try their best to create for you comfortable conditions and comfort to win you over and attract your attention. Organize a small family celebration where you can demonstrate your feelings and sincerity towards your family members. Due to rich life and numerous worries, you should take care of strengthening the body's immune system.

Play sports, walk more in the fresh air, take vitamins and review your diet. Be more attentive to your body's signals, do not overwork.

We have prepared for you detailed horoscope Gemini for February 2018. Love and family, luck and fortune, work, business, career. Do you want to know how the stars will line up and what they promise for the representatives of your zodiac sign? Will Gemini be able to find their soulmate and realize their plans?

The long winter is finally leaving, and this means that it’s time for you to stop getting stuck in the snowdrifts of everyday life and habits. It's time to do something extraordinary that will help you shake up your boredom. How about meeting up with old friends and acquaintances, perhaps organizing a noisy party?

If the “big crowd” disgusts you, then you can think about your own intellectual development. The Gemini horoscope for February 2018 says that now is the right moment for this! Perhaps you gravitate toward music or... fine arts? Or have you long wanted to master foreign language? In this case, put aside household chores for a while and immerse yourself in teaching aids! What you consider to be your little hobby today can eventually turn into your professional activity.

Astrologers advise Geminis not to go shopping or make large purchases on February 12 and 22. The horoscope indicates that on these dates your likelihood of becoming a victim of a scammer increases sharply. If it turns out that you have a real estate transaction planned for one of these dates, then it is advisable to carefully check and double-check all documents.

Gemini love horoscope for February 2018

Lonely Gemini- you didn’t manage to make a romantic acquaintance during the New Year’s holiday week? Dont be upset! If January did not live up to your expectations, then in February you will certainly be able to catch up. The horoscope for your zodiac sign promises a quick meeting with interesting person- but you need to be decisive. Otherwise, a more energetic rival or rival may get ahead of you.

The main advice that the stars give to single Geminis is to always remain yourself! Nature has endowed you with charm and excellent communication skills. You don’t even need to try to present yourself in a favorable light, as more modest and reserved representatives are forced to do Zodiac circle. Just rely on your charm and intuition.

Family Gemini, keep in mind - in February, unexpected and original ideas. Do not rush to dismiss them outright, even if they seem crazy to you at first glance. However, this does not mean that you should immediately agree to any offers that come your way. In the end, after all, the basis of a harmonious family life can be called a reasonable compromise. At the end of the month, distant relatives may come to visit you.

Gemini financial horoscope for February 2018

Gemini employees- think about how to stand out from your colleagues. Perhaps in the near future you will hear rumors about staff reductions and staff purges. But remember that no employer would throw away valuable employees. Try to become as useful as possible, and then you can not only not be afraid of dismissal, but even count on a promotion.

Gemini entrepreneurs Now we need to strive for financial stability. Do not embark on risky adventures, of course, if you do not believe that you have “extra” money. One way or another, the horoscope for the Gemini zodiac sign for February 2018 recommends managing money wisely. Investments, experiments, changing the design of retail outlets - all this can wait for a more opportune moment.

Gemini health horoscope for February 2018

Spring is coming, and summer is just around the corner! This means you need to think about your physical fitness. Even if you consider yourself beautiful, like the goddess Venus (men will be closer to the association with her divine brother Apollo), it is far from a fact that those around you share your opinion. In short, we sign up for fitness, do gymnastics, and go jogging. The reward for your efforts will be a “chiseled” figure and the absence of extra pounds.

Belshazzar advises: The horoscope for February 2018 for Gemini says that some representatives of your zodiac sign this month will have to seek help from their superiors, civil servants or other “difficult” people. In this situation it will help you out

The life of Gemini will be held under the active influence of Mars - says the horoscope for February 2019. Gemini is deprived of the chance of boredom or relaxation throughout the entire period. Representatives of the sign rarely live by feelings; they are pragmatists, excellent strategists and tacticians, active and practical natures to the core. And now is the right time to use these personal qualities.


In February, Gemini may receive an offer that is so tempting and promising that it will be very difficult for representatives of the sign to refuse it. But this is where Gemini needs to use all their pragmatism and skepticism, the desire to question everything, completely turning off the emotional component. The decision should be made only using sober calculation and logic. But if, after analyzing all the pros and cons, finding out all the hidden stones, you still decide to accept this offer, then take your time and think again!

The second ten days of February 2019 will be the most difficult period for Gemini. Mercury can add unpredictable collisions into your life, due to which Gemini will be easily unsettled, and their mood will be darkened due to the events that have occurred. But, relying on the optimism and love of life characteristic of Gemini, Gemini is unlikely to allow themselves to waste time on empty troubles and emotional worries. Peace of mind and the balance of power will be quickly restored, efforts are aimed at correcting the problems that have arisen. Avoid scheduling high-priority matters for the second decade, because during this period circumstances are likely to interfere with your plans, and it will be quite problematic for you to maintain strict control over the current situation.

The horoscope recommends that Gemini abandon real estate transactions and significant changes regarding professional activities in February. This is especially true for Geminis born under the influence of Venus. Weak-willed, soft, questioning everything, Venus is unable to resist the giant Mars in February. Therefore, significant changes in your life now will not bring the desired result. It may happen that real estate transactions may end in failure due to banal deception on the part of the partner, and new job will result in complete disappointment and even financial losses

Gemini's talkativeness and incorrect behavior can lead to trouble. A phrase uttered in a fit of anger or irritation can ruin relationships in a team of Gemini employees on for a long time. Arrogance is characteristic of many representatives of the sign, and under the influence of Mars it can become almost arrogance. This can also harm Gemini and push many of the right people away from them.

In February, Gemini can safely start renovating or purchasing furniture or household appliances. Time and effort spent on repairs will relieve excess adrenaline, and pleasant acquisitions will soften Gemini’s temper in February 2019. The horoscope guarantees that purchases will be practical and will last a long time faithfully, and renovations started during this period will end exactly as and when you planned it. When choosing the color scheme used in interior decoration, give preference to calm and matte colors and shades - lemon, beige, peach.

Geminis who have decided to change their image can begin their plans in February. Changing the style of clothing, hairstyle, makeup, hairstyle or changing the image in general will only bring positivity and admiring glances from others, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a little more money on this than you expected.


Geminis are not in the best physical and psycho-emotional shape right now, and this may leave its mark on them. love relationship. If they are dear to you and you want to keep them, make an effort to rid them of everyday life. A vacation or day off spent in an unusual environment will help you recharge with new emotions or impressions, and this will serve as an excellent incentive for the development of such relationships in the very near future.

The family life of Gemini will experience some shocks in February 2019. Even with a big stretch, it cannot be considered calm and even. The inability to restrain emotions, especially negative ones, and the unwillingness to respect the feelings and desires of loved ones can disrupt what has been built over many years. Geminis need to put in a lot of effort. mental strength to be more delicate, more restrained in disputes or family conflicts. It’s already not easy for your soul mate difficult character, and in February you can become simply unbearable.

Gemini Child

The horoscope recommends that the parents of a Gemini child monitor the state of his weight for some time. Gemini children are prone to overeating and often lead a sedentary lifestyle, as a result of which their body weight tends to exceed the norm. Don’t forget, you are the one responsible for developing your baby’s eating habits and the concept of a healthy lifestyle. February is a great time to make the necessary adjustments to your child’s diet.

Pay more attention to the quality of nutrition of little Gemini, caloric content and nutritional value consumed products. Vegetables and fruits will be an excellent alternative to ice cream and sweet soda.


The health of Gemini does not cause any particular concern, despite the fact that most representatives of the sign are not in the best psycho-emotional state. The consequence of this may be depression or apathy, which covers Gemini at the end of the month. Many of them will try to find relief from negative emotions with the help of alcohol or antidepressants. The stars do not recommend doing this. During this period, the body’s resistance to all external influences is too low and addiction can cause rapid addiction.

Horoscope for February 2019, Gemini will receive a tempting offer. Think it over carefully!
In February, give up buying and selling real estate.
There may be some upheaval in family life.
Horoscope for March 2019 Gemini.

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