We sew a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics. Sewing leotards for rhythmic gymnastics. Fabrics for sports swimwear

Perhaps the most beautiful and graceful sport is rhythmic gymnastics. Regular training girls develop excellent posture, the ability to present themselves and monitor their every move ordinary life, but only a few become champions. Is it so difficult to get a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, on what basis are they given and what are the other features of evaluating this sport - below.

Live and learn

It’s interesting, but experienced sports masters, even working as coaches, still continue to regularly gain new knowledge and skills. The rules for assigning sports categories in rhythmic gymnastics change periodically, as do general rules competitions.

This usually happens during the new Olympic period and greatly influences the performance of athletes. Some elements lose their value and have to be removed from the program, others, on the contrary, appear among the mandatory ones, and gymnasts need to train their body again, accustoming them to new movements.

Grading Rules

To receive a rank in rhythmic gymnastics, not only the coach, but also the athlete herself must know them. Over time, girls gradually master the exercise requirements they need and do not ask such questions when defending their titles. For those who wish to familiarize themselves with the rules in full and immediately, a special edition of “Rules for Rhythmic Gymnastics” is offered. They are written there on 250 pages, and given that some can change every few years, then hardly anyone will want to read them just for fun. For beginners, it is enough to know that each element has its own “price” in points. The simplest ones, even if performed perfectly, cannot bring the athlete more than 0.1 point, but if a complex exercise is included in the program, you can get a whole point.

A gymnast can increase her performance score by correctly combining certain elements. For example, for sequentially performing an exercise of 1 point and 0.1 point, you can get a total score of 1.2, since an additional tenth of a point will be awarded for the connection.

Individual approach

All categories in rhythmic gymnastics are awarded to girls only for performing mandatory elements in the program and gaining a certain number of points for a performance. Despite this, the performances of all famous champions are completely different from each other. This is due to the fact that the coach also takes into account the individual characteristics of each gymnast, creating a program that can show the maximum of her capabilities and at the same time not focus on weaknesses.

For example, a girl does not have very developed back flexibility, but at the same time she flutters in jumps like no one else. Naturally, her performance will focus on jumping.

Mandatory program

Despite the individuality of each athlete’s abilities, it is prohibited to deviate from the rules, which means that mandatory elements must be present in the performance. Their maximum and minimum number and definition are also prescribed in the rules of this sport. So, for example, in order to get the first adult category in rhythmic gymnastics, you need to create a program of 10 mandatory elements. These should include one combination of two body difficulties, 1 rotation difficulty, 1 multiple rotation difficulty, 2 isolated waves and 2 pre-acrobatic elements at the beginning or end of a complex element. It is also necessary to make at least 8 seconds of dance tracks in the performance. In the program of masters of sports, there are already 12 mandatory elements in the performance, and their complexity has been increased.

As for working with apparatus, there must be risks of loss when the apparatus is thrown into the air and the gymnast at this time performs rotational movements. Here you can get additional points when catching a projectile without visual control.

Technical Judging Panel

Previously, the athletes were assessed by 3 teams of judges, but today their composition has been reduced to two. How are discharges given in rhythmic gymnastics? To be awarded them, the gymnast must receive an overall score from all judges with a certain minimum.

The first team evaluates the skill of performing the technique itself. It consists of 4 judges, two of whom write down on sheets of paper all the elements performed with the appropriate notations and, based on them, assign a point for working with the subject, difficulties in body movement and dance steps in the individual program. As for group performances, instead of the last criterion, the complexity of the exchange is considered. Two other judges also record the elements performed, but only evaluate the degrees of skill and risks, which in group numbers are called cooperation. Together they produce an overall score for the difficulty of the number, which cannot exceed 10 points.

Artistic Score

The second panel of judges, evaluating the appearance and performance of the routine, is identified by the letters E and already consists of 6 people, as in artistic gymnastics. The judges give points for technical errors, artistry and overall beauty of the body. Overall rating is also derived from the average and cannot exceed 10 points. Thus, maximum score for the entire performance cannot exceed 20.

Thus, you can get a rank in rhythmic gymnastics by overtaking your opponents not only in technique, but also simply in artistry, that is beautiful girl in a beautiful swimsuit and with a good presentation of herself, she will definitely receive a higher rating for the beauty of her body than her plain-looking rival, even if she performed all the elements with dignity. It may seem unfair, but this is, first of all, a beautiful sport, and these are the rules in it.

Younger age

Girls can only get the 3rd youth level in rhythmic gymnastics from the age of 6, but many start training earlier. In fact, you can come to this sport from the age of three to seven. The first real achievements in children will appear at the same age. This is due to the fact that children only begin to feel their own body and be able to move to music. school age. Everything that happens up to this point is just some kind of physical training, and no one should focus on certain achievements at this time. Experienced trainers confidently declare that real awareness own body and competent work with the subject begins only in adolescence, when girls have long had ranks in rhythmic gymnastics in ascending order and have reached the level of MS protection. Of course, this only applies to a few who have not dropped out of sports by this age.

According to the program of the youngest category young athletes You need to score only 7 points for one performance during a performance, which almost everyone can achieve. This title does not require confirmation, and it can be awarded at competitions of any scale.

Requirements for youth categories

To receive the youngest category, a gymnast must perform in the year in which she turns 6 years old and present a routine to the panel of judges without an apparatus and with any apparatus of her choice. Based on the results of each performance, its score must be at least 7 points, which totals 14 points.

After a year, the athlete can already qualify for the 2nd youth category, and for this she must perform a routine without an apparatus and already 2 routines with any apparatus of her choice. To receive the title, judges of the 1st category must evaluate it and give at least 7.2 points for each program, which is a total of 21.6.

In another year, a girl can already receive 1 youth level by completing the BP number and 3 programs with any apparatus, gaining 7.5 points in each. At least 2 judges must have a republican category. In total, the athlete must receive 30 points for her performances.

Requirements for adult categories

An athlete can receive the third adult category in rhythmic gymnastics already in the year when she turns 9 years old. To do this, you need to perform in front of two judges of the republican category at any competition and present 4 numbers - 1 BP and 3 with any apparatus. In total, performances must score 32 points, but each must score a minimum of 8.

The 2nd adult category in rhythmic gymnastics is assigned after a year and is assessed more seriously. The composition of the performance is similar to the previous one, but for each program you need to get 8.2 points at total amount at 32.8. The requirements for judges are the same.

At the age of 11, an athlete can qualify for 1st category if she already has all the lower ones. In this case, you need to score 70 points for numbers of a similar composition. In this case, you need to perform only in competitions with republican judges and the participation of at least 5 teams.

Mandatory confirmation of ranks in rhythmic gymnastics starts with 1 adult and above. It represents a double repetition of the result at other competitions during the year with similar statuses and judges. It is important that you are allowed to perform once as part of a group and once individually in the all-around or twice in the all-around.

Senior ranks

Receiving the title of Master of Masters at the age of 12 is not only honorable, but also difficult. In this case, you need to get 76 points according to the international quadathlon program, competing with at least five teams that already have such a title in tournaments of 1, 2 or 3 groups or twice in competitions of 4 groups.

To receive an MS, you need to score 96 points in competitions of only 1 group. Having achieved this goal, many quit sports because they get the opportunity to work as coaches on their own.

So, many now understand how discharges are given in rhythmic gymnastics and what needs to be done for this. It is important not to demand high results from a young athlete at the very beginning of her training. With age, she can open up on her own, realizing her own abilities.

A gymnastic leotard, or gymnastic leotard, as is often said, is a mandatory attribute of a gymnast’s wardrobe. This applies to both rhythmic and artistic gymnastics. But outfits for artistic gymnastics are easier to sew; you can create them without any problems by learning how to sew an elegant uniform for rhythmic gymnastics. Professional swimsuits are quite expensive, not everyone can afford them, so many mothers prefer hand-sewn swimsuits. Moreover, you may not like the purchased product and want to finish it, also with your own hands. Swimsuits are created both for everyday training and for performances, for beginners and for masters of sports. Often you need several identical swimsuits, for example, for a choreographic demonstration or for team competitions. In such cases, you can’t do without sewing, but for success you need a small master class.

Design and taking measurements

Need an idea appearance swimsuit, which turns into a sketch on a sheet of paper. Be sure to color the sketch of the rhythmic gymnastics costume so that you can choose from it required material. If you don't have any ideas of your own, don't make up nonsense, look at the best competition swimsuits on the Internet and change them to your liking.

First, completely re-read this master class to sew a suit with your own hands, prepare:

  • sewing machine,
  • scissors,
  • chalk for patterns (you can use a piece of soap),
  • needles,
  • select the desired material (supplex, knitted mesh) and nylon threads that match the color,
  • prepare decorations, such as rhinestones, sequins, glitter material for appliques, glue for rhinestones,
  • secret zipper,
  • linen elastic.

The master takes measurements - you need to measure the circumference of the waist, chest, desired length sleeves, front part of the body and part of the body from the neck to the waist. Think carefully about the process of sewing a suit for rhythmic gymnastics, since sewing it yourself is quite easy, but difficult to alter.

Take a large sheet of whatman paper and draw a pattern on it in real size. As a basis, you can take the child’s underpants, which need to be outlined, slightly increasing the cutout on the hips, which should not restrict movement during performances.

small master class - draw top part The daughter's T-shirt will help with the swimsuit, which needs to be outlined on top of the panties and lengthened the sleeves. The sleeve opening should be small so that it fits snugly under the armpit. The front pattern should be slightly shorter than the back, the difference will be used to shape the panties.

The master cuts out the pattern, then uses it to transfer the design (with chalk or a piece of soap) onto the material (mostly supplex and mesh), leaving two centimeters for the seams. Do not separate the top and panties; if you need to sew on a skirt, sew directly to the waist. The back of the skirt should be longer than the front, and make the pattern with a margin of 4 - 5 centimeters; the excess can then be cut off, but it will not be possible to lengthen it. You can sew a skirt with your own hands from several strips, but not to the detriment of its softness.

Having secured the swimsuit with temporary seams, the master tries the suit on the athlete. Trace the neckline according to your requirements, but do not make a deep neckline.

You need to cut strips of material five centimeters wide and long, equal circle neckline, with its help we will sew the undercut later.

You need to sew a swimsuit in the stitching mode - first the side part, then the lower part and shoulders. Make only the necessary seams, as additional seams and darts restrict movement. Try to keep the swimsuit tight-fitting but not tight.

Finish the neck with the strip cut earlier, first baste it on the front side, then from the inside, stitch on the machine from the front.

Finish the panties (insert a cotton gusset) and sleeves with finishing seams.

We sew an elastic band around the waist, it should not press the athlete too much, and, moreover, rub the skin.


Glue the sequins and rhinestones with special glue, according to a previously invented pattern. But do this only after final sewing, because redoing with glued-on decorations is much more difficult. There is no need to completely cover the swimsuit with rhinestones, this reduces the elasticity of the fabric; it is better to make a small design, such as a flower. Stones can also be glued along the seams; they hide them somewhat. Sometimes a swimsuit sprinkled with pebbles looks ridiculous, but it all depends on the design of the product and compliance with the design features. The class and size of the pebbles may vary, but the main decor should be about two millimeters.

Master class on painting - if you are thinking of doing painting or drawing, you need to do it at this stage, before stitching. Please note that glue the colored pebbles at the very end. Coloring is done with acrylic paint; after selecting the color, make a test on a small piece of fabric. The paint is applied to a slightly damp cloth and immediately dried with a hairdryer. The pattern can be changed if the fabric is washed immediately. To prevent the design from being erased, iron it with a hot iron, preferably through two layers of gauze or thin fabric.

Sometimes a simple design is compensated by an abundance of stones, but it is better to make a better design, only emphasizing the elements with rhinestones; such a swimsuit does not look like Christmas tree. True, if you make a pattern from patches or appliqué, the work becomes much more complicated.

If you spoil something during the sewing process, there is no need to panic, because sometimes swimsuits are sewn from fabric scraps and you can always add something to the sketch to hide the defects; the product may even benefit from a little alteration.

First of all, pay attention not to the beauty of the swimsuit, but to the comfort of the athlete; the competition wardrobe should be comfortable and not distract the judges. Although a beautiful, tastefully made leotard is a definite unofficial plus for the performance, which is supported by very real points. If you sew a swimsuit with your own hands once, in the future this activity will be creative and exciting. We hope this master class will be useful for realizing your ideas.

Thanks to Marina Dmitrenko, for kindly providing videos from her Youtube channel, in addition you can watch thematic videos at


and also for images taken from her personal diary, an article on the topic can be found at


Comic Online - Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence / Star Wars: Darth Maul - Death Sentence. Year of release: year Writer: Artist: Cover: Color: Publisher: Dark Horse / Dark Horse Genre: Action, Space Opera, Adventure, Science Fiction Type: Limited Series Number of issues: 4, issue completed Quality: Scanned pages Language: Russian Translation into Russian : The Galaxy already knows the terrible truth: Sith Lord Darth Maul is alive.

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"Star Wars. Darth Maul: Death Sentence is a comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics. On November 18, a collection including all four issues.

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Star Wars. Darth Maul. Death sentence. "Star Wars" is a fantastic saga by George Lucas, which can rightfully be called a cult one. Amazing story about the struggle between good and evil, the heroes of which have been loved by more than one generation - AST, (format: 70x/16, 96 pages) Star Wars.

Graphic novel More paper book. Tom Taylor. paper book. Taylor T., Redondo B. Star Wars. Darth Maul: Death Sentence. “Star Wars” is a fantastic saga by George Lucas, which can rightfully be called a cult one. A life-giving story about the struggle between good and evil, the heroes of which have been loved by more than one generation.

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There is nothing more exciting than contemplating young graceful gymnasts on the mat. Unique leotards for rhythmic gymnastics add even more entertainment to the performances. You can sew a beautiful swimsuit with your own hands, make sketches and patterns yourself, or use ready-made options.

Sketches of leotards for rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which great importance has the appearance of protruding. When preparing the sketch, it is necessary to take into account all the rules for costumes determined by the technical committee.

Requirements for the design and cut of a gymnastics suit are approved in an official document:

  1. The suit should not be transparent from the torso to the chest; the design must be correct.
  2. Gymnastics suits with thin straps are prohibited.
  3. The permissible depth of the cutout on the chest is the middle of the chest bone, on the back - the end of the shoulder blades.
  4. The cutout of the lower part of the swimsuit on the legs is not made higher than the groin folds.
  5. A gymnastics costume should clearly follow the contours of the body; the skirt should not be fluffy.
  6. For long suits, the fabric on both parts of the product covering the legs is the same, only a difference in pattern or ornament is possible.

If a swimsuit does not comply with the rules, the judges will deduct 0.2 points.

You can create your own sketch of the product in any graphic editor or draw it on paper. The sketch will be needed when making a swimsuit pattern, calculating the amount of fabric and decor.

Leotard pattern for rhythmic gymnastics: master class

To determine the size of a gymnastic leotard, it is necessary to take measurements from the athlete: chest, waist, hips. Beginning needlewomen are recommended to use ready-made patterns. Experienced users can create their own variations based on basic models. Standard sizes correspond to the sizes of children's clothing. The selected pattern must be transferred to paper or printed in an electronic version. The paper pattern elements are connected with adhesive tape.

The front and back parts of the finished product do not match, so they are cut out separately.

It is recommended to make 2 copies of the pattern, since the pattern will be applied to one part, then it will be cut. The other will be used to collect elements. The front length of the skirt is usually 2 cm shorter than the back.

The drawing is applied to the pattern with a marker, the colors are signed on paper.

For an exact color match, the front and back of the pattern are cut off. Similarly, the drawing is transferred to duplicate patterns.

One copy is cut and used for cutting. After cutting, they begin sewing the product.

To sew a swimsuit you will need:

  • sewing machine;
  • needles and feet for knitted fabric;
  • the fabric itself;
  • sewing supplies.

When cutting, the pattern pieces are pinned to the fabric in the direction of the grain thread. The elements are outlined and seam allowances are left. Cut out 1 front piece, back, gusset, 2 sleeve pieces. At the bottom of the sleeves, leave a 2 cm allowance for the hem.

First of all, the parts in the gusset area are cut off. In this case, the front and back parts are folded with the front side inward, the gusset is located with the wrong side up. The parts are held together.

The shoulder seams of the swimsuit are connected with pins, placing the pins at a distance of 0.8-1 cm from the edges of the fabrics. This will allow you to sew and overcast the product without removing the pins. Then the seams are made using a 4-thread overlocker.

Processing cutouts with latex elastic

Latex elastic is used when sewing swimsuits; you can buy it in large sewing accessories stores. The elastic is applied to the neckline from the wrong side, fastened to the knitwear, and its fit is made.

Then the cutout is overlocked with an overlocker, gripping the elastic from the wrong side. Knitted fabric must be stretched when stitching. The pins used to pin the elastic and fabric together should have their heads pointing towards themselves. Then, when approaching the foot, they are easily removed from the fabric. The stitching is done with 3 threads.

The processed cut must be folded to the wrong side and secured with pins.

It is sewn with a wide flat seam, slightly stretching the product. The pins are removed during the sewing process. It is important that the left edge of the stitch is located along the edge of the elastic on the wrong side, then the entire latex elastic is secured and will not rub or bend.

The result is a soft flat seam.

Processing a cut using an elastic band

Elastic bindings are sold in a variety of colors; choosing the elastic that best matches the fabric is very easy.

The elastic is pinned to the knitwear, making it fit. Then they bend the elastic and wrap the edge of the fabric, basting it. After basting, the pins can be pulled out.

Then the binding and fabric are attached using a zigzag stitch. The knitwear is stretched a little, the stitching goes along the binding.

The treated edge is soft, perfect for daily training.

After processing the neckline, the gusset is sewn on. To do this, it is pinned to the cut of the front part and attached. Then the leg cutouts are processed using any method suggested above.

The bottom of the sleeves of leotards for rhythmic gymnastics is folded inward, basted and sewn with a flat wide seam. Then the side seams of the sleeves are sewn together and sewn into the armholes. Using an overlocker, all seams are sewn and the swimsuit is ironed. The result is a costume that fits the gymnast's body well.

Fabrics for rhythmic gymnastics leotards

When sewing swimsuits, elastic, high-quality fabrics of various shades are used.

The most commonly used types of fabrics are:

  1. Guipure. Used to decorate a swimsuit. This light lace fabric adds romance, tenderness, and grace to the look. Lace is produced with small or large patterns and in various colors. The elastic structure of guipure allows you to implement various design ideas.
  2. Supplex is the main knitted fabric for swimsuits. It has good stretchability, bright colors, waterproof and durable. Matte fabrics look noble and emphasize the dignity of the figure. Shiny fabrics add expressiveness and elegance to the suit. Biflex combines well with other materials.
  3. Velvet. It has thick and soft pile. High-quality fabrics are abrasion-resistant and have a special arrangement of fibers that creates the illusion of iridescent color. You can make appliqués from velvet.
  4. Georgette. Thanks to the specific twist of threads and weave, it has high strength and is resistant to creasing. The fabric drapes well and is used to create airy trim elements for swimsuits.
  5. Stitch mesh.

Net for rhythmic gymnastics leotards

Stretch mesh is most often used for sewing sleeves and the upper back of swimsuits, making shaped inserts on the sides of the swimsuit, as a basis for appliqués and rhinestone decoration. The choice of material colors is large, but the main shade is beige.

The mesh stretches perfectly in all directions. It can be combined with any fabric and is easy to cut. The material does not wrinkle, dries quickly after getting wet, and the number of washes does not reduce its elasticity. High-quality material made in Italy and Korea is not cheap, but it does not form puffs and does not require processing of cuts.

Leotard skirt for rhythmic gymnastics

Swimsuits with skirts help create a more feminine look, as well as slightly adjust your figure.

To visually make the gymnast's legs longer, cutouts are made in the hem of the skirt. There are various styles of skirts: sun, half-sun, single-layer with flounces, decorated with spiral flounces with a strong twist, or trimmed with bias tape. The basic rule when sewing is that the skirt must fit; models similar to tutus are not allowed.

You can cut out the skirt together with the swimsuit, then the panties are sewn on separately.

Or they cut out a swimsuit and sew a skirt on top. When cutting, leave seam allowances. Then it is attached to the swimsuit slightly below waist level using a zigzag seam. In this case, the skirt fabric is simply placed on top of the swimsuit.

How to decorate a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics

Used to decorate gymnastic leotards various materials: sequins, beads, fringe, rhinestones. Decorative elements are sewn on, glued, or rhinestones on a thermo-adhesive base are used. The amount of decor is determined in accordance with the purpose of the leotard: for performances or daily activities. The features of the gymnast’s appearance, performance style, and music are also taken into account.

Beautiful costumes are obtained by applying various designs to fabric. The work uses special acrylic paints. First, the contours of the pattern are drawn, then the elements are painted over.

When applying color, it is important that the paint soaks into the fabric and does not just sit on top, otherwise the paint layer may crack.

After the design has dried, the swimsuit is ironed from the wrong side. You can glue rhinestones on top.

Rhinestones for leotards for rhythmic gymnastics

Colored stones are used to highlight the design. To add shine, crystals are used that shimmer in all colors depending on the lighting; they are called AB effect rhinestones. The size of the rhinestones should correspond to the size of the swimsuit: for large ones use size ss20, for small ones - ss16.

Glue rhinestones onto the cut parts before sewing the product.

Use clear or white glue that is applied directly to the fabric. Adhesive-based rhinestones are also produced. When the design is completely filled, small rhinestones are laid out to individual elements– large sew-on ones.

Appliques for leotards for rhythmic gymnastics

Applications are used to create unusual drawings swimsuits Elements for applique are first cut out of paper, then transferred to fabric. All parts of the applique are laid out on the base and pinned.

Sew the elements in a zigzag pattern on top of the base. It is important that the stitching goes exactly along the edge of the element, then after sewing you will not have to cut off the excess. This is especially true for applications that will be decorated with rhinestones.

Fringe for rhythmic gymnastics leotards

When sewing leotards for rhythmic gymnastics, fringe is used to trim the skirt. It looks very impressive, crumbles and shimmers with the movements of the gymnast.

The color of the fringe echoes the main colors of the suit. The silky structure goes well with any fabric. Sew on the fringe with ribbons or separate bunches.

Sewing a leotard for rhythmic gymnastics is not difficult, you just need a little imagination and patience.

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