Paper church template. Church made from a plastic bottle. Craft for the week of Orthodox culture. Preparing to Establish a Church

The little one and I did it!

Since our family has an ingrained tradition of remembering everything at the last moment, this case was no exception. My son Vadik told me about the assignment exactly one day before it was due. There was nowhere to go - I had to get to work!

Tools and materials

The model of the city does not require any extra-natural materials, and a normal student should have everything available:

  1. Ruler
  2. Colored paper + colored cardboard
  3. Colour pencils
  4. Scissors
  5. Brushes + paints (we used gouache)
  6. Glue
  7. A4 paper

How to make a city layout

We thought about it a little and decided that since time was running out, we would make a road + a couple of buildings + some kind of transport. We decided - we do it.

We took a piece of thick cardboard, cut out a 40 by 30 cm rectangle from it. Then we pasted it on one side office paper A4.

Having carefully trimmed the edges, we got a base for the layout, which is ready for painting.

They drew an impromptu road

The next step was to build a high-rise building. I don’t give explicit dimensions, since everything was done by eye...

Before gluing the building together I decorated it

This is what happened after gluing

We cut the back of the building to size, then glued it on and also painted it.

Children's city model

Sorry friends.

Due to the fact that time was really pressing, the shooting had to be postponed. The building alone took almost 2 hours.

The next step was a bus. They did it according to the same principle as the building - they glued it together and painted it. Balconies were added to the building and the inscription “shop” was attached to the bottom.

They built a stop with a sign and made several trees.

The final step was gluing all the products onto the base. To make it stick better in some places I had to use tape :)

And here is the result!

And further…

The city model with your own hands is ready!

Thank you for watching!

One of the most difficult design and modeling tasks is constructing patterns of volumetric products. To develop design thinking, it is important to be able to make a drawing of a particular craft yourself. As in the manufacture of other toys, when starting design, first of all it is necessary to find a pattern in the construction of the product.

When constructing sweeps of houses, you first need to find the place from which the countdown will begin. Any corner of the houses can serve as such a place. Since all houses have walls, at the base of the scan there will be a straight line on which the dimensions of the walls are indicated. Then determine the height of the wall and draw a second line parallel to the base. Then the gables and flaps for gluing are drawn. After making the development, the roof and stand are made.

The simplest layout of the house is shown in Figure 87. It consists of a development, a roof and a stand. Windows and doors are made from colored paper using the appliqué method. Small details are completed.

For layouts use thick paper or thin cardboard.

in order to change appearance house (Fig. 88), i.e. its architecture, it is enough to increase (or decrease) the gables. The principle of constructing a scan in this version is no different from the previous model. The left wall with the pediment was taken as the starting point. After assembling the model, they begin to finish it.

If the house has any architectural additions, such as a veranda, then there is no need to build it separately. This only complicates the process of making crafts.

Figure 89 shows a layout of a house with a veranda. The back wall was taken as the reference point. To acquire the skills of constructing developments, you can invite students to take any reference point as a basis. Architecturally, the house will not change, only the layout will be built differently.

There are a wide variety of structures in life: this is an interesting material for making models. First, you need to make a sketch of the house you like from life, then perform a development from the sketch. To begin with, you can suggest making a model of your residential building or school.

Figure 90 shows an example of a house with three gables and a complex roof. It is made of two parts. The starting point is the left wall with the pediment. The stand is made at 10-20 mm. wider than the walls of the house.

Useful tips

1. Prepare a cardboard box, turn it as shown in the image and cut off the top part (see image). Set aside the cut pieces of the box.

2. Place the box on its side and connect the sides using tape.

3. Turn the box over and tape the pieces together where the yellow arrows point.

4. Making the roof of the house. Prepare the parts of the box that you got rid of at the beginning. Use tape to connect these parts where the arrows point.

5. Tape the roof to the main part of the house.

6. Dotted lines ( yellow color) indicates where to cut the cardboard.

7. Connect the parts indicated by the yellow arrows (see image).

This is the kind of house you will get.

How to make a house (castle) out of cardboard

Making such a beautiful castle is not at all difficult. You can simply fold it and store it conveniently.

This house can be placed on any surface (floor, table)

You can make a castle, a simple house, a fire station or a store - it all depends on what exactly you want.

You will need:

Plain paper

Scissors (stationery knife)


Acrylic paint (felt pens, pencils, crayons)

1. On plain paper, draw a diagram of the future walls. Adjust the required dimensions.

2. Make windows and doors of such a size that a child’s hand can fit through them.

3. Decorate the walls to your liking. Use for this acrylic paint(gouache), pencils, felt-tip pens and even pieces of fabric that can be glued with PVA glue.

4. When all the walls are decorated, simply insert them into each other, making cuts in the middle of each wall - one wall at the top, the other at the bottom.

*Cuts must be made to the middle of the wall.

Another DIY cardboard house

Cardboard house model (photo)

How to make lamps (chandeliers) from cardboard

Such a simple and very inexpensive lamp made of cardboard can decorate a kitchen, veranda, pantry and even a children's room.

You will need:


Paint (if desired)

Scissors or utility knife (if necessary)

Cardboard crafts on the theme "Arctic"

Can be done easily and inexpensively These are such beautiful toys made from cardboard.Cold climates are home to many species of wildlife, including deer, polar bear and Siberian Husky, and all of them can be made from cardboard.

For full picture you can make sleighs and Christmas trees.

Draw diagrams of all the parts and cut them out, then assemble them.

What can be made from cardboard: gift bags

If you use your imagination, you can make original gift bags from nondescript cardboard packaging.

You will need:

Cardboard (can be from old boxes)

Scissors (if necessary)

Bright ribbons

DIY cardboard toys: "Slides"

You can make this cardboard craft with your child. He will enjoy participating in the creation of an interesting toy, which he will continue to play with pleasure.

You will need:

Small cardboard box (can be for cereal or rice)


Tennis balls (or any small balls of small size and weight)

Crafts from paper and cardboard: "Big slides"

This toy is made according to the same principle as the previous one, only the sizes are larger.

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Part of a large cardboard box or packaging

Cardboard cylinders (from toilet paper or paper towels)

PVA glue (you can use "Moment")

*If the cardboard cylinder is not too long, try gluing several cylinders together using tape.

* If necessary, trim the cylinder with a utility knife.

* You can cut the cylinders in half to see how the balls descend along them.

* Apply glue to the side of each cylinder (or half cylinder) and glue the "mound" to the main cardboard part (see image).

* you can roll tennis balls, small cars, etc.

How to make a “Town” craft from paper and cardboard

If you have a large cardboard box, several boxes, a cardboard sheet or several cardboard sheets left, then you may well not Big city ok for a child.

This toy has a very good effect on general development child.

* When using a large box or sheet, you just need to trim off the excess parts and start drawing the road.

* If there is no big box, then use tape to connect all the parts to make a big city. It is worth noting that you need to glue the tape with reverse side cardboard, otherwise it will be awkward to draw with a marker.

*After you have drawn the road, draw bright colors several houses, important city buildings (fire station, for example), railway etc.

DIY cardboard mockups: catapult

You will need:

Small cardboard box

Thick rubber ring (or hair tie)



Toothpicks (matches)

Scissors and/or utility knife

Adhesive tape (scotch tape)

1. We make a basket (from which the catapult “shells” will fly out).

Prepare a matchbox or a small piece of cardboard.

Using duct tape, glue the basket to the pencil and set it aside.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box.

Make the necessary cuts with scissors and fold it so that you get a shape like in the image

Make a small hole in the middle of the side (for a tight elastic band)

Make the same hole on the opposite side

Insert the rubber band through one of the holes

Insert several toothpicks (matches) into the resulting loop and tighten the loop to secure them

Repeat the same on the reverse side

*It is worth noting that the elastic band must be well tensioned for the catapult to work well.

3. Start twisting the elastic band inside the box (see image). Do it in the middle.

4. Carefully insert the pencil with the basket into the twisted eraser.

5. Now you can lower the catapult and release it.

Now we will look at the topic of how to create templates kindergarten, multi-storey or private house, as well as a school and a future classroom in it made of paper.

It is difficult to learn how to create really complex projects, but it is in your power and interests to assemble a decorative model of a building on a scale of 1:50, having previously drawn on a piece of paper the outlines of the details and facades of the buildings, as well as the entire roof and frame. You can print templates and layouts of structures yourself.

How to make or build a three-dimensional house, apartments and rooms in it? The technology itself is not complicated, but it may seem difficult for the first time, especially for children, so we are sharing step by step how to do it. To make a house model with your own hands, you will need plywood six mm thick, as well as materials for creating facades, partitions and a roof. We will make the frame of the house from plywood and lay it out on a smooth surface.

Gallery: layout of a paper house construction (25 photos)

We create a layout for a house model with our own hands

The process of creating regular flat patterns no less interesting than working with ready-made samples. To do this, you will need a graphics program installed on your PC. It is best to take CorelDraw or a similar program that processes vector images.

In it, with an increase or decrease in the size of the picture, the size of the lines and the textures themselves change in the same ratio. This helps to get real images. And the library of textures included in its shell is huge.

By filling the development detail with texture, you can get a ready-made visual appearance of the main details of the layout . The whole process, including pouring the scan particles a certain texture, applying certain effects and architectural details, as well as inserting pictures from a library of symbols, will take from ten minutes to half an hour, if the structure is not complex. Let's make a scan on our printer and start prototyping.

Creation of complex paper products

The process of creating complex, huge house models is not much different from that described earlier. It’s just that such developments are also done for individual parts of composite layouts. A group photograph of the entire assembly of such a layout shows its individual parts and the assembly diagram.

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