Dream interpretation crack diverges in the corner of the wall. Why is the wall dreaming: concrete, brick, wooden? Find out what the wall dreamed about and what it could mean. The meaning of the dream Wall

1 Family dream book

Why does a woman dream of a wall:

If in a dream a wall blocked your path, you can even lose what you have already achieved.
But if you jumped over the wall, you can easily overcome obstacles and fulfill your desires.
We broke a hole in the wall - you will reach the goal if you show stamina and firmness of intentions.
Destroyed the wall - defeat your enemies.
Built a wall - carefully plan the path to success in order to eliminate all possible obstacles.
If a young woman sees in a dream that she is climbing to the top of the wall, her happiness will be reliable.
Hid behind the wall - she will be ashamed of her love.
Walked along the wall - she will monitor her appearance even more carefully and become very attractive.

2 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Seeing a wall in a dream means:

Wall - you will have a serious obstacle in life.

3 Persian dream book Tiflisi

What does the Wall mean - This dream symbolizes a stranger. Fear - To experience fear in a dream portends that in reality you will lose your life guidelines (this, by the way, may even mean that you are destined to get lost in the forest). Sometimes, if you are afraid of a particular person, such a dream warns you that in real life you should exercise maximum caution in dealing with this person. To talk in a dream with someone who is afraid is to enter into friendly relations with him in reality. To be afraid of a thief or the Beast is a sign that heralds betrayal from your inner circle (or those with whom you do almost all your business).

4 Magic dream book

Sleeping with a wall means:

You dreamed of the Wall - unremovable obstacles. Stand on a high wall - show restraint, which will add respect and gratitude, jump off the wall - overcome the obstacles that close people put in front of you, see a long stone wall in front of you - not be able to achieve the goal, climb the wall - an attempt to overcome obstacles, build a wall - create obstacles for yourself, see how the wall falls - witness the collapse of other people's hopes, paint the wall - put up with an unsuccessful attempt to implement plans, if painted green - have hope to settle things in the future.

5 Modern dream book

The meaning of sleep wall:

If you dream that you stumble upon a wall blocking your path - in reality you will succumb to bad influences and defeat awaits you in business.
Jumping over a wall in a dream means that in reality you will overcome the obstacles that stand in your way and fulfill all your desires.
Making a breach is a sign that you will succeed in fulfilling your desires through perseverance and perseverance.
Destroy - a symbol of victory over enemies.
To build means that in reality, diligently and painstakingly implementing your plans, you will succeed in spite of your enemies and unfortunate fate.
If a young woman dreams that she is climbing a wall, then she will soon achieve a stable happy life.
If she dreams that she is hiding behind a wall - in reality she will hide from others the relationship that she is ashamed of.
A dream in which a woman walks along a wall is a sign that she will lose her attractiveness and, most likely, will be abandoned by her lover.

6 Home dream book

You dreamed of a Wall - an obstacle; a sense of security. To face a wall blocking the path - unexpected difficulties that seem insurmountable; jump over a wall - overcome an obstacle; break a hole in the wall - in order to achieve the goal, you will have to show extraordinary stamina and patience; destroy the wall - big internal changes that will help you cope with your task; hiding behind a wall - not understanding your own fears; build a wall - try to protect yourself from failures; climb to the top of the wall - future happiness will be reliable.

7 Gypsy dream book

  • A wall of water was dreaming, right in front of our face - a dream means work and an obstacle in business.
  • Climbing a high wall marks the overcoming of any obstacles.
  • Sitting on a high wall marks the top of our well-being.
  • Dreaming of a wall of sand surrounded by water on all sides is a sign of disfavor.
  • Jumping over a brick wall means joy and pleasure.

8 Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Wall, in a dream means:

Wall - irremovable obstacles in business; stone, to stand behind it - endurance will provide you with respect; jumping off the wall - dangerous obstacles; climb the wall - achieving the goal; put up a wall - there will be failures through your own fault; to see how it falls is a danger to you and your family.

What does the Wall mean in a dream. Walls mean obstacles to progress, existing difficulties, or those that still have to be faced. Sometimes the wall itself suggests what kind of obstacle it is. For example, if it looks old, then this is an old problem, while glass means difficulty in perception. Moving walls can bring up forgotten feelings at birth, but most likely cause a feeling of being trapped. A brick wall, a rampart or a dividing wall, as it were, separates two states of reality from each other, sometimes an internal psychological state from the external, everyday world.
You dreamed of a Wall - see also Buildings 1. In dreams, walls usually represent boundaries that we have set for ourselves. They can be created as defense mechanisms or as support structures, and can sometimes be helpful in recognizing and interpreting whether the walls are made to surround us or other people. 2. The wall is also endowed with the symbolism of the dividing line - the line between inside and outside, private and public. A hole in the wall suggests a loss of trust or secrecy. If walls enclose us, then we are hostages of our own fears, doubts and difficulties. If the wall appears and disappears, then we have only partially coped with our problem. 3. The wall symbolizes the boundaries of a sacred place. The dreamer needs to be aware of his limits.

10 Dream Interpretation of the Past

Why does a woman dream of a wall:

Wall - between your social roles and your true essence there is an insurmountable barrier: you do in life not at all what your soul requires, and thus cripple yourself and your life.

11 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Why does a woman dream of a wall:

Someone helps you climb the wall - happiness.
Climbing the wall, hiding with a blanket - there will be a promotion.
You see large and wide city walls - great wealth and much joy.
You walk inside the city wall - misfortune.
You go out the gate - happiness.
The space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.
Climbing the city walls, red - portends great happiness.
You build walls, build a house - great happiness and benefit.
You climb over the wall and pass through the dwelling - some kind of danger leaves.
Digging the ground while on the wall portends change.

12 Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing a wall in a dream means:

Stand in front of a wall - suffer losses.
Build - calculate all your steps to avoid obstacles.
Breaking - patience and fortitude will help you achieve your goal.
Climb or climb over it - overcoming obstacles and fulfilling desires.
Standing on top of the wall is a strong family, a strong and prosperous future.
Walk along - you are getting prettier day by day.

13 Jewish dream book

A dream with a wall in a dream book is interpreted as:

What does the Wall mean in a dream - Warning: it is better to postpone the fulfillment of your intention. Climbing over the wall is good luck.

14 American dream book

Sleeping with a wall means:

The wall is a barrier; let. Cut off from the rest of the world.

15 Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

The meaning of sleep wall:

If a person sees himself in a dream falling from the wall - well, this means the end of strife.
If a person sees himself in a dream dismantling a wall - well, this means cleansing from filth.

16 Slavic dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a wall:

The wall is a sudden obstacle. Misunderstanding on the part of loved ones Loneliness. Moon in Capricorn.

17 Slavic dream book

What the wall may dream of:

Block; let.
Cut off from the rest of the world.

18 Wanderer's Dream Interpretation - Terenty Smirnov

Wall, in a dream means:

The wall is an obstacle, a life difficulty; alienation, isolation from life; protection from alien influences; distance, barrier in relationships; marriage for women.
Standing, walking along the wall - success, a lucky break.

19 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

If a girl dreams of a wall, then this means:

Wall - Symbolizes an obstacle that can be bypassed or overcome. Sometimes - a fatal, insurmountable difficulty. Find a passage in the wall, climb over the wall - material success awaits you. Breaking, destroying the wall - a quarrel, failure in business.

20 Dream Interpretation of the Future

Why does a woman dream of a wall:

The wall, if it blocked your path - you will not withstand the pressure on you and will lose even what you have already achieved; but if you have overcome this obstacle, it means that you will succeed.

21 Universal dream book

Under what circumstances does a wall appear in your dream? - this will help you determine in which area of ​​your life you feel limited or backed up against a wall. You need to remember, did you climb or walk through the wall in a dream?
Your actions in relation to the wall will determine how you solve or approach real life difficulties.
The wall can symbolize - a barrier. Do you want to draw a line between yourself and the people around you? Or, on the contrary, do you want to destroy barriers?
If you dream that you are climbing a wall, the dream indicates that you are going through an unsuccessful period in your life.
If you dream that you have returned to the wall, you may feel that you cannot develop at this moment in your life.

22 Dream Interpretation 2012

The wall is a reflection of a temporary barrier, a problem. The need to think about whether it is worth "breaking through the wall with your head."

23 Dream Interpretation Hasse

The wall is an unremovable obstacle.
To stand behind her - restraint will secure respect for itself; jumping off the wall - dangerous obstacles; long walls in front of you - not to have views to achieve the goal; climb the wall - achieving the goal; put up a wall - there will be failures through your own fault; to see how it falls is a danger to you and your family.

24 Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The wall is a dangerous enterprise; climb over - success; to be surrounded by walls - ill health, for a woman - marriage; empty walls - disappointment; white wall - hope; walking on top of the wall is a guaranteed success.

25 Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Why is the Wall dreaming:

Climbing over a wall in a dream means waking up to a firm position.
Jumping from it is an unjustified risk.
Breaking, destroying the wall - unfortunately, in which you yourself will be to blame.
If in a dream the wall suddenly collapses, it means that a decisive event in life awaits you.
Climbing up a smooth wall in a dream means being afraid of society.
To build a wall - fortunately, a wedding, a union.

26 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Wall - you seem to be building a wall - a dream suggests that you are used to doing everything according to plan; you even have room for success; you will continue to change your habit. You are hiding behind a wall in a dream - the love that you have now is not as pure and sublime as your first love, but it excites you no less; each new love has its charms, each reflects some facet of you. The wall seems to have risen in your path - what you are doing will not find sympathy in society; moreover, some influential people will try to interfere with you, and they will most likely succeed. In a dream, you managed to destroy the wall - the efforts of your enemies are doomed to failure. You seem to have jumped over the wall - having made a clever maneuver, you will get away from difficulties; you will demonstrate an excellent understanding of human psychology. A young woman dreams that she has climbed a wall - this woman can be sure of her future happiness.

27 Dream interpretation of O. Adaskina

Walls - A wall in a dream symbolizes an obstacle; a sense of security.

To face a wall blocking the path - unexpected difficulties that seem insurmountable; jump over a wall - overcome an obstacle; break a hole in the wall - in order to achieve the goal, you will have to show extraordinary stamina and patience; destroy the wall - big internal changes that will help you cope with your task; hiding behind a wall - not understanding your own fears; build a wall - try to protect yourself from failures; climb to the top of the wall - future happiness will be reliable.

28 Dream interpretation of catchphrases

WALL - "climb the wall" - severe fatigue, hopelessness, disappointment, dead end, pain. “Banging your head against the wall” is the futility, futility of effort, occupation. "Push someone to the wall" - win, confuse. “Put against the wall” - punish, “remove”, kill. “Like behind a stone wall” - protection; “like a wall of peas” (uselessness of suggestion, command, persuasion); "impregnable wall"; "wall to wall" - a group fight or dispute.

29 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

The wall is a threshold of repression or a barrier between "ego" and "inse".

30 Persian dream book Tiflisi

Why is the Wall dreaming:

Wall - this dream symbolizes a stranger.

31 Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Wall - this sign can symbolize a temporary barrier in the present or future. There are many ways to achieve the goal.
If you see that your road is blocked - change the route and come to the intended one from the other side. Where there is a will, there is always a way!
Do you feel isolated from others? - make an attempt to go out into the world and become a participant in events on an equal basis with the rest.

Even if it is difficult for you at first, remember that in this way you create a new matrix of behavior and destroy old stereotypes.

32 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you stumbled upon a wall, you may soon find yourself under someone's bad influence.
Breaking bricks out of the wall is a loss.
If you dreamed that you were climbing over a wall - you have to overcome a serious obstacle in business.
In a dream, you are building a wall - you yourself will erect an obstacle in front of you that you will not be able to overcome.

33 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Wall - Desire to erect a barrier between yourself and people. Vulnerability, the desire to hide.

34 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

Is with a friend in a crumbling house, where the corners and walls are covered with mold - the destruction of relations with him due to information that harms you, denigrates you

35 Russian dream book

Why is the Wall dreaming:

What does the Wall mean in a dream - an obstacle, a barrier, an impasse; but also protection from external threats.

36 Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Between your social roles and your true essence there is an insurmountable barrier: you do in life not what your soul requires, and in this way cripple yourself and your life.

37 Dream interpretation of Shuvalova

Walls are barriers between parts of consciousness.
Surrounding walls - barriers to understand others or others.

38 Dream Interpretation Tarot

Wall - obstacles, difficulties surmountable.

39 Dream Interpretation of Krada Veles

The wall is an obstacle; fell out at the house - death in the family; empty walls - disappointment; climb over, climb a wall - success, overcoming obstacles; jump over - joy.

40 Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Why is the Wall dreaming:

To be in a dream in front of a wall blocking your path means that you cannot withstand the pressure exerted on you. You can lose a lot, even what seems impossible to lose.
Jumping over a wall in a dream is a sign of overcoming all obstacles in your path, a symbol of the fulfillment of desires.
Breaking a hole in the wall means that you will reach your goal, showing unprecedented stamina and firmness of intentions.
Destroying the wall is a sign that you will neutralize all your enemies.
Building a wall in a dream means that you will carefully plan your every step in order to remove all obstacles from your path.
If a young woman sees in a dream that she is at the top of a wall, a strong, happy family life awaits her.
If she hides behind a wall, she will fall in love, but she will most likely be ashamed of her feelings later.
If she walks along the wall, this is a sign that she will pay a lot of attention to her appearance and become very attractive to men.

41 Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If a girl dreams that she is climbing a wall, this means that she will be happy with her chosen one.
However, hiding behind a wall means the appearance of affection, for which she will then be ashamed in front of others.
If a girl dreams that she is walking around a wall, this means that she will pay a lot of attention to her appearance and will be very beautiful and attractive.

42 Loff's dream book

In psychoanalysis, walls are generally considered a symbol of male PERSONALITY with an emphasis on strength. This train of thought seems to be born from the small child's impression of the dominant masculine power of the home (which is a "fortress" surrounded by walls and dominated by the patriarch). In dreams, many people encounter walls as random obstacles and/or projections of force.
In your dream, do you run into a wall while driving, or do you suddenly find yourself surrounded by walls?
Are you trying to climb the wall, find its edge, or are you just ignoring it?

43 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does the Wall mean in a dream - For a woman - a happy marriage, a faithful spouse. A man is an insurmountable obstacle. If a man has such a dream, he needs to imagine that he is destroying a wall, or jumping over it.

44 English dream book

You dreamed about the Wall, what is it for - Walls are barriers that keep the world at a distance. They outline the territory of our possessions. What is the dream about: Were the walls of the building strong and powerful, or crumbled to pieces? Think about the other parts of your dream, as their state may be related to your real life as a whole or just one aspect of it.

45 Online dream book

Why is the Wall dreaming:

According to the dream book, to meet a wall on the way means to face insurmountable obstacles in life.
To overcome it is a good dream, you are able to achieve your goal, even in the presence of obstacles.
If you crushed it, your enemies will be defeated by you.
I dreamed that they were building a wall - this suggests that your efforts will be the key to your success.
If you dreamed of a brick wall, you should streamline your affairs, deal with long-running issues, otherwise you will be mired in problems and will not be able to get off the ground for a long time.
According to the dream book, washing the walls - be prepared for monotonous and very painstaking work that no one else will do for you.
If in a dream you paint walls - you have to work hard, spend a lot of time and effort, but in the end you will achieve great results and get material benefits, so do not rush to give up unsightly, at first glance, work.
Also this vision
It is a dream that you whitewash the walls, apply whitewash on them - you are tormented by various doubts, some experiences confuse you and distract you from business, try to understand yourself and find spiritual harmony.
For a girl such a vision
A hole in the wall is dreaming - it means that you will learn to see what is inaccessible to the human eye, the veil will open a little to the mysterious world of the unknown.
The dream in which you saw a crack in the wall indicates that relationships with family and friends can also deteriorate.
For a married lady
In a dream, you see that the wall is collapsing - get ready for global life changes, the consequences of which will be irreversible.
If you destroy it yourself
Someone else is doing it
In a dream, you were able to go through the wall - be prepared for something extraordinary to happen to you that will unsettle you for a long time.

46 ABC of dream interpretation

  • Wall - wall - a dream symbolizes an obstacle that can be bypassed or overcome. Sometimes - a fatal, insurmountable difficulty.
  • Find a passage in the wall, climb over the wall - material success awaits you.
  • Breaking, destroying the wall - a quarrel, failure in business.

47 Esoteric dream book

The wall is the boundary between different states and planes of being (for example, between active life and passive vegetation).
To see a clean wall is to face a choice that depends on you and can turn your whole life upside down.
Decorate the wall - you deliberately postpone the choice, which threatens with serious consequences.
Collapse itself - circumstances force you to make a choice, get ready for the collapse of your whole way of life; someone, you are destroying the wall, they will help you speed up the course of events or you yourself are pedaling them. Rushing is also not recommended.
From strange material - a transition to another space-time levels. Look at the circumstances of sleep, perhaps they show you the way to other material worlds.

48 Women's dream book

Wall - To be in a dream in front of a wall blocking your path means that you cannot withstand the pressure exerted on you. You can lose a lot, even what seems impossible to lose. Jumping over a wall in a dream is a sign of overcoming all obstacles in your path, a symbol of the fulfillment of desires. Breaking a hole in the wall means that you will come to your goal, showing unprecedented stamina and firmness of intentions. Destroying the wall is a sign that you will neutralize all your enemies. Building a wall in a dream means that you will carefully plan your every step in order to remove all obstacles from your path. If a young woman sees in a dream that she was at the top of the wall, a strong, happy family life awaits her. If she hides behind a wall, she will fall in love, but she will most likely be ashamed of her feelings later. If she walks along the wall, this is a sign that she will pay a lot of attention to her appearance and become very attractive to men.

49 Idiomatic dream book

“Climb the wall” - severe fatigue, hopelessness, disappointment, dead end, pain; “Banging your head against the wall” - futility, futility of effort, occupation; “press someone against the wall” - win, confuse; “put against the wall” - punish, “remove”, kill; “like behind a stone wall” - protection; “like a wall of peas” - the futility of suggestion, command, persuasion; "impregnable wall" - difficulties; "wall to wall" - a group fight or dispute.

50 French dream book

Seeing a wall in a dream is a harbinger of future suffering and misunderstandings with loved ones.

51 Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream that you are in front of a wall that has blocked your path portends that you will not be able to withstand the pressure on you and will lose even what you have already achieved.
Jumping over a wall in a dream means that you will overcome obstacles and fulfill your desires.
Breaking a hole in the wall - promises you the achievement of the goal to which you will come, showing unprecedented stamina and firmness of intentions.
Destroying the wall is a sign that you will overcome your enemies.
Building a wall portends that you will carefully plan your luck in order to eliminate obstacles from the path.
If a young woman sees in a dream that she is climbing to the top of the wall, this indicates that her future happiness will be reliable.
If she hides behind a wall, this promises her love, for which she will be ashamed later.
If she walks along the wall, the dream portends that she will take even greater care of her appearance and become very attractive.

52 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Wall - you will have a reliable and serious defender.
Cracked - to loss of health.

53 English dream book

If in a dream there is a wall in front of you that you are unable to overcome, the dream means losses in trade and misunderstandings in seed business. If you see your beloved on the other side of the wall that you cannot cross, this portends insurmountable obstacles to your happiness; it is possible that you will meet the resistance of friends and parents of your beloved; courtship rival will give rise to her doubts. Walking along a narrow and high wall is a prediction of some dangerous enterprises. But if in a dream you safely descend from the wall or climb over it, then fate will give you the opportunity to win considerable victories in life.

54 Dream Interpretation of Nina Grishina

The wall is an obstacle.
The wall of a city or a castle is an adventure, a danger.
Inclined wall - happiness.
To stand on it - overcame evil slander.
Climb over the wall - achieve a firm position.
Jumping from it is an insane risk.
Breaking, destroying a wall is a misfortune in which you yourself will be to blame.
The wall suddenly collapses - some decisive event in life / catastrophe, misfortune, etc.
Build - happiness, wedding, union,
Climbing up a smooth wall - to experience fear of society, of responsibility / morally fall into childhood / without any reason to hope for support and peace.
Crawling through a hole in the wall is an unforeseen situation, an accident.
Seeing a fiery wall in front of you is the last obstacle to success.

58 Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

Building walls is a great happiness and benefit; someone helps you climb the wall - happiness; climbing a wall to hide with a blanket - there will be a promotion; to see large and wide city walls - great wealth and a lot of joy; to go inside the city wall is a misfortune; space surrounded by blue or blue walls - joy and happiness; climbing the red city walls is a great happiness; being on the wall, digging the ground - changes; climbing over the wall and passing through the dwelling - some danger is leaving.

59 Small dream book

If in a dream you stumble upon a wall that blocks your path, then in reality you can succumb to bad influence, and in business you will be defeated. A dream in which you jump over a wall means that in real life you will overcome the obstacles erected in your path. If you dreamed that you punched a hole in the wall, then such a dream symbolizes your will to win. There are no insurmountable barriers for you. Destroying the wall is a sign of victory over enemies. Building a wall is a sign of the fulfillment of the intended goals. For a young woman, a dream in which she climbs a wall means that her desire for a stable life will be crowned with success. If she dreams that she is hiding behind a wall, then in reality she will have to hide some kind of love affair from others. If she walks along the wall, then due to certain circumstances, she may lose her attractiveness, as a result of which she will lose her lover.

60 Dream interpretation alphabetically

A dream in which an impenetrable wall has appeared in front of you portends that you will have to give up the conquered positions. If you manage to get over the wall, in reality you will achieve victory with little bloodshed. To take bricks or stones out of the wall - to loss, to punch a hole in it - to bad changes in life. Destroy the hay to the ground - to the death of loved ones.

Erecting a wall in a dream is a hassle. Curved wall - money problems. Plastering walls is a shaky, unreliable happiness; wallpapering is a pleasant acquaintance, a love adventure. Burnt walls are a sign of misfortune, a wall that has collapsed on you will feel shame.

61 Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of sleep depends on who sees it.

If an unmarried girl dreamed of a wall, this indicates that her parents would be against her marriage to her loved one. And if there is no passage in the wall, the wedding may not take place.

Imagine that you are walking along the wall and find a wide gate, where more than one person will pass without problems.

If a married woman sees such a dream, its meaning is favorable. A dream promises family happiness and a reliable life partner - but only if the wall is strong and high. If the wall collapses, the dream means that your marriage is in danger.

If you saw a crumbling wall in a dream, imagine that you and your spouse are restoring this wall, plastering it and painting it.

For a young man, such a dream portends the appearance of a dangerous rival who can steal the heart of his beloved. If a married man dreams of a wall, this means an insurmountable obstacle in some important matter.

If a man has such a dream, he needs to imagine that he is destroying a wall or jumping over it.

62 Dream interpretation of the 20th century

They symbolize the limits of some business or event.

To bury yourself in a blank wall is a sign of a hopeless obstacle in business. Perhaps you are too persistent in some issue.

The dream calls not to try to break through the wall with your forehead, but to try to look for workarounds.

Walls of houses and buildings: symbolically show the degree of reliability of a particular case.

Flimsy walls: a sign of fragile well-being.

If you visit or see such houses: it seems that some of your plans clearly lack solidity.

Stone or concrete walls: symbolize indifference and spiritual callousness. The dream suggests that you are in vain hoping for someone's sympathy.

Beautiful brick walls: a sign of solidity.

Such dreams portend you success and excellent relationships with partners.

63 The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

An unexpected obstacle.

If you go around the wall, you will overcome the obstacle.

Pass through the wall - to psychic abilities.

64 Astrological dream book

Sudden obstacle.

Misunderstanding from relatives.


Moon in Capricorn.

65 Freud's dream book

A smooth wall is a symbol of a man.
Wall with balconies or decorations - symbolizes a woman.

66 Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Wall - you will beat your forehead against a blank wall of misunderstanding.
Cracked walls - a grandiose family scandal is ahead, which can lead to divorce.

67 Dream interpreter 1829

The wall seen in a dream right in front of our face means labor and an obstacle in business; climb a high wall - marks the overcoming of all obstacles; sit on a high wall - marks the top of our well-being; to see a wall surrounded by water on all sides is a sign of disfavor; jump over the wall - means joy and pleasure.

The interpretation of dreams often depends on the associations associated with the dream object. Usually the wall personifies the difficulties and obstacles that arise in the way of the dreamer. Turning to the dream book will help to more fully reveal the dream.

Before directly interpreting, it is important to remember the circumstances of the dream. They can turn a frightening prophecy into an uplifting one. What material was the wall made of? What height did she reach? Most importantly, what did the sleeper himself do, stand in despair or try to overcome the barrier? What feelings did he experience? All this will most accurately explain what the wall dreamed about and what you should pay attention to in reality.

Why is the wall dreaming - according to Loff's dream book

According to the theory of D. Loff, the dreaming wall, among other things, is associated with a strong personality, specifically with an authoritarian man. “Like behind a stone wall” - this is exactly the thought that comes to mind when parsing a dream from this point of view. The influence of the dominant patriarchal figure on the dreamer is not excluded.

If the wall blocked the path to the dreamer's relatives, a serious conflict in the family or with friends is possible in the near future. You need to be extremely careful when dealing with it. Any ill-conceived word or action - and the person who saw this dream runs the risk of cutting off all ties with dear people involved in a quarrel.

Balance on the wall - you need to remember what it felt like. An uncertain balance means that now is not the best time for adventures in reality. But if a person felt comfort and lack of fear, then the dream predicts the exact opposite. You can safely count on success and quick material profit.

Walls in a dream surrounded the sleeping person - you need to pay attention to health. Illness is possible in the near future.

Seeing a house with a collapsed wall or being in it - you need to be prepared for the terrible. This dream is a bad sign, prophesying the death of one of the dreamer's roommates.

Why is the wall dreaming - according to Hasse's dream book

Here you need to pay attention to the material from which the dreaming wall was made.

Concrete, stone wall - a dream warns that from now on in business you need to rely only on your own strength. This is especially true if a person is waiting or is used to receiving outside help. The concrete wall warns that this time it's every man for himself.

Brick wall - promises the resolution of a case or problem that arose in real life, in favor of the dreamer.

A wall made of unsuitable material for construction - an indication that the dreamer spends too much time on other people's problems. A wall of strange material in a dream reminds you that it's time to think about your needs.

· A wall made of wood - whoever saw it in a dream was very lucky with friends. He can completely rely on them. In any, even the most difficult situation, they will definitely help.

· A colored wall portends joy and happiness in the future.

A wall of fragile material indicates that the sleeper needs to strengthen the foundations of his well-being. Otherwise, sooner or later, he risks losing it.

· A destroyed wall predicts serious, sometimes fateful changes, for which you must be prepared.

For a detailed interpretation, you need to remember what actions were performed in a dream with a wall.

Be behind the wall - the dreamer can be proud of his endurance and stamina. It is these qualities that maintain respect for him in others.

· Jump off the wall - you need to prepare for dangerous obstacles that will soon appear on the way.

In a dream, long walls arose in front of a person - you should not wait for insight on how to achieve your goal in the near future.

· To independently build a wall in a dream - the failures that will soon befall a person will be provoked by his own rash actions.

The destruction of the wall - the sleeping person and his family are in danger.

Why is the wall dreaming - according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a wall that blocked the path - circumstances will break a person, and he will not be able to achieve his goal. Moreover, he will lose all his achievements.

It is easy to jump over the wall - an indication to the sleeper that he boldly act as he sees fit. He will definitely achieve his goal and cope with all the obstacles that have arisen on the way to the goal.

Breaking a hole in the wall - the remarkable strength, stamina and assertiveness of a person who sees such a dream will certainly lead him to the goal, no matter how difficult the struggle may seem.

Destroy the wall - in the near future the dreamer will be able to crush all enemies and ill-wishers.

· Build a wall - in reality a person will scrupulously work out a strategy for his success.

There are more explanations for what the wall dreamed about if the dreamer is a young woman.

Climbing a wall in a dream - there is no need to worry about the future, because this dream portends a long, lasting happiness.

Hide behind a wall - a girl needs to be more careful with who she falls in love with. Perhaps in the future she will have to blush for this love.

Walking in a dream along the wall - soon the girl will become even more attractive. This will be facilitated by an attentive attitude to appearance and careful personal care.

Why is the wall dreaming - according to Freud's dream book

If a person dreamed of a wall, he was probably trying to overcome it. The way in which he succeeded (or failed) to do this will help to interpret the dream in even more detail.

· If only a light jump was needed to overcome the wall, the obstacles and difficulties that stood in the way in reality are not as significant as it might seem. Everything planned will come true.

Destroy the wall to overcome it - the sleeper will be able to break the competitors in the same way. At the same time, he should not worry about his reputation - he will be able to put himself in the most favorable light and succeed.

If it was necessary to dig a tunnel to overcome the wall, changes are coming in the dreamer's life.

Make a hole in the wall - the one who sees the dream does not take purposefulness and perseverance on the way to the goal. He is not afraid of any obstacles.

Falling off the wall, climbing over it - you should pay attention to relationships with relatives. Perhaps everything is not as good with mutual understanding as it seems to the dreamer.

· To overcome the wall with the help of spells or any other magic - an indication of the presence of psychic or other extraordinary abilities.

Why the wall is dreaming - according to Denise Lynn's dream book

Seeing a wall in a dream - perhaps in the present or in the near future an obstacle will stand in the way. Don't focus on just one path to achieving your goal.

· If a person dreamed of a wall, and at the same time he felt isolation from society, he needs to try to go out into the world and begin to participate in public life. Of course, at first it will be uncomfortable. However, only in this way, having left the comfort zone, he will be able to change his attitude to the world.

What is the dream of the wall - according to the dream book of the XXI century

The interpretation of the wall seen in a dream in this modern dream book is not much different from traditional beliefs. However, some specifics are still present.

Climbing over a wall in a dream - the position at work and in personal life will be strengthened.

· Jump from the wall - a warning that you should not take risky actions in the near future. They not only do not justify themselves, but can also do harm.

Destroy the wall - advice to be more careful. The actions of a person who had such a dream in the near future can lead to misfortune, primarily for himself.

If the wall collapsed in a dream, an important event will happen soon. Perhaps it will forever change the usual way of life.

Climbing up a smooth wall - a dream indicates a fear of the surrounding people and society as a whole, which has settled in the depths of the soul.

Build a wall in a dream - the dreamer will have a happy union with a loved one. Perhaps in the near future he will even play a wedding.

Why is the wall dreaming - according to the Wanderer's dream book

Seeing a wall in a dream is an indication of a person's subconscious desire to hide from the world, to be alone in peace and quiet. Perhaps the dreamer cannot agree with himself in any way, and therefore needs temporary loneliness. In addition, the wall dreams of a cooling of relations due to alienation. Probably, the person himself built a "wall" between him and his partner.

Standing on a wall or some similar obstacle is a good sign. This is a harbinger of success in your endeavors and victory over unfavorable circumstances.

The structural elements of the building in a dream are quite multifunctional: they can serve as protection for those inside, and be an obstacle for him. From the clarification of this moment, the interpretation begins, why the dream is about how the wall is collapsing. Often the result is a very life-affirming prognosis. The dream book will help determine how determined the dreamer is.

Crash as interpreted by Miller

The walls in Miller's dream book represent obstacles and difficulties. That is why what dreams of their destruction often sounds encouraging. Even a small through hole in a dream speaks of the strength of intention and the inflexibility of the spirit. If you dreamed that the entire wall of the house collapsed from the far from light hand of the sleeping man, the interpreter promises a complete and undoubted victory.

The house is no longer a fortress

If you dreamed about how the wall of your home was collapsing by itself, the dream book warns of the approach of turning points that are beyond your control. At first glance, they can look frightening and even tragic. However, the interpreter insists that this is not a reason to give up. It is up to you to take advantage of a grim situation.

What the symbol of a lover dreams of means a chance to establish and strengthen relationships. At the same time, the dream book suggests not to force things: the gentleman may turn out to be an unreliable companion. A sign in a dream warns a man about the infidelity of his beloved.

If in a dream the wall of the house collapses right on you, beware of shame, deceit and unplanned expenses.

Fate gives a head start

The interpretation of sleep, why dream that the supporting structures have cracked, means about the same as the crash. The only difference is that the sleeper has a little more time to prepare for the upcoming test.

The walls that cracked in a dream often indicate a hidden conflict between households. The dream book warns that this bad world is not long.

Seeing cracks in a dream that threaten the integrity of a building happens in anticipation of adultery.

If you dreamed about how the supports cracked and the wall gradually collapses, perhaps a disaster is brewing in the workplace.

be a destroyer

In the dream books there are many explanations of what it means to see yourself as a destroyer.

  • Sometimes partitions are destroyed shortly before a major quarrel;
  • To see a pogrom arranged with their own hands is for those who in reality are able to break firewood;
  • If in a dream there is no stone left on a stone, in reality the enemy will be defeated;
  • Did you dream of destroying slowly, but right? Get off with small losses;
  • Did you happen to see a small hole? The coming changes are unlikely to please;
  • Unsuccessfully, those who are destined to lose are trying to destroy the barrier;
  • To see how a wall collapses from your blow happens on the eve of a financial breakthrough.

What did the sleeper lose

In explanations of what a collapse or crack is dreaming of, building material is sometimes mentioned. If you dreamed of a red brick wall collapsing, you will be able to send past grievances and hostility into the past. At the same time, the dream book speaks of side effects such as abandoning traditions or breaking relationships.

The fall of a stone support portends confusion and distrust of others, perhaps justified.

A broken glass partition promises a sharp drop in self-esteem, loss due to inattention. Oddly enough, such a set will give a feeling of unprecedented freedom.

If you dreamed of materials that are not usually used in construction, the dream book promises amazing discoveries. Unexpected information will greatly affect the worldview of the sleeper.

Alternative Solutions

It is curious to know why one dreams of going through the wall. For the bride, such an unusual plot portends unexpected news about the past of the chosen one, not the fact that it is acceptable.

The dream book promises a non-standard way out of a difficult situation for a dreamer-merchant. If you dreamed that these were prison dungeons, in reality there will be a happy liberation from negative factors.

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Had a dream The wall is collapsing, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the wall collapses in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Explain → * By clicking on the "Explain" button, I give.

    My parents' house actually burned down at the end of April. Recently, my alcoholic father lived there in terrible binges with campaigns of friends. But my mother took him to her place two days before this fire.
    And now I have a black and white dream. For the first time! That I came with my father to the place of the fire and we are standing inside the house. (And he keeps trying to go back there.) My father is standing behind me, silent. Sad. And before our eyes the wall is crumbling into small pieces, into ruins. And I say to my father: look, dad. well, how will you get back here? it's impossible to live here! The wall has collapsed! And how will you be in winter? And he was very upset and went with me from this house.
    Feelings in a dream are restless.

    in a dream, the brick wall collapsed, there were still cows and a black bull, and in the sky there was a huge moon that very quickly set behind the horizon like the sun and the road along which I walked and came with bags to some kind of room but then went out but without things some kind of crap is shorter.

    I dreamed that a wall was collapsing in my house, it seemed to come off with both. Wall between hallway and bathroom. The next day I broke up with a guy (((what to do please help

    At first I saw how water was gathering in the underground, drowning the potatoes, then the water began to rise more and more, the earth began to collapse from the walls of the underground, looking up I saw that I saw a street in the crack in the wall, I began to try to get out of the house as soon as possible, fell on the threshold and began to crawl out - then woke up

    I dreamed that the wall was the main one from the winter extension to the house (senki, corridor, or whatever they call it, from the side of the street, that is, not which adjoins the house), somewhere in the middle, between the top and bottom, it moved out along the entire length, t .e the bottom remained in place, and the top went out into the street, the wall needed to be urgently repaired. A dream in colorful, warm colors, Mom began to dismantle the roof over the senks, and she did it quite quickly and easily, climbed onto the roof and quickly removed all the slate (only the slate was double, thick felt below, and thin sheets of iron on top. Meanwhile, dad was busy with something and finishing his work near the yard and was about to join mom.Mom easily got off the roof, all that remained was to dismantle the wall and lay out a new one ... and my baby woke up to eat and woke me up ... I want to add that the wall consisted of logs long and sooo thick, about 60 cm wide, and there were no windows.I see prophetic dreams very often, some are still learning to decipher, I see dead people in a dream, I communicate with them in a dream, while I realize that they are no longer there, psychics say that I was born with it, something like a gift.

    I dreamed that I was at home. None of the other family members were in the dream. And suddenly part of the wall, not all, but a piece, somewhere a third of the wall falls out into the house. It does not fall to the floor, but rather hangs. In a dream in the house, the whole situation is the same as in reality.

    i dreamed that the ceiling in my mother’s apartment first fell. Moreover, I heard a crack in advance and it was very scary. Then my mother and I began to collect the most necessary things. When I went outside to take their animals out and put them in the car (two dogs, a cat and a guinea pig in the summer, my husband and I actually have them) there was a blue sofa on the street. And then the wall in my mother’s room fell off, completely, as if it had been cut out. All this was accompanied by quiet horror and shock. There were no screams, nothing

    We are standing with my husband in a room. I see that the wallpaper is starting to move away from the wall and it is starting to crumble. I shout to my husband that the wall is collapsing, and something needs to be done urgently, or it will fall, and I see that the same thing is starting to happen to the ceiling. The house seems to be ours, but the color of the wallpaper is different, light. Woke up, or the dream was over.

    Hello! I dreamed of a wall in the office, which at first crumbled, then the director and a colleague appeared, with whom I have a bad relationship. The director gave me an order in which I had to sign. In the order, I was appointed deputy. director. I refused. Then I stood in front of the wall. They also stared at the wall. The wall began to collapse, I saw a small crack and the director's office (her office through the wall). The secretary and I began to run away, while the director and colleague stood at a safe distance. I ran and at the last moment found myself in front of the director and colleague, they stood calmly. I said I barely made it. The director told my colleague not to close up her walls in her office like that.

    in a dream I met my boyfriend, he was with his father. they smiled and we had a nice conversation. I was with my 4 year old daughter. she reached out to my boyfriend and they kissed him sweetly on the lips. then I see a huge new high-rise building made of red brick, there is nothing around it, only I stand, he is my daughter and some other child. the house begins to lean towards us and falls, scattering into bricks, the children manage to run away and it does not hurt anyone

    A wooden house, a wall where a window. Logs suddenly fell under the window and the wall was gone from the window, but remained above the window. The husband is lying on the bed, I tell him: - the wall collapsed, can't you see? We broke up with him, but have not yet divorced.

    at first I dreamed of a wall in my house, but with a hole in the middle for the entire length, and the tiles on the wall were cracked. then I ended up in another room and helped one girl pick up a necklace for a dress, my sister (deceased) called me to help her do her hair. I went into our bedroom and there her boy puts white socks on her feet, I said why they didn’t suit her because they didn’t fit her dress, then I took a comb and started combing her light, straight long hair and thinking what to do on her head, they came up with winding it up. then somehow felt the whole family in the market looking for something. husband, uncle, mother remained near the car, and I, father and sister, were looking for something, then got lost. sister said that she was told that the exit is at the bottom. we went there there were logs with 2 axes, I was scared dad ran to the wall where there seemed to be an exit, but something threw him away from there, he fell and got very clogged and dirty. (I don’t remember, but I think my sister went in there) then everything seemed to blossom and we saw an exit on the other side where our relatives were already calling us and we went there. then I woke up.

    I'm going home to my mom. I go up to the floor, in the next apartment I hear rustling behind the door, someone is looking at me through the peephole. I ring the doorbell of my mother's apartment. Mom opens, I go into the corridor and see a niche knocked out in the wall (not through), carefully, everything is cleaned, and then I see that my mother is in tears. I ask what happened, she answers - how do I know what happened. And at that moment I woke up

    wall in the living room covered with wallpaper. I noticed that the wallpaper was peeling off and when I started to take it off I saw a long horizontal crack on top. when I tried it with my hand, the wall shook.

    In my dream, I was at the dacha with a friend, my friend went downstairs, and when I started to descend the brick wall from the side collapsed onto the car, I didn’t get too many, but I got out, then people came running and among these people I found my love, so she clearly felt love for herself and she herself loved the person very much and at the same time there were a lot of different colors, especially in a dream I singled out white roses, admired the aroma. and this man was always there, held my hand, did not let go, he was older than me, gray-haired .

    Hello. i dreamed that the wall of a wooden house collapsed, which unites my apartment with my neighbors .. In real life, the house is in disrepair and the developer must settle nearby.

    I’m in the yard at home, I see someone arrived in a jeep, my sister said something to them, then I see them collapsing the brick wall of the house with some kind of tractor, I wanted to stop them, but they solved the wall. But there was one more wall of their clay left, no one touched it, my sister said that she would finish building her house there, I went to my mother to ask why they didn’t tell me anything because my sister wants to finish building a house there? And Mom was not far away and was mowing the grass with some kind of mower. But I didn't ask my mom.

    i dreamed that my brother and I were standing in a room in our apartment, and suddenly, under the weight of the roof, the wall somehow began to collapse, not completely, but the holes from the fallen bricks became visible and there, under the plaster, the bricks remained (not fallen out) colored yellow and green, like baby cubes.

    I dreamed of a sequel. I dreamed about how the wall between the apartments was collapsing The wall of the panel house was cracking vertically and the ceiling was starting to sag.

    I had a dream somewhere from 7 to 7.30 in the morning. Part of the wall in the kitchen collapsed in the house, but I only saw a gap between the walls, Then my husband called me from the street, and there the wall was destroyed, a big hole like a cave. Our dog was sitting near the wall. I wanted to drive her away so that she wouldn’t be crushed, she didn’t listen and didn’t leave. I cried and screamed in fear, then I ran into the house, my husband, son, and deceased grandmother were sitting on the sofa in the room. I asked my husband for the phone number of the insurance company in hysterics .and he seems to be indifferent to everything. Then the grandmother said listen to her, she speaks correctly. He agreed so politely, said - now, I woke up from fear, Our house is very old private, The fact is that we already had a wall falling, or rather a brick facing.

    It’s as if I’m with a man that I’ve liked for a long time, and he even seems to be living with me in my apartment and even with his daughter, and his wife (they haven’t lived together for a year) also knows, she calls him, I even see her, his face is so angry, he starts to run into him, yell, but not take him away, it seems, everything is vaguely somehow. I only remember a straight face twisted with anger, which is even old! And he is so defenseless, he tries to explain something to her, but he does not try to leave! And then everything starts (in the kitchen) collapsing from the walls, even, like, with fire, scary, like in a war)))

    I dreamed about how my neighbor destroyed the steth in the bathroom, the tiles broke off, the neighbor was drunk and there was a very big scandal. After that, I dream that I go into my apartment at the construction site and it’s empty and there is no wall. Thank you.

    For some reason, I go to the house on the water, in which I once lived for a long time, I see in front of me how the wall is collapsing not in the apartment where I lived, but in someone else's (two-story house) precisely from the burning stove. I approached the wall, there were no people there. I began to say that we need to help put up a wall, because there are people how they will live now?

    a flood begins, and because of this part of the house collapsed, I stand with the child and ask God for help, I ask him: “did you really give me a son in order to pick him up later?”, then I start collecting things that I got, I try save yourself and your children

    I dreamed that I was drilling the wall at the back of the fireplace as if I were looking for something there. The wall breaks down layer by layer. First, the plaster falls off, then burnt bricks are visible, they also crumble, then clay bricks, I also break them. I ended up punching a big hole in the wall. And I see something wrapped in cellophane, but I don’t dare to climb inside. I don't remember the rest...

    as if this is my house, suddenly in the house instead of a cat on her pillow there is a white chicken, she wanted to drive it away, and an egg fell out of it, then another, a third, and the eggs still didn’t drag on well with protein, and the chicken lay not a whole clutch of eggs, I collected it, and then someone pulled the electric cord from the street, knocked down the pole away from the house, and the pole hooked the wall with this cord and it collapsed outward, I didn’t! I was scared, I just thought: How much cleaning!, Thank you!

    The wall was collapsing in the apartment, the tiles were slowly falling down, as if they were already hanging. At the same time, two mice ran, one black, the other three-colored. They run out in turn, I caught them and threw them out the window. One black mouse bit me on the arm. Then a small black snake, similar to a viper, began to perform. I also grabbed her and threw her out the window, but her tail was clamped in the window.

    I dreamed that in my house where I always live, and before my mother lived, the deceased, I see how my mother and one man I know had a booze, I see all this through the window, from the street. Angry, I run into the house, swear, kick out the man, my mother turned out to be on the street with him, me and my daughter inside. Then, as if we were filming on the street, and like this guy hit the wall with a sledgehammer and broke it a little. My daughter and I ran into the house to see how much we violated it, we see, but inside the wall moved away a little, I kicked it myself, I don’t know why, and it moved a little more. And the daughter goes into this room all the time, and I take her back, and then the wall began to fall out, and I shouted to my mother and the peasant and one friend standing behind her that they would go away, and the dream ended. Then she seemed to see more snakes, baskets with strawberries, but this is vague. But I saw a half-fallen ruined wall. And in this house we lived and live all our lives.

    First, I am in a strange house visiting in some resort town. The house is dark and untidy. I feel that my chest is pouring (I'm not pregnant). By pressing on the nipples, milk begins to come out. just a fountain. I cry at this. Then it turns out that there are a lot of people in this house and a meeting of a person dear to me takes place (we broke up, he is away). I'm leaving with my son. Outside, it's windy and it's raining. Plenty of water. But why can't you walk on it? jumping over. streams. I see a mountain. On it the house or shop is not clear. I want to go there for some reason. Let's climb this mountain. Behind it is a sunlit city. The structure is dilapidated and not reliable. I want to go back, but it turns out that my son and I are standing on a crumbling brick wall. Scary. High. The wind blows down the wall. There are people on the far side of it. It is high. Like multi-layered. Layers of bricks are crumbling and people are falling. Some look at all this and jump themselves. We're standing on these bricks leaning against the wall. I pray... And I wake up

    I dreamed that I went into the bathroom, and a piece of the wall was knocked out behind the toilet. Somewhere 1 meter by 0.5. And I think in a dream “it’s necessary to quickly lay everything with bricks, otherwise we will be seen on the landing”
    Then I go out, close the door, and wake up

    Write here your dream for interpretation ... my brother hit the wall of my house and it collapsed:: the ceiling is also ready to collapse: the late father was lying on the bed: he was offended at home there were many relatives

    In February, they broke up with their beloved on his initiative. Today I dreamed that he was building part of the house (two corner walls) opposite my house. I came and broke his work. And he was not offended but returned to me. Then they walked with him along the empty corridors. periodically losing each other. and all the time I was afraid that he would leave again .. then I remember the road along the forest belt, along which we walked home. Then I woke up

    Hello. I dreamed that I was standing in front of a wall or fence, but high, made of different materials. In the middle there is a part of red brick and someone easily breaks this part. I didn't experience any emotions. Thank you.

    I dreamed about the school where I studied 4th to 11th grade. I made a few circles around the school, there were quite a lot of people in it.
    Water slowly rose from the basement / completely clean.
    I went up to the second floor and one wall collapsed, I ended up on the ground, didn’t fall and didn’t hit!
    Then she saw her friend and “ran into” her: why did she know and didn’t tell me ...
    That's basically it.

    What does this mean?

    White with a draft archive skin decoration on the top. A very high, but already past wall fell and covered me entirely.
    It was as if we were walking around the old city with a man and woman I did not know. Before the fall of the wall, the man warned that the wall was emergency. But I didn't have time to follow them down the narrow wall to the left.
    It was the wall of the upper room, but there was no roof. Behind the wall was the clear sky of a sunny morning.

    Hello. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday. I dreamed that a wall collapsed at work and for some reason it was made of stone. And I also cleaned the walls from dirt at work. Thank you if you help explain what's what?

    Hello! In a dream, I dreamed that we were living in a rented house, and I wanted to hammer in a nail, but a big crack appeared and the walls became crooked, when I went out into the veranda one wall fell on my daughter but she was not hurt ... Please explain!

    I dreamed that I was with someone in a room, something like a small house. But this was not my house. He was all old and I tell someone with whom I was there, do not touch the wall, otherwise it will fall on us. And the man still hurt her. And she collapsed, only not inside the house, but outside. We then went through this side.

    I dreamed that I was coming to view the house, the house is very large, I get up and see that because no one lives in the house, the tiles in the floor began to sag, and on the top floor there was a large kitchen with stained-glass windows overlooking the sea. And I understand that the house is starting to collapse from the fact that the waves of the sea constantly beat on the house. Then I go further and get into the rooms, and in one of the rooms the wall begins to collapse, and I find myself under the rubble. But I get out and start running away from there.

    In the middle of the night, I wake up from the fact that I dreamed that I was going into the room, and in my dream it was longer than usual, in front of the door the wall and the window disappear, I started to scream strongly in a dream, I understood that it was all a dream, but I couldn’t wake up, it’s cold at night, I’m standing with my son, and at the beginning of my sleep, I thought that we were robbed back, but then I see the wild light that blinded me disappears and appears like that twice and woke up!

    Write here your dream (the more detailed the better)… Hello, Tatyana! A terrible dream from which I woke up! The dream is this: curtains were hung in the apartment, and the cornice was not firmly fixed, and not only did the cornice warp, but the wall first fell out into the street in a small fragment, and then the rest of it, along with the window, fell down. It was snowing outside the window and it became scary that the batteries would defrost and burst from the cold. To predict it? Thanks in advance, huge! Sincerely,
    Lydia Dmitrievna.

    I manually started some kind of unit / machine, which was supposed to produce either a shot or an explosion. 2 girls helped me, in a dream I knew them, now I don’t remember who it was. Rather, they were simply present and observed my actions. This unit was in an empty concrete apartment, and it was my apartment. I see an empty room, a window and a balcony. I start this unit, for safety I ask the girls to step aside, I even shout at one to move faster and pull some garbage to make an explosion. And then there was an explosion of such force that the load-bearing wall completely collapsed, and everything around was beaten with fragments. The wall collapsed, but there were no ruins at all, everything is clean and I see the neighbor’s apartment, the neighbors themselves, their way of life ... then I suggested that the neighbor pull the rope and temporarily hang the resulting passage between the two apartments. She took the bedspreads and hung the passage with his wife. Everything would be fine, but I was worried about the soundproofing, you can hear everything, the neighbor's TV, conversations, steps, etc. but I knew that my husband would come back and build a new brick wall.

    Hello. I had a dream, I saw a construction site, as if they were building something at work. And on that day, it was as if I had a wedding in a white dress, but suddenly one wall fell sharply and my mother led this construction site in a dream. Then everyone seemed to have gone to a restaurant to celebrate the wedding, and I didn’t see the groom, they start to put on a dress for me and forgot to fasten it. Then a woman in the mud tied me up, people began to eat, and on this I woke up

    At first I dreamed that my son-in-law baked meat, it was nutty. Then the dream changed. It was as if I was in my parents' old house and my ex-worker gave me a black jacket. Here I see how the wall in the house is lying around, as if the adobe is soaked and water comes out of this heap. Immediately my puppy climbed onto this pile and relieved his need for the most part. And it all happened in 30 minutes.

    In a five-story building, a wall collapses on the fifth floor. I also kind of fall, but I cling to something and get out. There was a son next to me, he also falls below the floor, but he clings to something and stands on something with his feet.

    I dreamed as if I were in my apartment, where I used to live. I understand that this is a bedroom, but for some reason there is a window and a balcony like in the hall, my son is sitting next to the right of the window. Suddenly a piece of the wall where the balcony door collapses down and I'm afraid to come up and look. At the same time, my son continues to sit on a chair next to the collapsed wall. Then I suddenly see, as if on the news, that the wall collapsed and two people below were injured, on whom it collapsed, and these are two women I know from a previous job (I have not communicated with them for five years and have not remembered them), and our mutual friend also comments on the incident (I also haven’t seen and haven’t talked for a long time) - moreover, in life she has bright red hair, but here she has such blond gray hair. And that's it, woke up. Feeling kind of unsettling.

    I dreamed that I was at work in a hotel .. and I needed to go massage a client .. there were two stairs in the house. And there was one. For some reason it was removed, repairs were underway. And they told me to try the second one .. it was also closed there .. and I had to literally climb over the railing on. Second floor. I take a piece of iron - it falls off and flies away. and the wall collapses, crumbles to pieces. I think with horror, what if it started to fall when I would already be on it

    There is a log house in the village used as a dacha. I see in a dream I go into the house and in the hall on the wall that goes out into the courtyard there are cracks through which insects can fly. I ask my husband to cover them up. But suddenly a friend appears who died many years ago and begins to lift the logs with a crowbar, connecting them so that there are no gaps. 3 logs fall out towards the yard. I'm shocked by what happened. And he begins to put them in place, and he succeeds only in one gap between the logs. I understand that it happened because the plaster that was between the logs fell out. I'm upset.

    Help decipher this dream, please.
    P.S. My daughter and cousin's son are now in the beginning of a relationship. Could this dream have anything to do with them?

"A large universal dream book for the whole family of O. Smurov"

Walls in a dream usually mean obstacles and failures. Sometimes walls indicate that you have strong protection. The destruction of walls in a dream predicts misfortune.

Cracks on the wall are a harbinger that your well-being will be violated due to some impending tragic event or a complete decline in business. See crack.

If in a dream there was a wall in your way and you cannot get around it or climb over it, then your plan will not come true. If in a dream you were able to overcome it - jump over, climb over, make a move in it, etc. - then success in a difficult task awaits you. Destroying the wall blocking your path in a dream is a good sign indicating that no obstacles can hold you back if you want to achieve your goal. But if you destroy walls for no reason, then by your rash actions you can destroy your well-being and lose the trust and support of powerful patrons.

Building walls in a dream means that you can provide yourself with a reliable rear. Hiding behind a wall in a dream means that you are in danger of exposure, shame and humiliation, from which only the help of true friends or partners can save you. If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by walls on all sides, you want to get out of this place, but you cannot, then you will have to endure a serious illness. Looking at the walls of your house and finding them solid and durable means that you will feel completely safe in the circle of your family.

Walking along a long stone wall in a dream is a sign of the failure of plans and the collapse of hopes. Climbing a wall in a dream means that you will be able to overcome difficult obstacles and earn the respect of others. A falling wall in a dream portends great misfortunes and predicts that luck will soon turn its back on you. Hollow or rotten walls in a dream indicate the fragility of your position, which can change at any moment. Often such a dream portends that fortune may turn its back on you, and the person you were hoping for will let you down.

Why dream of a wall in a dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed of a wall, this symbolizes an obstacle that can be bypassed or overcome; sometimes - a fatal, insurmountable difficulty: Find a passage in the wall, climb over the wall - material success awaits you. Breaking, destroying the wall - a quarrel, failure in business. Standing behind a wall in a dream - endurance and stamina will win you universal respect. Jumping off the wall in a dream is a dangerous obstacle. Climbing a wall is a failure through your own fault. If you dreamed of a falling wall - a danger to you and your family. Erecting a wall in a dream is a hassle. Plastering walls in a dream is a shaky, unreliable happiness. Pasting walls with wallpaper in a dream is a pleasant acquaintance.

Why dream of a wall in a dream book -
"Dream Interpretation: Truthful Interpreter of Dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a wall - you will have obstacles on the way to the goal; if you dreamed of stone walls - your endurance will allow you to achieve respect in society; jump off the wall in a dream - avoid danger; fall off the wall in a dream - your dream will not come true because of your haste and stupidity; to climb a wall in a dream - to strive for the fulfillment of a goal; the wall fell on you in a dream - a mortal danger.

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