The most unusual breeds of chickens. What breeds of chickens are the best laying hens. Sports and decorative breeds of chickens

Today there are a huge number of breeds of chickens of various directions of productivity. The breeding of new breeds of chickens originates in ancient Egypt. It is actively developing even today, breeders have learned how to get chickens that correspond to certain productive or decorative qualities.

Today, science knows a lot of methods for breeding new breeds: crossing, improving a breed or line for certain qualities, breeding selection, and even blood transfusion.
Everything chicken breeds differ among themselves in exterior, productivity, size, temperament. From all this huge number of varieties, you can make a choice of a certain breed of chickens.

Chicken breeds released at different times. In the old days, the best breeding achievements belong to the eastern countries, including China. After they had a cult of cockfighting, they began to breed very strong fighting breeds.

The greatest success in breeding chickens of egg breeds was achieved in Italy. Italian breeders bred the Leghorn breed, which still holds the record for the most eggs laid in a year. It is impossible to cite as an example Russian breeders who bred egg Russian white chickens.

The best meat breeds were bred in the USA. Brahma, Cornish and Plymouth Rock chickens are excellent examples.

The most common and versatile are the meat and egg breeds of chickens. They were taken out completely on all continents and almost all over the globe. These breeds have earned popularity among poultry farmers who breed chickens in their small household plots.

Decorative breeds of chickens are distinguished by their unusual external characteristics. Not having great productivity, they win the hearts of poultry farmers with their wonderful appearance. Many decorative chickens are bred. Some breeds are not specially bred, many are a domesticated form of wild chickens.

Based on all this, we can conclude that the selection of chicken breeds has developed throughout the world and almost every state has made its contribution to this matter.

Already on the basis of chicken breeds, crosses, lines and hybrids began to appear. All of them are characterized by increased productivity compared to their predecessors. Broiler chickens are an example of this.

The choice of breeds of chickens is very huge. Dealing with this issue is not easy. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of breeding and keeping chickens. For example, if you want to get only eggs from chickens, then you should choose from egg breeds. If you want to get meat from chickens, then from meat (or broilers). In the event that you want to receive both meat and eggs in equal quantities, then the choice should fall on meat and egg chickens.

For reference. Meat and egg chickens are also different. Some are larger and some are smaller. Some lay more eggs and some less. In any case, you have to sacrifice something.
If you want something exotic and extraordinary, then buy decorative or rare chickens.

Below is the entire list of breeds of chickens: fighting, decorative, meat, meat and egg and egg, crosses. Also at the bottom there will be a small list with the most rare chickens. Thus, having familiarized yourself with it, evaluating the qualities of each breed, it will be easier for you to make a choice of breed.

Fighting breeds of chickens

Fighting breeds of chickens are the oldest breeds. The homeland of most fighting chickens is Central Asia, but after they were brought to Europe, they became very widespread throughout the world.

All fighting breeds of chickens are characterized by a very strong body constitution. They have very strong bones, they are very strong and hardy. There are both large fighting chickens and dwarf ones. Live weight can range from 0.4-0.5 kilograms to 6-7 kilograms. By temperament, fighting breeds of chickens are usually aggressive.

All chickens of the fighting breed have a rather loose and meager plumage, so they are not adapted to severe frosts. In this regard, fighting chickens must be provided with special conditions of detention. .

Kulangi chickens photo

Kulangi chickens are a very old fighting breed of chickens. It was bred in Central Asia. Upon receipt, a selection method was used according to very strict criteria. Of the roosters of local breeds, they chose the most aggressive, strong, hardy with a strong physique - large fleshiness and strong bones. .

Breed of chickens: Belgian fighting photo

Belgian fighting chickens are the work of Belgian breeders. This breed is characterized by the presence of great strength, endurance, high fertility. The Belgian fighting breed is quite large - the average weight of chickens is 3.5-4 kilograms, and roosters 4.5-5.5 kilograms. .

Azil breed.

Azil chickens photo

Azil chickens are the most ancient fighting breed. Includes a fairly large number of subspecies. These beautiful chickens were brought to European countries in 1860. By nature, this breed is very aggressive, roosters often attack even their owners. These birds are small in size - the weight of chickens is 1.5-2 kilograms, and the weight of roosters is 2-2.5 kilograms. .

Uzbek fighting breed.

The Uzbek fighting breed of chickens was bred in Uzbekistan through a long selection for strength, endurance and aggressiveness. The average live weight of roosters ranges from 4-7 kilograms, and for chickens 2.8-3.5 kilograms. Egg production 100-120 eggs per year. The shell is light brown in color. Egg weight 57-62 grams. .

Modern English dwarf fighting chickens

Modern English dwarf fighting chickens were bred in England. They differ from other fighting chickens in that they have a fairly good temperament. This breed is very small in size - the average weight of roosters is only 0.6 kilograms, and that of hens is 0.5 kilograms. Nevertheless, these chickens show very good performance in battles. . Belgian dwarf breed of chickens photo

Belgian dwarf fighting breed was bred by German breeders. The average weight of roosters is 1-1.2 kilograms, and that of chickens is 0.8-1 kilogram. Egg production up to 100 eggs per year, eggs have an average weight of 35-40 grams, the shell is white. .

Moscow fighting chickens.

Moscow fighting chickens are a breed that is characterized by two types of orientation - meat and fighting. This breed was obtained by crossing fighting breeds of chickens: English, Malay and others. After crossing, breeding took place "in itself" and the resulting individuals were subjected to selection in many ways. This breed was bred by Russian breeders in the 18th century.

The average live weight of adult roosters is 3.5-6 kilograms, and of hens 2.7-3 kilograms. Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year. Eggs have a brown shell, weight is 53-55 grams. .

Malay fighting breed of chickens photo

Malayan fighting chickens are among the oldest in this direction. This breed originated from Central Asia. These chickens are not particularly popular, but some amateur poultry farmers, including those in Russia, breed them.

The average live weight of chickens is 2.5-3 kilograms, and of roosters 3.5-4 kilograms. Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year. The shell of the egg is cream in color. The average egg weight is 57 grams. .

Fighting breed Shamo photo

Shamo chickens have been bred in Japan for a very long time. There are three main types of shamo - dwarf, medium and large. They are distinguished by a very aggressive character and good tactics of warfare. These chickens are very whimsical to the conditions of detention - they are demanding on heat. In this regard, not many in Russia breed this breed. .

Indian fighting breed.

Indian fighting chickens have very good qualities as a fighting bird. Indian chickens have a very cocky temperament. Indian fighting chickens are fairly large birds. The weight of roosters can reach up to 4.5-5 kilograms, and chickens up to 3-3.5 kilograms. Many of them are bred solely for the purpose of obtaining meat. .

English fighting breed of chickens photo

English fighting dogs are the most common breed of all fighting dogs. They are unpretentious, good fighters, quite productive. On average, an adult rooster weighs 2-3 kilograms, and a chicken 1.75-2.5 kilograms. The average egg weight is 55-60 grams. The shell is white or yellowish in color. .

Decorative breeds of chickens are characterized by a very peculiar appearance. In Russia, chickens with a beautiful appearance have always been valued. Constantly held exhibitions and competitions with cash prizes. However, most decorative breeds originate in ancient China.

Ornamental chickens do not have very high productivity, but the appearance is striking.
Decorative breeds of chickens are suitable for those who appreciate beauty and elegance in them, for those whose productive value of the bird has faded into the background. .

Bantam chickens photo

To date, the exact origin of bentham chickens has not been established. Bantams are small decorative birds, they are very beautiful. These chickens are not very productive, so there is absolutely no point in keeping them for food. There are many varieties of bantam chickens.

The plumage of bantams can be of different colors: calico, black, walnut, etc. These birds are distinguished by their energy. Bantams are excellent hens. The egg production of these birds is small and amounts to only 45-70 eggs per year. The mass of birds is only 700-1200 grams. .

Seabright chickens photo

Seabright chickens are very beautiful little decorative chickens that are a type of bantam. The body is rounded. The chest is strongly arched forward. The tail is very beautiful, fan-shaped.

Egg production is 60-90 eggs per year. Egg weight 30-40 grams. A rooster weighs on average 450-500 grams, and a chicken 400-450 grams. .

Poduan breed photo

Padua chickens are a decorative breed that was bred by English breeders.

Although these chickens are decorative, they show pretty good productivity.

The average egg production of paduan hens is 120 eggs per year.

Egg weight - 48-55 grams, white shell.

The weight of adult roosters is 2-2.5 kilograms, and that of chickens is 1.7-2 kilograms. .

Dutch white-haired black chickens.

Dutch white-haired black chickens are a breed of decorative orientation. Despite this, this breed has a very good productivity. Dutch white-haired black chickens are very beautiful. The breed is widespread in Russia, especially in home gardens. The breeding of these chickens is complicated by the exacting conditions of keeping and feeding. .

Curly breed of chickens photo

Curly chickens are a decorative breed that was bred in Southeast Asia. The exact age of this breed is unknown, but their existence was recorded in manuscripts many centuries ago. This is probably the most exotic and beautiful breed from Asia. The appearance of curly chickens is very unusual: the feathers are very beautifully twisted into amazing curls. And little chickens, in general, are real charmers: very funny and funny. By the way, due to its curly hair, this breed does not know how to fly at all. .

Chickens breed Shabo photo

Shabo chickens are a decorative breed of chickens. This is one of the most common breeds of ornamental chickens. This breed was bred in Japan, but was brought to Europe around the 18-19th century.

The plumage is mostly white and yellow, however, there are speckled, striped, silvery colors of shabo chickens. Shabo chickens are very beautiful in appearance. .

In fact, there are much more decorative breeds of chickens, but they can also belong to another type of productivity, for example, meat or meat and egg.

Meat breeds of chickens show excellent meat productivity. At the same time, egg production, in most cases, is low. They are distinguished from other breeds by their very large size and very dense physique. By temperament, meat chickens are the most calm and balanced.

Most meat breeds have not lost their incubation instinct as a result of long selection. More details: .

Cornish chickens are very popular meat birds. They are very actively used in breeding for breeding. The Cornish have a very well developed herd instinct.

The egg production of this breed is 120-160 eggs annually. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 6 months. The average weight of the eggs laid is 60 grams. The weight of adult Cornish chickens is quite impressive. In roosters, it is 4-5 kilograms, and in chickens, 3.2-4 kilograms. Cornish hens are very good at incubating eggs. .

Plymouthrock chickens photo

Plymouthrock chickens, like the Cornish, are very actively used in modern breeding of new meat breeds. These chickens are the work of breeders from the USA. The Plymouth Rock breed appeared in the late 19th century. Plymouthrock chickens provide very tasty and healthy meat. Egg laying of Plymouthrock chickens is 160-180 eggs per year. The average weight is 3.5-4.3 kilograms for roosters, and 3-3.5 kilograms for chickens. .

Mechelen breed of chickens photo

Mechelen chickens are an old meat breed. These birds are very common in European countries. They are bred on private household plots. Adult roosters weigh an average of 4-5 kilograms, and chickens 3-4 kilograms. The meat is tender, juicy and tasty. Egg production per year is approximately 140-160 eggs. The eggs are very large, with an average weight of 60-65 grams, there are also larger ones. .

Langshan chickens photo

Langshan chickens are a meat breed. This breed is very old, it was bred in China. It was brought to Russia from Europe in order to improve Russian outbred chickens. Langshan played a very important role in the modern breeding of chicken breeds. The Russian standard for this breed was developed in 1911. To date, this breed is quite rare, but it is still bred by poultry farmers on their home gardens, and is also preserved as a genetic reserve.

Difficulties in breeding langshans lie in the poor reproduction and average viability of the young.

Chickens on average weigh 3-3.5 kilograms, and roosters 3.5-4 kilograms. Egg production - 100-120 eggs per year, average egg weight - 55-60 grams. The egg shell is light brown in color. .

Chickens breed Cochinchin photo

The Cochinchin chicken breed was bred in China in the 9th century. Cochinchins came to European countries in 1843. From that moment on, they gained particular popularity, every poultry breeder wanted to get this breed for himself. The Kokhinhin breed is also called the Shanghai.

Egg production is 100-120 eggs per year, with an egg weight of 50-60 grams. The color of the egg shell is brown. The average live weight of adult chickens is 3.5-4 kilograms, and that of roosters is 4-5 kilograms. .

Hens Brama.

Brahma chickens are a wonderful meat breed, but they are not valued at all for their meat characteristics. Brahma chickens are real giants, their weight can reach up to 6 kilograms. There are several varieties of these chickens. A characteristic feature for this breed is the presence of plumage on the legs. Brahma chickens are very kind and calm, they are very attached to their master. .

Meat and egg breeds of chickens are universal. They give enough meat and eggs. These breeds of chickens are very popular among amateur poultry farmers who breed birds in their household.

Meat and egg chickens are quite unpretentious. How were such versatile birds obtained? Most were obtained by crossing meat and egg breeds.
In terms of productivity, meat and egg chickens are slightly inferior to meat chickens and egg ones. .

Kyrgyz gray breed photo

Kyrgyz gray chickens belong to the meat and egg type of productivity. This breed was obtained by crossing the White Leghorn, Plymouth Rock and New Hampshire breeds. Kyrgyz chickens were bred at the Kyrgyz Institute of Animal Husbandry.

Best of all, these chickens get along in highland areas with a hot and dry climate. Today, Kyrgyz chickens are bred both in large poultry farms and in household plots. Actively used in breeding. This breed is most widespread in Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyz gray chickens have a cone-shaped body. Body of medium size. The head is small and rounded. On the head is a small leaf-shaped crest. The abdomen is very well developed. The legs are of medium length, rather strong. The plumage is loose, the color is striped, and in roosters a red color can stand out on the neck. Day old chicks have a very peculiar coloration: black and white spots on the belly. Cockerels have a light spot on their heads.

The average live weight of adult Kyrgyz gray hens is 2.3-2.7 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.5 kilograms. The meat is very tasty and tender. The average egg production is 160-180 eggs per year, with an average egg weight of 57-60 grams, the shell has a light brown color. The young growth of this breed very quickly gains live weight. .

Barnevelder chickens photo

Barnevelder are quite large meat and egg chickens. Chickens of the Barnevelder breed have a fairly dense large body. The neck is short without bends. The legs are short and yellow. Wings of medium length, close to the body of the bird. The tail is well developed and beautiful. The plumage is quite dense. The color can be black, blue or white - there are laces of a different color around the feathers.

The average live weight of a barnevelder chicken is 2.75-3 kilograms, and that of a rooster is 3.5-3.75 kilograms. Egg production - 170-190 eggs per year. The egg is dark brown in color. .

Yurlovskaya vociferous breed of chickens photo

Yurlovsky vociferous chickens belong to the meat and egg orientation. However, many poultry farmers breed this breed only for decorative purposes. The thing is that the roosters of this breed crow very beautifully, the singing is very drawn out in low tones.

The average live weight of adult chickens is 2.5 kilograms, and that of roosters is 3.3 kilograms. Egg production is 150-160 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 58 grams. The shell is beige. Yurlov's vociferous chickens have retained the instinct of incubation. .

Ukrainian forelock chickens photo

Ukrainian forelock chickens are very amazing birds. They have a very high productivity, as well as excellent decorative parameters.

Chickens weigh on average 2.2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters - 2.8-3.2 kilograms. Egg production is 150-180 eggs per year. Shell color is beige. Egg weight - 55-60 grams. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 6 months. .

Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens photo

The Tsarskoye Selo breed of chickens is experimental. It was bred on the farm VNIIGRZH. The main difference between these chickens is a kind of reddish-striped plumage. The breed was bred by crossing the Broiler-6 chickens with New Hampshires and Poltava Clays. .

Russian crested chickens photo

Russian crested chickens are very productive and have good decorative performance. They have a very beautiful crest on their head.

The average live weight of a rooster is 2.7 kilograms, and that of hens is 1.8 kilograms. Egg production is 150-160 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 56 grams. The shell of an egg can be either white or cream in color. .

Moscow white breed of chickens photo

Moscow white chickens belong to the meat and egg type of productivity. The breed was bred by Russian breeders at the Institute of Poultry.

The average live weight of adult chickens is 2.3-2.8 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.5 kilograms. The average egg production is 190 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 55 grams. .

Moscow chickens.

Moscow chickens belong to the meat and egg breeds. These chickens are quite common in our country, especially in the Central part. This breed is distinguished by unpretentiousness and resistance to various diseases. Moscow chickens are the largest of the Russian meat and egg breeds.

Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 5-6 months. Annual egg production is 170-200 eggs. The egg is quite large - 60-65 grams, with a light brown shell. The average weight of adult chickens is 2-2.6 kilograms, and roosters 3.5-3.7 kilograms. Their maternal instinct is poorly developed. .

Leningrad white chickens.

Leningrad white chickens were bred in the USSR by blood transfusions to leggorns from Australorps. To date, Leningrad white chickens are bred on household plots, and are also preserved as a genetic reserve.

Leningrad white chickens weigh on average 2.5-3 kilograms, and roosters 3.8-4.3 kilograms. Egg production 160-180 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 60 grams. The egg shell is light brown. .

Sussex chickens photo

Sussex chickens belong to the meat and egg type of productivity. This breed was bred by English breeders. To obtain this breed, chickens were used: Cornish, Cochinchin, Brahma and other local chickens. The Sussex breed is not bred on large homestead farms, but is very popular on homestead farms.

The average live weight of chickens is 2.5-2.8 kilograms, and of roosters 3-3.7 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year. The average weight of an egg is 58 grams. The shell is yellow-brown. Chickens have wonderful meat qualities. .

New Hampshire chickens photo

New Hampshire chickens are a meat and egg breed that was bred in the USA. The name of the breed comes from the name of the state where it was bred - New Hampshire. This breed is a variety of Rhode Islanders.

The New Hampshire breed is quite popular. It is bred both in large poultry farms and in home gardens. These chickens are quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention.

The average weight of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.5 kilograms. Egg production is quite high 180-220 eggs per year. .

Welsumer chickens.

Welzumers are quite rare in Russia. They were bred at the beginning of the 20th century. The live weight of chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters 3-3.5 kilograms. Egg production is small - only 110-130 eggs per year. The weight of the eggs is quite large - 65 grams. .

Zagorsk salmon chickens photo

Zagorsk salmon chickens are quite impressive in size, which is typical for meat and egg breeds. As mentioned above, these chickens are quite large. The average live weight of roosters is 3-4.5 kilograms, and of hens 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is very high for a meat and egg orientation - 260-280 eggs per year. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 6 months. .

Kotlyarevskaya breed of chickens photo

This breed was bred by Kabardino-Balkarian breeders at the Kotlyarevsky poultry plant. Now a little about productivity. The average weight of adult roosters is 3.2-4 kilograms, and that of hens is 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is not very large, and is 140-170 eggs annually. Sexual maturity occurs at about 6 months of age.

Kotlyarevsky chickens are quite popular on household plots in our country. This breed is bred in poultry farms and preserves the gene pool. .

Hole-necked breed of chickens photo

Bare-necked chickens are perhaps the most amazing meat and egg chickens in appearance. They have completely bare necks. Bare-necked chickens have a very kind temperament. Despite the fact that they are quite good rushers, these birds are wonderful hens. The chickens are very well looked after.

The average egg production is 160-180 eggs per year. The average live weight of adult roosters is 3-3.5 kilograms, and that of adult hens is 2-2.5 kilograms. .

California gray chicken breed photo

California gray chickens have a very calm nature. In our country, this breed is not very widespread, but there are poultry farmers who breed it on private farms. The average live weight of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and adult roosters - 3-3.5 kilograms. These chickens have a fairly large egg production - 200-240 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 57-58 grams. The shell is usually cream in color. .

Appenzeller chickens.

Appenzeller chickens are a breed of meat and egg chickens. It was bred in Switzerland a very long time ago (several centuries ago). These chickens are very rare.

The color of their plumage is black, golden-speckled or silver-speckled.

Sexual maturity in these chickens occurs at the age of 5.5 months. The average live weight of adult roosters is 1.8-2.2 kilograms, and that of hens is 1.8-2 kilograms. Egg production is 120-160 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 55-59 grams. The egg has a white shell. .

Chickens breed lakenfelder photo

Lakenfelder chickens are a breed of meat and egg chickens. The place where this breed was bred is unknown. Only two regions appear in the origin - Lakervelte (Holland) and Zotterge (Belgium). These chickens are quite rare, in Russia it is very rare.

The average live weight of adult roosters is 1.8-2.3 kilograms, and that of hens is 1.5-2 kilograms. .

Chickens breed Maran photo

Maran chickens are a rather rare breed in Russia. This breed has a meat and egg direction of productivity. The Maran breed was bred in France in 1895. These birds are very amazing in appearance, peculiar coloring, very fast growth and excellent meat quality.

The weight of adult roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and chickens - 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year. Maranas carry very large eggs: the average weight of an egg from an adult chicken is 70-80 grams. .

Mergula chickens.

Mergula chickens are a meat and egg breed. It was bred in Georgia, thanks to the crossing of Cochinchins, Brama, Langshan, Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island. This breed is most bred in Georgia. The bird is unpretentious to the conditions of keeping and feeding.

Mergula chickens have very good meat qualities. The breed itself is not very large. The weight of chickens is 1.7-2 kilograms, and roosters 2.3-2.5 kilograms. Egg production 150-170 eggs per year, the color of the egg shell is brown. The average egg weight is 54-56 grams. .

Poltava chickens photo

Poltava clay chickens have very beautiful clay plumage. Moreover, in roosters, the plumage has a darker color. The egg production of Poltava laying hens is 170-190 eggs per year. The mass of the egg is average and ranges from 55-60 grams. The live weight of roosters is 3-3.5 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2-3 kilograms. .

Black bearded chickens photo

Black bearded chickens are characterized by good productivity and outstanding appearance. The fact is that they have a very peculiar beard. Egg production in a black bearded hen is 180-200 eggs per year. Chickens are good hens. The live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2.5-3 kilograms. .

Red white-tailed breed of chickens photo

Red white-tailed chickens are very common in our country. They are especially in demand among owners of private household plots. Red white-tailed chickens have a wide short body, leaf-shaped comb, pink earrings. The head is not too large, the chest is wide and convex. The back is wide. Their characteristic color is orange-red plumage on the body and white feathers on the tail.

The average weight of roosters of the red white-tailed breed is 3.5-4.5 kilograms, and hens 3-3.5 kilograms. The egg production of hens of this breed is not very high and amounts to 130-160 eggs per year. .

Amrox chickens photo

Amrox chickens are very beautiful. They are distinguished by variegated plumage. They are very calm and kind. The Amrox breed of chickens adapts very well to various living conditions, is unpretentious and very viable. The young growth quickly grows and fledges. To date, this breed is mainly bred in private household plots.

The average live weight of roosters is 3-4.3 kilograms, and that of adult hens is 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is also average, compared to other meat and egg chickens, it is 180-200 eggs per year. .

Austrolorp chickens.

Australorp black is a breed that is distinguished by black plumage. Back in the Soviet Union, these birds were imported more than once and actively bred "in themselves." These birds have received the highest distribution in Estonia.

The average live weight of adult roosters is 3.6-4 kilograms, and of hens 2.6-3 kilograms. Egg production is also quite high - 180-220 eggs per year. The survival rate of young animals of this breed is also quite high, it is 95-99%. .

Mini chickens photo

Mini chickens are a real find for poultry farmers who breed birds on their personal household plots. Mini chickens are one of the main poultry breeds in France and England. However, they are also popular in a number of other countries, including Russia.

The three main lines of mini chickens are divided according to the color of the feathers. With white, fawn, as well as with red plumage.

The average weight of roosters is 2.5-3 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2.4-2.7 kilograms. Egg production for meat breeds is very high - 180 eggs annually. .

Rhode Island chickens photo

Rhode Island chickens have very dark red plumage. They are big enough. They have very good meat characteristics.

The average live weight of roosters is 3.5-3.8 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2.6-3.2 kilograms. Egg production in chickens is average - 180-210 eggs per year. Sexual maturity in these chickens occurs 6-7 months after birth. .

Wyandot chickens.

Wyandot chickens were bred in the west - in the USA. This happened in the 60s of the XX century. The name of the Wyandot breed comes from the name of an Indian tribe.

Egg production is small - 135-175 eggs per year. The weight of roosters is 3.8-4.2 kilograms, and that of chickens is 3-3.5 kilograms. .

Fireroll chickens photo

Fireroll chickens are very beautiful meat and egg chickens. On their legs they have a very beautiful and lush plumage. In addition, they have a beard, like black bearded chickens.

The live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and of hens 2.5-3 kilograms. Egg production is small, about 160-180 eggs annually. .

Kuchinskaya jubilee chicken is a meat and egg breed of chickens. It was first bred at the Kuchinsky poultry plant. This breed was approved in 1990, and it was named in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Kuchinsky poultry plant, by which time the number of livestock had reached about 1,000,000.

The average live weight of roosters is 3.5-4 kilograms, and that of hens is 2.6-3 kilograms. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 5-6 months. Egg production - 170-220 eggs per year, which is an excellent indicator for meat and egg hens. Egg weight - average statistical 55-60 grams. .

Adler silver breed of chickens photo

Chickens of the Adler silver breed are quite beautiful. Feathers yellow, Colombian. The scallop has a leaf-shaped form. Wide chest and back. The body is very dense and strong. Beak and legs are bright yellow. The head is large in size and has a rounded shape. The plumage of these chickens is not very well developed.

The live weight of adults is 2.5-3 kilograms for hens and 3.5-4 kilograms for roosters. Egg production is quite small 160-180 eggs per year. Adler silver chickens are able to lay eggs from 6 months of age. .

Yerevan breed of chickens photo

Yerevan red chickens are not very common on the territory of the Russian Federation, most of them are in Armenia and Azerbaijan. This breed has a very characteristic bright plumage and beautiful appearance. Birds of the Yerevan red breed are distinguished by excessive fearfulness and caution.

The average weight of young animals at the age of 2 months is 0.7-0.8 kilograms. The average weight of adult chickens is 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters 3.5-4.5 kilograms. Sexual maturity occurs after 6-7 months from the date of birth. The average egg production of the Yerevan red breed chickens is 190-220 eggs per year. .

Chickens Ukrainian earflaps.

The Ukrainian earflap is a very old breed. How it was bred is unknown, most likely these chickens have historically developed on the territory of Ukraine. They have a beautiful exterior: the legs are slightly feathered, on the head there are feathers that look like ears.

Earflaps are medium sized chickens. The weight of roosters is 2.5-3.5 kilograms, and that of chickens is 2-2.3 kilograms. Egg laying of chickens is 150-180 eggs annually. .

Egg breeds of chickens

Egg breeds of chickens are distinguished by the highest egg production compared to other breeds. They are bred in large numbers both in large poultry farms and in private households.

Egg chickens are characterized by small body sizes. They have rather dense plumage and thin legs of medium length. In egg hens, puberty begins very early - 4-5 months. Egg breeds of chickens, as a rule, have completely lost the instinct of incubation of eggs, as they have been subjected to selection for a very long time, which was aimed specifically at this. .

Russian white breed of chickens.

Russian white chickens are very good laying hens. They are popular in Russia, they are kept both in private household plots and in large poultry farms. The average weight of roosters reaches 2.5-3 kilograms, and hens 1.8-2 kilograms. The egg laying of laying hens is 200-250 eggs per year (however, there were specimens that brought more than 300 eggs). The average egg weight is 55-60 grams. Chickens are able to lay eggs from 5 months of age. .

Leghorn chickens.

Leghorn chicken photo

Leghorn chickens are the most productive egg birds. They hold the record for the number of eggs laid in a year - 365 pieces. The average live weight of adult chickens is only 1.5-2 kilograms, and roosters 2.2-2.6 kilograms. Puberty occurs at the age of 17-19 weeks. The average egg production is 260-280 eggs per year. .

Minorca chickens photo

On large poultry farms, minorocs are practically not bred, they are only kept as a genetic reserve. These chickens very easily adapt even to the most difficult conditions of detention. They do not tolerate only severe cold and dampness.

A few words should be said about productivity. Adult chickens weigh on average 2-2.5 kilograms, and roosters 2.7-3 kilograms. Egg production is 170-200 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 55-60 grams, the shell is white. Sexual maturity occurs at the 5th month of life. .

This breed is distinguished by high egg production and outstanding beauty. The Andalusian breed of chickens, in their appearance, is very similar to the Minoroc, but their physique is much slimmer.

The Andalusian breed of chickens is very much appreciated not only for its appearance, but also for its excellent egg production, it is 190-220 eggs per year. Eggs weigh an average of 55-63 grams. This breed shows the worst maternal qualities - it practically does not sit in hens.
The Andalusian breed is quite large: the live weight of roosters is 3.5-4.5 kilograms, and that of chickens is 3-3.5 kilograms. .

Italian partridge breed of chickens.

Italian partridge chickens are a very old Italian breed. They belong to the egg type of productivity. It was bred on the basis of local breeds of chickens. The history of this breed has about 2000 years. These chickens are also known as brown leghorn or brown leghorn. Italian partridge chickens, in Europe, spread very widely in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The live average weight of roosters is 2.3-2.8 kilograms, and of hens 1.5-2 kilograms. The egg production of this breed is 180-240 eggs per season. Sexual maturity occurs in the fifth month of life. .

Hamburg breed of chickens photo

Hamburg chickens are quite small in size, but very beautiful. In addition, they have excellent egg productivity. Hamburg chickens are kept on the territory of Russia, mainly on medium-sized household plots.

In one year they lay 200-220 eggs. The average egg weight is small - 50 grams. These chickens have practically lost the instinct to incubate. The average live weight of adult chickens is 1.5-1.7 kilograms, and of roosters - 1.7-1.9 kilograms. The young growth of these hens has good fattening qualities. .

Chickens Carpathian greenleg.

Chickens Carpathian greenleg is a very old breed, the origin of which is not known for certain. The first mention of this breed was recorded in 1879. Carpathian greenlegs are the most common in Poland. The type of productivity in this breed has not been established. In Russian literature, it appears as an egg breed, and the Poles call it meat and egg.

Roosters weigh 2-2.7 kilograms, and chickens 1.8-2.2 kilograms. The average egg production is 140-180 eggs per year. .

Czech golden breed of chickens.

Chickens weigh 1.6-2 kilograms, and roosters 2-2.4 kilograms. Egg production is 150-170 eggs per year. Egg weight - 55-60 grams. Sexual maturity occurs at the age of 5-6 months. .

Crosses of chickens

Crosses of chickens are a combination of a line and hybrids obtained in the selection process. Chicken crosses have become very popular among large poultry farms. There are crosses of the meat direction of productivity and egg.

As a rule, chicken crosses are most well adapted to those climatic conditions in which pain is eliminated.

Rare breeds of chickens

Rare breeds of chickens are characterized by their exclusivity. Their population is on the verge of extinction. As a rule, these breeds are rare due to low productivity or some difficulties in keeping or feeding.

Aracuana chickens.

Aracuana chickens photo

Araucan chickens are a very ancient breed of chickens. These chickens belong to the breeds of a decorative orientation, however, they show very good egg production, so they can also be attributed to egg breeds. Araucan chickens were bred on the continent of South America, in the country of Chile. This breed got its name in honor of the Indian tribe that lives in Chile. There are a lot of different mysterious legends around this breed.

The peculiarity of the breed lies in the fact that Aracuana chickens lay eggs with a bluish tint. Oddly enough, this breed does not have the instinct of incubation at all. The breed is very rare and practically does not occur on the territory of Russia.

Breda chickens

Chickens breed delirium photo

Delusional chickens are a very rare breed that was bred in Holland. The breed reached its peak in 1869. The plumage color of these chickens can be white, silver, black and blue. A very long time ago, these chickens were common in Russia, but today they are very rare.

Gudan chickens photo

Gudan chickens belong to the meat type of productivity. They were bred in France. These birds have a very active temperament. The Gudan breed is quite rare.
These chickens have a very peculiar exterior. It has a fairly strong skeleton and strong muscles. There is a round crest on the head. You can also see a beautiful lush beard.
These chickens have very good meat qualities. The meat is very tender and tasty, white. The average weight of adult roosters is 2.5-3 kilograms, and hens 2-2.5 kilograms. Egg production is 130-160 eggs per year. The average egg weight is 53-59 grams. The shell is white.

Yokohama chickens

Yokohama chickens are a decorative breed that was bred in Germany in 1869. These birds have a very calm temperament. Quite whimsical to the conditions of detention, and therefore not widely used. Adult roosters weigh on average 1.75-2 kilograms, and chickens 1-1.5 kilograms. Egg production per year is 80-100 eggs.

Fayumi chickens

Fayumi chickens are a breed of chickens with egg productivity. Today it is quite rare. The breed is very ancient, it was obtained even bred in ancient Egypt. These chickens are most common in the United States, bred on private homestead farms. It also occurs in Russia. Fayumi chickens are most adapted to dry and hot climates. They differ in very early puberty - at the age of 4 months.

Fayumi chickens are quite small. Chickens weigh an average of 1.6 kilograms, and roosters 2 kilograms. The instinct of incubation is well shown.

Choosing egg-laying chickens for home breeding is not an easy task. However, having certain knowledge in this direction, it is quite possible to cope with it. That is why we bring to your attention the best breeds of laying hens. Their description and characteristics will help you choose worthy candidates for keeping at home.

There are different breeds of egg hens, which are distinguished by their ability to carry high-quality and large eggs. But they all have a number of common characteristics. First of all, it is worth noting their insignificant body weight. Their weight very rarely exceeds 2.5 kg. In this regard, their skeleton is also quite light.

It is worth noting that egg breeds of chickens were bred specifically in order to obtain high-quality eggs. Therefore, breeders paid special attention to this particular moment, while the meat qualities of birds are ignored.

Special attention deserves the fact that egg-laying hens develop very quickly. Already by the 140th day after birth, they are fully physically developed. At the same time, their ability to carry eggs is noted after 125 days.

In addition, egg breeds of chickens have an external resemblance. They have well developed plumage. The tail and wings are impressive in size. On the head is a persistent straight crest with seven teeth. What are the most egg-laying breeds, we invite you to find out right now.

Distinctive features of laying hens

If the plans include breeding birds, you need to figure out which laying hens are suitable for this. The best option is the chicken of the egg direction, purchased in the area where the breeding will take place. Of course, this plays an important role only if there is no desire to breed thoroughbred animals.

External parameters

All laying hens will differ from each other only in weight indicators. Compared with meat varieties of birds, they are light and mobile. They have dense plumage and well-developed earrings. The comb is leaf-shaped. It is worth paying special attention to it, as it is able to tell a lot about the bird.

If three-month-old laying hens have a developed crest of a bright color, then egg-laying will be active. When the comb takes on a pinkish tint, you can think about the presence of diseases or poor maintenance at home. For this reason, if chicken is needed, look for scallops.

Description of eggs and body weight

Laying hens often lay large eggs. Their shells are white in color. In connection with the decrease in the weight of the bird, there is a decrease in the cost of the eggs that it brings. The standard weight must not exceed 1.9 kg. If a mini chicken was purchased, the weight level is reduced to 1.4 kg.

It is required to highlight that the low weight that laying hens have is not able to affect productivity. For this reason, benefits can be obtained if an individual with a small weight indicator is purchased. Such a chicken will require less feed, which will lead to savings in its maintenance at home.

Egg breeds are commonly referred to as early maturing. This is due to the fact that the time of the egg-laying starts from the age of four months. Weight indicators at such moments are only 75% of the average weight of an adult bird. It must also be understood that representatives of the breed rarely incubate eggs. If you plan to breed birds at home, you will need to purchase an incubator.

Rating of the best breeds

In order to choose a decent version of chickens, you should pay attention not only to the external features of the bird, but also to egg production. Unless, of course, this is the goal pursued. One of the most popular breeds is the Leghorn. It contains all the best qualities that the world-famous breeds of laying hens possess.

Another variety that requires special attention is Isa Brown. Chickens bred by French breeders do not produce white, but brown eggs. At the same time, their number per year is within 320 pieces.

The following types of chickens can compete with the listed breeds:

  • Russian white;

Lohman Brown

These chickens have excellent egg-laying characteristics. Their eggs have a dense shell, they are quite large and have a brown color. The active laying period can last up to 80 weeks. Every year, one laying hen is capable of producing about 320 eggs.

Russian white

The name of these chickens already determines the description of these birds. The feathers of representatives of this genus are white, the body of chickens after birth is covered with yellow fluff. The head is medium in size, the beak is yellow. Like all laying hens, the body is long and wide. The wings are dense and well developed. The Russian White is bred for extreme cold weather and is resistant to certain diseases.

The breed is characterized by increased egg production. In the first year, a laying hen can lay about 200 eggs. The weight of one unit of the product is within 55 gr. The color of the egg shell is white.


If you still have not determined which breed to choose, then you should give preference to representatives of this species. Their egg production is about 300 eggs per year. In order to get about 10 pieces, you need 1.20 kg of feed. The mass of one egg in this case reaches 60 gr. In addition to the fact that Heisek laying hens are famous for their decent productivity, they endure various infectious, fungal and helminthic diseases. At the same time, they do not need to create special conditions of detention.

The breed was bred in 1970. It happened in Holland. Given the selection parameters, Hysec is considered a Leghorn hybrid. Breeders managed to create several varieties of the breed - and Hisex Brown. The former are light in color, the latter are brown. Higher productivity is typical for Browns.

Hisek White

The white hybrid of the Hysek breed is distinguished by its small size and light skeleton. In appearance, they resemble Leggorns. A feature of the birds should be considered a chic crest, which, due to its size, is not able to be in an upright position, hanging to one side.

The plumage should be attributed to the characteristic features. It is silky and quite pleasant to the touch. Regardless of the active way of life, chickens have a balanced temperament.

Highsec White has the following main characteristics:

  • egg production per year can be about 280 eggs of 65 grams each;
  • the hatchability of young individuals reaches 95%;
  • eggs are white;
  • birds bred at home are resistant to infectious diseases;
  • the weight of the female usually does not exceed 1.8 kg;
  • the incubation instinct is extremely poorly developed;
  • have a calm nature.

Chicken of this breed needs a good content. Mineral supplements should be added to the diet. Any violation of the maintenance norm will negatively affect productivity. Especially if you do not follow the recommendations regarding feeding.

Hisex Brown

Breeding work began in 1968. Two years later, birds began to be sold all over the world. At the present stage, there is no other breed among domestic birds that would have such a high productivity. For 80 weeks of life at home, a chicken is able to lay about 363 eggs.

In order to get 10 eggs, the bird needs to be given only 1.28 kilograms of feed. The mass of eggs reaches 70 grams. The average weight of the bird itself reaches one and a half kilograms.

High Line

Hi-Line laying hens have a calm temperament. However, they perfectly adapt to any conditions of detention. It is worth noting that their productivity does not depend on the conditions where they live. The eggs of these chickens are distinguished by their impressive size and strong shell. After reaching 80 weeks of age, a laying hen can produce about 350 eggs annually.

Kuchinsky Anniversary

In addition to the fact that this breed is egg-bearing, it is also an excellent source of meat. Chickens come in 2-3 kg. Their meat has excellent taste and even surpasses broiler meat in terms of protein content. Laying hens begin to perform their functions when they reach 6 months of age. For a year they are able to produce 220 eggs. The weight of one unit of the product is 60 gr.

Isa Brown

We present to your attention a description of chickens Isa Brown. These chickens are well acclimatized and are able to adapt to various conditions of detention. This species was bred by French breeders.

Isa Brown chickens can lay up to 320 eggs per year. Their shells are brown. On average, an egg weighs 63 grams. Hens begin to lay eggs 135 days after birth. In cage conditions, birds need 110-114 grams per day. feed.


Leghorns are small but very productive birds. If you look at these layers more closely, you can see how beautifully they are built and what an ideal shape they have. Their head is slightly shifted to the stern, their chest is protruding. When they move, these white chickens look very impressive.

The description of representatives of the Leggorn genus is as follows: their head is of medium size, the crest is leaf-shaped, the earlobes are usually white, the body is light, the chest is wide, and the paws are of medium length. The weight of hens varies between 1-2 kg, males - 2-2.6 kg. As for the ability to carry eggs, they can produce about 300 pieces per year. Leghorns acclimatize without problems. In addition, they are quite hardy and precocious.

Already at the age of five months, Leghorn begins to lay their first eggs. In the first year of life, they have the highest productivity. Leggorn eggs are quite large and have a high fertility rate.

If you want to choose a really worthy breed of chickens, then these birds are definitely worth considering.


If we talk about the general description of the birds of this breed, then they differ in average size. They have a leaf-shaped comb, a strong beak, a small tail, short white or light yellow legs. In the first year, a laying hen can lay about 250 eggs. Such indicators of egg production are very much appreciated by farmers. The fact that .


The name of this bird comes from the place where this breed was obtained. It was brought out by Spanish breeders on the island of Minorca. A little later, she fell into the hands of the British, where there was an improvement in her qualities. . In the first year, they are able to lay over 160 eggs. They are white and weigh about 55 grams.

Rhode Island

The Rhode Island breed has a number of features that make it possible not to confuse them with other breeds of chickens. The birds have a medium-sized head with a pinkish straight crest, a very well developed body, and a broad chest. Since these are laying hens, their back is both long and wide. Paws are yellow.

Also one of the main distinguishing features of the Rhode Islands is their color. At the base of the feather they are usually red, in the middle part they are brown-red, and at the end they are already dark in color. By the way, if the edge of the pen is dark, then you have a thoroughbred Rhode Island.

This breed is also a carrier of the golden gene, which allows farmers, when breeding birds, to determine the sex of the chicks already at the age of one day and make selection. In chickens, there is a spot on the back of the head, according to which selection is made. This breed is not for nothing called egg.

In the first year of life, they give about 200 eggs. They are brown in color and weigh an average of 58 g. In addition to high egg production, this breed is distinguished by the instinct to incubate eggs.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire was bred from the Rhode Island breed. The main difference is the color of chickens and their physiological characteristics. The main task of breeding this breed was to increase the production of eggs, as well as the level of breeding. And the breeders succeeded. The chicken begins to lay eggs from the age of three months, the weight of the eggs is about 65 g on average, and the eggs themselves are brownish in color.

In addition to being highly resistant to climatic changes. Also, their fertility is about 80%. This is a very good indicator. It will not be difficult to keep this breed, because the chickens are very calm, and they can be placed in cages. They are quite large. Females reach an average of 3 kg, and males 4 kg.


To choose a suitable breed of chickens, you should first study the description of the specimens that you liked. At the same time, conclusions regarding a suitable option can be drawn based on the photographs presented in our material. Read more about each breed on our website.

Video "White Leghorn on the run"

We invite you to watch the video on which they flaunt. They walk, pinch grass and simply amaze with their snow-white color.


The ancestors of the modern domestic chicken are the Asian banking tribe of wild chickens. Today, decorative types of chickens are popular at exhibitions around the world. Rare breeds of chickens have long been an independent direction in poultry farming. This article describes the advantages and benefits of unique and rare individuals.

Ga Dong Tao

Ga Dong Tao

This rare and wonderful bird is also called "Elephant Chickens". The breed belongs to meat and decorative. The individual was bred as a fighting species. The bird strikes with its impressive gigantic size. The weight of a rooster reaches 6-7 kg, and for hens - 4.5-5.5 kg.

Individuals are characterized by such signs:

  • the body is large and rough;
  • the scallop has a nut-like shape;
  • short wings, lie tightly on the body;
  • feathers have a rigid structure and there are few of them;
  • the color of the pen is white, black, wheaten, etc.;
  • the tarsi are unusually massive, the toes are short and underdeveloped.

In fact, thick and painful-looking paws do not cause any problems for the bird at all.

Ayam Tsemani

Ayam tsemani

Chickens of this breed are characterized by a unique black color. In addition to feathers, the legs, comb and even the skin are painted black.

Main characteristics:

  • large comb;
  • black, small eyes;
  • wings are pressed tightly to the body;
  • in cockerels, the tail is lush and high;
  • legs are black and long.

The bird is a representative of the egg breed.


Males have oversized tail plumage from 3 to 11 meters. The individual is represented by a variety of colors: black with red, with silver, with gold and white.

This species is very rare. The bird does not tolerate difficult and cold weather conditions. Also, representatives of the breed require careful care, especially because of the extraordinary tail. The individual represents the egg breed.

Chinese silk

Chinese silk

These chickens are of the egg type. Birds are characterized by:

  • lean, but strong, dense physique;
  • silky, long and soft feather covers, without a thick core and down;
  • the tail is relatively short;
  • a tuft shaped like a pompom;
  • skin, beak and scallop - dark shade;
  • eye color is usually black, dark brown;
  • the comb in hens is very small, in males it is nut-shaped.

In weight, a rooster can gain 2.5 kg, and a female - about 2.1 kg. Small eggs, about 35 gr., Quantity is 80-180 pcs. in year. The taste of meat and eggs are excellent. The carcass has lean meat with a thickened skin. Possible shades: black, blue, silver, red, yellow, etc.

Polish crested

Polish crested

This bird comes from the Netherlands, traces of these representatives are traced there. This amazing species can be recognized by the crest of a fine parameter and a lush feather crest. Females can be of different colors and keep them mainly as decorative birds. Individuals are representatives of the egg direction.

Dutch white-crested

dutch white-crested

These chickens are not very large - the live weight of a male individual reaches 2.5 kg, and chickens - no more than 2 kg. The main parameters of the individual:

  • compact, neat body;
  • there is no crest at all;
  • a lush tuft resembling a spherical cap;
  • red or red-brown eyes;
  • beak, legs of the same shade as the main plumage;
  • the male has a compressed and flat tail.

The bird has a white and "blue" feather cover. This species is an egg breed. Hens carry up to 140 eggs per year - weighing from 40 to 50 grams. The shell is white.

Westphalian Totleger

Westphalian Totleger

Features of cockerels:

  • dense physique with lush and bright feathers;
  • the wings are strongly pressed to the body;
  • beautiful tail plumage;
  • a small recumbent comb of red color;
  • small eyes, black or brown;
  • massive gray legs;

Chicken Characteristics:

  • the back is wide, located horizontally;
  • small tail;
  • small red comb.

The color of the bird is red or white. Individuals are characterized by bright pockmarked feathers. The average weight of males ranges from 1.5 to 2 kg. Layers in weight are up to 1.5 kg. Egg productivity - over 150 eggs per year. White shell, in weight reach up to 50 gr. Chickens are able to rush until death.



These chickens are distinguished by a rather high meat and egg productivity.

Characteristics of the individual:

  • tight body;
  • strongly pressed wings;
  • voluminous sternum;
  • upright, large comb;
  • eyes red or orange-red.

Representatives of the breed have black feathers around the neck and tail. Moreover, the rest of the body is white.


Mother hen Breda

Male features:

  • large, voluminous body, covered with long, thick feathers;
  • wings adjacent to the torso;
  • remarkably feathered tail;
  • wide sternum;
  • in place of the crest - a small tuft;
  • small and dark shades of eyes;
  • large and muscular legs.

Chicken Characteristics:

  • the back is wide, placed horizontally;
  • round chest;
  • the tail is erect with lush feathers.

Representatives of the species, in addition to good egg production, can also boast of excellent meat quality. The average weight of males varies from 2.5 to 3 kg. Females gain weight up to 2 kg. They bring up to 160 eggs per year. The shell is white, weight is about 55-60 g. There is a certain similarity of this individual with chickens of the Moravian Black breed, originally from the Czech province of South Moravia.


Wyandot brown

These chickens smoothly migrate from the egg-meat look to the decorative one. They are divided into standard and dwarf species. Individuals tend to gain weight well, chickens rush well.

Representatives of the standard direction can gain weight from 3.0 to 3.8 kg, and dwarf ones - 0.9 and 1.2 kg. Birds of standard dimensions lay around 130-140 eggs weighing from 48 to 62 grams. Dwarf chickens carry up to 120 eggs per year weighing up to 52 grams.

Bird features:

  • the body is strong with chic feathers;
  • crest of the original type;
  • not very voluminous tail.

These individuals have over 15 types of plumage (in the dwarf breed - up to 28). There are also one-color chickens - black or white.

Bald Israeli

Bald Israeli chicken

female and male

This species of bird is relatively young, it was bred in 2011. The main feature of individuals is the skin is completely bald. The hens lay eggs well. Also, the individual is distinguished by a large and muscular body. The muscular mass of chickens is remarkably visible due to the absence of feathers.

These representatives of the meat direction with excellent performance should be bred only in regions with warm climatic conditions.



Individuals for meat and egg purposes. It is impossible not to highlight the unusually tasty meat of these chickens. They run great all year round. The young are growing rapidly. Eggs in weight reach 60-65 gr. The shell is chocolate brown. The weight of a live bird: for males - 3-3.5 kg, for hens - 2.5-2.8 kg.

Rooster features:

  • the body is voluminous and rounded;
  • massive sternum;
  • small dimensions and a simple comb;
  • eye color red-orange;
  • wings well pressed to the body;
  • high, fluffy tail.

Characteristics of chickens:

  • the body is low and full;
  • round and wide sternum;
  • wide open tail.

The bird has several colors of color - black, white, dark brown and with a double border. Double edging is characteristic only of barnevelders.


These are representatives of poultry. Individuals are characterized by the following features:

  • body of medium size;
  • feathers are fluffy and soft;
  • wings are almost invisible under the feather cover;
  • high but not long tail;
  • the sternum is wide;
  • large rose-shaped comb.

Chickens are distinguished by softer body shapes, large breasts, a voluminous belly and an upright, small tail. Able to lay eggs all year round. The total weight of males is 3.2 kg. Females are up to 2.3 kg of live weight. They are able to bring up to 180 eggs per year. The weight of the eggs is approximately 55 gr. The survival rate of an individual is 97%.

Icelandic Landrace

Icelandic Landrace

The bird has a small body volume. Characteristics of chickens:

  • high tail with dense feather cover;
  • the chest is wide;
  • the crest is straight and massive;
  • super thick feathers.

Hens perfectly rush even in special cold weather. The weight of the male is 3 kg. Females gain approximately 2.5 kg of live weight. They are able to bring up to 200 eggs per year. The hens continue to lay until old age. Egg weight - in the region of 55-60 gr. The survival rate of a bird in a harsh winter is 95-97%. The Kukhta breed of chickens has similar characteristics, in particular in terms of egg production.

Red-capped English


This bird belongs to the egg type of chickens. Notable advantages:

  • body of small size;
  • tightly lying wings;
  • high tail, with good plumage;
  • the sternum is wide;
  • comb of large size, pink in shape.

Hens are able to rush even in winter. The weight of the male varies from 2.5 to 3 kg. Females come in a weight of 2.5 kg. They lay 150 to 200 eggs per year. The eggs are quite large in size, their shells are white. Often their weight is over 60 grams. Chickens of a breed called legrand are very similar to this species in terms of egg production and egg characteristics.

Appenzeller spitzhausen


In individuals of this breed, the original comb is pushed forward, like a cap on traditional robes in the Appenzellerland region. The individual belongs to the egg type of chickens.

Banking Jungle Chicken

Banking jungle hen: female and male

Cockerels are much more massive than females, they have a more diverse, variegated feather cover. Male characteristics:

  • a comb of large volumes, has the likeness of a red large growth.
  • voluminous earrings are placed below the beak;
  • "face" is completely naked.

The length of the cockerel is about 75 cm, and the females are no more than 46 cm. The male's head and body are crowned with red-orange feathers. The central part of the back and the brisket are purple-red. The feather processes of the tail and wings are black-green in color, in the light they have a green metallic overflow. In females, the color is not so bright, as a rule, one-color. Short feathers cover the body completely. They have almost invisible comb and earrings.

On a note

There are many varieties of chickens. And among them there are such rare representatives. Unfortunately, most of them are almost on the verge of complete extinction from the expanses of our planet. Which of these wonderful breeds to choose is up to you. Based on the information in the article, first decide what qualities of the bird you are interested in. Good luck choosing!

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Chickens are birds from a number of galliformes, the pheasant family. The domestic chicken we know probably comes from a wild Asian ancestor, the bank chicken. Experts called different periods of domestication of chickens: approximately 2000 BC. e., 3200 years BC. e. and even 6000-8000 years BC. e. Various regions were also called the initial territory: India, Southeast Asia and China, etc.

It appears that chickens first made their way to the Middle East and Ancient Egypt. With the beginning of antiquity, chickens began to be bred in Greece. From there, the birds spread throughout Europe. Today it is one of the most common types of pets. Chickens are bred for meat and eggs, as well as feathers and down. Conventionally, breeds of chickens are divided into egg, meat and meat-and-egg. A chicken is capable of laying over 300 eggs a year, that is, an egg almost every day. This is a very high egg production, considering that wild bank junglefowl lay only about twenty eggs a year.

Today, there are a large number of different breeds of chickens in appearance and size, and some of them are on the verge of extinction. Here are unusual and rare breeds of chickens.


Silkies or silky chickens are known for their docile, calm and friendly temperament. This unique breed is named for its amazing plumage that feels like silk to the touch. In addition to their silky plumage, the breed has a few other strange properties such as deep blue skin and bones, as well as five toes on each foot, unlike most breeds which only have four. The exact origin of these strange chickens remains largely a mystery, but ancient China is the most likely point of origin.


The phoenix rooster has a super long tail from 3 to 11 meters. They can be of various colors: black with red, black with silver, black with gold and white. It is a very rare species that does not tolerate cold climates and is difficult to care for, primarily due to its very long tail.

Polish crested

The Polish Crested is a European breed, possibly originating in the Netherlands, where traces of it can be traced. This strange breed is easy to distinguish by a thin crest and a fluffy hat (tuft) of feathers. Polish chickens come in a variety of colors and are bred primarily as ornamental birds. Their tufts prevent them from seeing well, making them more susceptible to predators (such as foxes and hawks).


Crevecoeur is an elite and rare breed of chicken from France, named after the city of Crèvecoeur in Normandy. These odd chickens are one of the oldest French chicken breeds and are typically used in bird shows. They are medium in size and do not lay eggs very often. Most often kreveker is black, less often blue, white or pockmarked.


Araucan is a breed of chickens originating from Chile. The chicken is unusual in that it lays colored eggs (turquoise, blue), which are often called Easter eggs. And the araucana does not have a tail, and in some standards they are specially cut off. This is a rare breed that is difficult to breed, many chickens die while still in the egg.


Sultanka is a rare Turkish breed, which is easily distinguished by a lush tuft and beard, as well as abundant leg plumage. Like the Silky, this is one of the few breeds that has five toes on each foot. Sultans come in three types, black, blue and white, the latter being the most popular. They are obedient, calm and friendly animals, although they require a little more care than ordinary breeds of chickens.


The Polverara is an ancient crested breed from the small town of Polverara in the province of Padua in northeastern Italy. They attract breeders not only with tasty meat and a large number of eggs, but also with an unusual comb structure and a small tuft. The breed almost disappeared in the early 1900s and again in 2000. Today there are two varieties, black and white.

Bare-necked chickens

The breed comes from Transylvania, hence the other common name is Transylvanian chickens. Sometimes, they are mistakenly considered a hybrid between a chicken and a turkey. The unusual appearance of the breed is controlled by a dominant gene. Despite the strange appearance, they are not bred for exhibitions. They are kept mainly for the eggs. The average egg production is 180 eggs in the first year and 150 in the second.

naked chickens

Also known as featherless chickens. This strange breed was created by a team of researchers led by Avigdor Kahener, a geneticist at the Rehovot Institute of Agronomy near Tel Aviv, Israel. The red-skinned chicken was created by crossing a natural breed of "naked" chicken with a conventional broiler. Due to the complete absence of feathers, these chickens grow faster with less food. In addition, they do not require feather plucking, a process that often pollutes the environment.

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Hello dear beauty lovers. Yes Yes exactly! Under this motto, we offer you today's communication. Unusual breeds of chickens in our material. The relevance of the theme of beauty and the aesthetic component of the bird care hobby cannot be exhausted, since they are a gift from Nature and a real decoration of Her Majesty!

So, few people will deny that chicken is far from always banal: “egg or meat”, although in the sense of gastronomic perception it is more familiar. And if you try to change the viewing angle and look at the heroine of our review differently?

Agree, its undeniable advantages become obvious, it suddenly opens up to the eye that this creature is very, very good-looking. An elegant arsenal: an amazing fluffy tail, a magnificent comb, “downy boots” - why not decorate any backyard courtyard, front garden and aviary?

Let's take a closer look at decorative beauties who have confidently established themselves as an original segment of the poultry industry. We watch the most unusual breeds of chickens video.

A bit of history

Chickens are birds from a number of galliformes, the pheasant family. The familiar modern one, all currently known selections and crosses taken together are the distant descendants of the “banking rooster”.

Experts point to several different periods that date the domestication of these feathered inhabitants of the Earth: the amplitude of research data gives a wide range: from 2000 to 6000 (according to a number of sources - 8000) years BC. That is, intermediate data indicate the number 3200.

Agree, any information of this kind is impressive in itself. Also, the initial territory is also a matter of disputes and scientific horizons, where the states of Southeast Asia, India and China appear. There is information saying that the line of distribution of this beauty leads to Ancient Egypt and the Middle East.

The beginning of antiquity in Greece was also marked by the breeding of this species, and from the shores of Attica, the path of bird migration ran throughout the European territory of the mainland.

What can the most common feathered inhabitants of the modern household yard do and what benefits do they bring to mankind from unusual breeds of chickens today?

Here is the most typical list of everything that the Ryaba Chicken gave us:

  • Protein products: meat and eggs;
  • Household direction: feathers and down;
  • Sports and aesthetic value: decorative and fighting birds.

Unfortunately, for such a long history of existence, some types have not survived to this day, and even now some species are on the verge of extinction.

Unusual breeds of chickens - TOP 10

Unusual breeds of Silky chickens

“Silkie” (from the English “Silkie”) pets became famous for their unique obedience, everyone was subdued by their delicate and soft, like silk, temperament. The uniqueness of the breed lies in the tactile sensation of touching their silky plumage, which gives the name to the family. In addition to this effect, the bird boasts several other attractive features.

Unlike the vast majority of "pale-faced" relatives, it has an amazing dark blue skin and bones, in addition, it has five-fingered legs, while ordinary relatives have only four fingers. The history of the origin of these amazing birds is shrouded in mystery, and Ancient China is considered to be the likely point of their appearance to the world.

A hen with a solid history is also attractive due to a number of peculiar qualities that belong exclusively to it: the feathers of the “silk Chinese woman” do not have adhesion to each other and are more reminiscent of fur or wool, in addition, they are not subject to juvenile molting.

Fur hats flaunt on the heads of unusual fluffy woolen klushas, ​​covering the entire surface, and individual strands delicately fall over the eyes.

Unusual breeds of chickens Ga Dong Tao

A rare family, one of the rarest in the world - originally from Vietnam, lives exclusively in the homeland. Livestock is limited to just a few hundred. With its average size (the male weighs 3-4 kg, and the female weighs 2.5-3 kg), the breed was initially positioned as a fighting one.

Far from the prettiest, but the hallmark of these piquant creatures are thick, somewhat ugly legs.

Unusual breeds of chickens Ayam Tsemani

The translation of the name of this lovely creature sounds like: “black rooster”, which is fully confirmed by the appearance, because these chickens are actually completely black!


So our "TOP-10" unusual breeds of chickens came to the finish line, where we tried to present information about the brightest cases of modern poultry farming.

Of course, there are many amazing birds in the world, descended from the progenitor - the wild Asian "bank cock", which could compete in all sorts of ratings, but we limited ourselves to describing the "team of the most incredible" of them.

Personally, I like tailless ones. The taste and color, as they say!

Best wishes to you!

In the comments you can add your photos of laying hens, rooster and chickens! Or other poultry. We are wondering what kind of chicken coop you have?
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