Aries. Planet, stones, colors, mascots, flowers, trees, symbols, lucky numbers. What stones are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries

That golden-fleeced Aries was born in the fire, which was sent by the lord of Olympus to save the unfortunate children of King Afamant. Frightened by the journey on the back of a ram, Hella fell into the sea, and the brave boy Frix reached the shores of Colchis and sacrificed the Golden Fleece to his savior.

As the greatest shrine, the Colchians kept the sacrifice in the temple of Ares, until the cunning and treacherous Jason stole it.

This colorful and full of symbolic allegory myth is the key to unraveling the characters of all Aries. Explosive, temperamental, energetic, emotional and noble.

The main patron of Aries - Mars (aka Ares) - rewarded them with an ebullient nature, attractiveness, courage, straightforwardness and another amazing ability - always take the side of good. The positive energy and efficiency of Aries can change the whole world. But there are no ideal people in the world, so rams in a fit of passion can “break wood”.

It's all about another "gift" of Mars - vanity. To be the first, best, loved and irresistible. Such a creed does not make the life of representatives of this sign simple.

In order to “boil” all their lives, Aries need recharge, which is why so many different gems help them lead a hectic life.

Aries birthstones

Aries can be proud of the stones that are most suitable for them for amulets, talismans, amulets and for decoration. Suffice it to name a ruby ​​and a diamond, but there is also agate, rock crystal, pearls, sardonyx, heliotrope, sapphire and garnet.

A multi-colored scattering of the most beautiful minerals created by nature itself. Not all representatives of the most brilliant sign of the zodiac fit all this multicolor, so we present Aries gems by date of birth:

If the color scheme of Aries stones born in the first decade is dim, and the properties are associated with overcoming obstacles at the beginning of important matters, then by the third decade the power of the talismans increases, more replenishment is required.

How to “make” a stone work (cutting and metals)

Traditions to enclose stones in reliable fastenings made of metals have been going on for thousands of years. Combining metals and crystals, people not only learned how to make exquisite jewelry, but also enhance the magical influence of the stone on the life of its owner.

There are stones that do not tolerate the proximity to metals, they manifest themselves much more strongly in splendid isolation.

How do gemstones behave for Aries?

What shape should the talisman be?

The cut of stones that are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries should be geometrically simple and concise.

Diamond, ruby, sapphire and all other charms (except pearls) will work better if they are cut like a diamond. Suitable triangular, square, rectangular shapes, polygons (from 5 to 8 corners). A diamond-shaped stone is also perfect.

The main thing in the amulets and jewelry of Aries is the presence of clearly defined edges. Therefore, a smooth and round cabochon cut is not suitable.

As for pearls, it is best for representatives of the zodiac sign Aries to wear irregularly shaped pearls. Geometric cut will help energetic wearers to cope with their temperament and turn on the mind in time.

Which mascot stones are suitable for the zodiac sign Aries

Every stone that adorns a person has certain magical properties, a symbolic meaning. Brilliant Aries crystals are no exception:

Agate - will make Aries fearless, help avoid poisons, snake bites, soothe pain and give confidence (black agate will protect against energy exhaustion and absorb all negative energy);

Rock crystal - balances forces, helps to concentrate, normalizes brain function (increases intellectual abilities);

- protect from the evil eye or curse, sharpen intuition and speed up the cleansing processes in the body;

- attracts well-being and peace, protects from thieves and swindlers;

Heliotrope - develops imagination, will help bring every matter to the end, find a common language with people;

Diamond is a powerful healer, activates the immune system, enhances the action of all other stones, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect;

Ruby - makes its owner generous, noble and strong, strengthens the heart, helps get rid of fatigue and despondency.

Sapphire - will bring happiness in love, help get rid of bad habits, strengthen faith and not let hope fade away;

Pomegranate - awakens sexual energy, the will to win, self-confidence, a symbol of pure and sincere love.

Watch a video story from a professional about stones for Aries:

Amulet for women and men


What kind of talisman stone is suitable for an Aries woman according to the horoscope? Any of the above except heliotrope and the black variety of agate. Everyone has long known that "a girl's best friend is diamonds!" Let's clarify - "Aries girls".

Many shades of pomegranate, sapphire, a variety of jasper - pink, red, orange, yellow varieties of crystals - you just have to choose a charm that is in harmony with the color of your eyes, hair, toilets, preferences.

Rubies and sapphires - emphasize your individuality, add charm, attract attention. Pomegranate, especially dark tones, will make you more mysterious and attractive.

Rock crystal creates a halo of radiance around its mistress, brings her to the fore.


Which talisman stone is suitable for an Aries man? Restrained, brutal and laconic heliotrope - a typically masculine jewelry and talisman - is especially suitable for men born under the sign of Aries. The classic style of clothing (suit, tie, cufflinks) will perfectly complement a gold ring with.

Why do you need to know which stones are suitable for Aries? Yes, just the color and the structure of the stone can positively or negatively affect the energy of a person, and this influence is interconnected with the influence of the stars. That is why it is worth choosing stones so that it enhances all the strengths of the representatives of this sign. In addition, it is important to take into account the date of birth of the ram to whom you want to present a talisman stone.

Aries stones by date of birth

To understand which stones are most suitable for Aries, you need to understand the characteristics of the character of the representatives of this sign. Of course, these are the brightest individualities, but you can find common features in all Aries. It's no secret that these people are fiery. These are people with crazy energy, emotional and bright, sharp, gambling and often quick-tempered. In addition, they are proactive and open to new experiences. Aries are generally open and honest, because they do not know how to lie. People under the rule of this constellation are optimistic and stubborn, but at the same time they are impulsive, often tactless and fixated on themselves. It is on this basis that it is worth choosing gems for Aries. In addition, depending on the date of birth, all representatives of this sign are patronized by different planets:

  • Aries is ruled by Mars. Born from March 21 to the last day of this month. These are selfish people, but at the same time real fighters: they are stubborn and ready to go to the goal on knives and heads. In addition, they are the most loving and temperamental in everything. The best gems for an Aries born under the rule of Mars:, tiger's eye, or;
  • Aries are sunny. Those born between April 1st and 11th are ruled by a star called the sun. These people are ambitious, but at the same time noble and very appreciative of their family. For them, transparent stones would be ideal, for example, or;
  • There are also rams, which are ruled by Venus. These are those who were born on 12-20.04. The most romantic of Aries (and the most passionate). Sometimes their sensuality grows into an unstoppable fire. The best stone for Aries under the influence of Venus is. Good and , or .

Best Gemstones for Aries: Personalized Talismans

Gems for Aries should not come into conflict with the inner world of the representative of this sign, as well as restrain negative traits. When asked which stones suit Aries best, all astrologers agree that minerals with strong energy are good. For example, rubies and zircons.

But the talisman must still be chosen based on the individuality of the person to whom it is presented.

Sunny flowers are the best. Orange, yellow and red minerals enhance the energy of this sign.

So, bloody rubies are needed to restore energy and intelligence. He will give vitality and the will to win. Rubies of a less saturated color are capable of the same, but they are able to restrain the aggression and emotionality of the fire sign.

Diamonds strengthen character and give confidence. But you can’t combine a ruby ​​with any other stone: it is by itself.

- a good stone for young people, especially students. It helps impatient students, as well as schoolchildren who have trouble concentrating.

For representatives of this sign, who like to take risks, they need the mysterious mineral labradorite. But sharp in communication, aggressive and inflexible is suitable, but only lilac.

Another good stone is. She can have any color, but it is better to stay on white with dark spots. Turquoise is a stone of fighters that gives energy and neutralizes enemies. Pomegranates are also suitable, but the best ones are transparent: they help to become a harmonious and confident person.

Zircon is an amazing mineral with bright luster and different colors. It helps to smooth the corners in communication, and also gives new ideas and inspiration. Yellow, orange and red zircons will help the representatives of this sign to embody the idea. It will help keep temperamental people in good health and save them from headaches, as well as pressure problems. Diamonds neutralize outbursts of emotions and save you from depression and insomnia.

Aries woman stone

Representatives of this zodiac sign are bold and risky, enterprising. Also, they are not feminine purposeful and assertive. It is important not only to emphasize these qualities, but also to reveal femininity.

The ideal mineral for such a woman is a diamond, and the purer it is, the better. In order to find harmony with her lover and become a happy mother, he must be green. But it is definitely not suitable for young girls. It is better for them to wear zircons, and transparent ones: they will help to find love, and cure women's diseases. The same functions are performed by bright grenades. In order for a man to always be faithful, a girl needs a purple amethyst or: he will help keep love in a couple. However, any amethyst will add self-confidence to the lady and relieve bad energy. In addition, he will help to establish peace in the family and find reliable friends. Yellow zircons - salvation from depression. For ladies who are passionate about a career, red jasper is also suitable. It will help plan the day and add strength that can be spent on the family. But diamonds will save you from depression and impulsiveness.

"Female" stones for representatives of the fire sign are also rubies and agates.

Aries-men stone

Jewelry is not only a woman's hobby, besides, a man also needs a talisman. That is why a gift to a husband can also be precious or semi-precious. In addition, the talisman can not only be worn, but also kept on the desktop. For example, a pen holder or an ashtray can be made of obsidian: it will give a man flexibility and intuition.

But as a decoration, rauchtopaz is suitable, which will bring good luck and help you get out of the most difficult situation without loss. It is important that the selected rauchtopaz be made in the form of a golden fleece. The best material for men's rings is pure gold.

Do not forget that male Aries are organizers and commanders. Rubies and garnets are perfect for this. Too aggressive men can be presented with the already mentioned amethyst, which will moderate the ardor. In addition, it will help to overcome the love of alcohol and develop logic. It is best to give amethysts in silver.

Not only minerals are important, but also their frames. So, it’s better not to give your ram husband jewelry made of platinum. And yes, you need to wear them correctly. So, it is better for ambitious careerists to wear a ring on their thumb, and for romantics and lyricists, an amulet or pendant around the neck is more suitable.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aries

First of all, you can not choose gems recommended for Libra. These include:

  • corals;

Not too good and , as well . Minerals of cold colors are also not very suitable, that is, those associated with the elements of water: blue and blue colors simply will not allow to develop. Violate the harmony of the fiery nature and gems of dark green or black color. On the other hand, if a person has too developed negative qualities characteristic of the elements of fire, you can give a blue or blue stone to neutralize them.

Any variegated minerals, as well as eye spars, crystal, and will not be too good. It is better not only not to wear such minerals, but also not to keep them at home.

  • The strength and energy of any gem can be increased by engraving an image of an owl, ram, rune or wolf on it;
  • It is good if a person has several precious talismans: in case you need to develop some kind of quality, you can turn to a specific stone for help. But do not forget that most of them need to be worn separately: not only rubies, but also amethysts are not combined with anything;
  • When choosing a talisman for a person, we first discard all options with contraindicated stones. Next, we determine which minerals will help a person in the development of his strongest qualities. Then we exclude contraindicated shades and colors. And finally, we turn to visual perception: choose the most pleasant in appearance and the most suitable minerals for a person. You can remember how this person likes to dress and what accessories she wears. This will tell a lot about the aesthetic preferences and taste of a person. Aries love attention to themselves, but if they don’t like the present, they can speak out sharply and not particularly beautifully;

Precious and semi-precious stones are not just jewelry. For the most part, they are strong talismans that can protect the owner from evil forces, give him wealth, good luck and attract love. However, all this can be achieved only if you choose the right stone.

The fact is that some of them may not coincide with their energy with the energy of the owner. That is why astrology recommends choosing stones according to the horoscope, i.e. according to the sign of the zodiac. In this article, we will find out which stones are suitable for Aries, and which ones they should not wear.

Many astrologers advise choosing for Aries those stones that suit him by date of birth:

  • Aries, who were born in the first 10 days of the action of this sign, i.e. from March 21 to 31, are under the auspices of Mars. Such Aries are distinguished by stubbornness, the desire to always achieve their goals and selfishness. It is better to choose stones as a talisman:, jasper, quartz, agate, and.
  • Aries, who were born in the next eleven days of this sign, i.e. from April 1 to 11 are characterized by attachment to loved ones. They honor the traditions of their family and try to instill them in their children. They are suitable for stones such as,.
  • Aries, who were born from April 12 to 20, are under the auspices of Venus. It is best for them to choose the following amulets: ruby, zircon and.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the shade of minerals. So, stones of yellow, orange and red color enhance all the character traits of Aries. However, they must be chosen with great care, as they enhance both good and bad character traits. If the stone has a blue, blue and green tint, then it will soften certain character traits and remove aggressiveness.

In addition, Aries must choose a transparent stone - a talisman. The fact is that it is believed that this zodiac sign is crystal clear. Therefore, it is better that the mineral is transparent. It does not matter if it is transparent or has any color.

You should also look at the faceting of minerals. Gemstones for Aries should be rectangular, square or round in shape.

Common stones talismans for Aries

If we talk about which amulet is suitable for Aries, without paying attention to the date of birth, then it is best for representatives of this zodiac sign to choose a ruby. The fact is that this stone is a symbol of Mars. enhances the owner's energy, gives him a positive attitude, calms, and also improves brain function.

If we are talking about Aries schoolchildren and students, then it is best for them to choose. The fact is that this stone gives the owner patience, improves memory and helps to concentrate on learning.

A good talisman for Aries is this. He grants protection from evil forces, and also protects from any danger and premature death. In addition, this talisman is recommended to be worn by family Aries. He protects the family, bestows harmony and helps to preserve the feelings of the spouses. However, selfish Aries is not recommended to wear this stone. The fact is that it enhances all character traits, and such a trait is best eradicated, not strengthened.

Aries is suitable as a talisman. This mineral bestows protection, and also smooths out aggressiveness, stubbornness and cruelty. It makes the owner kinder and more responsive. In addition, amethyst helps a person to find a "common language" with other people.

Stones for Aries woman

If we talk about which stone is suitable for Aries, depending on gender, then it is better for a woman to opt for solid minerals. They are in harmony with the character of the fair sex. As for color, stones for Aries - women should have a yellow, white, blue, red and green tint. Best of all for the fair sex of this zodiac sign, a diamond is suitable. This is especially true for those women who want to have children. promotes conception, as well as the birth of a healthy baby. To do this, it is recommended to wear the stone on the wrist of the left hand so that it is in contact with the skin. However, only a green mineral guarantees such an effect.

A green diamond will not suit an unmarried girl - Aries. As for the transparent mineral, it can be chosen by all the fair sex. He will protect the owner from evil forces, damage and the evil eye.

red jasper

In addition, Aries women are suitable. It gives vitality and a powerful surge of energy that modern women need to fulfill their goals and objectives. In addition, this stone increases efficiency, helps to focus on a specific matter and set priorities correctly. With the help of red jasper, a woman can build a good career, as well as realize herself as a wife and mother.

Also Aries - suitable for women. It helps to cope with depressed mood, stress and depression.

Stones for Aries men

If a man is Aries, then the most suitable stones for him according to the sign of the zodiac are grenades. Thanks to the red color, they are in harmony with the owner in terms of energy. In addition, the pomegranate grants protection from evil forces and helps to climb the corporate ladder. Wearing such a stone is recommended only for courageous men who are confident in their own abilities. Also, the representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign will suit green pomegranate. He grants protection from premature and violent death.

Men - Aries can wear a red ruby. It increases physical endurance and improves brain activity. In addition, this stone helps to achieve the goal and bypass all the obstacles that stand in the way. The talisman protects against depression and improves mood.

Representatives of the stronger sex of this zodiac sign are recommended to wear stones in a ring. It should be worn on the index finger. However, this only applies to those Aries who want to take leadership positions. If a representative of this zodiac sign dreams of finding his soul mate, then he is recommended to wear a stone in the form of a pendant or pendant. The talisman should be located at chest level. It is not recommended to enclose stones for Aries - men in a frame made of gold or platinum.

In addition, since Aries is a sign of fire, he should not wear stones, which are a symbol of water. In this case, it is a destructive element that will not benefit this zodiac sign. Stones - symbols of water will not give happiness to Aries. On the contrary, they can completely destroy the owner's aura, which can have the most dire consequences.

Aries are not suitable for minerals that have dark shades. These include black stones, dark blue and dark green.

The choice of a suitable stone - a talisman for Aries - is an important and responsible matter. The mineral can either enhance the wearer's aura or completely destroy it. Therefore, Aries are advised to wear only stones that suit them, and which ones we talked about in this article.

Many of you have probably heard that one or another gemstone as a decoration should be chosen depending on your zodiac sign or the sign of the person to whom you are purchasing the stone as a gift.

Today we will talk about which stone suits Aries. To begin with, let's remember who Aries are and what are the features of their character.

Who are Aries

Before you find out which stones are suitable for Aries women or men, you should highlight the key features of the character of the representatives of this fiery zodiac sign. So, Aries are:

  • emotional and bright personalities with amazing energy;
  • people prone to gambling;
  • quick-tempered and sharp;
  • with revival they are taken to a new business, but they do not always have the patience to bring what they have begun to its logical conclusion.

Positive features The nature of this fiery zodiac sign is:

  • honesty;
  • openness in everything;
  • inability to lie;
  • perseverance;
  • optimism.

However, along with such qualities, representatives of this sign also have negative features among which the most common are:

  • obsession with one's own person;
  • tactlessness in behavior;
  • excessive impulsiveness in actions.

Naturally, each of the representatives of this sign has certain features expressed to one degree or another. The task is to learn how to choose stones so that they stimulate the positive character traits of this sign and minimize the negative aspects inherent in it.

Aries woman: who is she

Women born under this sign are not feminine, enterprising and purposeful, they almost always take an active life position and rarely wait for gifts from fate, preferring to do everything themselves.

They are bright, able to achieve their goal regardless of the obstacles in front of them, they are always the first. hits them courage and risk, because thanks to these qualities, Aries achieve what they want.

  • zircon;
  • agate;
  • coral;
  • amethyst;
  • ruby;
  • obsidian.

So, for example, amethyst for Aries has a calming property and makes it more compliant and calm. For women, it is good because it adds self-confidence and gathers an influential environment around them. For housewives, it brings calm and peace, gets rid of bad energy and brings health to all family members.

Aries stones and their choice

A lot of astrologers advise Aries to choose gems for jewelry. based on your exact date of birth:

  • for those born from March 21 to 31, Mars is the patron. People born on these days are the most purposeful, stubborn, loving, but also the most selfish. It is necessary to choose jewelry from rock crystal, amazonite, quartz, hematite, jasper, tiger's eye or carnelian;
  • those born from April 1 to 11 are Solar Aries. They are distinguished by ambition and nobility, are very attached to their family and value these relationships. The best minerals for them are light, among them pearls, amber, sardonyx or cat's eye;
  • Aries, born from April 12 to 20, are under the sign of Venus. They are passionate and romantic. They are best suited for precious garnet or diamond, sapphire, ruby ​​and zircon.

It should also be remembered that the qualities of the sign can enhance the minerals of yellow, orange and red. You can muffle the negative features of this sign with the help of stones of green and blue hue.

Description of stones for Aries female

A stone such as Agate for business Aries women will contribute to the acquisition of experience and new knowledge, help develop existing abilities. It will also help protect women from conflict situations and reliably protect against dark energy.

Obsidian has the property enhance the qualities that Aries lacks so much:

  • insight;
  • intuitiveness;
  • passion.

It is able to protect its owner from negative energy, stop bursts of aggression and negativity. If you put it on your desktop, it will promote concentration and increase the desire to work well and fruitfully.

A mineral such as zircon is good for Aries because it helps maintain good health, because for a long time it is considered not only magical, but also healing. It gives optimism and self-confidence, helps to cope with emotions and put them in order, which is so important for over-emotional Aries. Such stones help cleanse the body, help with stomach diseases, constipation and insomnia.

There is an opinion among astrologers that gold jewelry equipped with rauchtopazes will help the Aries woman to find love and keep it married for many years. But the diamond will help to overcome frequent emotional outbursts and cope with long-term depression.

In addition, there a number of secondary stones, which are also great for Aries women, including:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • turquoise;
  • onyx;
  • hematite.

Highly undesirable Aries wear jewelry or keep stones at home, such as:

  • opal:
  • topaz;
  • beryl.

What to wear for Aries men

Of course, women are more interested in choosing stones for representatives of certain zodiac signs, but you can also please your man by giving him jewelry with one or another stone that is combined with his zodiac sign.

For example, rauchtopaz, which we have already talked about, is able to help a man out of difficult life situations and bring him good luck. However, there is one condition for this: the stone must be in the form of a golden fleece.

What to consider when choosing Aries stones

As we have already understood, it is advisable not to buy stones just like that. After all, the same stone can be completely different in terms of properties and have a different effect on representatives of one or another astrological sign.

Therefore, in the case of choosing a stone for Aries, one should take into account the following points:

  • a stone such as a ruby ​​is a symbol of a fire sign. But if it has a too rich scarlet hue, this will only enhance the negative traits of a person - Aries, such as irascibility, aggression or excessive emotionality. If you are this type of person and want to get yourself a ruby, then look for stones that are transparent or have a pink tint. Also, the ruby ​​cannot be worn with other stones;
  • Aries can choose grenades of any shade, while transparent grenades have the most positive effect. Thanks to them, you will be more self-confident and feel harmony in everything;
  • representatives of this sign cannot purchase stones of the opposite sign - Libra. These include colorful, green and white stones such as crystal, eye spars, tourmaline, as well as beryl and opal, which we have already discussed earlier.

And of course, when choosing a particular stone, you should not rely only on the recommendations of astrologers or appearance. Listen to the inner voice, which one, in your opinion, seems to you the most attractive in terms of energy. Remember that a particular mineral can have a significant impact on you and your life, improve it or worsen it. Therefore, your future may also depend on the right choice of stone.

Astrologers believe that stones are nothing more than special living beings that have the ability to exert a certain influence on the people in whose hands they are. In this regard, it is especially important which stone is suitable for Aries men in order for their life to sparkle with new facets, to become more interesting, diverse and happier.

Talismans for Aries men

Aries men are especially active. This is the most courageous of all the signs of the zodiac. After all, it is no coincidence that it is Aries who begin the zodiac circle. An amethyst can become a companion of Aries. It will help the indefatigable Aries become more restrained, calm his aggression and reveal secret talents. In a difficult situation, amethyst will tell you the correct and most prosperous way out.

Aries have a benevolent character, not without perseverance and courage, they have an inexhaustible charge of optimism and sincerity. Their outstanding abilities, perseverance and willpower can bring them to a pedestal in any kind of activity. Therefore, for quick-tempered stubborn Aries, it is important to take into account the complex nature when choosing a talisman stone.

Men born at the end of March under the sign of Aries are prone to unreasonable aggression and have a strong character. Jasper, crystal, lapis lazuli or agate are perfect for them.

Aries born in early April are under the auspices of the Sun. They are distinguished by courage and nobility, but not without pride. They are suitable for red corals, pearls or heliotrope.

Born from April 12 to 20, Aries are extremely quick-tempered, but at the same time very vulnerable people. They are suitable for diamonds, garnets, rubies or sapphires. They will help Aries achieve their goal.

When choosing a stone for an Aries man, beware of dark-colored stones - black, blue or green stones will not work. Such stones will definitely have a bad effect on the male health of an ram. But onyx will give Aries health and optimism.

A stone called rauchtopaz has a very good effect on Aries men. It is a type of smoky quartz. This mineral will help Aries men find a way out of the most difficult situations in which he constantly finds himself with amazing perseverance.

Turquoise is very suitable for strong Aries. This stone brings them victory, social recognition, financial stability and protection on long journeys. Turquoise will help Aries to focus on the main thing and achieve his goal.

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