Surah from the Koran from the evil eye and corruption, listen online. Muslim prayers from the evil eye and corruption: strong Duas, Rukia, Ayats, Suras. Reading the Koran from the evil eye, damage, witchcraft. Strong Dua from corruption

Surahs from the evil eye and corruption, despite common misconceptions, act not only on legitimate Muslims, but also for representatives of other religions. Surahs from the Quran are the most powerful means of cleansing from external negative influences.

Read the surahs from the evil eye and corruption before sunrise. The best day for this is Friday. It is necessary to read the surahs from the Koran so that they are as effective as possible.

In this article, you will find many effective suras that are direct quotes from the Quran. By reading such suras, you can easily cleanse yourself of the evil eye, damage and other external negative influences. Be righteous and pious, and Allah will help you.

Koran and magic

The Arab East is known for its ancient and very powerful black magic. However, with the emergence and spread of Islam as a single religion in the area, pagan incantations began to be increasingly replaced by classical sayings from the sacred book for all Muslims.

The Koran (Arabic أَلْقُرآن‎‎ - al-Ḳur'ān) is the holy book of Muslims. The word "Quran" comes from the Arabic "reading aloud", "edification" (Koran, 75:16-18). The Koran according to Islam is a set of revelations uttered on behalf of Allah by the prophet Muhammad. Muslim history.

Meanwhile, officially this religion does not approve of any magical practices, as if they were protective amulets, conspiracies or damage. However, this does not prevent Muslims from practicing various magical rites and using charms and amulets. It is interesting that in all these practices, even in love spells, suras (chapters) are used, consisting of verses (verses) from the Koran. Accordingly, sacred texts are also read for protection and purification.

Rules for reading suras from the evil eye

There are several requirements for conducting cleansing practices from negative energy and other people's witchcraft. First of all, you need to choose the right day for the ceremony. Traditionally, this day is Friday.

  • As for the time, the night is chosen, but in no case the morning. Before the first rays of the sun appear, the last sura should be read. Since the dawn is considered the time of evil spirits and shaitan.
  • It is necessary to read cleansing prayers, having performed namaz.
  • At the same time, a person must be faithful, observe fasts, prayers the prescribed number of times a day, as well as with pure thoughts and a clean body.

Surahs are read always from the Quran. That is, it may be old and shabby, it does not matter. The language of all suras, and this is important, as in any magical practice, only Arabic.

Surahs from the Koran from corruption and evil eye

So, traditionally, in order to protect yourself from someone else's influence on the energy plane, they use the first sura. It is called "Opening" or Al-Fatiha. It has seven verses. Also often read four verses of the one hundred and twelfth, which is called "Purification of Faith" - Al-Ikhlas.

  1. In addition, for these purposes, the one hundred and thirteenth "Dawn", which is represented by five verses, and one hundred and fourteenth "Morning" - An-Nas.
  2. A very strong sura from corruption of the evil eye and witchcraft - thirty-sixth Ya-Sin. True, it has eighty-three verses and takes quite a long time to complete.
  3. Regardless of the goals, without fail, the rite begins with Al Fatiha and ends An-Nas.

Despite the obligatory reading in Arabic, below we will give examples of translations for the main suras used in protection from the evil eye. so that you understand what is at stake.

Al-Fatiha - the first sura

Allah is the One Lord of the Day of Judgment, the Day of Calculation and Retribution. And no one but Him has power over anything on This Day. Allah rules over everything.

To You alone we make the highest degree of worship and cry out to You for help.

Lead us along the Path of Your pious servants, to whom You have granted to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your Mercy, directing them along the straight Path (the path of Islam), along the path of those whom You have favored (along the Path of the Prophets and Angels). But not along the path of those whom You punished and who strayed from the Path of Truth and goodness, deviating from faith in You, not showing obedience to You.

Al Ikhlas - one hundred and twelfth sura

He is the One God, the Eternal Lord. He did not beget and was not begotten, and there is no one equal to Him.

Al Falyak - one hundred and thirteenth sura

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful, “Say: “I resort to the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what He has created, from the evil of darkness when it comes, from the evil of witches who spit on knots, from the evil of an envious person when he envies.

An-Nas - one hundred and fourteenth sura

(I begin) with the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! Say (Muhammad): “(I) I resort (for protection) to the Lord of people, (to) the King of people, (to) the God of people, from the evil of the tempter disappearing (at the mention of the name of Allah), which inspires (evil thoughts) in the chest of people (With the help of tempters) from (among) jinn and people.

Muslims believe that everything that happens to him, on the physical and energy levels, happens because it is the will of Allah. And therefore, it is also necessary to ask for deliverance from the received evil eye or love spell, turning to the Almighty.

And only Allah can help and protect a faithful Muslim from any misfortune. Turning to magicians and healers is considered unworthy, since they most often communicate with numerous demons, resorting to their help in various rituals.

That is why many hours of reading prayers for several days in a row is considered the best way to get rid of physical ailments, a streak of failures, as well as the evil eye.

Suras in modern language

Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity)

"Allah is one and eternal."

If he had not given birth, he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him. Al-Falyak (Dawn)

“I ask the Lord for the dawn, namely, salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that descended from darkness. I ask for protection from envious people who conjure and evil, at a time when envy ripens in him.

An-Nas (Morning)

“I seek refuge in the Lord of people, the king of people, the God of people from the evil intentions of the tempter, who tempts the hearts of people, appearing in the form of genies or people.”
You can read other suras from the Koran to remove the evil eye and damage. But at the same time, it should be remembered that the first and last sura must be read without fail.


As you know, the Quran is the holy book of Muslims. The word "Quran" itself is translated from Arabic as "edification, reading aloud." If you believe the legends, then the holy book is a set of revelations that were transmitted by Allah through the prophet Muhammad.
The Quran is the guide of man

For a long time, the Arab East has been famous for its secret, ancient knowledge. It was believed that very strong sorcerers lived there. Since the spread of Islam as a single religious movement in this territory, people have received a unique and powerful weapon to protect themselves from pagan sorcerers.

  • Officially, this religious movement, like Christianity, does not approve of any witchcraft.
  • A very negative attitude not only to negative witchcraft programs, but also to the use of conspiracies, protective amulets, and so on.
  • Nevertheless, this does not prevent people from still using a variety of protective talismans and sometimes using protective spells.

Suras - chapters that consist of verses (verses) from the Koran are directly used not only to block negative magical effects, but also to cleanse from possible negativity.

The use of the Quran really helps from the evil eye and corruption, which is confirmed by many people. Sacred texts help to reach out to higher powers, find spiritual balance and get rid of negative programs.


It does not matter which method of healing the believer chooses, the use of the Koran or Orthodox prayers, in order to obtain the desired result, it is very important to follow special rules. If you want to cleanse yourself of witchcraft using suras from the evil eye, then adhere to certain dogmas.

  1. First, select the correct day. It is best to perform the ceremony on Friday. Refrain from using the Quran in the morning.
  2. It is this part of the day that is the time of evil spirits and Shaitan. Therefore, take up reading the suras at night. The last verse should be read before dawn.
  3. It is allowed to take up the ritual only after the individual has performed the prayer.
  4. It is believed that prayers will be heard only if the individual is faithful, always fasts, is pure in soul and body.

Use the Quran itself in Arabic during the ritual. Important: the use of a semantic translation of the Koran into Russian is not welcome. After all, this will not bring the desired result.


Surahs in Islam are the most powerful praises against magic and corruption, which will help clear your mind, strengthen your faith and restore strength.

If a Muslim finds himself in a difficult situation, loses his peace of mind, feels that he is being negatively affected, he must definitely ask for help from Allah, and not try, by performing some witchcraft rites, to determine who his enemy is and take revenge on him .

Before you start reading, you need to repent of your sins, because for every sin there is a punishment. There are many suras that will help protect and purify on the energy plane.

  • Al-Fatiha is the traditional first sura, which is called "opening". It consists of 7 verses.
  • Al-Ikhlas - very often used to cleanse from negativity and is called "purification of faith."
  • An-Nas - suitable for getting rid of ailments and negative effects.
  • Ya-Sin - is also considered very strong, capable of removing even damage to death, but it consists of 83 verses and reading takes more than one hour.

Regardless of what goal you are pursuing: to protect yourself from possible negative influence or to remove the already existing evil eye, you must start the ceremony from Al-Fatih and end with An-Nas.

Although all the suras are read in Arabic, you can read in this article the translation of the main sura used to save you from witchcraft. Anyone who wants to use sacred texts is advised to familiarize themselves with the translation of each sura that you will use in advance.

This is necessary so that you are aware of what is being said in the divine texts. Remember, it is impossible to repeat texts from the Koran as a tongue twister, thoughtlessly. You must be clearly aware of what kind of prayer you are turning to Allah.

Al-Fatiha - the first sura

I begin with the Name of Allah - the One Almighty Creator. He is the Merciful, the Bestower of blessings for all in this World, and the Merciful only for the believers in Ahirat.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, for all that He gave to His servants (Angels, people, genies). All glory to Allah, Creator and Lord of the worlds.
He is Ar-Rahman (Merciful to all in this World) and He is Ar-Rahim (Merciful only to believers in the Other World).

Allah is the One Lord of the Day of Judgment, the Day of Calculation and Retribution. And no one but Him has power over anything on This Day. Allah rules over everything.
To You alone we make the highest degree of worship and cry out to You for help.
Keep us on the Path of Truth (on the Path of Islam), goodness and happiness.

Lead us along the Path of Your pious servants, to whom You have granted to believe in You and to whom You have shown Your Mercy, directing them along the straight Path (the path of Islam), along the path of those whom You have favored (along the Path of the Prophets and Angels). But not along the path of those whom You punished and who strayed from the Path of Truth and goodness, deviating from faith in You, not showing obedience to You.

  • Muslims are convinced that everything is the will of the Almighty. Everything that happens both on the physical and on the energy plane depends on it. This means that it is necessary to ask Allah for recovery, forgiveness, elimination of negative witchcraft programs.
  • After all, only he can protect the true believer and help him. Turning to magicians or healers for help is considered unworthy, because most often in their rituals they turn to evil spirits and ignore the will of the Almighty.
  • Using suras from witchcraft and the evil eye, you can get rid of any negative magical effects. Be sure that if you turn to Allah with a pure soul, then he will definitely hear you and come to the rescue.

What is a sura?

Reading the Quran is a little-known sura ritual used in secret without outside observers. Surahs from the Koran for removing the evil eye belong to that part of magic that is not customary to speak out loud. The secret knowledge of magical protection has been passed down from generation to generation as the greatest wealth and knowledge that can help and harm. The surahs themselves refer to the Koran, the holy book of every believer.

They are studied, people draw strength and knowledge from them. Suras are neither bad nor good. To remove corruption, charged holy words are used only in extreme cases, when a person cannot find any other protection at all. Suras from the evil eye help, protect, protect, and at the same time, this type of magic does not ask for anything in return. What is a sura for?

There are several types of magical rituals in which the sura participates to one degree or another. Part of the Holy Scripture serves a person as:

  • protection from the evil eye;
  • healing suras save the health of even the hopelessly ill;
  • healing conspiracies help repel the attack of the enemy;
  • serve to clean the house, workplace, housing;
  • saves from protracted diseases;
  • like a pain-relieving prayer;
  • protection against setbacks and failures.

Reading the Quran and using a surah from corruption are completely different things. Religion does not recognize magic, its power and possibilities that a person acquires by reading a few words, having performed such necessary rituals. Healing conspiracies literally pull a person out of the grave, give him a second chance, fight off the damage of sworn enemies. In moments when traditional medicine does not help, the sura will give a person hope for a quick recovery.

For serious Muslim witchcraft, many magical attributes will not be needed. All that is needed is to listen to the words of the Quran, and then at home, until no one sees, read the text of the memorized words. Hone every letter and sound. Only efforts and sincere faith in what is planned will help to receive the desired healing. What is the strongest defense against the evil eye?

The power of Muslim conspiracies

Magic, which is useful for all occasions, saves from envy, divides life into two parts: before the curse and after it. Only in recent years has humanity begun to discover that part of the magic that was carefully hidden from people. How old is Muslim magic? Along with science, with faith and a progressive society, an ancient doctrine developed, which was never put on public display. To this day, even experienced magicians who are capable of creating real miracles are afraid of Muslim magic. Unusual, closely intertwined with religion, the sura from corruption is available to every person.

  1. Prayer in Arabic sounds like a song, peculiar, but charming. It seems that such a prayer does not consist of words, but of sounds that come from God or from the universe.
  2. Such a prayer brings purification, but in Russian the same words sound different.
  3. When a person reads something that is difficult to even imagine, he develops fear. Disturbing, but still frightening.
  4. It is difficult for a person who is far from Muslim culture to read a prayer correctly in Arabic.

Purifying through the sura passes through a person who is open to ancient magic. Protective conspiracies as well as holy words (prayer) are perceived as the most powerful spells that came from the East. They are read to children, adults, sick people and souls lost in their own sins. The power that comes from the Qur'an can help or hurt. The most effective rituals with suras are performed in complete solitude, so that the force feels respect and reverence. What can be asked with the help of words from the holy scripture?

Dua from black witchcraft

Islam does not tell a person to blindly follow faith. Like any other religion, Islam calls for reflection. On the pages of the Koran you can find many instructive stories that allow you to realize your own role in the universe.

  • Allah, who sees everything, is not a warden or a shepherd of lost souls. He is a teacher who allows students to choose their own path. The sacred text contains many clues, important information.
  • The prophet said that better than the word can be the awareness of its meaning. For black witchcraft, only an experienced and fearless magician can use the sura, but as protection from the evil eye, holy scripture is highly recommended.
  • Only a brave person who knows his own strength and believes in their help reads the plot. Translation of the chapters of the Quran will be useful to those who do not know Arabic. Reading the suras is a magical act that drives away the shaitans.

Dua (Al-Falyak) is a request. Prayer appeal to higher powers. The magic words are taken directly from the Koran. Whether a believer reads them or an atheist reads them is not at all important. Universal help is available to everyone. The Muslim people say that the best qualities of a person are not faith, but the desire to acquire it. Reading holy scripture is not dangerous and beneficial for any motive. Step number 1, for the one who reads the Koran - openness sincerely and mentally. Before reading the suras, it is better to make sure that the curse has been committed. This is an essential condition for the proper functioning of prayer. Protect from a strong negative program:

  1. the first sura in the Qur'an is Al-Fatiha;
  2. one hundred and twelfth sura - Al-Ikhlas;
  3. 113 sura - Al-Falyak;
  4. Surah 114 - Al-Nas.

The Qur'an sura 10th is considered to be just as strong. Each sura Al needs to choose the right sound. The Koran - sura 10thaya will protect the whole house and all family members under any external influence. Sura cannot be interchanged, and even more so it is not allowed to throw away its individual components. It will be difficult to pronounce every word the first time, but whether it is Yasin, Muawuizatain or Ayats, they must be pronounced clearly and legibly.

How to read a sura?

It is impossible to translate the sura from strong curses. For protection, Ayats or Mishari are read to children. The role of the text of the Koran sura 10th in salvation from the curse induced by magic. When choosing this or that sura, you need to listen to your own heart. What does it feel? If the soul is drawn to Rukia or Rashid, it is not worth choosing a strong conspiracy based on the Ayat.

Before reading the holy scripture, it is better to translate individual parts of the prayer for yourself, in order to understand what forces the soul turns to. Sura acts almost instantly, and the result lasts for a long time. What makes up such a unique conspiracy? The protection has several successive rituals, each of which has its own sura.

The first step is to read the sura that opens the soul and mind.

It is addressed directly to God, asking for help, protection, and mercy. The reader should show respect and reverence to the powers described in the Quran:

"In the name of Allah. Praise be to Allah, who rules over the world. The mercy of Allah is eternal and unlimited. Merciful, merciful, reigning on the day of judgment. We worship you and ask for your help and support. Show us the right path of truth, so as not to face the fiends of hell. Lead only those who have earned your blessing, who have not angered you and who are not astray."

The second sura embodies sincerity. It helps to tune in spiritually, to find strength within oneself to deal with any troubles: "Allah is one and eternal." If he had not given birth, he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him." The third prayer needs to be given a lot of time. She personifies the dawn of a new human life. The beginning of something new and bright. Such words must come from the heart, openly, sincerely and honestly. A person asks the Lord for protection. Requests will always be heard.

The concluding sura is similar to the morning, with the entry of a person into a new phase, cutting off all the bad things behind:

“I seek refuge in the Lord of people, the king of people, the God of people from the evil intentions of the tempter, who tempts the hearts of people, appearing in the form of genies or people.”

Modern Surah for Protection

Modern translated incantations are not as powerful as the Ayats. They are able to help, but their effect is not so strong. For urgent help, you will need texts from the original source, the true word, not filtered by the translator. After reading the Ayat, the soul will immediately feel better, and any troubles will go away and disappear like a bad dream.

  • How to find salvation for your own soul? On the path of life, each person faces many trials. It just doesn't happen, and it shouldn't.
  • Through difficulties, a person builds character and finds boundaries within himself for the outside world.
  • Life principles. moral values. Islam teaches that what is not beautiful is beautiful and not everything unremarkable is terrible.

Sometimes, to protect your own destiny or loved ones, it may take more than just faith in a good future.


To remove a curse or someone else's negative program, you will need a certain sura with magical attributes. A visual video will help you perform a powerful ceremony, which will allow you to hone your own speech to pronounce the exact words.

There is nothing sinful in the desire to protect yourself from enemies or save your own life. And the sura is the Divine cover, which means God's protection.

How to read suras correctly

In order for Muslim magic to be effective and bring a positive effect, the reader and the "sick" must unconditionally believe in its power. And also, you should adhere to some rules that apply to absolutely all magical rites of Islam:

  • any sura should be read late at night, and stop reading it, should be before sunrise. Since Muslims believe that it is in the early morning that magicians and sorcerers cast their dark spells and rituals. Reading can only be continued from noon;
  • suras from corruption or the evil eye read on Friday will bring the most tangible effect. Since it is believed that it is on Friday, you can ask the higher powers for what you want;
  • the positive effect and strength of the rite will increase significantly if you fall into a state of meditation or trance;
  • it is best to address the prophet directly when saying a prayer;
  • suras must be read as many times as prescribed in the Koran.

It is worth noting that only for followers of the Islamic religion, reading prayers from the pages of the Koran will bring tangible benefits. Indeed, even the most powerful prayer will not have the proper effect on a person of a different faith.

Used from the evil eye of the sura

From the negative impact of dark magic, a believing Muslim needs to read and listen to four obligatory suras:

  1. Al-Fatiha (Opening), the first sura of the Qur'an;
  2. Al-Ikhlas (Purification of the Faith), 112th, consists of 4 verses;
  3. Al-Falyak (Dawn), 113th, consists of 5 verses;
  4. An-Nos (Morning), 114th, last in the Qur'an.

The most effective surah is the 36th, it consists of 83 ex verses, and it takes a lot of time to read it.

You should know that in order for Muslim magic to bring results, all prayers should be read only from the holy book of the Koran. And also, every time you need to start praying from Al-Fatih, and finish An-Nos. Otherwise, the protection effect should not be expected.

Prayers from the Koran from the evil eye and corruption.

Islam is an ancient religion practiced mainly in Muslim countries. The holy book is the Quran, and Muslims worship Allah. According to the laws of Islam, the evil eye and damage can only be removed using the Koran.

Determining damage both in Islam and the Orthodox is quite simple. Usually a person himself comes to the magician with complaints that everything in life is collapsing, troubles haunt a person one after another.

Damage signs:

  • Constant weakness
  • Frequent sleep
  • Sadness and despair
  • Frequent yawning while reading the Qur'an
  • Bad breath
  • Fetid discharge from the uterus in women
Corruption in Islam: how to determine?

Islam generally has a negative attitude towards all magical rites. Most often, the evil eye is removed with the help of prayers and lines that are found in the Koran. In Islam, the process of treating damage is different from Orthodoxy. No amateur performances and compositions. In Islam, only what is written in the Qur'an is used.

In order to eliminate damage, certain suras of the Koran are used. These are 1, 112, 113, and 114 suras.

Prayers from the Quran:

Allah is one and eternal." If he had not given birth, he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him.

I ask the Lord for the dawn, namely, salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that descended from darkness. I ask for protection from envious people who conjure and evil, at a time when envy ripens in him.

These prayers should be said several times in a row. Relatives should also recite these suras at night. It is believed that evil spirits cannot enter a house that is protected by these prayers.

Strong Dua from corruption

In each religion, prayers for corruption are called in their own way. In Islam it is Dua. The lines are also taken from the holy book. There are several reading rules:

  • You can not read from a sheet, only learn by heart
  • All prayers must be written on a piece of paper without lines.
  • You need to carry such scraps of paper with you.
  • You need to pronounce the lines at any time when there is a need for this.

There is no god but You, pure are You! Verily, I was one of the oppressors." Before pronouncing each new prayer, you need to say the word "Salavat".

Strong Dua from corruption

Rukia from genies, evil eye and corruption

Rukya is a petition for healing, a message to Allah. Usually ruki is used to treat the evil eye and spoilage. They help protect against genies and all sorts of evil spirits.

VIDEO: Rukya from the evil eye and damage

In the Eastern religion, there are no specific rules for pronouncing the dua. They can be spoken at any time. If a person feels unwell, it is worth reading prayers. Unlike Orthodoxy, there are no rules in Islam, such as reading during the growing moon or something like that. Everything is very simple, at any time you need to read a prayer and cry out for help to the Almighty.

In the Eastern religion, it is believed that children are angels, and they are not afraid of any damage, respectively, it is necessary that the parents of the child change their lives. It is the parents who should read the prayer for healing and from evil. You need to start reading at midnight, and end with the onset of dawn. In the Eastern religion, many believe that all the bad deeds of adults are reflected in the baby. That is why nothing bad can be done during pregnancy.

In order to get rid of damage, the baby's parents must read 1, 112,113 and the last sura three times. They are listed below.

Often they spoil the trade. In this case, the business becomes a failure. Duas from the evil eye and damage in trade can help. All these prayers are read in the Muslim language, and they are effective only if the person converted to Islam. A representative of another faith cannot read ayats and duas, since Allah will not listen to him.

Dua for good trading:

“Allahuumma, baoir lahuum fe Mikalikhim. Waa Borik lahuum fi Sa'ehim wa mudihim"

The prayer should be read three times, and it is advisable to do this at the time of opening the door of the store, before letting the first client in. Remember to thank Allah for everything He has given you.

Ayats and suras from corruption and the evil eye will help to cleanse and restore well-being. You need to approach reading physically cleansed. It is worth washing, forgetting about all the bad thoughts.

Here is the text of the verse:

La ilaha illa anta subhanakya inni kuntu mina zzalimiin

Reading the Koran from the evil eye and damage

The Koran is a holy scripture, in which there are a lot of suras and verses. It is necessary to read prayers at night and before dawn.

Surahs from the Koran from corruption and evil eye

At the very beginning, you need to read the “Opening Prayer”. She praises Allah. Then you need to read four verses from 113 and 114 of the sura. At the very end, you need to read the 36th sura, but a lot of time is spent on it.

VIDEO: Sura from the evil eye

Sounding Quran against the evil eye, corruption, witchcraft

It is believed that women can bring the evil eye and damage. That is why all beautiful women are recommended to wear a veil. In addition, you need to pray several times a day. It is believed that prayers work best at night. In addition, you can read the Koran at noon.

VIDEO: Sounding Quran

To get rid of corruption and the evil eye in Islam, you need to read the Koran several times a day. It is advisable at this time to retire or go into the desert.

What dua to read for a speedy recovery?
What can you do to alleviate the condition of patients:
1) It is advisable to read Surah Al-Fatiha seven times and blow on the patient.
2. It was also the habit of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to read the following dua when visiting the sick:

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ أَذْهِبِ البَاسَ، اشْفِهِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لاَ شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا

Transliteration: "Allahumma rabbi-n-nas azhibil-bas, ishfihi va antash-shafi, la shifa'a illa shifauk, shifaa la yugadiru sakama"

Translation: O Allah, Lord of the people! Remove (from us) difficulties and heal him (the sick), for You are Healing. There is no healing but Yours, a healing that leaves no sickness (1).

3. It is also narrated in Sahih Muslim that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) recommended that the sick do the following:

ضَعْ يَدَكَ عَلَى الَّذِي تَأَلَّمَ مِنْ جَسَدِكَ، وَقُلْ بِاسْمِ اللهِ ثَلَاثًا، وَقُلْ سَبْعَ مَرَّاتٍ أَعُوذُ بِاللهِ وَقُدْرَتِهِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا أَجِدُ وَأُحَاذِرُ

“Put your hand on the place where you feel pain, and say “Bismillah” three times, and then say seven times: “Auzubillahi va kudratihi min sharri maa ajzu wa khazir” (2).

And Allah knows best.

💬 Video comments

Assalamu alaikum my dear brothers and sisters, I was very sick and every night I listened to him and fell asleep, insha Allah it became easier for me with the help of Allah😗😗😗😗I wish all Muslims health and well-being🌹🌹🌹🌹

Aminat Bulatova

i have cancer may Allah help me don't leave my baby amin

Amina Tem

My mother is sick, give my mother an oak tree, may Allah give health a long life to all mothers.

KgbÐNK Beka

We are in intensive care, the doctors can't help. Son 2 years old, name Tagir. Make Dua Brothers and Sisters. May Allah be pleased with you.

Ponch Ananyevsky

O Allah!!! Help my mother!! She has a stroke and she is... in a coma! May Allah bless all Muslims!

Kocherbaev Bakytbek

Dear brothers and sisters, please make dua for my father, he is in intensive care, diagnosed with an ischemic stroke. Alla times bolsyn barinizge!

Zhorik Tashkentsky

Assalam mu alekum musulman bir tugandar men kyrgyzmyn apam orup jatat keliniz der bir duua kylyp koyunuz dar chy aygyp ketsin suranam siz der den men apam dy zhakshy korom siz der den suranam ALLAH Yrazy bolsun siz der den 😭😭😭

Beko Wakirov

Assalam Waleikum to everyone. Please make dua for your daughter, please her name is Sophia, 5 years old does not speak at all. May Allah help everyone1.Amin.

meni ugilcham uch marta apirattsya bulgan pochkasi yana kilish kerak deyapti shunga Ollohimda shifo tilaiman va shunaka oyatlarni ohtarib yuraman bolaginamdi dardiga shifo tilaiman Ollohim uz panohingda asragin dard berguvchiyim uzing shifo berguvchiyam uzing yozhobaikshi timmanil Yozhobaikshi timmanil.

Zurfal avopusu

O Allah! Help me get rid of my headache!

First Name Last Name

Muslims of the whole planet Assalom alaikum my brothers and sisters. Peace and all earthly blessings. Happiness and goodness to you and your family. I am a Muslim and love my Muslims very much. I wish only the kindest and best to my Muslims. Take care of each other. I have no nation, no bad people. But my brothers and sister, we must be the best and be proud that we are Muslims. Omiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.

Gul"mira Idrisova

Oh Allah, give me patience at minia every day, the galava hurts very much 😢😢

Rajabali Murodmad


Tskhya powerful yo1


Gulzhauhar Ayanova

Oh Allah help my son. He has medulloblastoma of the brain, give him health and strength! Amen!!!

Ainur Mausymbekova

Many centuries ago, the outstanding scientist Avicenna (Ibn Sina) said: “There are three means to cure the sick: with the help of the word; potions prepared from herbs and the third remedy is the scalpel. Under the scalpel, the great physician meant surgical intervention. Yes, at present, medicine has stepped so far that with the help of the latest equipment and installations it is possible to perform any operation on any human organ and return anyone to an active life. All this has become a habit for us. Various herbs are used in the manufacture of medicines. Traditional medicine, using the same herbs, achieves unprecedented results. And what about the word? The word, that is, du'a as a means in the fight against diseases and ailments, is the topic of our mini-research. It should be immediately emphasized that modern science has proven the beneficial effect of du'a in the treatment of diseases. According to Professor of the Psychoneurological Research Institute named after V.M. Bekhterov, head of the laboratory of neuro and psychophysiology Valery Slezin, repeated experiments conducted since 2002 have clearly shown that du’a really help in curing patients. Indeed, the suras and verses of the Holy Quran have healing properties from diseases. Our main problem is that we currently do not fully realize the divine power of this Book. And the Qur'an says: "If the Qur'an were sent down to grief, it would naturally be in confusion: from the shock of the will of the Almighty, it would even split" (59 sura; 21 verses) Treatment with the help of suras from the Holy Quran corresponds to the canons of Shariah. In verse 82 of sura 17 it is said: “We send down healing verses and good decisions of the Quran into the souls of mu’mins, but for those ignoramuses who are not guided by the Quran in their lives, these verses will bring only grief and misfortune.” There are many examples when traditional medicine turned out to be powerless in curing diseases, and the verses of the Qur'an worked a miracle.But in order to achieve a positive result in this case, it is necessary to believe in Allah Ta'ala and his Holy Quran.The following suras and verses are most often used in the treatment: "Fatiha", "Ikhlas", "Ayat of the Throne", Falyak", "Nas", "Inshirak", as well as individual verses from a number of suras. In addition to reading these suras, saffron and rose petals are used in the treatment. It is advisable to use water from the source of Zam-zam or spring petals are placed in a clean plate and water is poured in. After a few minutes, this liquid is applied to a sore spot or to a clean sheet of paper using an ordinary student fountain pen. Several methods of treatment are known. Consider two options: First option: Write Sura “Ikhlas” 3 times on a plate with water and saffron or rose petals. After the inscription dries, it is necessary to pour water into a plate and drink this water to the patient three times a day for three days, reading Sura “Ikhlas” three times these days. Sura "Fatiha" read seven times, while looking at the water. Drink this water for a week and read the Koran. Second option: Read “Ayat of the Throne” (255 verses, 2 sura). Then read from the same second sura 257 verses. Then read the beginning of Surah Imran 1 and 2 verses. After the evening prayer, express the intention to keep the uraza (it is better to do this on Monday or Thursday). Ask the Almighty for health for yourself or someone who is sick.

In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!

Two ways to overcome envy

In the 113th sura of the Qur'an, "Dawn" it says (meaning):

“In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful! Say: “I take refuge in the protection of the Lord of the dawn from the evil of what He has created; from the evil of darkness when it comes; from the evil of sorceresses blowing on knots; from the evil of the envious when he envies.

“From the evil of an envious person when he envies” ... It often happens that the greatest evil for a person is not someone else's envy, but one's own. And if measures are not taken to eliminate it, then both the soul and the deeds of a person can rot in its suffocating flame. But first, it is worth delineating the boundaries of envy.

Diagnostics of envy

The presence or absence of envy can be "diagnosed" by feelings. If a person calmly, I would even say, indifferently looks at other people's benefits, then he does not feel envy. The absence of envy can also be expressed in a sense of joy for the owner.

In other cases, if a person experiences rejection of someone else's good, that is, he does not rejoice for the owner, does not sincerely wish him good, then most likely this is a symptom of envy towards him.

That is, there are two symptoms of non-envy - indifference or joy for the owner. They are expressed in the peace of mind of a person. If someone else's good "does not give rest", then you can "sound the alarm."

How to get rid of envy

Imam al-Ghazali said: “Know that one of the most serious diseases of the heart is envy. And heart diseases are cured only by knowledge and observance of Shariah ... ". I offer two ways that are in accordance with Sharia law. And let everyone try their real benefits for themselves.

1. Prayer for the envied

Envy, as we said, is characterized by the fact that a person subconsciously seeks to "spoil" someone else's good. In Crabb's English Synonyms we read: “Jealousy is afraid of losing what it has, and envy is worried when it sees that someone has what you want to have yourself ... An envious person feels bad at the sight of pleasure. He is happy only with the suffering of others. Therefore, all attempts to satisfy the envious are futile.

Envy can be "neutralized" by praying for the person you envy. Try to sincerely wish him well in what he has. The hardest part about this is sincerity. Therefore, you must first recognize that what that person possesses is good, and then make dua for him. Wish him well in this, increase the mercy of Allah towards him and happiness. The method will have no effect if you are insincere. And how sincere you were, you can understand by the "spiritual consequences." If you have been honest and diligent, you will feel the following:

* closeness, kinship or sympathy for someone you envied. Let us remember that envy becomes an obstacle to fraternal relations between people. And her disappearance is characterized by the emergence of close feelings for the person whom you almost hated before; that is, your attitude towards the object of envy will change for the better. This is the “bringing together” effect of prayer - it is impossible to sincerely wish good to a person for whom you have negative feelings;

* a feeling of enrichment, as if you began to possess this good in the same way as the one you envied. Antoine de Lemotte, the French playwright, said that envy is the homage paid by worthlessness to dignity. By sincerely praying for the object of your envy, you will equalize your positions. From the position of an envious "loser" you will rise to the same degree of dignity that you envied. The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “The dua that a Muslim made for a Muslim is accepted. While a Muslim asks for his brother in faith, the angels say: “Amin, may Allah give you what you ask for your brother” (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Maja).

The main thing is to overcome fear. Nafs instills fear in a person that benefits are limited and if he asks for them for another, then he himself will be left with nothing. No. Do not be afraid of this, because the wealth of the Almighty is infinite. And if you are “good” (which eventually leads to benevolence towards the brothers, expressed in dua), then the Almighty will grant them to you too. You should also not think that you do not deserve such benefits as the person you envy. As long as you keep the fire of envy in you, you really don't deserve it. But as soon as you begin to utter the first words of kindness and love to the one you envy, you will feel as if your heart is opening to the same wealth. You will feel faith in yourself, faith that you can have it, as well as joy for your brother and kinship with him. As psychoanalyst Melanie Klein wrote: “The desire to repair harm and the need to help the object of envy are very important means of counteracting envy. Ultimately, this means counteracting destructive (that is, destroying a person) impulses by reviving the feeling of love.

2. Thanksgiving

Envy hinders the ability to enjoy those benefits that the envious person himself possesses. But this does not mean that the Almighty deprived him of mercy. And it only means that he does not see these blessings and does not rejoice in them to the fullest extent. And his full joy is hindered by envy. Envy tends to be blind to its own good and to be keen on the good of others. Therefore, the second method of counteracting it is to learn to enjoy your blessings and be more active in giving thanks for them. “When a patient is able to experience gratitude, it means that at these moments he is less envious,” writes the aforementioned Melanie Klein.

In the article “On gratitude to the Almighty,” we wrote in more detail about the good that is contained in gratitude. Here we only emphasize that when a person opens his heart to the recognition of those graces that he possesses, and when, feeling pleasure from them, he sincerely thanks the Almighty, then his blessings from this only increase. The Almighty says in the Qur'an: "If you are grateful, then I will certainly increase your mercy."

You can thank for something specific, or you can be grateful for everything. Remember all the good things that the Almighty gave you, remember your joy from this and give thanks. When a person sees the good that he has, he has no time to look angrily at the good that others have.

Envy is not a reflection of the real state of affairs, that someone has more and someone less. Envy is a reflection of a beggarly soul. So the cure for envy is not to gain more. Believe me: material wealth will not save the position of the envious, because it is like a black hole - it never gets saturated. The treatment of envy lies in the realm of the soul. That is, you need to overcome the poverty of the heart. This can be achieved, as we said above, with benevolence (prayer) and gratitude. These methods are simple, but they are effective. Try it and you will feel how the flame of envy gradually begins to subside and soon goes out completely. And with frequent repetition, a beautiful, large tree will blossom in this place, bearing fruit with goodness, love, gratitude and other sweet fruits that you, by the grace of Allah, have yet to taste ...

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