Blue eye amulet. Eye of Fatima Amulet

AT Muslim world, as in any other, there are unique amulets, but the most common is a glass blue bead with an eyeball and a black pupil in the middle. Where did he come from this amulet, its properties and meaning, where you can meet, how to use, we'll talk.

Nazar bonjuk is one of the names that entered the history of the conquest of Byzantium by the Ottomans Turkish Sultan Mehmed II. The Janissaries of his army wore such blue stone, proof of this are the similar relics preserved in some Turkish families to this day.

Another version tells about the love of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad for a young man, to whom the girl handed a similar talisman on a dangerous journey, so her beloved returned to her unharmed. There is also a legend about the Caliph's daughter, who refused to accept the burden of power, but promised to keep her father's kingdom from adversity. Both girls were named Fatima. In honor of which of them the amulet received a middle name - the eye of Fatima is not known for certain, but it is very common in Turkey.

From other sources, the approximate age of the amulet is known: more than 500 thousand years BC. It turns out that he is almost the most ancient amulet on the ground. This is confirmed by the images of the eye of the all-seeing, applied to the numerous pyramids in Egypt. And yet, for some reason, it is considered to be a Turkish talisman, although similar amulets were found even during excavations of the areas of the ancient Slavs.


The range of application of the Muslim amulet is unlimited, it helps from a common cold, not to mention the evil eye. It is the keeper of family happiness, warns against adversity and failure. Warns disaster (nazar can be seen on board the aircraft). Promotes in love and business.

It is more difficult to remember what function Fatima's eye is not capable of performing. Moreover, the impact of its protection increases in proportion to the size. The larger it is, the better it protects. Dimensional talismans are usually fixed on the facades of buildings, whether it is a residential building or a business center.


The instructions for launching the talisman are quite simple. It must be placed in the most prominent place, then the eye will open: observing, catching and protecting the owner or object of protection from all sorts of misfortunes. The validity of the amulet is unlimited. However, if you suddenly notice a chip or even an ordinary crack on it, then immediately replace it with a new amulet. True, before thanking Fatima's eye for faithful service. After all, he was damaged due to a negative message addressed specifically to you. In the case when the blue stone suddenly disappeared without a trace, it means that he took on a very serious misfortune and “left”. Don't try to find him, entrust the security to his successor.

Who needs it

The eye of Fatima is presented as a gift, first of all to those in need magical protection people: children beautiful girls and women, businessmen, lovers. That is, to all those who are beautiful, rich, helpless, which means that their happiness is fragile, and perhaps their health is in danger.

Where can I buy

Turkish markets, shops, shops offer this talisman in abundance, and different sizes and colors. From a simple bead on a pin to a sprawling money tree. I found myself a blue stone in newfangled Pandora bracelets.

Pendants from the eye of Fatima will surely meet you in a Turkish vehicle: buses, cars. Although why only Turkish? The blue amulet is at a premium in Egypt, Armenia and some other countries.

Anyone who believes in the power of Fatima's eye, use it, do not hesitate to wear it, it will definitely give happiness, because in addition to protective functions knows how and loves to fulfill the wishes of his master. The main thing is to put all the warmth of your own soul, sincerity and purity of thought into your personal request, then the amulet in your hands will become a powerful guide to the world of good spirits who will hear your request and will certainly fulfill your desire.

And finally, such an amulet is made from the most ordinary glass, blowing droplets out of it, and then decorating with an eye.

Belief in the mysterious power of amulets goes back to primitive times, when people, helpless before the forces of nature, wore various amulets on their bodies, for example, bandages with tiger fangs, and also decorated their homes with amulets - bunches of special herbs or skulls of dead warriors from opposing clans. AT ancient world amulets and amulets were credited with magical power that protected their owners from the misfortunes of nature or the raids of people from other tribes.

People's confidence in mysterious power various amulets or amulets still lives among us.

Turkish amulet

Who was in Turkey not only saw, but also bought himself a charm in the form of a blue (blue) eye. There, these souvenirs are sold on every counter: key chains, Jewelry, plates, pendants for the home - the choice is simply huge!

The Turkish amulet, which is an eye and protects from the evil eye, has many names. The generally accepted name for the amulet is Nazar Boncuk or simply Nazar. The amulet has the shape of a disk in the form of an eye. of blue color, with a white disk inside, which crowns the black core. Often its size is amazing - blue glass circles reach twenty centimeters in diameter, the larger, the more effective its protection. Often the amulet accompanies the saying in Turkish Maas Allah - "It was so pleasing to Allah." The best Nazar Boncuk are hand-blown glass.

There are two beautiful stories, which are usually told by the sellers of this Turkish amulet. The first says that Fatima (daughter of the Prophet Muhammad) handed such a talisman to her beloved, seeing off the man for a long time, full of danger hike. For this reason, this amulet is often referred to as the "Eye of Fatima".

The second legend looks more true. The people of the East were mortally frightened by the consequences of the first crusade who brought incredible destruction and grief to their lands. It is well known that the Crusaders often had light, mostly blue irises. Therefore, the Turkish amulet copies the eye of a European, as if protecting the dark-eyed eastern inhabitants from the machinations of the devil, the evil eye or curse, as well as the unkind deeds of people (read in plain text - Europeans). But in fact, Egypt is considered the birthplace of this amulet, where the images of the eye were inscribed on the walls of the tombs in the pyramids of kings thousands of years before our era.

Many historians believe that the real homeland of the amulet is not Turkey at all, but Egypt! After all, images of this eye were painted on the walls of the tombs in the pyramids of kings much earlier than they learned about it in Turkey, that is, thousands of years before our era.


Nazar is used not only as a protection, it helps to attract desired and good events, for example, the birth of a son, the acquisition of wealth. First of all, it is necessary to use the amulet for the most vulnerable people, with weakened energy, who are easy to envy and harm - pregnant women, newborns, children, beauties, lucky and successful people.

  • Ribbon with a "blue eye" is often hung on the arm of a newborn child. And young mothers hide their blue eyes in the strollers or cribs of their young children.
  • Pins with small blue stones worn by children, adolescents and adults on outerwear, while the "blue eye" should be constantly in sight and reflect a bad look or bad action directed against a person. By the way, Europeans do the same. And we believe that the pin removes the evil eye, but it is hidden in the folds of clothing. Often, small icons are pinned to the pin.
  • Hanging at the entrance in shops, hotels, private apartments, in car cabins and even on aircraft bodies, amulets with "blue eyes" serve to protect movable and immovable property. So spoilage, bad actions and intentions are allotted.

It is believed that a blue eye will protect you only if someone gave it to you. So if you buy it for yourself, it will be just a souvenir. People in love exchange amulets, hoping that the talisman will save a loved one from troubles and misfortunes. And it is also customary to think that if your amulet is torn, broken, split, or completely lost, then it has fulfilled its mission and reflected a very strong evil eye or spoil. Mentally thank the amulet for its service and urgently get a new one.

Believe it or not - it's up to you! In any case, jewelry and interior items with this symbol look very beautiful!

The Eye of Fatima is especially popular in Turkey. But, bringing a beautiful bright souvenir from this sunny country, you should know that this is not only an ornament, but also very strong amulet.

In the article:

Eye of Fatima - a bit of history

The eye of Fatima has several names - Blue Eye, Nazar, Nazar Bonjuk, Matopetra("eye-stone" in Greek). Most of all, it is popular in Turkey, and many believe that an amulet in the form of an eye appeared in pre-Muslim times. In museums, especially in the Odessa region and the Crimea, you can see similar things that are dated 500 BC and earlier.

The Eye of Fatima amulet is popular not only in Turkey. It can often be seen in Azerbaijan, Syria, Armenia, Egypt, Greece and Cyprus. The prevalence in hot countries, which are often of interest to tourists, has made the Eye of Fatima not only a talisman, but also a world-famous souvenir.

Legend attributes the invention of this artifact to Fatima, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. When her fiancé went to long way, she gave him an image of an eye so that he would return to her safe and sound.

But this is not the only version about the origin of this amulet. Another option for the development of events around him is the Crusade, which worried all the inhabitants of the East. Battles with the crusaders brought on eastern lands death and destruction. Most of the crusaders had light eyes, and it was believed that an amulet with the image of such an eye could ward off the misfortune that a person with such an eye color carries. There is also a Turkish tale about Fatima which says that Blue eyes were with her.

Some historians believe that the birthplace of the Eye of Fatima is not Turkey, but Egypt. Exactly at Egyptian pyramids researchers have found things with his image that are older than Turkish artifacts. Archaeologists also met him on the island Santorini during excavations in the territories that were occupied by the Slavs. The amulet came to the latter along with merchants from Greece.

In Russian-speaking countries, this amulet is simply called the "blue eye" or "the eye from the evil eye." He quickly took root in Russia, and now you can even find copies depicting Christian saints. They have become one of the most bought souvenirs in foreign resorts. But when buying souvenirs, you should know what value they carry.

The meaning of the Eye of Fatima amulet and its features

First of all, the image of a blue eye is. It is believed that with strong negative impact the amulet splits into several parts or becomes covered with cracks. This means that he took over what was directed at his owner. It is impossible to use such a talisman. They thank him and throw him into the river, or bury him. After that, you should start a new amulet. The loss of the amulet has the same meaning, which means its inability to repel the blow in another way.

The peculiarity of Nazar is that it only works when it is in plain sight. Wearing it under your clothes, as you can do with most amulets, will not work. It serves both as a defense and a warning to an evil person, and as a distraction for a potential adversary. It shouldn't bother you too much, because appearance Fatima's eyes make it possible to consider it not only a talisman, but also a stylish decoration.

The amulet is suitable for men, women, and children of any age. None side effects or there are no contraindications. The amulet is often given to each other by spouses to protect their loved one and keep feelings on long years. If it is donated from sincere love, the Eye of Fatima will work much better than bought for yourself.

Another one distinguishing feature Fatima's eyes are the proportionality of his size and the strength that is contained in him. The larger your amulet, the more it affects you.

It is believed that Nazar Bonjuk not only protects from negativity, but also attracts desired events. For example, if you want, you can ask your amulet about it out loud or mentally. It can also be used to gain wealth, in order to find love, but the Eye of Fatima fulfills only bright desires that do not harm anyone.

Such a talisman is not bad for people whose energy is weakened. These are elderly, sick people, pregnant women and small children. They really need it, because a weak protective field of a person from any of the above categories is not able to independently cope with negative energy directed at him. The same applies to people who have a lot of envious people - beautiful women, people who have material and family well-being, lucky businessmen.

How to wear Eye of Fatima

hot Muslim countries Fatima's eye can be seen almost everywhere - in homes, hospitals, in public places and even on the fuselage of Turkish airlines. As souvenirs, you can buy not only jewelry and key chains, but also interior items, dishes and even clothes.

You can wear such a charm not only as a pendant, bracelet or ring. Brooches with the Eye of Fatima are considered a good option because they combine two protective symbols with the same meaning - Nazar and a pin. Keychains protect not only their owner, but also the house, car or what is unlocked with keys from a bundle with it.

Fatima's eye can be hung in the house to protect it from evil. It is often hung on baby strollers, because children need protection from negativity in the first place. A good option for small child- ribbon with the image of Nazar. It is also good as a talisman for a car, because it protects not only from the evil eye, but also from accidents and other troubles. In Egypt and Turkey, offices and shops where there are a lot of people are often decorated with this amulet.

It is impossible to know what intentions are present in each person, therefore protection from evil people. You can place the Eye of Fatima near your workplace, which will help you concentrate on work and not suffer from the influence of enemies and envious people.

In general, the Eye of Fatima is a stylish decoration, which is a universal amulet that works not only for Jews and Muslims, but for any person, regardless of religion.

The eye of Fatima is a Muslim amulet that protects a person from the evil eye and damage. It has other names, for example, Nazar, Blue Eye, etc. This amulet is especially popular in Turkey. However, not so long ago it was sent to be used all over the world. The fact is that tourists often buy it as a souvenir for their family and friends. Today we will talk about the history of the amulet, as well as about its meaning and how it should be worn correctly.

The appearance of this talisman is associated with one of the legends. By giving famous prophet Muhammad had a daughter whose name was Fatima. She was famous for her kindness, purity and unprecedented beauty. One day Fatima accompanied her husband, whose name was Ali, on a long journey. It was then that she gave him a stone that resembled an eye. She said that this amulet should protect her lover from all sorts of dangers.

Such an amulet was supposed to preserve the health and life of Ali. Fatima put all her love into the talisman. It is believed that since then he has acquired magical powers. To this day, the amulet is worn to protect against any negativity that can harm a person.

There is another legend about the appearance of the Eye of Fatima. It says that once upon a time a caliph lived on earth. More than anything, he dreamed of wisdom, and to know all the secrets of the world around him. Then he turned to the clairvoyant to tell him how to achieve the fulfillment of his desires. The seer said that for this he first needed to marry all his daughters. At the same time, foreigners must certainly become their husbands. At that time, the caliph had seven daughters. After a conversation with the seer, his eighth daughter was born. It was a blue-eyed beauty, who was named Fatima. Caliph felt very sorry for his daughter, and he did not want to part with her. Then he decided to hide her. He gave Fatima to be raised by a weaver's family. He took his daughter into his own family. After some time, the Caliph gave all his daughters in marriage to foreigners, including the weaver's daughter. When he grew old, and Fatima grew up, he confessed everything to her and offered to take her place. However, she did not live up to his expectations. She said that she was relinquishing power because the caliph had lost all his wisdom. However, the girl promised to protect his family and kingdom. It was from that time that the amulet with the name Eye of Fatima began to protect both the whole people and each person individually from evil forces.

Another version of the appearance of the amulet says that at the time when the Crusades began, the peoples of the East knew a lot of suffering and trouble. The crusaders destroyed cities and villages and kept all the inhabitants in fear. Most of these invaders and killers had blue eyes. Then locals made a special amulet and gave it the name Blue Eye. He was supposed to protect them from the crusaders and their families, who were called minions of the devil.

Some researchers believe that this amulet appeared in Egypt. Archaeologists found an image of the Eye of Fatima in the pyramids.

The meaning of the eye of Fatima

The main meaning of this talisman is protection from the evil eye and damage. It "works" until cracks appear on it. This means that the amulet has completely exhausted the supply of its magical powers. In this case, it must be given to the earth, not forgetting to thank for all the good that he did. It is not recommended to look for the missing amulet. It is believed that he "served" his and no longer has power.

In addition, it has the ability to attract important events. For example, if a person really wants to find his other half and get married, he should ask for this amulet.

It is believed that very soon such a desire will come true. In addition, he can be asked for wealth, procreation, etc. The amulet will fulfill any positive desires.

In addition, the talisman gives a person a supply vitality and your positive energy. This is especially true for women during the period of bearing a baby, for young children and the elderly.

How to wear an amulet

In order for the amulet to perform its functions, you need to wear it so that it is visible to others. If you hide it under clothes, then it will not have any power. Most often, the amulet is worn in the form of jewelry. It can be a pendant, a brooch or a bracelet. It can be used as a keychain for house or car keys. Then the amulet will protect housing or vehicle and the owner himself. The amulet can be worn by children and adults, regardless of gender. Moreover, the larger the size of the talisman, the better it will "work".

The amulet can be put where the money is kept. Then he will attract wealth. The amulet can be hung over the entrance to the housing, then it will protect the house and all its inhabitants from evil forces.

In order to find your soul mate or get married, you need not to buy an amulet, but to make it yourself. For peace and harmony in the family, the Eye of Fatima should be presented to your spouse (your wife).

In order for offspring to appear in the family, the amulet should be hung in the bedroom. To protect the child after his birth, it is recommended to hang the amulet on the stroller, as well as over the baby's sleeping place.

This amulet needs regular care. It must be washed daily in running water. It is best to do this in a stream or river. If this is not possible, then you can simply rinse it with tap water. After the procedure, the amulet should be wiped dry with a towel. At night, the amulet must be removed.

The eye of Fatima is a charm that is very popular all over the world. However, only people with a clear conscience and bright thoughts can use it to protect and fulfill desires. It should not be worn by people with evil intentions, since the amulet does not carry out such.

In this article:

Since ancient times, people believe in the power of all kinds of amulets and amulets. Helpless before the unknown and terrible force, primitive people wore different amulets, decorated their homes with bunches of herbs and flowers, skulls of slain animals and even warriors from opposing clans. And those times were attributed to amulets Magic power, as it is now. The world has changed, but his faith in good and evil, as well as in the Higher principle, has not changed.

Modern people, like primitive ones, believe in magic, so they try with all their might to resist it. One of the ways to protect against magic are the amulets mentioned above. In this article we will talk about the most effective amulet, which is an eye and protects against the evil eye and damage.

Turkish amulet

The Turkish amulet, which is an eye and protects from the evil eye, has many names. The generally accepted name of the amulet is Nazar Boncuk or simply Nazar. The amulet has the shape of a disk in the form of a blue eye, with a white disk inside, which is crowned with a black core.

About the blue eye that protects people from the evil eye, Turkish souvenir sellers tell two beautiful legends. The first legend claims that Fatima (daughter of the Prophet Muhammad) handed the first talisman to her beloved, accompanying him on a long dangerous campaign. That is why the amulet is often called the "eye of Fatima."

This amulet works for absolutely everyone.

The second legend tells that the people of the East were greatly frightened by the consequences of the first crusade, which brought great destruction and grief to their lands. It is known for certain that the Crusaders most often had light blue irises. Therefore, this amulet is a copy of the eyes of Europeans, from which the inhabitants of the East defended themselves along with the devil, curses, and the evil deeds of people.

But this is not all that history knows about the cat's eye and its ability to protect against the evil eye. Many historians believe that the real homeland of the amulet is not Turkey at all, but Egypt! After all, images of this eye were painted on the walls of the tombs in the pyramids of kings much earlier than they learned about it in Turkey, that is, thousands of years before our era.

How is the Turkish amulet used?

In Turkey, a ribbon with an eye is hung on the hand of a newborn child. Teenagers and adults wear the amulet on a pin that is attached to outerwear. Europeans do the same, although they hide the pins, and instead of the eye they most often use icons. The difference in wearing is that the blue eye should always be in sight and reflect the negative messages directed in your direction by anyone.

However, a person is not the only thing that can protect a blue eye, its impact extends to movable and immovable property. A Turkish amulet is hung at the entrances to shops, hotels, private properties. Thus, damage, bad intentions and actions are removed from the premises. Charms for houses have significantly larger size, sometimes reaching a diameter of 20 cm. Also, key chains with a blue eye can be seen on bus and car drivers, on keychains, in general, anywhere. And this is not surprising, because translated from Turkish, the saying that accompanies the amulet - Maas Allah, sounds like this: "It was so pleasing to Allah"!

  • Nazar is used not only as a protection, it helps to attract desired and good events, for example, the birth of a son, the acquisition of wealth.
  • According to the legends than more eyes Fatima, the more effective his defense.
  • First of all, it is necessary to use the amulet for the most vulnerable people, with weakened energy, who are easy to envy and harm - pregnant women, newborns, children, beauties, lucky and successful people.
  • People in love exchange amulets, hoping that the talisman will save a loved one from troubles and misfortunes.
  • Turkish amulet is produced in different types and forms - it can be a keychain, a pin, a bracelet or any other decoration, a large pendant for home security.
  • The main rule of wearing an amulet is that it works only when it is in plain sight, reflecting the negative through direct contact. That is, if a person looks at you with an unkind look, then he will be reflected. If the amulet is hidden, it will not be able to join the fight for your bright future and good health.
  • If your amulet is broken, it means that it has fulfilled its mission and repelled a very strong evil eye or damage. Mentally thank the amulet for its service and urgently get a new one.
  • Also, the loss of the amulet or any other destruction of it testifies to the operation of the protection - it was torn, broken, split. Follow the steps described in the previous paragraph.
  • The best Nazar Boncuk are hand-blown glass.

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