Family Protection Day 15 May. Scenario of a family holiday "May 15 - family day!" methodological development on the topic. Why was the decision to establish a Family Day made?

International Family Day is celebrated around the world on May 15th. This holiday was established by the UN General Assembly, and it happened on September 20, 1993. The holiday "International Day of the Family" was created in order to attract the attention of the general public to the problems of the family, of which there are a large number today.

The family, as the main element of society, has been and remains the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development. Thanks to the family, the state grows stronger and develops, the well-being of the people grows. At all times, the development of the country was judged by the position of the family in society and the state in relation to it.

A person's life begins with the family, here he is formed as a citizen. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. The well-being of the family is the measure of the development and progress of the country. The main purpose of the family can be called the birth and upbringing of children. It is very important that the family is strong. In the family, the child learns to comprehend the secrets of communication between people, to learn love and care. Through the family, wisdom and knowledge are passed from one generation to another.

In many countries of the world, entire demographic development strategies have been developed. And on this holiday itself, various educational, public and festive events are held - concerts; meetings of married couples with extensive experience in family life; charity events for guardian families with children and for children from large and low-income families; trainings for young families; thematic workshops and conferences, radio and television programs, newspaper publications and programs on family topics and other events

Family problems today

The establishment of this holiday was facilitated by the concern of the world community with the situation in which the modern family found itself.

Currently, there is a serious problem of single-parent families and a huge number of divorces all over the world. Unfortunately, it should be noted that our country is no exception in this. Today, people prefer to start a family at a fairly late age, because. First they want to get a decent education, make a career and earn money. Children are also born quite late. Many people do not want to have children because believe that it will not be easy to provide for them or do not want to bind themselves. For the same reason, most modern families acquire only one child.

Another trend of our time can be called the great popularity of civil marriages. People want to avoid unnecessary obligations, so they prefer to live together without official registration of their relationship.

10 secrets of a strong family:

Very often, those who celebrate the golden wedding are asked the question: “What is the secret of your family happiness?” As a rule, anniversaries find it difficult to answer. After all, it cannot be said that their happiness was cloudless - everyone has problems, but something helped them overcome these obstacles together, to withstand difficult life situations. So there is some kind of secret? In fact, in order for the family to be strong and friendly, you need to want it. No one will make your relationship harmonious for you - you need to work on this, strengthening the psychological and emotional ties that exist between you. Every year you should get to know each other better - if this does not happen, then your relationship is developing incorrectly, but it is never too late to fix it.

1. Show your love, don't hide your feelings.
A partner is always pleased to hear that he is loved. And even if love seems obvious to you, do not be lazy to talk about it more often. Back up your words with actions.

Love cannot be bought with expensive gifts, and therefore it is not at all necessary to buy expensive gifts often. It is enough just sometimes to leave a romantic note on the table or a flower in a conspicuous place. Gentle touches and a fleeting smile will also add warmth to your family nest. The main thing is to understand that they love not for certain actions, but simply for the fact that he / she is.

2. Eat meals together as a family whenever possible.

A joint feast is a great opportunity to feel support and understanding, to discuss pressing problems. Even if an extremely unpleasant situation is discussed at dinner, family members remain confident that together they can overcome difficult times.

3. Family traditions - Without them, nowhere.

Every strong family has several family traditions. It can be a simple feast with the whole family on the weekend, a joint table game of dominoes, a fishing trip, going to the park, etc. Any action that is taken by the whole family for a long time becomes a family tradition. Choose what everyone in the family likes. Family traditions make your family unique and give the household members a sense of stability, reliability and confidence in the future.

4.Communication - environment.

Studies show that children who interact frequently with adults other than their parents feel more confident and happier. Hosting guests you will feel like a team.

5. Household chores all together.

By sharing household chores fairly among all family members, you create an atmosphere of team support for each other. Each member of the family is responsible for the performance of their duties. A common cause unites, causes team spirit and mutual respect.

6. Tell the story of your family.

It is very important to tell children about your childhood and how other family members were small. This allows children to better understand their parents. Many children think that their parents never had a childhood with their childhood problems. They believe that their parents were born somewhere at the age of 30.

Share with your partner memories of your childhood and information about previous generations of your family. Such knowledge will help you better understand your partner, and better understand the reason for his certain actions.

7. Get a pet.

Pets and birds are faithful helpers to improve your mood. They will surround your household with affection and love. In addition, caring for our smaller brothers will help to instill in children a sense of significance and responsibility.

8. Respect other family members as individuals.

A family is several individuals living under one roof. Each has its own character, its own advantages and disadvantages. In no case do not try to change the nature of the partner. Accept all family members as they are. Support each other, listen, compromise.

9. Be punctual.

It is very important for each member of the family to feel their importance. Punctuality gives feeling and confidence in a partner, confidence that they will never be let down and you can rely on them.

10. Take care of each other.

Buy favorite little things for other family members, such as a randomly seen little thing to add to the collection of children or a spouse. It can be a very necessary book or a nice little fridge magnet from a business trip.

By this you will show that your loved ones are dear to you and you think about them even when they are not around.

How it all started
The history of May 15 Family Day goes back to the distant 1989, when the first attempts were made to create a tradition. However, this initiative was supported by the world community and took seriously the problems of families only after 5 years. And 1994 was proclaimed the International Year of the Family.
At the same time, the UN Assembly joined in solving problems. The organization adopted a resolution that the world should have a new red day on the calendar - May 15 (Family Day), which should be celebrated annually. She counted on the fact that on this day every year various conferences, forums, festivals dedicated to topical problems of the family would be held around the world.
2014 is a jubilee year, as citizens of the whole world celebrated Family Day for the 20th time. In Russia, they began to support this tradition a year later - in 1995. From that moment on, our state began to pay more attention to the problems of families in the country. And 2008, by decree of the Commander-in-Chief of Russia, was proclaimed the Year of the Family.
The Importance of the Family
Adequate perception of the surrounding world and the acquisition of the correct moral attitudes, certain character traits - all this is laid in a person in a narrow circle of close people. A person can receive warmth, love and affection only in a family. Parents are primarily responsible for the entire process of socialization of the individual.
A strong family is the key to the well-being of the entire population on the planet. Therefore, the state needs to take great care of this unit of society. May 15 - Family Day - calls on everyone on the planet to think about the conditions in which today's families live, whether they raise children well, how they overcome life's difficulties that stand in the way.
Sometimes you need a reason to remember your parental home, children, family values ​​and your family tree. For these purposes, a certain day was allocated. To ensure the transmission of traditions from generation to generation is one of the main functions of the cell of society. Its importance cannot be underestimated in society. It must be nurtured on the basis of a complete family.
Why is this holiday special?
World Family Day on May 15 is gaining popularity every year. Those issues that were raised on the day of the celebration are then resolved at the top of the state throughout the year. This moment significantly distinguishes Family Day from many other holidays, which are remembered only on the day of the event.
Family Day is a very important and quite popular holiday. Any such event has a positive effect on the relations of its members and brings them closer. And the celebrations dedicated to this very cell of society will all the more contribute to its rallying. We can safely say that the idea of ​​creating such an event was successfully implemented. Although the holiday is still young, it already has its own traditions.
Family Day Traditions in Russia
Every year, May 15 - Family Day - is celebrated with a solemn ceremony in the Kremlin. It is awarded the "Family of Russia" award. Families with many children are presented with the Order of Parental Glory. The corresponding decree approving the awards was signed in the Year of the Family and, accordingly, has been issued since May 2008.
Also on this day, various festivals, discussions, conferences related to the institution of the family are held throughout the country. And throughout the whole time (for several years now) there has been a propaganda of the value of the family and childbearing, which is gradually bearing fruit. In many Russian regions over the past few years, there has been an increase in the birth rate and an excess over mortality.
There is another wonderful tradition associated with Family Day - to celebrate another event throughout the country. All in the same 2008, the all-Russian holiday of Orthodoxy was officially proclaimed - the Day of Peter and Fevronia, which is celebrated by the whole country on July 7th. On this day, there are also many events aimed at maintaining the institution of the family.
Family support in Russia
The celebration of Family Day on May 15, as a rule, is quite loud in civilized states, since the issues related to it are important for the development of countries. In Russia, it has been celebrated for 19 years. Every year there is a burning key theme, which is associated with the plots of all events held at that time.
2008 was declared the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation, for which the government has developed a weighty state program aimed at developing family support in our country. First of all, the state supports those families that are in a difficult life situation. Thus, an important direction in the program is to provide assistance to single pensioners and children who do not have guardians.
The statesmen did not forget about the problems of motherhood and childhood. For example, there is an acute problem of mortality during childbirth, both for mothers and their babies. In order for these indicators to tend to zero, it is necessary to ensure the proper quality of medical care for this category of citizens at the expense of the state, which is what the current programs are aimed at.
Also, the country is successfully pursuing a policy to increase the birth rate and support large families. For example, the “maternity capital” program has been successfully implemented, in which a target certificate is issued for the birth of a second child, and this amount is indexed every year to the percentage of inflation (if the certificate has not yet been used). Or another - providing a plot of land for the construction of housing at the birth of a third child.
Support for large families in European countries
The most important problem in European countries, discussed on the International Day of Families on May 15, is the problem of fertility. It is more acute in advanced economies as well. How do European states solve such a question? Mainly through subsidies.
So, for example, in France, where the birth rate is at the highest level among the European community, there is a program called "Big Family". Thanks to her, at the birth of each subsequent child, the family receives tax breaks. So, a family with four children pays almost no taxes to the state.
In Germany, a mother of many children also receives a tax bonus for each child born. And plus for each child receives a monthly payment of 154 euros. In Sweden, the benefit received increases with the advent of the next family member. In addition, if the family is recognized as poor, the state accrues additional subsidies.

May 15 is a holiday for people leading a family life. However, it is not yet as popular as the holiday, which is celebrated on July 8, because it was approved only in 1994. This celebration has its own history, traditions of celebration. In our article, we will tell you about all this, as well as present options for congratulations on Family Day.

The UN General Assembly, at the initiative of Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, in 1993 proclaimed a resolution on the introduction of the Family Day holiday on May 15th. In those years, the demographic crisis reached its climax, families broke up, natural growth was negative, young people did not want to get married before the age of 30. The first Family Day was celebrated on May 15, 1994.

This holiday was supposed to draw public attention to the problems that relate to the institution of the family, because it is the family that is the basis of state building. Family Day is a holiday that should remind people leading a family life that they should be united, should live in love, mutual understanding and mutual respect.

Family Day Traditions

  • Initially, some theme (motto) is selected for the holiday, within which all events are planned for that day. The topic is a very serious issue, there is a long discussion at various conferences regarding the relevance of the motto of celebrating Family Day.
  • The second important point is the development of all kinds of programs for families so that their relations are strengthened and develop in positive dynamics.
  • Large-scale symposiums are being held at which the well-being of families is discussed at the highest level. Particular attention is paid to families belonging to the category of the poor.

Family Day Event at the Library

The library is a place where a special peaceful atmosphere initially reigns. In such an environment, you can hold a lot of events on the theme of family values. Their format will be different from those held in concert halls. In the library, you can hold a conversation, a competitive and entertainment program not only for schoolchildren, but also for adults. We offer you such an option for celebrating Family Day - have a tea party with families whose spouses are representatives of different professions.

The course of the event is expected to be as follows:

At school, extracurricular activities must necessarily raise topics that relate to family values. May 15 is a day that falls during the school year, so teachers must not miss it in their educational plan and arrange at least a class hour on this topic.

We propose to hold a competitive and entertainment program, the scenario of which is presented below:

The performance begins with a fanfare, which are replaced by the song “Weather in the House” (it can be replaced by any other modern one, if it matches the theme of the holiday). The hosts enter the impromptu or real stage (it is desirable that they be a boy and a girl who pronounce the words):

The girl and the boy take turns reading the proverbs, and all those present, either in unison or by raising their hands, should continue these proverbs:

After that, the children invite everyone present to sit in a circle to play the game "Pass the heart."

After that, the hosts invite families to play an intellectual game. Questions will be asked in the same way as in the Who Wants to Be a Millionaire program. The questions are just different levels. The family must choose which question they want to answer: easy, medium or difficult. The higher the difficulty level, the more expensive the question, the higher the chance of winning.

After that, you can give the floor to one of the children present, teachers or parents, so that they speak and emphasize in their own words the importance of creating a family for a person.

Wall newspaper at school for family day on May 15, photo

Family day script in the village

Rural life is very simple, therefore, entertainment on Family Day for the villagers should be understandable and easy. You can hold an entertainment program with competitions and prizes. We suggest using the following scenario:

Traditionally, two hosts take the stage and make an introductory speech regarding the theme of the event. You can write the words of the leader yourself, or you can use our version:

A tea party begins, which you can organize jointly with all your fellow villagers who are going to attend your event. They can bring their goodies from home for tea. After everyone has a little refreshment, you can start the entertainment program:

You can complete the entertainment program with a dance block. Tea drinking can be continued if desired.

Scenario family day in kindergarten for children

Since preschool children cannot fully perceive information about what family values ​​are, an event dedicated to Family Day must be organized so that the child and his mother and father take part in it (brothers and sisters, if desired, can also participate ).

The essence of the event is a competition between families (there can be 5 of them, no more, so that the event does not drag out in time).

Build your scenario move at the following competitions:

  1. First carried out business card contest in which each participating family must present themselves in any form. Give each family, say, 3 minutes to speak.
  2. Then there is a competition for which families should not be ready. It is called "Portrait of my child". Mom and dad should each be given a balloon and a marker. On these balls, parents should draw a portrait of their son or daughter. They can take no more than 1 minute for this work. After the portraits are ready, parents must explain why they portrayed their child in this way.
  3. Competition "Build the house of your dreams." Families are given large cubes. Some of them have the inscriptions “Love”, “Understanding”, “Respect”, while others do not have anything written for the families themselves to write on the basis of which relationships are built in their house. From these cubes, participants build an original structure.
  4. Creative competition. Families should prepare a skit, song or dance in which absolutely all members take part.

Between competitions, amateur performances of children or groups that work at a preschool institution can be started.

family day sports event

The scenario is designed for 2 groups of children of the same age. They are divided into 2 teams. The event is best held in an assembly or sports hall.

As you prepare for the event, you should ensure that:

  • there were decorations corresponding to the theme;
  • prizes for participants and winners of competitions;
  • equipment for relay races;
  • The jury consisted of competent people.

The list of competitions is presented below. You can change the order of the relays as you see fit.

Family Day May 15 postcards

Congratulations on family day:


  1. Family is God's blessing! I wish you to keep your family hearth on this holiday, despite any difficulties! May there always be a place for love, understanding and mutual respect! Take care of yourself, each other and your descendants! May your family be famous and always continue!
  2. With a wonderful family holiday, I want to congratulate everyone who has already managed to create it! Let the laughter of children sound in the house, let the family hearth never smolder, let it only burn! Live in peace, kindness and prosperity! May love never leave your hearts!
  3. Today is a great occasion to raise a glass for the most valuable thing in a person's life - for the family! I want everyone to have a berth, their own fortress in the face of the family! Goodness and peace to every home! Love and just be happy!
  4. Congratulations to all families on this wonderful holiday! I want us all to learn to sincerely appreciate those who are close to us! The blessing of God is sent to the one to whom fate gave a spouse and children! Live and make each other happy every day! Love and enjoy this love, going through any difficulties that life presents you!
  5. Accept congratulations to all the lucky ones who lead a family life! I wish you love, strength, health and patience from the bottom of my heart! Always remember that you are lucky! Take care of your loved one and everything that you build with him!



  1. Family, I congratulate you on our day! I love you and I promise that I will do everything to make you happy!
  2. Happy family holiday! I want all your family endeavors to be crowned with success!
  3. Happy Family Day! I wish to build a house, if I haven’t had time yet, plant a tree and give birth to an heir!
  4. May today's family holiday be remembered by you as one of the happiest days! Spend it together!
  5. Pay attention to your family at least this holiday! Postpone work, other fussy worries! Arrange a real celebration that will give your relationship great strength!

    Video: "Family Day"

On May 15, Russia celebrates the International Day of the Family, established by the UN General Assembly in 1993.

The concept of state family policy in Russia

On August 25, 2014, the Government of Russia approved the Concept of State Family Policy in Russia for the period up to 2025.

The objectives of the Concept of State Family Policy in Russia for the period up to 2025 are:

  • support, strengthening and protection of the family and the values ​​of family life;
  • creating the necessary conditions for the family to perform its functions;
  • improving the quality of life of families;
  • ensuring the rights of family members in the process of its social development.

The result of the implementation of the Concept will be a system of measures formed by 2025 that will allow the family to feel confident and protected from various risks.

All-Russian competition "Family of the Year"

As part of the implementation of the Concept of State Family Policy in Russia for the period up to 2025, in 2017 the All-Russian competition "Family of the Year" was held for the second time.

In 2017, all subjects of the Federation took part in the competition. In total, the Organizing Committee of the competition received 322 applications.

By decision of the Organizing Committee, a list of families-winners of the All-Russian competition was approved, including 85 families, including in the following nominations:

  • "Large family" - 18 families;
  • "Young family" - 14 families;
  • "Rural family" - 21 families;
  • "Golden Family of Russia" - 14 families;
  • "Family - the keeper of traditions" - 18 families.

Benefits for families with children

Since February 1, 2018, benefits for families with children, including a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, have been indexed by 2.5%.

Thus, the size of the lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child is 16.8 thousand rubles. The amount of the monthly allowance for the care of a child up to one and a half years for citizens not subject to compulsory social insurance is 3.1 thousand rubles for the care of the first child, 6.3 thousand rubles for the care of the second and subsequent children.

In 2018, the monthly payment for the third child and subsequent children until they reach the age of three is provided in 69 regions. Of these, 60 regions receive co-financing from the federal budget. The amount of the payment is set at the level of the regional subsistence minimum for a child and the national average is currently more than 10,000 rubles.

Since January 1, 2018, the amount of benefits granted this year, paid as part of compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood, has increased.

Thus, the maximum amount of the maternity benefit, which is paid in the amount of 100% of the average earnings of a working woman, is 61.4 thousand rubles in 2018 on average for a full calendar month. This allowance is paid to women working under labor contracts, in total 70 days before and 70 days after the birth of a child.

The maximum amount of the monthly benefit for caring for a child up to one and a half years old, paid in the amount of 40% of the average earnings of the insured person, is 24.5 thousand rubles in 2018.

Also, in many subjects of the Russian Federation, regional measures to support families are provided. These are, among other things, regional monthly allowances for a child, monthly allowances for a child of a single mother, allowances for children whose parents evade paying alimony or are conscripted, for children from large families, for children with disabilities, as well as for families in which the parents are disabled.

Maternal capital

As of April 1, 2018, during the implementation of the maternity (family) capital program, 8.5 million families received state certificates for maternity (family) capital, which is about 90% of the number of second, third and subsequent born after January 1, 2007 children.

More than 5.8 million families (68.2%) have already applied for the use of maternity (family) capital, while 5 million families have fully used these funds.

The most demanded direction of spending maternity capital funds is still the improvement of housing conditions.

So, in total, during the implementation of the maternity (family) capital program, more than 5.2 million families (90.8% of the number of holders of state certificates for maternity capital who applied for the disposal of maternity (family) capital funds) filed an application for the disposal of maternity capital funds. (family) capital to improve housing conditions for a total of RUB 2,024.5 billion, including:

  • for the repayment of housing loans - 3.3 million families (63.6% of families of the total number of families who allocated funds to improve housing conditions) in the amount of more than 1,331.3 billion rubles;
  • acquisition of housing without attracting credit funds - 1.9 million families in the amount of 693.2 billion rubles, of which: for the purchase of residential premises through the sale and purchase - 1.3 million families in the amount of 536.1 billion rubles, for construction (reconstruction) for an individual residential building without the involvement of a specialized construction organization - 439.3 thousand families in the amount of 104.9 billion rubles, for individual construction with the involvement of specialized construction organizations - 12.6 thousand families in the amount of 4.9 billion rubles.

530.6 thousand applications for the amount of 31.1 billion rubles were submitted for education by a child (children) and other expenses related to education. As of April 25, 2018, the territorial bodies of the PFR received 5,512 applications for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital to pay for paid educational services for the implementation of educational programs for preschool education and other expenses related to the receipt of preschool education, without waiting for execution a child, in connection with whose birth the right to additional measures of state support has arisen, of the age of three years.

4,000 applications were submitted for the formation of a woman's funded pension in the amount of 0.9 billion rubles.

For the purchase of goods and services intended for social adaptation and integration into society of children with disabilities, 160 applications were accepted for the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of maternity (family) capital in the amount of 9 million rubles.

New benefits for families with children

On January 1, 2018, the laws and “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Additional Measures of State Support for Families with Children” came into force.

The Law “On Monthly Payments to Families with Children” establishes the grounds for and procedure for assigning and making a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of the first child and (or) a monthly payment in connection with the birth (adoption) of a second child.

first child, the family will be eligible to receive a monthly payment equal to the child's regional subsistence level established for the second quarter of the year preceding the year in which it is applied for.

In case of birth (adoption) second of a child, the family will have the right to receive a monthly payment in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of the year preceding the year in which the application for it was submitted, from maternity capital.

In both cases, the following requirements must be met:

the child was born (adopted) after January 1, 2018 and is a citizen of the Russian Federation;

· the size of the average per capita income of the family does not exceed 1.5 times the subsistence level of the able-bodied population, established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of the year preceding the year of applying for the said payment.

Hello, our dear children and adults! Today we have gathered in this hall not by chance! May 15 is Family Day. A person's life begins with the family, here he is formed as a citizen. The family is a source of love, respect, solidarity and affection, something on which any civilized society is built, without which a person cannot exist. But we will not wait for May 15 to come, but we will celebrate right today. Our holiday is not ordinary, but family!
But first, a surprise awaits you all - the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". The guys from the association "Karabas-Barabas" during the entire academic year were preparing for this performance - they themselves sewed dolls, made decorations. Today is the debut of the puppet theater troupe! Meet! And do not judge strictly - the first performance ...

fairy tale "KOLOBOK".

Do you know what FAMILY is? Tanya will tell us now.

Tanya girl.
Family is a strange word
Although not foreign.
How did the word come about?
It's not clear to us at all.
Well, "I" - we understand
Why are there seven?

No need to think and guess
And you just need to count:
two grandfathers,
Two grandmothers,
Plus dad, mom, me.
Folded? That makes seven people.

- What if you have a dog?
Eight "I" come out?
- No, if there is a dog,
Comes out! - family.
(M. Schwartz)

So, the family includes mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and children. Today we are holding a family competition "Yablochko and Yablonka". Why is it called that way? But we all know that the apple tree does not roll far from the apple tree. We invite our "Apple families" - they got their names during the draw. So let's meet:
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________

Dear contestants and guests, let me introduce you to the members of the jury:
Let's start our competition!

Competition 1. Presentation of the family.

Competition 2. Who will sing whom?
I suggest that the teams take turns singing a line from songs about flowers. Whoever sings gets a point.

Competition 3. Hostess.
Our mothers are wonderful housewives. They are always ready to receive guests. So, the task for moms is to fold napkins in an original way. But both dad and grandmother participate in our competition. When mom is not at home, and guests are on the doorstep, dads can also set the table.
Girls are future housewives. They should also be able to make the house cozy. The task for them is to decorate the cake.
The competition is evaluated on a 5-point system.

Competition 4. Proverbs and sayings.
In the order of the draw, the teams name a proverb or saying with the word that is on the card. Those who named the proverb receive 1 point.
Bread. Bread is the head of everything.
Ruble. A penny saves a ruble.
Apple. The apple never falls far from the tree
Mirror. There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.
Rope. No matter how much the rope twists, but there is an end.
A cap. On the thief and the hat is on fire.
The spoon. Road spoon to dinner.

Competition 5. Golden hands
Exercise. Each team is given a large button (about 40 cm in diameter, made of cardboard) and a piece of cloth. At the signal of the presenter, you need to sew on a button, making 5 stitches, but with the condition that both mother and child use only one hand in work. Who will complete the task faster and better? The competition is evaluated on a 5-point system.

Contest 6. No secrets
Exercise. Teams are invited, adults stand with their backs to the audience, children in front of them face the audience, yellow and green balloons are given into their hands. Yellow is associated with the child, green - adults. When answering a question, you need to raise a sign, in extreme cases - two. If the answer matches, the team gets 1 point.
Which one of you washes the dishes more often?
Who sings better?
Who is more interested in dreams?
Which one of you is prettier?
Who snores in their sleep?
Who finds it easier to solve math problems?
Which one of you loves dad more?
Which one of you eats more candy?
Which one of you lies less?
Who loves pets?
Who likes to watch series?
Who doesn't make their bed in the morning?
Which one of you is more likely to cheat?
Who loves to chew on seeds?
Who is more likely to dig a garden?
Who loves to read?
Who watches TV late?
Who is most often scolded by the father?
Who writes with errors?
Who has the best cell phone?
Who has the funniest walk?
Who scatters socks all over the house?
Who has a slimmer figure?
Who is afraid of dental treatment?
Who follows everyone and turns off the lights in the rooms?
Who has a better memory?
Who has a charming smile?
Who bathes more often?

Contest 7. Understand me
Exercise. An adult sits on a chair, a child stands in front of him. Signs with words rise up behind the adult's back. The child must explain so that the mother (dad or grandmother) understands and names the word. It is not possible to name single-root words. Who can do it in less time?
March 8, rain, morning, hare
heels, new year, soup, bear
Monkey, ears, cutlet, sun
Giraffe, seeds, bird cherry, cupboard
Dress, stool, pants, book
Candle, mop, hippopotamus, pencil
Horse, Easter, chandelier, asphalt

This concludes our competition. While the jury is summing up, those who wish can tell about their family.

Wishing children come out, talk about their family.

Jury word.

The President of the Jury presents the certificates.

Once again I congratulate everyone on the holiday of the Family, I wish everyone good health, happiness and love!

What else to read