How to identify a maniac, a swindler, a thief by external signs and behavior? What should I do if I encounter one of them? Seven effective conspiracies from thieves


Analyze all situations, write down the dates, times and circumstances, if possible, of all losses. Establish the nature of thefts: how often, what value or what amounts are missing. Draw a circle of suspects. Who had the opportunity to commit these thefts.

Hire a specialist. This may be the police (if the cost of things and the amount of missing money are significant), it may be a private specialist - a private detective. You can hire specialists who will check your team on a lie detector and identify thief.

Having outlined the circle of suspects, observe. Unfortunately, the only effective measure is to be caught red-handed. So analyze, observe. If possible, install surveillance cameras.

Catch thief"live". Where things are folded, bags, install a hidden camera that only you know about. Spread the word that you have a significant amount of money in your bag if the thefts have been serious before. If the thefts were minor, then, most likely, a kleptomaniac is acting. Then you need to do things differently.

Install psychological portraits any person you suspect. Call your current place of work or try to find out more about these people in some other way. Perhaps where they are or have worked before, thefts also happen or have happened.

Look at the fingers of your team members (if you limit the circle of suspects to this circle). Palmists say that a very large nail on the thumbs indicates the ability to steal. A nail of such size that it seems to "encircle" thumb, occupying almost the entire upper phalanx. But do not rush to conclusions! Form your opinion only on the basis of all the steps taken. Only in this way will you get the most complete and clear picture. The conclusions of palmistry are not evidence base.

Useful advice

Sometimes, an announcement about inviting a private detective, contacting the police or checking employees on a lie detector is effective - the thief quits himself. But don't count on it! Do not delay with the measures taken - connivance only aggravates the situation. Good workers will start to quit simply because it will be unbearable for them to work in conditions of total suspicion. But do not slide into lynching on the basis of suspicion and circumstantial evidence. The error in this case can be very expensive.


  • How shoppers steal and how to deal with it

How often do people say things that are not true. More often than not, they don't say what they think. Best friend lies - omission, half-truth. Lie sometimes big and small, but harmless children's lies can lead to trouble, and omissions turn into delayed troubles. However, there are tricks that allow you to calculate the deceiver. Lie associated with emotional tension, this is manifested in speech, movements, human behavior. The less often he lies, the more noticeable they are.

You will need

  • Observation


Psychologists identify some figures of speech that betray lies. When the speaker emphasizes his honesty, he can swear by everyone known ways(“I swear on my health”, “I give my hand to cut off”, etc.) Avoiding an answer can usually be identified by the phrases: “I can’t remember”, “I didn’t say that”, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Evasion of a clear “yes” or “no” is carried out with the help of a psychological one on you: “You said it yourself!”, “Do you respect me?”, “I don’t know what it’s about, I didn’t say that”, similar questions." Sometimes the interlocutor may try to gain your trust and identify with you: "We are similar to you", "I have the same problem."

Lie also leaves external signs. Since this process is very emotional, it is reflected in the face and body. Facial expressions change: the deceiver's face turns red (blood rushes to the head), lips twitch. He averts his eyes, unable to withstand your gaze. However, he can look the other way around. Blinks often, eyelid twitches, pupils may dilate (). When answering questions, he squints.

Usually in a conversation, people gesticulate, but the gestures of a liar betray his lie and are signals to you. In a conversation, he can touch his ear, rub the bridge of his nose, scratch his eye. If there are jewelry, sometimes beads are pulled. Excitement increases the need for oxygen, and the person loosens his collar, tie. The interlocutor seeks to occupy as little space as possible, shrinks, the posture is forced, the hands are as if glued to the body. Protective movements are also used: crossed arms and legs (at the ankles), closed palms. The liar constantly fidgets on, cannot find a place for himself, makes many small movements with his legs (swaying, tapping, etc.)

"Mr. body language" Alan Pease identified 5 main external signals: a shifty look, a slight smile that does not leave the face, microtension of the muscles of the face (the shadow ran), control of the interlocutor's reaction at the moment of lying, vegetative reactions on the face.

Thus, by developing your powers of observation, you can determine if you are being told the truth. But it should be remembered that some signs may be characteristic of a person even when he is not lying - he just is. For example, he has a habit of crossing his legs when sitting or always talking with a smile. Therefore, if you have not studied the interlocutor very well, then you risk falling into the Brokau trap. It is named after the well-known American TV presenter Tom Brokaw: this is a mistaking natural actions for signs of a lie.

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However, do not forget the eternal folk wisdom"Better the bitter truth than sweet lie»

Useful advice

Knowing all of the above, you yourself will be able to control your verbal and non-verbal manifestations when you want to fool someone. But in order to save face, you yourself will have to believe in your own legend, so that for you it will no longer be a lie. Then others won't notice.


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Unfortunately, the administration of large stores, supermarkets, where the goods are directly accessible to buyers, very often faces the facts of theft. The ideal loss from theft is about 0.3% of the value of the goods. In reality, such a loss may be more, which is a significant amount, given the turnover. Store personnel need to be taught how to identify thief in order to reduce costs.


If the organization does not have free funds (especially if it is a budgetary institution), then you will have to rely heavily on your own strength and the likely help of colleagues in order to create provoking situations. Their organization depends on what exactly was stolen. Do not engage in amateur activities: if material damage was caused directly to your institution, coordinate all your actions with your superiors.

Try not to carry large amounts of money with you. Keep all cash with you at all times. For thief prepare (preferably with colleagues) a fake wallet with marked bills or spray it with indelible paint.

Put your wallet in a conspicuous place, turn away or even leave the room for a while. Arrange in advance with other workers so that they do not let anyone out of the room. Or say out loud, “I think I left my wallet at (accounting, reception, etc.).” After that, leave the room. Upon returning, pay attention to the place where you left the "bait".

If the wallet is not in place, then, if you used paint, pay attention to the hands of those present. If you have marked the bills, say that your boss just ordered you to urgently collect money (think about the purpose of the collection in advance). See what bills will be all present. The amount of fees, as well as their purpose, must be significant so that the potential thief surely there would not be enough cash, and he would have handed over the marked bills.

In order to find out who is stealing money and personal belongings, you can do without bait. Take your digital camera to work. Before or (the main thing is that no one is around), connect the camera to the computer that you use the least. Try to find a secluded place so that the camera is not visible, but it can freely film what is happening. Capture process thief in this case it may take several days. If necessary, change the location of the camera.

Collect evidence. Do not try to deal with the thief yourself, as action and blackmail are also criminal offenses. Try to talk softly with the offender, if necessary, offer material assistance. If the theft continues, and the schemes for committing it are similar to the previous ones, contact the management or the police.

Theft, although it does not count serious crime according to the Criminal Code, causes not only direct material damage (sometimes very big!) to the victim, but also severe mental trauma. It is very unpleasant to realize that some vile person has climbed into your house, into your pocket, into your locker or drawer at your workplace. The desire is quite natural: to find and punish the scoundrel! But how to do that?


If the theft is committed, then a lot depends on the procedures established there. For example, in the case of a "passing d thief”, when both employees and casual visitors rush back and forth, the chances of finding a thief, alas, are minimal.

Or set up a trap with the help of seemingly accidentally left money or valuables, and "special packages" that, when touched, throw out a jet of indelible powdered paint. But here there is a possibility that not a real thief will come across, but “simply” who could not stand the temptation (they lie in plain sight, like ownerless, how can you not use it!).

You can also conduct your own private investigation. It is very good if there is a law enforcement officer in the team: he can, using his previous experience, “calculate” thief. But again, there is a danger that an innocent person will suffer. Especially when you consider that the thief will try by all means to divert suspicion from himself.

As for pickpockets, among whom there are real virtuosos of their craft, they, alas, can only be caught red-handed, at the “crime scene”. Be careful and exercise the most elementary vigilance. At a minimum, do not keep money and documents in your back pocket! (He is not in vain "alien").

“Simplicity is worse than theft,” some say. They are probably right, but even these people will agree that theft itself is an extremely unpleasant thing that often causes damage no less than banal simplicity. So, something was stolen from you or they continue to steal slowly. What is your concern at this moment? Of course, the question is how to catch thief and what can help.


Be aware of your surroundings. If the thief is a person close to you or a person with whom you often communicate, he will definitely give himself away. There is another important saying about thief x - "on the thief and the hat is on fire." This is true - it is impossible to hide your essence indefinitely. Therefore, attentiveness and once again attentiveness - notice suspicious things in behavior, check your guesses and draw conclusions about who is trustworthy and who may turn out to be a dishonest person.

Install surveillance cameras. This step is important if you want to catch thief at an enterprise, in a firm, or in some other place that is not your home. In case the theft incident has already happened, you can always watch the tapes and find out who is to blame. Therefore, do not spare the money and spend it on an important matter - the capture of a dishonest worker.

Get a huge dog if you live in a private house and are afraid for your property. A properly trained animal, in the event that strangers enter your territory, will be able to detain them until you arrive or the police arrive.

Put an alarm on your apartment. When leaving, you will turn it on and if someone gets into the apartment, it will work, security will come and check who could illegally enter your home. If there really is someone in the apartment, then, of course, he will be caught red-handed and will answer for his unsightly act before the court.

Contact the police if your item has already been stolen. There you will write an application and leave your data. If your thing is found somewhere for sale, it will be easy to find the one who sold it, and therefore the one who stole it. Therefore, despite modern skepticism towards law enforcement, do not neglect the opportunity to entrust your problem to those who know much more about such things.

Unfortunately, every day in Russia a huge number of robberies are committed, the victims of which can be anyone. What to do if you become a victim of robbery or something was stolen from your apartment? Is it possible to find thief on your own or can you just turn to professionals?


If gold jewelry or other valuables are stolen from precious metals, walk through the city pawnshops and firms involved in the purchase of scrap and silver. If you find your stolen item there, do not try to prove something on your own, but immediately go to the ATC department. The police will check the suspicious point, return the loss to you and be able to figure out the robber. If you try to make a scandal and announce that the item was stolen, you will still not achieve anything, and the criminals will realize that they are in danger and it will be almost impossible to find them.


How to find a thief in the office? In this situation, the most optimal way is to involve the security and the leader in solving the problem. Security has special skills, and the manager at least needs to know what is happening in the team and why everyone has become so nervous and frightened.

Useful advice

a way to find out a thief in a dream, so that you dream, make a bed, get ready for bed. light a church candle, take a blunt knife - you can first blunt a sharp one. cut the flame of a candle with this knife and at the same time repeat "Who stole it. You can clean the apartment with the rite that you found on my link. But about simplifying - if new flat feels not very energetically dirty, then you can take only one of the four elements when cleaning.

In the spring of 1607, the new False Dmitry appeared in Starodub-Seversky and at first pretended to be the boyar Andrei Nagogo, promising Dmitry to appear soon. But time passed, and the king was not there. After the people demanded to give an answer where Dmitry was hiding, the impostor had to change his strategy. Together with his accomplices, he inspired the Starodubians that he himself was the surviving Sovereign, and even reproached the townspeople for the inability of the true king.
The origin of False Dmitry II is still controversial among historians; neither his name nor his date of birth are known for certain.

Tushino period of adventure

From Starodub-Seversky, False Dmitry II reached Moscow, in May 1608, defeating Shuisky's army near the city of Bolkhov. By the summer, False Dmitry settled in the vicinity of Moscow - in the village of Tushino. Precisely for this locality impostor and received the nickname Tushinsky thief. It is interesting that at that time the "thief" was somewhat different from the modern one. "Thief" was called any swindler, rogue, and just a deceiver.

By the autumn of 1608, the Tushinsky thief had many cities practically without a fight, but he did not succeed in capturing Moscow. Soon the power of False Dmitry was shaken - the people refused to put up with the strengthening and predatory actions of the new ruler. False Dmitry lost part of his territories, and many of his adherents began to leave for Sigismund III, the Polish king. Finally, the Tushino camp finally disintegrated, and the impostor was forced to Kaluga.

In the Tushino camp, where the residence of False Dmitry II was located, there were state institutions: Boyar Duma, orders. The camp was protected from the enemies wooden walls and earthen ramparts.

Sunset of the Tushino Thief

In Kaluga, False Dmitry to convince the people that Sigismund III seeks to seize Russia and establish Catholicism on its territory, and only he - Tsar Dmitry - will not give up the Poles and will die for Orthodox faith. And this statement resonated in the hearts of the people - the impostor again had many supporters among the northwestern cities. During this period of his adventure, False Dmitry even received a new nickname, consonant with the former - "Kaluga Thief".

By outward signs you unless the gopnik will be able to identify. Usually appearances are deceptive, and over time, impressions are smoothed out: ugly ones do not cause rejection, but pretty delights. I mean that a maniac or a thief may have an appearance to which you are loyal, but, on the contrary, kind, but ugly, will cause you a rejection reaction. For example, many people are rejected by faces with a "Caucasian appearance", although we have much more scammers, thieves, impudent people and even maniacs with a "Slavic" appearance.

Go to the "Police Wanted" stand and study the faces and descriptions of the criminals. It is unlikely that you will be able to distinguish them in the crowd. This requires experience, which, by the way, the police are gaining well in a relatively short time. But this is their job, and basically they quickly allocate only small things. Moreover, the main task of, let's say, professional outcasts is to merge with the crowd, not to stand out, and then also to ingratiate yourself with you. Only petty hooliganism stands out, earlier you could notice tattoos on a person, but now we have a lot of people with tattoos and you can’t always tell if it’s just a tattoo or some kind of criminal sign. A serious thief would never give himself away with such nonsense. Maniacs are even more specialists in disguise, we all know this from known cases with Chikatilo and others.

How to fight? It is necessary not to calculate mankov and scammers - it is so easy to get under way on this basis, but to be ready for any development of events. Although sometimes there are some signs.

It is easier, from my point of view, to "cut through" petty scammers: a sober mind works against them. You need to understand that free or cheap cheese is only in a mousetrap, so you can never make decisions quickly on very profitable offers - give yourself time to think. The pressure of how the scammers act, he betrays them, but in any case, just remember the phrase "Sorry, I'll think about it" and apply it in any more or less doubtful case. Play to yourself in advance how you will respond to gypsies, people who pester you on the street asking you to buy something cheap, and you will be partially ready. But do not hope that everything will be as you imagined, most likely it will not be so, but it will still be easier for you. And you also need to understand that such scammers are counting on the fact that a person falls into a stupor from pressure, and, most importantly, not to let him come to his senses, so you need to inspire yourself in advance: “I will never even show money until I find out everything about what they offer me", and for the street it is best: "I do not buy anything from the hands of strangers". And one more thing: do not react to the words about the "state program", "you have been chosen", "you are lucky", "we consider it our duty to notify you", etc.

Unfortunately, this trade has now crept into the Internet: it is flooded with so-called one-page landing sites, where super-duper bullshit is sold at a "huge discount just for you and just now." Quite often, such methods are used by generally quite law-abiding sellers. For serious transactions, like buying an expensive item, car, real estate, it is better to turn to the services of professionals, or at least friends who are well versed in the matter. You can even search the Internet for information. And, again, do not make a decision right away - give yourself time to think.

A lot has already been written to protect against thieves: do not keep a lot of money at home in cash - all “secret” places are known to thieves, and no locks protect. If you are a wealthy person, insure your property, but this is useful for everyone. Don't wear large sums in your wallet, in extreme cases, you will give or lose a small amount - life and health are more expensive, do not write down PIN codes on cards, on pieces of paper in your wallet. It is better to change the PIN code to numbers that you will remember, but this is not your date of birth, cover the code set with your other hand, especially in the store - it is easily calculated by finger movements.

It is the most difficult thing to protect yourself from maniacs - they are very unpredictable and they have no personal motive. Therefore, they are difficult to calculate and catch. There are only simple usual tips here: do not go to dark places, and if something happens, shout loudly: it is better to pass for a nutty fool, but stay alive. That is, it is always better to "override". This simple way of protection - screaming loudly - could save more than a dozen lives.

In any case, remember that your life and your health are the highest values, and even if you have become a victim of scammers, take it philosophically. That's it in a nutshell - for sure there are more on the net detailed descriptions. At a minimum, the types of fraud should be studied, but there are so many of them that it makes no sense to write about them here.

for 2016 showed that 85% of Russians surveyed do not condemn theft in the workplace. Of these, 71% admitted to stealing stationery and small souvenirs (pens, flash drives, mugs, etc.). 8% of the "non-bearers" stole equipment or electronics from the workplace. 10% ingeniously took out entire batches of goods from warehouses. The remaining 11% openly stated that they had stolen money.

Who to pay attention to?

The cleanliness of the staff is a task for the personnel services. A good selection of workers will cut the chances of running into a thief in half. But, alas, it will not be possible to foresee everything, this is a fact. Therefore, it is important to control the processes of work, paying attention to Special attention certain group of employees in the company.

It is especially necessary to closely monitor the employees through whom cash passes: cashiers, sales assistants, waiters, hotel administrators. Cashiers in small stores where there are no cameras or bosses are often teaching each other fraudulent schemes. For example, punch the product twice, take payment from the buyer, cancel it and keep the difference. A trifle, but nice. If the buyer was in a hurry and did not take the check, then it can be canceled and the money put in his pocket. All this can easily take place under the supervision of a security guard, but often the cashiers negotiate with the guards or even share the booty with them in order to hide the crime.

Warehouse workers and freight forwarders should be included in the risk group. With a poorly established accounting system, you can immediately say goodbye to large consignments of goods. And if there is no video surveillance in the warehouse or in the receiving room, it will be almost impossible to prove the atrocities of the employees. So, in November last, two employees of a warehouse near Moscow took out boxes on a forklift, which contained 35 thousand bottles of vodka with a total value of about 9,000,000 rubles. The storekeeper and driver were caught on their way out of town when other employees found the empty warehouse. The perpetrators were punished prison terms. To sell or use the loot they, according to objective reasons, did not have time.

Even at carefully monitored facilities, high-profile thefts occur. Less than a month ago (May 23, 2017), a cashier at the Volgograd branch of a large bank stole about 13 million rubles on her last working day and disappeared with her family in an unknown direction. She faces up to 10 years in prison for grand theft.

The fine will be limited to the misconduct of the Astrakhan collector, who in April decided to gracefully leave work, taking 1.5 million rubles with him. When his partners turned away, he simply hid the bag of bills under his clothes, and at the end of the day he took it to the garage. Such a large shortage was revealed quickly. During the arrest, the unfortunate millionaire did not even try to hide his theft and returned the money. He managed to spend only 30,000 rubles from the production, which he undertook to return.

How to calculate and a thief?

It is easy to guess that there is no complete guarantee of security when hiring an employee. Use all available resources to reduce the theft statistics in the company:

    try to establish a recruitment process according to a certain principle, conduct trainings and briefings for employees of the personnel department (for example, how to determine that the applicant is lying in an interview);

    provide employees with decent wages, do not get carried away with fines for lateness and minor blunders;

    maintain a healthy psychological atmosphere in the team;

    systematize financial accounting in the company, check the work of accounting;

    set clear boundaries liability, fix them documented (agreement on financial responsibility, receipt);

    install video surveillance and alarm systems, conclude an agreement with a security agency.

These methods will help build a base, but no one is immune from emergencies. Even in the most stable companies, there is sometimes a black sheep. What to do if you attacked her trail?

The above cases are about the most high-profile cases that have been made public. More often, employers try to leave unpleasant incidents within the work team by punishing the employee on their own. The severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the crime committed.

If a thief wound up at work and it is easy to prove his guilt, then he is waiting for:

By different reasons 7% of employers turn a blind eye to employee theft. If you're not one of them, it's in your best interest to keep the company's property safe and keep a couple of tricks up your sleeve just in case. The CCTV system is one of those aces.

How can Big Brother help solve the problem of theft at work?

A video surveillance system in an office, production or retail outlet will be a deterrent to those plotting a crime. Simply announcing that employees are under video surveillance already reduces the risk of violations. And if the fact of theft has already happened, then the video will become evidence of the guilt of the attacker. Modern cameras high resolution records record any events and their details up to the denomination of banknotes “sticking” to the hands of the cashier.

The opinion of law enforcement officers about video surveillance is ambiguous. Defenders of the interests of employers usually rely on Article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which states that working time- this is the time during which the employee must fulfill his labor obligations. Thus, the employee's working time is considered as the property of the organization, since the employer pays for it. Employee advocates, on the other hand, see the place of work as just a place. That is, the employee has the right to the inviolability of his privacy in this territory. In this case, lawyers refer to a number of international legal acts (for example, to the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights of June 24, 2004).

Video recordings from surveillance cameras will be your trump card in resolving disputes and conflicts that affect business interests. Camera data is provided as evidence in court. The procedure for attaching a video recording to the case file is regulated by the Code of Civil Procedure, Articles 55-78. The most important point for the employer is Article 77 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, which obliges the plaintiff to provide data on when, where and by whom the video recording was made. Having in its arsenal a complete set of documents with the consent of employees to install video surveillance, the employer has every reason to rely on video recording when resolving a conflict. Data from video cameras in the office will be proof of the guilt of the guilty employee and a guarantee that the stolen property or its cash equivalent will be returned to you.

Our specialists are ready to give detailed advice on video surveillance at the enterprise and help with the choice advantageous offer. Don't miss the opportunity to save your money!

Photo: Steve Lovegrove/

After the guests left the box, an expensive ring disappeared ... After talking with a friend, you didn’t count the money in your wallet ...

At work, things began to disappear from employees ... It hurts more because we are talking not about an ordinary robber, but about someone from friends or acquaintances. How to be in such a difficult situation?

Everyone has stories like this. So, recently, a friend began to disappear. Amounts that are tangible for a person of average income - a thousand, one and a half ... recent times the woman became very friendly with one colleague. And then somehow she accidentally entered the room - and saw a friend-colleague open her purse ...

Another friend's elderly mother, a war veteran, was congratulated at her former place of work on Victory Day. All veterans were given envelopes with money. When a friend opened the envelope for her mother, it was empty. Suspicion fell on the manager of the celebration, a former career military man. There have been rumors about him for a long time that he is dishonest. But not caught - not a thief ...

One employee was asked to transfer money for work to performers from another organization. But a month later it turned out that she had not transferred the money. It was in Soviet time, a comradely trial was committed over a woman. The lady cried, but did not repent of her deed.

Secretary of the Director of the Research Institute for a long time took the lion's share of her boss's salary. The fact is that it was she who was instructed to go to the cashier for money. And the chief's salary was large... Usually, without counting the money, the director put it in his purse and carried it home. Everything was discovered by chance: once the director's wife decided to count the money brought by her husband, and she saw that the amount did not match the figure in the statement. There was a terrible scandal, the secretary was immediately fired.

Rat-catchers - those who steal from their own - are in almost any team. What makes people do this?
Of course, there are sick people - kleptomaniacs. But a kleptomaniac is different from an ordinary thief. He usually steals things of little value, such as cheap cups, spoons, or pens. Or at least small items like lipstick. For example, one of the heroines of the novel Gillian Flynn " Dark secrets” took pepper shakers, salt shakers, combs ... unable to resist her craving for theft. He takes other people's things not at all because he needs them, but simply because he cannot do otherwise. He calms down only when he takes someone else's. Some kleptomaniacs don't even remember the act of stealing...

But quite often mentally and mentally healthy people also turn out to be thievish. Unless, of course, the tendency to steal is not considered a pathology. For some, this is an extreme or a hobby that excites nerves (there are rich people and celebrities who steal from stores). Someone not too weighed down moral principles when it comes to money or valuables. Someone cannot resist the temptation to take what comes to hand… Many are sure that they will not be caught and no one will ever know that they committed the theft. Although in reality, those who were robbed often guess who might be the thief.

The propensity to steal does not depend on financial situation, neither from education, nor from the degree of intelligence. One book tells the story of a student of the Faculty of Philosophy, a clever, intellectual woman who, having gone to the bathroom to make up her lips, stole two inexpensive rings from her friend's box. And then, without hiding, she wore them on her arm ... A friend never invited her home again, but she never stopped talking, because otherwise this girl was a very pleasant and interesting person.

Having discovered that among close acquaintances there is a thief, we are often lost, not knowing what to do. Expose him, make a scandal? Or keep silent, save friendship or a good relationship but continue to risk your personal property? It all depends on specific situation. It happens that we only suspect someone of, but we don’t know for sure. This is where the “trust but verify” approach comes in handy. If you do not vouch for the honesty of a person, you should not seduce him by leaving him alone with your wallet or valuables. On the eve of the arrival of the alleged thief, put everything of value away and try not to leave the guest alone even for a minute.

Have you been robbed and you think you know who did it? If you are one hundred percent sure and the thing is valuable enough to regret, try talking to the thief. If there are a lot of people in the company, announce that you know the name of the person who committed the theft, and offer him to return the stolen goods himself, then you will not contact the police. In many cases, the method works, money or a thing is then thrown up. If this does not happen, you can try to talk frankly. Does he deny everything? Then the only way out is to contact law enforcement agencies. But remember - this should be done only when you are completely convinced of the guilt of the person!

And if you caught a dishonest subject red-handed? One young woman came to visit, for some reason went out into the hallway - and found that her wallet had disappeared from her bag. By some intuition, she reached into the bag of one of the ladies present - and saw her purse in it! She didn't say anything to anyone, just returned the purse back to her bag. The thief was also silent. But it is clear that after that our heroine tried not to invite her to visit anymore.
It is advisable, of course, to distance yourself from a friend who does not disdain theft. If breaking up with him is unacceptable for you, meet only at his house or on neutral territory, carefully monitor your things in his presence - and you will receive less negative emotions.

There are moments in our lives when we give up because of impotence and it seems that nothing will help. This is especially true of the situation when you were robbed, taking all valuable things out of the house. In such a situation, you should turn to folk conspiracies against thieves. With the help of such rituals, you can not only protect your home from intruders, but also find the perpetrators and return the stolen property.

In fact, a conspiracy is a magical formula expressed in verbal form and accompanied by a certain ritual. For each special occasion, there is a conspiracy unlike any other. For example, in the harsh region of Siberia, similar magical formulas and names have different ones: love spells, drying spells, dry spells, amulets, and the like.

But most widespread among common people received conspiracies from thieves.

Conspiracies against theft

AT modern society theft has reached its peak. Rob houses, cars, cottages. In most cases, neither modern protective complexes of security systems, nor the hiring of private security guards, nor the installation of especially protected locks, doors and windows, help.

Thieves, unfortunately, have learned to bypass everything modern facilities protection. And if new technological solutions appear, it will take very little time for attackers to learn how to successfully avoid them too.

In addition, it is worth noting that such protective equipment is sometimes very expensive, and few can afford to purchase them.

One gets the impression that there is only one way out of such a scourge: to be in the house or near other protected property all the time in order to protect it from evil intentions.

It is in this difficult situation that a conspiracy from thieves can help you.

They are carried out quite simply, and the effect is amazing. Thieves seem to stop noticing you and your property at all. Some rituals will help you find out who the thief is and punish the intruder, while others will help you find him. In addition, you can force the thief to return the stolen property to you.

In addition, there is more than one type of such conspiracies. Depending on your situation, you can choose the most effective rite:

  • Magic locking doors;
  • Love spell to punish a thief;
  • Amulet against thieves (can be worn with oneself);
  • Amulet of protection against theft in the country;
  • Conspiracy to prevent theft;
  • A magical rite to return stolen property;
  • Conspiracy to identify a thief;
  • Protection of the threshold of a country house (dacha).

Magic locking the doors of your house

To perform this rite, you will need a few old keys. Their number should correspond to the number of locks in the doors.

“I lock it with a key, I lock it with words, I hide from dashing people, All doors, all good, all mine is mine.”

All keys used in this way should be collected together, tied with a red ribbon and kept in a hiding place inside your home. These keys will also serve as a talisman for your home.

In addition, a similar love spell can be used in your car if you pick up the appropriate keys.

Simple conspiracies for every day

In order to protect the house from a thief, leaving the house, linger on the threshold, grab the doorknob and say the plot:

"Take off your hands, the feet of a thief on my doorstep."

The words should be repeated 3 times. With words like this, you will create an invisible screen against thieves.

Another simple but more effective conspiracy to scare away unexpected guests. Leaving the house, you need to put an empty glass and a salt shaker on the kitchen table, and then say these words:

“A thief will come, I will give you salt, but I will not pour water.”

Spell to punish a thief

If misfortune has already occurred in your family, and you have been robbed, then we advise you to perform this particular ceremony. With it, you can not only find and punish the culprit, but also return the stolen property back.

To perform this ritual, you will need seven knives. Arrange them on the table so that the blades of each of them point in different directions. Then you should say the following magic words:

“Like on the sea, on the river, in a forged chest, Seven damask knives, seven brother guards. I open that chest, I take out those knives, I direct them to work. Come you, knives to such and such, To the one who did evil, put his hands on my good, Chop him up and down So that he turns back theft, does not hide anything. My words are true, my deed is swift, Everything is spoken, everything is fulfilled.

If the plot was performed correctly, then you can be sure that after some time your problem will be resolved.

Conspiracy to get the thief to return the stolen

If you were unable to save your home and found it missing, don't be discouraged, as there is an opportunity to return the property and find out who was in the house. To do this, perform such a rite. Take a candle, light it and, cutting the flame with a dull knife, say:

“Whoever stole, who took mine, come in a dream, take the knife, otherwise I will cut your soul like a butcher cuts a pork carcass. Amen".

Then put the knife under your pillow and don't talk to anyone until the morning. Already at night you will see a dream in which you can recognize the thief, which will allow you to short time find him.

Another rite. Take salt and sprinkle it with the place where the stolen thing was, and say the following plot:

“I pour salt on the thief's eyes, on his sinful bodies, on his evil heart. Stand, heart, like dough, return, my thing, to its place. Key, lock, tongue. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For one more ritual you need a mirror that has the ability to remember what is happening. This will allow you to find the villain and return things. To do this, look in the mirror and repeat the following words 12 times:

“If the thief does not return my thing to me kindly, let my double take him to the grave. Amen".

Conspiracy to protect the house

If you are going to leave for a long period, and no one will look after the home, you can perform such a ritual. Take a knife that you use frequently and sharpen it. During this, repeat the plot:

“It is closed by me, locked by me, fenced by me, surrounded by a sharp knife, fenced with a sharp knife, from dashing people, from selfish thoughts, from evil thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then stick the knife in front front door so that the blade is directed towards the door.

Amulet against thieves

Available in stores today various items, which are endowed with protective energy, but it is better to do them yourself. When you make a charm with your own hands, it is saturated with energy. Here are some popular options:

Herbal Blend

Blue pouch

Take a small blue cloth bag and a specially prepared mixture of herbs. To make this enchanted mixture, powder a garlic flower, a little thistle, a chicory root, and a little cumin seed. When filling the prepared bag with this mixture, do not forget to say the words of the conspiracy:

“There will be no theft in this place, No theft, no robbery, For that I vouch for weeds, I am affirmed by the spoken word, I lock myself with a secret deed.”


Take a small glass container and fill it with different colored threads from natural material. Then put it in the closet. Such a charm will help to punish and confuse the thoughts of thieves if they want to get into the house.


In every house and in the country there is an invisible owner - the brownie.

Wooden talisman - Brownie

To protect property and scare away uninvited guests, it is necessary to leave a charmed toy in the hallway. To do this, take a doll and say the following conspiracy 3 times:

“Father brownie, here’s a simple gift for you, play, have fun, but don’t forget. Serve the service, guard my house.

You can choose any of the above options to protect your home, or you can use several conspiracies at once.

Amulet of protection against theft in the country

To perform this ritual, you will need to prepare dried garlic flowers, a juniper branch, a little aspen bark, cumin seeds and dried elderberries. All these ingredients should be crushed by grinding and mixed in equal proportions.

The resulting mixture should be poured into a bag of blue fabric. Put three pins with black fasteners and the same number of nails there.

This amulet should be placed above the central door of the cottage, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“To come to every well-wishing person, to be a dodger at the door, do not go past the house, do not drag with your hands, do not fill your pockets, do not take out the sacks and sacks, So be it forever and ever.”

Ritual to prevent theft

This plot, of course, will not help you recognize the thief, but with its help you can reliably protect your home and prevent a possible robbery. All you need to perform a magical rite is common salt and knowledge of the correct verbal formula.

To begin, walk around the house, sprinkling salt on your path and saying the words:

“I conjure with white salt, I affirm with black earth, I close it all around, I lock this house, this yard, this threshold with a secret lock. There is not and will not be a go here for either the daytime cunning, Nor the night daring who takes someone else's, Who leads the theft. Everything that you have planned will be fulfilled, Everything that you said will turn into a deed, It will not disappear forever, it will not be destroyed.

Upon completion of the tour of the house, go into it and throw a small handful of salt in each room, saying other conspiracy words:

"The house of salts is full, the house of people is full, The house of things is full, theft will not happen, Theft will not happen, All conspiracies will be confirmed."

Now your home is securely protected from the possible entry of a thief into it.

Conspiracy to identify a thief

This magical ritual will help you not only find the attacker, and force him to return the stolen goods, but also punish him.

To do this, prepare three sunflower flowers and put them under your pillow before going to bed. It is in a dream that you will see what you seek to know.

The next morning, before leaving the house, tap the blunt end of the broom three times on the floor and say the magic formula:

“Everything is locked up, everything is closed, you can’t look with your eyes, you can’t rake with your hands from revenge, you can’t carry it away.”

Conspiracies against thieves are strong enough and easy to perform. They will help you not only to recognize and find the thief, but also to return the stolen property. And by creating an amulet against thieves, you can protect your dacha.

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